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March 09, 1948 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-09

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Petitioning Open for Coeds
In Panhel, League Activities

Panhel Petitions
Due March 17
Petitions for po itions on the
1948-49 Panhelleiic Board will be
due at noon Wednesday, March 17
in the Undergraduate Office of the
All affiliated women, regardless
of class, are eligible to petition for
the six official positions including
president, first vice-president, see-
end vice-president, secretary,I
treasurer and rushing chairman.
Interviewing will be held from
Friday, March 19 to the following
Friday. Appointments may be
made by signing lists posted in the
Undergraduate Office.
Information concerning the du-
ties of the various offices may be
obtained from present Board
members and by consulting former
League Presidents' reports avail-
able in the League Library and the
Social Director's Office.
There will be a meeting for
all women interested in usher-
ing for JGP at 4 p.m. Wednes-
day in the Leagu.e

WAA Notices

Posts Available
To Sophomores
Petitioning is open this week for
Soph Cabaret positions and soph-
omore places on the League Inter-
viewing and Women's Judiciary
Prospective Sophomores may
obtain petitions in the League so-
cial director's office. Information
concerning high schools activities,
experience pertaining to the posi-
tion and plans for the position or
organization of the committee
should be included in the petition.
The deadline for completed
petitions is noon Saturday. In-
terviewing will be held March 15
through March 26 in the under-
graduate office of the League.
Five sophomore aid petitions on
the Women's Judiciary commit-
tee and two places on the Inter-
viewing committee are open.
Soph Cabaret positions in-
clude general chairman, assist-
ant general chairman, secretary,
assistant secretary, treasurer,
assistant treasurer, decorations
chairman and assistant, public-
ity chairman and assistant, tiek-
ets chairman and assistant, and
hostess, music, programs, re
freshments, and special booths
Cabaret floorshow committee
consists of a director, assistant
director, costumes chairman and
assistant, music chairman and as-
sistant, stage chairman and as-
sistant, and dance, make-up,
script, and ushering chairmen.
Information about the various
positions maw be obtained by con-
sulting the president's report in
the Social Director's office and
copies of the League Lowdown.
Further aids will be posted on the
League undergraduate bulletin
Students Invited ,
To Ruthven Tea
The first Ruthven Tea of the
semester will be held from 4 to 6
p.m. tomorrow in the home of
President and Mrs. Alexander G.1
Although special student groups
are invited to attend the tea,
everyone is welcome to meet the7
president and his wife and talk
with the faculty and other stu-
This week's special guests will
include students from Korea, Bur--t
ma and the Philippines and resi-
dents of Mosher Hall, Williamsc
House, Alpha Chi Omega and PsiI
Coeds on the League Socialr
Committee, under the chairman-e
ship of Barbara Busse, will serveI
as hostesses at the tea. 1

Camp Counselors--Open meet-
ing for all students at 7:15 p.m. to-
day in the fencing room of Bar-
bour Gym. Mr. Don Wille of the
men's physical education depart-
ment will address the group.
Archery-Shooting for Intercol-
legiate Meet will be held from 5 to
6 p.m. every day for the next three
weeks. All coeds interested in par-
ticipating in the meet may do so
by calling Gwen Rister, club
manager, at 2-3203.
Badminton - Coeducational
Badminton will be offered again
from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday in
Waterman Gym. Players must
supply their own birds and rack-
ets may be rented at the gym.
Tournament games must be
played off in both, campus and
ciub tournaments. The list of
players is posted in Barbour Gym,
each player contacts her own op-
ponent and arranges a time for
The last meeting of the club will
be Wednesday. Additional playing
may be done on Saturday in Bar-
bour Gym.
Modern Dance-Regular meet-
ing at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Bar-
bour Gym. The club is still open
to all students. Instruction will
be given by Dr. Juana de Leban.

Coed Society
Will Sponsor
Style Show
"Fashionable Evening," a pre-
view of spring styles specially
picked for campus wear, will be
presented by Theta Sigma Phi,
honorary, professinal organiza-
tion of women in ,journalism, from
8 to 10 p.m. Thursday in the
League Ballroom.
Suits, dresses, campus clothes,
and play clothes donated by Ann
Arbor stores will be modeled. Mu-
sic will be furnished by Mary
Carolyn Wright. Everyone at-
tending the show will receive pre-
fume favors. Door prizes will in-
clude a women's overnight case.
Tickets may be obtained from 9
a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday and
Thursday in the League Lobby.
Sales for Bridge
Lesson Tickets
Open atLeague
Tickets for the series of ten
bridge lessons sponsored by the
League Social Committee will be
on sale today and tomorrow in the
Undergraduate Office of the
Lessons started yesterday, but
tickets will be on sale as long as
there are vacancies in the classes.
The beginers class is held from 7
to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, inter-
mediate classes from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
on Mondays and 8:30 to 10 p.m. on
Tuesdays and the advanced class
from 8:30 to 10 p.m. on Mondays
in the League.
Hillel To Hold
Ann ual Sh ow
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation's
traditional variety show, "Hillel-
zapoppin," will be held March 20
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Proceeds from the show, con-
sisting of humor, songs and skits,
will go to the United Jewish Ap-
At this third post-war show, Phi
Sigma Delta, Sigma Alpha Mu,
Zeta Beta Tau, Sigma Delta Tau,
1027 East University and the
Traumatic Players will present
original skits which will be judged
by members of the faculty. First
and second prizes will be awarded
the winners.
Central committee members in-
clude Blanche Berber, Shirlee
Rich, Aviva Shanoff, Fred Klein,
Ideane Levenson, Connie Fried-
man, Marilyn Kopel, Phyllis Ros-
enberg, Danny Tannenbaum, Bud
Frank, Tobe Friedman, Debbie
Wolson, Esther Sklar.
Wkdoys 8 o.m.-8:30 p.m.
Sat. 8 o.m.-4:30 p.m.
For Appointment
PHONE 2-4241



A T OM B OM B T E ST SlY TE .The wind bensk p~m trees e~"~'
Eniwietok atoll of the northern Marslalls, hcadquarters fr the n ,


LOCAL I N T E R E S T I N HOLY LA N D -.young Jews of the Montifiore section
of Jerusalem, which has been under Arab fire from the Old City, watch as two soldiers of the British
Warwickshire Regiment check distance with a range finder.

ounce monkey perches on banana and bites into grape. Owned by
Charles Sheldon of Chicago, tiny animal eats a teaspoonful of oat-
meal for breakfast, thimbleful 9f hash for supper.

3prea&t ille
by Elizabeth Woodward
America's foremost authority on young
people's problems


Of the people you know, how many will you still
- be seeing ten years from now? Only the ones you
know really well, you say. The kids you've grown up
up with. The new friends you've made best friends. All the others
will fall by the wayside ... out of sight and out 9f memory.You haven't
time to keep them for posterity.
For with you ... to be friends is to go all out. Being constantly
together, sharing secrets, accumulating memories, plowing into new
experiences shoulder to shoulder, dishing out big doses of devotion,
possessing each other. There's no halfway measure. Being that close
takes so much steam... you can be friends with only a few. There just
isn't any more of you to go around.
You've probably settled down cozily to going steady with one boy.
You have a man for all the big and little moments when you need one.
You don't need other men, you think. Besides, there aren't any free
dating bours.
In between dates, you run around with one special girl. She's your
port in all storms, your constant abettor, your other half.
These best friends require a lot of attention. They don't thrive on
separation, indifference or casual treatment.
So you sit back in your snug harbor and date only one boy...and
meet no others. iou trot with the same group of girls... and never
raise your sights. While the rest of your acquaintances stay casual...
just because y )u. haven't time to draw them close.
)on know... a girl is known by the company she keeps. Herfriends
are an indication of her taste and personality... just as are the clothes
she wears, the things she reads, and the perfume she puts behind
her ears.
A girl can always get by with just one good dress. But just wear it
every day in the week and high days too ... and it gets to be like a
very old shoe. A wardrobe that offers changes to fit her moods is more
colorful and more fun.
Pals of the bosom are a comfort and joy. But you can still be that
all-out friend with people you don't see all the time. You can share life
and laughs w ith friends you don't clutch close.You can pile up back-
logs of riicmories with cronies you don't possess.You can keep lots of
friendships thriving if you'll spread yourself thinner...and circulate.
Why not bedeck your future ,with a variety of good friends? Instead
of letting then slip through your fingers ... because you haven't time
to keep then?
..KAI !e(.

in just
9 MIN.
We have completed installa-
tion of two more large Chi-
cago dryers and now have a
total of four. These will dry
a Bendix tubful of clothes
in just nine minutes-3 tub-
fuls in twenty minutes.
Think of the time and effort
you save! No tedious job of
hanging clothes up and tak-
ing them down.
here at Bendix Launderette.
With soap prices what they
are, think of the money you
and you can rent as many as
you need to do your washing
in just 30 minutes at a cost
of only 30c for approxi-
mately 9 lbs. Think of the
drudgery you save!
T -n}fl var r~i - rc lYrhl~r

S K I - P L A N I N G O N L A K E -Students of Middlebury College, Vt., go skiing towed
by plane on Lake Champlain. Top: Coach Joe Jones of Rutland, Vt., ties a 100-foot tow rope to
plane piloted by a college club member. With him are (left to right): Lynn Meacham, Boston; Jack
Valentine. Chelmsford, Mass., Gretchen Storer, Denver. Below: Valentine goes for spin behind plane.


I ~;. -. - -'


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