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Philippine Natives Buried
Dishes in Graves of Dead
Most men, when they see a stack of dishes, would just as soon
bury them and it was just such a procedure that was followed by
natives of the Philippines before their Christianization by Spaniards
after 1572.
However, they had a different purpose, for so highly did they
prize their imported Chinese wares that they were placed in the
graves of the dead along with the deceased's most valuable possessions.
Thus, a great number of medieval Chinese and other Asiatic
ceramics preserved in the islands proved a rich field for excava-
'Will Send.
3 Delegates
To Mock UN
Three delegates, still unchosen,
will represent the University at
the National Intercollegiate As-
sembly of the United Nations,
March 24-26.
At the Assembly, sponsored by
the University of Chicago, Michi-
gan will play the part of Brazil
On request of the Student Legis-
lature, the "Brasileiros" will be
chosen by a three-man board con-
sisting of Erich A. Walter, Dean of
Students; Prof. G. E. Densmore,
Chairman of the speech depart-
ment and Prof. James K. Pollock,
Chairman of the political science
One of the three delegates will
be selected from students of politi-
cal science, and one will be picked
from the speech department. The
third will come from the Student
Delegates will be chosen and
notified by Wednesday or Thurs-
day of next week.
Selection is based chiefly on
knowledge of and interest in inter-
national affairs. The delegates,
on their return, will work on the
mock UN Assembly scheduled here
for April 21.
tions by a University expedition in
1922. It is the Chinese Celadon
ware and blue and white porcelain
which they uncovered at this time
will be on exhibition during March
and April in the Museum's ro-
Both the Celadon and the Blue
and white enjoyed great popular-
ity throughout the Orient and
Near-East during the Middle-
Ages when they became one of the
most important export items, ac-
cording to Mrs. Kramer Aga-Oglu,
assistant curator of the division
of the Museum. of Anthropology,
Mrs. Aga-Oglu said the exhibit
will consist primarily of Chinese
wares, with a second major group
of Siamese origin and also con-
siderable amounts of native Phil-
ippine earthenware. The pottery
was recovered from the southern
half of the archipelago which in-
cludes the Vicayan and Sulu
groups, Mindanao and Palawan.
St onITo MC
Joe Stone will emcee a spring
floorshow at the Union dance to-
night, featuring campus talent.
Featured in the floorshow will
be the West Quad glee club under
the direction of Gus Rogers, Lu-
cille Waldorf in a monologue on
"Her Merry Oldsmobile," and the
gay-nineties sextet in a song and
dance act accompanied by Lyn
Gas Methods
Large scale dntal work under
a general aneshesia as described
in the Annals of Dentistry and
reported by te Associated Press
reeuntly should be done only in
extremely un t sulIcses, a' ordrj-,
to Dr. Floyd D. Ostrander, asso-
ciake professor of (dl ist try ini the
Dental School.
Not Recommended
The use of a generl anesthesia
in denal work is not recommended
Since it alvays involves a higher
mortality rate than the use of a
local anesthetic, Dr. Ostrander
explained. "Of course, even noW
many patients mist be given a
general anesthetic, because of a
nervous termperament,, he eon-
Under this method, the work
can not be speeded up much since
the same amount of time must be
spent on each tooth to properly do
the job.
Too Dangerous
Those people who think that
they can have a whole year's work
done at a time for conveience,
should realize that this is not at
all possible for extensive work,
since the administering of a gen-
eral anesthesia for a long period of
time is too dangerous, Dr. Os-
trander pointed out.
Moreover, dentists prefer to do
less work at a time Qn each patient
in order that more people may be
able to have dental work doe, hre
Radillo Group-
To Organize
Guild Issues Call for
Actors and Writers
A new Radio Guild, open to stu-
dents, faculty, and townspeople
interested in producing radio pro-
grams, will hold an organization-
al meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
the University studios, 4006 An-
gell Hall.
(This is not the student wired-
radio guild.)
A call has been issued for actors.
writers, directors and sound effects
personnel. The Guild will em-
phasize production of original
radio scripts and the development
of new acting and announcing
talent. Opportunity to work in all
phases of radio under competent
supervision will be offered.
The Radio Guild's programs will
be broadcast over University sta-
tion WUOM, wired radio and other
educational and commercial sta-
tions throughout the state.
Hold Reet Rule
With national reht control ex-
tended until the end of the month,
the local rent board will meet
March 15 in Detroit to consider
the results of the hearings held
last November on rent ceilings.
The local board has not yet dis-
cussed the testimony, and only
received transcripts of the helring
last month.
- _Aim Allorw Ph(Ao.
LEADS N OPERA--A, ene Sollenberger and Jack Jensen star
in the University production of Henry Purcell's "Dido and Aeneas,"
which will be presented Wednesday throu-ii Saturday by the
musi school and speech department. Menotti's opera, ""J"he
TtJelephone" will till the second part of the double bill.
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL LViI, No. 108
NROTrC Students, including those
who have completed 24 hours NS,
will report to North Hall for physi-
cal examination 6, 8, or 9 March.
School of Business Administra-
tion: Students from other schools
and colleges intending to apply for
admission for the summer session
or fall semester should secure ap-
plication forms in 108 Tappan
Hall as soon as possible.
Bureau of Appointments & Occu-
pational Information, 201 Ma-
son Hall
Job Opportunities Conference
sponsored by the Bureau of Ap-
pointments will be held on Wed.,
March 10, 4 p.m., Natural Science
Representatives of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, the At-
lantic Refining Company, and the
YMCA will discuss job opportuni-
ties in their fields. Questions will
be invited.
All students interested are urged
to attend.
The U. S. Weather Bureau has
openings for juniors in meteorol-
ogy for summer jobs with the
Weather Bureau followed by P-1
appointments after graduation,
provided degree includes 20 se-
mester~hours or more of specified
meteorology courses. Closing date,
March 9. Call at the Bureau of
Appointments for complete infor-
University Lecture: Professor
Langdon Warner, Curator of the
Oriental Department of the Fogg
Museum of Art in Boston and lec-
turer in the Department of Fine
Arts of Harvard University, will
lecture on the subject "Transfor-
mation of Nature in Chinese
Painting" at 4:15 p.m., March 9,
Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices
of the Department of Fine Arts.
A eadeinic Notices
Philosophy 17.1 wi not meet to-
dy ,
Coming Events
Symposium: Report On The In-
tegrated Research Studies of The
Sociology Department of The Uni-
versity of Michigan, by W. S. Lan-
decker, Assistant Professor of So-
ciology. 4 p.m., March 8, East Con-
ference Room, Raekham Bldg.
Sponsored by Alpha Kappa Delta.
Public invited,
Acolytes: Mon., March 8, 7:30
p.m., West Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Joint paper: "The
Ethics of Science and the Science
of Ethics," by C. West Churchman
and Russell L. Ackoff, Professors
of Philosophy, Wayne University,
Detroit, Michigan. Open to the
Films on health and Sanitation:
4:15 p.m., Tues., March 9, Kellogg
Auditorium: "CLEAN WATERS,"
(color), "HOW TO EAT," "IM-
TO." Sponsored by the Audio-Vis-
ual Education Center.
Alpha Kappa Psi: Mon., March
8, 7:30 p.m., Chapter House.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet for
winter sports, 2:30 p.m., Sun.,
March 7, northwest entrance,
Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rack-
ham check desk before noon today.
All graduate students welcome.
Quarterdeck Society: Tues.,
March 9, 7:15 p.m., Rm. 336, W.
Engineering Bldg. Movie: "Great
Cargo Ships" (,eolor).
Radio Guild: Organization meet-
Eager Flyers Shrug Off Minor Aches
The cramped legs, the engine-
dulled ears, and all of the other in-
conveniences of amnateur flying tare
more than compensated by the ex-
citement of the sport, according to
Criol Anderson, '48.
A member of the Univers;ity Fly-
ing Club since its reorganization ii
the ,spring of 1946. M Anderson
received her flighl instrul io
le>gets Accept
The Board of Regents i its re!,-
ular monthly 'meeting yesterda
accepted a total of $36,113.12 in
gifts, and confirmed 15 appoint-
ments, four sabbatical leaves and
oe professor emeritus title.
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, present
executive secretary of the Journal-
ism department was named act ing
chairman of that.t depart ment for
Dr. Warner G. Rice, director of
the General Library and present
acting chairman of the English
department was reappointed for
The Regents conferred the title
professor emeritus on Clyde Elton
Love, who retired in last semester
after serving on the math ema ties
departnent f:,ulty since his gra.,d-
oation from the Uiversity in
The Regents passed a resolution
of sorrow on the recent death of
Robert Patterson Lamont, '91, for-
mer U. S. Secretary of Commerce
who made many gifts to the Uni-
versity including the Lamont-Hus-
sey Observatory in South America
and the Hussey Room in The
ing, Sun., March 7, 8 p.m., Rm.
4007, Angell Hall.
IT. of M. Hot Record Society:
Sun., March 7, 8 p.m., Michigan
La Sociedad Hispanica: Conver-
sation group, Mon., March 8, 3
p.m., International Center.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Membership committee, Mon.,
March 8, 4 p.m. All interested in
working on committee please at-
.rom Roger Markle and Lou'
Creith. of the club's instructol's-
Creith soloed hler, that is he de-
cid d when her skill :is a pilot wa.s
gict eough to jsifyte first
solo f lidght.
Ner ous First Time
1lMearding that first time in the
air alone Miss Anderson is in-
('lined to be reticent. Tt smees that
depitLe h'r heat ed content ion that
lt was entirely calm. the rest of
the club members are convinced
that she was a little less thaIn hy.s-
A proof they point to i unusui-
al vigor with which she pulled out
the carburetor heat control when
landing. Since the emntrol lever
wis found ripped completely oft
the instrtiiint, boMd :nftei' the
flight, the argument :appears at1-
er one-sided.
Enbarrassing incidents appar-
ently occur often in the life of a
student pilot. A few months before
earning her private pilot's license
Miss Anderson acted as bombardier
for Don Milbourne in an air meet
with Mich. State. On her first, try
she sent the three pound flour
''bomb" smlashliri into the earth
only a few feet from the judges
Startled Judges
The startled judges quickly held,
a conference and before the plane
returned o ti t second run they,
had taken shelter --in the middle
of the target. This time the
alarming Miss Anderson droppedt-
the Hior h1g withil swning dis-
tance of the target! When the of-
ficials had recovered and dusted'
themselves off they awarded her
:III( Milbournie first pllce in the
In another meet Miss Anderson,
who incidentally is related to the
Wriigits. to ok : lird place il the
spot land ing contest. The glory
of cOipetition, howevser, is not the
most appealing aspect of Flying
Club :tetivities in herI opinion. w
Crosseountry flying, she thinks,
is more grat ify in. As soon as the,
weather is f:ivorable she intends
to team lup with another club
meinber and take oft for e ' first
long flight of lie year destin:-
Lion CT is ao.
tn-i g
For Greater Satisfaction
j at he
TEMPLE ateleria
(300 seats)
A Study in sa-
dism . . . Has
the stuff of
life, News
Chr onicle
a ***'-rnpws A Superb film New Yorker
Masonic Temple Building - 327 S. Fourth Ave.
Between Liberty and Williams
TONIGHT at 8:30
Admission 50c
Phone 3-1511 ext. 479
Continuous Daily from 1 P.M.
apartment or flat in Detroit in ex-
change for 3%,2 room apartment (no
children) near campus in Ann Arbor.
Call Ve 6-2255, Detroit. )35
LARGE DOUBLE room for two men
graduate students. Across the street
from the campus. Inquire 5-7 p.m. 535
Church St. )81
LOST-Strand of pearls on campus-
Sentimental value. Finder call Lil-
lian Bartlett, 9158. )5
LOST-Sunburst style pin. Set with
pearls on gold backing. Barbour Gym
and W.A.B. )1
AMYTHEST Ring-Lost J-Hop weekend.
Sentimental value. Reward, Call Cork
at 3-1511, ext. 2147. )2
LOST - Pair brown fur-lined gloves.
Personal value, reward. Call 2-4607,
Alfred Shapiro. )88
DRESSMAKING - Suits and Dresses -
Specializing with Vogue - Altera-
tions - Call for appointment. Mrs.
L. Ringinen, 2-2604. )91
think of spring. Let us give your last
year's wardrobe that new look. Alter-
ations a specialty with prompt serv-
ice. Custom clothes and re-styling.
Hildegarde Shop, 109 East Washing-
ton, Telephone 2-4669. )87
WANTED-Two, three or four-drawer
filing cabinet. Call Donald Pelz days.
31511 ext. 589, evenings and week-
ends. 2-7603. )82
WANTED: High School student or
coed. will exchange board and room
for part-time housework. Write Box
65, Michigan Daily. )64
DAISYMAE-My prof can't afford to
teach me. Now I read new COLLEGI-
ATE Magazine. Abner. )7
HECTOR, The way to a man's heart-
you've heard the old line-but I
haven't the facilities to display my
cooking abilities. So, for a taste of
food divine that most closely approxi-
mates mine, be my leap year guest at
the Red Coach. The new management
has the right approach. They give
you a treat; all you can eat.
Bunny )4
3 or 4 BEDROOM furnished house by
May 1 or 15. Call Northville 322 col-
lect. ) 48
APARTMENT wanted as soon as pos-
sible. Grad student-veteran and wife.
Quiet, considerate. Contact Al Gross,
1120 S. Forest, Ph. 9431 )3
LAWYER and wife desire furnished
or unfurnished house or apartment.
,Clean, comfortable and convenient
to law school. Two year lease starting
June 15. Phone 25-9423. )85
rROPICAL FISH; aquarium supplies,
call 8226. )90
FOR SALE - Radio. Brewster Table
Model. 5-Tube. Practically new. $22.50.
Call 4736 after 6 p.m. )63
Bird supplies and cages, 562 S. Sev-
enth. Phone 5330. )73
NEW unused Drawing Instruments,
$17.50. New metal engineering slide
rule, $13. Write Daily Box 68. )94
NEW TAILS-$70 new, now $50. Two
new drape sport coats, 38L. New $40
each, now $25. Phone Ralph, 2-7639.
DOUBLE BREASTED blue pin-stripe
suit. Size 38-39. Practically new;
worth at least $50-$60, but must sac-
rifice. If you like stripes, it's ter-
rific. J-24 Lawyers Club. Phone 4145.
LOST-Phi Sigma honorary society key.
Lost two weeks ago on campus or
Willow Run bus. Name engraved.
Reward. Box 66, Michigan Daily. )93
LOST-Black Parker 51 and Ronson
Lighter with initials H.D.M. Monday
night at basketball game. Call H.
McDowell, Office of Student Affairs,
6115 daytimes or 2-2602 evenings. Re-
ward. ) 95
MICHIGAN Ending Today
35c until 5 P.M.
1121 S. University
I . 37q:'.:;. VGVRVG VGVRVG