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March 28, 1948 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-28

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[ARCH 28, 1948


Choral Union, Ex Messiah.
Club, Ready for Festival


Each Tuesday night 350 stud-
ents and townsfolk forget their
routine tasks and turn to some-
thing nearer to their collective
They are members of the Choral
UAnd right now, they're getting
ready for the May Festival and the
opportunity to sing with the Phil-
adelphia Orchestra. Last Decem-
ber, they presented two perform-
ances of Handel's "Messiah" under
the direction of Lester McCoy, as-
sociate conductor.
Formerly Messiah Club
The Choral Union has come a
long way since it was first organ-
ized in 1879 as the "Messiah" Club.
At that time, it was composed of
members of four local church
choirs. It has since grown in size
and scope to such an extent that
its members are chosen each year
only after careful try-outs. The
chorus gives two major perform-
ances every year.
The first concerts the group pre-
sented were in local churches and
University Hall, which then had an
auditorium seating 2,500 people.
Later the Choral Union concert
series was inaugurated and famous
artists and orchestras were
brought here for the performances.
Facilities were expanded with the
building of Hill Auditorium.
Continuous Life
Operating without break since it
began, the Choral Union is main-
tained by the University Musical
Society, Charles Sink, president.
This year's guest conductor is Thor
Johnson, former member of the
University music faculty and now
conductor of the Cincinnati Sym-
T echnic' Sale
Starts Tuesday
The Michigan Technic, which
goes on sale Tuesday and Wednes-
day in the lobby of the East Engin-
L eering Building and under the
West Engineering Arch, will con-
tain articles and feature stories of
interest to all engineers, according
to Phil Stemmer, editor.
"Modern Physics" by Karl Hen-
nion 11, deals with the evolution of
physical thought in the modern
scientific world. The "Alumni
News" section contains notes on
several graduates of the engine
school who have since become
prominent figures in the engineer-
ing world.

The works being undertaken by
the singers for this year's May
Festival are Mozart's seldom-heard
"Great Mass in C Minor" and, in
memorial of the composer's death
five years ago, Sergei Rachmanin-

Prof. Edman
Will Lecture
On The Taste'
Dr. Irwin Edman, professor of
philosophy and chairman of the
Department of Philosophy at Co-[
lumbia University, will present a
lecture entitled "The Discipline of
Taste" at 8 p.m. Thursday, in Kel-
lcgg Auditorium.
Dr. Edman received his Doctor
of Philosophy at Columbia. He
taught there since 1920 and be-
came executive officer of his de-
partment in 1935.

Fraternity Hit for (PreEaster) Egging
The University of Illinois has But the duellists, who had fought torney said that 'university stud-
suspended the local chapter of "half in jest and half in serious- enits are not the type to get mixed
Ta Epsilon Phi, national social ness," kept chivalrously silent up in divorce because they know

SL Varsity Committee Sets
Sioglits on. Improved Campus

off's "The Bells," based on



fratelnity.foir hazing a pledge. ;
According to testimony, the
pledge was bhund, blindfolded,
daubed liberally with paint and
eggs. buttoned backwards into a
$55 topcoat--which was ruined in
the process-and dumped in aI
cornfield seven miles out of town.
He subsequently managed to free
himself and get help at a nearby
University officials said this wasI
the first hazing episode discovered
in the last two years.


Latest victim of student apathy
is the organization for indepen-
dent men and women at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin. When only
19 of 121 delegates showed up for
an executive council meeting, the
president drafted everybody in
sight-including a "Daily Cardi-
nal" reporter-in order to form a
quorum. Shortly thereafter the

W k JI Inthe same year, Dr. Edman
was appointed Henry Ward Beech-
er lecturer at Amherst College. He
A cast of 40 students will pre- has served as visiting lecturer at
sent the Easter pageant, "The the University of California, Ham-1
Dawning," at 8 p.m. today at the ilton College, Harvard University
Roger Williams Guild. Members and the National University of
of other guilds have been invited Brazil, Rio de Janeiro.
to attend. Dr. Edman is a member of Phi
Beta Kappa, the American Scholar
Westminster Guild will hold an a editorial board, the American
Easter sunrise service at 7:30 a.m. Philosophical Association and the
in the outdoor chapel, weather American Institute of Arts and
permitting. Dick Boyd will lead a Letters.
short devotional service, to be fol- Am
lowed by breakfast in the social bmong his many books are the
hall. d ,est-seller "Philosophers Hol-
A coffee hour at 3:30 p.m. today 'y published in 1938.
will replace the Sunday evening
guild meeting.

about the lady-if any-in the each other well before marriage-
case, shook hands and said they they don't just hop into matri-
were still the best of friends. monv."

Duelling in the old Heidelberg metig lred i tce. 10
manner was revived momentarily was adjourned early. and the pres-
at Harvard when a couple of stu- ident and secretary offered their
dents-unmasked and with naked resignations.
swords-thrust and parried on the
Radcliffe lawn. The fight ended The county divorce counsel at
abruptly when a flailing sword Madison told the University of
nicked one of the combatants Wisconsin "Daily Cardinal"that
within an inch of his eye, student marriages are a pretty
The duel was witnessed by about good bet.
50 surprised Radcliffe women, one Noting that only one per cent
of whom was rumored to be the of the divorce cases he handled in
cause of it all. 1947 were student affairs, the at-

The Council on Racial Equality,
a student-faculty group at Penn-
sylvania State College, has pro-
posed setting up its own barber
shop as the answer to discrimina-
tion by local barbers.
The council is selling tickets,
priced at $1 and good for 25 cents
on each of four haircuts. Proceeds
will go to the new shop or to any
present shop which will stop dis-
criminat ing.
In the March issue of "Junior
Bazaar." a symposium of Ivy
League students noted that there
is always one stock phrase which
becomes the cliche of every house
party and agreed that the coed
who can still laugh when it's ut-
tered for the thousandth time is
the heroine of the week-end.

(EDITOR's NOTE: 'this is the
fourth in a series or descriptive ar-
Si('es Colclnrning the Stildefti Legis-
lat tre coit mit tee system.)
Beer at the Union may be some-
thing in the far distant future.
but members of the Student Leg-
islature Varsity Committee are
"working on it."
Although concentrating on such
mundane subjects as football and
basketball ticket distribution
(wvith new plans makingtit more
equitable and efficient, the Var-
sity Committee also plans to push
construction of a women's swim-
ming pool, get permanent seats
at football games for disabled vet-
erans and is now investigating
possibilities of building a club
house at the golf course.
Next Year's Plans
Homecoming activities-Varsity
Night, displays, the pep rally and
the dance-are also within the
realm of the committee, with next
year's plans already being formu-
Also concerned with all-campus
events, the Social Committee of

the Legislature has functions
ranging from the calendaring of
fund drives and coordinating
events, to initiating and promot-
ing jazz concerts and sings. Mem-
bers are currently working on
plans to hold an all campus con-
cert with "Frankie Laine or Oscar
Themes and Papers
Freshman English and political
science students may find them-
selves doing themes and term pa-
pers on student government if
plans of the Legislature Publicity
Committee materialize.
The committee, in charge of all
publicity for the Legislature and
the local National Student Asso-
ciation, will soon issue a pamphlet
on the history of student govern-
ment at the University.
Students interested in working
on any of the committees may
contact Bob Ballou, Varsity Com-
mittee chairman, Tony Spada or
Shirley Osgood, Social Committee
co-chairmen, or Barbara Newman,
Publicity Committee chairman.

Pulct-omte himn

Rev. Ernest Mallis, former mis-
sionary to India from Toronto,
Canada, will speak on "The Sig-
nificance of the Resurrection" at
the Michigan Christian Fellowship
meeting at 4:30 p.m. today in Lane
* * *
The Congregational - Disciples
Guild will meet for supper and a
program of singing at 6 p.m. today
at the Congregational Church.
The Grace Bible Guild will give
a cost supper at 6:15 p.m. today in
Fellowship Hall at the Church.
Radio Workshop Drama
The ironical story of a college
professor who imagines that he's
the richest man in the world will
be presented by the Michigan Ra-
dio Workshop at 10:45 p.m. today
over WHRV.
'Mad Money," is an engrossing
psychological drama adapted for
radio by Leah Marlin from a story
by Charles Orwick. It will feature
Don Kleckner as the misled pro-
The "Radio Workshop" is di-
rected this week by Audrey Law-
rence. Roger Allan, James Lynch,
Dawn Demont, Charles Floyd and
Roger Shepard are also included
in the cast.



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