See Page 4
C, r-
Da ti4
Latest Deadline in the State
5000 Rooti
Huge Roar Greets
A cheering throng of more than five thousand Sunday night
greeted a triumphant Michigan football squad returning to Ann Ar-
bor after trouncing the West Coast champs in the Rose Bowl.
Seasoned obs~rvers termed the turnout one of the largest in the
history of University football. The throng filled the entire depot
ad\ nrndAhe r ou W v ines n.-, thv -,t ~
M ichigan Tops Irish in Free Press Sports Poll
In a private poll conducted by Lyell Smith, Sports Editor of the Typical comments supporting Michigan's claim to superior
Detroit Free Press 72% of the nation's top sports editors and experts the Irish follow:
selected Michigan over Notre Dame as the country's top gridiron R. G. LYNCH, MILWAUKEE JOURNAL-"I saw Michig
powerhouse. Minnesota and Illinois and also saw Notre Dame defeat A
In an attempt to settle one of the most-heated arguments in MinnesotapandedllinoisDand alsousawtNotrehDameldefeatsA
modern football history the Free Press sent ballots to experts in Michigan played Notre Dame I would take the Wolverines.
every one of the 48 states and the District of Columbia with the never seen a better all-around attack except among the pros."
The home state editors were not included in order to insure im- igan with plenty to spare.,,
partiality. BUS HAM, WASHINGTON (D.C.) POST-"Michigan for
The results of a similar poll' conducted by the Associated Press season we rate teams on comparative scores. Michigan-USC an
will be revealed tomorrow. Dame-USC provided a direct comparison."
;- sir" !sE:
ity over
an play
rmy. If
I have
me. All
d Notre
from their train.
Unmindful of freezing temper
reception committee waited moret,
verine special which pulled into the
,~ *
SMichigan Band
Stages New
Stunts in Bowl
'Crisler (oao f c'
Says Sports Writer
Michigan's colorful marching
band, composed of 128 precision
drilled members, staged a brilliant
array of high stepping antics dur-
ing the pre-game and halftime
ceremonies that never before have
been seen in either the Rose bowl
or Michigan Stadiums.
One sportswriter remarked that
"The band's maneuvers are so
well executed, it looks like they
were drilled by Coach Crisler."
This is fine tribute to Conductor
William D. Revelli, who rejuvenat-
ed the marching style with some
high-kicking, about-face swivel
steps that made the fans sit up
and take notice.
Led by flashy drum major, Noah
KInepper, the Wolverine music
makers struck up several varsity
songs before the initial period of
play. During halftime ceremonies,
they saluted SC with 'Hi Neigh-
bor' and then quickly started
forming the different seasons of
the year.
First of the drills was a tribute
to March as a large shamrock was
formed with all the members
dancing a jib. Next stunt changed
the formation into an umbrella for
April showers, then into a bell
signifying June weddings.
An exploding firecracker was
followed by a large fish while the
band played "Three Little Fishes"
as its concluding number.
Dr. o Y Will
Receive Medal
Dr. Walter F. Colby, professor
of physics, will receive the Medal
of Freedom, for rendering "excep-
tionally meritorious service" dur-
ing the war, at 4:15 p.m., Friday
in the Rackham Assembly Room,
it was announced by Colonel Carl
E. Henion of the department of
military science and tactics yes-
During the operations on the
Rhine Dr. Colby was charged with
the investigation of important
targets in Ludwigshaven, Ger-
many. With a field team lie en-
tered Ludwigshaven prior to the
entry of American troops and ac-
complished his mission success-
fully, Colonel Henion said.
Students May
DonaLe F od
}ratures and icy slush, the spirited
than an hour for the delayed Wol-
ie local station shortly before 9 p.m.
*The victorious Michigan team was
greeted by a thunderous yell from
the crowd which massed in front
of the station, lined the opposite
embankment, hung over the
bridge railing and occupied every
vantage point.
Red 'M'
In the glare from searchlights
atop a fire truck and flickering
red lights from a block "M" con-
structed of flares on the bank,
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.
greeted the squad and gave them
the figurative keys to the city.
Then, speaking over a faulty
public address system, Coach Fritz
Crisler thanked the cheering
throng for their reception and
lauded the team. Shouts of the
crowd then brought Capt. Bruce
Hilkene, Bob Chappuis, Len Ford
and Jim Brieske to the microphone
for short talks. Brieske thanked
the homecoming celebrants and
said the team did its best to "roll
up a good score" in the New Year's
Day grid classic.
Crowd Grew
The giant throng st4-ted to
gather at the New York Central
depot hours before train time.
Special police were called in to
handle the pennant -'waving
throng massed in front of the sta-
tion, As other incoming trains dis-
charged hordes of students re-
turning from the holiday recess
the crowd gred in size.
One enterprising huckster did
a brisk business in left-over New
Year's Elve noisemakers while
many of the well-wishers came
equipped with cowbells. The vic-
torious Wolverines were also met
by a full corps of press and radio
Need Students
Candidates for positions as
student group advisors during the
Fall Semester orientation week
should sign up immediately for in-
terviews which will be conducted
from 8 to 10 a.m. today through
Thursday in the Union student of-
fices, a Union spokesman an-
nounced yesterday:
Group advisors will receive two
meals a day free of charge during
the orientation week and will
probably be allowed to register
early for classes.
The advisors will take groups of
freshmen and transfer students to
all orientation events and guide
them through registration and
Michigan Victory
Brings Irish Fans
To Crisler Fold'
California's Sports Writers Praise
Maize and Blue; Scorn Southern Cal
Daily Sports Editor
They were just plain Michigan at 2 p.m. on New Years Day,
a fast tricky outfit that looked like a two touchdown winner over
Southern California, but a scant two hours and 49 points later the
Maize and Blue had become the "Mad Magicians of Michigan," the
Merlins of Michigan," and "maybe the greatest team ever to appear
in the Rose Bowl."
From coast to coast dyed in the wool Notre Dame supporters,
like Gene Kessler of the Chicago Sun and Times, were hopping off
the Irish onto the Michigan band wagon.
The once highly partisan California observers were equally loud
in praise of Michigan and con- * * *
demnatian of Southern California Tea Visits
and the brand, of football played 1l 1SL
on the coast.
Duplicate 1902 Score Studios ,Plays
The dpulication of Michigan's
1902 Rose Bowl feat, a 49-0 vic-
tory, was the worst beating ever
absorbed by a Trojan eleven in
60 years of football. Still worse
the sentimental attachment Mich- Players Rubberneck,
igan has for the 49-0 count made Sin with Crosby
it look like the Wolverines could _
call their shots, and they very By BEV BUSSEY
nearly could. It's all over now for the 1947 Big
Whether the Wolverines played Nine champions-except the mem-
their best game of the year or not onies of an undefeated season and
is an argument with as little a whirlwind two week trip to Cali=
chance for a solution as thefa
"who's better Michigan or Notre forna.
Dame" squabble, but best or not The only sign that the squa4
the Maize and Blue were a great had been further west than the
football team. Mississippi River were ten gallon
General Yerges hats perched on the heads of Bob
Thirteen times general Howard Chappuis and Dick Rifenbu g
NATION'S BEST: Front row: McNeill, Chappuis, Yerges, Capt. Hilkene, Coach Crisler, Pritula, Soboleski, Tomasi, Wilkins. Second row:
Fonde, Kemnpthorn, Kuick, Hershberger, Sickels, Weisenburger, P. Elliott, C. Elliott. Third row: Teninga, White, Kiesel, Ghindia, Derri-
cotte, Dworsky, Hollway, Dendrinos, Johnson. Fourth Row: Wisniewski, Ballou, Maturo, McClelland, Anderson, Erben, Kampe, Hiene-
veld, Kohl, Wistert. Fifth row: Peterson, Atchison, Lentz, Brieske.
Eisler Accepts
Return Bid in
MYDA Reply
Gerhart Eisler has announced
his willingness to return to Ann
Arbor for another speaking en-
gagement if arrangements can be
Eisler accepted in a letter to
Ed Shaffer, MYDA chairman, in
which he also expressed -gratitude
to the students who signed a let-
ter of apology he has received.
"I did not doubt for a moment
that the great majority of your
fellow students are fair minded
enough to give a -man a chance to
tell his side of the story and judge
afterwards, not in advance with
snowballs," the letter said.
"I shall be very glad to come
back to your, city for another
meeting. If such a meeting is
possible let us agree about the
date so that no other engagement
may interfere, because I want to
come to such a meeting under all
President Ruthven has said
in response to Student Legisla-
ture inquiries that his ban was
not final but that the proposed
debate would have to be cleared
by the University Lecture Com-
Bureau Forecasts Break for
Ice-Bound Lower Michigan
The United States Weather Bu-
reau, for the first time in nearly
a week, today forecast some re-
spite for snow and ice-battered
Sell 1Tickets
For Weekend
Snow Jaint
Ticket sales for the annual
Michigan Union Snow Trip to
Grayling, Michigan from Friday
through Sunday will be closed to-
morrow, Robert J. Olshefsky an-
nounced yesterday.
He urged arll students who have
made reservations and failed to
pick up tickets to secure them be-
fore the deadline.
Reservations for the Snow Trip
are limited to fifty persons.
Tickets covering transportation
and lodging for two nights will
cost $10.
Holiday Defers
Dascola Trial
The holiday of University stu-
dents listed as prosecution wit-
nesses caused postponement of the
court trial of Dominic Dascola, an
E. Liberty St. barber who was
charged with refusing to cut the
hair of a Negro University stu-
The trial, which was originally
scheduled for Dec. 26, will be held
on some as yet unspecified date
this month.
Dascola pleaded innocent to the
charge in court on Dec. 17, stat-
ing that he lacked the special
lower Michigan, according to an
Associated Press dispatch.
Although predicting snow, thel
Bureau said it should be light
and that no heavy downfall was
in sight, the dispatch said.
Electric service was normal in
Ann Arbor yesterday after Ann
Arbor and vicinity went without
power for almost an hour Sunday
The main 120,000-volt feeding
line of the Detroit Edison Com-
pany's Superior sub-station was
snapped by the weight of ice
causing the temporary power
black-out, which closed local
movie houses and shut off traffic
Higher temperatures put busses
back on schedule yesterday after
they were slowed down by the ice
Sunday night, local bus company
officials reported.
None of the students returning
to school by automobile were in-
volved in the numerous accidents
reported in Washtenaw County
through yesterday. Only two of
the reported accidents were of a
serious nature.,
In Royal Oak 45 automobiles
slid together in a freak tangle
after a collision yesterday. Nine
were towed away.
The second section of today's
Daily and another special eight
page section were distributed
to Rose Bowl fans in Pasadena
on New Year's Day.
'U' Announces
Change to New
40 HourWeek
Hours of all University offices
have been revised under an ad-
justment of working conditions to
put non-academic personnel on
40-hour week.
Starting January 1, all Univer-
sity offices will be open from 8 to
5 with just one hour off for lunch
at noon. Only a few essential of-
fices will remain open on Satur-
day morning. -
A full list of offices which will
remain open on Saturday morn-
ing has not been compiled but to
date it has been announced that
the Office of Student Affairs,
Registrar, Dean of Women and
deans of the various colleges and
schools will continue to be open
on Saturday.
Offices which remain open for
half day Saturday will stagger
working hours of persnnel to in-
sure that no employee puts in
more than 40 hours during the
Formerly non-academic per-
sonnel at the University put in
only seven hours during weekdays
with an additional five hours on
Saturday morning.
In an announcement of the new
work schedule Alfred Ueker, Uni-
versity personnel director ex-
plained that the new 40-hour
schedule will be spread over five
consecutive 8-hour days except in
those units where the best inter-
ests of the University will be
served by continued operation on
a five-and-one-half day week.
Ruthven Message
The University is pleased
with the outstanding perform-
ances of its representatives in
the Tournament of oses and
the Rose Bowl. The victory by
the football team over an hon-
ored opponent is one that has
brought distinction to the
Western Conference and pride
to all Michigan men and wom-
en. The excellent playing and
marching of the band are also
worthy of special commenda-
We have been gratified by
the letters we have received
from several sources, comment-
ing upon the favorable impres-
sions made by the members of
the team and the band in Cali-
fornia and en route. The
rriendships made will long en-
Alexander G. Ruthven.
Yerges took command to direct
the offense. Seven times Mich-
igan scored.
The line functioned like a pre-
cision perfect instrument. Up
front Dom Tomasi and Stu Wil-
kins mowed down the huge Tro-
jans. Their blocking was ,a thing
of beauty.
Great Backfield
And behind that line Yerges,
with Bob Chappuis, Bump Elliott,
and Jack Weisenburger, made up
what will undoubtedly go down in
history as one of the greatest
backfields in the annals of foot-
ball. They functioned like the
arms and legs of one man rather
than as separate individuals.
Chappuis, having one of his
greatest days, established a new
total offense record for a Rose
Bowl performer. But Mr. Chappuis
was only the good right arm. El-
liott, who carried the ball only
five times, yas highly effective as
See CHAPPUIS, Page 2
when they stepped o the trat
of yesterday" on their return to
Ann Arbor.
Big Hats
Purchased in Clovis, New Melt-
ico, the western chapeaus sere
no special purpose-except that
Chap has been wearing his
around the Phi Delt house just for
kicks according to Jack Weisen-
Although the travel weary play-
ers agreed that it was good to be
home, they'll never forget Cali-
fornia hospitalitynor the sights
seen in between daily drills.
Hotel Hums
Only a few organized events
highlighted the trip, but individ-
ual stunts made life hum for the
first time in ages around the staid
Huntington Hotel in Pasadena,
noted as the retiring grounds for
the grandparents of Methuselah.
The ever observant Joe Sobo-
leski found a dust covered billiard
table on the mezzanine the first
hour he was there in the hotel.
With one huff and one puff, the
field was ready for action and
shades of the Michigan Union ap-
Around bright and noisy los
Angeles and Hollywood the Wol-
verines, chauffeured in special
Maize and Blue cars, aroused the
curiosity of peering pedestrians.
Crisler on Hope's Program
The parade of Michigan cars
were seen in front of the Pasaden*
Playhouse twice-for the Edgar
Bergen-Charlie McCarthy and
Bob Hope radio shows. Already a
See SQUAD, Page 2
Counei Makes
Win Official
Marlene Dietricli_ New Jbs
Greet Dawson con West Coast
The 'Ensian's Buck Dawson
may have come back from the
Rose Bowl as broke as any other
student who made the Pasadena
trek, but ie's got a couple of aces
in his cuff.
ever got the ticket, but he did get
the dinner, plus a couple of nice
job offers.
So next fall Buck will be off
to the West Coast~ to work for
Pn n" ~rf , nt-,linhfi#.v rl~:flI'd
Flu Battle Is Due Soon, Forsythe Says
The Ann Arbor City Council
last night made the Wolverine
Rose Bowl victory official by
adopting Mayor William E.
Brown, Jr.'s recommendation that
a congratulatory resolution be
drawn up and copies presented to
Coach Crisler and each team