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March 27, 1948 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-27

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T tit, - At1A4V

w3LYl (.'.C4 Yl'Y i illf6' N -say iij' . i

iii. G.. .W...C ..A. D.Y.. .. ..n. . ..1948.

Now's the Tiimie

IN A POKER GAME, when somebody gets
his bluff called and can't back it up, he
loses-Ed Shaffer and MYDA have been
caught with a handful of useless cards and
the campus has a chance for a new deal.
MYDA has had its bluff called on the
Czechoslovakian issue and shown itself to
be too far gone for this campus.
MYDA and her members are finished, and
now . .
This is the perfect time to reorganize
the liberal element on campus. The mass of
alphabet groups, ranging from ADA to
YPCM is sometimes breathtaking and some-
times amusing. The average student when
he sees three or four capital letters strung
together says to himself, "Just anotheii
bunch of radicals," and any effect that
the organization might have had is weak-
ened or lost.
One large organization representing
the broad views of over a thousand liberal
students could exert much more force
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.

than 20 r jwith 2_ or 6 mlemnlers.
It cart be done.
There is a broad basis for agreement
among almost all the liberal groups on cam-
pus. They all favor the extension of civil
rights, freedom of expression, academic
freedoin and some sort of economic aid to
the countrmi itsevastated by the last war.
The rest of the program can be worked
A single organization which would corre-
late the activities of all these little groups
could channelize and clarify student opin-
ion and carry a lot of weight.
A program of coordinating the variou:t
liberal groups is feasible now that MYDA
has shown her true colors and certain other
campus "personalities" have identified
F'ailing this the existing organizations
must continue in their limited way, join-
ing once in a while on the big issues but
never able to use the potential force that
they have in combination.
Without permanent coordination, those
groups will continue as they are, with the
mass of students unable to keep up with
the activities, or as some of them see it,
the antics, of the multitude of organizations.
-Al Blumrosen.


Price of A.pirin

W HILE CONGRESS was debating the tax
cut, someone should have written in an
amendment providing for the office of
Grand Imperial Wizard in charge of fi-
nances. It is going to take one versed in
necromancy and sleight of hand to keep
the government out of the financial caul-
dron of boiling oil now that the tax cut
has been passed.
Without going into whether or not a de-
fense program is necessary to solve our dif-
ficulties with Russia, it is certain that a
draft and UMT cannot be had for nothing
should Congress get behind the President's
requests. Even the die-hard taxcutters wig;
nj deny that a defense program is going
to cost money and lots of it. But in cutting
the budget and taxes where a certain veto
seems unlikely to be sustained, Congress
somehow neglected to provide revenue to
meet the increased costs. In other words,
if a defense program is established, it will
have to be done by deficit financing. Those
who howled the loudest when the New

Deal did some deficit financing will find
themselves guilty of having caused it.
At the risk of being called a wet blanket,
it is still pertinent to point out that the
inflation problem has not appreciably
changed in the last few weeks. It is as much
a reality as the Truman Doctrine. The only
difference is that it has been forgotten since
the picayune grain market drops a few
weeks ago. For all the silence about prices,
no one has detected a fall in the cost of
living, nor has anyone found the key to
effect that panacea, increased production.
More common sense and less vote sense
might help Congress to a clearer solution.
At peak production and employment, a
tax cut is not likely to reduce total effec-
tive demand, the only means of cutting
prices at full employment.
With the added dollars feeding the boom
even the wizard will have trouble keeping
down the price of aspirin for his personal
-Jake Hurwitz.

W~ronig Approach

r HE PRICE OF PEACE: It is commonly
recognized that peace cannot be had
for a penny, that we must make sacrifices
for it,in the form of aid to friendly nations,
etc. But there is another price which must
be paid for peace, which is not so commonly
agreed upon. That price is a willingness to
quarrel with and oppose those at home who
are wrong on this issue. Some observers have
an odd feeling that we Americans, in our
current mood, are even willing to risk a
war abroad in preference to a knock-down
debate at home. The curious history of the
bipartisan agreement on foreign policy could
be cited to support this finding. The bipar-
tisan agreement was originally dreamed up
as a method of ensuring the adoption of the
UN charter by the United States Senate.
That was its sole purpose and justification;
it was a bipartisan agreement for peace. In
the three years which have intervened, the
bipartisan agreement has been extended
while the goal, for one reason or another,
was being lost. There are even some who
consider that we have subtly come to regard'
bipartisanship itself, rather than peace, as
our aim, so that we have progressively ad-
justed ourselves to a tougher and tougher
foreign policy, of a kind which could accom-
odate the most angry passions within the
bipartisan alliance, though these moves have
obviously made peace itself less likely of
achievement. A cynic might mutter loathe-
somely (end probably to himself, these
days) that if the price for getting support
for a program is to throw the program away,
the price is too high. Sometimes the un-
avoidable price of peace is a whale of a
FASCINATION: An irresistible charm of
influence, put forth by that which, usually,
stands at a little distance, and must be
observed from afar, as, for example, the
attraction which peace exerts in a time of
war, or, in some cases, war in a time of
THE HOTOOT: A low form of humor,
which consists of inflicting a sudden, pain-
ful surprise on the victim; as for example,
the effect produced by inserting a lighted
match between the sole and upper of some-
one's shoe, or by an American speech to th
UN suddenly abandoning support for Amer-
ica's own plan for the partition of Pales-
THE TWIST: A technical term, much
used in Hollywood, for tacking a new ending
to an old story. The essence of "the twist"
is surprise, a change in the formula. An
example might be a narrative about a poor
boy who works hard, rises in the world
and has to choose between a rich girl he
meets and a poor girl he has left behind;
if he were to marry the rich girl and live
in perfect happiness ever after, that would
be a twist. Another example would be a
tale about a simple American, who rises
from farming to running a small shop, then
gets into politics. He works hard and be-
comes a Senator, and later the vice-presi-
dent. On the death of the incumbent, he
takes over the chief office in the land. It
is a time of great difficulty; and though he
knows almost nothing about foreign af-
fairs, and has little experience in admin-
istration, he manages to make such a
muddle in so many fields that after three
years almost nobody wants him to run
(Copyright 1948 New York Post Corporation)
MaCArthur Facts
MacArthur has been bombasted in Daily
editorials, no real facts for the criticism have

been given. Well here are some things that
MacArthur has done in Japan that we feel
are unbecoming to a presidential aspirant.
MacArthur has been given almost a carte
blanche in Japan, and he has been using his
power with the undemocratic brutality of a
dictator. Over and above the normal amount
of red tape in which the Army almost inev-
itably becomes entangled, MacArthur has
managed to prolong or make impossible
many of the decisions made at Potsdam.
Elimination of the military influence on
the Japanese government is not being car-
ried out. Prince Higashi-Kuni, Hirohito's
uncle, the "gentleman" who condemned the
Doolittle fliers to death by beheading, is
free to do as he pleases without trial. Jap-
an's economic crisis is partially due to un-
avoidable conditions, but has been mag-
nified by MacArthur's bungling.
MacArthur has been enforcing a stringent
censorship of press reports reaching the
U.S. He has made it impossible for corre-
spondents to check stories outside of Tokyo
and return afterwards (unless, of course,
they have been uncritical of his regime).
Some correspondents, like Bill Costello of
CBS, found upon coming back to Tokyo
from checking a story outside the capitol,
that "no housing arrangements could be
made for him," and Mr. Costello was forced
to return to the States.
Adverse criticism of MacArthur, as a
presidential candidate, is stricken from
magazines and newspapers reaching Amer-
icans in the occupation zones. A few days
ago, Colonel Echols, MacArthur's public

(fIi i f ?:'II ":3 re o ri
fromt imo fih orhmrNSA rcI,1m-
the '''it:t- te' o t me aire in /or ho'io-
of S ud n si' ) gi, ii,, a a
1.' The Student DetmonmstIationi
nt h r the (tC11'. O ! '' l-
.Bra"w 'e
tions anyr dein1on.at iou wi(Aal
does not have th.e peiniission o
the police mast be ispt'rI. I
the police have not even been -noti-
fied, the partipaant 5 iii Ii e ti -m-
onsirti't oll can bew arrestLed and'
given stiff sentences in the crimi-
nal courts. These re'ula ions:.
are substantially no differeni
than those of any large (i1 y of th e
U. S., the difference being tIhat in
this case the rerulat ions were po-
tential weapons in tlit 1 iam>, of
one political fo(rce to> 11s' ca
The demonstration consisted of
four separate meetings. and a pa-
rade. Two of thest meetings were?
dispersed by the police. The ol her
two organized the parade. their
numbers being entirely too large
for the police to deal with in an
open section of the city. It is es-
timated that more than 10.000
students participated in one or an-I
other of the four meetings, andI
that from 5,000 to 7.000 in the pa-
rade of students..--
The purpose of the parade was
to support . . . students who were
chosen to go in to see the PresidentG
and inform him that the studentsj
of Prague wanted a retention of
the Parliamentary democratic
form of government, and that they
wanted information concerning
the students who had been arrest-
The mass of the paraders
marched to within half a mile of1
the President's Castle and were
stopped on a narrow street by a
police cordon. The five-man dele-
gation was permitted to pass on
up, and talk to the President's
secretary, with whom they had
previously communicated. After
about 20 minutes, the police or-
dered the rest of the students
massed in the narrow street to dis-
perse, and gave them three min-
utes to do so. The students did not
disperse, so the police drove them
down the narrow street, into two
large squares, rounded them up
there and drove them across the
river. The students finally dis-
persed on the other side of the
In the action one student was

-ii'k ON a bullet Iron ii le rifle of
Sthe pG it and man'Xtre struck
by the rife butits and barrels
wiich the police used to drive
them along. I have made every ef-
fort to trace down the rumors that
sudents vere killed., that more
h i tesiu tot etc but i have not
ben able to -lotover that more
i b s s his injury
be u g recived i'l Ithe foot. Al-
out.Ii he thinks thle sht:t was in-
'mx l~nonal. I thik it wxas ac cidental.
I am ~ IOi\thi a It)older' to fin'e
on 1 Ii a w'c:va issued.
The Prsint Situation of the
Students .
The mas of the students fear
the posibility of expulsion, and
tihey ft ar thatii they are not ex-
pelled they will iot be permitted
to make assing grades on their
final exammiations, and thus will
n ev i ecelve a degree. They won-
der bow they can pass economics
gi en by a Communist professorl
wxiien their 1)revious education has'
been by classical economists. This
school may be defined as 'pro-
My Proposals to the IUS
1. I proposed that a vigorous
protest. be made to the Czech gov-
Srnment against the suppression
of the student demonstration. . .
2. I proposed that the IUS
should vigorously protest against
the arrest of the students, both be-
fore and during the demonstra-
tion. . . .
3. I proposed that the IUS must
protest the forcible dissolution of
its member organization, the Cze-
choslovakian NUS and the IUS
must protest against the assump-
tion of this organization by the ac-
tion committees, which represent-
ed only a minority of Czech stu-
dents. . . .
4. I proposed that the IUS must
protest against the assumption of
the action committees of the au-
thority to expel students and pro-
The Position of the Secretariat
With regard to the first two pro-
posals, the Secretariat felt that we
should investigate the matter more
fully before making any state-
ment. I think it safe to assume
that the secretariat will not issue
any statement of opposition to the
action of police in suppressing the
demonstrations or in arresting the
With regard to the other two
proposAss the Secretariat refused
to take any action whatsoever... .

'ile Daily accords its readers the
privileg of suinitting letters for
Imblicat ion ini this columnit. Subject
to spa'e limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters hearing
the writer's signa ure and address.
Let ters exceeding 3001 words repeti-
iu',letters and letters of a defana-
t<ory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
laste w ~ill nottbe published. 'The
editors reserve the pri ilege o o((n-
denting letters.
* * *
Il(Iy If) l Ir
To the Editor:
brothers presented us with a
situation that might lead to war.
But they have not clearly shown
why the Italian election could
precipitate another war. Here's
may opinion as to:
In the event of a majority vote
for the Communist-Socialist "Peo-
ple's Front." the government will
have a clear mandate to fulfill
the election promises of the coali-
tion . It would be most undemo-
cratic if elected representatives
did not give the people what they
voted for. and if the Italian people
do vote for the Communist-So-
cialist bloc what right does the
United States or any other nation
possess, that gives them the righti
to disregard the electorate?
Why do the Alsop brothers per-
sist in labelling every Communist
victory an aggressive act by
There haven't been any Russian
troops in either Italy or France;
Russia has not used food as a
political weapon in those coun-
tries; yet the largest party in both
countries is the Communist party.
There must be something that the
people see in Communism, and it
most certainly isn't the promise of
Russian food.
Warfare will only be the result
of the Truman bipartisan foreign
policy. The Truman Doctrine
would stop Communism at all
costs; at the cost of disregarding
the desires of the Italian people;
at the cost of supporting the fas-
cist and totalitarian governments
of Greece and China in their un-
justfied civil wars; at the cost of
provoking civil war in Italy; and
even at the cost of provoking an-
other World War.
Let us remember thatdthe
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis drove
the world into war in order to
stop Communism. The world is
moving ahead and guns will never
halt ideas.
-Eddie Yellin.
Literary Supplentent
To the Editor:
THE DAILY is going to publish
a literary supplement.
It is about time that the Uni-
versity of Michigan, nationally
known for its Hopwood awards,
should offer an outlet of expres-
sion for its creative talent. Among
20,000 students there must be a
few who are doing some original
artistic thinking.
The Daily has access to publicity
channels and printing facilities.
The Daily, as an established and
respected publications institution
of this university, is in an ad-
vantageous position to launch the
project within the shortest time.
Realizing both the need for such
a project and their facilities, The
Daily has taken the initiative.
But as The Daily has no doubt
begun to find out, putting out a
literary supplement is an arduous
task. And what is more important,
their work is only half of the ac-
complishment. The ultimate suc-
cess of the project lies with us,
the student body. It is up to us to
support the magazine with our
contributions. It is up to us to
show the sponsors that we wel-
come a literary magazine, that

once in a while we are interested
in attempts to solve more uni-
versal problems than the blunders
of Marshall or Wallace.
The tradition for a literary mag-
azine in this university is poor.
Many of those who have won Hop-
wood awards, or in any other
way received literary recognition,
havenconsistently snubbed all
student attempts within the last
few years. Whether there was a
good reason for this or not, it is
our duty to offer our most earnest
support. Whether this new at-
tempt succeeds or not is to a large
extent the responsibility of the
student body. So let's get to work
and show the sponsors that a lit-
erary magazine is a need of this
student body.
And may I suggest that manu-
scripts be submitted under pseu-
-R. F. Defendini.
Supports Critics
To the Editor:
I FEEL that the endless contro-
versy brought about by The

Daily's musical reviews has now
reached such a point that it can
be considered only as destructive
criticism and insultation. No
matter what opinion is expressed
by Miss Sterne, Mr. Anderson amid
their fellow reporters, they, and
their work are denounced in
scathing terms by various and
sundry people on campus who
may, or may not be qualified to
submit their views on the sub-
I assume that The Daily has set
up some prerequisites which must
be met by aspirant nmusic critics:
what prerequisites tihe letter writ-
ers have is unknown to me--but
tolerance of others' ideas is most
assuredly not among them.
For the whole business boils
down to the reviewer's impression
of a certain concert or recital and
is therefore a personal mattei.
He merely presents to the reading
public what he himself considers
to be a just appraisal of the per-
formance. That is the purpose of
musical criticism; it is not a cam-
pus-wide tabulation of opinion.
Granted that The Daily's review-
ers are neither Olin Downeses or
Sigmund Spaeths, are they not to
be allowed to comment upon mu-
sical events as they see fit with-
out running the risk of being
called incompetent fatheads?
I say with sincerity that if the
condemners of The Daily staff
have a talent for musical crit-
icism they are wvasting their time
writing letters. Reviewing musical
events would be more to their ad-
--Bill Matheson.
* * *
Letter to IRA
To the Editor:
It is a pity that the facts are
not clear in the Ingrahm case. But
no honest American could say the
facts are clear if he went by your
standards. The facts were not
clear when Hitler began to mass-
acre the Jews, or Mussolini tie
Abyssinians, or the Japanese the,
Chinese. The facts are now "not
clear" as to whether the Czechs
are joyously welcoming the Com-
munists, or cringing in fear of
the secret police. The facts will
be no clearer when Finland's turn
comes. What are the facts in
Italy? Are the Communists
threatening the peasants with
sudden retribution if they don't
vote for them? Or is it just the
United States that is threatening
to let the Communists keep their
promise to turn down Marshall
Plan aid.
We all sympathize with the In-
grahms, but not because of your
pleadings. You have given up all
claim to being the advocate for
the oppressed.
-Robert J. Good, Grad.


F_ r

Letters to the Editor...










ONE MORE FRAGMENT of news has been
handed out to the American people in
"war scare" fashion.
Navy Secretary John L. Sullivan revealed
to a Senate hearing on American rearma-
ment that foreign submarines have been
sighted "recently" off the United States'
He would not evaluate the significance of
these submarines; he declined to inform his
listeners or the United States as a whole
t Kellogg Auditorium
THE PURITAN, with Jean-Louis Bar-
rault, Pierre Fresnay and Viviane Ro-
mance. Directed by Jeff Musso.
SINCE THE CENTRAL character in "The
Puritan" embodies all that is ridiculous
in moral censorship, nothing could have
been more natural for the censors than to
condemn without a second thought the
picture. It was an act of self-preservation.
Concerning the other charges against the
film-that it is lascivious, immoral, etc., etc.
-I. suspect they were brought into play in
order to conceal the real issue, namely, that
the guardians of this country's morals were
undoubtedly reluctant to sanction anything
that was so damaging to their own pride.
Francis Ferriter, as the unritan is known,
is headstrong young journalist whose cen-
sorial turn of mind has led him to the ex-
tremes of religious fanaticism. This fanati-
cism, in turn, leads him to stage a private
war on sin. He comes to feel that he is an
instrument of divine justice whose duty
it is to expose immorality.
The film opens with a prolonged scene of
Ferriter carrying out his program by plot-
ting and executing the murder of a girl
whom he regards as a libertine and con-
sequently as a symbol of the evil he would
erase from society. The drama never quite
matches the pitch set in this initial se-
quence but contents itself for the most
part with a clinical study of the gradual
collapse of Ferriter's conscience - and
It is a credit to the Gallic touch that
it was able to handle a theme as serious
as this one with a good deal of humor. A

just where the subs were from; he did not
say where or when they were sighted; he
would not even answer, when asked, whether
or not United States warships had been
ordered to take action against unidentified
subs in American waters.
In other words; Secretary Sullivan was
very mysterious about the whole thing. He
informed the Senators, "Submarines not be-
longing to any nation west of the Iron Cur-
tain have been sighted off our shores."
If Secretary Sullivan meant, and many
seem to think he did, that Russian sub-
marines were on the prowl in American
waters, assuming that this is dangerous in
itself, why didn't he come out and say so?
If he meant that this is a parallel to the
1917 and 1941 actions of German sub-
marines, why didn'tl he point it out and be
done with it?
If he world call a spade a spade, he
would receive the serious attention of the
American people. By being mysterious, he
will either scare or repel them. They will
either leap blindfolded into another war,
or, which is more likely, become disgusted
and ignore the important defense news
coming from Washington.
It is like the boy who cried "Wolf"-when
fragmentary news, presented sensationally,
is given out repeatedly, the people will tire
of it and pay little attention to something
really important. Obviously, this is not the
reactiaon sought by Washington. They want
the country to be awake to a grave situa-
Secretary Sullivan also said he would be
glad to reveal in secret session "the time,
places and by whom the submarines were
sighted." And why in secret? If we cannot
hear the whole thing, if it is that secret, we
would prefer to hear nothing at all.
-Lilias Wagner.
c 'I

Publication in 'The Dcaily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room
1021 Angeil Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day precedinlmg bicatioun 1:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVIII, No. 125
Kappa Kappa Gamma offer's
three fellowships of $500 each for
graduate study. Women are eligi-
ble if they are thirty years of age
or younger, citizens of the United
States or Canada, BA degree to be
obtained on or before July 1, 1948
from any college or University
having a chapter of Kappa Kappa
Gamma. Application blanks can
be obtained at the Office of the
Dean of Women.
Job Opportunities Conference
sponsored by the Bureau of Ap-
pointments will be held Wed.,
March 31, 4 p.m., Natural Science
Auditorium. Representatives of the
Ford Motor Company and the So-
cony-Vacuum Oil Company will
discuss job opportunities in their
fields. Questions will be invited.
All students interested are urged
to attend.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations
in Economics will be held during
the week beginning Monday, May
3. Each student planning to take
these examinations should leave
with the Secretary of the Depart-,
ment not later than Friday, April
2, his name, the three fields in
which he desires to be examined,
and his field of specialization.

Events Today
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Full rehearsal, 2 p.m., Michigan
The Art Cinema League and the
Lawyer's Guild will present Jean
Louis Barrault and Vivianne Ro-
mance in THE PURITAN. French
Dialogue, English Titles. Also "The
Nuremburg Trials." Saturday and
Sunday, 8:30 p.m., Kellogg Audi-
torium. Tickets available at Uni-
versity Hall today from 10 a.m. to
noon. Tickets available at the door
before each performance.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Annual Purim Party, 8 p.m. Danc-
ing, games, refreshments, and fes-
tive decorations. All students are
Coming Events
Pre-Medical Society: Organiza-
tional meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon.,
March 29, Rm. 305, Michigan Un-
ion. Speaker: Dr. Gordon K. Moe.
Recreational Swimming-Women
There will be no recreational
swimming at the Union Pool on
Saturdays until Sat., April 17.
Michigan Sailing Club: Meet 9
a.m., Sun., March 28, Michigan
Union, for Whitmore Lake.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Jelly Roll Morton will be inter-
viewed Sun., March 28, 8 p.m.,
Grand Rapids Room, Michigan
League. Everyone invited.
Graduate Outing Club: meet for
bicycling and horseback riding,

Fifty-Eighth Year
. 1

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell .......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy .............. City Editor
Harrlett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes......... Associate Editor
Joan Katz............ Associate Editor
Fred Schott ........ Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson....... Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Bess Hayes ................. Librarian
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick......General Manag,,
Jeanne Swendeman ...... Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. M!ance Manager
Dick Halt.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatched credited to it of
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein are 'also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press
1947-4 8

Looking Back

From the pages of The Daily
Lieut. G. C. Mullen, speaking in Ann
Arbor, expressed his belief that girls shoulO
all receive military training and be com-
pelled to wear uniforms "not to teach them
to shoot. but to obey immediately and to
act intelligently in a crisis."
Fires broke out in several fraternity and

2:30 p.m., Sun., March 28, north-
History 50 midsemester exam west entrance, Rackham Bldg.
scheduled for March 29, 2 p.m., Sign up at Rackham check desk
West Gallery, Alumni Memorial before noon Saturday. All gradu-
Hall, for A to M inclusive, and ate students welcome.
Room B, Haven Hall, for N to Z.
Russian Club: Mon., March 29.
Speech 176 will meet at the us- 8 p.m., International Center. Film:
ual time on Monday, March 29, at "Peoples of the U.S.S.R." Refresh-
the University Speech Clinic. ,;ments. All interested are invited.



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