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March 09, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-03-09

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Army Comes Through

correspondent has relayed to us the
following telephone conversation, with fic-
tionized names "for the protection of her
sources." The coed speaks first.
"Helllo, is Johnny there?"
"Johnny is out of town. This is Major
Mallory. Would you like to leave a mes-
"No, that wouldn't help. I mean, you don't
knit, do you?"
"Why, yes, I do."
"Oh, you do? Well, I'm knitting some
argyles, and the directions say to wind the
four different colors on eight bobbins. Does
that mean you use all eight bobbins for each
sock or do you use four for one and four
for the other?"
"You use all eight bobbins on each sock."
"Well, that's all I wanted to know. Thank
you very much."
Whereupon the coed went back to her
Editorials published in-The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stafff
and represent the views of the writers only.

bobbins. What the Major went back to is
anybody's guess.
Fast Repartee
W E HAVE OFTEN wondered about the
message takers who answer the phone
in our absence. Well, we finally found out
what sort of havoc they can wreak.
It seems a young man called for some-
one who was out. Our phone answerer
carefully and pointedly asked for his
"What's the matter, probing?" asked
the male caller.
Not taken aback a bit, our makeshift
receptionist snapped back: "What's the
matter: Ashamed?"
Spring Is Coming
A YOUNG LADY of our acquaintance had
quite a hectic time last semester with
affairs of the heart. Recently she exhibited
rather cool feelings toward the latest love
of her life. When queried on this sudden
change, she replied.
"I made a new year's resolution not to
fall in love this year. It's too hard on my

Making It Worthwhile

THE ACQUITTAL of Dominic Dascola on
a charge of violating the Diggs Anti-
Discrimination Law makes it abundantly
clear that no jury of Ann Arbor burghers
will ever be persuaded to convict one charged
with discrimination under the law.
The claim that a Negro's hair requires
special training and equipment was blasted
by the testimony of Oette Marney, a barber
who declared that no special equipment
or training is needed. Yet Dascola refused
to cut the hair of William Grier using that
rationalization to sustain his "reasoning."
Obviously, the jury refused to be con-
vinced by facts, and future juries can scarce-
ly be expected to throw off their prejudices.-
It remains, therefore, for students to end
discrimination in Ann Arbor barber shops.
Dascola maintains that it is not worth
the time and expense necessary for him
to take a special course in cutting the
hair of Negroes, because of the small num-

ber of Negro students on campus. Assuming
the truth of this assertion for the moment
only, let it be pointed out that legal bar-,
riers to democracy can be removed where
the desire to do so exists.
It can, in short, be made worthwhile
for Mr. Dascola and his colleagues in the
Ann Arbor Barbers' Association to learn
the profound mysteries entailed in cutting
kinky hair, which some perverse quirk of
nature has given to a number of white
people. If 15,000 male students at the Uni-
versity, who presumably believe prejudice
and discrimination is nn-American, were
to make their beliefs clear to all the bar-
bers, the matter would soon be solved.
Suppose that the 15,000 students, who
get perhaps one hair-cut a month, took their
patronage to non-discriminating barbers.
For how many months, then, could the bar-
bers look upon the loss of $15,000 with
-Jake Hurwitz.

New A pproach
IF WE ARE GOTNG to build unity in the
outside world, we must first build some-
thing like unity within. Do we really expect
half a world to rally around us, while we
chew each other's ears off? Ca we enlist.
the labor movements of Western Europe on
our behalf, on the basis of a potential elec-
tion victory this fall by a conservative party
with only the sketchiest of contacts with
labor in America? Can we much impress
the colored peoples of the world after they
hear the noises which certain conservatiWzd
Southern Democrats are today making
against elementary proposals for equal
rights under law?
How can we export unity unless we
have some of it to export? How are we
going to pull half a world together, at, a
time when the particles in almost every
American precinct seem to be flying apart?
Or is the embattled half-world which is
going to defend us supposed to pay no at-
tention to the ruckus within the citadel,
the occasional smashing of furniture and
the breaking of political windows?
The political disruption which has
struck at the Democratic party (and
therefore at the country) this year is more
than an unhappy accident of an election
period. It is our local chapter in the story
of disruption which has struck at the world.
disruption which has struck at the world.
It is the reflection 'within. We, who con-
sider ourselves to be the citadel, the
center, are not untouched by the wild
currents racing around the planet today.
In what some of Southern conservatism.
is doing today we can find mirrored the in-
transigence, say, of the rightist government
of Greece, and in the Wallace third party
movement we can find mirrored something
of the bitter mood of the left in Italy and
France. Would you care to know just how
hard it is to rationalize the western world
today and make it into an effective unity?
Then see how hard it is to rationalize Amer-
ican politics into something firm, and
shapely, and of one piece. The two problems
echo each other.
The prospect, then, that the Republicans
can ease through to a victory between the
split wings of the Democratic party is one
which can delight only the most partisan
heart. It is too much like a game of
making pretty garden designs with the
stones from a broken building.
More important than that either party
shall win is our need for solving the prob-
lem of unity, in our need for ameliorat-
ing, toning down, our domestic disunity
in the hope that we can generalize out-
ward whatever solution we find so that
it will be of use to the Western world.
We cannot afford an uncreative Ameri-
can election, and a creative one would
be more important to Europe than many
shiploads of provisions.
That is why Mr. Truman should .make
way .for a candidate big enough, and fresh
enough, to give us a new approach toward
unity. No such candidate can win complete
unity, under the best of circumstances, but
it should be possible to find one who can
win back enough wanderers, and overawe
enough dissidents, to give us at least a ma-
jority president. That isn't much to ask.
If we can't even make this much of an
approach to unity, how can we expect the
battered, popping countries of Western
Europe to do it? The meaning of our failure
to do so ourselves, projected forward, could
be quite appalling. The world watches us,
and listens. We cannot afford to mumble
in November, or to stutter.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)
Unique Project

l t
Coptyee .948-bUWit,Feature Syn ca, I nc .
"There'll always be the infantry."

Good Balance Achieved

Letters to the Editor...

lum changes have brought out a wide
range of student reactions, varying from
deep dismay at the thought of the addi-
tional concentration requirements to be met,
to outright jubilation at the elimination
of the single subject specialization require-
The changes, which received their first
positive introduction with the establishment
of an optional course in humanities last year,
are simply manifestations of the long over-
due reaction against a too highly specialized
college training. At last educators seem to
be realizing that insistence on concentra-
tion in a single field as a requirement for
graduation is a useless stipulation.





At the Mchigan..
Power and Jean Peters.
IN BRINGING Captain from Castile to the
screen, Producer King apparently got
carried away with the blurbs on the dust
jacket, threw his screen budget in the waste
oasket, hired every extra in town and sa-
faried to Mexico for the summer. An epic
what am an epic, there is everything from
love amongst Spanish apple blossoms to Cor-
tez's expedition into Mexico, with a nice
seasoning of the Spanish inquisition for
added gore. And all the time blood and
people; both in large quantities, the former
very red and the latter costumed to the
teeth. It's a press agent's dream, it comes
in the giant sensational size,
* * *
At the State ...
Montgomery and Wanda Hendrix.
RIDE THE Pink Horse mnakes one take
heart, and almost believe that there are
some writers and actors in that place called
Hollywood. The scene is fiesta time in San
Pueblo, and all is muchos gaiety, but Robert
Montgomery is much more concerned with
realizing the blackmail potentialities of the
cancelled check in his possession. A buddy
of his is very dead from attempting sane,
and with both the FBI and the check's
author vitally interested, the boys play a
brisk gamc of "chek 'n double check" against
a most authentic La Fonda Hotel (possibly
borrowed from Santa Fe for the picture) and


- ww®n r r w wor r

.. .


Students whose major interest lies in
one particular field would have selected
most of their courses in that field whether
the requirement existed or not. Thus, the
only practical effect of the requirement was
to force students who were interested in a
wide range of topics to narrow their atten-
tion to a particular field.
Under the new departmental programs,
students will have the opportunity to ar-
range a more flexible distribution of
courses, while those who wish to specialize
in one particular field will still be able
to do so.
The broader pre-concentration require-
ments show the same commendable attempt
to ensure a wide distribution of courses in
a more varied field. Admission to concen-
tration will require 54 hours in six groups
instead of the present 42 hours in three
Although these new requirements are
admittedly somewhat of a restriction on
the right of free choice of subject matter,
the realization that the student still has
two years of study which can be as high-
ly specialized as he desires will certainly
refute the charge of excessive faculty
supervision of student electives.
The new curriculum changes will provide
a good balance between the specialized and
the well rounded programs of education.
--Pat James.
Things To Come
PREDICTION: The following episode will
take place sometime in the future--
perhaps not too distant.
The scene is an outer office of an army
headquarters unit somewhere near the no-
man's-land of heavy fighting. Besides a
large flag tacked to one wall is the national
insignia-a blue circle, perhaps. Swarms of
flea-like fighters, some with 'blue specks and
others (enemy with white squares as an
insignia, dart past in the direction of a
fiery city. On the horizon a tiny white dot
of cloud points out the latest atomic bomb
Reporters with scratch-pads tensely await
the entrance of a top military official. Some
of them look out the window and wonder at
the spectacle of destruction their nation's
armies are creating and hope that enemy
bombers won't penetrate the defense. Others
just nervously ponder the the door from
the inner office. The door swings open and a
brusque general enters the room. He speaks:
"This is n tfor nubwli-dnr,-- vr'rT'm nn

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVIII, No. 110
Student Tea: President and
Mrs. Ruthven will be at home
to students Wednesday afternoon,
March 10, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Freshman - Sophomore Forestry
Conference: March 10. 7:30 p.m.
Ri. 239. N ttral Science Bldg.
U.S. Frest service motion picture:
"Richer Range Rewards." Prof.
i. C. O(l'li v will speak on
responsibilities of a forester in
range livestock country. Prof. W.
C. Steere will speak on tile subject
of Botany on the Range. All fresh-
man foresters are expected to at-
tend and sophomores are welcome.
Freshman Women: There will be
a few places for 1951 women in
Martha Cook Building for next
year. If interested call Mrs. Die-
kema at 2-3225 for an appoint-
Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The Teacher's Oath will be
given to all June candidates for
the teacher's certificate on March
9 between the hours of 8-12
noon and 1-5 p.m., Rm. 1437
U.E.S. This is a requirement for
the teacher's certificate.
Candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate in 3une: A list of can-
didatei has been posted on the
bulletin board in Rm. 1431 U.E.S.
Any prospective candidate whose
name does not appear on this list
should call at the office of the Re-
corder of the School of Education,
Rm. 1437 U.E.S.
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-
pational Information, 201 Mason
The Amrican Can Company,
Maywood, Illinois, will have a rep-
resentative here on Tues., March 9,
to interview chemists, chemical
engineers, metallurgical engineers,
mechanical engineers, and bacte-
riologists. They are primarily in-
terested in men with Bachelor's
The General Electric Com-
pany will have three representa-
tives here on Thurs., March 11, to
interview men interested in a ca-
reer in accounting and financial
management work.
Call extension 371 for appoint-
The Public Schools of Globe,
Arizona, are in need of teachers
for the Elementary Grades.
The Mid-Pacific Institute, Hon-
olulu, Hawaii, is in need of SIN-
GLE teachers in the following
fields: American History, English,
Commercial Subjects, Biology and,
General Science, Chemistry and
Physics, and Speech and Dramat-
The Public Schools of Nogales,
Arizona, are in need of elementary
teachers for the year 1948-49. Po-

I sitions are open in grades 1-6, and
a woman is needed to teach Span-
ish speaking students English.
For further information, call at
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, 201
Mason Hall.
University Community Center.
Willow Run Village.
Tues., March 9. 8 p.m., Garden
Wed., March 10 8 p.m. Cooper-
ative Nursery Board; 8 p.m., Plays
and Games Group.
Thurs., March 11, 8- p.m., The
Art and Crafts Group.
Sat., March 13, 8-11 p.m. Square
Dance, sponsored by the Village
Church Fellowship.
University Lecture: "L4a Situa--
tion Politique en Frane aujotr
d'hui." Lucine Wolff, Professor of
English Literature, University of
Rennes, France; auspices of the
Department of Romance Lan-
guages. Thurs., March 11, 4:15
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.
Open to the public.
University Lecture: "Changing
Patterns in American Thought."
BrandnBlanshard,iProfessor of
Philosophy and Chairman of the
Department of Philosophy, Yale
University; auspices of the De-
partment of Philosophy. Fri.,
March 12, 4:15 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. Open to the public.
Academic Notices
Concentration Discussion Series:
Tuesday, March 9
Political Science-231 Angell
Hall, 4:15 p.m.
Prof. L. H. Laing: The Scope of
Political Science and Require-
ments for Concentration
Prof. J. E. Kallenbach: The
Place of Political Science in a
Liberal Education and Opportuni-
ties in the Teaching Profession
Prof. R. H. Fifield: Opportun-
ties in the Foreign Service
Prof. J. W. Lederle: Opportuni-
ties in Civil Service Employment-
National State and Local
Mimeographed material con-
cerning this field of concentration
may be obtained at either the De-
partment office or the Office of I
the Academic Counselors, 108 Ma-
son Hall.
Electrical Engineering Colloquium:
Fri., March 12, 4 p.m., Rm. 2084,
E. Engineering Bldg. Prof. S. S.
Attwood will speak on "Atmos-
pheric Absorption of Microwaves."
Graduate students may obtain
the scores of the Graduate Apti-
tude Examination by calling at
the information desk, Graduate
The University Musical Society
will present Alexander Brailowsky,
Pianist, in the fifth and last con-
cert in the Extra Concert Series-
Wednesday, March 10, at 8:30 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium. Program: Piano
compositions by Bach, Scarlatti,
Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy, Ra-
vel, Faure and Liszt.
A limited number of tickets are
(Continued on Page 6)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daly
prints "every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 30 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressedl In letter', are thoe of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torlal director.-
* , *B
To the Editor:
W NOTE that seios consid-
erationo f the St. Larece
Seaway bill by Congress has again
been successfully postponed. as it
has been now, for the last 14 years.
This is a serious matter to Mid-
Westerners, who would benefit
directly from the lower freight
rates of water transportation from
the Atlantic Coast. The power-
generating potentialites of this
project also have a bearing on
the dwindling petroleum resources
of the nation.
Most of us don't realize the mat-
ter exists at all. A wider know-
ledge of the names of our so-called
representatives in Congress who
keep voting against this issue
would be of great interest, par-
ticularly to Mid-West voters.
-Philip Thiel,, Jr.
Mishael P. Cava
R. Murray Suggitt
Klein Answered
To the Editor:
REALIZE Mr. Klein, the Third,
that your letter requested the
"pinks" to speak up, but do you
mind if I include myself in your
"Reactionaries, reactionaries!"
Why is it that I and my "Fellow
travelers" must be referred to as
reactionaries either by implica-
tion or direct quotes? We do not
sit back, asyou believe, Mr. Klein,
and attempt to stifle any view
which is contrary to the views
which we currently hold. We are
capable of progressing, if we were
not, we would be denying our
birth-right. Speak constructively
of reforming our nation's insti-
tutions and we will willingly fol-
low. Start the ball rolling or such
reforms as unicameral legislatures,
the abolishment of the electoral
system, and we will support you.
The clamor of the "pinks" in their
defense of Gerhardt Eisler, we
will, however, continue to de-
nounce, such action is not liberal-
ism, nor progressiveness--but an
unwarranted, baseless castigation
of Congress at a time when few
nlations "still function with legis-
lative bodies that performnvital
roles."-Senator George.
Persons that share my views,
do not condemn radicals. We rec-
ognize the fact that if the liberals
of 1776 had not asserted them-
selves, our nation would not be
the sovereign republic it is today.
By the same token we also per-
ceive that if you 1948 liberals were
stilled, our nation would have
reached its peak and our civili-
zation would have begun its de-
line. We also appreciate the fact
that conservatives play an im-
portant role in building a nation.
They are the steadying hand,
which holds in check the impet-
uous youth. Radicals and pinks
would remake the world in a day,
but true liberals and conservatives
would continue the slow intelli-
gent progress that is a part of our
American heritage.
-Harold Edward Evans.
s m:
Wrong Support
To the Editor:
M UNICH, 1938: The Betrayal, a
one act play, sponsored by
Western Culture. Prague, 1948:
Same play, same sponsor. The
West turned Czechoslovakia over
to the dictator ten years ago. The
United States turned her over to

another, today.
Washington treated the Benes
government as a Russian puppet.
nothing more. From the beginning
it used its economic power to
weaken the Czech regime by re-
fusing loans and credits and by
puttingobstacles in the way of
trade. Our action paved the wad
for the Communist dictatorship.
The coup was made possible by
the action, of the Social Demo-
crats. To avoid civil strife they
decided to continue along with the
Communists, whom they had
worked with, and, who were now
betraying them. To have fought
back would have involved collab-
oration with small but aggressive
right-wing groups. Why didn't
they fight back? They knew that
the United States would support
resistance to the Communists, but
they also knew that that support
would go to the right-wingers,
their enemies. The reward of our
performance in Europe told them
We have fought the democratic

fotces in Europe et, hese forces
are th only otes which can stopS
theadanceo P usi. Onl a so
cialist Euroi' wtill ,topher cx-
the ch'ncais I le rii itists. Thus
tie ocast, til tru Dem
crats tile third force is weakened,
Without Unit ed St :la StIppor't
~xut cn h x do
I ' fnrce l i n Europ')I , t hie Scil-
Dc in o ci' a s ill('?C.hl]1ovakia
would have bee -liid dfeet
aind she wot(d notilnow he chained
to a Uren ' rh.
-Ruer Shaw.

/1,911 im

ii IfUig'd

To the Editor:
ZIONISM vs. Judaism.
I was very glad to read tie
wor'ds addi es edt"o me in The
Daily by Miss Merle E. Smith, bt'
cause this gives me the chance of
explaining certain facts about the
Palestinian cquestion.
Miss Merle E. Smith tried to say
that from the standpoint of Chris-
tianity, the Arabs in Palestine
must welcome the Jews to their
country as they are coming from
countries where they were oppres-
sed and pelsecuted.
If the Jews are coming to Pales-
tine just to find a place to live,
then Miss Smith may be right in
her ideas. But as the problem
is different from what she thinks
and from what many people in
America think, I see tlat it is
necessary to show some of the
true facts.
First, Zionists in Palestine are
not trying to find a good home
for the Jews, but are trying to
imperialize the country and gain
on the expense of its people, be
they Arabs or Jews. Secondly, we
can say that there is no more
persecution of the Jews nowa-
days, and if they are still seeking
for pla('es to live they might as
well find other better places than
We have to differentiate be-
tween a .Zionist and a Jew and
we must not forget that there are
many Jews in the world who are
against Zionism, I have Jewish
friends here illMichigan who are
against Zionisml. I can also say
that, while I was studying in
Egypt, I had the chance to meet
Jews who wer very strongly
against Zionism for the only rea-
son they understand what Zionism
Now to consider the question
from the point of view of Christi-
anity, was Miss Smith interested
in solving such questions on re-
ligious bases, I can say that the
teachings of Christianity do not
agree at all with the aims of the
Zionists or any other imperialis-
tic group.
-Wadi S. Rumman
goes traveling, he takes along
the familiar group that he sees
every day around the White
House. For one thinrg, he finds
them congenial, and 'for another,
the Presidency follows him and
there is always work to be done.
So, on his Caribbean cruise, he
was accompanied by such secre-
taries, assistants and aides as
Clark Clifford, John R. Steelman,
Wiliam Hassett, Fleet Admiral
William D. Letahy, down to and
including his personal stenog-
rapher, Jack Romagne. Brig. Gen.
Wallace Graham, his personal
physician, was useful in dispens-
ing anti-seasickness pills.
United States News
-World Report.
Fifty-Eighth Year
i T
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
;student Publications
Editorial Staff
luhn Campbell .....Managing Edio

Pick Maloy . ...... City Editor
a.arriett Fliedman . Editorial Director
.ida Daile..........Associate Editor
Iran Katz , . Associate Editor
'red Schott .. As ociate Editor
Dick Kraus ....... ...... Sports Editor
'ob Lent . . Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson , ..Women's Editor
an whitney Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .......General Marui-
Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager
Bess Haye"................ Librarian
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively

THE EYE BANK for Sight Restoration is
one of the most unique, near-miracu-
lous projects embarked on by modern sci-
Organized over two years ago, the bank
provides healthy corneal tissue for blind
people who have lost their sight through
corneal defects.
This is the way it works. The donor wills
his eyes to the bank. The eyes are removed
immediately after death, processed, and
they are then ready for the delicate corneal
transplant operation which restores sight
to blind eyes.
90 per cent of the 600 eyes already donat-
ed have been used in the operations. Eyes
unsuited for grafting are used for much-
needed research.
The bank got its start in New York and
now has branches in Boston and New Or-
leans. 100 hospitals are directly affiliated
with the Eye Bank, and scholarships and
fellowships are granted in these hospitals
for the further study of corneal irregulari-
In addition, the bank has initiated a
campaign for improved techniques and re-
search in the ophthalmology field.
Today, the service is available through-
out the country. It is to be hoped that
someday this worthy service will be made
available throughout the world.
-Fredrica Winters.




Hiya, Bornaby... About Mr
Come here and fell O'Malley,


rs:it I'l e

it seems as if Barnaby has
the idea you've come here

To sell ar

Oh, no. L


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