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April 01, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-04-01

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Spanish Interlude

113 THOSE OF US who have been watch-
ing democracy compromised and some-
times not-too-subtley betrayed time and
again in these last few years, the welcome
of Spain into the family of nations cannot
come as much of a surprise.
Even during the war, and immediate
post-war period when feeling ran high
against the totalitarian nations, fascist
Spain was officially regarded as a recalci-
trant nation for whom we reserved a fond
"tsk, tsk" but whose wolfram and inval-
uable assets immunized her from even a
maternal box on the ears.
When Poland brought up the delicate
question of breaking relations with Franco
Spain in the United Nations Security Coun-
cil, a moral horror of the Falange regime
was properly registered by the majority of
nations. After bitter and extended discus-
sion, the Council decided to appoint a sub-
committee to consider the charges and re-
port on what practical measures should be
taken. The subcommittee came out with the
politically astute conclusion that the Franco
government was a "Fascist regime patterned
on, and established largely as a result of aid
received from Hitler's Nazi Germany and
Mussolini's Fascist Italy." The committee
reviewed the "very substantial aid" received
by the Axis from Spain and cited the "in-
controvertible documentary evidence" of
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Franco's conspiracy with the Axis to wage
war on the allied nations.
In June, 1946, after opposition from the
United States against any present UN move
against Spain, the Assembly finally issued
the statement that "the Security Council
would reconsider the question if Franco did
not give way to a democratic government
"within a reasonable time," and recom-
mended that member nations withdraw am-
bassadors and ministers from Spain.
Within a "reasonable time," although the
United States is still fully aware of Spain's
political character and her armed forces
(estimated at 600,000 to 700,000) the House
of Representatives comes to a highly illog-
ical conclusion. Perhaps this distinguished
body, in reviewing the evidence on Spain
was reminded of theh act thatthe United
States' commercial airlines still have sub-
stantial stakes in Spanish airfields which
were constructed in 1945 to get the troops
home. Probably they were impressed with
the United States' negotiations with Franco
on Jan. 30, 1948 to use Spain's 111 million
dollar holdings in gold to buy United States'
At any rate, the evidence was overwhelm-
ingly in favor of the Generalissimo, and he
now stands on the list to receive American
aid. The question now remains whether the
Soviets will remember the famous "blue
division" of Spanish volunteers during the
war and whether the other European na-
tions will recall the "very substantial" aid
Franco donated to the Axis.
The most important question that might
be asked is whether our self-consciously
democratic Congressmen can open their
morally myopic eyes and see that they
are going to aid a FASCIST state.
-Lida Dailes.

For the People
MOST OF US who will fight the House's
action on aid to Spain will do so, not
because we have formed a dislike for a
certain abstract idea, "Fascism," but be-
cause fascism means something real to the
people involved.
The vote to include Spain in the ERP bill,
is a real, a personal, tragedy to the thou-
sands of people in Spain who have continued
to fight underground during the long years
since 1939.
It is more something to weep about, than
to write about, for the Spanish republicans
who have been trying to fight back from
exile for nearby ten years. It is a slap in
the face for the voluntary exiles who have
refused to return to their homes, because
they could not compromise their beliefs.
Franco Spain is near economic collapse,
so just when the hopes of Spanish people
might be rising, the United States hits them
Whether the House's action will give Com-
munist forces the best argument they've ever
had that the U.S. doesn't mean what it says
is one point our rash representatives didn't
But a more important consideration
that they've forgotten is that we're deal-
ing with people and not just dollars. A
dollar here and a dollar there, means
people affected, here and there. You just
can't move figures around on paper and
Unfortunately, the House action repre-
sents more than the notions of a few con-
gressmen-it means that a good many
Americans have forgotten the Spanish peo-
ple too.
Americans have forgotten--or don't care
--and either way it spells "goodbye democ-
Spanish fascism is something that smells
rotten so obviously that even the people who
have refused to see the same pattern in
Greece should flinch now.
The Spanish people who are in prison for
saying what they believe, and the friends
of Spaniards who were killed trying to fight
for democracy, probably flinched too.
--Harriett Friedman.

C -
~A q
"Why shouldn't we come out of hiding, Here General? I hear
there's a great demand for ALL types of anti-Communists."

Letters to the Editor


Topsyp Turvy

THE SOMERSAULT is complete.
In less than ten years, the U.S. has
fought a war to end fascism and now has
turned and offered U.S. dollars to aid a gov-
ernment representing the very idea that we
tried to destroy.
The action of the House of Representa-
tives Tuesday in voting to give Franco Spain
a slice of ERP funds is simply a. signpost
pointing the way we have come. Infected
with the fear of Russia that some U.S.
policy makers have let loose, and faced
with the "need" of fighting totalitarian
Communism, the House turned for its wea-
pon to fascism.
There can be no justification for Con-
gress' action. It has, in effect, repudiated
' SPAN Study
THE WIDTH between the old and new
world is being reduced considerably as a
result of the endeavors of a group of Uni-
versity of Minnesota students.
A Student Project for Amity Among N.-
tions under operation there for the pur-
pose of sponsoring Minnesota students in
summer study abroad has met with amazing
By conducting foreign seminars in Eng-
land, Germany, Argentina, and Czechoslo-
vakia, the group hopes to give those nations
a better insight into Americans and in turn
to study problems peculiar to each country.
Four groups of ten students each under
the supervision of a member of the faculty
will spend the summer in each of the select-
ed nations. They will study such problems
as political parties, socialistic trends, labor
and legal systems. Study will be independent
and consist mainly of field work.
Funds totaling $15,000 have been 'raised
to finance the program.
Last summer four groups of students con-
ducted seminars in Madrid, London, Paris
and Stockholm. Once back home, they
agreed that foreign study seminars had an-
swprs to important American and world
problems. The natural result was an or-
ganization of the first SPAN students to
helr'Minnesota's second foreign study group.
It is the hope of the pioneering group that
other American Universities and Colleges
will follow their lead this summer. The Uni-
versity of Chicago has already adopted the
'program. What about the University of
-Phyllis Kulick.
* Dnw Good Tarn
Whatever You Say
AN IMPARTIAL POLL taken recently by
the Committee for Constitutional Gov-
ernment included the following question:
"Should money be lent to socialistic gov-
ernments which by rationing, regimentation,
and restrictive measures are producing in-
dustrial stagnation and stifling food pro-
The answer, in case you haven't already
guessed it, was No.

a 150 year tradition of supporting free-
dom. The bare fact is hardly believable.
The Congress of the United States has
voted support to an out-and-out fascist
The terrors of Communism have been so
drummed into the American mind that the
facts of fascism are no longer clear, but
they are still there. Remember Hitler, Mus-
solini, and Franco? Franco is the only one
left and the House of Representatives wants
to give him money.
O'Henry couldn't have done a better job,
It is a good thing, ironically enough, that
the Congress has seen fit to try and bring
Franco into the ring on our side at this
time. In all probability, the policy makers
of this country would have done the same
thing in six or eight months. By that time,
the fear of Communism would have so in-
volved American minds that even Franco
Spain might have been acceptable-but not
now. The only outcome now will be aroused
public sentiment against anpolicy which
would stack the U.S. and Franco in the same
So let's howl-now-long and loud to
try and put an end to an American for-
ign policy that has been heading toward
the support of fascist or semi-fascist
Here is the place for student objections
-demonstrations, rallies-any kind of ac-
tion that will have repercussions in Wash-
ington and will show the higher ups in our
government that the people are not ready
for any connections with fascism.
For the .last year and a half, black and
white have not been distinguishable in
Ameican foreign policy. This action, al-
though taken by a branch of the government
not usually actively involved in foreign pol-
icy, etches very clearly the trend of our
relations with the rest of the world.
With the House's action, the idea of free-
dom and democracy is yielding before the
fear of another ideology.
-Al ll umrosezn.
No Tax Cut
LAST WEEK, a group of men in Washing-
ton did an amazing thing that is pos-
sible only in an election year. While the
capitol air was still ringing with their cries
for a"stronger air force and a larger army,
and while a strong United States foreign
policy involving the expenditure of billions
of dollars 'to halt the advance of Commu-
nism in Europe was receiving its final
touches, two-hundred and eighty-eight men
of poor memory in the House of Representa-
tives and seventy-eight in the Senate voted
for a $4,800,000,000 tax reduction bill. Only
seventy-eight men in both chambers stood
against it. Can the lessons of 1941 and 1943
have been forgotten in Washington already?
Would it not be better to invest those billions
in an air force that would put punch be-
hind our foreign policy, and make any po-
tential enemy think twice before attacking
War is, unfortunately, no longer fought
with bows and arrows. Oceans are no longer
impassable barriers to attacking forces. Next
time we may not be able to sit idly by, com-
pleting our tardy preparations, while smaller
nations are being bludgeoned to death.
The United States is presently shaking a
fist behind which there is no muscle and
hoping Joe Stalin doesn't call the bluff.

Candidate's Ideas
HAVE SET MYSELF the project of talk-
ing with all the Presidential aspirants,
Taft, Dewey, Stassen, Wallace, Martin, and
so on, before the conventions open this
summer. All these men want me (and you)
to vote for them, so I thought it would be
good to see each one close up.
I started, the other day, with a dark
horse, Senator Leverett Saltonstall of
Massachusetts, and you wouldn't want to
meet a pleasanter man.
He gave me lunch at his desk in the
Senate Office Building (tomato juice, beef
pie, cherry pie, coffee, in case any news-
magazine cares) and he's the kind of man
who watches to see that everybody's cup
is filled. I started the proceedings with a
remark about the frustrations of the post-
war period we are living in, and asked Mr.
Saltonstall whether the general feeling of
disappointment was shared by the people of
his state.
There was no emotional pop in his an-
swer. Maybe that was just Boston; maybe
I'm too used to New York political figures,
who are just a little more inclined to put
their hands to their hearts. Mr. Saltonstall
said that yes, the people in his state had
doubts about the way the world situation
was being handled, they wondered if one
emergency after another was necessary, if
we shouldn't have taken stronger steps fur-
ther back, and if we should have agreed to
all we did agree to. He said the people were
willing to back whatever steps were needed
for security.
Well, security is one thing, but a world
organized for peace is another, so I asked
him whether it mightn't be sound for us
to request an immediate conference with
Rlussia for settling critical outstanding'
He wasn't sure; he said he didn't know
enough about what was going on to say
flatly that we should make a request for a
conference. Full stop, while we both thought
it over.
And at this moment, with the sun filter-
ing into the pleasantly big Washington of-
fice, I suddenly felt what a dead end the
passion for world co-operation which had
swept us during the war had now come to.
For Saltonstall is no ordinary Senator, his
interest in world peace has been deep--he
was once a sponsor of the National Council
for American-Soviet Friendship, though he
resigned in '46. But here, too, one was re-
minded of a certain fatigue which seems to
creep into many Washington conversations
when the subject of direct world co-opera-
tion comes up; interest in foreign affairs
today is largely interest in security.
The Senator had been working on the
budget. His tables were high with fiscal
documents. He let me heft them. "We're
at peace," he said, "and as long as -we're
at peace, we want to keep our budget bal-
anced. We want to keep our military com-
mitments within the frame of a balanced
budget. If we're going to go to war, that's
another story." He was fascinated with a
fact he had dug up. that the Veterans' Ad-
ministration today, with 210,000 employes,
has more people working for it than were in
the entire Army and Navy at one point in

(Continued from Page 3)
will be open from 9 -12 and 2-5
daily except Saturday when they
will be closed in the afternoon;
the Physics Library, open 9-12
daily, closed afternoons; the West
Lodge Study Hall at Willow Run
which will be open 1-5:30 p.m.
A University regulation requires
that all students leaving Ann Ar-
bor for extended vacations must
return library books before their
departui'e. The purpose of this
regulation is to insure the avail-
ability of books for scholars who
wish to use them while the Uni-
versity is not in session.
In accordance with this rule,
students planning to spend the
Spring recess outside Ann Arbor
must return library books to the
Charging Desk of the General Li-
brary (or the proper Divisional Li-
brary) before leaving the city.
Sipecial permission to charge
books for use outside Ann Arbor
may be given in case of urgent
need. Arrangements must be made
at the Charging Desk for books
from the General Library or with
Librarians in charge of Division
Students taking library books
from Ann Arbor without permis-
sion are liable to a fine of $1.00.
Automobile regulations pertain-
ing to student drivers will be lifted
on Friday, April 2, at 5 p.m. and
will not go into effect again until
April 12, at 8 a.m. Any driving
done after 8 a.m. of April 12 will
be subject to all automobile regu-
lations of the University.
Students, College of Engineer-
in: The final day for Removal of
Incompletes will be Saturday,
April 3. Petitions for extension of
time must be on file in the Secre-
tary's Office on or before Satur-
day, April 3.
Students, College of Engineer-
ing: The final day for Dropping
Courses without Record will be
Saturday, April 3. A course may
be dropped only with the permis-
sion of the classifier after confer-
ence with the instructor.
Group Hospitalization and Sur -
gical Service: During the peiod
from April 5 thi'ough April 15, the
University Business Office, (Room
9, University Hall) will accept
new applications as well as re-
quests for changes in contracts
now in effect. These new applica-
tions and changes become effect-
ive June 5, with the first payroll
deduction on May 31. After April
15, no new applications or changes
can be accepted until October,
Superintendent of Schools from
Glencoe, Illinois, will be at the Bu~-
reau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
Hall, on Thurs., April 1, to inter-
view elementary teachers. For
appointments, please call Ext. 489.
Undergraduate Students: There
are several openings now available
for undergraduate students in a
Mathematics Department Project,
sponsored by the Office of Naval
Research. Mathematics through

calculus (Math. 54) is essential,
and some experience in computing
is desirable. For further informa-
tion see Dr. Thrall in 3004 Angell
Hall or call Extension 2535 for an
Summer Jobs: Detroit Civil
Service announces examination
for Playleader (Male or Female)
to be held April 17. Applications
must be filed by April 9. Anyone
interested in recreational work in
Detroit for the coming summer
may have further information by
calling at 201 Mason Hall.
There are opportunities for
graduate students to work at the
Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory,
Buffalo, New York, during the
summer months. Present openings
are for graduate students in Aero-
nautical Engineering, Aerodynam-
ics, Physics, Mechanical Engineer-
ing, Chemical Engineering, Elec-
trical Engineering. Applications
should be filed by April 15. For
further information call at 201
Mason Hall.
roc -6
'University Lecture: Prof. P.
Sargapt Florence, Dean of the
Faculty of Commerce and Social
Science, Birmingham University
England, will speak on the sub-
ject "Present British Conditions
of Industry and Labor" 4:15 p.m.
Thurs., April 1, Rackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Economics.
University Lecture: Dr. Erwin
Edman, professor of philosophy
and chairman of the Department
of Philosophy at Columbia Uni-
versity, will lecture on the subject,
"The Discipline of Taste" on
Thurs., April 1, 8 p.m., Kellogg
Auditorium; auspices of the De-
partment of Fine Arts.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Alton
McCaleb Harvill, Jr., Botany; the-
sis: "A Phytogeographic Study of
the Mosses of Alaska," at 2 p.m.
Thurs., April 1, Rm. 1139, Natural
Science Bldg. Chairman, W. C.
Doctoral Examination for John
Woodworth Henderson, Opthal-
mology; thesis: "The Anatomical
Basis for Certain Reflex and Au-
tomatic Eye Movements," 7:30
p.m., Mon., April 12, 2101 Belmont
Road. Chairman: F. B. Fralick.
Applied Mathematics Seminar:
April 1, 4 p.m., Rm. 247, W. Engi-
neering Bldg. Prof. R. C. F. Bar-
tels will continue his discussion of
"Retarded Potential" in Aerody-
Astronomical Colloquium: Wed.,
April 7, 2:30 p.m., Observatory.
Speaker: Dr. Bart J. Bok of Har-
vard University. Title: The Cur-
rent Work of the Harvard College
Chemistry 55-2nd half: Stu-
dents enrolled in the accelerated
program should report to Rm.
464, Chemistry Bldg., Wed., March
31, 7 p.m. for the MF section, and'
to Rm. 400, Chemistry Bldg.,
(Continued on Page 5)

'heDaily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to spare limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received ail letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published.' The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
* * *
To the Editor:
The repudiation by the United 1
States of its stand on Palestine
partition demonstrates a grievous
unconcern on the part of the
present Administration for per-
sonal integrity in the conduct of
foreign affairs.
On the grounds of political ex-
pediency, it has back-tracked, side-
stepped, and finally about-faced
from a decision that was a most
feasible compromise solution of
the complex problem of the Holy
Blood is thicker than water -
and now the British Colonial Of-
fice has established bonds of con-
sanguinity with our State Depart-
ment. Thicker than both blood
and water is the oil of the Near
and Middle East. Oil and the com-
mercial value accruing to its pos-
session is the lubricant of a policy
of repudiation and perfidy.
By its shaky, uncertain, inde-
cisive and unmoral action,the Ad-
ministration has not solved a prob-
lem: it has compounded one.
Partition represented a great
sacrifice on the part of the Jew-
ish people of Palestine; by the
terms of the Balfour Decartion,
ALL of Palestine was to be the
National Homeland of the Jews.
But in the interest of evolving a
workable compromise of the na-
tional aspiration of both Jews and
Arabs, the Jewish Agency agreed
to press for only minimum de-
mands - the partition of the Holy
Land into two independent and
autonmous states. '
Now that minimum is to be
taken away from a people which
lost six million souls in the cre-
matoria of Hitler Germany, a peo-
ple of whom a quarter of a mil-
lion of DP's are languishing in
"democratic" concentration camps
in Europe and Cyprus, a people
that is working and fighting to
establish its status and national-
ity on the soil of the Holy Land.
The legitimate aspiration of the
Jewish people of Palestine and of
Europe for statehood is neither to
be denied nor gainsaid by com-
mercial or imperial or political in-
terests of the Great Powers.
It is sad commentary on the
thinking of our present Adminis-
tration that it will have to learn
that fact through hard and ex-
pensive experience.
-Iabbi Herschel Lymon
Director, B'nai B'rith Hillel
To the Editor:
The following is a copy of a
letter which I sent to J. Howard
McGrath, National Democratic
Chairman. I would appreciate
your printing it, and I hope that
others who feel as I do will write
Mr. McGrath also.
J. Howard McGrath
National Democratic Chairman
Ring Building,
18th and M Streets, N.W.
Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. McGrath:
As an ardent supporter of the
policies- of Franklin Roosevelt, as
a veteran of World War II, and
as a member of the Young Demo-
crats Club at the University of

Michigan, I urge you to take cog-
nizance of the following facts:
President Truman has succeed-
ed beautifully in alienating the
South, the Jews, and much of the
labor and liberal vote. As a con-
sequence, he has hardly a ghost of
a chance of re-election.
To re-unite the party behind a
liberal platform, I propose that
Supreme Court Justice William
0. Douglas be nominated for pres-
ident and ex-Governor Ellis Ar-
nall of Georgia be nominated for
While General Eisenhower has
also been mentioned as a possible
candidate, I do not feel that it is
wise to have a military man in the
White House at any time. The
combination of Douglas and Ar-
nall would present a ticket of test-
ed ability, vigorous youth, and
sound practical liberalism in sharp
contrast to the confused idealism
of Henry Wallace and the prob-
able Old Guard conservatism of
the Republican candidate.
This is a crucial period in world

Mr. Morris' editorial on the
Czech academic freedom meeting
goes flying in five different direc-
tions at once. This is undoubted-
ly confusing and wreaks havoc
with the truth.
As far as MYDA's refusal to
participate -- we can't regard
that as a split, since 12 other or-
ganizations backed us. MYDA
was NEVER asked to leave. In
fact we encouraged at least onie
of their group to remain after
the others had unceremoniously
left. (Remember' Mr. Morii'
After stating that the meetg
was "violenly pairtisan" Morr'is
goes on to say that we "wisely
eliminated the nire aggressivijly
anti-Red overtones." If being
against violations of academic
freedom anywhere in the world is
being "partisan," we welcome the
name. We considered MYDA's re-
port on wvhy it refused to partci-
pate (It didn't helieve a violation
had occurred.) The overwhelming
press, radio, and personal reports
(Jim Smith) proved our conten-
tions. We eliminated no anti-red
overtones since there never were
any. Accusing us of these senti-
ments smacks of red-baiting in
Because the U.S. and Rvussia are
engaged in a power politics strug-
gle is no reason why we, as stu-
dents, should not finht even hard-
er for these rapidly vanishing
rights. The main "divisive effect"
of the meeting was MYDA's con-
demnation, which only points out
it sown lack of principles. Aca-
demic freedom is a principle, not
a tactic! We all know what re-
strictions on student freedom
means in relation to ALL free-
doms. Can one group calously
side-track the issue because su-
pression in this case came from
a Communist government? We
unreservedly came out against re-
strictions all over the world, in
Greece, Hungary, China - and
yes, even the United States.
Campus groups took speedy ac-
tion on the meeting, Mr. Morris.
No one ever suggested that IRA,
MYDA, or YPCM be banned be-
cause they voted non-support. We
still believe in freedom even for
those who disagree with us.
As for Morris' suggestion of a
world wide academic freedom code
we embodied that suggestion in
.the resolution that was passed at
the meeting.
-Alfred Shapiro, Chairman
Czech Academic Freedom Meeting
Fifty-Eighth Year


we need the best men
to guide our country.
Sincerely yours,
Walter F. Ifoffman
*, * *

Czech Rally
To the Editor:


Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in C ntrol of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell .......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy.............. City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dalies...........Associate Editor
Joan Katz ............Associate Fditor
Fred Schott......... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ............. Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Bess Hayes .................Librarian
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Edwin Schneider .. FLance Manager
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All rights of re-publication of all other
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press





We'llgo to my office where 1
can give my high class radio
program all the concentrated N

That's one nice thing about a haunted"
house, m'boy. Quiet. Nobody around-
. Il i i --//

O'Malley! You
startled me! .
All that noise!

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