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May 05, 1948 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-05-05

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Y, MAY 5, 1948




THE a aTAN al csY


NNew Look' in Hats Scorned
By Informal Michigan Males

Two Delegates To Represent
AIM, Assembly at Convention

The "new look" in mens' hats
was given the old "razz-berry" by
'J' students on the unfortunate
end of the three-to-one ratio, in
a recent informal poll.
Hatless campus males unani-
mously greeted the pictured crea-
tions of Kenneth Hopkins, Holly-
wood hat designer who "unveiled"
his unique lids before an incred-
ulous nation recently, with mad
laughter and consigned the crea-
tor to the realms of the "Mad
Hatter" of Alice in Wonderland



Spanish Play-Nuestra Natacha,
8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn.
Inter-Co-op Council-Board of
Directors, 7:15 p.m., Union.
Radio-2:30 p.m., WKAR, Hop-
wood Rm.
Pre-Medical Society-Meeting
for discussion of pre-medical stu-
dent advisory pamphlet, 7:30 p.m.,'
Rm. 305, Union.
Michigan-To The Ends of the
Earth, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 p.m.
Statt-Magics Town, 1, 3, 5, 7
and 9 p.m.
Young Democrats - Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 316, Union.
Orrin W. Osborn Talk-Assist-
ant regional director of insurance,
Veteran's Administration will talk
on National Service Life Insur-
ance, 6:45 p.m., Chicago House.-
Lydia Mendelssohn-L'Atalante,
and Zero de Conduite, 8:30 p.m.

Hopkins' unique models for
monsieur's noggin give a man
"zip, dash, humor, or unassailable
dignity" he says. Local refugees
from a derby grant un-condition-
'ally that they give "humor."
"Unassailable Dignity"
Random diag comment ranged
from "anything can happen here
but I won't lead the parade" to
"the freshman class will probably
go wild over them."
Of a dozen interviewees, 11 said
they never wear a hat. The one
non-conformist whohwas caught
wearing a topper (a conservative
tan sport model) hastened to
point out that the only reason he
had it was because he won it in
a shooting match.
Near-Impossible Task
A survey of local hatteries
capped student declarations that
the only force capable of putting
a sombrero on the wary college
joe is ten gallons of Ann Arbor's
liquid sunshine. And then it's a
small percentage.
About 90 per cent of those who
do sport brain-covers stick to the
old brown-tan-grey pinch-crown
type or "pork-pie" the campus
hatters point out.
The only specimen we found
belying the strict "old guard" ten-
dencies was a yellow, red and blue
plaid water-proof "jeep" which "is
going good," the salesman reports.
If in the next shower you think
you see a fog light on the diag
it must be a campus radical with
a new "jeep."
Ohio Bonus Deadline
Ohio veterans of World War II
have been reminded by the Veter-
ans Administration that the dead-
line for filing for the Ohio Veter-
ans' Bonus is June 30.

P layTickets
Still Available
Spanish Club Gives
Final ShowTonight
Tickets are still available for
the second performance of "Nues-
tra Natacha" at 8:30 p.m. tonight,
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
They may be obtained from 2:30
to 8:30 p.m. at the theatre box-
office. "Nuestra Natacha" by Ale-
jandro Casona is the annual play
presented by La Sociedad His-
panica. Members of the cast are
all from the Spanish club, and
the play is directed by Anthony
Pasquariello of the Spanish de-
The three act play is Casona's
only specifically social drama, and
as such received much acclaim
when performed in Spain. "Nues-
tra Natacha" has been produced
all over Spain and in many parts
of Europe and Latin America.
This is its initial American per-
Natacha, the play's self-sacri-
ficing heroine, is intended as a
symbol of the hardships the mod-
ern youth of Spain will have to
undergo if they hope to be of
service to their country. Dealing
with students, the play presents
an interesting picture of univer-
sity life in Spain.

Two University students will
represent the independent stu-
dents on campus at the annual
convention of the National Inde-
pendent Students Association to
be held at Iowa State College, May
7 and 8.
The representatives are Norris
Domanguo and Al Masin, presi-

dent and vice-president, respect-
ively, of the campus Association of
Independent Men.
They will represent both AIM
and Assembly, the women's or-
ganization on campus. Assembly
had sent a delegate representing
both bodies to the regional NISA
convention earlier in the year.
NISA was organized in 1938. In-
dependent student organizations
from more than 70 colleges and
universities are now affiliated
with the national organization.
"With simplicity as the key-
note, the association's aim is to
create cooperation and coordina-
tion among independent students;
to promote tolerance between all
groups, race and creeds and to
work for the welfare of all stu-
dents," Domangue said.
Engine Off ice
Petitions Due

English Poet
Will Lecture
At Rackham
Stephen Spender, internation-
ally famous English poet, will lec-
ture on "Modern Poetry in the
Modern World" at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Rackham Lecture
Spender's most recent work,
"Poems of Dedication," has just
appeared in this country, and was
reviewed in The Daily's Literary
Spender's first volume of poems
appeared in 1928, and in addition
to other collections of poetry, he
has written a tragedy and a novel.
During the Spanish Civil War,
Spender traveled in Spain, where
he translated the work of sev-
eral Loyalist poets. He was at-
tached to the British Information
Services in the last war, and also
served with the London Auxiliary
Fire Service.
As a result of his post-war trav-
els in Germany and Austria,
Spender wrote "European Wit-
ness," which was published in this
country in 1946.
Spender, whose appearance here
is sponsored by the English De-
partment, first came to interna-
tional attention in the early 1930's
as a member of a group of poets
who wrote about industrial society
and the political and social situ-
Newman Club Heads
Newman Club officers recently
elected for the coming year are:
Delmar Fox, president; James
Smith, men's vice-president; Joan
Beyreuther, women's vice-presi-
dent; Jane Bueker, secretary; and
Mary Bayer, treasurer.
New executive council members
are: Ruth Fawcett, William
Barnds and Stanley Stankiewicz,

Spot as Glee Club Conductor
Tops Duey's Musical Career
* * * ________

Petitions for class officers in the
College of Engineering may be ob-
tained and must be returned by 5
p.m. Thursday in Rm. 255 West
Offices open for the election on
May 15 are president and secre-
tary for the freshman, sophomore
and junior classes, and president,
vice-president, secretary and
treasurer for the senior class.
According to Ev Ellin, engineer -
ing council president, duties of
class functions and projects
through the funds contributed by
the Engineering Council Activities
Program; representing the class
on the Engineering Council and in
all official capacities; administer-
ing class funds; and membership
on the Honor Council which ad-
ministers the honor system in the
engine school.

Doctors Try
Thief Reform.
Local surgeons set out today to
try to make a burglar into the
good citizen he was when he
fought for his country in the Bat-
tle of the Bulge.
The Veteran, Joe Schimmel, 34,
admitted freaking into six Ann
Arbor stores when he appeared
before Circuit Judge James R.
Breakey, Jr.
The Court was informed Schim-
mel still carries shrapnel in his
head from the last war.
"Let's see if we can't make as
good a citizen out of you -now as
you were over there fighting for
us," Judge Breakey suggested.

Phillip Alexander Duey, the
man who'll be conducting the
Mens Glee Club in its annual
Spring Concert at 8:15 p.m. Sat-
urday, is a new-comer to campus,
but an old hand at music.
The big, affable baritone gained
a wide reputation on the stage, in
radio, and in professional voice
teaching circles before coming to
the University and assuming
command of the Mens Glee Club
last fall.
A veteran of 5,000 programs,
Prof. Duey not only had his own
coast to coast show as well as
making many guest appearances
on the networks.
Prof. Duey sang for several
years in a famous quartet known
as the "Revelers," alongside a
University alumnus who has
gained -quite a reputation for
carrying a tune--James Melton.
All the "Revelers'" musical ar-
rangements were made by Dr.
Frank Black, conductor of the
NBC Symphony.
In concert, Prof. Duey has sung
under Dr. Black and also under
Walter Demrosch and Arthur
Toscanini. Besides opera, "ora-
tories and movie shorts, he has
appeared in concert in Town Hall,
New York City.
Besides this professional train-
ing, Prof. Duey came to the Glee
Club with music degrees from
Indiana, a n d Columbia a n d
special training at the Julliard
School of Music, and is serving
here as a visiting professor of
Of all his varied musical jobs,
Prof. Duey most enjoys conduct-
ing choral groups, and proof of
his proficiency in this field will
be served up Saturday at Hill
Auditorium. a

UNANIMOUS - The campus
men who maligned Hollywood
for its latest barrage of men's
hat styles, reversed their opin-
ion of the film capital after see-
ing this picture of luscious Ann
Howes. Miss Howes, a former
coed, listed as her reason for
dropping algebra: "Those silly
professors couldn't make up
their minds what 'X' equalled."

I i







*Not just a Ford
Convertible but the FIRST
'49 Ford Convertible off
the assembly line.

p I; 1
\ \O


Drive home after exams
in this beautiful car-
check with your
nearest drugstore


7 -


NOW IS THE TIME, in these days of prosperity, to
reacquaint Americans with that wonderful thing
known as the American Way of Life.
We hear every day from various left-wing organi-
zations, murmurs of discontent and dissatisfaction.
We see manifestations of this here on our own
campus. Though we feel that much of this is from
frustration rather than attempt to justify economic
fault, it must be allowed to exist in a healthy com-
munity. However, both sides must be presented. We

can't continue to take everything for granted. Our
intent is not counter propaganda, but merely a pre-
sentation of what constitutes America's ideals of
freedom--both civil and economic-Lest we forget
them in time of stress.
There are many conditions still existing today
where free enterprise fails to meet the exigencies
of modern society. These malfunctions will have
to be corrected. Evidence that they wil! be adjusted
is given by the attitude of many young post-de-

pression business executives who have expressed
the view that business has a responsibility to so-
ciety. We can and must keep our system of life
healthy and operative, and adjust by evolution cer-
tain glaring weaknesses. NOW IS THE TIME to
think in terms of appreciation and preservation. In
some future period of depressed economy when the
voice from the soapbox reaches the ears of many
destitute millions, change might, in haste, be revo-
lution--with resulting loss of all freedom. This is

what some groups are waiting and working for, and
what we must work to prevent.
We would like to see this sentiment spread to every
town, city, and campus in the United States. In-
stead of fearing and being misled by leftist agita-
tion, let's face it with strength and foresight. This
would truly be a step in the RIGHT direction.

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