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April 29, 1948 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-29

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Court Records Tell Story of
RichMiser Dying in Poverty
+ - _ _ _ .. . ._ _ .

Another name has been added
to the roll call of wealthy misers
who die in apparent poverty, only
to leave behind them a consider-
able fortune.
Records in the Washtenaw
County Courthouse reveal that a
d6 year-old woman who froze to
death in her twelve-room home
here last winter because she re-
fused to buy coal, left an estate
valued at over $30,000.
Investigation Requested
Police broke into her home Jan.
30 after receiving a call from a
son in New York who asked local
officers to investigate. Neighbors
Accident Poll
To Be Taken
Home accidents in Willow Vil-
lage will be analyzed in a pre-
vention program by the Wash-
tenaw County Health Depart-
ment, Dr. Otto K. Engelke, di-
rector, announced.
Villagers will be asked to re-
port all domestic accidents when
paying rent at the housing office.
They will be given questionnaires
to fill out. The information gained
will help in formulating the pre-
vention plan.
If successful, the survey will be
extended to all of Washtenaw
County and the assistance of the
American' Red Cross or another
agency will be sought, Dr. En-
gelke revealed.
Cooperating in the survey ex-
periment is Leonard Board, U.S.
Pu4blic Health Service engineer
with the School of Public Health.J

had called when they noticed that
milk deliveries were accumulat-
ing on the doorstep.
Police found the aged woman
lying dead in the kitchen. Charred
bits of paper and burnt matches
indicated that she had made a
last-minute attempt to heat the
home before she passed into a
comatose condition brought on by
the near-zero temperature of the
unheated house.
Police also found cardboard fil-
ing boxes, the type used by busi-
ness firms, which were returned
unopened to her son.
Played Stock Market
A shrewd business-woman, she
played the stock market success-
fully even in her declining years.
North American Aviation stock
worth $8,000 was found in her
safety deposit vault, along with
other stocks totalling over $5,000.
At the time of her death she
had $4,227 in cash in a Detroit
bank, and real estate holdings
worth about $15,000. Also found
in her safe deposit box were sev-
eral diamonds, emeralds and sap-
phire rings and a gold bracelet.
Although she advertised for
roomers, the strict regulations
against drinking, smoking, radios,
children, or "high heels on the
second floor" kept prospective
takers away.
The estate is to be divided
equally among three sons, the only
heirs. She left no will.
Assembly Ball photos may be
obtained at the Purchase Radio
and Camera Shop on the cor-
ner of Church St. and South

Students Take
Part in Varied
Radio Shows
With an eye on the studio clock
and the director's frantic hand-
waving, more than 100 speech stu-
dents bit off a big chunk of radio
last night.
They proved they could down
it, too-as their "Operation 4006"
crammed a full day of broadcast-,
ing into three hours of continuous
programs - news, music, quiz
shows, drama.
Student actors and announcers
waited nervously for the "On the
Air" signal in three different stu-
dios up in 4006 Angell Hall, as
the student engineer in the con-
trol room switched the program
scene from one to the next. Shows
stuck to a strict schedule, with
just room enough in between them
for the WMDS station identifica-
The performers didn't confine
their efforts to acting and an-
nouncing - piano players and
singers from the ranks of the 10
classes were recruited for yeoman
service, too.
Easily one of the most versatile
was the sound effects man, who
took turns playing background
music at the turn-tables, slam-
ming doors, and pushing buzzers.
Down in Rm. 25, listeners heard
the broadcasts over a loudspeak-
er. Everybody got a chance to do
some lusty shouting on "Under
the Big Top," an audience partici-
pation program.

Sixteen Granted Citizenship in
Local Naturalization Ceremony
8ixtf newr Aeri"n-tiesago,.said "ft's nice, I'm happy to
wr cieat edCort Judhe bemascitizen."
Circuit Court Judge James R. "I feel great - more secure and
Breakey approved the applica- more safe," said Mrs. Caroline
tion of 16 local residents for citi- Feldhauser. She came here from
zenship after an hour and a half Gez~nany in 1925 and her hus-
examination on the principles band Harry, who also became a
and rights of citizenship. The citizen, came in 1924.
test was conducted by Natural- Feels Lucky
ization Examiner Sidney Freed of "Lucky," was the word Harry
Detroit. Avsharian, formerly from Paris
The newly-admitted citizens used. He has been here since 1941.
felt good. Other Ann Ar'borites admitted
Citizenship Welcomed yesterday were: Gunter A. Stef-
Chin Hong, who had been in fens, Joseph Verzillo, Philip Sian-


Young GOP
Group To Meet
The Young Republicans will
meet at 7 p.m. today in the League
to talk over the Republican Party
platform for 1948.
According to Jim Schouner,
president of the club, one or two
of the planks in the GOP's 1944
platform may get tossed out at
the meeting.
The club is expected to fornmu-
late planks on tariffs, displaced
persons> Palestine, Marshall Plan,
United Nations, labor-manage-
ment relations, taxes, housing and
education, Communist Party, Uni-
versal Military Training, and the
Mrs. K. B. Coleman, delegate-
at-large on the Michigan delega-
tion to the GOP national conven-
tion, and member of the platform
committee, is expected to attend
the meeting.


this country since 1910 and said
he is the first Chinaman in this
area to become a citizen under a
1944 law said simply that he was
"Glad to be an American." Prior
to 1944, Chinese could not become
American citizens.
Isador Bulgarella, who came to
this country from Italy 42 years
Daylighli Saving Time
Campus radio listeners will hav
to keep their eyes on the clock-
and on program schedules-if
they don't want to miss their fa-
vorite programs.
Local radio station WHRV has
o dopted daylight saving time,
conforming to the American
Broadcasting Company's time
WPAG will stick to Ann Arbor

is, Luise K. Rickman, Alice San-
tourian, Daniel D. Asprin, Ed-
ward S. Cuthbert, Alma P. J.
Donahue, John L. Lactawen and
Roger F. Mather.
After Judge Breaky gave his
approval, . County Clerk Louella
M. Smith administered the oath,
given to all naturalized citizens.


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+ ° >

The Washingiton (
Laurel motif for leadership in a ring
that tapers to clasp your finger
1OK gold, signet style $30.00
Add 2V; Fed. tax and any state tax

1319 S. University Tom and Meredith Suckling
Ann Arbor, Mich. Phone 9533

_ _ ___

DEKE CHAPTER HOUSE-The small red-bricked chapel on
Williams street was the original meeting place of the Delta Kappa
Epsilon fraternity before it established a chapter house on cam-
pus. The Dekes still hold midnight chapter meetings here.
. - * *
Chapel on Williams Serves
As Fraternity MeetingPlace


c, ,..
. f °


HOGAN-HAYES' beauty treatment

One building on campus that
has prompted more curious com-
ment than the coming of a new
minister to a small town is a
small, red-bricked chapel and
meeting-house located on Wil-
liams Street just off State.
It is enclosed by a high brick
wall, and sets back off the street
about 20 yards. Sturdy wooden
gates open into a small plot in
front, marked with small grave
Seldom Used
In recent years few people
have seen it in use; few people
have entered through the pad-
locked gate to the quiet chapel
Questioning revealed that it be-
EvntsT oday
Art Cinema League-"I met a
Murderer," with James Mason,
and "Tillie's Punctured Romance,"
with Charlie Chaplin and Marie
Dressler; 8:30 p.m., Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Ensi-an Editorial Staff -M c L
ing, discuss fall petitions; 4:15
pam., Editorial Office, Ensian.
Student Committee for Douglas
-Nathan Macobbee, assistant di-
rector, Survey Research Director,
will speak on "Techniques of Nom-
inating Presidential Candidates;
8 p.m. Union.
Final Speech Competition: Six
finalists in Speech 31 contest will
compete at 4 p.m., Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Wyvern Meeting-5 p.m. League
Chapel. Attendance required.
Carillon Recital - Jef Denyn
compositions performed by Per-
cival Price, University Ctarillo-
neur, 7:15 p.m.
State Theatre-"So Well Re-
membered," 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 p.m.
Michigan Theatre-"Frieda" 1,
3, 5, 7, 9 p.m.

longs to Delta Kappa Epsilon fra-
ternity, now more fashionably es-
tablished on Geddes'Road. It was
built in 1878 from funds contrib-
uted by Deke fraternity brothers
from the classes of 1855-'80. The
price was a ridiculous $3,000
which would not even build a re-
spectable two-car garage today
The only improvement made
since it was built is a recent re-
roofing job. The Dekes still hold
their chapter meetings by gas
light at half past m4dnight on
alternate Saturdays. It is rarely
used in the daytime which ac-
counts for the curious speculation
of the casual passer-by.
Original Chapter House
The Dekes originally used it as
a meeting place inasmuch as they
then had no chapter house on
campus. The grave stones in the
chapel yard mark the place where
former Deke mascots are buried.
Police officers still tell the story
of a rookie patrolman whose cur-
iosity prompted him to loiter in
the alley behind the chaptel in
an effort to learn something of
the occult activities within. He
was abruptly startled out of his
vigil when an empty beer can
bounced off his head.
Unfortunately the clay will
probably come when this land-
nark will yield its place. to a
more "modern and respectable"
building. And with it will go an-
other reminder of the good old
days when nickel beer was sold
in sixteen-ounce glasses, and you
could cross State Street at a slow
Cain pas A VC Will
Hold IP itic, D ance
The campus chapter of AVC
will hold a picnic and dance at
the University Fresh Air Camp
on Saturday.
Buses will leave from the side
door of Hill Auditorium at 4:15
p.m. Members and friends may get
tickets from the executive com-
mittee or before boarding the bus.
Further information may be ob-
tained from Dave Babson, 4145.

Now is the time for all good
furs to come to ROGAN-
HAYES for SAFE storage,
$100 insurance included ...


"% qk6

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* Frigid Storage in one of
Michigan's Finest Cold
Storage Vaults. (On the
* Year-Around Insurance-
For Loss or Damage.
Values up to $100.00
* Minor Rips Sewn-
In Fur and Lining.
* Glazing to Restore
Luster and Sheen.
* Loops and Buttons
Replaced Where

- ~r"


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