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March 11, 1948 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-11

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_ ri t 111 'e_; tl l a . 1'J V AJ L, 1





Publication In The Daily Official
' Blletin Is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletton should be sent In
-" typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the Presidn t, Rom 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the clay
+. preceding publication 0.1 :00 a.m. iat-
VOL. LVIII, No. 112
All employees who wish to have
the Payroll Department deposit
their checks directly in the local
banks may obtain this service by
applying to the Payroll Office al
Room 9, University iHll.
I. P. Briggs,
Vice -Presidenit
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: The fresh-
man five-week progress reports
Ewill be due Fri., March 12, in the
office of the Academic Counselors,
108 Mason Hall.J
Seniors, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Those who
IIhave not paid their senior dues are
..r. requested to do so today at the
booth in University Hall.
The deadline for petitions to the
Hlopwood Committee is March 15.
Freshman Women: There will
., be a few places for 1951 women in
Martha Cook Building for next
year. If interested call Mrs. Die-
kema at 2-3225 for an appoint-
Military Ball tickets on sale
starting Fri., March 12, at the
booth in University I-all, 8-12
noon and 14 pm.
Bureau of Appointments &c occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
Girls' Camp: A representative of
* Camp Keewano Wohelo, Grand
Rapids Camp Fire Girls' Camp,
will be on campus Fri., March 12 to
interview women for positions as
waterfront director and swimming
instructor, canoeing instructor,
camperaft instructor, cabin con -
selors. For appointment Call at
201 Mason Hall or call extension
Work in Forestrvt There is o-
portuniity for men to work al; white
pine blister-rust -c'ontrol work in
the forests of California iuiilit2,
the summer vacation. Supervisory.
technical, and laboring jobs are
available. For further information
call at Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall.
University Lecture: "La Situa-
tion Plitique en France auj our
d'hui." Lucien Wolff, Professor of
English Literature, University of
Rennes, France; auspices of the
Department of Romance Lan-
guages. Thurs., March 11, 4:15
* p.m., a ckh am Amphitheatre.
Open to thle public.
University Lecture: lon. George
J. Burke, of Ann Arbor, Judge of
the Fifth Tribunal Major War
Crimes, will lecture on the sub-
ject "Some Impressions of the
German Occupation" at 4:15 p.m.,
Mon., March 15, Rackham Am-
phitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of Political Science. The
public is invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica will pre-
sent a lecture entitled "Quiroga-
Municipio Michoacano," by Dr.
Donald Brand of the Geology De-
partment, Thurs., March 11, 8

p.m., Rm. D, Alumni Memorial
.Academ'ic .notices
' Concentration Discussion Series:
Thursday, March 11
Sociology, Social Work, and Ur-
ban Community Program-23 1
Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m.
r Prof. R. C. Angell: Sociology as
a Field of Concentration
Prof. A. IE. Wood: The Social
'j Work Program
Prof. Angus Campbell: Social
t Psychology
Prof. A.H. Hawley: Urban Com-
Prof. H. M. Miner: Social An-
Concentration Discussion Series:
Mimeographed material con-
cerning this field of concentration
may be obtained at either the De-
partment office or the Office of
S-141,11ANNi )ASA1 1 $

Elie Academic Counselors;, 10811Mat.
soli hall,
Sem11inar in Applied Mialhniat-
ics: Thurs., March 11, 4 P.m., Rm.
247 W. Engineering. Mr. Paul F.
Chenea of the Department of En-
gineering Mechanics reports on
.tLempts to solve a "Problem ill
laicPlates Arising -inl the
&reaking o1 Ice on Lakes,"
Astrononmical Collo~aitin: Fri.,
March 12, 4 p.m., Observatory.
Robert M. Page will speak on the
subject, "Calculation of Solar T ine
Bacteriology Seminar: Thuri s.,
March 11, 4 p.m., Bacteriology Li-
brary, Rm. 1562, E. Medical Bldg.
Mr. E. A. Van Eck will discuss
"Serological Variation in Salmo-

nella Group." All int de res.ted are
iiii cl
('la!.sid'_l Represen't('tation Mend11-
na.r: 1ur . 1;) pm., 1111. :3010,
Angecll Hall. Prof. Saimehson witll
dl,is SGroup Ill! egrtion,.
PrliinryActuasria11L -, t.ina -
Lion s: Si 1;(ksl anilgto NWrite
tie 1e i'Ei I' lar c taa 1lExm ni-
niC!1:ns shold l+.m~aetheir applica-
tionlSsent ;i !.otohe iCollege En~-
trance'( Exam.inlation Boarid, P...
Box 592, rne n New Jersey.
not later than March 15. Further
informnationabu these examl i l
tions may be (dbtained at, Fern. :1016
Angell 11811.
Museum of Art. Alumni Memo-

Saiturday;s 10-12 ari.2-; ltie<
T]](' ib L ion at' , t O I t seIllArt :Wes
Gaililry. .Aluni Moia't; l h i!
urn of Art. March 11 through
March 25. Oipening itiday at 1

Sevie raeniy.Metigof all Fouresters, Club: Stanley G. Fonl- faculty membeJrs of tle: techntical
ci nenb+. n a;il l mn ~tite£resl-t- ti.aairctoir of the Depa1rtmet colle"( 11arivtd
ed llplegig tis5P1715ter~7 (do C Onservt Oll ~of NMichiglan,\ ill
Mil1t~nUin.I~ a 73 mRm. ?(182. Tt- yolmng Dem'tocrats: 7:30 p-m.,
Hende~irson Poom .IM1i chIiga
iInternat1 ina l 'ter weekly tea:; iia l Si BceBld.Anyone intot - I gl
Alya _.i;Moderu Poetry C('hit): 8 p.17171. Group: i7:301 p.m.._ Michigan Un7io..
Tw;is "Te 0htiiate u b'School ecord t n ~egi.Mr. Newmian will lead the1C xWorld"
ert : 7:45;, p.ma., Eas,-t Loungec!discussion of Wallace Stevens. .. ....-


March 12, 3-4:30 p.m.. Micig.Fan
Leagtue Coke Bar. Student-, and
I acuIty mem1Cnbers invited.
'u itedf World Federalists World
Government ('ollege Forum Ca'm-
mnittee: 4:30 p.m., 3rd floor, Mich-
ga,: n Inion. Remlaining tetattive
romnnittee rc ports dlue. Anyi stu-
dent interr eedinl working; on this
lf. ctis invited.
11014.1 Friday Evening ServieeB,
M\arch 12, 7 :45 p.m. Oneg Shabbat.
"W1e Sing; as We, Climb," sponsored
bI.Z.F.A. Everyone welcome.
('orn'd beef 'Corner, B'nai B'rith
Hlillel F oundation : Open to all
s;tudenrts Saturday, 10:30 p.m. tb
Rcmd The Daily

vela I


iZ: t ,i(o Program:
5 :45-6. WPAG-- ('aui-lpo>News.
TIau Bieta Ili: 7:15 pm.Mic~hi-
gan Union.

I3EL'TOVFh :1 5tH Quartet,
H-A r~r)N: 97th Symphony, in C':
L~.idoi Pith rnurl('orchest ra.
MOZAT: ivetnnntoNO. 17
inll DF'K. 334; Le'i' Quarllte'tb, Au-
- - Y Brain and De-nnis Brain.
All g.-aduatCe students are invit-
ed; silence is rf'luesteci.

American1 Ordnance Association:
8 p).n., Rm. 304. Michigan Un-t
ion. Pro,"f. W. G. Dow will speak on
the subject, "Tile V-2 Rockets in,
tile United States" (illustrated)
Captured GerIm an teelmnicolorj
movies and a black and wh~lite filmfZ
covering operations at Ordnance's
Wh ite Sands Proving Grounds~
will be shown. ROTC students, lo-
cal industrialists, and students or

ILithuanian ('lub:
Michigan League. All
Students invited.

ContiF a Evens
Delta Epsilon Pi fraternity: ri,-
March 12. 7 p.m., Rmn. 305, M ichii-
gan Union. Dance and social pro-
graml will be discussed.

7:3l0 p).m..
Lta nian

Alpha, Phi Omega:


German Coffee

flour: Fri.,


it. m .

" .



'A Q0..}.
y~rr.. Nu

". , 3q

e 9



tinAll Our Sixty Years ..,



So Beaiutiful.

a a a







N--/ h~ 1 J.. .L \






GOODYEAR"S, TWO STORES.. 3. ready to greet Spring ... fresh and

lovely, with many
greater shopping

depa rtmentis

newly decorated and lighted, rearranged for your

Soft pastel colorings on the walls, flowers everywhere, music in the air .

a beautiful setting for this Spring's flattering fashions, so full of iadylike grace and charm.
Come in today and get in the mood of Spring . .. see afor yourself how beautiful the
modern store can be . .. note at your leisure the charms of the new Spring fashions.


A DEWY-FRESH GARDENIA FOR EVERYONE . .. Goodyear's Spring Opening Gift..
presented with our compliments in the Fashion Department on the third floor at the Main
Street Store, and at the College Shop on State Street. INFORMAL MODELLING of new
Spring costumes on living models will be a feature of the day at both stores. Do plan to

attend Goodyear's Spring Opening tomorrow.. STORE HOURS DAILY 9:30 A.M.
5:30 P.M.



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