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October 03, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-03

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See Page 4

47Ia ii4


Latest Deadline in the State


Jews Agree
To Partition
Of Palestine
Arabs Demand
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, October 2 -
The Jewish Agency for Palestin
told the United Nations today tha
its people were prepared "in sad
ness and most reluctantly" to ac
cept partition of the Holy Lan
if that is essential to establish
Jewish national home there.
At the same time the Agency
warned that such a solution woul
require "some enforcement" by
the United Nations and called for
creation of an international UN
authority to supervise- division o
Palestine between Jews and Arabs
during a two-year period.
The Jewish case was present-
ed by Dr. Abba Hillel Silver,
chairman of the American see-
tion of the executive for the
Jewish Agency for Palestine. He
appeared before the 57-member
special Palestine committee
named by the United Nations
assembly to find a settlement
for the old and violent issue.
Before this same committee on
Monday an Arab spokesman re-
jected any settlement by partition
declared for one "independent and
" democratic Arab state" in Pales-
tine said the Arabs would fight for
their views.
Fighting words lay close to the
surface in Rabbi Silver's speech
today also and United Nations au-
thorities apparently found as be-
tween the Jewish and Arab posi-
tions no ground for hope of com-
promise and little ground for any
peaceful solution.
"Sincerely and without res-
ervations we bring the offer of
peace and friendship," Rabbi
Silver said. "If it is met with
the same spirit, rich and abun-,
dant blessings will redound to
all. If not, we shall be com-
peledto d what any peT e
musf do under such circumstan-
ces-defend our rights to the
The Palestine committee meet-
ing was one of two that kept the
principal assembly delegates busy
on top issues during- the day.
There were no full-dress sessions
of the assembly. This was a
"breathing spell" day away from
the Soviet-American deadlocks
over election of new members to
the security and trusteeship coun-
"We are the victims' of a mon-
strous blackmail," said Dr. N. Me-
vorah, Bulgarian spokesmen. He
charged that the United States
had deliberately exaggerated the
Greek crisis into a "good excuse
to transform Greece into an armed
camp of the United States."
IllinOIS Ticket
Sales Limited
Students Must Have
Cashier's Receipt
The ticket sales for the Mich-
igan-Illinois game Nov. 1 will be
restricted to two tickets per per-
son and may be obtained only
upon presentation of a University

cashier's receipt, the Wolverine
Club announced yesterday.
Arrangements have been made
for a special train to carry stu-
dents to and from the game, and
tickets will go on sale Oct. 6,
7 and 8 at the booth outside Rm.
2, University Hall. However, game
ducats will be sold only in con-
junction with train tickets during
this three day sale. Any remain-
ing game tickets," of which the
Wolverine Club has only 2,000, will
be sold Oct. 9.
Total cost of both tickets will
be $14.60, with individual game
ducats selling for $3.60. The Wol-
verine Club, sponsors of the trip,
sclosed that by getting an en.
tire train, a reduction of $7.00 in
the regular fare has been ob-
Women students have been
granted over-night permission
for the trip and also late permis-
sion Saturday night to allow for
the return trip.
It has been announced that

Casey's Relief Pitching,
Helps Dodgers Win,9-8
Veteran Moundsman Stills Yankee Batters;
Taylor May Oppose New Yorkers Today
By The Associated Press
EBBETS FIELD, Brooklyn, Oct. 2-Hugh Casey, a mellowed and
bulging Brooklyn tavern keeper, left his cash register long enough
today to salvage a 9 to 8 victory over the New York Yankees for the
Brooklyn Dodgers in the third game of the World Series and save the
last remaining reason of 33,098 fans in Ebbets Field.
Back in friendly territory after having lost two weird affairs at
Yankee Stadium, the Dodgers had held leads of 6-0 and then 9-4,
only to see them melt away before a vicious New York attack which

a French Need
d U.S. Dollars
q Before Nov. 1
Bidault Requests Hel
To Maintain Imports
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2- (/P) -
France informally set Nov. 1 to-
day as the deadline by which she
will need more American dollars to
buy fuel and food.
French Foreign Minister
Georges Bidault saw President
Truman for 30 minutes. He told
reporters afterward his country
has a "very serious" need for more
American cash by Nov. 1 to keep
up imports of essential coal,
wheat and industrial supplies like
copper and cotton.
May Not Upset Timetable
Diplomatic officials said that
will not necessarily mean any
change in President Truman's
timetable for emergency aid for
Europe. They figure barrel scrap-
ing by the American government
can get France, Italy and other
needy Western European nations
through November.
Bidault and French Ambassador
Henri Bonnet held a one-hour
conversation with Undersecretary
of State Robert Lovett. He said
the, talk was "very friendly" but
added that "things are not set-
tled in one conversation."
Confer with Anderson
Bonnet said a number of tech-
nical points were discussed with
Lovett. The French officials also
conferred with Secretary of Agri-
culture Anderson. It was learned
this visit concerned France's ur-
gent desire that the United States
use its influence with the interna-
tional emergency food council to
grant supplementary wheat allo-
cations to France this year.
But Mr. Truman's citizens food
committee went ahead with its
plans for a national campaign to
make over American eating habits
in order to save 100,000,000 bush-
els of grain for Europe.
And a committee appraising
American resources for foreign
aid, headed by Secretary of Com-
merce Harriman, took a passing
look at the current situation and
moved on to the problem of long-
er-range help.
Fitting into the same general
picture were these developments:
Departmental Goal
The agriculture department set
agoal calling for the planting of
75,095,000 acres of wheat in 1948,
against an even 75,000,000 it pro-
posed only last August. The new
goal is about the same acreage
which produced this year's record
crop of 1,400,00,000 bushels. Be-
cause of dry weather in wheat
states there is doubt the planting
goal will be reached.

>featured home runs by Joe Di-
Maggio and Larry (Yogi) Berra.
When Casey took over with one
out in the seventh, Berra just had
belted his four-master over the
scoreboard clock in right field to
pull the Bombers within a single
run of tying the count.
It was a mighty tense gathering
that watched the veteran Casey
slam the door shut and spare the
Dodgers another disaster. He
yielded only one hit the rest of
- the way, forced the dangerous Di-
Maggio to rap into a double play
in the eighth, and by unanimous
consent of the official scorers was
voted the winning pitcher and
Brooklyn's mightiest man.
Sparkling Exhibition 4
As a result of the one sparkling
exhibition of pitching in a game
otherwise distinguished by terri-
ble chucking on the part of seven
other alleged moundsmen, who
wandered in and out of three
hour and five minute struggle, the
Brooklyns appeared to be back in
the series. At least, Burt Shot-
ton's lads were spared the ignom-
iny of a four-straight licking,
which they appeared headed for
this time last night.
Today's tilt was notable for still
other reasons, if that is the word.
It was the longest play-off game
on record the previous marathon
mark having been set by the same
rivals in the '41 series-two hours
and 54 minutes.
Dodgers Jubilant
For the first time since the se-
ries opened on Tuesday the
Dodgers had a chance to be jubi-
lant in their dressing room, and
they made the most of it. They
were particularly elated at hav-
ing given the old strutter, Bobo
Newson, his lumps in their great
second inning. He once was their
teammate, and they wanted to get
him. It was pleasurable, too, to
have discovered their batting eyes
again and matched the power-
hitting Yanks blow-for-blow in
the 26-hit affair.
Tonight Manager Shotton, who
had been very sour about what be-
fell his athletes on the previous
zaney afternoons, felt somewhat
better. He said he would try to
square matters tomorrow by start-
ing either Harry Taylor, the club's
brilliant freshman hurler, or Hal
Gregg, a veteran who did some re-
lief work yesterday.
The grapevine said it would be
Taylor. The youngster compiled a
sensational record early in the
season but was out for 10 weeks
with a sore shoulder. He worked
a couple of brief stints last week
and said his wing felt no ill ef-
fects. He is a righthander with a
good fast ball and a sharp curve-
(Continued from Page 2)
Senior Pictures
Seniors may still make appoint- ,
ments with the Michiganensian
for senior pictures at the 'Ensian'
business office on the second floor
of the Student Publications Build-
Ofice hours are 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
p~m. p~m


... Addresses Conferences
* * *
Send More
For Education,
Ruthven Asks
Tells Current Need
of Training Leaders
In a speech of greeting to col-
lege regents and trustees from
throughout the nation, University
President Alexander G. Ruthven
yesterday repeated his contention
that America must make up her'
mind to spend more money on ed-
During recent months, Ruthven
has continually hammered at this
sane theme in other addresses
around the nation and the state.
Yesterday he warned that unless
we spend more money to develop
leaders, we face the alternative of
what he called "mental rickets"
and a shallow, outmoded and arti-
ficial intellectual culture.
Function of Education
Speaking to more than 100 re-
gents and trustees gathered here
for a meeting of the Association
of Governing Boards of State In-
stitutions and Allied Institutions,
Ruthven said that the chief func-
tion of education is to teach peo-
ple to think, and to orient stu-
dents for the world which they
will face when they leave the
campus. However he warns that
a money saving policy threatens
to hamstring these objectives.
According to Ruthven the need
of a good educational system is
now more important than ever be-
fore in this period of rapidly
changing conditions.
He outlined the increase in en-
rollment, run-down physical
plants, higher costs, research de-
mands and other factors which
make the functions of education
more important on the current
Warning Given
To Med Group
Medical Care Must
Be Given to All
Members of the medical profes-
sion were advised to show more
concern over the rising cost and
distribution of medical care and
to help work out a solution by
President Alexander G. Ruthven
in his toast of greeting to the
doctors attending the third tri-
ennial Medical Alumni Confer-
"You are rightfully proud of
your profession," President Ruth-
ven stated. "You may take a full
measure of satisfaction in the ef-
forts you and your fellows make
to advance medical knowledge."
But there is another phase of
medicine which is not so encour-
aging, the President pointed out.
"Few of us will insist that there
is a proper distribution of medical
care, not only geographically but
also within communities," he as-
serted. "Many of you have also ex-
pressed concern about the rising
cost of medical care, including
hospitalization - a trend which
even at present has resulted in
the curious situation that only the
very poor and the very rich can
afford anything like serious ill-
"Finally, there is ample evi-
dence that you and also other
houghtbul people are concerned
lest the problems I have men-
tioned to some half-baked solu-

bions by professional politicians
labor unions or other unqualified

Foes Initiate
Campaign to
Beat Reuther
CIO Faction Headed
By Thomas, Addes
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, October 2 - Oppo-
nents of Presient Walter P. Reu-
ther of the CIO United Auto
Workers today officially launched
their campaign to defeat him at
the union's Atlantic City conven-
tion next month.
R. J. Thomas, UAW vice-presi-
dent and former president, told a
news conference, "we will have a
candidate to oppose Reuther."
Thomas, together with UAW
Vice-President Richard T. Leon-
ard and Secretary - Treasurer
George F. Addes, said their slate
of anti-Reuther candidates would
be completed by the end of this
The Addes-Thonilas-Leonard
faction criticized Reuther's con-
duct of union affairs and ac-
cused him of "trying to run a
one man show."
Addes assailed what he termed
Reuther's "mechanical minority"
on the 22-man UAW International
Executive Board and said it voted
in a bloc on all major issues. He
said the votes of the Addes-Thom-
as-Leonard group had been spit
several times.
Reuther, while winning the
presidency from Thomas at the
last UAW national convention,
failed to gain a majority of the
board and has been at odds with
the Addes-Thomas-Leonard group
several times since then.
+ Reuther recently charged his
intra-union opponents with
wasting over $500,0000 in a fu-
tile organizational drive at
Thompson Products Inc. of
Cleveland and he was critical
of leftist elements within the
Addes said today that only
$287,000 had been spent in the
Thompson campaign and both he
and Thomas said costly organiz-
ing drives were not unusual in
labor circles.
Thomas said he, Addes and
Leonard would serve as co-chair-
men of a UAW "committee for
progress and unity." He named
Harry Barnard, former Detroit
and Chicago newspaperman, as
public relations officer to handle
press relations for the committee.
Both Thomas and Addes de-
clared there was no communism
within UAW ranks and assailed
Reuther for trying to take for
himself the right to ban from
the union any man he termed
a Communist.
"There is not a single individual
on the executive board who has
been, is or probably ever will be
a Communist," Addes said.
Queried as to whether he would
accept Communist support if he
ran for the UAW presidency,
Thomas answered, "If I run, I'll
accept support of any delegate
named to the convention by his
union local."
Addes said reports from some
locals, which he did not identify,
showed Reuther had received 370
votes this year as compared with
443 last year.' The anti-Reuther
faction polled 510 as compared to;
the 467 Thomas got last year.
Addes said the votes repre-
sent about 10 per cent of the
7,000-odd votes to beccast at the
November convention.
Local President Ken Bannon,
said 485 votes separated the high-
est anti-Reuther candidate from
the lowest in the winning tally of


University Deans Deny
'Cheating' Accusations
Leveled by Clergyman


CHILDREN OF PARADISE-Jean-Louis Barrault and Arletty in a
scene from "Children of Paradise," to be presented by the campus
AVG and Art Cinema League at 8:30 p.m. today and tomorrow at
Hill Auditorium.
Readjustment Center To Be

G-ivenL to Unwe
A new, half-million dollar Vet-
erans Readjustment Center will be
personally turned over to the Uni-
versity of Michigan Hospital for
operation by Gov. Kim Sigler of
Michigan at ceremonies to be held
at 2 p.m. today.
The Center, which will provide
treatment and accommodations
for 50 veterans suffering from

r5Lty n
early mental illness or emotional
disturbance, will be placed under
the supervision of Dr Raymond
W. Waggoner, director of the Uni-
versity's Neuropsychiatric Insti-
tute, with Dr. Moses M. Frohlich
in immediate charge.
For Intensive Treatment
Not intended for patients re-
quiring commitment, the Center
will accept for treatment either
as out-patients or in-patients, vet-
erans who can profit from a rela=.
tively brief period of intensive
treatment, averaging about six
"Its aim is the early and thor-
ough treatment of illness with a
permanent return of the patient to
useful life in society and the pre-
vention of serious and prolonged
or permanent incapacity," Dr.
Waggoner explained.
Service Without Charge

World Federal
Is Discussed
"The price of peace is justice,
and the only instrumentality cap-
able of providing that justice is a'
world government," declared Hen-
ry C. Usborne, British Laborite
Member of Parliament, last night
before a large audience in Rack-
ham Auditorium.
Mr. Usborne explained that
"justice is impossible without
law; but law is impossible with-
out a legislature to pass it, a po-
lice force toenforce it, and a
court to interpret it." Thus our
only adequate solution is world
government, he pointed out.
In discussing possible alterna-
tives, Mr. Usborne asserted that
the Marshall Plan falls far short
of providing a solution. The Mar-
shall Plan, he said, would leave
a united Europe caught between
the United Statesand Russia,
without in any way resolving the
impending possibility of' a clash
between the world's two greatest
The British Laborite called for
a constitutional convention to be
held in the autumn of 1950 in
Geneva, Switzerland. The dele-
gates, each representing 1,000,000
people, would draft a charter for
a world government, he said.
The charter would then be sub-
mitted to the nations for ratifica-
tion, going into effect upon the
approval of 50 per cent of the
world's people.
The election of delegates to the
constitutional convention would
serve a dual purpose, Mr. Usborne
pointed out. In addition to deter-
mining the delegates to the con-
vention, the election would in-
dicate to the statesmen of the
world, that public opinion was
soundly behind the program. This,
he said, would aid materially in
procuring ratification of t h e

Officials See
No Increase
In Dishonesty
McAllister Survey
Covered 89 Colleges
A clergyman's charges that
cheating, lying and stealing are
on the increase among college
students do not apply to Univer-
sity of Michigan students, accord-
ing to three top University offi-
In a report presented here to
120 regents and trustees of educa-
tional institutions throughout the
country, the Very Rev. Charles E.
McAllister charged that there has
been a definite moral breakdown
in these fields.
Rev. McAllister, who visited 89
colleges in a year-long study of
educational problems, said "in
every institution where realities
were faced there was a frank ad-
mission of an increase in cheat-
ing, lying and stealing, but par-
ticularly in cheating."
However, three top University
officials refuted these charges.
Dean Charles Peake, of the lit-
erary college, said he had no
specific evidence of an increase
in cheating. Graduate' School
Dean Ralph Sawyer also de-
elared he had no evidence of
student dishonesty,
The Dean of the Engineering
College, Ivan Crawford, admitted
that cheating was prevalent dur-
ing the war. But he said he was
not aware of an increase now.
The honor system has been par-
tially restored in the engineering
school and negotiations are being
carried on to restore it completely.
According to Rev. McAllister's
report dishonesty seems to be one
of the fruits of higher education.
He urged that educators guard
against the development of habit
patterns on the college level which
would seem to foster this tend-
ency. Educators can combat this
tendency, he said, by teaching
students an honest philosophy of
Additional portions of Rev.
McAllister's report spotlighted
the problems of morals, com-
munism, finances and housing.
He declared:
That the press has magnified
widespread reports of communism
on the campuses of colleges and
universities. The survey revealed
that only five out of the 89 insti-
tutions visited reported any kind
of subversive activity. The num-
ber of persons involved was slight
and there is no need for concern
as regards radical teaching of a
communistic character on the part
of faculty or student groups.
Persistent reports of lax morals
are also unfounded. Mature vet-
eran students, many of them mar-
ried, have tended to keep moral
standards high, rather than low.
Tuition charges have in-
creased in almost every case.
This is due to increased costs
and faculty salary raises. Col-
leges face the danger of raising
costs out of range of the stu-
dents, thus defeating their pur-
pose of offering equal oppor-
tunity for all.
The extension of federal aid
'brings the possibility of federal
control and federal interference
in state colleges. This is one of
the most critical problems facing
American higher education.
Life of FDR:

NEW YORK, Oct. 2--iP)-A
new store of letters by Franklin
D. Roosevelt, written in childhood
and Youth to his mother, was dis-
closed today.
From Hyde Park at age 6-
"I am in a great hurry. I found
two birds nests. I took one egg.
We are all well. I am going to
the Millie Rogers party and to
meet Dna. God hbye vour vinz

Complete examination and ad-
vice will be made available to vet-
erans without charge, he said.
Construction of the new build-
ing back of the University Hospi-
tal was sponsored by the Michigan
State Office of Veterans Affairs.
Lagler to Head
TU' Fund Drive
In preparation for the 1948
Community Fund Drive, Prof.
Karl F. Lagler, of the zoology de-
partment, has been appointed
chairman for the University cam-
paign, to be held from Oct. 20 to
Nov. 1.
Although no definite quota has
been set as yet for the campus,
the 1948 drive will strive for a to-
tal in excess of the $21,000 netted
in the Community Fund campaign
last year, which was headed by
Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the
business administration school.
With a $10,000 increase in the
needs of the entire community,
the University will probably be
asked to carry a tenth of this,
Prof. Lagler said. The campus
generally contributes more than
one-seventh of the quota for the
whole community.
Campus headquarters for the
Community Fund Drive will be in
3103 Natural Science Building,
where Mrs. Harriett Moore and
Mrs. Joan Meyers will be on duty
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to assist
Prof. Lagler in handling the cam-

World News at aGlance
LAKE SUCCESS, Oct. 2-Bulgarian representative at the UN, Dr.
N. Merovah, accused the United States of exaggerating the seriousness
of the Balkan problem to provide " a good excuse to transform Greece
into an armed camp of the United States."
LONDON, Oct. 2--Deputies of the "Big Four" foreign minis-
ters meet in Lancaster House here tomorrow in a new bid to set-
tle the future of the 1,100,000 square miles and 3,000,000 inhabi-
tants of the colonies that made up Mussolini's "new Roman Em-
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2-Hanns Eisler, Hollywood song writer,
and his wife have been ordered arrested for deportation proceedings,
the House Committee on Un-American Activities announced tonight.
BRIGHTON, England, Oct. 2-The conservative party ap-

Need Performers
If you are an entertainer, if
you sing, dance, or pull rabbits
out of hats, if you can make
them roll in the aisles, Prof.
William D. Revelli, conductor
of the University bands would
like to see you at Harris Hall
Prof. Revelli needs tryouts
for the Varsity night program
to be presented Friday, Oct. 24
in Hill Auditorium. The pro-
gram, an annual event for eight
years, is composed of student


New Fag Rolling Fad Sweeps Campus


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