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May 21, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-21

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FRrDAY, MAY 21, 198


'Slave' Labor?

IT MAY HAVE BEEN a "school-boy's
prank" when business administration
students "infiltrated" and killed last year's
attempts at a Karl Marx study group, but
when a trained economist charges "bias"
on discovering Marx being taught in a class-
room, the joking period is past.
General Motors official Adam Stricker,
who enrolled 'in the course and attended
two class periods, charged before a House
labor sub-committee that he was sure the
University's workers education extension
service economics course attempted to in-
doctrinate the students with a left-wing
point of view. This was done, one may
gather from Stricker's testimony, by the
distribution of union pamphlets and the in-
jection of Marxist theories in classroom dis-
* * *
P RESIDENT RUTHVEN (who labelled
the business students' coup in the
Marx study club here "a prank" and
"good, clean fun") has evidently recog-
nized the seriousness of the let-them-
be-ignorant ideas behind the death of the
campus study group and Stricker's
charges. In a strong statement, Ruth-
ven declared that "here at the University
we feel that we wduld not be doing our
duty if we failed to tell them (students)
what Marxism and Communism really
President Ruthven also added that manage-
ment's side had been presented in the
Meanwhile, in the past week, several lit-
erary college courses have presented (or
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.

shall we say "injected") Marxist theories.
Nor could these courses in the political
science and economics departments be com-
plete without some explanation of the ideas
leading to one of today's most important
political and economic theories. Certainly
no "indoctrination" attempts have been
made in teaching on campus, and the accus-
ations of indoctrination directed toward
the Detroit class were made "on the basis
of hearsay and unverified assertions," ac-
cording to President Ruthven.
* * *
IN THE SOUTHERN portions of this coun-
try, in many South American countries
and in the West Indian Islands, during the
slave period in the 18th and 19th centuries,
slaves were refused education of any kind.
Keep them ignorant, went the saying, and
they'll never know what they're missing.
Result? Superstition, fear, hysteria were
rampant. Voodoo cults, weird and frighten-
ing customs abounded. The ignorants be-
lieved every wild rumor that reached them.
Slaves are generally out of style, and
the black cat no longer retains its fear-
some aspect. But ignorance is still no
mean weapon, which can be, and is, util-
ized by groups who want no back talk.
Stricker 's superficial accusations come
as a new manifestation of industry opposi-
tion to a national workers education pro-
gram. However, even as the slaves of the
last century swallowed absurd and danger-
ous rumors because they knew no better,
workers of today, denied knowledge, could
be equally vulnerable to the soap box ora-
tory, the half truths and the Utopian prom-
ises of any ideology.
Blocking education is a sure way to
commit cultural, economic and political sui--
cide. But with a firm knowledge of con-
flicting doctrines, and the resulting thought
stimulation, improvements in any system
are inevitable.
-Naomi Stern.

In Again, Out Again

THE "GOOD" of the students has once
again been decided by a University
board consisting solely of Administrative
officers and faculty m.#mbers.
The latest decision for student welfare:
to move men out of Victor Vaughan House
next fall, to move women into Victor
Vaughan House next fall; to move the
women out of Victor Vaughan House next
spring, to move the women into the new
women's residence hall.
The Board involved is that of the Gover-
nors of Residence Halls. It consists of Chair-
Man Erich A. Walter, Dean of Students;
Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women; Robert P.
Briggs, University vice-president; Francis C.
Shiel, residence hall business manager;
Prof. Donald L. Katz, of the chemical en-
gineering department; Prof. John Eaton, of
the German department; Prof. Margaret
Tracy, of the economics department; Prof.
Fred B. Wahr, of the German department;
and Prof. Frederick Sparrow, of the botany
The proposed move of students among
the dormitories came after a great deal of
discussion and debate in a meeting of the
Board, The Daily learned. We realize how
difficult it must have been for the group,
so long away from dormitory living, to de-
cide what would be of greatest benefit to
the most students. And we especially ap-
preciate their consideration in not taking
any students away from pre-final study to
learn their reaction to the plan.
For, it was not until all the snags had
been carefully removed that a group of
residence hall presidents were called into
Dean Walter's office to learn of the de-
cision. The matter of board and room
increases was mentioned at the same time.
Why the proposed switching about? The
new dormitory would be opened for occu-
pancy for women (not men, as originally
planned) in February. In accordance with
the Michigan House Plan which calls for
the development of a unified spirit in each
of the residence halls, it would be necessary
to form a nucleus of women who would then
be imbued with this feeling while living at
Vaughan House.
In the spring, the housing situation for

women will be somewhat alleviated with a
number of women from the overcrowded
Stockwell and Mosher-Jordan Halls, as well
as Willow Run Village, joining the Vaughan
House women in the new dormitory. Men
from Willow Run will also be able to move
to campus by being placed in the East and
West Quad vacancies left by the return of
the Vaughan men.
These were the explanations given to
the president of Vaughan who then had to
face more than two hundred men with the
good news. These undergraduate men
have been living in Vaughan since it was
taken over from women who lived there
for the fall semester, 1945. (It was orig-
inally built for medical students).
The Vaughan men, who have developed
an abundance of house spirit during their
two year stay at ,the dormitory, met Wed-
nesday to form a special committee to for-
mulate proposals. The men decided to ask
Dean Walter for reconsideration of the
switch, and if not that, at least the assur-
ance that the men could live where they
desired next fall, without foregoing top
priority in applying to Vaughan in the
They have been given a chance to appeal
before the board next week.
The Board of Governors was faced with
a difficult decision, and they are undoubt-
edly sincere in believing that their solution
is best in view of the general housing prob-
lem. Admittadly they have an over-all and'
long-term view not possessed by students.
Since it is evident from the present
reaction to their proposal that students
will not just accept any Board proposal
without adequate reasons, we hope that
it is equally apparent that the Board
should' include student members in the
future who would be in possession of the
facts behind such decisions and would be
able to clearly present them to the stu-
We hope that the Board will be able
to realize this now. And we hope, too, that
they will be able to completely review
their Vaughan House decision with a view
toward an alternative solution fair to ALL
the students, men and women alike.
-Joan Katz.

"WE'LL SEE YOU crawl first."
That was, in substance, the American
answer to Russia's offer to negotiate the
issues of the "cold war."
Our president has said that if Premier
Stalin comes to Washington, he'd probably
see him. Marshall wasn't even that enthus-
When asked whether he would be very
glad to see Foreign Minister Molotov if he
came here, Marshall replied, "Certainly,"
but amused himself and newsmen by
pointedly leaving out the "Very glad."
(Meanwhile, a draft measure was being
rushed through Congress; a 70 group air
force was approved by both Houses; atomic
weapons were being tested).
Russia will have to show by action, not
words, that she desires peace, Marshall said.
(American action for peace included deny-
ing that we had suggested peace talks, turn-
ing down the Russian discussion probe,
hurrying the above mentioned acts for mili-
tary preparedness, placidly ignoring mass
executions in Greece, trying to discontinue
war crimes trials, ad infinitum.)
When asked whether the question of bi-
lateral talks could now be considered dead,
Marshall stated that a thing has to be
alive before it can die.
So, for Marshall the question of peace
talks was never a live issue. Well, it was
for the rest of the American people.
Whether the offer was a tactical maneu-
ver on Russia's part wasn't as important
to the rest of us as was the question
of securing peace.
The American people didn't care who had
offered to talk first, or whether the Rus-
sians had misquoted our statement, or
whether the move took the peace ball away
from us. No, the problem of saving face
didn't seem as important as the problem
of saving lives by preventing another war.
Marshall maintains that the way for Rus-
sia to show her good intentions is to begin
taking constructive action in such areas as
Germany, Korea, and in the United Nations.
We agree that this would be a pleasant
But this remark, and the state depart-
ment release finding fault with Russia in
every area which Stalin suggested could
be discussed, are merely a continuation of
the charge-counter-charge procedure that
has gotten us nowhere.
There is an alternate course for our sec-
retary of state. The United States could
show her good intentions by not turning
down any chance to save the peace.
-Harriett Friedman.
Easy to Die
THE UNITED STATES must beware of
taking an ultra-respectable role in the
Palestine crisis, a position too legalistic, too
circumspect. Nothing would be easier than
for the UN to let the new nation of Israel
die, while putting on a show of hunting for
the correct precedents and the proper writs
under which to save her. The opponents of
the new nation will be those who propose
to help her slowly.
A real crisis engages the world, and it is
not lawyers' work. The defense of peace
and freedom is not like the administration
of an estate in chancery. An entirely dif-

ferent set of virtues is required.
The danger is not that men will say
we ignored a point of proper procedure,
but that men will say we let a nation die.
The world will not applaud if the Security
Council lets Israel die, correctly, to an
obligato of points of order and points of
information, and short adjournments for
reflection, and big ones for inspection.
If death be the end, no happy throngs
will cheer and marvel at how properly it
was done, with what parliamentary de-
corum and procedural elegance. They will
say that the United Nations is dead, and
the remark will not even be a verdict,
it will be only the observation of a fact.
It is for the United States, as a leader,
to break out of the labyrinth of respecta-a
bility, and to fling down its cap for free-
dom.' For the world does not really respect
respectability today; it rather fears ,it. It
listens for some voice to rise above the
diplomatic murmur, and to make noises on
behalf of peace and freedom, unpleasant
and derisive noises, if necessary, of the
kind which humanity has had to make in
the past to win some measure of rights
and of stability.
For the plain truth is that the United
Nations has no precedents to cover the
existing situation, a fact which makes it
absurd to search for them, and manda-
tory to invent them. The law of tomorrow
will be whatever the virtue of mankind
proclaims it to be today.
Let it be our national iole to say these
simple things, to say them with sophistica-
tion and to say them with naivete, but
to say them, over and over again, until


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(Continued from Page 2)

Leonard Cheatum, Zoology; the-1
sis: "A Contribution to the Life-
History of the Deer Lungworm
Leptastronglus' alpenae (Nema-
toda: Metastrongylidae), with Ob-
servations on its Incidence and
Biology," 8 p.m., Fri., May 21, 3091
Natural Science Bldg. Chairman,
E. C. O'Roke.
Doctoral Examination for Paul
William Harkins, Classical Stud-
ies: Greek; thesis: "The Text Tra-
dition of Chrysostom's Co men-
tary on John," 3 p.m., Fri., May
21, 2009 Angell Hall. Chairman,
W. E. Blake.
Doctoral Examination for Hen-
ry Obel, Education; thesis: "Dif-
fering Factorial Abilities of Un-
graded Boys Who Later Became
Criminals," 3 p.m., Fri., May 21,
East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg. Chairman, W. C. Olson.
Doctoral Examination for Doug-
las Neil Morgan, Philosophy; the-
sis: "Photography and Philoso-
phy," 4 p.m., Fri., May 21, 204 Ma-
son Hall. Chairman, D. H. Park-
Student Recital: Virginia
Holmes, student of piano under
Joseph Brinkman, will present a
recital at 8:30 p.m., Fri., May 21,
Rackham Assembly Hall. The pro-
gram will include works by Bach,
Beethoven, Chopin, Brahms, De-
bussy, Bartok, and Dohnanyi, and
will be open to the public. It is
given in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music.
Student Recital: Margaret Ling,
harpist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m.,
Sat., May 22, Rackham Assembly
Hall, in a program of composi-
tions by Salzedo and Debussy, pre-
sented in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music. She will be as-
sisted by Marie Mountain Clark,
Flutist,. and Emil Roob, violist
The public is invited.
Student Recital: June Van Met
er, Organist, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music at 4:15 p.m.,
Sun., May 23, Hill Auditorium.
Miss Van Meter, who has been
studying with Dr. Charles Peaker
during this semester, will play
compositions by Handel, Messiaen,
Franck, Vierne, and Bach. The
public is invited.
Operatic Scenes and Arias, pre-
sented by Opera Workshop under
the direction of Wayne Dunlap,
in conjunction with the Sym-
phony Orchestra and members of
the Orchestral Conducting Class,
8:30 p.m., Sun., May 23, Hill Audi-
torium. Program: excerpts from
Mozart's Magic Flute; Don Gio-
vanni, Marriage of Figaro;
Strauss' Die Fledermaus; Delibes'
Lakme; Rossi's Mitrane; Massen-
et's Herodiade; and Cavalleria
Rusticana by Mascagni. Open to
the public without charge.
Student Recital: Sarah Cos-
sum, violist, accompanied by Jean
Farquharson, will play a program
in partial fulfillment of the re-

for viola and harpsichord, by
Bach; Concerto in G major, No. 3
by Boccherini; Suite for Viola
Alone by John Duke; and Mozart's
Sonatina in C major. The public
is invited.
Museum of Archaeology: Roman
Egypt and Pictorial Maps of Italy.
Tuesday through Friday, 9 a.m.-
12 noon, 2-5 p.m.; Saturday, 9
a.m.-12 noon; and Sunday, 3-5
Architecture Building: Photog-
raphy by Roger and Patti Hellon-
beck; through May 28.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memo-
rial Hall: Water Colors by John
Marin, through May 25. Tuesdays
through Saturdays 10-12 and 2-5;,
Wednesday evenings 7-9; Sundays
2-5. The public is invited.
Atomic Energy exhibition pre-
pared by the editors of LIFE mag-
azine, Rackham Building; through
May 29.
Michigan Historical Collections:
"Autographs of Michigan Men of
State and National Prominence"
on display in 160 Rackham Build-
ing, 8-12 and 1-5 daily, 8-12 Sat-
Events Today
Radio Programs
3:30 p.m. WKAR-On Campus
Doorsteps, East and West Quad-
5:45 p.m. WPAG-Music Fra-
ternities and Sororities, Sigma Al-
pha Iota.
Sigma Delta Chi, national pro-
fessional journalistic fraternity:
Meeting, 4 p.m., Editorial Room,
Haven Hall. Election of officers
and special initiation.
Sphinx: Party at Susterka Lake
Meet at 7 p.m. in front of
the Union. Transportation will be
provided. All former members in-
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Friday Evening Services, 7:45 p.m.
Following services at 8:30 p.m.,
there will be a discussion on In-
termarriage led by Rev. Edward
Redman and Rabbi Herschel Ly-
mon. All are invited.
Intercooperative Council will
present "Turn of the Tide" and
"Brotherhood of Man" at 8:30
p.m.. Hussey Room, Michigan
League. Dancing. No admission
charge. The public is invited.
German Coffee Hou': 3-4:30
p.m., Michigan League Coke Bar,
Students and faculty members in-
SRA Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall this afternoon. Prospec-
tive members of the electorate are
special guests. Everyone invited.
Coming Events
Michigan Sailing Club: Michi-
gan Invitational Regatta Saturday
and Sunday at Whitmore Lake
Meet 8 a.m., Michigan Union for
The Graduate Outing Club wil'

IN REGARD to the Mundt Bill, I
oppose it. It seems to me that
several valid premises lead to this
a. Our government is, and
should be, based on the principle
that the power of the truth is
sufficient to enable it to prevail in
a free market among an educated
people. Restriction beyond that
necessary to control license is ty-
b. It is the right and duty of the
people through their government
Jo resist any attempt to impose
systems of social and economic
organization on them through the
exercise of external force.
d. Those aims of the Commun-
ist Party are the type that it is
important for us to resist under
premise b. rather than encourage
under premise a.
e. It is important to distinguish
between professional Commun-
ists, who operate under the con-
trol, management, and direction
of Russian Communists, and
those whom I shall call "ama-
teur Communists." I refer here to
those who seem impressed by
ideas that might accurately be
called Marxian. And certainly a
belief in social reform is no clear
indication of allegiance to Rus-
sian Communism.
I have no sympathy with pro-
fessional Communists, the Com-
munist Party, or Communist
front organizations. Accordingly,
I think that the stronger the
punishment for them, the better.
However, I'm a little worried
about the standards for deter-
mining who belongs to these vari-
ous groups which are set up in
the Mundt Bill. '
In the light of public informa-
tion concerning the organization
of the Communist International,
it seems to me that there is a
clear evidentiary relationship be-
tween receivingfinancial aid for
political purposes from a foreign
nation, going to another nation
for instruction in Communist doc-
trine and tactics, and reporting to
a foreign nation, and actual in-
volvement in the sort of national
organization that I fear. However,
it also seems to me that there is
no such clear conclusion to be
drawn from the advocation of
policies that coincide with those
of the International unless such
advocation is consistent.
A federal jury, under the sup-
ervision of a competent judge,
subject to control by appeal,
might be safely trusted, I believe,
to distinguish between those who
are soldiers of Russia and those
who hope to convince a majority
of Americans that Marxian phil-
osophy means the realization of
our hopes and the removal of our
In my opinion, once this dis-
tinction has been made, these sol-
diers of Russia ought to be trans-
ported halfway across the Pacific
and encouraged to walk the rest
of the way, while our misguided
but sincere minority should be
given the protection of the Con-
stitutional guarantee of free
-Ray Davis
Mfore Opposition
To the Editor:
W E DON'T pay too much atten-
tion to attacks onthe ighBs
of other people. The Mundt Bil
attacks Communists, a few labo
antagonists, foreigners, etc., bul
not us.
Perhaps I had a tendency tc
follow that kind of thinking too-
but I suddenly realized that th
Mundt Bill attacks me in the mos
1direct way anything possibly
could. I have applied for a pass-
port, with the intention of going
ato France and getting married. I

the Mundt Bill passes, I will be
denied that passport because I amr
a member of AYD.
Think what you will about thi
organization,sit hasd never beer
proved subversive, and my own ex-
perience with it, is that it is demo-
cratically run and has democratic
ideals. If I can be denied my civil
liberties on these grounds, cer
tainlyrothers will suffer unjustly
too from this most un-Americar
I will never be convinced that1
am living in a democracy if thi,
right is taken from me.
-Jeanne Tozar
* *
To the Editor:
1 WE WOULD like to state that
we were misquoted in the
story on the Phoenix project
t which appeared in The Daily
Tuesday, May 18.
s --Josephine German
-Helene Van Dyke

Yes or No?
To the Editor:
CLAYTON DICKEY, '47, wants
a "yes" or "no" answer: "Does
he hope ERP will succeed in re-
storing Europe's economic stabil-
ity? Will he fight .to make whatev-
er improvements may be needed
to insure its success?"
To both questions-yes: which
in no way means that in "hoping"
I necessarily equate ERP with
economic stability, or that in
fighting for improvements I have
any illusions about our bi-parti-
san program for winning econ-
omic domination of Europe.
Economic stability is the de-
sirable first step towards full
European reconstruction and sig-
nificant economic progress in the
future. But how long has Dickey
been hoping for that stability to
come to Greece and China? Civil
war and mass executions, infla-
tion and starvation, corruption
and totalitarian oppression of the
people have been the fruits of all-
out American "aid."
I don't hope for that kind of
economic stability. Nor do I hope
for a restoration of the European
status quo. A major goal of ERP is
the restoration of Ruhr industry
to its position of European dom-
inance-a German industry itself
dominated by American invest-
ment capital through cartel ar-
ERP would require European
nations to submit their economic
plans to us for approval of their
"efficiency." The Harriman Com-
mittee neatly defined efficiency:
"Whatever one's attitude towards
planning and free enterprise may
be, there is all but universal
agreement that true economic re-
covery depends on releasing the
energies of individuals and cut-
ting down on time-consuming
regulation of production and dis-
Communists will continue to
fight for real American aid to all
Europe-with priority on the bas-
is of need, the participation of all
nations and administration
through the United States. We
will continue to oppose a plan de-
voted to rebuilding the Ruhr ar-
senal and aborting the European
movement to Socialism. We will
continue to expose ERP is a full-
scale application of the Truman
Doctrine, masquerading as "re-
construction" and oriented to-
wards huge profits for American
-Bill Carter
Ralph Neafus Club, CP
children and dogs are as nec-
essary to the welfare of this coun-
try as Wall Street and the rail-
roads. In this election yearwhen
nobody seems to want the candi-
dates who want to be President,
we shan't be surprised if the pol-
iticians, in their extremity, not
only kiss the babies but try it
out on the dog.
-The Nation.
Fifty-Eighth Year
s I



Letters to the Editor...





Iron Curtain Sequel

TAKING A CUE from Hollywood, the Rus-
sian motion picture industries have
followed up "The Iron Curtain" by a sequel
called "The Invisible Curtain"-a documen-
tary film based on the book "I Was a Mem-
ber of Truman's Spy Ring," by Alexander
P. Milquetoast.
The story begins in an airplane flying
into the Soviet Union from Alaska. Mr.
Milquetoast and two others are en route
to the United States Emnbassy in Moscow.
The two others are stone faked Boston-
ians who speak with hard accents.
In the Embassy, Alex meets the rest of
the Americans. They all have hard stony
features and walk like automatons. They
wear stiff uniforms and also talk with hard
accents strongly reminiscent of Worcester
and Brooklyn. Alex is shown his duties.
He is to decode official messages coming in
from the "homeland." T-T is takn thrnnouh

volunteers, so I shoot ten of them. From
then on I have no more trouble."
"Your great - great - great - grandfather
fought in the Revolution back in the States,
didn't he?" asks Alex.
"My great-great-great-grandfather and
all the family in between him and me fought
for freedom, we fought for democracy, we
fought for what was good. Unfortunately,
the country we fought for on the fronts has
continually betrayed us at home.
"I was told I was fighting for freedom
and democracy too. I came home to see
not only small groups of people such as
the DAR and the Klan trying to destroy
democracy, but even the United States
"Huey Long said that Fascism would come
to this country disguised as an 'anti-some-
thing' movement supposedly to protect our
democracy, and it sure is happening. I am
a-ah m'nc to thinr of my nnCtnrcA av thinr

Edited and managed by studentscr
the University of Michigan tuder the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell ......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy...............City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
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Dick Kraus.............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
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Entered at the Post Offipe at Ann
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Subscription yuring the regula
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quirements for the degree of meet for hiking at 2:30 p.m., Sun.
Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., May 23 at the northwest entrance
May 24, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- of the Rackham Bldg. Sign up at
tre. Miss Cossum is a pupil of Gil- Rackham check-desk before noon
bert Ross. Saturday. All graduate students
Program: Sonata in G minor, welcome.


Uncle Ralph left to start work in r-


He'll have a lotfto do, adjusting the atomic

Blinding Rashes, acrid smoke, explosions'
I , f.ash.:t... I-r. - _- .

1 a.l

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