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February 26, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-26

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Final Mladddy Vietory

STUDENT MUSICIANS in this country,
which supposedly guarantees free speech,
are finally free to broadcast over national
hook-ups after a five-year ban imposed by
dictator Petrillo.
Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, National Music
Camp Director at Interlochen, has led a
ymuch-publicized five-year barrage cam-
paign of pamphlets, letters, speeches, and
appeals to Congress against the music czar's
arbitrary action. In the drive the music
director appealed to the parents of the
children whose rights were being denied.
With them behind him, he felt he could
not fail. Dr. Maddy himself spear-headed
the attack by five trips to Washington, the
final fruits of which was the Lea Act which
Petrillo admits he doesn't care to flout.
In spite of this initial, rather negative
victory, the Interlochen Camp is still la-
belled "unfair" by Petrillo 's union, and
Dr. Maddy is still "kicked-out" of. the
union- for no apparent reason except per-
sonal dislike.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Labor unions have fought against man-
agerial tyranny and dictation only to take
it up themselves in the form of labor'
bosses. And either way its 'the laborer who
suffers. Dr. Maddy, for example, cannot
earn another nickel in the commercial music
As it happen :e doesn't have to depend
on this for a living, but xwhat about the
thousands of professional musicians who
do? If Petrillo decides he doesn't like them,
he can throw them out too. Since they have
no legal recourse the other alternative is
ditchdigging or what-have-you.
When a labor leader, or any leader, can
deprive a man of his means of livelihood,
and leave him without the right of appeal,
he obviously holds too much power. So,
Dr. Maddy in fighting for appeal rights
to federal courts is fighting for the rights
of all laboring men to be heard.
The pendulum of power, which once
swung far to the right in the hands of
management, has gradually been pulled too
far to the left. It is up to such men as Dr.
Maddy to help strike a balance and eman-
cipate labor from too much power wielded
by either side.
-Alice Brinkman.

A Moral to Every Tale

SOUTH'S MOST energetic defenders
of "white supremacy," the Ku Klux
Klan, gave another demonstration of their
personal attributes last week. As a result of
the Klan-high school coach incident in
Swainsboro, Georgia, it may be asserted
that nowhere in the country may be found
a band more discreet, persistent and modest
than the Klucksers.
Seeking to preserve the gentility of their
quiet Southern town, the Klansmen fear-
lessly requested the resignation and depart-
ure of the high school coach, who was
charged with undue roughness in his dis-
cipline of the school team.
Unexpectedly disrespectful of the augusw
body's request, the coach refused to leave
town. Regrettably, the Klansmen momen-
tarily forgot their manners in their zeal
and warned that a forceful and somewhat
unpleasant expulsion would be necessary,
should the coach prove obstinate. To serve
as a reminder, they left their calling card
--aflaming cross that cast its warm glow
over the coach's front lawn. This thought-
ful gesture was promptly insulted by the

coach's uncharitable wife, who rudely kicked
the cross down.
Never guilty of squeamishness, the clan
prepared to enact their proposal and restore
the town's dignity, only to find the coach
had fortified his home with shotguns, rifles
and automatics. Confirming his savage na-
ture, the ex-marine promised to fill the
Klansmen's bodies with lead upon sight.
Suddenly ashamed, the Klan recalled its
manners. After all, peaceful means were al-
ways better than force, and discretion has
ever been the better part of valor. From
then on, they spurned any contaminating
encounters with the vicious coach. Naturally,
their persistent pursuit of law and order was
shortly rewarded by the wholehearted agree-
ment of the school board to fire the coach.
Upon reflection, it seems certain the
Klan's triumph was due to their superior
judgment and modesty. Always averse to
taking credit for their good works, the
Klansmen never publish their identity. On
the contrary, their extreme modesty causes
them to carry on their work-hooded.
-Ted Miller.

W HAT'S THE difference between East
Lansing and Ann Arbor?
Well at State students are aikiig some
progress in anti-discrimination drives. On
both campuses campaigns have been direct-
ed against racial barriers in barber shops,
but only at State so far have barbers
changed their policies.
Possibly barbers in East Lansing, within
shouting distance of the Capitol, have de-
cided to be good citizens.
More important there however has been
the nature of the opposition to discrim-
inatory practices. Campus organizations,
independents, faculty and even adminis-
trative pressure has been exerted. The
result so far is a change of attitude
within two weeks in two shops.
The climax to the State campaign was
reported at length in The Michigan State
News last week.
When the two shops in question refused
to cut Negroes hair, a committee composed
of AVC. Student Council and one faculty
member decided to test the law. The Com-
mittee's presence in the shops worked won-
ders-hair was cut.
Prof. J. J. Garrison, accompanying the
committee, described the barbers' reaction
to the test in the State News:
"There was no indication that the boys
weren't welcome."
The rest of the group somewhat optimis-
tically commented:
"It shows that when people are informed
that under Michigan statute they must
not discriminate against anyone, they as
good citizens will follow the law."
Easy enough.
With this success at hand, AVC commit-
teemen told The News they would continue
to "press the Student Council for a per-
manent Civil Rights committee to bring to
light all discrimination that may be going
In that respect Michigan stands ahead.
The Student Legislature has already or-
ganized a Committee on Discrimination.
How active they will be is another matter;
they need time to get going.
Yet there's still more to the state cam-
paign. State President Hannaah, indirect-
ly backing the AVC petition, said he
thought the Student Council could act
to set up some program looking toward
the eventual elimination of prejudice:
He said such a scheme should be "a long
range program set up to eliminate dis:
crimination on campus and in the college
community, including East Lansing."
President Hannah's stand is by no means
aggressive, but it serves as encouragement
to students whether or not he allows any
'campaign' use to be made of his opinion.
In Ann Arbor one is not exactly sure where
the administration stands; except that ho
one has questioned the Legislature's han-
dling of the problem so far.
The real trouble with the anti-discrim-
ination campaign here is that too few or-
ganizations are pushing it. One organiza-
tion has done all the work-only extreme
prodding on its part aroused any outside
interest whatsoever. There is no reason
why more organizations on this campus
can't lend some active support-the barber-
shop campaign has dragged out for a year
now, which is disgraceful. Some of our
professors could get beyond the letter writ-
ing stage too.
Either we get some sort of unity among
us on this issue, or it will fall flat. The
lesson from State is that it doesn't have
to. -Fred Schott.

IT sa
Candide Comments
Oh Pshaw
WE HAVE a friendly critic who for years
has been slyly poking fun at The Daily.
His latest is too good to withhold. It goes:
"I've a still unsatisfied cravian
To throw a large fragment of pavian
at writers who jaw
About George Bernard Show
Just in Qrder to drag in a SHAVIAN."
Thy Name Was Woman
OUR BEST FRIEND'S girl bought us a
cup of coffee the other day. Just a cas-
ual cup of coffee, but the conversation got
serious in short order. She'll vote for the
first time next November, a prospect that
she finds sort of dismaying, because she
frankly admits that she doesn't know a thing
about the issues of the coming Presidential

"Zis is ze
criticism from

last .

Letters to the Editor ..

/J J
fY pr 144 byU-Rd Fer Al Sndk e, r
4i ,hx ktv

time ze government gets any friendly

Some Snappy Definitons

LANGUOR:A feeling of. lassitude and
inertia. American voters are much given
to puzzling outbreaks of this disorder, which
can strike without warning. A candidate
will often set up an exquisite technical bid
for victory, known as the well-rounded ap-
peal, only to find that languor has set in,
and that while the avoters admire his can-
didacy as a work of art, they will not get
off their chairs and go to the polls for him.
Some experts even .suggest that voters are
beginning to want candidates who are not so
desperately well-rounded, but who stand
At the Michigan...
"LURED," with Lucille Ball, George San-
ders and Charles Coburn.
WRITING POETRY is ordinarily a rather
charming hobby, but when Scotland
Yard receives poems celebrating the en-
hancing quality of death upon sweet young
females, followed by the disappearance of
several attractive citizens, they become ra-
ther anxious to restrain such a hobby. Lu-
cillle Ball, an American stranded in London,
gives up taxi dancing for sleuthing, and with
her red hair, a snappy answer to any re-
mark, and a "guardian angel" body guard
to keep her alive, it becomes quite a job.
Answering personal columns in an attempt'
to contact the muse-struck murderer leads
to some situations that occasionally makes
her long for home and hoofing, but both
she and Scotland Yard get their man. Miss
Ball's dry humor, good casting in the char-
acter roles, and several humorous little epi-
sodes of the chase gives a standard plot
a most refreshing shot in the aim.
t the State...
"THE FLAME," with John Carroll and
Vera Ralston.
WITHJOHN CARROLL dying of a gun-
wound in the opening scene, one can't
really get too curious over the ending of
this "I love my brother's wife, and oh, my,
have we got problems" slice of melodrama,
but they fry out the mental anguish of all

for something, even if only a trifle, like
peace. Those who have seen outbreaks of
languor, close up, report that it is one of
the most terrifying spectacles in nature.
There is an indescribable eeriness in the
sight of the stony, set faces of the voters,
as they hold themselves rigid and immov-
able, while the desperate candidate howls
from a distance, like a lost creature on a
hillside before a storm. One of the odd facts
about languor is that a voter may not
even know he has it until deep in the later
stages of the disease. He may even imagine
he is strongly for his candidate until he
finds, on election day, that he has forgotten
to go to the polls.
DARK HORSE: A candidate who runs
ahead of all the professional politicians in
the straw votes, and is therefore conceded
by them to have a remote, outside chance.
ELECTION CAMPAIGN: A period during
which a number of politicians who have
been more or less conservatives for three
and a half years turn liberal, and in which
a number of commentators who have been
more or less liberal for the same length of
time turn conservative.
in which the push toward inflation spends
itself and in which food prices begin to
come down, while the price of steel shoots
suddenly up.
* * *
CYCLE: An interval of time in which a
chain of events is completed and returns
to something very much like its starting
point, as for example the thirty years that
have elapsed since the death of the Czar,
who felt that imprisonment was the best
method of disposing of Communism; or the
three years that have elapsed since the
death of Hitler, who believed that the
military method was the best way of dispos-
ing of the Russian menace.
MIDDLE OF THE ROAD: A political po-
sition taken by a man who has a firm alli-
ance with either the right or the left, and
who allows himself, by substantial conces-
sions, to be traded to a point nearer the
halfway mark. It is not to be confused with
the position taken by Mr. Truman, which is
not the middle of the road, but the center
of the whirlpool, the only point at which
nothing is happening and from which every
particle is leaving at a constantly accelerat-

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceivedi (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
30 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
tonial director.
Poor Ticket PlMat
To the Editor:
A FTER STANDING in line to
get a Student Preferred Admis-
sion ticket for the OSU basket-
ball game, it was apparent to me
that there were several things
wrong with the system and the
way it was run.
It should have been apparent
that there would be a large num-
ber of persons attempting to get
tickets. Therefore, there should
have been persons present charg-
ed with the duty of keeping the
line in order, instead of bulging
out four or five abreast, allowing
infiltration, as it did. They could
also have seen to it that the two
booths were fed from the original
line instead of having the booth
farthest from it become monopo-
lized principally by new arrivals.
Without some mWeans of marking
ID cards, the same ones could b
used over and over again. Five
thousand tickets weren't handed
out to five thousand different ID
cards, thus saving somebody's bud-
dies or girl friends a trip to Uni-
versity Hail.
The practice of handing out a
ticket for each ID card presented
allows frats, dorms and other or-
ganizations to send a stooge over
with a stack of them. I saw one
student busily counting a two-
inch stack of tickets to be sure
he had gotten all he was supposed
to get. No doubt he had tickets
for students who,ajust to see the
carne, wouldn't have gone to the
trouble of getting a ticket for
themselves. No person should be
allowed to get more than two, or
at most, four tickets to insure that
those who really want to go will
get a ticket.
For those students with solid
morning classes on days that
tickets are given out are out of
luck under the present system.
This is quite a penalty to the Bas-
ketball Fan.
To hand out tickets as they are
dcing now causes crowds; to hand
out tickets fairly would take long-
er and cause greater crowds; so
why have the system at all. You
might as well have the crowd at
Yost Field where everybody has
the same opportunity to get there.
Even with a ticket you have to
get there early to get any kind of
a seat. You aren't going to avoid
a crowd because there will be
a bunch hoping to get in at 7:15
waiting outside.
'The only valid reason to have
this tickets system would be if
people who have not been able to
get into the games would get a
chance to see one, but this isn't
effected. Since the system doesn't
accomplish anything I move that
it be done away with.
-Ralph L. Christensen
Ticket Leaky

student body of the preferential
tickets to the Ohio State basket-
ball game, one student we know
had already been "issued" two
tickets by a fraternity which he
is rushing. This a good twelve
hours before distribution time.
Obviously the Wolverine Club
does not possess the needed com-
petence to fairly distribute these
precious tickets to the student
body in an impartial manner. This
is not the first time in our four
year "tenure" at this University
that fraternity members have had
the inside track for procuring
scarce tickets to various events.
Fraternity members constitute
only 10 per cent of the male stu-
dent body at the most. Why
should the Wolverine Club allow
some of them first choice on bas-
ketball tickets and leave the re-
maining 90 per cent to fight it out
for what is left? Should not fra-
ternity members stand in line at
8 a.m. like everyone else?
May we suggest that the Stu-
dent Legislature handle distribu-
tions of student tickets in the
future. And if in time the Student
Legislature likewise proves unable
to fairly distribute tickets, we stu-
dents can hardly protest Univer-
sity controls if the Director of
Student Affairs takes over the
distribution to insure fairness.
--James F. Barie.
-Hugh D. Miller.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: For results of
The Dilys investigation of the bas-
ketball ticket system, see page 1.)
Blooby Trap
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH I am well aware of
the usual pond on the side-
walk in front of the new admin-
istration building, I cannot locate
it in the dark.
Would someone either J fill up
the valley, or light up the area?
-Freda Rachmiel
Bias Charge
To the Editor:
THE DAILY of Wednesday, Feb-
ruary 25, with its front page
stories concerning Henry Wallace,
George Bernard Shaw, MYDA,
Young Democrats, and the third
party movement prompted me to
reflect upon the real purposes of
a campus newspaper.
If the purposes and objectives
are, as it seems they should be,
to provide experience for journal-
ism students and to report news
of interest to students, then it
seems that we should inquire as
to whether these objectives are
not being subverted and obscured
by the current Daily staff. The
principal aim at present appears
to be the dissemination of leftist
As a publicly owned and sup-
ported newspaper The Daily can-
not perform its duty to the whole
student body when its editorial
policy and its one-sided emphasis
of news stories so antagonizes a
large portion of the students that
they refuse to consult it for any
purpose. I suggest that the staff
remind itself that The Daily is
not privately owned and should
not be devoted to furthering the
views of a minority of the stu-
dents, but should instead seek a
more moderate and impartial out-

look that it may better serve
and inform all of us.
-A. R. Dilley '49L.
tt:iDOWRS NOTE: The Daily prints
's"rie, and places theni on its pages,
according to the single principle of
news value. The entire Daily staff,
which represents a wide variety of
beliefs, is eligible to present editorial
opinion. Tryouts are accepted on The
Daily without qualification as to
race, creed, color or political belief.
Thethwily always welcomes any stu-
dents interested in its procedures
r-o crit its offices.)
Nieb r ,,Clarification
To the Editor:
ROBERT C. WHITE, the Daily
reporter, made a grave error in
his report of the Niehbur lecture
on "The Interpretation of His-
tory." He writes, "It is impera-
tive, he (Niehbur) continued that
we return to the Christian con-
cept that 'time is God and history
is Christ'." Dr. Niehbur said just
the opposite. The concept that
time is God and history is Christ
is the illusion under which modern
man is suffering and which Dr.
Niehbur said is antithetical to
Christianity. Salvation for man
comes not through nistory, but
through tht living God i the
P,!rson of his Son, Jesus Christ.
However, Mr. White should not
be too severely criticized for his
poor journalism. If he is one of
the great mass of college students
who have no conception of what
historic Christianity really is, it
is conceivable that he should make
such a mistake.
-John A. Bollier
Eisler Comment
To the Editor:
BY REFUSING to permit Mr.
Eisler to speak here, even in a
public debate, the administration
has not only insulted the intelli-
gence of every student, but shame-
fully violated the very principle
upon which a university is found-
ed-the principle of free compe-
tition of ideas.
The administration claims that
Mr. Eisler is a convicted criminal.
Even if this were so (his cases are
still under appeal), there is noth-
ing in the University Regulations
Concerning Student Affairs, Con-
duct, and Discipline which pro-
hibits a convicted person from
speaking. Apparently the admin-
istration just makes and breaks
the rules as it sees fit. The writ-
ten regulations are a mere for-
The administration also claims
that the rules prohibit anyone who
advocates the overthrow of our
government by force or violence
from speaking on the campus. But
where is the proof that Mr. Eisler
advocatessplch practices? If these
charges were true, Mr. Eisler
would have been brought to trial
for sedition rather than for con-
tempt of the most un-American
Committee and on a trumped-up
passport charge. I would like to
remind the administration that
the U.S. SupremeCourt ruled in
1943 (Scheidermen Case) that
membership in the Communist
Party does not mean advocacy of
the overthrow of our government
by force or violence. This decis-
ion, which still prevails, was writ-
ten by a distinguished alumnus
of the University, Justice Frank
If the administration has any
evidence to the contrary, it should
immediately make it public so
that we can all learn the facts.
Otherwise it should not deny a
man the right to speak (and stu-
dents the right to hear) on the
basis of rumor, prejudice, and gos-
Now is the time for students
to do some educating. We have to
teach our administrators that we

will not let them or the Callahan
Committee or anyone else control
our thoughts. We have to demand
the right to hear all sides of every
question, to choose whatever
speakers we wish, to read what-
ever literature we want, and to
advocate any philosophy we be-
lieve in. We must teach them that
we will fight for these rights just
as hard as those of us who are
veterans fought for ourcountry
in the recent war. We must let
them know that we will not give
in one inch to anyone who tries
to suppress our ideas.
Fors this reason we of MYDA
urge everyone to write letters of
protest to Dr. Brandt, chairman
of the Committee on University
Lectures, and President Ruthven.
-LEdward H. Shaffer,
Chairman, MYDA
Liberalism Postponed
To the Editor:
plagued with people below
rclamoring to come up, while peo-
ple above clamor to come down,
liberals in this generation are
plagued with pulls in two direc-
tions at once. They want reforms,
including a planned economy,
looking toward a better break for
the common man. And what do

they find? They find Russia and
her friends specializing in this sort
of thing, bending every effort to
monopolize it and identify it with
Communism, that is, Russianism
The liberals may not fear the
big, bad word, Communism, but
they begin to have their doubts
about Russia and her intentions.
In fact Russia has left no stone
unturned to make her purposes
quite plain. Obviously, she is
grabbing off everything she can,
Preparing for what? Apparently
preparing for an attack on Amer-
ica (as she keeps saying) an at-
tack by America on her.
The liberal is usually a loyal
American and cannot go over to
his country's enemy. He looks
around for friends to form a com-
mon front against that enemy.
Whom does he find? Disappoint-
ingly enough, he often finds des-
pisers of the common man and
friends of the privileged few.
The liberal's difficult choice,
then, is this: "Shall I give up my
liberalism, or shall I give up my
country?" Each American natur-
ally has to decide this question
for himself. I personally prefer
to postpone liberalism; I feel that
it can wait. But danger from with-
out cannot be postponed. There-
fore, if it is necessary to make
friends with fascists in order to
defeat my country's enemy, I will
make friends with them. The fas-
cists' turn will come later. The
question is, which enemy is more
immediately dangerous? Let's
fight the most urgent fight first;
the other can wait.
-Bayard Lyon,
Occupation Articles
To the Editor:
articles "Occupation Soldier" by
Barney Laschever are "humorous-
ly and grossly inaccurate," accord-
ing to Messrs. Scharenberg and
McCready, it might be worth the
time to correct the mistakes, after
all. Undoubtedly there are some
poor students on campus who do
not have the knowledge that Mes-
srs. Scharenberg and McCready
have, and who would like to know
just what statements are false.
After all, the Occupation of Ger-
many is rather important to us.
If it is not handled properly, some
of us may find ourselves over there
again in 20 years.
On the whole, life in Germany
is presented fairly and accurate-
ly, as far as I can tell, and I
spent 32 months in occupied Ger-
many. Undeniably there are min-
or errors and a few statements
that should be modified and elab-
orated, but my chief regret is that
there are no more articles forth-
coming in this series. Let those
who know better show their know-
-Sohn Neufeld
Lecture Apathy
To the Editor:
MR. ROBINSON has yet to de-
1) That his general statement
about campus apathy to lectures
can be proven by the particular
example of the Leland Stowe lec-
2) That a lecture prepared for
student attraction can appear on
the campus scene on such notice
and with poor publicity and ex-
pect to sweep aside such events
as the Heller-Adler-Niebuhr, the
Cooley Lecture, and the visiting
faculty series.
3) That on the basis of short-
sightedness and poor planning he
can justifiably impose a moral
censure on those students who
have not planned to attend be-
cause of complexity of schedule or

-Louis L. Orlin
Fifty-Eighth Year







Edited and managed by' students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell .......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy.......... .. .City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes .......... Associate Editor
Joan Katz.............Associate Editor
Fred Schott......... Associate Editor
Dick Kraus.............Sports Editor
Bob Lent ...Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .......General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
Dick Halt....... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1


So she's going to start
right now. "After all,"
"politics is like dieting-

reading up on them
she said earnestly,
-you've got to start

To the Editor:
distribution to

the general




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