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April 02, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-02

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Getting Behind

THOSE STUDENTS who are still basking
in the memory of their "true-red-blooded
Americanism," apparently dormant since
they snowballed Gerhart Eisler off campus
last semester, better wake up.
They're getting behind. Far behind.
University of Wisconsin students-also
true and red-blooded-effectively used the
snowball to break up a rally on their campus
early this week. Sponsored by eight student
religious and political organizations, the
rally was a protest against the draft and
Universal Military Training. Bursting with
enthusiasm and patriotism, the snow-ballers
protected their fellow students with a who-
wants-to-hear-them-anyway attitude, back-
ed by a few well aimed missiles in case any-
one, by chance, did.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
sre written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

But even here, the indignant freedom lov-
ers didn't show all their potential originality.
In Ohio, however, Redbloods went on a real
Red chase. They wrecked, rather thoroughly,
the interior of the home of an admitted
Communist, who didn't happen to be home
at the time. He had been passing painphlets
attacking the European Recovery Plan, and
that, the thirty or forty patriots felt, would
have to be stopped. So they tore up the
No arrests have been made, according to
the local sheriff, but he is quoted by a New
York newspaper as saying that his forty-six
deputies and the entire Columbus, O., police
force were ready in case the Communists
retaliate with a gang "schooled in rough-
and-tumble alley and mob-fighting tactics."
Spring is here evidentally, so snowball
possibilities here on campus are uncertain.
However, if a suitable subject is found, Uni-
versity students can undoubtedly be counted
on to find means for catching up with the
rest of the country.
-Naomi Stern

Behind the Strike

THE STRIKE of 350,000 soft-coal miners
comes to the close of its third week.
During this time the United Mine Workers
have lost in wages more than double the
amount of the disputed $30,000,000 welfare
And today several thousand University
students will bear a grudge against John L.
Lewis as they travel homeward for the
Lewis as they travel homeward for the
Spring vacation on slow-overcrowded trains.
Evidently, Lewis had a cause other than
the miners' welfare at heart when he called
the work stoppage. To him, the welfare dis-
pute is a golden opportunity to test the
strength of what he labels the "Taft Slave
law." The coal operators' representative,
Ezra Van Horn, would have us believe that
Lewis called the strike because of his desire
to wield dictatorial powers.
But it is possible that Lewis and his
soft-coal miners strike because they feel
such action alone will get results.
Some events which took place at Cen-
tralia, Illinois, little more than a year ago
might cause any worker to lose faith in
peaceful methods for improving working
condition. The Centralia mine was declared
unsafe for more than five years before the

explosion which cost the lives of one hun-
dred and eleven miners on March 25, 1947.
The state mine inspector sent regular re-
ports to the Illinois Department of Mines
and Minerals stating that the mine was
dangerous. Finally, he recommended that
the mine be abandoned or an expensive
sprinkling system installed to lay the highly
explosive coal dust.
Yet the state officials and the mine oper-
ators failed to take effective action. A peti-
tion sent by the local miners' union to the
Department of Mines proved only a futile
prediction of the Centralia disaster. Half of
the twenty-eight miners who signed the pe-
tition were killed in the dust explosion last
year. Strong-arm union tactics could have
saved their lives.
No, we cannot blame strikes entirely on
the bull-headedness of labor leaders. Until
workers know that their employers will con-
sider their claims fairly, the waste and in-
convenience of strikes 'will always be with
And until employers realize that a pen-
ny saved is not always a penny earned-
when this economy results in want and
the waste of lives-Lewis and others like
him are here to stay.
-Jo Misner

Truman's Role

Dark Horse
ASKED Mr. Saltonstall I am continuing
my account of an interview with the Sen-
ator from Massachusetts, one of the dark
horse candidates) to tell me just what a
new President could give the American
pel) e.
"A change." he said.
This seemed an answer lacking in content,
and Mr. Saltonstall tried to give it some.
"Regardless of everything else," he said.
"efficient American government must be
built on change. You can see the n'eed for
it in almost every department; habits get
set after a while. With a new President,
we'll at least have new faces around, we'll
freshen up a bit, we'll put new paint on the
walls, so to speak. A new President, especi-
ally a Republican, can give the people as
a whole a feeling of confidence that life as
we know it will go ahead."
New paint, fr shness, confidnce--pleas-
ant, evocative words. A good, familiar way
of life, given a new coat, and set back re-
assuringly on its feet. A picture like that
of a trim, white New England farmhouse,
but with an atomic mushroom darkening
the sky behind it. Would the world let us
calmly freshen up, give ourselves a few
licks of paint, and go ahead?
"We can do it with a Republican," said
Mr. Saltonstall, "with a man who believes in
the system under which we have grown
great. In foreign policy, Senator Vanden-
berg has shown the way, firmness with Rus-
sia, friendship with those who keep their
promises. In the domestic field, we need
some long range agricultural policy, this
reclamation-it's a question of how far to
go in anyone year. We Republcans from
the industrial areas have problems of hous-
ing and health that we're interested in hav-
ing government help us out on."
There it was, the blueprint. A plan for
stability, even progress, in a world that has
suddenly gone as fluid as water. Hold off
the Russians, firmly, and meanwhile build
for the future; keep your government costs
down to a balanced level, be efficient, make
a recognizable social gain each year. It was
impossible, in that cheerful Washington of-
fice in which the early Federalist touch is
so pleasantly combined with the charac-
teristic New England, to doubt that Salton-
stall meant it, and would work for this kind
of program. But what of arms costs, which
might make social progress impossible?
What of the overwhelming world catastrophe
of war, that might tear the cheerful sketch
Like almost everybody else in the world,
we looked at each other, and at the thing,
"We might go into the five nations West-
ern European defensive alliance," said Sal-
tonstall. "Hope we don't-we ought to keep
in the background, so we can talk to the
other fellow without shooting at him. And
I'm afraid that if the E.R.P. becomes a de-
fensive alliance it will end all hope of the
U.N. The Wallace idea, on the other hand,
is just appeasement." He thought for a mo-
ment. "We just have to have faith in the
U.N.," he said. We have to make it work.
We have to use our strength to make the
U.N. succeed."
His passion for U.N. is his passion for
order and progress. But is U.N. enough?
"We have to make U.N. work" also seems a
little bare of content, like the answer
about needing new faces in government.
It is the set answer, the indicated answer,
but is it enough? There are deep, concrete
questions between ourselves and Russia
which must be settled before U.N. can
"work." I walked out into the solid city,
in the unstable sunshine of an unstable
In a few days I will report on another
Presidential aspirant.

(Copyright 1948 New York Post Corporation)
IS IT PREMATURE to discuss the return of
former Gerrhan colonies to that country?
There is no telling where our present policy
of expedience will lead us. Apparently some
people want to help any country which is
strongly anti-Communist or which claims to
be threatened by Communism. Yesterday it
was Greece, today it is Spain. Tomorrow it
may be Western Germany and Japan.
There is already talk of building a new
and strong Wehrmacht. Many Germans
want nothing more than a new Army and
will love us for giving them one. But no-
thing would be quite as effective in winning
the hearts of German Nationalists as turn-
ing old German colonies over to Bizonia, the
combined Anglo-American zones. Even Hit-
ler was unable to recapture Equatorial Af-
rica. Germany will again be a bulwark
against Bolshevism.
But building up bulwarks against Russia
has failed before. Eventually we had to de-
fend ourselves against German and Japa-
nese militarism. When we give military aid
or its economic equivalent to non-demo-
cratic countries, we ought to consider the
It is not at all certain that the next war
will be fought against Russia, or that Franco
will support us. Being in favor of expedi-
ency is no excuse for being short-sighted.
We have to be careful. We are playing with

i .

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of' suhmitting letters for
puhi'cation in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to puthli~fh in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory char'aeter or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
de nsing letters.
Supports Gu ri'a
To the Editor:

P rC rv

-- restoll
ECHO and re-echo to the senti-
ments expressed in the letter Suggests Motive
signed by Mr. Guerra in today's
Daily!To the Editors


WASHINGTON, March 29-President Tru-
man has discovered his role and is play-
ing it to the hilt.
He cannot play the great political leader
guiding his party to triumph: his party
doesn't even want him. Nor can he be the
great humanitarian succoring the cast-off
and the forgotten of the world: he played
too willing a part in the shoddy U.S. Pales-
tine game for that.
No, in these last dwindling hours of his
place in the sun, Mr. Truman finds relief
for his frustrationsgin the new role of un-
daunted crusader against world conmmu-
nism. It is becoming an all-out military
crusade, and the President has mounted
the white horse and donned the plume of
the knight.
No matter how little success his defense,
army and navy secretaries have in stirring
the blood of the people to the war pitch,
they have captured Mr. Truman whole-hog.
They have convinced him that the only road
to the world's salvation and to the salvation
of his own prestige is to take sword in hand
and display all our military might to the
world, even if it means bringing on a terrible
war nobody wants.
The surest indication that Mr. Truman
has turned his back completely to peace ef-
forts--efforts which require so much more
real courage than war preparations.-is his
latest speech, an informal talk delivered
tonight before a Greek educational organi-
zation in Washington.
Mr. Truman tonight throw overboard
the equipment of the rational, peace-lov-
ing man: the equipment of reason and
questing for mutual understanding. Above
all, he has abandoned respect for truth-
He has abandoned himself to that emo-
tionalism, unabashed by the dangers of fac-
tual distortion, which marks the man who
At the Michigan.. .
"THE UNSUSPECTED" with Joan Caul-
field and Claude Rains.
Whistler, the Intersanctum and pos-
sibly a multitude of other hal hour horrors,
but Warner Brothers has its own little
eerie interlude in presenting The Unsus-
pected. They are concerned with the type
of mind that turns out such scripts, and
with Claude Rains in the driver's seat, it is
longer, juicier and more corpse strewn than
any paltry half-hour of mood music and

has accepted the spirit of war and violence,
a spirit which has no respect for rationality.
He suggested tonight that Henry Wallace
'should go to the "country he loves so well"
and "help them against his own country, if
that's the way he feels."
When a man talks like that, when a
man descends to the level of stupid, fana-
tic rabble-rousing, to the level of the
Hearsts and the Colonel McCormack's, it
is deplorable. When that man is the Pres-
ident of the United States, it should make
every American do some sefere soul-
* Ah, Freedom
After the Dark
A GROUP of the more culturally oriented
campus "wheels" were sprawled around
the living room of one of the more elite so-
rorities listening to some pretty heavy music.
The immediate prospects of a music lit. mid-
semester had decided them to mutually ac-
quaint themselves with the masters. Right
in the midst of the most delightful pedal
point, in breezed a young lass, president of
a rival sorority, with a most reassuring look
on her bright young face.
Facing the eager multitude, she breath-
lessly assuaged their fears, "Oh, the course
is a snap, there's nothing to worry about
after the final!"
*' * * *
Too General
TWO DAPPER young men-about-campus
were walking down the steps in front of
Angell Hall the other day, when one turned
to the other and exclaimed disgruntledlf,
"Ye Gods, Just because she's a sorority
girl, does that mean that she's cute!"
Sugar Water
THE EASTER BUNNY distributed his ben-
evolence last Sunday in the form of
vari-colored jelly beans in odd nooks and
crannies of a League House. One sleepy
coed, taking an early morning bath, sloshed
around in the bathtub for a perturbed fif-
teen minutes trying to melt what she thought
were two capsules of bath oil, before the
bunny tipped her off.
We Knew It
UNAVOIDABLY caught with nothing to do
the other day, we found ourselves read-
ing that day's Daily and noting an item


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the Univce'sity. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angell Hall. by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
ar.m. saturxdays)-
.. . .
VOL LVIII, No. 130
Library Hours During Spring
From Friday, April 2, through
Saturday, April 10, the General
Library will be open week-daysj
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Study Halls
within the building and Angell
Hall Study Hall will be open from
10 a.m. to 12 noon, and from 2 to
4 p.m. Graduate Reading Rooms
will be open from 9 a.m. to 121
noon and from 1 to 5 p.m.. except
on Saturdays when they close at
noon. There will be no Sunday
service on April 4 and 11.
In general, Divisional Libraries
will be open on short schedules,
i.e. 10-12 and 2-4 daily.
Exceptions are: the East and
West Engineering Libraries which
will be open from 9 -12 and 2-5
daily except Saturday when they
will be closed in' the afternoon;
the Physics Library, open 9-12:
daily, closed afternoons; the West
Lodge Study 1Hall at Willow Run
which will be open 1-5:30 p.m.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Except un-
der extraordinary circumstances,
courses dropped after today will
be recorded with the grade of E.
Graduate students are remind-
ed that courses dropped after
noon of April 3 will be recorded
with the grade of E. Courses drop-
ped prior to this date will be listed
as dropped but no- grade will ap-.
pear. -
To Prospective Graduate Stu-
dents: Those students now enroll-
ed in the undergraduate colleges
of the University, who intend to l
enter the Graduate School this l
coming summer or fall, should
make application immediately in
order to insure admission. ,
Undergraduate Students: Therel

Letters to the Editor...


ation or the Graduate Record
t Examination.
Students should purchase ex-
amination tickets in the Cashier's
office and present the Recorder's
stub to the Examiner at the time
of the examination as evidence
that the $2 examination fee has
been paid.
Veterans may have a requisition
approved in the office of the
Graduate School before going to
the Cashier's office for the exam-
ination fee ticket.
Correction: The program of the
Civic Massed Orchestra, Rudolph
Ganz, Guest Conductor, previously
announced for 8:30 Sunday eve-
ning, April 4, in Hill Auditorium,
will be heard instead at 4:15 Sun-
day afternoon. It will be open to
the general public.
Faculty Concert: Marian Owen,
Pianist, and Oliver Edel, Cellist,
will present a program of sonatas
for cello and piano at 8:30 Mon-
day evening, April 12, Rackham
Assembly Hall. Open to the gen-
eral public, Mrs. Owen and Mr.
Edel will play Sonata, Op. 12 by
Nicolai Miaskovsky,- Quincy Por-
ter's Sonata which was composed
in Ann Arbor in 1946, and Samuel
Barber's Sonata, Op. 6.
Museums Building rotunda, Chi-
nese Porcelain-Celadon and Blue'
and White Wares. Through April
F ensToday
Radio Programs:
2:30-2:55 p.m., WKAR - On
Campus Doorsteps, "The Willow
Village Student." Richard A. Cor-
rell, administrative assistant, Vet-
erans Service Bureau.
5:45-6:00 p.m., WPAG - Music
Fraternities and Sororities.
United World Federalists World
Government College Forum Com-
mittee: Meeting, 4 p.m. (not 4:30
p.m., Fri.. April 2, Michigan Un-

Americans will soon wake up to
tle fact that they have enrolled
in a new anti-Comintern Pact.
This time it will be of "freedom-
loving" and "democratic" nations.
There will be Falange-democrats.
Peronista-democrats, Cagoulard-
democrats, Iron Guard-democrats,
Black Shirt and Brown Shirt-
democrats, and perhaps a Roman-
ov-democrat or two. And all of
them will be on our side.
Will there be room for any
democratic-democrats (if I may
borrow a phrase from one of the
speakers at last week's Academic
Freedom Rally)?
-Bill Byrne
SAC Petition
To the Editor:
At the risk of forfeiting my eli-
gibility for membership in the
SAC, I should like to extend my
appreciation to Mr. Guerra for his
letter in The Daily of Tuesday,
March 30, exposing the Neo-fas-
cist threat to our democratic form
of government lurking under our
very noses in the Dominican Re-
public, "three airline hours away."
The very thought of 71,200 Fas-
cists living under the guise of in-
nocuous farmers, merchants ane
natives, being urged on by the
sugar, coffee, and cocoa interests
of capitalistic planters (undoubt-
edly composed of escaped Euro-
pean Fascists) is enough to strike
terror in the heart of any red-
blooded American desirous of
maintaining our democratic sys-
Moreover, in our pre.ent posi-
tion we are readily susceptible to
a quick thrust calculated to de-
moralize our popalace, in prepar-
,tlon for an. ail-out efft,. t by
President Trv I-llo to take ove' the
motheaten reins of our gover-
ment. I refev, of course, to the
acAcessthese elements have to our
iimports of sugar, coffee, and co-
coa. One might envision with lit-
tde difficulty the havoc wrought by
poisoned coffee, salted sugar. anc
strange tasting cocoa. Come ;o
ttink of it -- Yy God! Awake
M:chigan, bef e it's too late -
They've alrea :; started on t; E
L:at Quadran';,
-4. Gerald MeL'an
Slosson's Reply
To the Editor:
In reply, to Mr. Shaffer's letter:
1) He refers to the cabinet
crisis in Czechoslovakia, but
makes no reference to the event
which precipitated it, the protest
of non-Communist members of
the cabinet against the policy of
the Ministry of the Interior to e-
liminate all non - Communists
from the police force."
(2) He compares the American
occupation force in Germany with
the available Russian forces in
eastern Germany, in Carpatho-
Ruthenia (which Russia annexed
from Czechoslovakia just after the
war), and in eastern Europe gen-
erally, including Soviet Russia
proper. It is like comparing a
trout to a whale or a kitten to a
(3) I did not refer to the (surely
very normal!) presence of either
the regular American or the regu-
lar Russian ambassadors in
Czechoslovakia. I referred to the
special visit of the Soviet deputy
foreign minister Zorin, whose ar-
rival gave the signal for the coup
d'etat, in precisely the same way
that similar special Russian en-
voys had given the signal for sim-
ilar coups in Rumania and in
Hungary a few months earlier ...
(5) I call the attention of all
who consider themselves, in any
sense of the word, liberals to the
fact that, in Mr. Shaffer's opin-
ion, a cabinet crisis and a wish by
an American ambassador that
Czechoslovakia would join a Eur-

opean relief plan. . . justify the
closing of the frontiers, the arrest
of elected deputies to Parliament,
the suspension of the entire op-
position press, the ban on nearly
all American publications, the
purge of the schools and the uni-
versity, the purge even of musical
societies, and the arrest, in many
cases, of relatives of fugitives as
(6) Mr. Shaffer's excuse for all
this is that if it had not happened
"Czechoslovakia would be another
Spain." Mind you, not another
France or Britain, or America, but

IT APPEARS that these com-
panies offering Fritz Crisler
$50,000 per year are willing to pay
a high price for their football
tickets next fall.
--George N. Spaulding
To the Editor:
For the life of me I can not
make out the basis of John Mor-
ris' editorial of Sunday, the 28th
headed "Protest Counter-Propos-
al," which seems to refer to the
Czech Academic Freedom Rally.
I can not see how his counter pro-
posal that some "organization
such as the Committee for Aca-
demic Freedom draw up a blanket
condemnation of violation of aca-
demic freedom, without any
strings attached" is in any "count-
er" to what a whole group of or-
ganizations endeavored to do last
It is true that the independent
liberal is always embarrassed by
the rival claims to Marxian ortho-
doxy which divides the socialists
and their sympathizers, but the
embarrassment springs from the
too wide-spread tendency of iden-
tifying the worth of a cause with
the reputation of its sponsorship
rather than for its own sake.
To say that the meeting and
the document that came out of it,
the rally and its resolution, re-
flect only one side of the split
that threatens Europe and the
world, is to distort the truth be-
yond all recognition. Likewise
misleading is the statement that
the "bland dish of academic free-
dom" was sei'ved too highly sea-
soned with "Hearstian anti-Red
pepper." Surely those who deep-
ly desire an honest reconciliation
of differences between the West-
ern and Eastern blocs have moral
responsibility to protest violations
of civil liberties and academic
freedom by whomsoever perpetra-
ted, especially whendsuch viola-
tions add to the burden of misun-
derstanding and misapprehension,
which really divides the world.
-Edward Ii. Redman
NO ONE CAN respect the Bill of
Rights and at the same time
defend lynch law, the poll tax
and other indignities upon the
Negro, and right-minded citizens
cannot therefore oppose even
Federal policing of the Negro's
civil rights. But no program could
succeed without bloodshed-and
might not succeed at all-without
the enlightened co-operation of
the South itself. Every bit of new
ground broken, like the recent
meeting in Atlanta, is therefore
of great importance.
-San Francisco Chronicle
Fifty-Eighth Year

M) I would not, if I were Mr.
Shaffer, lean too heavily on the
testimony of the late Mr. Mas-
aryk. When a politician, held as
virtual prisoner' by a revolutionary
coup d'etat issues a statement and
then immediately commits suicide
(granting,. for the sake of argu-
ment, that it was suicide) ques-
tions naturally arise even to the
most credulous mind: how genu-
ine was the statement, how far it
may have been extorted, and so
forth .. .

-e )




are several openings now available
for undergraduate students in a,
Mathematics Department Project, Coining 'bEvents
sponsored by the Office of Naval
Research. Mathematics through Toledo Club: Meeting to be held
calculus (Math. 54) is essential, i oeo e.Arl7wt
and some experience in computing in Toledo, Wed. April 7 with a
is desirable. For further informam luncheon at the Hillcrest Hotel, 1
tion see Dr. Thrall in 3004 Angell I p.m. Walter Kirkbride, president
Hall or call Extension 2535 for an of the Hickok Oil Corp. will speak.
a itm t.Toledoans will be contacted for
appoinmen,___their reservations.
Academic Notices Thabowling alleys in the Wo-
men's Athletic Building will be
Doctoral Examination for John closed Fri., April 2 and will reopen
Woodworth Henderson, Opthal- on Tues., April 13. Reservations
mology; thesis: "The Anatomical taken for bowling parties on Mon-
Basis for Certain Reflex and Au- day evenings. Call 3-1511, ext. 391.
tomatic Eye Movements," 7:30 The alleys will close for the sea-
p.m., Mon., April 12, 2101 Belmont son on April 30.
Road. Chairman: F. B. Fralick. I -
Astronomical Colloquium: Wed.. . . .
Aprilk 7.2:30 p.m.,Observatory. - c
Speaker: Dr. Bart J. Bok of Har-
vard University. Title: The Cur- From the pages of The Daily
rent Work of the Harvard College j 30 YEARS AGO TODAY:
Observatory. --

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy .............. City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes...........Associate Editor
Joan Katz ... ,........ Associate Editor
Fred Schott......... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ........tWomen's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................. Librarian
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .......General Managwt
Jeanne Swendeman.....Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
Dick Hait.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication


DII. warren Forsythe, head of
the University Health Service
urged that warnings by several

Economics 12?: Meet Fri., April

. I

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