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February 26, 1948 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-26

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Poor Seaway Opposition

ALWAYS-PUT OFF until tomorrow what
you could do today.
This sentence seems to best describe the
attitude of Senator Robert A. Taft toward
the St. Lawrence Seaway as expressed at a
luncheon in Detroit Monday.
In his speech, Senator Taft came out
against the building of the St. Lawrence
Seaway at the present time, but not because
he is against the project as to its value.
Rather, he is against the spending of the
$500,000,000 necessary to convert the St.
Lawrence River from an unharnessed series
of rapids to a mighty force in the pros-
perity of the whole Great Lakes and north-
western region.
As projected, the Seaway would provide
for the construction of the world's largest
powerhouse and a dam on the St. Lawrence
rapids, which together would provide 2,200,-
000 horsepower of electricity, and create a
river channel deep enough for ocean-going
ships -to enter all the Great Lakes.
1n :addition to the Oft-mentioned bene-
fits, the Seaway would mean that the
whole vast area of the Great Lakes would
-be available for building and repairing
ships in wartime, and that high-grade
iron ore would be available to the steel
mills of Pittsburgh and Gary from Lab-
,ador when the Minnesota iron deposits
give out.
Yet, in view of the increasingly grave in-
ternational situation, and the prediction
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

that our tremendous level of steel produc-
tion may exhaust the Minnesota iron fields
within 15 years, Taft asserts that the 'St.
Lawrence development is "untimely" at the
present time.
The only real argument which Taft ad-
vances for his stand is that such a large
expenditure for public works at this time
will tend.to increase inflation. Superficially,
this is true, for it would mean the diver-
sion of a large amount of labor and ma-
terial to its construction.
What Taft doesn't say, however, is that,
through the great increase in production
which would be made possible by cheap
hydro-electric power a ndheeap water
transportation, the Seaway would actually
be an incentive to more production, the
basis for the alleviation of inflation.
Taft's assertion that the government can-
not afford to build the Seaway is utterly
absurd, for it is hard to see how anyone
could contend that we cannot afford to
spend $500,000,000 for a self-liquidating im-
provement of such immeasurable value with-
in our own country, when at the same time
we spend 11 billion dollars for defense.
The Seaway is not a party issue, and many
ultra-conservatives have joined in praising
the project. Even the most conservative bus-
inessmen support this public works and
power project-men who normally look on
the interference of government in business
affairs with horror.
In view of this, it is unfortunate that so
powerful a man as Taft should choose to
support instead the opposing private power
and railroad interests, who would put im-
mediate profits above the future prosperity.
of this country.
-Russell B. Clanahan.


Truman Withdrawal

City Editor's
well-earned pat on the back for their
common sense attitude in approving the
Young Democrats Club.
Reversing traditional rulings concerning
direct political activity on the campus, the
Democrats' Club sanction opens the door to
full scale campus campaigning during this
important election year.
Formerly students went through high
school and college in virtual ignorance of
practical politics. They were forced to in-
dulge in petty collegiate politics over the
election of dance committees and the like.
Consequently, untainted by the mire of
practical politics, the student graduated and
assumed his place in society with nothing
to guide him in the selection of public of-
At the same time this political isolation
fostered the attitude that politics were an
unclean vocation, followed by people who
couldn't make a go of anything else. Con-
sequently college trained people usually kept
"hands off" and contented themselves with
criticizing "those stupid ward heelers.
With an official okay from the University,
political clubs can now assume an important
place on this campus. Perhaps with fuller
knowledge of the subject, students won't
turn their backs on public service when they
enter society.
However there is one more obstacle which
must be overcome before political issues
presented by top-flight politicians from
throughout the nation can be brought to the
University. A by-law of the University must
be revamped to allow political speeches in
University buildings.
This move will have to be approved by
the Board of Regents. The Regents should
follow the common sense lead of adminis-
tration officials, and open University facil-
ities to political speakers, thus exposing stu-
dents to current political thought.
At Lydia Mendelssohn ..
THE GREAT GLINKA, with Boris Chir-
kov and Valentina Serova. Directed by
Lev Arnsham.
ALTHOUGH my knowledge of music is
such that I cannot readily distinguisli
the tones of a tuba from those of a harp,
I am forced to admit that I found the
musical score of "The Great Glinka" to be
its most-nay, its only-ejoyable feature.
Stripped of its moments of melody, in fact,..
there would be very little in this film to
attract you. This is a common fate of screen
biographies of course, but in the case of
Glinka I don't see why it should be since
the composer led a charmed life and one
that would seem to lend itself ideally to
dramatic adaptation.
The dramatic adaptation in this case,
however, has been construed to be limited
to the considerations of the state-a feature
that was persisted in with such vigor that
I left the theatre with the impression that
Glinka had been a staunch party member
whose hobby was musical composition. Every
climax in his life, man and boy, was
treated as another step toward the Revolu-
tion: At one tender point in the proceedings,
for instance,he was made to say ruefully,
"Every time I open my eyes I seem to be

seeing peasants." I was having the same
Kenneth Lowe.


NOWA - - --- -- - mmom

" Whaddaya mean, 'Long live true democracy,' Tovarich? I
thought that wuz OUR theme song."

-Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
*N* *e

T IS WILDLY improbable, of course, that
Mr. Truman will withdraw from the cam-
paign. But it is not so improbable any longer
that you can't put the words down, and
have a look at them. It is a very strong
fact that Mr. Truman's withdrawal would
revitalize the election campaign, that it
would raise fresh hopes, that it would wake
the Democrats from their slumbers as if a
fairy hand had touched their brows.
Mr. Truman's withdrawal would raise the
perspective that a candidate could be found
whom the Wallace forces would accept. In
election-winning terms, that is too exciting
an idea to be locked away for keeps. It
would be unusual, of course, for an incum-
bent President to withdraw as a candidate, .'
but in an era which has given us a four-
term President, a world war, an inflation
and a couple of new comets, it would not
be so desperately shattering an event that
anybody .need exactly fall in a dead faint
if it happens.
These thoughts are going to stew around
in a number of Democratic crania for the
next few months. They may never be ex-
pressed in more than a loud whisper. There
will, naturally, be a reluctance on the part
of many Democrats to put the whammy on
an amiable and pleasant man, who has done
no harm, except maybe to gum up his party's
chances for re-election. But the issue, by
now, transcends personalities. As a matter
of cold fact, the Wallace movement has
created a brand-new political situation,
which must be faced. Some of its aspects
can be summarized thus:
1. Mr. Wallace has shown that the left
wing of the Democratic party cannot be
treated disdainfully or contumeliously, with
safety. There is tremendous drama in what
has happened from the time he was booted


/ Ji f f+ V l
v G ~

out of the Cabinet, a year and a half ago,
to the present moment, which finds th-
New York Times murmuring that he might
run ahead of Mr. Truman in Michigan,
etc. What we are seeing, in complex form,
is the drama of the establishment of the
liberal interest, so that from now on, in
setting up policies, candidacies, etc., it will
have to be considered, as automatically
as is the farming interest, the business in-
terest, or any other.
2. As a corollary of the first point, there
is now being decided the great question of
the relative weight, within the Party, of'
Southern conservatism and Northern lib-
eralism. This is a bitter issue, usually settled;
by crude compromise. Mr. Roosevelt followed
the formula of pleasing the liberal North,
while trying to offend the conservative
South as little as possible. Mr. Truman, I
think, on the day-to-day level followed the
formula of pleasing the conservative South
while offending the liberal North as little
as possible.
But, again as a matter of cold fact, the
Party cannot win nationally without the
liberal North. Southern conservatives have
prospered in national politics, because of
the liberal North that they have affected
to despise, which is something like living'
on the bounty of an unpresentable rela-
tive. That situation was bound to crack
sometime, with or without Wallace, with
or without the Communiss. Wallace's re-
cent successes mean that Northern lib-
eralism either sits in the front parlor,
with everybody else, or that a substantial
portion of it will leave the house and go
wherever it gets a welcome.
It would not be surprising if a number of
Democrats began to think in terms of a can-
didacy that could embrace these realities.
(Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation)

VOL. LVIII, No. 100

Letters to the Editor...


Campus Parking Areas:
Following is a list of RE-
STRICTED campus parking areas
which are to be used ONLY by
those persons who have been is-
used, and who properly display,
campus PARKTNG permits. It is
to be noted that a student driving
permit is not a parking permit.
Persons using restricted parking
areas illegally are liable for fines.
1. Thayer Sc. at Hill Audito-
2. Catherine St. West of Univ.
3. S. W. Corner of East Wash-
ington and Ingalls
4. Law School at Monroe and
5. East Medical Building Lot
6. Between Chemistry and Nat-
ural Science Buildings
7. Behind University Hall
8. West Engineering Lot
9. West Engineering Annex Lot
10. Storehouse Area on Forest
11. Convalescent Hospital Area
12. Rear of Dental and Health
Service Buildings
13. Lot between wings of Univ.
14. Lane Hall Area
15. Clements Library
16. Harris Hall
17. Public Health Area
18. Lot north of Hill Aud. on
Thayer St.
19. Grassy areas or lawn exten-
The campus parking areas list-
ed below are UNRESTRICTED
and may be used by student driv-
ers without securing parking per-
mits. In using these areas how-
ever, it should be pointed out that
improper parking which hinders
other cars in entering or leaving
the area is considered illegal park-
ing and will result in a fine. Cars
are not to be center parked in
ANY parking area for this usually
results in the blocking of en-
trances or exits causing driving
hazards. Persons who do park
their cars in the center of lots will
be fined for illegal parking.
1. East of Univ. Hospital
2. S.E. Corner of Thayer and E.
Washington Sts.
3. Church St. East Engineering
4. East Hall on Church St.
5. Catherine St. North of
Vaughn Residence Hall
6. West Quad. Area at Thomp-
son and Jefferson Sts.
7. Michigan Union Area
8. College St. between East Med.
and East Hall
9. General Service Building
10. Lot behind Univ. Museum
adjacent to Forest Ave.
11. Business Administration
building area

Handbills, signs and printed
matter not inconsistent with good
taste may be posted on the bulletin
boards in campus buildings, but
not elszwhere.
Driving privileges: Students are
reminded that their University
driying permits are rendered in-
valid by their failure to report
their new 1948 license numbers. If
students desire to retain their
driving privileges, the 1948 license
should be reported to Mr. Gwin or
Miss McDowell in Rm. 2, Univer-
sity Hall either by postcard, in
person, or by phone (6115).
Students, College of L.S.A.: Ap-
plications for scholarships for the
first and second semesters, 1948-
49, are now available in Rm. 1220,
Angell Hall. All applications must
be returned to that office by
March 1. Applicants must have
had at least two semesters of resi-
dence in this College.
Freshmen who competed in the
Hopwood contests should call for
their manuscripts at the Hopwood
Room this week.
The Lucinda Goodrich Downs
scholarships have been awarded
to Barbara Jean Rattray DuBois,
and Florence Marie Lindamood.
Sigma Xi: The deadline for
nomination of new members is
March 1. Send completed nomi-
nation blanks to R. M. Thrall, Sec-
retary, Rm. 402, South Wing, Ext.
The Children's School of the
Vassar College Summer Institute
is offering student assistantships
to undergraduates in Child Study,
Child Psychology or Home Eco-
nomics. Applications must be filed
by March 15. For further infor-
mation, call at the Bureau of Ap-
Camp Jobs: Mrs. Cugell of Cam
Q-Gull on Lake Charlevoix wi
be at the University Bureau of
Appointments on Thurs., Feb. 26,
to interview experienced arts and.
crafts, music, and riding counsel-
ors; ARC waterfront man; regis-
tered nurses for position of camp
nurse; junior medical students or
interns for position of camp doc-
tor. For appointment or further
information call at 201 Mason
Hall or call Extension 371.
The Department of Public In-
struction, Territory of Hawaii, an-
nounces a need for teachers in the
following fields: Band, Industrial
Arts, Social Studies, Kindergarten,
and Elementary Grades. For fur-
ther information call at the Bu-
reau of Appointments.
Thomas M. Cooley Lectures.
General topic: "Our Legal Sys-
tem and How It Operates. Fourth
Lecture: "Structure and State-
ment of Standards," by Burke
Shartel, Professor of Law. 4:15
p.m., Thurs., Feb. 26, Rm. 150,
Hutchins Hall. The public is in-
Lectures-"THEORY OF ISO-

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Day
Prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
wrters only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* a S
Daily Praise
To the Editor:
THANK YOU for the new de-
department "Listening In ...'
which has now appeared twice
and may therefore be considered
a regular feature. It is genuinely
helpful to have a concise table of
reminders in the matter of satis-
factory radio listening, I hope the
reader-response in letters and
cards is great and enthusiastic
enough so that "Listening In . ..
may be continued.
y -Robert T. Swartz.
* * *
Niebuhr Lecture
To the Editor:
[HIS LETTER comes to you in
the interest of accurate news
coverage. The lecture of Dr. Nie-
buhr was so grossly misrepresent-
ed in your publication that I can-
not deny some assistance to truth
in elevating it from the low earth
where it was so lately trampled.
The veriest tyro in either history,
theology or philosophy could
hardly have missed the thrust of
Dr. Niebuhr's argument more com-
pletely than did Mr. White's teat-
Dr. Niebuhr characterized the
classic interpretation of history
as a cyclic process of birth, growth
and death with a moral reference
oft virtue for its own sake. The
modern secular view of history
was presented as the view where
"time is God, and history is
Christ." The modern man, having
wrested the authority from his
Sovereign, rides the "cycletron"
of his now found autonomy
through the ever ascending and
ever widening community of the
universal man. Dr. Niebuhr point-
ed out that at least some ob-
servers have noticed that this new
machine has a tendency to nose
dive from time to time, e.g. the
pessimism of H. G. Wells just
prior to his death. Man's moral
development has not kept pace
with his technological skills. He
is now faced with the problem of
adapting an instrument of uni-
versal destruction to particulariz-
ation in morals.
Dr. Niebuhr would resolve the
enigma by giving history a tele-
ological point of reference in eter-
nity and giving life a purpose be-
yond it stemporal finite instance.
The solution lies in the implica-
tions of the injunction, "Love the
God thy God above all, and they
neighbo ras thyself" with its rea-
lization soteriologically through
Christ. Therein lie the only pos-
sibilities for perfect community
and meaningful history and life.
-Nick R. Van Til
* * *
Lecture Apathy;
To the Editor:
WITH REFERENCE to the let-
ter by Mr. Elyachar ,in Wed-
nesday's Daily. The writer made
certain statements concerning the
apathy of the student body, and
perhaps even faculty, with re-
spect to the lectures being pre-
sented here at the University.
May I submit further evidence to
substantiate the writer's accusa-
tions. On Monday morning of this
week the United World Federal-
fists in conjunction with the Stu-
dent FamineCommittee an-
nounced a lecture Sunday eve-
ning Feb. 29 by Leland Stowe
whose background is set forth in
another section of this edition of

The Daily. Three days have
passed since that announcement
was made. During this time signs
have been posted, radio announce-
ments have been made, articles
have appeared in The Daily and
in Ann Arbor newspapers, and
student organizations have been
notified. Yet up to the time the
booth in U-Hall closed yesterday
afternoon NOT one ticket was
sold. What particularly irks this
writer is that right along side the
lecture booth were two other
booths selling tickets for dances
Geoffrey Taylor, Research Pro-
fessor at Cambridge University,
England, will give two lectures on
the above subject on Fri., Feb. 27
at 3:15 p.m., and on Mon., March
1, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Academic Notices
Applied Mathematics Seminar:
Thurs., Feb. 26, 4 p.m., Rm. 247, W.
Engineering Bldg. Prof. A. M.
(Continued on Page 5)

and the basketball game. They
were doing a land-office business,
the lecture booth NONE.
If this particular lecture was
one of a profiteering nature this
writer would not blame many peo-
ple for not wanting to attend. But
it isn't IT'S a lecture being given
it isn't. IT'S a lecture being given
to aid fellows and iin Eu-
rope who unlike uis, the privileged,
are today being deprived of a de-
cent education and a decent meal
three times a day. Every cent of
the proceeds above and beyond
expenses is going to be sent to
the United Nations which in turn
will send it to Europe to help
feed and educate the 'have nots"
among Europe's children.
The sponsors of this lecture do
not ask that you give away any-
thing-they ask that you lend
something to help others to secure
something-peace. If they don't
gnsecure it, you and I will never
again be secure.

-Irwin Robinson,
UWF Security Council.
* * *

T HE QUESTION is not whether
music can be a means of ex-
ternalizing nationalism and faith.
No one with a nodding knowledge
of music will attempt to refute
that. Wagner's music conveys a
good deal of patriotism; many
works of Beethoven bespeak of a
"revolutionary" character; Dvor-
ak's and Tschaikowsky's love for
their countries impregnate their
music; the religious sentiment of
the Baroque finds definite ex-
pression in Bach and Handel;
and I could easily cite innumer-
able other corroborative instances.
Nevertheless, Mr. Raimi, if I am
not mistaken, you seem to have
overlooked a very important fact
-and that is that these men were
not forced to create by any poli-
tical machine. Theirs was a spon-
taneous, sincere, subjective crea-
tion, and that is what art should
be, even if it should express a
man's convictions in the atroci-
ties committeed in German con-
centration camps.
To compel an artist to produce
an inspiration is preposterous.
Furthermore, notfall artistsde-
rive inspiration from the same
It cannot be done, Mr. Raimi.
Art has been, and should continue
to be, a very intimate sublimation
of ideals, feelings and sentiments.
Any other kind of art is weak be-
cause it lacks sincerity.
The various phases through
which are has gone are not in-
dentifiable as the execution of
political decrees, although politics
has, unfortunately, been a very
disturbing factor.
Surely, I do not deny that poli-
tics, religion, philosophical ideas,
and whatnot, are the factors which
determine the nature of an age
and, consequently, of its art. How-
ever, to demand that an artist de-
picts what he has not yet accepted
or does not truly feel is to cripple
the very roots of his creative gen-
ius. In fact, to demand that an
artist produce is nonsense, per-
iod !
Another point, Mr. Maimi. Ybu
say that there can be such a thing
as "Soviet music." For the bene-
fit of a stodgy mind, what do you
mean by that? If you mean Rus-
sian music, it already exists and
has existed for many years. Now,
if you mean music to express the
present political creed of Russia,
you will have to wait until this
creed becomes an ideal capable of
moving composers to create.
-Carlos Soares
Fifty-Eighth Year


National Music
To the Editor:


)q I



Douible-Take on chia

ASHINGTON, Feb. 22-The unanswer-
able argument that you can't go up and
down simultaneously -recently was put to
effective use by one branch of the Adminis-
tration. Agriculture Secretary Anderson de-
manded to know how he could be guilty of
Republican charges that he was responsible
for both price rises and price declines.
Now another government department
finds itself actually arguing in effect that.
it is possible to do something and yet not
to do it at the same time.
Secretary of State Marshall appeared be-
fore the ouse Committeehon Foreign Af-
fairs the other day in behalf of legis-
lation to gra nt $570,000,000 worth of aid to
China. Marshall had sweated out a year-
long mission in China before he became Sec-
retary of State. When he left for the United
States, he issued a statement which was
at least as harshly critical of the Chiang
Kai-Shek government as it was of the
The State Department, faced with the
first-hand evidence of Marshall's own ob-
servations and with the fact that the cor-
ruption of the Nacionalist regime is com-
mon knowledge in America, was careful not
to include direct military aid in the request-
ed legislation. The omission of military "as-

anent made public a number of agreements
which -enable the Chinese to purchase mili-
tary supplies at vastly reduced rates from
the United States. Chiang can now buy an
unlimited amount of air force surplus sup-
plies at 17% cents on the dollar and certain
munitions at one cent on the dollar.
The thesis is that economic aid will free
much of China's foreign currency for the
purchase of arms and ammunition. But,
aware of the essentially self-contradictory
nature of its position, the Administration
shied away from any mention of the mili-
tary aspect in presenting its program for
relief and economic reconstruction. At a
press conference before the program was an-
nounced, Marshall tried to duck all ques-
tions on this touchy point. He denied that
any direct military aid was involved but
he ended up by saying the reporters would
have to see for themselves whether there
were any miliary ramifications when the
report on the requested legislation came out.
And in asking for the appropriation, Pres-
ident Truman refused to call a spade a spade
but observed that economic help would en-
able China to devote its dollar resources to
"the most urgent of its other needs."
Even the proposal to lend China a hand
economically was put to Congress most gin-
gerly and reluctantly by Marshall in his
testimony before the Foreign -Affairs Coin-

SHe[avy Dew



Now Showing
WHETHER OR NOT the clergy is being
subsidized by Hollywood can hardly be
decided here. All we know is that a local
house of worship is offering "Good News"
on next Sunday's bill of fare. Last chance
for those of you who missed it at the regular
Distinguished Company
/E SEE in the papers that quite a dis-
tinguished group is vacationing in
Porto Rico this winter. Familiar names
Bob Chappuis
President Truman
Howard Yerges

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michiga under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell......Managing Editor
Dick Maloy .............. City Editor
Harriett Friedman .. Editorial Director
Lida Dailes...........Associate Editor
Joan Katz ............ Associate Editor
Fred Schott........Associate Editor
Dick Kraus .............Sports Editor
Bob Lent.. AssociateSports Editor
Joyc'e Johnson.......Women's Editor
Jean Whitney Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick........General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman ......Ad. Manager
Edwin Schneider .. Finance Manager
Dick Hait....... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Rember of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively




fthis sort is office space.

rl will be all right when --w gtte ensin p

I'll need a few more signs..
"J'~. J. O'Malley, President" and 1


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