Daily Sports Editor
BEFORE the Big Nine's honey- league in the land, but Western
moon of football supremacy Conference prestige operating on
was one pigskin week old, UCLA, a Saturday to Saturday basis was
the bride, annulled the whole handled indelicately as this cam-
thing with a 22-7 shellacking of paign began.
Iowa. Aside from Michigan's 55-0
On Rose Bowl day this year, a victory, Indiana was the most
cocky band of Uclans, lament- one-sided winner. The Hoosiers
Ing because they "wanted rocked a Nebraska outfit, which
Army," forgot to keep their is far from favored in the Big
minds on Illinois. Backed by a Six, 17-0. Illinois pulled out a
violently partisan section of the last period 14-0 win over sup-
football population-the whole posedly weak Pittsburgh, and
Pacific Coast-they made the Minnesota lost everything but
mistake of believing their own the ball game to Washington,
press notices instead of worry- squeaking by 7-6. And no-one
irig about Illinois. figures Washington to do much
The Pacific Coast, always too this year.
volatile in support of its own, Ohio State did a little better,
has had a nine month diet of winning in the last three minutes
crow to digest. From Rose- Bowl
day until last Saturday even the from Missouri, 13-7. Missouri is
Coast was willing to admit that the same club that tied the Buck-
the Big Nine was just too tough. eyes 13-13 in the 1946 opener.
Ah, but then what happened. Then there was Northwestern,
On the basis of one victory, Illi- Vanderbilt 3, NU.
nois 45, UCLA 14, Big Nine fans Along about the middle of the
are convinced that the Middle week everybody will come up with
West is the nation's only foot- explanations for all the Big Nine's
ball area. On the' basis of our explanatios or ll tedBig Nist'
section champion defeating the difficulties of last Saturday. Most
West Coast champion the idea of the explanations will overlook
goes abroad that this is it, the the fact that good football isn't
be all and the end all of inter- confined to one section of the
collegiate football. country any more than good look-
ing women are.
Q UITE probably the Big Nine Who's gonna win the World
consistently is the toughest Series?
I-M Linksmen
To Compete in
Cup Play-Offs
Hauser Paces Field
For GolfTrophy
Sixteen golfers will battle the
cold and each other during the
coming month for the coveted
Trueblood Trophy, emblematic of
the top campus golfer, Coach Bert
Katzenmeyer, youthful links men-
tor, announced yesterday.
Hauser is Medalist
These sixteen, led by medalist
Lou Hauser, qualified for the an-
nual Intramural tournament dur-
ing the past week. Hauser put to-
gether rounds of 76 and 77 for a
153 card, while Bill Cutler posted
cards of 77-77 for second place
honors with 154.
In the first round matches,
which must be played before Octo-
ber 5, Hauser will be paired with
Bob Slater, while Bob Zinn faces
Jimmy Thompson. Rounding out
the upper flight will be Bob Ol-
son who meets Bob Harn, and
Johnny McCloy, former jayvee
star, who is matched with Ed
Cutler Faces Kunkle
In the lower flight Cutler faces
Jack Kunkle, and Mac Suprun-
owica, outstanding basketball star,
meets Bob Keiser. Rounding out
the qualifiers are Dick Preston
who tees off against Al Skalsie
and Ted Haner, who is pitted
against John McKillen.
Second round matches must be
completed by October 12 while
semi-finals will be held the fol-
lowing week. The finals will be
played during the week of Octo-
ber 20-27, and must be finished
before the latter date.
THE BEGINNING OF THE END-Jack Weisenburger, plung-
ing Wolverine fullback being stopped by George Guerre of MSC
early in the first period drive of the Wolverines. This stop was
only momentary as Michigan scored almost at will with the final
outcome of 55-0.
Dodgers Set for Today's Series Opener with Yanks
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK,sSept. 29-A smol- their home diamond at Ebbets clash at Yankee Stadium with the make an official reques
dering set of Brooklyn Dodgers Field today in preparation for to- New York Yankees, proud and in- be accepted as house g
took a final sharpening-up on morrow's opening World Series hospitable champions of the Harris said today t
Joe McCarthy
To Pilot Iosox
New York, Sept. 29 (AP) "Marse
Joe" McCarthy, who led the Yan-
kees to eight pennants and seven
World Championships before he
retired last year because of ill
health, came back to the big show
today as the new manager of the
Boston Red Sox.
Joe Cronin, whom he succeeds
as Pilot of the Sox, announced
that McCarthy, after an all-night
discussion, had signed a two-year
contract at an undisclosed salary
and would take charge of the team
"at once."
Cronin, who has managed the
Boston Club since 1934, advances
to the post of General Manager
in succession to Eddie Collins,
who has been handicapped by
illnes . Collins will remain in an
advisory capacity asvice presi-
Read and Use
The Daily Classifieds
I Amefrica.~n ILeague1
(Continued from Page 3)
such plays run throughout the
Any student who finds that she
may be more than thirty minutes
late over any late permission shall
notify her house director of her
expected lateness and probable
time of return to the house.
Any girl who violates the house
rules and is brought before the-Ju-
diciary Council may be placed on
social probation.
Office of the Dean of Women
Judiciary Council
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, Schools of Edu-
Where to get your
1110 South University
This shop has been in service
to students for over 35 years
cation, Forestry, Music and
Public Health.
Students who received marks
of I, X or "no report" at the close
of their last semester or summer
session of attendance will receive
a grade of E in the course of
courses unless this work is made
up by October 22. Students wish-
ing an extension of time beyond
this date in order to make up this
work should file a petition ad-
dressed to the appropriate offi-
cial in their school with Room 4
U.H. where it will be transmitted.
Married Veterans of World War
H-University Terrace Apart-
ments and Veterans' Emergency
Housing Project.
Opportunity will be provided
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
October 1, 2, and 3 for students in
the above group to file applica-
tion for residence in the Univer-
sity Terrace Apartments and the
Office and Portable Models
of all makes
314 South State St.
G. I. Requisitions Accepted
Veterans' Emergency Housing
At present there are no vacan-
cies in these apartments, but ap-
plications will be considered for
future vacancies.
Applications for residence in
these apartments will be consid-
ered according to the following
1. Only married veterans who
are at present registered in the
University may apply.
2. Only married veterans of
World War II may apply.
3. Only Michigan residents may
apply. (The Regents' definition of
a Michigan resident follows. "No
one shall be deemed a resident of
Michigan for the purpose of reg-
istration in the University unless
he or she has resided in this state
six months next preceding the
date of proposed enrollment.")
4. Veterans who have incurred
physical disability of a serious na-
ture will be given first consider-
ation. A written statement from
Dr. Forsythe of the University
Health Service concerning such
disability should be included in
the application.
5. Only students who have com-
pleted two terms in this Univer-
sity may apply. (Summer session
is considered as one-half term.)
6. Students who are admitted to
these apartments may in no case
occupy them for a period longer
than two years.
7. Length l of overseas service
will be an important determin-
ing factor.
8. In considering an applicant's
total length of service, A.S.T.P.,
V-12, and similar programs will
be discounted.
9. If both husband and wife are
veterans of World War II and the
husband is a Michigan resident
and both are enrolled in the Uni-
versity their combined application
will be given special consideration.
10. Each applicant must file
with his application his Military
Record and Report of Separation.
Married veterans of World War
II who have filed applications for
the Terrace Apartments prior to}
October 1, 1947 should not apply
again, since their applications are
being processed in terms of the
above qualifications.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
Certificates of eligibility for
non-athletic extra-curricular ac-
tivities may be secured immedi-
ately in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, Rm. 2, University Hall. The
following rules govern participa-
tion in such activities:
Participation in extracurricu-
lar Activies. Participation in a
public activity is defined as serv-
ice of any kind on a committee or
a publication, in a public per-
formance or a rehearsal, or in
holding office or being a candi-
date for office in a class or other
student organization. This list is
not intended to be exhaustive, but
merely is indicative of the char-
acter and scope of the activieis in-
Certificate of Eligibility. At the
beginning of each semester and
summer session every student
shall be conclusively presumed to
be ineligible for any extra-curric-
ular activity until his eligibility is
affirmatively established by ob-
(Continued from Page 4)
806 South State Street
WM. A. MILLER, Prop.
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611 E. University
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U. High Playground)
It's natural to like smooth going.
And smooth going when you walk
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struction makes them flexible
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