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October 22, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-22

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~IjAl34igan Batty

Americants tin Athl-ens


- - -1


I-ifty-Eighth Year

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell.................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht.......................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus.......Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce .)ohnon.................Women's Editor
Betty Stewar d........ ,.Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick.................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..........:.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorals published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Armament Race

ALTHOUGI much of what Andrei Vish-
insky saidin chastising eight Americans
as war mongers can be dismissed, there is
a core of truth running through his remarks.
The plain fact is that war mongering has
assumed astounding proportions recently.
Walter Winchell in his most recent Sun-
day evening broadcast said much to sub-
stantiate the charge of "war monger" level-
ed against him by Vishinsky.
Using absurd analogies, Winchell con-
cluded that the only way to insure peace is
to build a strong army and navy so that
others would not dare attack us. Arma-
ment, however is not likely to continue long
on a unilateral basis, for others are apt to
eye such activities suspiciously and begin
arming for themselves. Thus a colossal
armament race is underway.
Past experience has shown arms races
to be singularly futile in preventing war.
They have produced nothing but war, and
it is difficult to believe that hereafter peace
wil lensue as the result of building huge
armies and navies.
Winchell, in short, wants to repeat the
bankrupt policies of the past to prevent
the disaster caused by these policies.
-Jacob Hurwitz
Student Exchange
CONGRESS PASSED the Fulbright Act
in order that the benefits of American
education could be extended to all the peo-
ples of the world.
A shrewd piece of legislation, the bill
provides that foreign nations may pay off
their war debts to the U.S. by contributions
to a world scholarship fund. The money is
used for the education of that nation's citi-
zens in American universities and colleges.
An important way of promoting world
peace, the system bogged down when for-
eign nations tried to scrape up the neces-
sary funds.
Like all other American goods purchases,
those educations cost money - American
dollars. Most nations - and Britain is a
good example - are in serious financial
straits. In dollars, they are broke!
The number of foreign students en-
rolled in our universities dropped 40 per
cent this fall. Dollars had to go for im-
mediately needed foods, machinery and
clothing - not scholarships.
Foreign students in American schools are
needed by this world. Living and learning
in a democratic society, they will learn the
ways of a peaceful world of social and
spiritual advancement.
Any opportunity that we deny the world
is bound to be offered in a melted-down
ersatz version by Soviet Russia as a way
of winning the world to what they label
Congress knows a good thing when it sees
one - and still a way to get a return on our
war investment. But the horse is hitched
to the wrong end of the cart. We need a
world of educated American university grad-
uates more than we need the return on war
investments. Investments would have had
to have been made, even if there was no
possibility of getting a return.
A system of direct student exchange,
augmented by the subsidization of addi-

ATHENS-On its craggy height above this
ancient city, in unimaginable loveliness,
stands the Parthenon, whose colonnades
knew Pericles. In the bay below lies Salamis,
where Themistocles tricked sluggish Sparta
into the attack on the Persian ships. And
at the mid-level between, amid the modern
squalor of the King George Hotel, sits a
former budget commissioner of the state
of Pennsylvania, briskly dealing with the
Greek budget as though he were back home
in Harrisburg. It is an odd contrast, but one
which accurately conveys the character of
the American mission to Greece headed by
Wh/at they jait1..
* About the Krug Report
ANOTHER would-be barrier to European
aid under the Marshall Plan collapsed
Sunday. Interior Secretary Krug, weighing
our resources against the Plan's proposed
drain of 20 billions, gave the American
economy a clean bill of health.
But there were qualifications.
In a 239-page report, Krug said that under
the Plan, shortages here of wheat, steel,
coal, nitrogen fertilizers and some industrial
equipment would be intensified. But, he
added, consumer-government-industry co-
operation to save and sacrifice would become
the keystone of effective aid, which would
pay for itself in expanded markets for
American industry.
The nation's press wondered whether
an aid program can be established with
the "voluntary cooperation" of which Krug
speaks, or whether wartime controls must be
* * *
the Krug report disappointing in its
failure to recommend concrete means to
achieve our aims. The Report's contention
that aid to Europe will require no new
allocations or control if we have nation-
wide cooperation is open to further study.
"That is a big 'if'," the POST DISPATCH
comments. Some industries have cooperated
admirably, others have faltered, it points
"Secretary Krug has trimmed his sails to
suit the wishes of industrialists who do
not care to be disturbed by the emergency
which the Marshall Plan is designed to
meet. We think that this report is of a
piece with the general attitude of our ad-
ministration to express hopeful sentiments
without giving them prompt and adequate
implementation," the Post Dispatch says.
* * *
hand, declares that, "the controls are
out-period! They are dead and no agita-
tion by the remnants of the New Dealers
can restore them to life. They would not
be a solution to high prices, and would
mean added bureaucracy and regimenta-
tion of a kind that irritated the country
to an intolerable degree after the war had
* * *
contends that "The most important
point made in the study is that conserva-
tion of natural resources and use of im-
proved technological methods . . . can far
outweigh the magnitude of a temporary
drain that may be imposed by a pro-
gram of foreign aid." The TRIBUNE sug- -
gests that the implementation of the Mar-
shall Plan will be a test for the American
people, to see whether in these critical
times they can endure slight sacrifices,
which in the long run will be repaid with
an economically sufficient and politically
sound Europe. The success of our mission in
maintaining democracy abroad, in the last
analysis, will be tested in the "kitchens and
dining rooms of the U.S."

* * *
SPRINGFIELD (Mass.) Republican
contrasts the Krug Report with that
of the congressional fact-finding committee,
headed by Representative Herter, which re-
cently returned from a tour of Europe. The
Herter survey, as yet unpublished, will call
for a cut of seven billions from the 20 bil-
lion request of the Western European na-
tions for Marshall Plan assistance, accord-
ing to the Republican.
This report, and not Krug's will presum-
ably, "reflect the GOP majority reaction
and for that reason seems certain to play
a major role in shaping the final legis-
lation required to make the Marshall Plan
* * *I
THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE by-passing di-
rect mention of the Krug Report, ques-
tions instead the integrity of Secretary of
State Marshall and the effectiveness of his
aid program. After all says Col. McCormick'-
editorial column, didn't Marshall play a key
part in getting the U.S. into war by provok-
ing the attack on Pearl Harbor?
The American people are asked to cut'
down on their diets to help Europe, "but
for this we are credited with maltruism, (a
word the good Colonel apparently invented
for the occasion) on the continent or in
the British Isles. We receive no benefit from

former Governor Dwight Griswold of Ne-
braska. And it is crucially important to un-
derstand the character of the American ef-
fort here, if only because it indicates how
deeply, completely and inescapably we have
become involved in the political affairs of
The facts are, quite literally, staggering
in their implications. To begin at the be-
ginning, the present Greek government
of Premier Themistocles Sophoulis is
American - made. Ambassador Lincoln
MacVeagh, Governor Griswold and the
chief of the State Department's Middle-
Eastern Division, Loy Henderson, had to
intervene rather forcefully to secure its
prevented the selection of a government
formation. Their intervention directly
of the extreme right, and secured agree-
ment on the present Cabinet represent-
ing all parties except the Communists.
As originally prepared, the new Greek
budget amounted to a little less than four
trillion drachmae. The Greek revenues
amount to about two trillion drachmae.
In the present situation in Greece, bal-
ancing the budget is the only means to
prevent further and absolutely crippling
inflation. The Griswold mission has as-
sumed responsibility for balancing the
It comes as something of a shock to find
Americans performing this sort of role in
all the major spheres of Greek government-
al activity. The men who compose the Gris-
wold mission are chiefly former state of-
ficials or business men or Federal civil ser-
vants. They are utterly unchanged by their
transplantation to an unfamiliar environ-
ment. They are even untroubled by their
lacl of experience in foreign affairs. And
this is natural, and indeed unharmful. All
of them are thoroughjly experienced in
practical affairs at home. They understand
the job they have to do, and they are doing
it. Your reporter asked one of them whether
he did not find it difficult always to be deal-
ing with politicians and officials of another
"Well," he said calmly, "I haven't no-
ticed much difference between the people
I work with here and the people round
the state house back home. If they're up
to anything here the state house crowd
haven't thought of, I'll be damned sur-
What is ngre important, the Greek lead-
ers accept and appear pleased by this de-
cidedly novel approach. The war left Greece
economically disorganized and politically in
chaos. All wise men have long known what
ought to be done. But no individuals or
groups have had the strength to do it. The
men removed from the padded governmental
pay rolls may be displeased. But the major-
ity are happy to have the Americans use the
leverage of their position to accomplish what
is obviously necessary.
It is infuriating that our Greek effort
should be endangered, as usual, by the old
errors of too little and too late. It is a
source of deep pride that quite average
Americans, laboring under the greatest
-difficulties, should be accomplishing so
much. Finally, however, it is a cause for
alarm that the United States has assumed
these vast responsibilities overseas with-
out quite grasping that such burdens, once
picked up, cannot be laid down again.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
The Iron Railing
A RECENT ISSUE of The New Yorker
highlighted the little-known fact that
our much-prized freedom of the press bids
fair to become the latest martyr to the wave
of mass hysteria, the "bogey man" complex
about Communism.
The "iron curtain" of censorship that
hangs over the edge of eastern Europe has
long been deplored by American journalists.
Sigma Delta Chi, an honorary journalistic
fraternity, reported to the United Nations
on the need for removing all barriers to the

free exchange of information. All this is
the best American tradition of a free press.
However, the American press seems to
have overlooked its salutary function as a
vigilant critic of government in regard to
the recent activities of the State Depart-
ment in the sphere of journalistic action.
A French correspondent for a Communist
newspaper in Paris was granted a visa to
cover the United Nations Assembly sessions
here on condition that he remain in the UN
site area for the duration of his stay in this
country. The iron curtain has become an
iron railing, and the American press has
had very little to say about it. The New
York Times, for example, buried this infor-
mation on page eighteen in an article which
certainly understated the facts.
Not only has the press fallen short in its
obligations to the reading public, but it is
imperilling its own free existence by its
tacit approval of this official infringement
of liberty. And just because the man is a
Communist! Once more, the force of poli-
tical considerations has prevailed over the
cause of personal freedom.-
-Pat James

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"I just KNOWED history would vindicate rne!"

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent In
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22, 1947
VOL. LVIII, No. 26
Personal cars used for official
University business:
The minutes of the meeting of
the Regents on September 26,
1947, read, in part, as follows:
The Board voted that as of Octo-
ber 1, 1947, the rate for the reim-
bursement of employees for the
use of their personal cars on offi-
cial University business be increas-
ed from five cents a mile to six
cents a mile.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Directories: Call Extension 696
in the Business Office and order
the number of faculty directories
needed in your department. De-
livery will be made by campus
mail when directories are avail-
able, presunmably about October
Herbert G. Watkins,
To Faculty Personnel:
All those holding appointments
payable on the University Year
basis will receive their first check
on October 31. Should an emer-
gencyexist in any individual case,
checks which would be collected
on October 31, may be obtained
previous to that date by coming to
the Payroll Department, Room 9,
University Hall.
Veterans who paid their tuition
this Fall semester because they
lacked sufficient eligibility time,
are asked to come to the Veterans
Service Bureau, Rm. 1514, Rack-
ham Building, at their earliest
Business Administration Sen-
iors: All students expecting to
graduate in February must turn
in diploma applications in Rm.
108, Tappan Hall not later than
Saturday, Oct. 25.
Freshmen and Sophomore Men,
who are single, veterans, residents
of the State of Michigan, present-
ly living in the Willow Run Dorm-
itories, and interested in Univer-
sity Residence Halls accommoda-
tions for the Spring Semester
1948, are asked to call at the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, Rm. 2,
University Hall, before October 31.
Placement: No more registra-
tion blanks will be given out by
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall, until after November
1, 1947. Blanks given out during
the regular registration period
are being returned this week and
we must keep the time open in
order to facilitate taking in these
blanks. Students who have
blanks out are reminded to bring
them in on the date indicated on
their envelopes.
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: The fresh-
man five-week progress reports

will be due Saturday, Oct. 25, in
the office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall.
Women veterans who have not
received subsistence checks may
apply for loans at the Office of
the Dean of Women.
Approved social events for the
coming weekend (afternoon
functions are indicated by an as-
October 23: Hillel Foundation.*
October 24: Kappa Sigma, Pi
Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Mu,
Theta Chi, Zeta Beta Tau.
October 25: Acacia, Alpha Del-
ta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Phi.* Alpha
Kappa Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi,
Alpha Rho Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi,
Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi,
Delta Delta Delta,* Delta Kap-
pa Epsilon, Delta Sigma Delta,
Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Newman Club, Phi Alpha
Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Phi,
Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Del-
ta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau,
Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kap-
pa, Pi Lambda Phi, Psi Upsilon,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi,
Sigma Nu, SigmaPhi, Theta Delta
Chi, Theta Xi, Trigon, Zeta Psi.
Identification cards: Any stu-
dent who handed in a stamped,
self-addressed envelope will re-
ceive his card in the mail the first
part of the week of Oct. 20.
All other cards will be distrib-
uted from the booths outside Rm.
2, University Hall, according to
the following schedule:
Wednesday, Oct. 22-A-K
Thursday, Oct. 23-L-Z
Friday, Oct. 24-A-Z
Women's Housing Applications
for Spring Semester, 1948:
1. Women students now living
in dormitories are reminded that
their present contracts extend
through the spring semester, 1948.
Pequests for release will be con-
sidered by the Office of theDean
of Women only until January 10,
2. Women students wishing to
remain in the same League Houses
they now occupy may request
spring contracts from the house-
mothers immediately. Women stu-
dents now living in League Houses
who wish to move to other League
Houses for the spring semester
may secure application forms
from the Office of the Dean of
Women beginning November 1,
1947. Between November 1 and 15,
those applicants will be referred to
the first vacancies available for
the spring semester.
3. New women students not now
on campus admitted to the Uni-
versity for the spring semester
will be given the opportunity to
apply for housing through the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women as fol-
a. A limited number of students
admitted as first semester fresh-
man for the spring may apply for
dormitory accommodations on and
after November 15, 1947.
b. All other women newly ad-
mitter, including those with ad-
vanced standing, and graduate
women, may apply for supplemen-
tary housing on or after Novem-
ber 15.
(Announcement of application
procedure for housing for fall,

ErniTOR's NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
teived (which is signed, 300 wordsl
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views1
expressed in letters are those of theE
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
To the Editor:
THE DUPLICITY with which
proposed Communists like Mr.
Shaffer can advocate their "dem-
ocratic" aims is amazing when we
see their "democracy" practiced
in our present Communist coun-
tries, In themselves, the principles1
set forth by the recent MYDA1
plans are sound enough, but they
can and will be accomplished by
liberal Americans with faith in
the American way. There is no
need to call in foreign ideologies
such as fascism, whose democ-
racy is typified by Franco Spain,
or Communism, exemplified by
Russia and Yugoslavia.
If American democracy allows
Mr. Shaffer to be a Communist,1
it also allows Mr. Maloy to call
him such. If Mr. Shaffer admitted
his Communism last spring he has
admitted sympathy, if not alleg-
iance, to a foreign-inspired cabal
whose stated purpose is eventually
to rule the world. Any smear label
may be attached to that but it is
still true. Thus it is right that
Mr. Maloy should inform the new
students on campus of Mr. Shaf-
fer's first love, and of MYDA, the
club he heads.
The proof of our way of govern-
ment is in our country. It is big
and it is strong, and it is our
hope. Some day, with time and
our faith and hard work it will
be big enough to correct its faults.
Let us use plain facts to uncover
our faults and to uncover those
who would profit by them a Com-
munists and fascists have done
so often before. A well-informed
public means vigilance, so more
power to you, Mr. Maloy!
-Fred S. Honkala
* * *
Willow Busses
To the Editor:
WAS PLEASED to note in The
Daily that Patrice Munsel gave
an excellent performance Satur-
day night. I, along with many
others who live at Willow Village,
hoped to hear her. After spend-
ing our money for tickets and
makingarrangements for the trek,
we went to catch the bus. Due to
the vagaries of the University Bus
Line schedules, the 7:45 p.m. bus
was the only 'convenient one to
When the 7:45 finally arrived
at 8 p.m., it was already full. The
driver called something to the ef-
fect that another one would be
along in ten minutes or so, and
drove gaily off to Ann Arbor and
the concert, leaving approximately
50 people waiting in the rain at
West Lodge.
Please understand that we Vil-
lage inhabitants are grateful to
the University for arranging a
system of transportation for us.
We would be in a devil of a fix
without it. But the idea of send-
ing out one bus from an area
containing some 2,000 students, on
a Saturday night, a concert night,
appears rather shortsighted to me.
1948 will appear at a later date.)
Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The Teacher's Oath will be
given to all February candidates
for the teacher's certificate on Oc-
tober 23 and 24 between the hours
of 8-12and 1:30-4:30 in Rm. 1437,
Collee of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, Schools of Edu-
cation, Forestry, Music and
Public Health.

Students who received marks
of I, X or "no report" at the close
of their last semester or summer
session of attendance will receive
a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made
up by October 22. Students wish-
ing an extension of time beyond
this date in order to make up this
work should file a petition ad-
dressed to the appropriate offi-
cial in their school with Room 4
U.H. where it will be transmitted.
University Community Center
Willow Run Village.
Wed., Oct. 22, 8 p.m., Reformed
Church Ladies' Bible Study Group.
Thurs., Oct. 23, 8 p.m., The New
Art Group.
Sat., Oct. 25, 8-12 midnight,
Open House. Square Dancing,
Bridge, Refreshments.
* * *

Not only just one bus, but the
promised ten minute wait was
stretched on until at least 8:45
p.m., when I gave up in despair
and went back to the barracks.
My ticket is being returned to
the University Musical Society
in the hopes of getting a refund,
for it was certainly because of the
negligence and the lack of fore-
sight on the University's part that
we missed it.
I respectfully submit the follow-
ing suggestions for the improve-
ment of the Willow Village bus
1. Extra buses should be put
on the evening runs on Saturday
night and especially if there is a
University function.
2. Load buses conhistently.
Sometimes standees are not al-
lowed (as was the case on Sat-
urday night), and at other times
the buses are far overloaded.
3. Revise the schedule to fit
in the gaps. At the present time,
no bus leaves West Lodge between
10:25 a.m. and between 12:45 p.m.
nor between 7:45 p.m. and 9:45
pjm. No bus leaves Ann Arbor
from 9:50 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Other
gaps also occur.
-William O. Pruitt, Jr.
* * *
To the Editor:
IT IS HARD ENOUGH to have to
live way out here in the sticks
of Willow Run, in paper-walled
dormitories that are not very con-
ducive to study or sleep. But the
bus service, at the moment, is the
worst of all. Last night I waited
for a 7:45 p.m. bus for the con-
cert. When it came to West Lodge,
not one of the two or three hun-
dred of us was able to get on as
it was already filled with mar-
ried couples. The driver told us
there would be more buses in 15
minutes, but at 9:30 there was still
no bus. There is no 8:45 bus
scheduled at all. A season ticket
to the Extra Concert Series was
the only luxury I allowed myself
since being here, and now I have
been deprived of going to these,
Every weekend there is the same
trouble. I thought humans were
supposed to profit by experience!
But we still see no more buses.
I wait now.
-Marjorie Kirk.
* * *
More on Busses
To the Editor:
J AST NIGHT a number of us
isolated West Lodgers, in fact
a good bus load, were waiting for
the 7:45 into the land of culture,
Ann Arbor, -many of us to hear
Pat Munsel. One bus came over
from the married section, filled.
The bus driver then proceeded to
phone his superiors to request
further means of transportation.
He returned to the hopeful line of
us waiting in the rain to an-
nounce another bus' would appear
in "10 minutes." By 9:00 there
was still no sign of further trans-
It does seem that the Univer-
sity might be a little more cogni-
zant of events taking place on
the campus and make adequate
plans for them. Last week when
King Cole's Court was in session,
a similar shortage in transporta-
tion developed. Are we supposed
to stay shut up in our shells out
One also wonders why an 8:15
bus couldn't be arranged on week-
ends. Most dances in town com-
mence at 9:00, but we have to
catch the 7:45 and get into. Ann
Arbor only to hang around for 45
minutes first.
We'd like to see a little more
efficiency injected into the bus
-Edith May Beyer.
West Lodge.
* * *


Letters to the Editor.

Adequate Transport
To the Editor:
HOW ABOUT some adequate
transportation out here at
West Lodge, especially when there
is going to be an affair in Ann
Arbor for which we have been
sold tickets?
About forty of us single resi-
dents were bypassed by the. one
and only bus that was going into
Ann Arbor in time for Patrice
Munsel's concert Saturday night.
The bus was filled with married
couples who are fortunate enough
to live out where the bus begins
to load. The driver did stop and
tell us another bus would be
around in ten minutes. We waited
in that cold rain for exactly sev-
enty minutes but in vain.
If transportation is not going
to be provided for people wishing
to attend these concerts, it would
be just to tell them so. The ma-
jority of us cannot afford to throw
away $7.80.
---Helen R~adavich,
Lillian Mongore.
Mary Brundi.
* * *
Another Ban?
To the Editor:
P LEASE INFORM me if the Uni-
versity is banning concerts for
single students along with beer.
The 7:45 bus filled with "married
couples" proceeded to the con-



West Lodge:
Wed., Oct. 22, 7-10 p.m., Dup-
licate Bridge. Gregory Stevens,
Fri., Oct. 24, 8:30-11:30 p.m.,
(Continued on Page 6.)


Yes, m'boy, the great Pixie
cif Syt Clvania haspOt

Something so advanced that its very
theory is unknown to the physicists!

I can't quite guide
the Ship of State e


K or/,
Buti know just the
fellow to bat out


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