A6F A&
L w A A
Latest Deadline in the State
U.S. Will Pay
Major Share
Of Zone Cost
Grains Controlling
Vote in Key Spots
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-()--
The United States formally agreed
tonight to pay between 80 and 90
per cent of the cost of running
the combined British-American
zones of Germany.
Ending nine weeks of discus-
sions with the British, Under-Sec-
retary of State Lovett signed a
new financial accord which com-
mits the American Government
to contribute about $400,000,000
more annually, raising the total
American cost to about $800,000,-
000 yearly in 1948.
Britain's Part
In return the British govern-
ment gave a controlling voice to
the United States in two of the
key economic agencies guiding
economic activity in the merged
Western zones. These are they
Joint Export-Import Agency and
the Joint Foreign Exchange Agen-
Britain's 1948 contribution
toward operating the two zones
was estimated in a summary to
be about $121,000,000, all in ster-
ling. The United States will bear
all the dollar expenses involved.
The exact percentages which
Britain and the United States will
bear could not be stated immedi-
ately because the agreement is
kretroactive to November of this
LCamp Drive
Gains $110
From Review
Receipts from last night's
Christmas Review added $109.50 to
the Fresh Air Camp Drive, chair-
man George Holland announced.
Total contributions and pledges
to the drive approached the $1,000
mark as Phi Sigma Kappa and
Sigma Delta Tau each announced
a contribution of $40.
At the same time it was an-
nounced that the West Quad
Council had collected $276.61 thus
far with many of its houses still
to be heard from.
Independent women's groups
which have already contributed in
the campaign include Osterweil
Cooperative House, Mary Markley
House, and Mosher and Jordan
Halls, according to Irma Eichorn,
Assembly president. All soliciting
is being done directly by the co-
operating organizations. The en-
tire proceeds will be used to send
underprivileged boys to the Uni-
versity camp this summer.
!iGroups wishing to contribute
may make out checks payable to
the University of Michigan Fresh
Air Camp, and bring them to Miss
Ethel McCormick in the Social
Director's Office in the League.
PCA Splits on
Wallace Issue
NEW YORK, Dec. 17-(RP)-A
Henry Wallace - for - President
boom on an Independent ticket
resulted tonight in a wide open
rift in the top echelons of the
Progressive Citizens of America,
launchers of a third party move-
First effect of the PCA an-
nouncement urging the former
vice-president to run was the res-
ignation as PCA co-chairman of
Dr. Frank Kingdon, candidate for
the New Jersey Democratic sen-
atorial nomination, who said it
would be "folly -to attempt an in-
dependent campaign."
This was followed today, how-
ever, by support of the move-
ment from Illinois leaders of the
But tonight in San Francisco,
Bartley C. Crum, attorney and
a National vice-chairman of the
PCA since its inception, resigned
effective immediately, asserting:
"I am not for Wallace for Pres-
"I am for Wallace, and we can
win with him in California and
To Face
Will Leave
Trojans in Rose Bowl;
House Slashes Foreign Aid Bill
PRELIMINARY TO LOBBY-Leaders of Operation Subsistence Michigan give final once-over to
cost of living report which will accompany dele gates to Washingtorn tomorrow. The delegates
will attend a strategy meeting in the capital preliminary to a large-scale lobby to urge boosts in
government subsistence for student veterans. Left to right are Terry Carroll of Wayne University,
George Antonofsky, University of Michigan student and chairman of the drive, Jean Ward of
Michigan Normal School and Gordon Hanna of Michigan State College.
Railroad Clahrifies Price Hike
As Christmas Rush Begins
Railroad ticket price policy was
clarified yesterday as local train,
bus, plane, express and taxicab
companies readied themselves for
the home-for-Christmas rush,
which they expect to begin today.
Dispelling campus-wide rumors
that all railroad fares will be
raised today, Earl J. Smith, rail-
road ticket agent, said that the
IFC Christmas ,
Party Will Be
Given Today
The Interfraternity Council will
entertain approximately 3,000 Ann
Arbor school children at a Christ-
mas party from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
Arrangements have been made
with the boards of University, St.
Thomas and Ann Arbor elemen-
tary schools to allow the children
to attend. Children of student
veterans living at Willow Village
and Pittsfield Village are also in-
vited to attend the IFC party.
Santa Claus will reign over the
festivities which include Newt
Loken's "funny act," and commu-
nity carol singing. "The Night Be-
fore Christmas" will be the fea-
tuned skit.
Several clowns will be on hand
to delight the children with their
antics and Christmas cookies and
candies will be distributed at the
end of the program.
Tickets Available
For Grayling Trip
Tickets for the annualUnion
Snow Trip to Grayling Jan. 9
through 11 are still available,
Robert J. Olshefsky, Union cam-
pus affairs committee chairman,
announced yesterday.
With Christmas vacation sched-
uled to begin Saturday, he urged
students to make reservations im-
mediately by. signing up at the
Union student offices or phoning
only fare increase will be on one-
way tickets west of Chicago.
Smith, noting that all rate in-
creases must be approved by the
Interstate Commerce Commission,
said that today's increase is the
latest of several already in ef-
Phone Early for Cabs
Students should phone for cabs
half an hour before they want
them in order to be sure of mak-
ing their trains, local cab com-
pany officials reported.
They said that cab companies
will be operating at full capacity
with most drivers working over-
time, but added that they expect-
ed to be able to give "pretty good
service" during the rush.
Baggage Rush
Express company officials, who
reported that the student bag-
gage rush has already begun, have
employed extra help and expect
to stay on schedule.
Some flights leaving Willow
Run Airport are already sold out.
ticket agents reported, but added
that reservations for many flights
can still be made.
Education Election
Results Withheld
Results of the senior class elec-
tion in the education school are
being withheld pending a policy
meeting today of Dean J. B. Ed-
monson, of the education school,
and Bernard King, elections com-
mittee chairman.
They will determine whether
the small turnout will require an-
other election or if the first vote
will be accepted, according to the
education school office.
The senior pictures studio
has asked that all seniors who
have ordered pictures check
their orders with the studio on
the second floor of the Stu-
dent Publications Building as
soon as possible, or telephone
Collecti1 or
Food Caravan
Beg lins Today
Collection of food for a Motor
Friendship Caravan, Michigan's
version of the Friendship Train, is
expected to begin today at stands
on campus and in town.
Sponsored by the Junior Cham-
ber of Commerce of Michigan and
endorsed by Gov. Kim Sigler, the
Caravan will carry fod from all
over the state to be shipped to
countries in Western Europe.
Canned or packaged food will
be accepted at the booths accord-
ing to Wagar Glas, vice-president
of the Ann Arbor JCC. "If money
is contributed it will be exchanged
for food," he said.
All food collected in the drive,
which will continue until Jan. 5,
will be trucked to Detroit and then
to Philadelphia, where a ship has
been promised.
Five delegates from chapters of
the Michigan JCC will accompany
the shipment of food to Europe
and aid in supervising its distribu-
tion. Progress of the shipments
from Michigan until they reach
Europe will be covered by the ra-
dio and press.
Leo Kelley, of Pittsfield Village,
is heading the drive for the Ann
Arbor JCC.
As many boxes as possible will
be placed at supermarkets, fac~
tories, and perhaps churches and
theatres. in order to facilitate col-
IWorld News
At a Glance
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-Crop
production this year turned out to
be the fourth largest on recoird
despite a severe drought which
cut the corn harvest to the small-
est since 1936, the government's
final production report of the year
showed today.
*' * *
JERUSALEM, Dec. 17-Two
Jews were slain today as Jew-
ish-Arab warfare slowed in the
Holy Land after 17 days of vio-
lence that claimed 263 lives.
Chances for Congressional action
in 1947 on any anti-inflation leg-
islation all but vanished tonight
as the Senate recessed without
reaching a vote on a 3-point Re-
publican proposal.
With the special session tenta-
tively scheduled to adjourn Fri-
day, both the GOP measures and
the 10-point program requested
by President Truman appeared
destined to be held over until 'the
regular session in January.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-Sec-
retary of Agriculture Anderson
eastire Goes
To Senate for
Further Action
Ulina Not Included;
Army Budget Cut
By Fire Associated Press
s WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-The
RIouse passed by voice vote and
sent to the Senate late today an
appropriations bill sashing the
$597,000,000 emergency foreign
aid program by $88,000,000.
The bill also cut the amount
sked by the Army for occupation
hosts in Germany, Japan and Ko-
rea from $490,000,000 to $230,000,-
House action came on the same
day that President Truman signed,
without ceremony, a bill author-
izing up to $597,000,000 in supplies
to help France, Italy, Austria and
China through the winter.
Committee Decision Upheld
The House Appropriations Com-
mittee, bringing in a bill to pro-
vide the actual funds, recommend-
ed the cuts and eliminated China
from the program, however, and
the House in today's vote upheld
the committee's decision.
The Senate still may restore all
or part of the cuts voted by the
House and may seek to get China
back into the program.
In addition, House Appropria-
tions Committee members indi-
cated that the Army will get more
money for occupation if a "satis-
factory" agreement is reached
with Great Britain on operation
of the Anglo-American zone of
Germany. (An agreement was
signed in Washington today but
there was no immediate indication
whether it would satisfy the com-
Other Expenditures
The funds voted today were part
of a $773,202,000 bill which also
appropriated funds for congress-
men's mileage allowances and
other routine government expen-
Informed, that the bill had been
passed by the House, Chairman
Bridges (Rep., N.H.) said he would
try to get the Senate Appropria-
tions Committee, which he heads,
to meet tomorrow afternoon to
vote on the amount of aid it fa-
Bridges told reporters that per-
sonally he favors including funds
for China in the aid program but
has not decided what can be done
about it by his committee.
Prompt aid to China was urged
in testimony before Bridges' com-
mittee earlier in the day by Wil-
liam C. Bullitt, former U.S. Am-
bassador to Russia, and Lt. Gen.
Albert C. Wedemeyer, author of
a long-secret report to Mr. Tru-
man on Chinese conditions.
Knutson Offers
New Tax Slash
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 - (P)
-A $5,300,000,000 or more income
tax-slashing measure will be in-
troduced in the House tomorrow
by Rep. Knutson (Rep., Minn.),
setting off a new clash between
Republicans and the White House
that may echo in the 1948 presi-
dential campaign.
It will propose that 6,000,000 low
income persons be taken from the
tax rolls, and that reductions be
given to the other 42,500,000 tax-
Reveal Names
Of 44 Players
Heading West
Team Awaits Sunny
Scrimmage Sessions
Michigan's Western Conference
Champions, 44 strong, will board
the train at 1:30 this afternoon
for the final lap down the Rose
Bowl trail.
Coach H. 0. (Fritz) Crisler last
night announced the names of the
44 men who will make the trip to
Pasadena. The traveling party,
complete with coaches, trainer,
manager, physician, and secre-
tary, will board a special 10 car
section of the Santa Fe Super
Chief at Chicago.
All Comforts
The train, which is due to ar-
rive at Pasadena at 8:12 a.m. on
Saturday, will include all the com-
forts of home for the Wolverine
Chuck Lewis, chairman of the
Legislature Varsity Committee
yesterday urged all students to
attend a send-off rally for the
team at train time in the sta-
Bruce Rogatz, WHRV an-
nouncer, will also be on hand
with a portable recording outfit
to interview the team members
and describe the ceremonies.
The program will be rebroad-
cast over WHRV at 6:30 pm.
LEADS TREK WEST-Bruce Hilkene, Wolverine captain, will
entrain with his mates today for California to spend a holiday
of hard work preparing for the clash with Southern California
New Year's Day.
Local Post Office Swamped,
In orss f hristmas liMail
Mail bags are again overflowing
the Campus Post Office and form-
ing a precarious mountain in
Nickel's Arcade as post office em-
ployes work over-time handling
home-bound students' Christmas
Packages and laundry boxes are
entering emergency parcelpost
AVC Donates
Civil Liberty
AVC's campus chapter took ac-
tion last night to provide what
was termed "sorely needed educa-
tion on the concept of basic
Ten bound copies of the Presi-
dent's Report on Civil Liberties
were donated to the University
Library and five more to the Ann
Arbor Public Library. Jack Geist,
chairman of the chapter, ex-
plained the move in terms of the
Eisler incident of last Monday.
"The students of this Univer-
sity proved by their action Mon-
day that they have little concept
of what America's civil liberties
are and why they need to be pro-
tected," he said.
Geist urged all students, "espe-
cially those who were part of the
mob Monday," to take advantage
of their opportunity to read the
The AVC chapter, at its meet-
ing last night, also voted support
to the National AVC's condemna-
tion of Universal Military Train-
ing. "In this way of ultra-sci-
entific warfare, universal train-
ing would be of little avail, is
wholly unnecessary, and would be
an infringement on liberties," the
chapter agreed.
windows faster than personnel
can process them. The back rooms
of the post office are daily over-
flowing with work for a night
Discouraged Mailers
Discouraged by the twisting
lines of package mailers, stamp
purchasers are seeking out stamp
vending machines and sending
late Christmas cards with threes,
and ones.
Throughout the nation post of-
fices experienced similar over
loads, the Associated Press re-
ports. Some 140,000,000 packages
went through the nation's post
offices in the first 11 days of
December to set the pace for the
biggest Christmas in the 100-
year history of the postal service.
Campus Fire
Is.Not So Hot
The University had a brief fire
scare about 7 p.m. last night when
it looked as though the new bus-
iness administration building at
Tappan and Monroe was well into
Ann Arbor police, called quickly
to the scene, reported seeing
flames blowing across Monroe St.
in what looked like an electric
fire from telephone wires.
It turned out that the "mallum"
fires, kept burning all night to
keep the mortar in the new struc-
ture from freezing, had spread to
the large canvas covering the
building, and only a large area of
canvas was on fire.
Firemen arrived promptly with
three trucks and full equipment,
and in a matter of seconds the
fire was out.
gridders including a club car, ob-
servation .lounge, diner. It even
will have a special newspaper-
man's car.
Expressing disappointment over
the results of seven days practice
in over-crowded Yost Field House,
Crisler promised plenty of hard
work in the nine practice sessions
to be held under California sun-
shine. With no stops scheduled
for workouts along the way, Cris- -
ler will need every available min-
ute to restore the famed Mich-
igan offense to the keen preci-
sion that enabled it to bowl over
nine straight regular season op-
The Wolverine attack, depend-
ing on speed, finesse, and pre-
cisioned blocking, will be facing
a Trojan eleven that is big and
rugged. Overconfidence will prob-
ably be one of the biggest threats
to a Michigan victory on New
Year's Day.
The 44 man squad named to
make the trip includes John An-
derson, Jim Atchison, Bob Ballou,
Jim Brieske, Bob Chappuis, Pete
Dendrinos, Gene Derricotte, Dan
See TEAM, Page 3
* * *
Bowl Tickets
Ready Dec.30
Students and faculty members
making the Rose Bowl trek may
,ick up tickets on the Coast one
day earlier than previously an-
To prevent congestion in Pasa-
dena, Ticket Manager Don Weir
announced that tickets may be se-
cured Dec. 30 at the Edison Build-
ing, Grand Ave. and Fifth St. in
downtown Los Angeles.
As previously announced the
tickets will also be; distributed
Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 at the Hunting-
ton Hotel in Pasadena.
J-Hop Booth
Deadline Near
All independent, fraternity and
sorority groups and dorms wish-
ing to reserve J-Hop booths must
contact Nancy Hess or Bobby Jo
Reamtat 2-5618 before noon to-
morrow, according to J-Hop Com-
mittee spokesmen.
Prof. Vincent Is Spoofuncup
Winner in Annual ASME Tilt
Prof. E. T. Vincent of the me-
chanical engineering department
last night became the "Man Who
Can Take It" when he was
awarded the Spoofuncup at the
annual ASME banquet.
The contest was well matched
as the participants came through
haust tubes of an engine are lo-
cated at the exhaust end Prof.
Vincent proved that he could an-
swer any question concerning me-
chanical engineering without fal-
Explanation Crafty
In his explanation of the ques-
tion Prof. Vincent began with a
Hard Customers Send Tender Words
Who buys the most sentimental
and yawned when we asked how
many cards were left in the city.
same old santas, sleighs, holly
wreaths and bells year in and year