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December 07, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-07

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SUNDAY, DECft 7,;1941

Pearl Harbor Reminder



___...__.__..___.... 11 i"

Letters to the Editor..


THERE IS A PICTURE running on one
of the National magazines this week
which may appear grisly to the casual read-
er. The full-page photo depicts thousands
of sun-bleached skulls placed as a war me-
morial outside an obscure village in China.
The skulls are all that remain of citizens
of this village who were massacred during,
the war.
This stark reminder of the cost of war
has a very real place in a world which
now seems to be rushing blindly toward an-
other world conflict. A world which has been
split by ideological differences resulting in
an Iron Curtain in one part of the globe
and actual conflict in other sections."
Just six years ago today, as bombs rained
from a Pearl Harbor sky, war began to
take its toll of American men. We were
blasted out of a complacency which had
fallen over all but a few Americans since the
last war. At the conclusion of the first World
War we had withdrawn to our unscathed
With only a few granite shafts and mute
bronze tablkts to remind us of the cost of
this first war we closed our eyes to forces
which were gathering to plunge the world
into another conflict. Pearl Harbor jolted
us into a realization that we couldn't turn
our backs on the rest of the world. The
('onsequent slaughter destroyed some of the
finest youth of the world.
One can forgive statesmen for losing sight
of the horrible consequences of war. It is
eren ease for the veteran to forget the guy
who lumped dead next to him in a muddy
icle in Germany with a bullet through his
head. Back in the bustle of civilian life,
,with the problem of making a living before
him, the veteran can forget those buddies
who lie sprawled in the sleep of death on.
the slope of Hill 346 in Alsace-the fellow
who studied at MIT and wanted to be a
physicist-the chubby aid man who was a
pre-med student before being swallowed up
in the army.
So that this shocking waste may never
Republican Myth
WASHINGTON - The special session of
Congress is beginning to bring to light
a singular phenomenon: the disenchantment
of the Republicans with the myth of their
own political invincibility in 1948.
Until the special session began last month,
the Republicans insisted on lulling them-
selves with the daydreams of the GOP rid-
ing inexorably into the White House next
November. Then .came the special session
and President Truman's program for eco-
nomic controls to stop inflation. After
their initial reaction of anger against the
President's proposals, the Republicans real-
ized the problem had been tossed in their
own laps and that they had no positive
program to deal with it. Meanwhile, prices
continued to rise and the public, becoming
increasingly hard-pressed by the necessity
to make ends meet, was looking to the GOP
dominated Congress for an answer.
And so the Republicans are scared,
They fear that their dream of capturing
- the White House after all these years of
Democratic administrations may, at the
last moment, fail to become an actuality.
They had been kidding themselves that
they couldn't lose, that the 1948 election
was a natural for the Republican candi-
date, that the "pendulum" of political
preference just had to swing their way
completely next year. But now they are
stung by the barb of reality-and all
because of the issue of inflation which
they thought they could avoid by passing
the blame for high prices to the Admin-
Signs of this fear gre to be seen every-
where around Washington these days. There
have been the much-discussed attacks by

Republican renegades against Chairman
Carroll Reece of the GOP National Com-
mittee, who has described economical con-
trols as methods of "red totalitarianism,"
and against policy leader Taft, because of
his failure to make it clear whether his
condemnation of President 'ruman's pro-
gram was delivered as a personal view or
as an official party attitude. And then there
are the scattered little comments which
reveal the doubts and fears of individual
legislators. For instance, the other day Re-
publican Congressman Rizley of Oklahoma
leaned over to a reporter during a session
of the Rules Committee on the foreign aid
bill and remarked that he feared after all
that we'd have to restore some kind of price
And now a high-ranking Republican
leader (whose name cannot be disclosed)
has frankly admitted the GOP is worried
about the political ramifications of the
price issue. He told a group of newsmen
that the Republicans are concerned lest
they fail to make the public understand
the complex economic questions involved,
and that his party fears public resent-
ment at voting time.
Many Republicans are beginning to re-
flect that 15 years is a long time to yearn
for a return to political power in Congress
and in the White House, only to lose out
when half the prize is already obtained.

be forgotten it might be well if we were
to establish a few of these grim reminders
in the world capitals. Perhaps statesmen
wouldn't be so quick to rush toward another
cataclysm if they were to look out the win-
dow of a legislative building and see row
upon row of skulls belonging to G.I, Joe,
Ivan, and the rest of the anonymous fallen
-By Dick Maloy.
French Crisis
LONDON-The fate of Europe is being
decided not at the Four Power Confer-
ence on Germany here but in the streets of
Paris. What Molotov plans to accomplish
in London pales beside what he is planning
for France.
During the last three days the delegates
and newsmen gathered here have been ask-
ing themselves and each other just what
the French Communists believe they can
accomplish by their "legal insurrection."
Few believe they can make a resolution
and install a Soviet regime. They still look
too puny. But why then should they go all
out with the sort of an uprising, which if
pushed too far, will mean their obliteration
for ten years as a party?
The tactical and immediate aim is the
destruction of the French Socialists. If
this can be accomplished, any labor come-
back-believed inevitable by Moscow-
must be staged under the Communist
banner. The French plan to destroy French
Socialism by forcing the French" Social-
ists to "stain their hands with the blood of
French workers." The French people ac-
cept violence in politics. Street manifes-
tations and fights with the police are tra-
ditional and accepted weapons.
But though the police may ride down or
club demonstrators, it may not shoot them
down. When, under Premier Daladier, the
police on February 6, 1934 shot down rioters
on the Place de la Concorde, it was finished.
Daladier practically sunk from office two
days later.
The Communists hope this time or at
a second uprising within the near future,
to force the Socialists either to resign and
make common cause with the Communists
-or to shoot into the mob.
That the fall of the present French Cab-
inet will bring the government under Charles
de Gaulle, the Communists are convinced
Ever since the French municipal elections,
the Communists have taken the General's
coming as virtually certain. They know that
his coming will mean virtual suppression of
French Communism.
But-this very distinguished Frenchman
believes-the manner of de Gaulle's com-
ing is more important than his arrival.
If big Charley becomes Premier in the
way he desires, then he will so transform
France as to postpone a French Commu-
nist revolution indefinitely. France will
cooperate fully in the Marshall Plan for
European recovery and the formation of
the Western European bloc.
But if the lanky General can be forced to
,take command within the setting prepared
by the Communists, his reign will be quickly
over and he will vanish, leaving nothing
permanent behind. Therefore, the French
Communists are feverishly plotting to create
the setting that will leave them new oppor-
tunity wihin the foreseeable future.
What this setting is I shall describe in
the following column.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)

At Kellogg Auditorium
NATIVE LAND, narrated by Paul Robe-
AFTER DEFINING itself as "a documen-
tary of the American struggle for free-
dom in recent years," Native Land makes a
brief survey of the evolution of our civil
rights and then settles down to a factual
examination of several violations of these
rights. A sequence of episodes, based on
data supplied by the Senate Civil Liberties
Committee, is forcefully reenacted, including
the murder of a Michigan farmer who had
spoken out for farmers' rights and the brutal
treatment by the Ku Klux Klan of three
men in Florida who had attempted to com-
bat that organization., The film is espe-
cially critical of "fascist-minded corpora-
tions" and devotes considerable footage to
an expose of the brand of conspiracy they
employed during the thirties in an attempt
to suppress the right to organize.
The commentary, expertly written by
David Wolfe, benefits from Paul Robeson's
dramatic narration and singing. Paul Strand
was in charge of the photography and
deserves credit for capturing some very
fine scenes of American life.
-Kenneth Lowe.

(Continued from Page 2)

Round Garden Club; 8 p.m., Fac-
ulty Wives' Meeting.
Wed., Dec. 10, 8 p.m., Modern
Dance Group; 8 p.m., General
Meeting, Cooperative Nursery
Mothers. Program: Music for
Children; 8 p.m., Creative Writers'
Thnrs., Dec. 11, 8 p.m., Church
Nursery Mothers - Discussion:
Christmas Traditions. 8 p.m., Co-
operative Nursery Discussion
Groups. 8 p.m., The New Art
Sat., Dec. 13, 3-5 p.m., President
and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven
will entertain at the University
Center with a tea for all student
and faculty wives at the Village.
West Lodge:
Mon., Dec. 8, 6:45 p.m., Bowling

League, Willow
Alley; 7:30 p.m.,
Tues., Dec. 9,
ketball League;
ing Club.
Wed., Dec. 10,

Village Bowling
Badminton Club.
6:45 p.m., Bas-
7:30 p.m., Fenc-
8 p.m., Volleyball

Thurs., Dec. 11, 6:45 p.m., Bas-
ketball League.
Fri., Dec. 12, 8:30-11:30 p.m.,
Christmas Party.
Sun., Dec. 13, 4:30 p.m., Coffee
La Sociedad Hispanica will meet
in the International Center at
3:30 p.m. for the conversation,
group Monday, December 8.
Political Science 150: There will
be a special film shown in the
East Lecture Room of the Rack-
ham Building, Tuesday evening,
December 9th at 7:30 o'clock in
the evening for the benefit of the
students in this course. Various
charts, maps and other exhibits
will also be on display in the ad-
joining East Gallery.
Spanish 31: Mr. Barnstein's
Section. No class Monday. Out-
side reading test Tuesday.
Business Administration Lee-
ture: Mr. Julius Hendel, Vice-
President of Cargill, Incorporated,
of Minneapolis, will speak to the
class in Bus. Ad. 141, Production
Management, at 1 p.m. Wed., Dec.

What Os O

10, West Gallery, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall. Mr. Hendel will discuss
the organization of top manage-
ment. Anyone interested is in-
Academic Notices
Out of respect to the memory
of the late Professor Arthur
Graves Canfield, for many years
Chairman of the Department of
Romance Languages, all afternoon
classes in French, Italian, Portu-
gese and Spanish will be dismissed
on Monday afternoon, Dec. 8.
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert Worthington Bogle, Physics;
thesis: "Low Frequency Fluctua-
tion Voltages in Vacuum Tubes,"
Mon., Dec. 8, West Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., 2:30 p.m. H. R.
Crane, Chairman.
Classical Representations Sem-
inar: Mon., 3 p.m., Rm. 3201, An-
gell Hall. Prof. R. M. Thrall will
speak on decompositions of ten-
sor spaces.
Orientation Seminar: Mon., 7
p.m., Rm. 3001, Angell Hall. Mr.
Curtis will continue his talk on
the Hausdorff Paradox.
Physical and Inorganic Chemis-
try Seminar: Mon., Dec. 8, 4:15
p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg.
Mr. J. M. Lutton will speak on
"Diamagnetic Anisotropy of Crys-
The University Musical Society
will present the BOSTON SYM-
KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor, in
the sixth concert in the Choral
Union Series, Mon., Dec. 8, 8:30
p.m., Hill Auditorium. Program:
Mozart's Divertimento in B-flat
major for Strings and Two Horns;
Ravel's "Daphnis et Chloe" Suite
No. 2; and Berlioz' "Harold in
Italy" Symphony with Viola Solo.
Faculty Concert: Sun., Dec. 7,
8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, Gilbert Ross, Violinist,
Oliver Edel, Cellist, and Joseph
Brinkman, Pianist. Compositions
by Mozart, Brahms, and Beeth-
oven. Open to the public.
Architecture Building. Exchange
exhibition of student work from
the College of Architecture of the
University of Illinois. Sponsored
by the student branch of the
Architecture Building. Century
of Photography; from the Muse-
um of Modern Art. Through De-
cember 15.
Museum of Art: AMERICAN
December 21; PRINTS BY LA-
PRINT GROUP, through Decem-
ber 28. Alumni Memorial Hall:
Daily, except Monday, 10-12 and
2-5; Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday eve-
nings, 7-9. The public is invited.
"Natural History Studies at the
Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni-
versity of Michigan," Museums
Bldg. Rotunda. Through Decem-
Events Today
Radio Program:
9:15-9:45 a.m., WJR (760 kc.).
Hymns of Freedom.
8:30 p.m. WPAG-FM. Faculty
recital; Joseph Brinkman, piano,
Oliver Edel, cello, Gilbert Ross,

Druids: Into Druids Loft next
Sunday dusk will come the sage
Druids to meditate, moan, mess,
Gilbert and Sullivan: "Mikado"
Orchestra Rehearsals. All orches-
tra members will have rehearsals
as follows: Sun., Dec. 7, 2:30 p.m.,
Michigan Union; Mon., Dec. 8, 4
p.m., and Tues., Dec. 9, 7 p.m.,
Pattengill Auditorium, Ann Arbor
High School.
Christmas Candlelight Service
presented by members of Alpha
chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, Na-
tional Professional Music Frater-
nity for Women, Sun., Dec. 7, 7:15
p.m., First Methodist Church. Pro-
gram: Christmas music by vocal
and instrumental soloists and the
Sigma Alpha Iota Chorus. The
public is invited.
Art Cinema League and the IRA
present Paul Robson in NATIVE
LAND, plus "Americans All," a
short, telling how the city of

EDITOIWS NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the viewsr
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omittedat the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
, , *
To the Editor:
In all that has been said andt
written thus far about the issueI
of racial discrimination and IRA's
present fight in support of a prin-
cipal which is fundamental in
both CHRISTIAN and Democra-
tic philosophy, not one word hasl
been said about a very important
factor: namely, what stand are
the different Christian denomina-
tions taking on the issue that is
before us. now. We suggest that,
IRA ask the clergymen of the
different religions in Ann Arbor
to make public pronouncements,
on this issue.
Discrimination and prejudices
are contrary to the very essence;
of Christ's philosophy; therefore,
the issue is well within the scope
of their duties.
-Edgar H. Tomei.
William H. Boesen.
* * *.
Dascola's Reply
To the Editor.
this issue of discrimination.
The blame lies on neither side,
but you can't fight for democracy
with anti-democratic weapons.
Minority groups banded together
in my opinion have little to gain
in their own individual problems.
The only way we can achieve
ideal democracy is by sincere hon-
est expression of our beliefs, with-
out trespassing on the individual
rights of other people. Coersion
and force will solve no problems.
They can only be solved when an
intellig'ent informed citizenry de-
termines whether the ideal can
be achieved. Tolerance, friendli-
ness, and patience are important
factors in achieving our objec-
-Dominic Dascola.
Springfield fought discrimination.
Sun. andMon., Dec. 7 aid 8, 8:30
p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Tickets
on sa .t University Hall, 10-12
noon andi1-4 p.m.
"Corn Beef Corners" of the
B'nai B'ri-th Hillel Foundation will
be open from 8 to 10 p.m. This
service of preparing sandwiches
and beverages is offered weekly.
All students are invited.
I.Z.F'A, presents "What next in
Palestine" by Ahura Ben Brith,
National Field Worker, to be fol-
lowed by Hannkah Program with
Yon Yftipe and Song and Dance
Group. 7 p.m., Hilel Foundation.
Student Religious Groups:
Westminster Guild: 5 p.m., so-
cial hall, First. Presbyterian
Church. Rev. James Van Pernis
will speak on "Meditations in Ad-
vent." Supper meeting will follow.
Wesleyan Guild: International
Tea, honoring students from
China with Professor Bayard Ly-
on. Lecturer in Chinese, as guest
speaker. 5:30 p.m., Prof. R. S.
Swinton will speak on "A Declara-
tion of Interdependence." Supper
meeting will follow.
Unitarian Student Group: 6:30
p.m., Snack Supper. Foreign stud-
ents will lead the discussion on
"Harmony of World Religions"
following the supper.
Roger Williams Guild: Cost
supper, 6 p.m., Guild House. A
play, "Peace I Give Unto You" by
Dorothy Clark Wilson, will be giv-

Lutheran Student Association:'
5:30 p.m., Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall. Supper meeting, 5:45 p.m.
Rev. Malcolm Ballinger, Protes-
tant chaplain at University Hos-
pital will speak on "The Ministry
of the Church in Hospitals."
Gamma Delta. Lutheran student
club; 4 p.m., Bible discussion hour.
Supper meeting, 5:30 p.m.
Congrfgational-Disciples Guild:
6 p M.rn,,pper meeting, Memorial
Christian Church.
Canterbury Club: Supper meet-
ing, 5:30 p.m., 218 S. Division.
Prof. P.A. Throop of the History
Department will be the speaker.
Coming Events
Radio rrograms:
2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR (870
Kc.). The Medical Series-Hyper-
tension, Dr. E. Evans.
2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR (870
Kc.). Roundtable on History of
-_(Continued on Page 8)

To the Editor:
Committee has consistently
stood up to be counted among
those who choose to strengthen a
real kind of democracy: a society
which protects all minorities
against the irresponsible whims of
temporary majority alignments.
We quote' from President Tru-
man's Report on Civil Rights,
copies of which were distributed
at last night's AVC meeting.
"To strengthen the right of
equality of opportunity, the Pres-
ident's Committee recommends'
"The elimination of segregation,
based on race, color, creed, or na-
tional origin, from American life.
"The separate but equal doc-
trine has failed in three impor-
tant respects. First, it is incon-
sistent with the fundamental equi-
litarianism of the Americanoway
of life in that it marks groups
with the brand of inferior status.
Secondly, where it has been fol-
lowed, the results have been sep-
arate and unequal facilities for
minority peoples. Finally, it has
kept people apart despite incon-
trovertible evidence that an en-
vironment favorable to civil rights
is fostered whenever groups are
permitted to live and work to-
gether. There is no adequate de-
fense of segregation.
" . ..Twice before in American
history the Nations has found it
necessary to review the state of
its civil rights . . . It is our pro-
found conviction that we have
come to a time for a third reex-
amination of the situation, and a
sustained drive ahead . . . The
pervasive gap between our aims
and what we actually do is creat-
ing a k'ind of moral dry rot which
eats away at democratic be-
liefs . ."
The time is now. AVC supports
the action of the Inter-Racial As-
sociation in condemning the Ann
Arbor Barber's Association for its
undemocratic policy of discrimin-
ation and for its direct violation
of the Diggs Act of the State of
-Jack Geist.
Chairman U of M. Chapter,
Americans Veterans Comm,
Rose Bowl Ride
To the Editor:'
I AM INTERESTED in a ride to
the Rose Bowl, but not at the
prices being asked. My home is in
Los Angeles and 'I have ridden
with others and driven by car
many times on this trip. Conse-
quently when I was checking up
this ride, I was thoroughly dis-
gusted at the atrocious prices that
are being asked. Total operating
costs, as I have determined them,
having made trips for myself, are
from $60 for a light to $80 for
a. heavy car. A total of four in a
car is crowded enough on this
kind of a trip, and if the three
passengers carry the expenses, $25
per rider will be more than ade-
quate in this averageecase.
This is. the price I have paid
myself on past trips on, a coop-
erative basis, and any prices above
this is utter extortion. At pres-
ent, the auto travelling agencies
charge only $35 for this kind of
a trip with ten dollars being re-
tained by the agency. This is a
very fair price. It irritated me
greatly that many people around
campus are asking more than
twice as much from fellow stu-
It might be added that if these
drivers charge prices which still
leave them profits, they must have
a special commercial license for
the car with proper insurance and
a chauffeur's license theniselves.
If they are illegally operating a
vehicle and are wildcat drivers,

they are subject to penalty under
the law.
Therefore, I advise Rose Bowl
bound students to pay a flat rate
of not more than $50 round trip;
to be sure that there are not
more than four altogether in the
car; that there will be no excessive
stop-overs along the way which
will unduly run up the personal
expenses; to have an understand-
ing concerning responsibility in
case of accidents.
s-Deszo Sekely.
To the Editor:
IN VIEW of the completelack of
the subject in recent Dailys I
think it apropos to remind the
student body of the ever-present
danger of Communism. This seems
to be a force, which left alone to
brood will boil up eventually and
show its true strength. At the
beginning of this century, com-
munism was known to be present
but ignored to too great an extent
in Russia. The result of this ne-
glect was the Russian revolution.
Here in Ann Arbor, a community
controlled by students, commu-
nism has been popping up more

on the Capitalroster, Peggy
Lee has come a long way since
her Benny Goodman days. Firmly
ensconced in West Coast music
circles, she has made a number of
good sides usually collaborating
with husband Dave Barbour who
played guitar with Goodman dur-
ing the years she sang with the
Her latest release "Golden Ear-
rings," is somewhat incongruous
with the slightly husky and inti-
mate mood which characterized
most of her previous discs. The
accompaniment strives to be gypsy
in flavor, replete with strings and
a flute passage. The reverse, "I'll
Dance at Your Wedding" is an-
other novelty, but Peg puts it over
with her fine rhythmic sense and
an attractive tendency towards
One of the giants of jazz, Louis
Armstrong, has been making rec-
ords for Victor in the past few
months. Somehow these haven't
been great successes, artistic or
commercial. The drag is usually
the low caliber of the tunes he's
forced to play and the technical
deficiencies of the records them-
selves. On his newest side he is
paired with Jack Teagarden.
"Some Day" features pretty, but
under-recorded Louis horn and a
nagging celeste accompaniment.
Other side is the blues with some
innocuous patter by the principals,
winding up with good blowing
from each. It all adds up to pretty
routine stuff, however, when com-
pared to what these titans are
capable of doing.
The second two sides of a Benny
Goodman session made in Holly-
wood a few months ago have been
issued. by Capitol recently. They
feature former sidesmen Red Nor-
vo and Mel Powell, who give a
nice lift to the trite sextet figures
used in these arrangements. "Nag-
asaki," that venerable old tune
gets the once over lightly treat-
ment with Red's vibes making
pleasant sounds. The second side,
"Gotta Get a Girl" presents a'
guitarist Al Hendrickson trying to
squeede past some puerile lyrics.
-David R. Crippen.

Such a proposal has connotations that
are not healthy. The Student Legislature
is one campus organization, theoretically
representative of the whole campus. IRA,
SRA, AVC and the rest are other campus
organizations. All have been awarded
University recognition by the Student
Affairs Committee. All have a right to
function on campus within the bounds of
the program approved by the SAC.
If anyone on campus opposes the action
taken by various student groups, he may do
one of two things: join the group and offer
his suggestions; remain outside the group
and write letters to the Editor.
But to give the Student Legislature the
power to "control" incidents repugnant to
certain sectors of the campus, no matter
how large or small, is to hand the Leg-



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