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September 24, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-09-24

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Fifty-Eighth Year

Good Investment


Letters to the Editor...

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht.......................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ..............Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz..................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ....................... Sports Editor
Bob Lent.................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson .................... Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick.................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin :Schneider ................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick.................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-,4-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription durng the regular school year by
cairrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Writers Wanted
As a student newspaper, the primary
purpose of The Daily is to present an im-
partial round-up of the important news
of the day and to provide a sounding
board for student opinion.
The editorials which appear on this
page represent the views of the respective
members of The Daily staff. In order to
increase the scope of opinion presented
a student column will be printed. The
editors of The Daily invite all students
interested in writing an editorial column
to submit three sample golumns for con-
sideration. Manuscripts should be sub-
mitted to the editors of The Daily by
noon Monday, Sept. 29.
Positions as staff reviewers for movies,
music, books, and Art Cinema are also
available. Music students will receive
special consideration for the position of
music critic. Sample reviews and criti-
cisms for these positions should also be
submitted by noon Monday, Sept. 29.
-The Senior Editors

OME-Here in Italy, it is easy to foresee
and describe the consequence of Ameri-
can inaction in the present world economic
crisis. If we do not promptly meet the chal-
lenge, Italy's barely reborn freedom will
meet an early death. And thus will be set
in remorseless motion a chain of events
which must end with political and strategic
disaster, utter, complete and irretrievable
except by the terrible expedient of war, for
us in the United States.
It is less easy, yet equally important, to
estimate the effectiveness of the remedies
which the United States can offer. Yet
after exhaustively consulting all available
authorities, this correspondent ventures
the opinion that Italy is a presently good
investment in this inevitably risky world.
Reams of statistics could be offered to
support the statement that the Italians have
already achieved a triumph in post-war
reconstruction. In every ministry in Rome,
they give you sheeves of figures-and very
moving figures too-showing bridges rebuilt,
transport links reopened, factories restored
to production, and farm output brought up
by the unrelenting labor of the Italian peo-
ple. But it is immeasurably more convincing,
Oleo vs. Butter
WHILE ATTEMPTS are being made to
curb the activities of the nation's lob-
byists, a monument to the success of lobby-
ists for the dairy industry seems to go un-
Butter interests have managed to throttle
the housewife's tight food budget by impos-
ing one restriction after another on the
manufacture and sale of butter's competi-
tor, oleomargarine. Taxes make it either im-
possible to buy oleomargarine or inconven-
ient by adding the work of mixing it to
achieve a more appetizing yellow color.
With butter prices skittering all the way
from sixty cents to one dollar, this is a good
time to review the situation.
"If we were to color . . . (our brand) ...
margarine yellow-which could be easily
done in our modern plants at no extra cost,
THEN we'd have to charge you 10 cents
more per pound, to cover the tax," an oleo
manufacturer says on the inside of the
carton of his product.
"But in 23 states, colored margarine can't
be sold at any price," he adds.
Michigan is one of those 23 states.
The prohibition of the sale of colored
margarine in these states is explained in a
booklet. "Colored Oleo Sold as Butter,"
published by the National Cooperative Milk
Producers Federation "in the interest of
public welfare."
The booklet explains how "sharks" sell
oleo as butter. Captions read: "Crafty
Enough to Hoodwink Women in 6 New Eng-
land States, but Not to Escape Federal Con-
viction!" Also: "'Butter' That Didn't Look
Right to a Housewife Helped Lead to
Roundup of Fraud Ring." (The picture
shows gentlemen of the law capturing two
rough-looking oleo "racketeers.")
In true Sunday supplement style, the
booklet tells of fake cemetary addresses,
shady salesmen and submarines prowling
around the Gulf.
Dairymen admit that 95 per cent of the
country's margarine is beyond reproach, ac-
cording to "Must this Food Be Taxed Off
Our Tables," by Sam Shulsky, in the Feb-
ruary, 1947, This Month magazhie.
These laws have not been enacted to pro-
test the housewife, who has the Pure Food
and Drugs Act and later federal laws to
protect her from fraud and mislabeling of
These laws protect the dairy industry,
like Wisconsin's manufacturer's tax of $1,-
000, wholesaler's tax of $500 and retailer's
tax of $25.
Restaurants and boarding houses that
color oleo, and openly admit it, are taxed
$600 by the federal government.
And yet oleo is still less expensive than

-Craig Wilson

since fallible human nature has a tendency
to reject statisitical proofs, to visit one of
those areas in Italy which were scenes of
almost total desolation hardly more than
three years ago.
Salerno, the site of the bloody Salerno
landing, was one such. Yet on that enchant-
ed coast today there is hardly a sign of the
outpouring of blood, the carnival of des-
truction, which so recently occurred. More
ancient history is immeasurably more con-
spicuous. Like a dream of the glory of
Greece, the honey-colored temples drowse
at Paestum among the oleanders. Domed
house roofs and pointed windows in the
little fishing villages recall the Saracen do-
minion. And in Salerno's cathredral, al-
though the forecourt with its borrowed
Roman columns still shows some signs of
shell fire, the guide points happily to me-
mentos of the great Pope Hildebrand and
the superb mosaics of the time of Ferdinand
of Henenstauffen.
Salerno and the countryside are restored
again. The scars of war are cleaned away.
The peasants labor to make ten square ards
of arable earth by building ten square yards
of wall to hold the land against the.moun-
tainside. The figs, the lemons and the or-
anges are fruiting in the sun on every ter-
race. The lights of the fishing fleets twinkle
numerously in every bay at dusk. And only
the empty resort hotels, vacant because
none but Americans can afford to travel,
hint of the catastrophe of bankruptcy that
menaces western Europe.
THE LESSON is extremely simple. The
Italians work. They work in the factor-
ies of Milan and Turin, in the smiling Tus-
can countryside, or on the sharp slopes of
South Italy. By work they have got their
country going again, so that industrial pro-
duction has risen from 25 per cent of pre-
war to 70 per cent, while farm output has
increased from 60 per cent of pre-war to
80 per cent.
This national production must provide,
however, for a population increased by
nearly three millions since 1940, so that the
level of individual life is still far below what
it was in the pre-war period. It is, in fact,
something like an internment camp. The
ration of 200 grams of bread a day provides
the bulk of the individual Italian's sus-
tenance. The trimmings-the oil, fish, fruit,
cheese and scraps of meat-are obtained in
tiny quantities at staggering prices on the
black market, or often from relatives who
own farms. It is because the level of life is
still so low that the Communist party re-
tains important strength.
And in raising the level of life everything
depends on two things. There must be dol-
lars from the United States, to provide
wheat for bread, fertilizer for the long un-
fertilized fields and coal and raw materials
for the factories. And we must somehow
prevent the world economic collapse which
would cut off the Italian export (as well as
our own). Disaster will come in Italy if the
dollars are lacking or world economic chaos
is permitted to occur.
The specific needs of Italy are, more-
over, fairly moderate in total. Securing
wheat allocations from the world pool (a
vital subject which must be dealt with
later a greater length) will actualle be
harder than making the needed dollars
available. In very brief terms, the Italian
government has asked Washington for
$250 millions to cover the deficit for the
rest of this year, and for a descending
scale of reconstruction credits for four
years thereafter. These sums to put Italy
on her feet amount to $825 millions for
1949, $410 millions for 1950 and $130 mil-
lions for 1951.
The amounts are considerable but they
are also appoximately one-fortieth of the
cost to the American taxpayer of another
$20 billions annually for national defense.
And the incomparable myopia of a Kenneth
Wherry-surely an important case for poli-
tico-medical history-is needed not to see
that tripling the cost of the national defense
will be the first result of letting western
Europe slip into the Soviet sphere.

(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)


and I were hanging around a cop-
per company here, watching all
the processes which take metal
out of rock, when we were given
an invitation to go down into the
the mine. My newlywed respond-
ed with such enthusiasm that we
were dropping on a cable hoist
and were 900 feet underground
before I realized what was hap-
pening. Clad in denim britches,
a helmet with a lamp attached to
a heavy battery on her belt, and
a big pair of galoshes, my lady
made a fetching picture. But she
suddenly seemed nervous as we
climbed down a hundred-foot lad-
der which gave us an altimeter
reading of minus 1,000 feet, and
began a mile-and-a-half trek
through the labyrinth of the 40-
year-old mine.
As she stepped off the ties of
ore-oar rails into the slippery
muck between thick timber braces
to get out of the way of the rat-
tling trains that went by, walked
on narrow planks above night-
marish pits that yawned a hund-
red feet deep, and stooped under
great timbers that bent and
creaked from the strain of hold-
ing countless tons of rock in place,
I thought I knew what caused
her nervousness, and felt that it
was well justified, because I was
feeling pretty spooked myself. If
you have even a little claustro-
phobia, it is brought out by crawl-

ing around in a deep mine. This
was a well-run establishment,
which is proud of owning one of
the finest safety records in the
mining business, but any mine is
scary if you are not used to them.
However, it turned out that my
lady was not the least bit scared.
She accounted for her nervous-
ness by telling me that just after
she had stepped off the hoist and
started down the ladder, she had
suddenly remembered reading that
miners are more superstitious
about women underground than
old salts used to be about skirts
aboard ship. She was afraid her
presence down there might irri-
tate somebody.
But everything was all right by
the time she had passed the first
dozen men. They were not super-
stitutious. At first their jaws
dropped at the sight of a gal trip-
ping along, flashing her light into
interesting corners. (We were lat-
er told that it was the first time a
woman had been in that part of
the mine.) Then reaction set in,
and the tunnels echoed and re-
echoed to the kind of noises all
young bucks make at all young
gals on drugstore curbs and
schoolhouse steps. My wife's ner-
vousness disappeared. She made
a noble effort at blushing, whis-
pered snappily to me that no
gentleman ever whistles at girls,
and felt right at home at minus
1,000 feet.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
,* * *
12em Edit Pg
To the Editor:
WISH to congratulate you on
your excellent management of
The Michigan Daily this summer.
All students whom I have talked
to agree that The Michigan Daily
has become a much more interest-
ing and readable paper. It is to be
hoped that next fall will not bring
back the radicalism and preju-
diced viewpoints that have domi-
nated the paper in the past. I feel
that The Michigan Daily now rep-
resents the student body, whereas
before I would not have liked any
outsider to have read The Daily
and judged the students by it.
Sampson P. Holland, Jr.
*, * *
On Fielding Yost
To the Editor:
HE 1 PHYSICAL education pro-
gram under consideration in
the University does credit to Di-
rector Crisler, Co-chairmen Do-
herty and Campbell, and their
committee, but we may properly
recall that it is also the length-
ened shadow of an inspiring man,
Fielding H. Yost.
His interests were broad and
humane and he tried to make
others the same. Nosport ever
came first; with Yost, the first
consideration was always to ben-
efit the character and develop-
ment of the individual player. In
private life, he was a shrewd, suc-
cessful businessman; and he was
generous with his fortune. A bril-
liant politician and United States
Senator could tell you that Yost
was the only man he ever met
whose personal magnetism sur-
passed his own. A Wisconsin at-
torney general could tell you how

fascinatingly Yost could rehearse
the Battle of Waterloo. The people
who remember Yost's personal
force and kindness are innumer-
able. He had the greatest talent
of all; that of appreciating the
worth and ability of other men
from every field and of gathering
them around him.
Long before Michigan acquired
its present great athletic plant,
Yost remarked. "Some day I'm
going to be able to fly over Ann
Arbor in an airplane and look
down upon ten thousand boys
and girls at play in some form
of organized athletic activity."
That was his dream., but only one
reason Michigan can be glad to
have had here a man made from
the stuff God makes into Eisen-
howers, Lincolns, Goethes, a man
endowed with magnanimity.
R. Morgan.
Pedestrian Types
To the Editor:
I AM A BICYCLIST because I am
too lazy to walk to class and you
can make of that whatever you
want. And furtherwI have no
doubts but what I've caused grief
enough to pedestrians; but, speak-
ing now of pedestrians, have you
ever noticed:
(1) The five-beers type, who
manages to cover ninety per cent
of the sidewalk on his cross-cam-
pus peregrinations? Or,
(2) The gregarious types, who
amble four abreast down the Diag,
and who, were they moving any
slower, would be going backward?
(3) The forgetful type, who, in
the middle of the noon rush, stops
dead in his tracks, places one
forefinger in mouth, and wonders
where he left that German book?
(4) The BMOC who feels called
upon to halt at every sidewalk in-
tersection and to hold conversa-
tion with his little chums-always
dead center in the sidewalk?
Etc., etc.
But it makes life so interesting!
-John R. Carnes.



Robot Statesmen?
IN SPITE of the efforts of parents to cur-
tail the activities of comic book heroes,
they may actually be keeping their young
readers in step With the future, for sci-
entists are fast bringing the cartoonists'
world to reality.
Newest artistic creation brought to life
is the robot plane which made its first
successful flight across the ocean Mon-
Although the possibility of a robot war
is reduced by the need for a reception
beam, which would require an inside job
on the receiving end, the consequences of
the new device could well be serious. Fifth
column infiltration was an important factor
in the last war and there is no reason to as-
sume it couldn't be accomplished in another.
However, while Army officers and sci-
entists are pondering future developments
of the device in terms of robot war and
automatic cargo shipments, our comic
book reading younger generation is prob-
ably already living in anticipation of a
passive press-button existence in which
all human activities would be carried out
by robots.
How much information robot students
could glean from robot professors is a ques-
tion, for instance, but an even more fas-
cinating idea would be to see if robots
could make less of a mess of world affairs
than, their inventors. Too bad they couldn't
be operated by the cartoonists' heroes in-
stead of those of national make.
-Joan Katz
FOR AMERICANS and for American busi-
ness, the most important single spot on
earth today is the Ruhr Valley of Germany
and no one but the United States can super-
vise tle rebuildiig of the Ruhr successfully.
Certainly the British must remain full
partners in. the political administration of
Germany. But their recent production re-
cord demands turning the job of revitalizing
the Ruhr industries over to the nation
which is paying the bill and which leads the
world in production.
-McGraw-Hill Publications

(Continued from Page 2)
a picture for the fall semester
may sign for the print between
Thursday, Sept. 25 and Saturday,
Oct. 4, West Gallery, Alumni Me-
morial Hall. A desk will be set up'
at that time for this purpose. Stu-
dents are requested to bring stu-
dent identification with them at
the time they make their reserva-
tion. A rental fee will be charged.
The prints will be issued from Rm.
205, University Hall, the week
following the close of the exhibit
on Oct. 4. The West Gallery is
open to the public from 10-12
a.m. and from 2-5 p.m. daily ex-
cept Monday.
Approved social events for the
coming week-end:
September 26: Couzens Hall,
Jordan Hall; Mosher Hall; Win-
chell House; Zeta Tau Alpha.
September 27: Acacia; Alpha
Delta Phi; Alpha Delta Pi; Alpha
Epsilon Phi; Alpha Kappa Kappa;
Alpha Tau Omega; Beta Theta
Pi; Chi Phi; Chi Psi; Delta Kappa
Epsilon; Delta Sigma Delta; Del-
ta Tau Delta; Kappa Sigma;
Michigan Christian Fellowship;
Nu Sigma Nu; Phi Delta Phi; Phi
Delta Theta; Phi Gamma Delta;
Phi Kappa Psi; Phi Kappa Tau;
Phi Rho Sigma; Phi Sigma Delta;
Psi Upsilon; Sigma Alpha Epsilon,;
Sigma Alpha Mu; Sigma Nu; Sig-
ma Phi Epsilon; Theta Chi;
Theta Delta Chi; Theta Xi; Zeta
Beta Tau; Zeta Psi.
Canadian Undergraduate Stu-
dents: Application blanks for the
Paul J. Martin Scholarship for
Canadian undergraduate students
may be obtained at the Scholar-
ship Office, Rm. 205, University
Hall. To be eligible a student
must have been enrolled in the
University for at least one semes-
ter of the school year 1946-47.
All applications should be re-
turned to that office by Tuesday,
Sept. 30, 1947. The scholarship
will be assigned on the basis of
need and superior scholastic
Applications for Bomber Scho-
larships: Applications may be ob-
tained at the Scholarship Office,
Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 205
University Hall, and must be re-
turned to that office not later
than Tuesday, Sept. 30. To be
eligible for these scholarships a
student must have served at least
one year in the armed forces dur-
ing the last war, must have com-
pleted satisfactorily not less than
the equivalent of two semesters
of credit hours in any undergrad-
uate school or college in this Uni-
versity, and shall have received

no degree of any kind from this
University. Awards will be made
according to need, character, and
scholarship ability after compari-
son of applicants.
Seniors in Aeronautical and
Mechanical Engineering: The
Douglas Aircraft Company, Inc.
has established a scholarship of
$500 to be used during the cur-
rent school year. The scholarship
will be awarded to a highly rec-
ommended student in Aeronau-
tical or Mechanical Engineering
who has completed his Junior
year at the University. Applica-
tions should be in letter form,
giving a brief statement of qual-
ifications and experience in re-
gard to both scholastic work and
any outside experience they may
have had. Any service record
should be mentioned. Senior Me-
chanicals will address their letters
of application to Prof. R. S. Haw-
ley, Rm., 221 W. Eng. Bldg., sen-
ior Aeronauticals will send their
applications to Prof. E. W. Con-
lon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng. Bldg. Ap-
plications will be received up to
October 3.
Aeronautical Engineering Stu-
dents: There is available one $500
Robert L. Perry Memorial Fellow-
ship to students in Aeronautical
Engineering who are in need of
financial assistance and who
show definite promise in this
field. In the selection of a candi-
date preference will be given to
veteran pilots. Applications should
be in letter form, giving a state-
ment of services in the armed
forces, and addressed to Prof. E.
W. Conlon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng.
Bldg. Applications will be received
up to October 3.
Scholarship Open to Senior
Mechanical, Aeronautical and
Electrical Engineering Students:
Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Cor-
poration has established an an-
nual scholarship of $250 which is
available to students who are in
their Junior year in the above
fields of engineering and who are
highly recommended by their fac-
ulty Scholarship Committee. The
student will be employed by the
Company the first semester after
the award. Application forms for,
this scholarship may be obtained
in the Aeronautical Eng. Office.
Consolidated Vultee Graduate
Fellowship: The Consolidated
Vultee Aircraft Corporation has
established two annual Graduate
Fellowships of $750 each, avail-
able to graduates of accredited
engineering, metallurgy, physics
or mathematics schools who are'
highly recommended by their fac-
ulty Scholarship Committee, for
graduate study and research in
the fields included in aeronau-

tical engineering. The students
will be employed by the Company
the first summer after the
awards. Applications available in
Aero. Eng. Office.
Juniors, Seniors and Graduates:
Four Frank P. Sheehan scholar-
ships are available. The selection
of candidates for these scholar-
ships is made very largely on the
basis of scholastic standing. Ap-
plicants should address letters to
Prof. E. W. Conlon, Rm. 1501 E.
Eng. Bldg. giving a brief state-
ment of their qualifications and
experience they may have had. A
statement should also be made
about their plans for further
study in Aero. Eng. Any service
record should be mentioned. Ap-
plications will be received up to
October 3.
Season Tickets 1947-48 Lecture
Course may now be purchased at
Hill Auditorium box office. Seven
distinguished numbers will be pre-
sented this season, the complete
course being as follows: Oct. 23,
Walter Duranty and H. R. Knick-
erbocker, debate, "Can Russia Be
Part of One World?"; Nov. 3,
Jacques Cartier, "Theatre Caval-
cade"; Nov. 20, Rear-Admiral
Richard E. Byrd, "Discovery,"
with motion pictures; Nov. 25,
Miss Jane Cowl, "An Actress
Meets her Audience"; Jan. 13,
Julien Bryan, "Russia Revisited,"
with motion pictures; Jan. 22,
John Mason Brown, "Broadway in
Review"; Feb. 10, Hon. Arthur
Bliss Lane, "Our Foreign Policy,
Right or Wrong?" Tickets for the
complete course are priced at
$6.60, $5.40 and $4.20. Box office
hours are from 10-1, 2-5 daily ex-
cept Saturday afternoon and Sun-
Freshman Health Lectures for
Men: It is a University require-
ment that all entering freshmen
take a series of lectures on Per-
sonal and Community Health and
to pass an examination on the
content of these lectures. Trans-
fer students with freshman
standing are also required to take
the course unless they have had
a similar course elsewhere.
Upperclassmen who were here
as freshmen and who did not ful-
fill the requirements are request-
ed to do so this term.
These lectures are also required
of veterans with freshman stand-
The lectures will be given in the
Natural Science Auditorium at
4:00, 5:00 and 7:30 p.m. as per

You may attend at any of the
above hours. Enrollment will take
place at the first lecture. Please
note that attendance is required
and roll will be taken.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Wil-
liam Elliott Humphrey, Geology;
thesis: "Geology of the Cierra do
los Muertos Area, Coahuila, Mex-
ico, and Aptian Cephalopods from
the La Pena Formation," Thurs.,
Sept. 25, 4065 Natural Science
Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, L. B. Kel-
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
Fri., Sept. 26, 4 p.m., 319 W. Medi-
cal Bldg. Dr. Raymond L. Garner
will discuss the recent Conference
on the Medicinal and Experimen-
tal Uses of Isotopes which was
held at Madison early in Septem-
ber. All interested are invited,
English 31, Section 16 (Savage),
will meet M W F at 1 p.m. in 2235
English 183. Meet Wednesday
as scheduled, in 2231 AH. Reading
lists may be obtained before that
time in my office, 2216 AH.
R. C. Boys.
English 211g, Proseminar in
American Literature, will meet
Wednesdays, 4-6, Rm. 3217 A.H.

History 323: Class will
Wednesday (tonight)
7:30, Clements Library.

meet on

Treaty without War

THE U.N. has, for the moment, ceased to
be an agency and has become an arena.
It is a place of confrontation, a field out-
side the town, at dawn. It is an appalling
thing to have to say, but the world might
have been a little more at ease last week
if the meeting of the General Assembly had
not taken place, if it had been, postponed
because the roof leaked, or the planes did
not arrive.
If there had been no meeting we would
have been spared much inconclusive
storming, and gloom. For the U.N. no
longer comes together for a specific pur-
pose; it merely comes together. It is not
always a happy thought to bring two
parties known to be in anger into the
same room. Often the most constructive
thing to do is to keep them from meet-
ing until circumstances change.
The fac tthak the memher natinns have n

sky's had very little to do with each
other. Each side does a sporting stalk of
the other at these meetings, in an atmos-
phere indeed much like that of a grim
sporting contest. The points put forth
are not expected to be accepted; they are
expected to be rejected. Marshall knows
Russia will not abandon the veto; Vishin-
sky knows we are not going to curb our
freedom of speech to put down "war-
mongers," a term he would certainly apply
to all critics of Russia.
And the U.N. can be restored to its origi-
nal function only by a peace treaty between
Russia and the United States. It is true
there has been no war between these na-
tions. But it would be very civilized to have
a peace treaty without the war.

Mathematics Seminars: There
will be a meeting of those inter-
ested in seminars in mathematics
Thursday, Sept. 25, 4 p.m., 3201
Angell Hall, at which the subjects
for seminars will be selected and
the hours arranged.
Medical Aptitude Examination.
All applicants for admission to
Medical Schools, who wish to be
admitted during 1948, must take
the Medical Aptitude Examina-
tion on Sat., Oct. 25, 1947 or Mon.,
Feb. 2, 1948. The examination will
not be given on any other day.
In order to be admitted to the
October 25th examination, can-
didates must fulfill the following
1. Candidates must register for
the October 25th examination on
or before Thurs., Sept. 25, 1947,
Rm. 110, Rackham Bldg. Sept. 25
will be the last day for registra-
tion for the October 25th exami-
2. Candidates must bring to the
examination a check or money
order for five dollars payable to
the Graduate Record Office. No
candidate will be admitted to the
examination unless he pays fee
in this way. Cash will not be ac-
Candidates who register will be-
gin the examination at 8:45 a.m.
on Oct. 25, 1947, in the Lecture
Hall of the Horace H. Rackham
Sc.hool of fGraduairte Studies. The

the following schedule:
Lecture No. Day
3 Wed.
4 Thurs.
5 Mon.
6 Tues.
7 (Final Exam) Wed.

Sept. 24
Sept. 25
Sept. 29
Sept. 30
Oct. 1


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