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May 07, 1948 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-07

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Alit ujt l~tan



Latest Deadline in the State

1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I


Edwards To
Open Spring
Parley Today
World Problems
Will Be Theme
George Edwards, President of
the Detroit Common Council, will
open the two day Spring Parley
with a speech at 4:15 p~m. today
in Kellogg Auditorium.
Edwards, who has been active
in Detroit politics since 1942, is
now in his third term on the De-
troit City Council. Earlier he had
served in the Welfare Department
of the UAW and as Housing Di-
rector of Detroit. In 1945, while
serving in the Phillipines, he was
elected president of the council.
Theme is World Peace
Edwards will speak on the gen-
eral theme of the Parley, "Is
World Peace Possible?" Panels.
starting at 8:15 p.m. today, will
investigate trouble spots of the
world, Saturday's panels will dis-
cuss the economical, political, and
cultural roads to peace.
Participating in today's dis-
cussions, under the general head-
ing "Trouble Spots of the World"
are: David Leonard and Tom
Hanson of the History Depart-
ment, and George Zuckerman, in
the "Europe" panel; Prof. Russell
Fifield and Robert Ward of the
Political Science Department and
Pyo Han-"Far East"; Dr. Ma
Weinreb--"Near East."
Saturday Panel Headers
Included in the Saturday pan-
els, under the general heading
"Alternative Roads to World
Peace" are: Prof. Preston Slosson
of the History Department and
Gil Corcos-"Political Road";
Prof. Horace Miner of the Sociol-
ogy and Anthropology Depart-
ments, Dr. Edward Blakeman, Re-
search Consultants in Religious
Education, and Lymon Legters,
chairman - "Cultural Road."
Speakers for the "Economic
Road" panel will be announced
Speakers for the various panels
are specialists in their respective
fields. Prof. Fifield served in the
Foreign Service in China and
Formosa for two years. While
there he reported to Gen. Mar-
shall on conditions in central
Far East
Robert Ward, teaching fellow
in the Political Science Depart-
ment and instructor in the Ja-
panese Center, will participate in
the. "Far East" panel, along with
Pyo Han, graduate student from
Dr. Max Weinreb, speaker in
the "Near East" panel, is a Pales-
tinian citizen now doing post-
graduate work in denistry at the
University. ,
See PARiAY, Page 6
Campus Clubs
Form Council
Discuss Lifting Ban
On Political Speakers
Representatives from 18 cam-
pus organizations and the Student
Legislature met last night to set
up machinery for increased inter-
organization coop ration and ex-
change of id as with the Legisla-

No formal action was taken at
the meeting, but representatives
discussed the possibility of com-
bining forces to take organized
action on lifting the political
speakers ban.
A plan under w i h student or-
ganizations will be notified by
mail of the agenda of each Leg-
islature meeting was also dis-
cussed. The group agreed that as
issues involving specific group in-
terests were brought, before the
Iegisla ture, organizflion repre-
sentat i ves woul d a ppea r before
the body with sugeston
Winners Told
Winners in the Case Club final
competitions were announced last
night at the annual Case Club
Banquet in the Union.
Arthur M. Rude and William
UT wA,,r,c c Iflf Iia (e11,,,..a I1

Mayor Halts Sale of
Raffles for '49 Ford
The newborn Committee for the Advancement of Capitalistic En-
terprise, which made a dramatic debut on campus two days ago, hit
its first snag last night when the mayor ordered a halt to the pro-
posed raffling of a 1949 Ford.
A dozen campus area drugstores which had been cooperating in
the sale of tickets immediately complied. Ticket sales stopped and the
now familiar posters depicting the convertible Ford in the crystal ball
were removed from store windows.
William Dannemiller, spokesman for the Committee, an-
nounced that the 200 who had bought tickets will get refunds be-


Austria Treaty
Hit Deadlock


Proposal Hands
Move to Russia

LONDON, May 6 - (/P) -Four-
power negotiations for an Aus-
trian peace treaty were suspended
indefinitely today on the initia-
tive of the United States.
Austrian chancellor Leopold
Figl said in Vienna that the inter-
ruption "destroys all our hopes
for an early conclusion of the in-
dependence treaty."
Way Open
The United States delegation
here left the way open for new
suggestions from Russia to keep
the conference alive, but the day's
developments indicated that the
negotiations may be headed for
the same sort of deadlock that ob-
structs the writing of a German
peace treaty.
The suspension came as the for-
eign ministers deputies prepared
to hold their 11th session on Aus-
tria. The deputies reassembled in
February and have been meeting
almost daily without reaching
more than one definite accord on
a major point-limitation of the
Austrian armed forces to 53,000
It was Samuel Reber, the Amer-
ican deputy, who was to be chair-
man, who brought matters to the
showdown stage by announcing he
would not call another session un-
less new proposals were submit-
ted on the questions of Yugoslav
reparations and territorial de-
mands on Austria.
Territorial Demands
Yugoslavia, supported by Rus-
sia, demands about 800 square.
miles of Austrian territory, a (i'-
mand recently reduced from 1,000
square miles, and $150,000,000 in
Camp Drive
Reaches Goal
Latest results indicate that the
Fresh Air Camp fund drive will
reach the $5,000 goal.
To date, 3,922 dollars have been
collected, with promised funds ex-
pected to bring it to at least $4,000.
This fund will be added to the
$1,000 raised at Christmas time to-
talling the set quota.
The 750 students participating
in the drive strung 25,000 tags, put
up 150 posters and manned 37
booths in the one-day drive.
All proceeds will be used for pro-
viding food, camping equipment,
craft supplies, and medical service
for the boys attending the camp.
The drive is separate from the
work to develop a recreational
center at the camp for student use.
Clark Tibbots, of the Institute
for Humnan Adjustment, has
thanked students who partici-
pated and all who contributed.

tween 1 and 6 p.m. tomorrow in
the Union.Purchasers who gave
out-of-town addresses will re-
ceive the price of their tickets
by mail.
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.
and Assistant Prosecutor Edmond
Devine ruled that the proposed
drawing was a violation of state
gambling laws. To permit it, the
mayor said, would open the door
to more serious infringements of
gambling laws from other groups
and individuals.
The mayor declared that he
was in full accord with the pur-
poses of the organization and
its overall program, but that he
could not allow the raffle to go
The Committee sought to "fi-
nance our efforts and gain recog-
nition for our cause" by means of
the raffle.
"But the thwarting of the raffle
does not mean our program will be
abandoned," Dannemiller told
The Daily last night. "Instead, we
will continue with renewed effort,"
he said.
Overall plans call for a wide-
spread program of education to
"understand and appreciate" the
American system of life. The
group is necessary, Dannemiller
said, as a means of "facing the
Leftist agitators with strength and
foresight." A series of radio pro-
grams, financed "in conjunction
with various corporation and
moderate labor unions" is includ-
ed in the group's long-range plans.
Young Dems
Favor Repeal
Of Food Tax

Railroads Set
Layoff Plans
For Workers
Truman Acts Td
Prevent Strikeg
By The Associated Press
Many railroads began serving
layoff notices to their workers t-
day as President Truman put all
administration strength into an
effort to stave off Tuesday's
threatened railroad strike.
Some railroads declared embar-
goes on perishable freight while
others planned to continue opera-
tions. The actions indicated that
a strike would almost completely
paralyze the nation's vat rail sys-
tem. President Truman said he,
was doing everything possible un-
der a special law which governs
disputes between railroad workers
and management.
No Seizure
The President said that the
Office of Defense Transportation
had not been alerted to seize the
railroads in case of a strike.
Layoff notices are required un-
der union contract with individual
roads. The Baltimore and Ohio
and Pennsylvania Railroads, tw
of the nation's largest, planned a
complete layoff. The New York
Central and the Erie said they
would not attempt operations in
face of a strike of the 190,000 en-
gineers, firemen, enginemen and
John R. Steelman, presidential
assistant on labor, met with the
president of the Association of
American Railroads, W. T. Far-
icy, yesterday morning and
planned to confer today with the
heads of the three key operating
brotherhoods who voted the strike.
Embargoes Planned
Among the railroads planning
embargoes on livestock, poultry
and perishable cargo are the
Louisville and Nashville, Missouri-
Kansas-Texas, St. Louis and San
Francisco, Seaboard Airline Rail-
road, the Atlantic Coast Line, and
several others. The dates of the
embargoes vary.
The President declined to com-
ment on the embargo orders.
When asked if he would propose
the induction of railroad workers
into military service again, as he
had in the 1946 strike, the Presi-
dent said, "Let's wait and see."
In Michigan, railroad men
watched cautiously developments
in the strike negotiations. Railway
executives said that a strike Tues-
day would flash a red light against
every railroad operation in the
Free Trade
Young GOP Endorses
Multilateral Treaties
A policy, of free trade with the
reduction of tariff barriers
through multi-lateral agreements
was urged last night by the local
chapter of the Young Republicans.
The political group called on
higher channels in the party to
work for the establishment of a
free trade program "as rapidly as
possible" to insure a stable world-
wide economy.
The group also:
1. Urged the expansion of

armed forces by the immediate
passage of a draft bill. A modern-
ized 70-group air force was advo-
2. Went on record for a further
revision of the Department of Na-
tional Defense to achieve "real
unity among the armed forces,"
3. Supported a strong United
Nations with sharp curtailments
of the veto power.
Arthur T. Iverson, chairman of
the Wayne County Republican
Comnmttee. addressed last night's
meeting, where he urged greater
participation by young people "to
keep politics clean." He described
the "overthrow of bossism" in the
case of Michigan's McKay-Barn-
ard machine which, he said, suc-
cumbed to dynamic opposition.
Bfus Ad School To
Conduct ElectiOnts


Approves New


Air Force Expansion Program
SSet For Cryser Srik

Wage Dispute
Throws Talks
Into Deadlock
75,000 To Leave
Jobs onWednesday
DETROIT, May 6-(AP)-The
CIO-United Auto Workers broke
off wage talks with Chrysler Corp.
today and said a strike of 75,000
workers Wednesday "is inevi-
The walkout, if called, will be
the first major strike in the auto
industry since the Union's 113-
day fight with General Motors
Corp. in 1945-46.
Wage negotiations were in a
"hopeless deadlock," a Union
statement asserted.
The present average hourly
wage for Chrysler production
workers is $1.50.
The UAW-CIO accusing Chrys-
ler of "an insult to human de-
cency and to the dignity" of its
workers by refusing a wage in-
crease, laid the responsibility for
the deadlock "entirely" upon the
The UAW's stand was enun-
ciated in. a formal statement by
Norman Matthews, director of
the Union's Chrysler department.
Originally, the Union de-
manded a 30-cents an hour
wage increase of Chrysler. A
six-cents an hour offer came
from the corporation.
When the UAW rejected this,
Chrysler withdrew the offer last
week and negotiations have since
been reported stalemated,
Hard upon issuance of the Un-.
ion's statement, Chrysler defend-
ed its position asserting "Chrys-
ler Corporation has been bargain-
ing in good faith and is willing
to continue to do so."
Earlier there had been uncon-
firmed reports that the Union
might reconsider its position
and forego a strike. This was
predicated on the possibility of
a railroad tieup on Tuesday the
day before the scheduled Chrys-
ler walkout.
In his statement the UAW's
Matthews said that despite "tre-
mendous profits" Chrysler has
"refused to grant any wage, in-
crease to its employes."
"Management's refusal to bar-
gain in good faith," he said, "has
resulted ina hopeless deadlock."
A rail strike would be expected
to have a severe effect on the auto
industry, whose inventories even
now are reported low.
Automotive News, authoritative
trade periodical, was responsible
for reports of a possible reconsid-
Campus Poll
Closes Today
Today is the last chance for
students selected to be polled by
the Bureau of Student Opinion
to sound off on campus issues.
The results of the poll will be
published in a series of articles in
The Daily beginning May 23.
Questions have been asked on a
variety of topics, including the
political speech ban, football
ticket distribution, closing hours
for women, eating facilities on
campus, Union and League social
activities, and Daily editorial pol-

Measure Goes
Back To House
For Final OK
Air Force To Begin
Plans Immediately
The Senate, sizzling with talk of
a "Communist threatened world,"
today approved by a landslide 74
to 2 vote a $3,233,200,000 measure
to build a 70-group Air Force.
Only Senators Taylor (Dem.,
Idaho) and Cain (Rep., Wash.)
voted against it.
The legislation now goes back
to the House, which passed an al-
most similar bill 343 to 3, for
action on a few. minor Senate
amendments. Little trouble is ex-
pected in reaching a compromise
between the two.
Then the final bill goes to the
President for his signature or veto.
The Air Force was so con-
fident of Presidential approval
that it announced late today it
will immediately start plans to
buy 2,727 new planes. These in-
clude 243 bombers, 1,575 jet
fighters and 909 reconnaissance,
transport, training, rescue and
liaison aircraft.
About 627 will be for delivery by
January, the balance by July,
The Air Force said the new ap-
propriations, which bring the to-
tal allottedito the air arm to $1,-
937,000,000, are a down payment
on a five-year program designed
to modernize the 70-group peace-
time Air Force by 1953.
The Air Force said that 95 per
cent of its present planes are
left-overs from World War II,
when the Air Force had a total
of 243 war-strength groups.
Senator Bridges (Rep., N.H.),
chairman of the Appropriations
Committee which worked out the
Air Force bill, pulled no punches
in a carefully prepared speech
urging speedy approval of the

(right) leaves police court at Birmingham, Ala., after he was
convicted on a disorderly conduct charge. The vice-presidential
candidate of Henry Wallace's third party was fined $50 and costs
and given 180 days in jail. Sentence was stayed and Taylor was
placed on six months probation. The senator said he would
appeal the decision.


Spender Says Marshall Plat
Must Have Non-Political Goal

The Young Democrats voted
unanimously last night to support
the repeal of the regressive Mich-
igan State sales tax on food.
The group will assist towns-
people in circulating petitions to
initiate the following amendment
to the state constitution:
"After December 31, 1949, no
sales or use tax shall hereafter
be levied upon food sold for hu-
man consumption in the State of
Michigan, nor shall any sales or
use tax be levied upon non-alco-
holic beverages sold within said
State for human consumption."
The Young Democrats also vot-
ed to notify party officials in Lan-
sing and Washington that they
support the administration stand
in favor of the pending Stratton
Bill, which would allow 200,000
displaced persons from Europe to
enter the United States.
At the same time, the Demo-
crats supported continuation of
the reciprocal trade agreements
with foreign countries, and came
out for prompt Senate approval
of David Lilienthal's appointment
as head of the Atomic Energy
The group decided to cooperate
with the Campus Action Commit-
tee of the Student Legislature, in
working to get freedom of open
political discussion on campus.
They also nominated candi-
dates for officers in the fall se-
mester, to be elected at next
week's meeting.

The Marshall Plan will achieve
its goals only if it is used for
non-political ends, Stephen Spen-
der, English poet and critic, told
The Daily in an interview yester-
Spender, who has traveled ex-
tensively throughout Europe since
the war's end, remarked that Eu-
ropean recovery is much more ad-
vanced than people realize.
"The Marshall Plan is primar-
ily a self-interested action, but
it is entirely commendable in that
it is enlightened self-interest," the
poet said.
Spenuer, comnenting on the
situation in his own country, said
that the Russians are antagon-
istic towards the present British
government because they regard
British socialists as tools of
American capitalism. On the
other hand, the so-called social-
ists maintain that socialism has
succeeded in producing more than
a conservative systerh would have.
"I don't agree with either state-
ment," Spender said. "They are
both half truths."
Spender deplored the quality of
American literary magazines. He
said that there was undoubtedly a
great amount of talent in Amer-
ican colleges and universities, but
the literary reviews fail to un-
cover it.
Anial Concert Planned
By 'U' MAen's Glee Club
The famed University Men's'
Glee Club will give its only cam-
pus concert of the year at 8:15
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
The concert, which will be the
90th annual presentation, is open
to students and townspeople
without cha-ge.

Earlier Spender had lectured to
a Rackham audience on "Modern
Poetry in the Modern World." He
asserted that two problems face
the modern poet-to create a vo-
cabulary and imagery adapted to
the modern world, and to create
symbolic situations that repre-
sent values of our present day so-
"Contemporary poets have suc-
ceeded in creating a suitable vo-
cabulary," Spender said. "How-
ever, they have not been so suc-
cessful in finding symbols to rep-
resent the forces and values of
modern society."
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
possible return of gasoline ration-
ing in six months was hinted to-
day by a House committee.
* * *
NEW YORK, May 6-The
United Nations approved today
the appointment of a neutral
mayor for Jerusalem,
WASHINGTON, May 6-Presi-
dent Truman called the housing
shortage "almost fatal" today as
Congress' Republican leaders split
wide open on a way to relieve it.
* * *
ty-seven hundred Russian spies
tame into this country as diplo-
matic agents last year, Rep.
Mundt (Rep., S.D.) said today.

money to modernize and expand
the Air Force.
NSA Petitions
Due Monday
The deadline for students peti-
tioning to be National Student As-
sociation delegates from the Uni-
versity has been extended to noon
Petitions should be submitted to
Mrs. Callahan, Office of Student
Delegates will be selected by the ,
Student Legislature Cabinet and
approved by the Legislature as a
whole. They will be selected to
represent all points of view prev-
alent on campus.,

Syrphoinic Swi iOrchestra
To Make Debut Here Siuday

Students petitioning must indi-
cate their intention of returning
to school next year, must indicate
a willingness to take an active
part in the campus chapter of
NSA and to attend an instruction
period of Robert's Rules of Or-
Candidates should also have
demonstrated an interest and a
capability in policy making an
extra curricular activities.
Churches Seek
New Activities
Ann Arbor's churches will seek
increased weekend youth activities
next year to replace the present
"released-time" plan which runs
contrary to a U. S. Supreme Court
decision eliminating religious edu-
cation from the public schools, The
Daily learned yesterday.
The local program had allowed
fifth and sixth grade students to
be excused from classes for one
hour a week to take religious
training at near-by churches.
Lewis C. Reimann; president of
the Council of Churches said that

All the 'music in the air will
have to move over Sunday-a new
musical constellation, the Sym-
phonic Swing Orchestra, is sched-
uled to make its appearance in
the musical universe, according to
the latest calculations of its dis-
coverers, Mort Ross and Bob Rob-
The music will be dancing on
all the air waves to the Michigan
FM network but gazers present
at 8 p.m. Sunday in Hill Audi-
torium will get a fine and free

about a. meeting between the
two," Roberts declared.
As the orchestra represents a
meeting between the two schools,
Ross and Roberts represent a
meeting between the two minds.
Ross, a violinist and former sax-
ophone player, and Roberts, a
trumpeter, have played in both
symphonic and jazz orchestras.
Sunday's program, which rep-
resents the first public perform-
ance of the 54-piece student or-
chestra, will feature contempo-
rary music running the gamut

Campus Stirs itlj Pre-ElectionActivity
_______ ______________________ _________________ _<'i___

(Editors Note: This is the first
iii a series of articles on student
political groups.)
With six months left before the
people choose a president to hold
the national political reins, the
campus has become a hive of peti-
I - fin y nr.V m -,h-..hi rv , :

cratic Action has charted its po-
litical course in small executive
meetings in private homes,
MvYDA was established on cam-
pus in 1944, and became affiliat-
ed with the national AYD, of
which it is still a part, in 1945.
After the University 'banning' of

Russian imperialism in Eastern
Europe is just a smoke-screen
thrown up to hide our own im-
perialistic ends," Shaffer believes.
MYDA's present activities are
directed against the Mundt Bill,
a Subversive Control Act, which
would require Communists and

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