s a. .. a .a ~n . v a . a. ar a r i~ . ...... . .,_. . _ . t
Fifiy-Eighth Year
-~ -
, ~
.... -- - - -
Edited and;n anag ci Oy -.udent of the Uni-
versIty of Mic hi ::n r teo authorit of the
Boad in (Con.rol of i. ii llulications.
Editori Staf
John Ctnpbe .. ......... Mqnaging Editor
Clyd e e h l ....... ........ . . . City Editor
art ina , .on .. ... ..... .ditorial Director
ince Mint ....................Asocite Editor
.. Vtck,'rma .....................Sprts Editor
Bob Lent....... ....'.oiate Sports Editor
Joye Joh son ........... ........ wX nens Editor
y s reward ....,. A <ssoci LWomen's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Hirnier...................General Manager
Jeanne S w'> cicmat...... ..Advertising Manager
Edwin .Shnaider..............'.unane Manager
Melvin Tick..................irm:1ation Manager
Telephone 2-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Ass(Oeiea 'cciP is exlsively entitled to
the are for repul:a :.i >f all new dispatches
tredied 1t it or 1 in!L eCr' died in this news-
paiapr. Ali rihts o> re-publication of all other
maters her:iuc also reie rvd.
Entered at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Mich-
SIgn, as se 'c las es ma 0 ter.
Su bscriptio n ding the reglar school year by
caler. $.00, by mil, &UU.
Member, Assoc. Colli;afe Press, 1947-48
Editorials publihedJ in The Michigan Daily
are written by menbo; of The Daily staff
aid represent ti'vriews of the writers only.
What's w'ronf2 with Mid higan?
The Cailelhan Act.
Passed by shrt-sighted and frightened
little men of the, Michigan Legislature under
the pretese of prothctinr the state from
"reds," "aiens" and oreign agents, the Call-
ahan Act is likely to create hycteria, to dis-
credit democratic labor unions and to limit
the freedom of speech.i and expression of the
people of Michiuan.
Written in an:igamus and obscure
terms, it.I'defines" foreinagents and
aencies as follows. "Any indrAivual, club,
gaup et. . ..whose origin is directly or
indireety of foreign inspiration . . and
whose object is the control . . . of the
government . .. and which is or has been
affiliatedi atah any international bodies
oriinatiag withaor dehendient upon for-
eign got'e nrn . . . orc under their
Individuals and ogani :Jions falling into
any of these categories are required to reg-
ister as a "foreign agent" with the Attorney
General ani are oliated to announce in
all [her publications d radio programs
thetact that they have so iegi ered.
On the .?srzxcc. the Actmay appear to be
directed at o small, islaed minority, but
acloser examination- : ithe clause quoted
above reveals that i, an be utilized to label.
smnearand iuvstigae almnost any citizen or'
organization of Michigan. For example, as
amemben of a church which has foreign
missions and ;et s or gives money aboad, a
union affilated with en iternational labor
organization or afraternal organization that
sends food, clothing and relief rcney to for-
eign gow nments or pcouie. you are a "for-
ijn agent" rz-resenting an organization of
foein insp'tion.
n e rs l: t F I and the
Thms Vr Arerica ' inmittec to smear
asc Qtcrs, members of un-
i th ational Labor
(Irguizlkm or o;'id Federation of
nion .d 'd' ' the Joint
Ai d dipel any
at the ate administation will
rerain from rorting to te same tactics.
Inlss you register and condemn yourself
subetrsie, you are liable to indictment,
and a $5,iO, fine and five yeais in jail if
found guilty.
The Attorney General of Michigan, like
the late U.S. Attorney Gineral A. Mitchell
Palnmr,. who conducted the infamous "red
witch hunt" following World War I, has un-
limited powrc to arbitrarily declare ergani-
a dons suioversive. No trial is necessary, no
wetnesses niecd be called, no evidence pre-
sented. In other :ods, the Act gives the
Attorney General dicta Iatoral power to har-
; , in.tdate and prosecute every individ-
pal and organiz1tion whose social, political
and economic op nions differ w, ith his own.
This is an exampl1-' of totalItarianism,
which employs slmiar miethods to suppress
crtics o~f the status clue and obscure the fail-
tire of government to cnat urgently needed
social and et'onomnic legislation.
Aithough the Callahan Act is laze, it can
and should be repealed to effectively dem-
onotrate to Sigler and Lis cohorts through-
out the entire nation that the American
people are hard to fool and still harder to
push around indisevimtinatel'.
AiR YS T RUMAN is out of luck. Just
when he is cautiously trying to swing
the Amn'i)n Congress b hind the Marshall
Plan for long-term ruopean rehabilitation.
France and Italy begin sreaming for im-
Inediate short-term relit .
It looks almost like a dirty trick.
But the distress is rIA. Unless our Pres-
ident finds ways to alleviate it, he will
take ulloin himself a feari ul responsibility.
France's bread ration is down to 200
;rams or less than hal a pound a person a
lay-a pitifulc =mall chunk to people most
of who.M idi('t is bread. Vital French imports
like cotten and ray on have been stopped,
French overseas purchases from the U.S.
are limited to wheat, coAl and fats. A slump
in industrial productien i already inevitable.
Unless France obtains more dollars by Oc-
tober lx'-within the nAt three weeks-the
bread ration will be eat further. Hunger
riots and the swell of communism are the
probable results.
Every Anierican citize n, beginning with
the President, has toi ask himself one ques-
Pare the Znitd tates stand aside and
let hunger andi gen al distress sweep
------ -- - -a
Sctl;N:T IFIC iLAkK MiT. Ey Mor-
timer E. Cfoey. Anni rbr: University of
Michigan Press. 174. 20 Pages.
7JUCII as our objective thinking, fact-
minded (engineers may object to the
term, it must be said that thi; is a charm-
ing book by and about a charming man.
Corroboration for the use of such a perhaps
bjectionable adjective comes from another
.stets~i' of the Prof siun, Dean Emeritus
Joseph A. Busley. with whom I recently
enjo ed a chat about his personal friend and
associate, the author of this book.
This conversation only bore out what can
clearly be read between the lines of these
memoirs, that the late Dean Cooley was a
much-loved man who knew how to enjoy
life. It is this that makes the book such a
delight--it is full enjoyment of life, never
lost sight of by Dean Ccoley while remem-
bering many obstacles and long years of
hard, honorable work.
Born i 1855, Dean Cooley traces. his life
as a boy in Canandaigu, New York, as a
student at the United States Naval Acad-
emy, as first teacher of mechanical engi-
neering at the University of Michigan and
later as dean of the engineering school, as
lieutenant commander during the Spanish-
American War, and as candidate for the
United States Senate (in a chapter entitled
"The Senatorial 'oga Did Not Fit.") Of per-
haps even greater interest are such chapters
as "A Jug of Wine . . . " and "The Filthy
D(an a olcry was a pioneer in the best
tradition, Jr he had lBeth high ideals and
the prme' foree end energy to make
them pro etieal:. ii story of the found-
ing and develoent of the University of
Michigan School of Fjigineering' is told
with the enthusisnm at one what had
more than a little to do with the excellent
position and reputation enjoyed by that
school today.
Simple in style and abounding in hearty
humor, the book is somewhat sketchily or-
ganized, as memoirs of a long, full life must
inevitably be. Some of the hundreds of anec-
dotes shouldnot be missed by any Uni-
versity student. One of the best concerns a
final examination flunked by every student
in Dean Cooley's class. A student finally re-
vealed that the poor results were due to the
fact that none of the questions in any way
resembled the complete fraternity files care-
fully memoized by all of his fellow-stud-
ents. As spokesman for the group he re-
quested another examination within the
week--and got it. That's the kind of man
Here's anoti'r one.. There was once
widespread discusion of the possibility of
Dean 'cocie~'st; appoinoment as president of
the Uni:erty lie was not, however, ap-
pointed, bn some time later a regent said
to himn, "I am not sure we did not make a
mistake in not electing you president."
Dean Coc iy c otntered, "Why in hell
didn't you?' The rerPy was, "You swear
too goddam much." 'ihe Dean must hav
enjoyed telling that one.
The book closes with a thoughtful and en-
lightened discussion of the deans favorite
topic, "The Engineer and the Future," in
which he eloquently insists upon the engi-
neer's responsibilities as a professional citi-
zen and outlines the program which en-
gineering education should undertake to
help its students fulfill their obligations to
their profeesion, to their country and to so-
ciety as a wx hole.
"Required Reading" may be an odious
way of putting it, but that is just what this
book should be for every University of
Michigan student, certainly for all engineer-
ing students.
-Nnatalie Bagrow
C f flS37 R: ^'ff1 ~
(Besle No L r Ary Lig .
Beaslcv. Norma n-Knudsen: A Biography.
France and Italy into the Soviet camp and
render the British people "neutral"?
Twice in one generation we tried to pre-
tend that European upheavals did not con-
cern us. Now the Soviet Union seems to be
following the Hitler pattern. French or
Italian collapse might give Russia advanced
bases on the Atlantic or the mastery of the
The Franco-Italian crisis upset the Amer-
ican time-table. Curing these urgent cases
of economic appendicitis with dollars now
comes before keeping the initiative in the
UN or long-term rehabilitation.
The sum needed is about 100 to 150 mil-
lion monthly for the next six months. It's
a lot of money-if you book it to charity.
It is insignificant if you consider it as an
essential portion of the 11 billion dollars
we are spending this year for national
Fcr which is worth more to us-a few,
possibly obsolete super-battleships or 130
million firm allies (including Britain)?
Top American officials like the Secretary
of the Treasury admit all this. They just
can't seem to find the necessary funds. May-
be they are not looking hard enough or in
the right places. I can suggest at least seven
pockets in Uncle Sam's roomy pants where
leagally available funds can be found.
Assuming that Britain's needs can tempo-
rarily be covered by the International Bank,
the following sources are available to France
and Italy:
1. The rest of grants-in-aid program
funds, originally 332 millions, can properly
be used by Italy for the purchase of
needed wheat.
2. The U. S. Government can make avail-
able to France and Italy wheat purchased by
the Commodity Credit Corporation.
3. The 200 million dollar remainder from
the U.S. Stabilization Fund is available for
stabilizing the Italian lira and the French
franc. Wheat and coal to these countries
will stabilize the currencies.
4. The Import-Export Bank has money.
This can be as readily used to meet a foreign
crisis now as during the war.
5. About 20 million dollars owed by the
United States to Italian prisoners of war
under the Geneva Convention can be turned
over immediately.
6. The American War Department should
start paying the Italians back rent for use
of buildings. Such payments are authorized.
7. Frozen French and Italia'n private funds
in this country, estimated at 150 million dol-
lars for France and 100 million for Italy, can
be released to their private French and Ital-
ian owners on the condition that said owners
agree to use these sums in payment of vital
imports to their respective countries within,
say, three months.
Here I submit, are several still untapped
sources of emergency funds. A thorough
search would doubtless reveal others. Tak-
en together they would fill the gap until
Congress meets and does its job.
Conclusion: The American Administra-
tion has the means of tiding over Europe's
desperate situation until other funds can be
made available-provided President Truman
insists. Unless he does, the full responsi-
bility for eventual catastrophe will be his.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
Public' Education
FOR THE PAST three weeks 58 children
in Willow Village have been denied their
right to a public education because of their
The children, living in Walpole Court,
neglecetd to register at the Jim Crow Sim-
monds schoolrSeptember 5, after being
transferred from the inter-racial Ross
The Walpole parents, led by Mrs. T. Sny-
der, formed a committee which last week
picketed segregated Simmonds school, pro-
testing the re-zoning of the Village along
Jim Crow lines, and asking for a hearing
with the Village School Board.
W. A. Kraus, chairman of the school
board, has said that he has "no plans at
all to deal with the situation." He stated
that the school board is too busy with its
other duties to spend more time on the
Negro children, and that the board will not
call a special meeting to clear up the
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
SUNDAY, SEPT. 28, 1947 I
Notice of Regents' Meeting:
Next meeting of the Regents, will
be October 24, 2 p.m. Communica-
tions for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than October 16.!
-Herbert G. Watkins, Sec.
Sunday Library Service:
On all Sundays during the Fall
and Spring Terms except during
the holiday periods, and beginning,
with October 5, the Main Reading
Room and the Periodical Room of
the General Library will be kept
open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Books from other parts of the
building which are needed for
Sunday use will be made available
in the Main Reading Room if re-
quests are made on Saturday of
an assistant in the reading room
where the books are usually
Identification Cards: Any stu-
dent may leave a stamped self-
addressed envelope in the office of
Student Affairs, Room 2 Univer-
sity Hall before Oct. 4, in order to
have his identification card
mailed to him.
All Transfer Students in the
events will be published in the
Daily Official Bulletin on Wed-
nesday of each week.
(g) Dances may be held only
on Friday and Saturday nights
during the term or on the night
preceding a University holiday.
No dances may be held on a night
preceding a University vacation.
h) Dances shall close not later
than 12 o'clock midnight. Special
dances are authorized to continue
beyond this hour as indicated:
the J-Hop and Senior Ball shall
close at two a.m.; Assembly, Pan-
hellenic, Slide-Rule, International
Ball, Millitary Ball, Sophomore
Prom, and the Interfraternity
Council dances shall close at one
a.m. In all cases the party must
end at the hour designated for
closing; mere cessation of dancing
is not sufficient.
Office of Student Affairs
Room in University Hall.
Married Veterans of World War
H-University Terrace Apart-
ments and Veterans' Emergency
Housing Project.
Opportunity will be provided
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
October 1, 2, and 3 for students in
the above group to file applica-
tion for residence in the Univer-
sity Terrace Apartments and the
Veterans' Emergency Housing
At present there are no vacan-
cies in these apartments, but ap-
plications will be considered for
future vacancies.
Applications for residence in
these apartments will be consid-
ered according to the following
1. Only married veterans who
are at present registered in the
College of Literature, Science, and ( University may apply.
Arts who received yellow evalua- 2. Only married veterans of
tion sheets during registration World War II may apply.
week must return them to 1209 3. Only Michigan residents may
Angell Hall by September 30. apply. (The Regents' definition of
a Michigan resident follows. "No
Pre-Football Luncheons held in
student residences from 11:30 to
1:30 p.m. on Saturdays will be
approved, chaperoned or unchap-
eroned, provided they are an-
nounced to the Office of Student
Affairs at least one day in ad-
vance of the scheduled date.
Baby Sitters interested in put-
tng their names on the baby sit-
ters list may register in the Office
of the Dean of Women.
Householders interested in ob-
taining baby sitters may inquire
at the Office of the Dean of
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Courses
may not be elected for credit after
Saturday, October 4. Saturday,
October 4, is therefore the last
day on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of
an instructor to admit a student
later will not affect the operation
of this rule.
t Regulations Governing Social
Following is a review of the
regulations pertaining to social
events planned by student organi-
zations where both men and wom-
en are to be present:
(a) Approval is required for all
social events, graduate or under-
graduate, sponsored by student
organizations where both men and
women are to be present.
(b) Applications for approval
are tao be submitted on forms
provided by the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs. Form A, the request
for approval, must include the
names of two sets of chaperons,
preferably two married couples,
endorsed in accordance with the
following requirements:
(1) Chaperons of social affairs
given by a group which has a
resident house director will be ap-
proved, provided the house presi-
dent and house director both sign
Form A, thus indicating their
personal sponsorship of the chap-
erons selected. (The resident
house director may be selected
as one of the chaperones if the
group so desires, in which case
only one married couple will be
(2) Chaperones of social events
given by a group without a resi-
dent house director must be ap-
proved by the Dean of Students.
The president of the group will
indicatenhis endorsement of the
chaperons selected by signing
Form A before it is presented to
the Dean of Students for ap-
proval. Two married couples of
sufficiently mature years, such as
faculty members, parents of stu-
dents, or alumni, are preferred
as chaperons for these groups.
(c) Requests for approval must
be filed in the Office of Student
Affairs no later than 12 o'clock
noon on the Monday before the
event is to take place. Since ap-
plications must icnlude the signed
acceptance of the chaperons
(Form B) before approval will be
granted forms should be secured
well in advance of the party. Late
applications will not be accepted.
(d) Exchange and guest din-
ners are approved, cshaperoned or
unchaperoned, provided that no-
one shall be deemed a resident of
Michigan for the purpose of reg-
istration in the University unless
he or she has resided in this state
six months next preceding the
date of proposed enrollment.")
4. Veterans who have incurred
physical disability of a serious na-
ture will be given first consider-
ation. A written statement from
Dr. Forsythe of the University
Health Service concerning such
disability should be included in
the application.
5. Only students who have com-
pleted two terms in this Univer-
sity may apply. (Summer session
is considered as one-half term.)
6. Stuglents who are admitted to
these apartments may in no case
occupy them for a period longer
than two years.
7. Length of overseas service
will be an important determin-
ing factor.
8. In considering an applicant's
total length of service, A.S.T.P.,
V-12, and similar programs will
be discounted.
9. If both husband and wife are
veterans of World War II and the
husband is a Michigan resident
and both are enrolled in the Uni-
versity their combined application
will be given special consideration.
10. Each applicant must file
with his application his Military
Record and Report of Separation.
Married veterans of World War
II who have filed applications for
the Terrace Apartments prior to
October 1, 1947 should not apply
again, since their applications are
being processed in terms of the
above qualifications.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
The Women's Judiciary Council,
consisting of three juniors and
three seniors, works in conjunc-
tion with the Office of the Dean
of Women to formulate house rules
and acts as a disciplinary board
in cases of infraction of house
All University women students
residing in organized undergradu-
ate houses, including graduate
students, must observe all house
rules. The same applies to guests
of residents.
Any student expecting to be out
of her house after 7:30 p.m. must
register the dccasion and place,
and, if out of town, the complete
No local telephone calls may be
received or sent after 11,:00 p.m.
All local calls must be limited to
five minutes. No outgoing long
distance calls may be made after
11:00 p.m. without special ar-
rangement with the house presi-
dent or the house head. In case of
emergency, incoming long dis-
tance calls may be received after
11:00 p.m.
Quiet hours shall be fixed by
the individual houses, and their
enforcement shall be supervised
by the house president and the
Judiciary Council. Calling hours
for men are Monday through Fri-
day at 3:00 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday, the hours are decided by
the individual house.'
Sunday, closing hour 11:00 p.m.
Guests must leave premises 11:00
Guests must leave premises 12:25
S.Lurday, closing hours 12:30
a.m. Guests must leave premises
12:25 a.m.
Girls who attend the following
event's must be in the house one-
half hour after their termination:
1. Parties that are late dances
by permission of Committee on
Student Affairs.
2. Choral Union Concerts and
May Festival Concerts.
3. Oratorical Association Lec-
4. Dramatic Season Plays. l
5. Their own class functions,
which have been authorized by
University authorities.
6. Athletic events included in
the school schedule.
7. Play production, special lec-
tures, and functions in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
NOTE: Freshmen must attend
plays on week-end nights whena
such plays run throughout the
Any student who finds that she
may be more than thirty minutes
late over any late permission shall
notify her house director of her
expected lateness and probable
time of return to the house.
Any girl who violates the house
rules and is brought before the Ju-
diciary Council may be placed on
social probation.
Office of the Dean of Women
Judiciary Council
All Students, Graduate and Un-
dergraduate, are notified of the
following revised regulations
adopted by the Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct.:
The presence of women guests
in' men's residences, except for
exchange and guest dinners or for
social events approved by the Of-
fice b Student Affairs, is not per-
mnitted. (This regulation obvious-
ly' does not apply to mothers of
members.) Effective February,
Exchange and guest dinners
mustube announced to the Office
of Student Affairs at least one day
in advance of the scheduled date,
and are approved, chaperoned or
unchaperoned, provided that they
are confined to the hours 5:30
p.m. to 8 p.m. for week day din-
ners, and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for Sun-
day dinners. ixchange dinners
are defined as meals in men's resi-
dences or women's residences at-
tended by representative groups
of members of approved organi-
zations of the other sex; guest
dinners are defined as meals in
men's residences and women's
residences attended by guests of
the other sex who may or may not
belong to University organiza-
The use or presence of intoxi-
cating liquors in student quarters
has a tendency to impair student
morale, and is contrary to the
best interests of the students and
of the Universityand is not per-
itted. Effective "July, 1947.
Teacher Placement: The U.S.
Office of Education, Washington,
D.C. is interested in filling Spe-
cialist and Associate Chief Posi-
tions in the following fields: So-
cial Sciences, History, Economics,
Geography, Psychology, Biological
and Physical Sciences, Mathe-
matics, Health, Field Representa-
tive. Salaries range from $7,102
to $9,376. For further information
contact the Bureau of Appoint-
Willow Run Village.
University Community Center
Sunday, Sept. 28, 3-6 p.m., open
Monday, Sept. 29, 8 p.m., meet-
ing of all style show committees.
Thursday, Oct. 2, 8 p.m., The
new art groups: classes in life
drawing, still life, ceramics, tex-
til' painting.
Acdemic Notices
Mathematic Seminars: The fol-
lowing seminars have been organ-
ized in the Mathematics Depart-
Differential geometry - G. Y.
Rainich. First meeting: Monday,
Sept. 29, 3 p.m., Room 3001, An-
gell Hall.
Classical Representation Theory
-D. Falkoff. First meeting: Mon-
day, Sept. 29, 4 p.m., Room 3201,
Angell Hall.
Orientation Seminar - G. Y.
Rainich. First Meeting: Monday,
Sept. 29, 7 p.m., Room 3001, An-
gell Hal.
Fixed Point Theorems-G. S.
Young. First meeting: Tuesday,
Sept. 30, 3 p.m., Room 3017, An-
gell Hall.
Geometry-K. B. Leisenring.
First meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 30,
3 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall.
Algebraic Geometry - R. M.
Thrall. First meeting: Tuesday,
Sept. 30, 4:30 p.m., Room 3011,
Angell Hall.
Special Functions-E. D. Rain-
ville. First meeting: Tuesday,
Sept. 30, 4 p.m., Room 3201, An-
gell Hall.
Stochastic Processes - A. H.
Copeland. First meeting: Tues-
day, Sept., 30, 5 p.m.; Room 3201,
Angell Hall.
Teaching Seminar (For Teach-
ing Fellows)-P. S. Jones. Next
meeting: Wednesday, Oct. 1, 4
ing: Thursday, Oct. 2, 4:15p=.,
Room 3011, Angell Hal.
Complex Variables-W. Kaplan,
First meeting: Friday, Oct. 3, 3
p.m., Room 3201, Angell Hall.
Group Representation-R, .,M.
Thrall. First meeting, Monday,
Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., Room 3011, An-
gell Hall.
B.A. 61-Money and Banking:
Lecture Monday at 4 p.m. will be
held in 102 Arch.
Physical Chemistry Seminar,
Mon., Sept. 29, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 122,
Chemistry Bldg. Prof. E. F. West-
rum, Jr., will speak on "Ultra-
microchemistry: Transuranium
Elements." All interested are in-
Events Today
Carillon Recital: 3 p.m. Pre-
sented by Sidney Giles, Assistant
Carillonneur, and will include
American folg songs, semi-class-
ical compositions, and works writ-
ten for carillon.
Michigan Chapter, Inter-Col-
legiate Zionist Federation of
America, will present "A Pass to
Tomorrow," a film narrated by
Frederic March. Bnai f'rth
Hillel Foundation, 8 p.m. Refresh-
ments and social. All invited
Wesleyan Guild invites all
Methodist students and their
friends to hear Dr. Howard Mc-
Clusky at 5:30 p.m. Speaking on,
"Developing a Dominating -Pur-
pose," Dr. McClusky will ad-
vance our year's theme, "Chris-
tian Living in a World Commun-
ity." Supper and fellowiship, 6:30
p.m., Social Hall.
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Cost supper, 6 pm., Congrega-
tional Church, corner State and
William St. Dr. Perry Gresham
will speak on the subject, "Three
Words For Tomorrow."
Unity: Sunday services, 11 a.m.,
Unity Chapel, 310 S. State St.
Marie Munro who has just re-
turned from Unity Training
School and the Annual Confer-
ence of the Unity Ministers As-
sociation at Kansas City, Mo.,
will give a report on them and a
welcome to newcomers. Visitors
are invited.
Lutheran Student Association:
5:30 p.m Z.ion Lutheran Parish
Hall. Supper, 6 p.m. and follow-
ing the supper, Mr. Erich Wal-
ter, Dean of Students, will be the
speaker. Church worship service,
10:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran
Church. Zion Lutheran Church
services will be held in the High
School Auditorium on State St.
at 10:30. Bible Class at the Cen-
ter, 1304 Hill Street, 9:15.
Coming Events
Recon concerts of classical
musicwill be held at the Michi-
gan League, 2nd floor, 7-8 p.m.
Mondays through Thursdays, and
5-6 p.m. on Sundays. Requests
will be played if the records are
Sigma Rho Tau. Annual bus-
mess meeting, Tues., Sept. 30, 7:15
p.m., Michigan Union, Rm. 316.
Members of all ranks are urged
to attend.
U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 30, 7 p.m. Mich-
igan Union. Election of new comn-
Pi Tau Pi Sigma, National hon-
orary Signal Corps fraternity:
First meeting of the year, Rm. 301
W. Engineering Annex, 5 p.m.,
Wed., Oct. 1.
Alpha Kappa Delta, sociology
honorary. Business meeting, Mon.
7:30 p.m., 307 Haven Hall. Plans
for the year will be formulated.
La p'tite causette will meet
from now on every Monday and
Thursday, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Grill
Room; Michigan League. All stu-
dents interested in learning to
speak French informally are in-
Women of the University Fac-
ulty: Dinner meeting, 6:30, p.m.,
Sept. 30, Michigan League.
Inter-collegiate Zionist Federa-
tioan of, America: First regular
meeting, B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun-
dation, Tuesday, Sept. 301, 8 p.m.
"Introduction to the Jewish Prob-
lem," will be presented. Social fol-
lows. Members urged to attend.
All invited.
Le Cercle Francais: First meet-
ing of the year, Tues., Sept. 30, 8
p.m., Terrace Room, 2nd floor,
Michigan Union. Program Elec-
tion of officers, group; singing of
old and modern popular French
songs, refreshments and an infor-
mal talk by Professor Charles E.
Koella on "La France entre deux
ideologies." All students (includ-
ing Freshmen) with one year of
College French or the equivalent
are eligible to membership. For-
eign students interested in French
are cordially invited to join the
BUMBLING British officials did
their best to foul up the Et-
Kraus apparently prefers to forget
fact that he and the other members of
school board are legally responsible
the education that these children receive.
He is apparently not conscious that the
state of Michigan is obligated to provide
public schooling for all children under the
age of 16, without regard for race, creed, or
He has stated that he does not plan
to prosecute the parents on charges of
encouraging delinquency and not abiding by
the state law to send children to schools,
nor does he plan on changing existing con-
ditions so that the parents will be willing
to reenter their children in school. Instead,
Mr. Kraus is waiting.
When a local official refuses to do his
duty, it is the responsibility of his superiors
to handle the situation.
Eugene B. Elliot, Superintendent of Pub-
lic Instruction for the State of Michigan,
was appointed to see that Michigan laws