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October 01, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-01

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Latest Deadline in the State


Med School
Grads Arrive
For Reunion
Estimate 1,000 ,
Alumni to Attend
An estimated 1,000 doctors from
all parts of the country are ex-
pected to attend the third trien-
nial alumni reunion of the Uni-
versity Medical School to be held
here tomorrow through Saturday.
Registration for the reunion,
which is the first to be held since
1941, will begin tomorrow at 2
o'clock in the Rackham Building
with afternoon visits scheduled for
the campus and University Hospi-
The program of events will in-
clude two general sessions tomor-
row and two Friday, two lunch-
eons, a Thursday night banquet at
the Waterman Gymnasium and a
Medical School party at 9 o'clock
Friday night at the Barton Hills
Country Club. All general ses-
sions are to take place in the
Rackham Building.
The reunion is being held in
conjunction with the special con-
vocation at 10 o'clock Saturday
marking the opening of the Medi-
cal School fall term. Rear Ad-
miral Thomas C. Anderson, com-
manding officar of the Bethesda,
Md. Naval Hospital will be one of
the main speakers at the convoca-
tion. Admiral Anderson is a 1914
graduate of the Medical School.
Dean A. C. Furstenberg of the
Medical School is to be toastmas-
ter at the Thursday night ',an-
quet, while President AlexaL. qer
G. Ruthven will give the toast of
In closing the session, the doc-
tors will attend the Stanford game
Saturday at the Stadium, where a
special block of seats has been re-
served for the doctors and their
tYanks' Take
World Series
Opening Game
YORK, Sept. 30 - The greatest
World Series crowd ever-73,365
paid-packed Yankee Stadium to-
day to see the New York Yankees
win the opener of the 1947 classic
from Brooklyn, 5 to 3, when the
Dodgers' 21-year-old pitching
prodigy, Ralph Branca, blew sky
high in a fateful fifth inning.
The favored Yankees poured all
their runs across in the one wild,
ragged frame in which they more
than batted around on three hits,
three walks and a hit batsman.
Branca, the 21-game winner, de-
F parted in the midst of the holo-
caust. Except for the single erup-
tion, the winners got only one oth-
er man on base; on a single by
Phil Rizzuto in the seventh.
Seldom has a World Series
game gone up the spout more
quickly. After an hour's play in
chill, windy weather the Dodgers
were out in front 1-0, and appar-
ently winging. The tall Branca,
his fast ball whistling and his
curve cracking, had set the first
dozen Yanks down in order, strik-
ing out five of them.
Twenty-one minutes later the
worst had happened to the Na-
tional Leaguers and the game was

gone beyond recall. Manager Burt
Shotton's boys hustled up a couple
more runs later on off Joe Page,
the second Yank hurler, but they
never had a chance of catching up.
Frank Shea, brilliant Yankee
freshman pitcher, received credit
for the victory after being lifted
for a pinch-hitter in the big fifth.
If only Branca had regained his
(Continued from Page 3)
Lightning Kills
Grid Player
Denver University
Halfback Victim
DENVER, Sept. 30--A 17-year-
old University of Denver halfback
was killed and four others
knocked unconscious today when
a lightning bolt struck in the
midst of the Freshman football

Parliament Member Will
Lecture Here on Crisis
Student Federalists Sponsor Appearance
Of Henry Usborne at Rackham Tomorrow
Henry C. Usborne, British Labor member of Parliament, and a
recognized leader of the world government movement, will discuss
the present international crisis in a lecture at 8 p.m. Thursday in
Rackham Auditorium.
The distinguished Briton has attracted nation-wide interest. He
comes to America directly from Montreux, Switzerland, where he
participated in a congress for world federal government. His first
American audience was in Washington, D.C., yesterday, where he
c> also held an informal conference

Dr. Seevers
Receives Post
In Med School
Pharmacology Head
Fillls New Position
Dr. Maurice H. Seevers, chair-
man of the pharmacology depart-
ment, has been appointed to fill
the newly-created' post of Asso-
ciate Dean of the Medical School.
As approved by the Board of,
Regents in their meeting Friday,
the associate dean will serve, as
an ex-officio member of the ex-
ecutive committee of the Medical
School and will exercise certain
major administrative functions,
assisting Dean Albert C. Fursten-
Dr. Seevers, who came to the
University in 1942, previously
served on the faculties of the
University of Chicago and the
University of Wisconsin. He
earned his B.A. at Washburn Col-
lege and a Ph.D. from the Uni-]
versity of Chicago, receiving his
medical degree from Rush Medical
College in 1930.
Football Tickets
Students who have no
picked up football tickets and
are eligible to do so -may get
them at the Ferry Field Ticket
Office through Thursday, Dick
Kelly, chairman of the Student
Legislature's distributing com-
mittee, reported yesterday.

with President Truman.
First Local Talk
Usborne's Ann Arbor appear-
ance is being sponsored by the
Michigan chapter of the Student
Federalists, student branch of
United World Federalists who are
bringing the M.P. to Detroit for
a talk Friday, Oct. 3.
Meanwhile, possible implica-
tions of political intolerance her-
alded the announcement on cam-
pus of the laborite's scheduled
speech. Federalists reported yes-
terday that a huge sign which
they had placed on the Diag-
onal early in the morning had
been mysteriously slashed.
No Suspects
The sign was eight feet high,
containing the two letters M.P.
and a brief legend below them an-
nouncing the speaker and his sub-
ject. Federalists had no idea of
the identity of any possible van-
dals. They declared that Univer-
sity groundsmen had temporarily
removed the sign, but had re-
placed it.
"We sincerely hope this isn't
a sign of political intolerance,"
George Shepherd, president of the
Michigan Federalists,bcommented
yesterday. "Ann Arbor is very
lucky to have a man like Mr.
Usborne here to speak on such
a vital subject. We hope that
everyone will have respect for
reason and free competition of
National Tour
In addition to his Ann Arbor
and Detroit appearances, Usborne
is scheduled to talk before the
Foreign Policy Association of St.
Louis, the World Affairs Council
in San Francisco, the City Club of
Cleveland, the Town Hall of Los
Angeles, the Chicago Round Table
of the Air, and many other meet-
Tucker Sued
In Local Court
A civil suit against Preston
Tucker, automotive engineer, al-
leging failure to pay a $11,000 le-
gal fee was adjourned until Nov.
6 in circuit court here yesterday
by Visiting Judge Archie D. Mc-
Donald of Hastings.
Tucker, who plans shortly to
put a new type car on the street,
heard plaintiff's testimony from
representatives of Kaufman and
Cronin, New York lawyers, in the
morning session, then took the
stand himself.
He was unable to testify when
Judge McDonald ordered the case
adjourned to permit other press-
ing cases on the docket into court.

'Daily' Staff
To Prepare
Radio News
WHRV Will Air
A program of University news
gathered and prepared by mem-
bers of The Daily staff will be fea-
tured at 11 p.m. daily on Washte-
now county's newest radio station,
WHRV which goes on the air Oct.
In addition to a preview of the
next day's headlines from The
Daily, the 15 minute news show
will also feature the latest local,
national and international news
from the leased wires of Associ-
ated Press. The campus portion of
the news show will be gathered by
members of The Daily staff and
written by a Daily staffer former-
ly connected with the radio news
bureau of one of the national wire
On the Air Sunday
WHRV, which will go on the air
Oct. 5 with a daily broadcast
schedule starting at 6 a.m. and
signing off at 12:30 a.m. the fol-
lowing morning, is an American
Broadcasting Company affiliate.
According to James Hopkins,
president of the station, WHRV
will bring many outstanding ABC
programs to local listeners with a
greater strength and clarity than
is now the case in this area.
The 1,000 watt station can be
picked up at 1,600 kilocycles on
the top of the radio dial. During
the last few weeks engineers have
been making final tests on the
transmitting equipment in prep-
aration for the formal opening of
the station.
Out of Town
Both the studios and transmit-
ter of WHRV are located several
miles south of Ann Arbor near the
intersection of Route 23 and Pack-
ard road. In addition to ABC net-
work shows the new station plans
to originate many programs lo-
cally, according to Hopkins.
ADA Acts To
Help Student
Book Exchange
Action to aid the Student Book
Exchange now scheduled to close
October 15th will be discussed at
a meeting of representatives of all
campus organizations which the
campus ADA chapter has called
for Monday.
ADA will ask all other campus
groups to consider a plan for con-
certed effort to establish a full
scale student book storehentirely
apart from the University, Ber-
nard Goodman, ADA president an-
Ken Bissell, manager of the
Student Book Exchange, will re-
port on the present structure and
situation of the SBE and the al-
ternative proposals by which a
student book store could be es-
tablished or the SBE continued.
By a vote of the League's board
of governors, the SBE must vacate
its present site in the League
Game Room where it has operated
for the past year selling used
ADA is initiating the action to
establish a student cooperative
book store as a solution to the
present SBE crisis and to fulfill
the long-felt student need for

such a service," Goodman said.
Organizational heads will be
personally contacted and asked
to send representatifes to the open
Talent N1eeded
For Mikado'
An organizational meeting for
all those interested in taking part
in a production of Gilbert and Sul-
livan's "Mikado" will be held at
7:30 p.m. Thursday in the League.
The announcement was made by
James Ueberhorst, president of
the newly reformed Gilbert and
Sullivan Society, a student group
interested in presenting some of
the truly great comic operas of
all time.
All types of talent are needed for
the production, which is tenta-
tively scheduled for sometime in
December. Besides singers, all as-



If Conservation Program Lags;


Barred From Russia


Refuse Visas
To Members
Soviets Charge
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 -
Touring American senators were
barred from Russia today, with
the official Soviet explanation
that the U.S.S.R. cannot "be made
the subject of an investigation" by
American legislators.
Senator Bridges, chairman of
the Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee, said Russia had refused to
permit committee members to en-
ter the country-even to inspect
the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.
Three House members met a
similar refusal last July, but at
that time the Russians gave the
explanation that "lack of hotel
accommodations and some other
shortages caused by the war" pre-
vented the granting of visas.
Red Statement
Bridgeshsaid individual mem-
bers of the committee which he
.heads had asked for visas to enter
Russia while on a European in-
spection trip.
He said the Russian Foreign
Ministry gave this reply through
the state department:
"Inasmuch as the U.S.S.R. is
not considered a country that
could be made the subject of an
investigation on the part of the
visiting senators, we do not con-
sider their trip to be suitable."
Bridges commented the reply
was given "in disregard of the fact
that the requests for visas specifi-
cally stated the object of the trip
was to inspect operations, U.S.
embassy in Moscow.'"
Second Request
The chairman said U.S. Ambas-
sador Walter Bedell Smith made
a second request to the Russian
Foreign Office, emphasizing that
the touring senators would exam-
ine only the U.S. Embassy opera-
tions. This brought forth a sec-
ond refusal, he said.
New Students
Program Set
Provost J. P. Adams
Orientation Speaker
The extended orientation pro-
gram for freshmen and transfer
students will get under way at 8
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium
with a talk by Provost James P.
Adams entitled "The High Adven-
At this meeting, the first of
four to be held for the benefit of
new students on campus, Provost
Adams will emphasize the oppor-
tunities outside one's specialized
field which this campus offers to
the student.
The second program of the
series will be held Oct. 16 when
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the
Graduate school will present his
illustrated lecture "Bikini-Cross-
roads!" Dean Sawyer was civilian
technical director of the Bikini
Atom Bomb Test.
Although the series is planned
primarily for new students, any
student on campus may attend
the Hill Auditorium assemblies.
New students will find the sched-
ule of meetings listed on the
small yellow card issued to them
during Orientation Week.

FIRST BUYER-Dean Ivan C. Crawford of tie College of Engi-
neering shown purchasing the first Class Membership and Activ-
ities Card from Ev Ellin, president of the Engineering Council.
The Engineering Council distrbuted 2,600 of the cards to the
student body of the college during registration.
Engine Council 'Barnums'
Plan Vast Activity Program


Barnum and Bailey couldn't
hold a candle to the boys on this
year's Engineering Council who
are promoting a program of extra-
curricular activities for the engi-
neering student body that rivals
a three ring circus.
As their first big event for the
Special T rain
Is Scheduled
To Illini Game
Complete plans for the sponsor-
ship of a special train that will
carry 1000 students to Champaign
for the Michigan-Illinois game
Nov. 1 were announced yesterday
by the Wolverine Club.
Two thousand tickets for the
game have been purchased by the
Wolverine Club. They will go on
sale Oct. 6, 7, and 8 at the booth in
Mason Hall from 8:30 to 12 in
conjunction only with the round
trip tickets. The fourth day, Oct.
9, the extra game tickets will be on
sale to everyone.
Total cost of a round trip train
ticket and game ducat will be
$14.60. Individual tickets to the
game will be $3.60. "The round
trip train price is a special re-
duced rate we have been able to
procure by getting an entire
train," said Don Greenfield, pub-
licity director of the Wolverine
The special train will leave the
Ann Arbor station Saturday, Oct.
1, at 12:01 a.m. It will arrive in
Champaign at 7:00 a.m. The re-
turn train will leave at 5:30 p.m.
and reach Ann Arbor by about
12:30 a.m. Sunday.
The Illinois trip is one of a
series of events sponsored by the
Wolverine Club, a student club of
80 members interested in promot-
ing student athletic spirit at Mich-
igan. The Wolverine Club also
plans to provide flash cards with
which the student cheering sec-
tion can make giant symbols at
football games. The first of these
flashcards are to be used at the
Stanford game this Saturday.-
The Wolverine Club is being ac-
tivated again this year, after being
dormant during the war. It hopes
to enlarge its scope of activities
in succeeding years to build stu-
dent school spirit at all athletic


term, the Council, in cooperation
with the local chapter of Tau Beta
Pi, national engineering honor so-
ciety, will present "king Cole's
Court." This dance, which will
be an all-campus affair and will
feature the King Cole trio, will be
held Oct. 10 at the IM Building.
Proceeds from- the affair will be
used in part to finance the opera-
tion of the Engineering Council
and some phases of its activities
Sign Up 70 Per Cent
During registration earlier this
semester, Michigan's fighting en-
gineers were confronted by a snap-
py looking crew of Council sales-
men who vended 2600 yellow class
membership and activities cards
to over 70 percent of the slide rule
toting students. These cards,
guarantee to the holder-free ad-
mission to every phase of the ac-
tivities program for the coming
year. This will include lectures,
smokers, mixers, picnics, dances
and other similar affairs.
In addition, the cards serve as a
receipt for the students class dues
and will be valid for a discount on
caps and gowns for graduation.
Engineering Energy
According to Ev Ellin, president
of the Engineering Council, the
group feels that there is a great
deal of latent energy in the engi-
neering student body. "Since the
average engineer does not take ad-
vantage of the various all-campus
activities, we plan to offer him an
extensive program of projects, af-
fairs, and social functions at the
Engineering College," Ellin said.
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
speech society, will undertake to
present the first all-engineering
affair offered under the program.
They will sponsor a smoker at 7:15
p.m., Oct. 7 in the Union. Free re-
freshments and smokes will be
Lecture Course
In addition, groundwork is be-
ing laid for a special lecture series
which will feature University pro-
Two representatives from each
class to serve as Council delegates
still have to be elected, and Ellin
has announced that elections will
be held within the next few weeks
for this purpose.
Class membership and activities
cards may still be obtained in the
Engineering Arch.

'More Drastic
Action' Seen
By Secretary
Outlines Problem
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30-Sec-
retary of Labor Schwellenbach to-
night hinted at food rationing if
President Truman's campaign for
voluntary conservation fails to
"meet the need of starving people
While Mr. Truman's 26-member
Citizens Food Committee gathered
here to fashion a program to sup-
port his "waste less" appeal, the
Cabinet officer declared:
"President Truman's program,
if successful on a voluntary basis,
will make unnecessary more dras-
tic action.
"But I am confident that the
people of this country would over-
whelmingly support more drastic
action, even rationing of essen-
tials, if the present system does
not work."
Blow to High Prices
Schwellenbach indicated the ad-
ministration also expects the food
conservation drive will be a blow
at high prices, thus making "our
economy stronger" while aiding
Europe. His remarks were made
in an address prepared for deliv-
ery at Hot Springs, Ark.
Meanwhile Chairman Vanden-
berg (Rep., Mich.) summoned the
Senate Foreign. Relations Com-
mittee to meet Nov. 10 and study
the President's proposal for $580,-
000,000 in emergency winter re-
lief for Western Europe.
Vandenberg Backs Plan
Vandenberg issued a statement
that .the immediate question is
one of elemental human survival
in a free society." He noted that
the proposal is separate from the
Marshall Plan-a long range pro-
gram to build back Europe's
economy which will be submitted
to Congress later.
Mr. Truman asked that Senate
and House Foreign Relations and
Appropriations Committee meet
soon to consider providing for
stop-gap aid and to guide his de-
cision whether to call a special
session of Congress in advance of
the regular January meeting.
Other Developments
Other related developments in
the capital included:.
1. Government officials were
considering a plan to offer higher
priced foods to European nations
at cut rates to substitute for some
of the grains they now buy.
2. A series of anti-inflation
moves by the administration were
reported to be in the offing.
3. Edwin G. Nourse, Chairman
of the President's Council of Eco-
nomic Advisers, will see Mr. Tru-
man tomorrow with an analysis of
the economic situation together
with "some recommendations."
4. Rep. Hoffman (Rep., Mich.)
said in a statement that Mr. Tru-
man is trying to "shove" on the
Republicans the responsibility of
decidingon a special session. He
said that if the President "lacks
the courage to decide the simple
question" he should resign.
NSA Meets
At Kalamazoo

Formulate Plans for
Government Clinic
Plans for a state-wide Student
Government Clinic were formulat-
ed Sunday at the regional meet-
ing of the National Student As-
sociation held at Nazareth College,'
Student government leaders
from all over the state vill attend
the meeting to be held 'n Detroit
in December to exchange ideas
and comnare the nowers andr-

WHEREAS the Student Body of the University of Michigan
has unequivocally demonstrated its keen interest in the welfare
of the University of the Philippines by adopting this institution,
through popular vote, as its sister University.
WHEREAS, the Student Body of the University of Mich-
igan has publicly expressed its most earnest concern and its
deepest sympathy for the very precarious plight in which the
University of the Philippines now finds itself through having
its physical plant, its libraries, laboratories and other instruc-
tional and research equipment completely dcvastated in the
last war;
WHEREAS, the Students of the University of Michigan
have translated this expression of concern and sympathy into
positive action by spontaneously and generously extending their
aid and cooperation to the University of the Philippines
which has launched a nation-wide American campaign to raise
funds and collect books for the rehabilitation and reconstri ction
of our University, particularly its totally destroyed libi %ries
by holding an all-campus show and by the contribution of
University Fraternities, Sororities, and other student organiza-
tions, which have fully contributed to their self-imposed quotas:
WHEREAS, we are deeply moved by and are most sincerely
grateful for these positive acts of sympathy and generosity on
the part of the student body of Michigan;

Strange New Cemetery Appears Here

THEREFORE, it is hereby Resolved, that theE
of the University of the Philippines, through
Council, expresses its feeling of deep gratitude
appreciation to the Student Body of the University

Student Body
the Student
and sincere
of Michigan;

House directors at Betsy Bar-
bour and Helen Newberry have
solemnly reported no recent deaths

allow the crosses to stay, in view
of the publicity."
"We think it was done by some
boys," a switchboard operator at

some girls talking about it. One
girl found some white paint the
workmen had been using on Betsy
Barbour, and she painted the



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