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March 13, 1948 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-13

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T~lE Ml~li-A' I AILI

SAT U~AY!-MAR~ 1% 1~4~

It's Not Inevitable

immediate military aid for Greece, Tur-
key and the rest of Western Europe . . the
question of when'the Russians will have the
atom bomb ,... and the inevitable conclusion
that we should strike now, while we have
the atomic upper hand.
All this means an atomic war, soon-
and it is wrong.
The inevitability of a war that hasn't
started can never be a closed issue. But the
many who accept war as inevitable, make
it so, simply by taking it for granted. Only
a 'blithering idiot would deny that if things
continue in their present path, we will
soon be at war with the Soviet government.
Finland will probably be our last "retreat."
We have seen our side of the story. From
our point, from the point that seems to us
to be the truth, Russia has been the ag-
gressor. For the purposes of domination and
the spread of her ideology, she has ex-
panded into Poland, Hungary, Rumania,
Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia.
It would seem that Russia is the sole
villain in a story that will send 250 million
people into a struggle against each other.
And those people do not want to go to war.
Suppose (and it is still just possibly
true) that Russia is not the black-hearted
monster that most Americans think she
is? The alternative reads like this:
,At then end of the war, for reasons of na-
tional security, Russia takes over Poland,
Rumania and Bulgaria. This is not at all un-
likely in view of the number of forces that
have swept across Russia since the time of
Genghis Khan.
Immediately after that, the U.S. an-
nounces the Truman Doctrine, military aid
to Greece and Turkey. The Russians see
this as a threat from the western coun-
tries to her national safety. They take over
More American aid, this time the ERP
for Europe, stressed in this country, not
as a way to build Europe's economy, but
mainly as a way to stop Russia.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only'

Then Czedtoslovakia goes, and soon, un-
less something is done, Finland will follow.
llndoubteuly, bie SOvictt people think that
we are as mnch at fiault in the whole inng
as we believe them to be.
Where does the truth lie?
No one can answer, but the possibility
that we are being plunged into a "war to
end wars" simply because we and the Rus-
sians have misjudged each other's motives
and actions makes the whole thing seem
like one monstrous diabolical joke. A joke
that will take centuries to undo.
Something must be done within the next
month. Our present policy is getting us
nowhere but to war. By what right did
President Truman turn down Stalin's re-
quest for a meeting to discuss the world
The conclusion-the answer--is hard to
find. Getting to it involves accepting a dif-
ferent idea than that which we and our
leaders have been using in the last two
years. It means accepting the principle
that the Russians don't want war, and
gambling on it.
If we lose, war will result, but we will
have tried to save our civilization. But if
we do not try, if we continue as we are, war
will result anyway.
Perhaps it means accepting Henry Wal-
At any rate, it means giving up this,
"you are all wrong" attitude and trying to
find a common ground with Russia. If
there is a chance that this common
ground exists; we must find it, and soon.
In a practical sense, this means another
conference with the Russians, preferably
while movies of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and
Bikini are shown.
If we can assume that the Russians are
afraid of us-as much as we fear them-
we must show them, not that we are stronger
than they, but that they do not have to
fear us. If this involves pulling out mili-
tarily from some of our eastern outposts, it
must be done.
But who will take the initiative in this
country? Who is willing to toss the dice first
in this gamble?
Can 20,000 college students do anything
to influence the course of history?
-Al Bhunrosen.

Food (ries
11Hr E BOYS iN the Quairangles must have
.deci(Ied the tuine wVfS ripe for their
dme ct tas1 fod 'ripe. And in urder to nm ke
1.i 1 h:i -V ('! uI'i IlearS of ( I b}' Siiiply 1(1-
rile coindiit ions. iy 1hse I aken to Cho
radio v,1it1h Ithieir woe.
Despite the addition of broadcasting, the
gripe is the same beef that has always been
sound(ed (and disproved> in the past. The
men severely criticize the way in w,,hich food
is prcpared fIO servin [n. They charge- that the
University (101s not "tell us where our
money is going."
They point to the paucity of complaints
in the women's dormitories to support their
,claim of lower food standards in the quads
than in other residence halls.
Yet all the arguments and criticisms
presented by irate quadders boil down to
emotional reasoning. Few of the gripers
find their way to 201, South Wing, and
the office of Francis Sheit, Residence Hall
business manager. Few of them delve into
the actual problems of food preparation to
see just what the score is and why it is.
They have forgotten a few pertinent facts:
1. Dormitories are self-supporting, the
proceeds from one being used to pay off
another. The state supplies no funds for
dorm construction or maintenance.
2. The University's rate of $1.50 per day
is the most inexpensive charge made in Ann
Arbor for 3 full, well-balanced meals served
in clean, wholesome surroundings.
3. All domitory foods are ordered at one
time and all menus are approximately equal
over the period of a week. Everyone, men
and women, eat the same food, under
the same conditions of preparation. Perhaps
the women are more sympathetic to the
problems of food preparation or just know
good food when they see it.
4. Without dormitories, many students
would be financially unable to attend the
5. All menus are prepared according to
high dietary standards. No one is missing
his calories.
The only support for the food gripers is
an extremely rare potato that didn't get
cooked all the way through. In 15 months of
quad life ,this writer has discovered only
two cases of poor preparation. That is a
pretty low percentage.
The quadrangles are serving an, ex-
tremely useful function on campus and it
is a sorry state-of-affairs when they must
regularly face the unreasoning emotion
of those whom they serve.
--Craig H. Wilson.


Letters to the Editor

"He hated studying
are mathematicians."

until I told him all successful gamblers


Where It Belongs

HE SUPREME COURT'S recent decision
against compulsory religious training in
public schools was long overdue.
Religious belief cannot be taught in
schools; it has no place among academic
subjects. The strong emotional feeling in-
herent in religious beliefs is impossible to
teach, and embarrassing to "non-believers"
who perceive it in other people.
Since practically all religion is based on
matters of a divine nature, the very prac-
tical-minded child cannot quite conceive
that the Bible and his teacher of religion
are telling him the truth, unless he has
become indoctrinated to such beliefs at
THIS SHOULD BE in the form of a pre-
diction. No attempt will be made for
quite some time to clear Dr. Condon of the
charges'leveled at him by the Un-American
"Activities Committee."
J. Parnell Thomas has shown that he is
more interested in showing his dictatorial
powers over an executive branch of the gov-
ernment than he is in clearing the innocent
man he has attacked. It is to Thomas's po-
litical benefit to keep Condon's loyalty in
The facts which brought the Commerce
Department to its decision that Condon was
innocent are available to the Un-American
Activities group. But Thomas wants to ob-
tain them from only one source, the Com-
merce Department itself. There is no at-
tempt being made to prove any of the
lharges leveled at the scientist other than
the dubious one that Condon was sworn into
of fic by Henry A. Wallace.
Now the Un-American Activities Commit-
ee is actually censoring the Congressional
Record. Remarks which were entered in it
y a :o ssman defending Condon and at-
takn tue Committee have been stricken
from the Record. True, there was a majority
vote in the House. But can the words of a
congressman be silenced, when he is a duly
authorized representative of the American
people and supposedly free to speak on any
issue in Congress?
-Don McNeil
Strange Protection
TWCO HUNDRED thousand dollars was
granted to the House Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee this week the largest
appropriation ever authorized for this
group. But still nobody is quite sure of
just what is "un-American."
The committee, it seems is indispensable
in protecting our security from Communism
and the agents of the Soviet Union. This is
ostensibly accomplished by applying a pair
of scissors to an FBI report on Dr. Condon.
The sentiments are noble, but the meth-

If the parents want to teach the child
a religion, let them send him to thier own
church so he can haVe a unified faith.
If the parents don't imbue the child with
any religious beliefs, a public school with
its heterogeneous faiths is no place for him
to become acquainted with religion.
The supreme court was not talking of
universities' Bible or religious survey
courses: it's decision dealt with religious
training given in elementary and secondary
public schools.
Nor was its decision a triumph for "god-
lessness and bigotry." If a child is going to
believe in God, he will not become a believer
by being subjected to pedagogic, and fre-
quently inaccurate public school religious
It also seems likely that bigotry would
be fostered by telling a child about religions
different from his when he is too immature
to understand and excuse foreign faiths.
Another factor that must be considered
is the frequent prejudice of teachers who
cannot hide their intolerance when dis-
cussing faiths different from their own.
Consider Mrs. McCollum's son, who had
beeen taught no religion at home when
he was arbitrarily confronted with it at
school. That particular boy, like many of his
contemporaries, had been embarrassed by
not wanting to attend religious training
classes when his friends did. He was em-
barrassed because he did not want to be
set apart.
Why, then, since there are many in-
stances similar to this, should religious
training be dragged into the schools. It is
a matter of subjective values-if you need
-ome form of religion, "seek and ye shall
find," but not from the public school peda-
-Fran Ivick.
MICHIGAN'S "one-man grand jury" sys-
tem has been condemned by the Supreme
Court in a decision which ordered William
Oliver freed from a sixty-day sentence for
contempt of court.
The majority opinion, written by Associ-
ate Justice Hugo L. Black, declared that
the investigation of a gambling case for
which Oliver had been called as a witness
suddenly "became a trial, the grand jury be-
came a judge and the witness became an
accused charged wtih contempt of court-
all in secret."
But since Oliver did not challenge the
"traditional power of Michigan to grant in-1
quisitorial grand jury power to a single1
judge" the court did not pass on the legal-
ity of the law. It merely held that Oliver
had been unfairly treated.
It is unfortunate that the constitutional-
ity of the system was not in question. This
is not the first time, nor will it be the last,

art which will be on display until March
25th in the West Gallery of Alumni Memor-
ial Hall is the result of the combined efforts
of the Center for Japanese Studies and the
University Museum of Art. It contains an
excellent selection of wood block prints,
scrolls, screens, wood sculpture, lacquer,
textiles, masks, arms and printing. Repre-
sented here are both ancient and modern
examples of traditional folk crafts and high-
ly sophisticated arts. The entire exhibit has
been gathered from the collections of Uni-
versity faculty members, students and
Deserving of special comment is one of
the former national treasures of Japan, the
Hyakamanto, one of the noted "Million
Pagodas," loaned by Prof. and Mrs. Joseph
K. Yamagiwa. Very few of these once nu-
merous pagodas, which were made in the
eighth century, remain in existence today,
and the one exhibited here is among the
finest. Contained within 'the pagoda, ~itself
a sacred symbol, is a prayer scroll, which is
an example of the world's earliest print-
One of the most unusual aspects of this
exhibit is a group of true Japanese Bonsai
or dwarf trees, developed over a period
of many years by Mr. Chester Sherman.
The cultivation of these trees is a recognized
art in Japan.
The ink paintings range from landscapes,
magnificently abstracted as only an Oriental
can, to portraits and caricatures. Con-
trasted with these monochromes are brilliant
gilt and colored screens and narrative scrolls
and a small group -of color block prints.
Noteworthy among the latter are Utamaru's
While it is unfortunate that ceramics have
had to be omitted due to the lack of display
cases, the whole exhibit is very satisfactory
in its informal and inviting arrangement
and in the scope of the arts presented.
-James M. Plumer.
Lafcadio Stern.
-Margery Wald.
Looking Backward
From the pages of The Daily:
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley urged Americans
not to question the war or the method
of conducting it and to give their whole-
hearted support to President Wilson.
German aircraft bombed Paris, killing 34
and injuring 79.
British troops in Palestine pushed forward
against stiff Turkish resistance northwest
of Jerusalem.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
mnembers of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angel Hall, by 3:00 P.m. on the day
,receding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
* * *.
VOL. LVII, No. 114
Contract for senior ball pic-
tures: Sealed bids from those de-
siring the contract for senior ball
pictures will be accepted by the
Senior Ball Central Committee.
Send bids to Lucile Kennedy, 1503
Washtenaw by Sat., March 20.
Notice To Teacher Candidates:
Dr. George H. Baker, Director of
Personnel of the Detroit Board of
Education, will be on campus
Thurs., Marchi 18. at 4 p.m. for a
discussion meeting with teacher
candidates interested in an as-
signment to the Detroit City
School System. Place of meeting
to be announced later.
Information regarding the fol-
lowing scholarships and fellow-
ships available through other in-
stitutions for women students has
been received at the Office of the
Dean of Women:
New York University, School of
Retailing, Washington Square,
New York 3, New York. Twelve
tuition scholarships and six re-
search fellowships are offered to
college graduates interested in
preparing for executive careers in
retailing. Applicants apply to
above address.
Katharine Gibbs Schools in Bos-
ton, Chicago and New York offer
two memorial scholarships, each
equal to tuition and $300 cash to
seniors. Award depends upon
scholarship, financial need and
character. Applicants should ad-
dress the Katharine Gibbs School,
230 Park Avenue, New York 17,
New York, and applications are
due by April 1.
Barnard College, Columbia Uni-
vasity, New York, New York, of-
fers a Public Service Fellowship
to a woman college graduate (un-
dergraduate degree to have been
received between 1940 and 1948 in-
clusive) from an institution in the
midwest. Award depends upon
promise of usefulness in the pub-
lic service. The fellowship pays
$1800 and may be used for study
in one of the fields of the social
sciences at any approved college
or university. Candidates must be
citizens. Application is due by
April 1.
Radcliffe College, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, offers graduate fel-
lowships in the Management
Training Program. Application
should be made to Mr. T. North
Whitehead, Management Training
Program, Radcliffe College, Cam-
bridge, 38, Massachusetts.
Mills College, Oakland 13, Cali-
fornia, offers five resident fellow-
ships to candidates for the degrees
of Master of Arts and Master of
Education who are interested in
pursuing a curriculum designed to
prepare them for personnel work
in the high schools, colleges of so-
cial agencies. The fellowships are

for board, room and tuition. Resi-
dent fellow will serve as assistant
in a residence hall. Appointment
is for a two year period. Other fel-
lowships are available in a variety
of fields and these fellows serve as
departmental assistants. ,
Western Reserve University,
School of Applied Social Sciences.
A fellowship amounting to $1800
during a two year course is offered
at this institution by the Chil-
dren's Services of Cleveland, Ohio.
College graduates who have ma-
jored in sociology or psychology
with a better than average schol-
astic standing may apply. This
scholarship carries an obligation
for accepting employment with
Children's Services for at least one
year. Application blanks must be
filed by April 15 and may be se-
cured from Miss Elizabeth B.
Noyes, Children's Services, 1001
Huron Street, Cleveland 15, Ohio.
Indiana University offers nine
graduate assistantships for train-
ing women in personnel guidance.
The stipend covers board and
room. Holders of these fellowships
will carry part-time academic
work and fulfill part-time service
in the women's residence halls.
Applications must be received be-
tween February 1 and June 1 and
forms can be secured from Dr.
Kate H. Mueller, Counselor for
Women, Indiana University,
Bloomington, Indiana.
Columbia University, School of
Business, offers graduate assist-
antships, fellowships and scholar-
ships to qualified graduate and
undergraduate students seeking
degrees in business. Application
blanks must be obtained from the
Dean of the School of Business,
Columbia University, New York
27, New York, and should be filed
Academic Notices
Psych. 88: There will be no quiz
Monday, March 15.
Accounting Ahievelnnt Te4
Results: All students enrolled in
Business Administration 12 (Eco-
nomics 72) last semester who took
the American Institute of Ac
countants Achievement Test may
obtain their grades in Room 108
Tappan Hall during the week of
March 15.
Strong Vocational Interest Test
Reports on these tests taken by
accounting students last month
are now ready for distribution in
Room 108, Tappan Hall. On Wed.
March 17, Prof. Schmidt will mee
with those who took the test and
wish further information on th
interpretation of results. In orde
to accommodate all students two
such sessions will be held in Room
102, Architecture, one at 3 p.m
and the second at 4 p.m.
Events Today
Radio Program:
Congregational-Disciples Guild
Fireside, 7:30-9 p.m., Guild House
Rev. Virgil Sly will speak on th
subject, "The Challenge of a
Emerging People."
(Continued on Page 4)

EDITOR"'S NOTE: Ree-ise The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the1
writers only. Letters of more than1
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the disreion of the edi-
torial director.
* * 9
Swim Faclites
To the Editor:
T SEEMS rather odd for a uni-
versity the size of Michigan,
which is rated among the top
schools for physical education and
prides itself n this rating, no
to have adequate facilities for
women's swimming.
That a new pool is needed is
obvious if one considers the pres-
ent facilities. Women can use the
Union pool for only 45 minutes
on Tuesday and Thursday eve-
uings and two hours Saturday
mor-ning. This is not enough time
to learn to swim for those who
are able to go then, and also these
are inconvenient and impractical
hours. The only other place wom-
en can swim is in the Barbour
Pool, which for reasons obvious
to those who have seen it, is pop-
ularly called 'The Bathtub." No-
body could call this puddle ade-
quate; it is virtually impossible
to learn to swim in it. For those
who already know how to swim,
there is only one hour a week
for recreational swimming! In ad-
dition to this, the Michifish, with
only one hour a week to practice,
are expected to compete withl
schools like Michigan State which
have large women's pools. The
Michifish are definitely handi-
capped because of lack of time
to practice and because the Sat-
urday morning meeting time lim-
its the membership by cutting
out those with Saturday morn-
ing classes.
These facilities are not ade-
quate for a university with 5,000
girls. The Barbour "Bathtub" is
too minute and the Union Pool
is not available for anywhere near
enough time. The logical conclu-
sion is that we need a new pool.
Drowning is one of the biggest
causes of death every year, and
the best safeguard against this is-
to teach people to swim. Aside
from that, the sport is fun and
has a high recreational value.
Every woman student should be
given an opportunity to learn to
swim for her own recreation and
protection. She has not that op-
prtuiity now. A new women's
pool would provide that oppor-
--The Michifish.
(Women's Swimming Club.)
Dascola Trial
To the Editor:
PARALLEL with Mr. MacNaugh-
ton's suggestion that a tran-
script of the Dascola Trial be
sent, by the IRA, to the Michigan
State Board of Examiners of Bar-
bers, I suggest that The Daily
publish a transcript of the trial
for the benefit of its readers. Most
of us have read only short ac-
counts of what transpired at the
trial. Let's keep this deal hot and
actually get some worthwhile re-
i sults. I am truly sorry that I
have never patronized the Dascola
establishment just so I might have
the pleasure of discontinuing the
practice now.
As a side issue, I would like
to go on record as being against
the remarks (I hear) Mr. Conlin
made regarding the preponder-
ance of student and faculty wit-
nesses. I sincerely hope that these
remarks had no effect in in-
fluencing the jury, for if students
, and faculty have fallen into such
low repute with the residents of
my home town I may soon be
faced with an ultimatum to retur
to the west side of Division Street
or be disinherited.
-Jack Vealy.

ED. NOTE: - No transcript
was made of the Dascola trial.
Y ..
Positive Coal
z To the Editor:
' N HER STRUGGLE for survival
there are two things which
e America badly needs at this mo-
r ment. One is a clearer definitior
0 of the issues involved; the other
a is a firmer grip on the loyalties
of her racial minorities. The ont
might help to bring about th(
As to issues, America got off to
a bad start when President Tru-
man announced that our goal is
to "stop Communism." A negative
goal is never inspiring, and ideas
cannot be stopped by bullets anc
dollars, but only by better ideas.
What, then, is our goal? Wha'
do we as Americans stand for that
e Russia doesn't, that Russia can'
n stand for, and that is better thai
what Russia stands for? The an-
swer seems to be self-determina

liol of peoples. Without a single
exception, the countries which
Russia has taken over were seized
against the \vill of the majority,
by strategy which prevented the
expression of that will. Self-deter-
mination is therefore a principle
which Russia cannot honestly
champion, and everyone knows it,
Objection will be made that the
principle of self-determination of
peoples split tp Europe after
World War 1 and thus did actual
harm. That is true. It was not,
however, the fault of the prin-
ciple, but the fault of the people,
who did not have enough sense
to stick together, There are signs
today that they have learned
It also will be objected that the
principle of self-determination is
not new. Nor is it. But a principle
does not have to be new to be
good. After all, what is there new
in the world?
The big point is, of course. that
we are not against anyting so
much as we are for something, We
have an excellent platform to
stand on, far above the reach of
Russia and the Russians. Let's
stand on it, Let's make the most
of it,
-Bayard Lyon.
Fair Views
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH I am in no sense
advocating General MacAr-
thur's nomination for the presi-
dency, I feel that I must take
issue with statements made by
Miss Sheila Millman in today's
Miss Millman's statements
would lead one to the conclusion
that the General's election would
necessarily result in (1) poor
statesmanship, (2) militarism in
our government. As to the first,
General MacArthur's brilliant
military record and the record of
Ils administration of the occupa-
tion of Japan, should refute any
arguments concerning his lack of
statesmanship. As to the sugges-
tion of militarism, every American
who is willing to shout for our
form of government and our Con-
stitution should know that the
carefully laid system of checks
and balances on the executive,
legislative, and judicial branches
of our government as contained in
the Constitution precludes our
government from becoming mili-
taristic under the administration
of any one man.
It seems to me that in this year,
when the results of the election
may mean so much to our na-
tion's destiny, that anyone who
attempts to influence the thoughts
of others on the subject should
at least be familiar with the can-
didate and with our form of gov-
ernment before he or she sets out
to "take pot shots" at the candi-
-Roland Godbout.
Fifty-Eighth Year






Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell .......Managing Editos
Dick Maloy .............. City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes...........Associate Editor
Joan Katz.............Associate Editor
Fred Schott......... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ............. Sports Editor
Bob Lent ......Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick......General Manakw
Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
Dick Hait....... Circulation Man~ager
Bess Hayes.............Librarian
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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication
of all news dispatched credited to it of
otherwise credited in this newspaper.
All rights of re-publication of all other
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during the regular
school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,
Associated Collegiate Press




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