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October 28, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-28

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Latest Deadline in the State


Athens Plane
Wreck Kills
43 Persons'
Two Americans
Aboard Airliner
By The Associated Press
ATHENS, Oct. 27-A Swedish
airliner, officially reported as car-
rying 43 or more persons, crashed
last night atop towering Mount
Hymettos, 12 miles southeast of
Athens, killing all aboard.
The plane, a four-engined Sky-
master en route from Istanbul,
Turkey, to Athens, virtually disin-
tegrated when it crashed and
caught fire.
Two Americans Aboard
(The Swedish airlines system
ABA announced tonight at its of-
fice in Istanbul, Turkey, that the
only two American passengers
aboard were Gloria Marie Rusch,
24, of Dallas, Tex., a U.S. State
Department Secretary en route
from Manila to Oslo, Norway, and
Edwin Wanner, 39, of Washing-
ton, D.C., described as a business-
Among' other passengers, ABA
said, were two Britons, one
Frenchman, eight Italians, 16
Turks, two Danes, a Norwegian,
two Greeks and an Iranian.
Last Contact
Last contact with the plane was
by radio from Hassan Airfield,
on the Attic Plain, when it re-
ported it would land in 20 min-
utes. A few seconds later, me-
chanics at the Athens airport re-
ported they saw a bright flash of
yellow light illuminate the sky on
the other side of the mountain
range about 15 miles southeast of
Searchers said wreckage was
scattered for a distance of 500
yards. An Associated Press pho-
tographer who was among the
first to scale the rocky ascent to
the scene said:
Ghastly Sight
"It was a ghastly sight. There
were only three or four whole
bodies remaining."
Scattered about the area were
dipt1omatic passports, thermos
? bottles, maps, and fur lined jack-
ets. Because of the rocky terrain,
it was thought unlikely that any
of the bodies can be removed be-
fore tomorrow.
The manager of the Swedish
airlines (ABA) in the Athens dis-
trict said the passenger list had
) included 36 but there was a pos-
sibility changes had been made
before the plane took off from
Phi Delts Win
All-State Sing
Phi Delta Theta won first place
in the State of Michigan Inter-
fraternity Sing Sunday, marking
the first time that such a dis-
tinction has ever been won by a
fraternity from the University.
The Phi Delts, who won the
interfraternity singing champion-
ship here last spring, competed
against the championship frater-
nities from Hilllsdale College,
Michigan State College, Hope Col-
lege and Albion College. The con-
test was sponsored by the Burr,
Patterson and Auld Co.
The winning song, "Phi Delt
Drums," was recorded by the Phi
Delts, as were the other compet-
ing entries, and forwarded to the
judges. They were Harold Tall-

man, director of choral music at
Wayne University; Graham T. Ov-
ergard, conductor of the Wayne
University Band, and C. Herbert
Peterson, conductor of the Shrine
Chanters in Detroit.
The records were played over
Station WKMH in Dearborn, and
Bob C'happuis, president of the
Phi Delts, was then presented with
the trophy which now adorns the
mantle in the living room of the
Phi Delt House on Washtenaw
Secretary Cites
GOP 'Fumblin g'
Secretary of Labor Schvellenbach
accused the Republican-controlled
Congress tonight of "fumbling and
bungling and said that, in con-
trast, the Truman Administration
b has built up a yood record.
The Secretary, a close friend of
p maia Trsman dsuvra what

Screen Writer Lawson
Faces Contempt Action
Refuses To Testify in Turbulent Session;
Parnell Claims Group Asked To 'Lay Off'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27-Movie writer John Howard Lawson de-
fiantly refused today to tell Congressional investigators of Hollywood
whether he is a Communist and they cracked down with contempt ac-
tion in a roaring and turbulent session.
Lawson, who was described by an earlier witness as in direct
charge of Red activities in the mavie capital, thundered to a House
Un-American Activities subcommittee that it is none of its business
whether he is a Communist or what political views he holds.
Asked To 'Lay Off'
Fireworks flared again at a later point, when Chairman J. Parnell
-- ---- Thomas (Rep., N.J.) said that it

Dissolution of
Assembly in
New Bid for Power
Made By De Gaulle
PARIS, Oct. 27-(P)-Gen. De
Gaulle made his first open bid for
return to power in France today
with a demand for dissolution of
the National Assembly and the
holding of new general elections.
He said the results in the mu-
nicipal elections, where his anti-
Communist rally of the French
people (RPF) party won nearly40
per cent of the vote, justified that
Socialist Majority Predicted
Parliamentary sources said the
immediate effect of his move
would be to produce a slight ma-
jority for Socialist Premier Paul
Ramadier's coalition cabinet in a
vote of confidence to be posed
when the Assembly convenes to-
These sources declared all "Re-
publican forces" were opposed to
De Gaulle's proposal, and predict-
ed that the Communists, who have
bitterly assailed Ramadier's re-
gime, would abstain when the vote
is taken Thursday.
Communists Attack De Gaulle
De Gaulle's statement was at-
tacked immediately by the Com-
munists. Florimond Bonte, a
spokesman for the party; said the
proposals were a maneuver for
personal power backed by reac-
tionary capitalists abroad.
De Gaulle said the Communists
had lost "at least one-seventh of
their electors and many munici-
palities. Thus, many citizens who
were led astray by these bad apos-
tles on the road of unhappiness
and servitude, are expressing their
will for social justice and national
His statement, distributed to the
press, added:
Beginning of Retreat
"This is the beginning of a re-
treat which will not cease from
now on. Every day, indeed, will
show better that the Separatists
(his term for Communists) have
none of the characteristics of a
French party, but are only dele-
gates of a foreign dictatorship for
which the misery of men is only
the springboard for its implacable
He, said the feat of the RPF in
getting more votes than any oth-
er party in the elections showed
that the present government rep-
resented "only a feeble national
UT,' oxford To
Vie inDebate
Oxford University debaters will
renew an old rivalry with the Uni-
versity when they face the local
team to debate the merits of a lib-
eral versus a vocational education
at 4 p.m. tomorrow in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Now on the first leg of a four-
month tour of American colleges
and universities, the Oxford team
is making its first appearance here
since 1925 when Michigan won the
decision on the prohibition ques-
Three war veterans comprise
the visiting team. They are Sir
Edward Charles Gurney Boyle,

who served in the British Foreign
Office; David Kenneth Harris, a

"makes me boil" that certain per-
sons, whom he did not name, had
asked the committee to "lay of f"
the investigation.
Thomas said these persons tried
"all the tricks of the trade" to
hamper the inquiry and that some,
"of dubious character," had com-
municated with the committee in
an attempt to keep certain per-
sons off the witness stand and to
prevent certain questions from be-
ing asked.
Johnston's Testimony
Eric Johnston, president of the
Motion Picture Association, was
on the stand at the time. He said
that no one in the association
had asked that investigation be
postponed or that any person not
be called to testify.
The high point, clearly, came
when Lawson bluntly and loudly
defied the committee.
Voices rose. Tempers soared like
skyrockets and a gavel beat a
steady tattoo.
Red Feather
Drive Gains;
'U' Lags Behind
Allthough contributions by Uni-
versity members are lagging be-
hind, the Community Fund Drive
is over the hump in terms of its
total quota, Gladwyn H. Lewis, ex-
ecutive secretary, revealed yester-
Contributions to the city-wide
campaign total 60 per cent of the
$137,750 quot& as of last night,
Mr. Lewis estimated, with national
corporations and industrial em-
ployes heading the list of donors.
"It's wonderful to see the con-
tributions rolling in," he said.
The University has met 33 per
cent of its $22,000 goal, Prof. Karl
F. Lagler said yesterday, repre-
senting a considerable advance
over Saturday's report of 13 per
Three building units have con-
tributed 100 per cent of their
quotas or more: Harris Hall, Lane
Hall and Clements Library, with
the University Press reaching the
96 per cent mark. Students as
well as faculty members and Uni-
versity employes are contributing,
Porof. Lagler said.
On the city front, most divi-
sions are up near the 60 per cent
mark, although door-to-door solic-
itation of residents has met only
25 petr cent of its quota, Mr.
Lewis said.
To BeElected~
Delegates from all interested
campus groups will meet at 5 p.m.
Friday in the Union to elect a
chairman of the campus organiza-
tion of the state-wide Michigan
Committee for Academic Freedom.
Any organization, whether it
has previously been associated
with the group or not, is entitled
to send one voting delegate to the
meeting Friday, according to Tom
Walsh, MCAF publicity director.
The MCAF, which adopted a
constitution and elected officers at
a recent meeting here, will consid-
er future policies and appropriate
action in recent cases involving al-
leged violations on academic free-
dom within the state at a confer-
ence here November 9.

Notre Dame
Ranked First
In Press Poll
Wolverines Slip
To Second Place
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Oct. 27--Notre
Dame, still supposedly playing
"under wraps," moved to the head
of the class today in the weekly
Associated Press poll of football
writers, supplanting still-unbeaten
The Minnesota Gophers appar-
ently rubbed some of the glamor
off the Michigan machine be-
fore succumbing, 13-6, for the
writers shunted the Wolverines
into second place. A week ago they
commanded 147 of 168 first place
votes. This time they grabbed only
69 with 78 of the 195 ballots list-
ing the fighting Irish at the top
of the heap.
Texas Still Strong
Texas remained a strong con-
tender for top honors with 25
firsts and Pennsylvania, gaining
strength on its 21-0 win over
Navy, was named No. 1 by 11
Coach Frank Leahy's Irish
slipped past Iowa, 21-0, without
showing too much of their attack
to future rivals. With Navy sched-
uled to test them Saturday in
Cleveland, fans may learn more
about the true strength of Notre
The point score from the most
extensive weekly poll in many
years showed Notre Dame at 1,734
holding a slim 45-point edge over
Michigan at 1,689 with Texas a
close third at 1,516.
Pennsylvania Advances
Pennsylvania moved from
eighth to fourth on its Navy suc-
cess. The big battle on the Pa-
cific coast resulting in a 39-14 de-
cision for Southern California
over California sent the victorious
Trojans into fifth place only a
few points behind Penn. Coach
Lynn (Pappy) Waldorf's Golden
Bears fell out of the first 10.
Georgia Tech, enjoying a
breather with the Citadel, moved
up a peg to sixth position and
Penn State advanced from ninth
See IRISH, Page 3
Fred Waring
Concert Seats
Still Available
A few good seats remain to be
sold for the two Fred Waring
concerts, presented by the Men's
Glee Club, at 8:30 p.m. Friday
and Saturday in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets may be purchased at the
auditorium box office.
Second National Tour
The entire group of Pennsyl-
vanians, plus soloists Jane Wil-
son, Stuart Churchill, Joan
Wheatley, Joe Marine and Poley
McClintock will appear in the con-
certs. Waring, who is appearing
in his second national tour, is con-
tinuing his six half-hour pro-
grams while on the road.
Twenty-five years of broadcast-
ing have been marked by Waring,
who first went on the air over
WJR, Detroit. He had just com-
pleted a successful engagement for
an overflow crowd at J-Hop here.
Enthusiastic Response
Enthi~siastic response to the

broadcast brought Waring his
first theatre date, and the Penn-
sylvanians have been standard
American entertainment ever
Commercial broadcasting began
for Waring in 1933, and his abil-
ity to write catchy theme songs for
his sponsor's products attracted
wide interest.
Waring has also written more
than a hundred songs for colleges
and 14 for different branches of
the armed forces. He also main-
tains the largest staff of musical
arrangers for any choral group.

MOVIE PLAYERS OFF TO PROTEST HEARING-Part of a group of movie players receive tickets
from passenger agent Barbara Huches, in Los Angeles, before flying to Washington to protest the
manner in which the House Un-American Activities Committee hearing is being conducted. Left to
right: June Havoc, Marsha Hunt, Humphrey Bog art, Lauren Bacall, Evelyn Keyes and Paul Hen-
reid. In rear left is Danny Kaye.

Vets To Begin
State Survey of
Questionnaires To
Cover 25_Colleges
"Operation Subsistence-Mich-
igan" will conduct a cost-of-living
survey on college campuses
throughout the state, it was de-
cided at a meeting of the planning
committee at Wayne University
Sunday, according to George An-
tonofsky, of the University AVC.
Antonofsky, who was chairman
of the meeting, said that 10,000
questionnaires are being prepared
in order to canvass veterans from
at least 25 of the leading colleges
in Michigan.
Central Point
The University was designated
as the central point for tabulation
of the survey results at the meet-
ing. The local AVC and the Wom-
en Veterans Association have
pledged their support to the carry-
ing out of the survey.
'Operation Subsistence"-Mich-
igan is an organization formed to
promote the increase of the gov-
ernment educational subsidization
of veterans in order to meet the
rising cost of living," Antonofsky
Forced to Drop Out
According to Veterans' Admin-
istration figures, he said, 35 per
cent of student veterans have been
forced to drop out of school on
account of the cost of living and
cramped housing.
"Consequently," he added, "Op-
eration Subsistence" is concerned
with the basic problems which
threaten to shatter the entire edu-
cational program."
At the meeting Sunday it was
also decided that the planning
committee would meet again in
Flint November 23. In Flint final
plans for the statewide stuent vet-
erans conference in Lansing, De-
cember 13, will be made.
IDining Carsl
Go Collegiate
Some students going home for
vacations to "get away from it
all" may find that they can't.
A pen-and-ink drawing of the
University campus has been fea-
.tured on the covers of New York
Central Railroad dining car menus
in the initial series of the sys-
tem's college menu covers.
The original of the sketch,
drawn by internationally-known
artist Vernon Howe Bailey, has
been presented to the University
by W. E. Frackelton, general pas-
senger agent of the railroad.
More than 125 colleges and uni-
versities along the NYC system
will be featured in the series in
the coiing months.

Frustrated Lovers, Forgetful.
Readers are Lawn Litterers

Frustrated lovers and forgetful
newspaper readers were cited yes-
terday as characteristic represen-
tative types of students responsi-
ble for making the Univetrsity
campus look like it shouldn't.
In a plea for more conscien-
tious care of what he calls "the
University's outdoor living room,'
Frank C. Schacht, supervisor of
Sigler Replies
To Protests on
Willow Zoning
Gov. Kim Sigler has informed
the Walpole Committee of parents
at Willow that he is referring
charges of racial discrimination in
re-zoning of school districts to Eu-
gene B. Elliot, State Superinten-
dent of Public Instruction.i
Sigler's statement came in reply I
to the request of the committee
that the state investigate the-
school board decision of Sept. 5,
whereby approximately 50 Negro
children living on Walpole Court
were switched from inter-racial
Ross School to all-Negro Sim-'
monds school.
'Reasonable Proximity'
The Walpole Committee in-
formed Sigler that "Ross school is
within reasonable proximity of
Walpole Court, actually within a
shorter distance than is Simmonds
W. A. Kraus, chairman of the
school board at Willow Village, de-
clared yesterday that he had heard
of no new developments concern-
ing the situation.
To Investigate Case
Gloster B. Current, national di-
rector of branches of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, flew from New
York Sunday to investigate the
case for his organization. Michi-
gan branches of the NAACP have
already officially condemned the
re-zoning on the basis of segrega-
tion, and endorsed the stand of
the Walpole Committee.
The Walpole Committee of par-
ents has contacted two Detroit
lawyers who are starting a legal
analysis of the case.
To Enlist Support
The committee has also pre-
sented its case to UAW-CIO Local
142, at Kaiser-Frazer, in order to
enlist their support.
Walpole Court children are now
obliged to walk several blocks
along a highway without benefit
of sidewalks or safety protection,
parents pointed out, while chil-
dren living across the street from
Simmonds are being sent to Ross

grounds, described the worst mes-
ser-uppers as follows:
Give Vent to Despair
The "frustrated lover type" rep-
resents the students who give vent
to their despair by silently retali-
ating on the grounds clean-up
men, tearing up their "Dear John"
and "Dear Mary" letters into the
smallest pieces possible and then
scattering them to the winds.
The comfort-loving newspaper
reader, another type, uses his
daily periodical as a cushion while
relaxing under one of the campus'
many trees. This student, almost
invariably a subscriber to the New
York Times, becomes an offender
when, having finished relaxing, he
leaves almost 100 pages of news-
paper to scatter about under the
Unsatisfactory Solution
Strategically placed wast recep-
tacles proved to be an unsatis-
factory solution to the problems
some time ago, Schacht said. The
plant department found itself
continually obliged to put out fires
caused by still burning matches
and cigarettes which students had
neglected to put out before toss-
ing into the baste can.
Cigarette butts carpeting the
entrance to every building on
campusdare another apparently
unavoidable headache to the
clean-up men, who have found
that only about 30 per cent of all
butts hit the bucket wherever
there happens to be a bucket.
Still hopeful, however, Schacht
suggested that students "just give
it a second thought" before they
make their own contribution to
the general disfigurement of the
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, Oct. 27-The Do-
minion of India announced today
the accession of predominantly
Moslem Kashmir, princely state in
the extreme northern part of the

U.S., Russia
Talk' Accord
By The Associated Press
Soviet Union backed down today
on its charges of "warmongering"
in the United States, Greece and
Turkey, and was then joined by
the United States in a world-wide
condemnation of talk that might
disrupt the peace.
The rare example of accord fol-
lowed close upon the. defeat of
Russia's anti-"warmonger"'
charges in a watered-down version
proposed by the Soviet bloc tos
eliminate specific accusations
against the U.S., Greece and Tur-
key. There were evidences of con-
tinuing discord, however.
Final Round of Debate
In the final round of debate be-
fore the 57-member United Na-
tions Assembly's political commit-
tee, Soviet chief delegate Andrei
Y. Vishinsky said he wanted the
record to show that no vote had
been taken on the section relat-
ing to the three countries involved
in the Truman aid program.
Earlier, Vishinsky had agreed to
a Polish amendment which elim-
inated all specific mention of the
U.S., Greece and Turkey as alleged
Last-Minute Effort
This had been done in a last-
minute effort by Russia to save
her resolution from defeat or at
least win more minority support.
It was voted down anyway-par-
agraph by paragraph.
Then in a conciliatory move
with some elements of surprise
Russia was joined by the United
States in a 56 to 0 vote of the
United Nations-with Haiti re-
corded as absent-to condemn all
"forms of propaganda" which
would be "likely to provoke or en-
courage any threat to the peace."
Judge Payne
Fines Scalper
Second Skips Bail;
Third Says Not Guilty
Two men, charged with scalping
Minnesota game tickets were ar-
raigned in Judge Jay Payne's Mu-
nicipal Court yesterday, and a
third failed to appear on the same
Of the two men who showed up
one pleaded guilty and was sen-
tenced, and the second entered a
not guilty plea.
A $25 fine with $25 court costs,
along with a suspended 30-day jail
sentence, was dealt out to John-
Isaacs, 24 year old of Flushing,
New York, who pleaded guilty.
Isaacs said he had bought the
two tickets, which he was at-
tempting to sell, at $15 each,'and
was trying to get his money back.
William Shilling, of Minneap-
olis, forfeited the $50 bond he had
posted when he failed to appear.
The not guilty plea was entered
by Leon Simon, of Detroit, and he
was released on $100 bond. He will
be tried Nov. 7.
Petitions Due
On Thursday

All petitions for nominations to
the Board in Control of Student
Publications, J-Hop and Soph
Prom committees and senior class
officers are due Thursday, Dick
Kelly, chairman of the special
Student Legislature elections com-
mittee, said yesterday.
All petitions must contain a 50-
word statement of the student's
qualifications, and a list of 150
student signatures.
Senior class officer petitions
must be signed only by senior's
in the literary college. J-Hop
committee petitions and Soph
Prom committee petitions must
be signed by juniors and sopho-
mores, respectively, but they may
be students in any school.
All petitions should be turned
in to Mrs. Ruth Callahan, Rm.
2, University Hall.
Niehuss To Deliver
Orientation Speech

formal decree saying the Fed-
eral government has "para-
mount right" in underwater oil
lands off California was handed
down today by the Supreme
* * *
LONDON, Oct. 27-The 12-point
Anglo-American program to
increase Ruhr coal production
has been accepted by both the
British and American govern-
ments, the British Foreign Office
said tonight.
* * *
NANKING, Oct. 28-The Chi-
nese government outlawed to-
day the liberal Democratic
League, its minority-party op-
* * *
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27-Price
control over producers of some
foods and basic commodities was
,,nn.er to P uder seou'd-

Forum Deals with Problems of Nation's Economy

EDITOR'S NOTE; This is the third <d
in a series of summary articles by
a Daily reporter present at the New Studebaker Corporation, told del-
York Herald Tribune's sixteenth an- egates from all the United States,

A primary government respon- E realize its potential in the promo- I

sibility, Hoffman said, was the
complete recasting of the tax sys-

tion of stability; and, finally, in-
.a. a . ,, ,'rc hiiof _oA -

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