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October 12, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-12

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- '111D711i"- -4 I -iIG N DAILY
Committee To Open Campaign 'e.
For Sophomore Dues Collection,

/ _


A campaign for collection of
sophomore dues will begin tomor-
row by the finance committee on
Soph Cabaret.
During the drive which will last
until Oct. 31, members of the
committee will personally contact
all sophomore women on campus.
They will visit all dormitories,
league houses and sorority houses
where sophomore women are liv-
A booth will be open from 3
to 5 p.m. tomorrow through Fri-
day in the lobby of the League in
order that sophomores living in
private homes may contribute
their dues.
All-Out Participation Wanted
"We hope to have 100 per cent
participation in the collection of
dues since the funds are vitally
necessary to finance the Cabaret,"
Edith Andrews, finance chairman,
Members of the finance com-
mittee who will contact coeds
include Marilyn Bates, Betsy Vin-
ierratos, Harriet Gale, Ann Good-
year, Marilyn Tyson and Nancy
.Dance Series
Plans Made
The men's dancing classes will
begin the lesson series tomor-
row and Tuesday in the League
Beginners will meet from 7:30
to 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and inter-
mediates will meet from 7 to 8
p.m. and from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Classes will be instructed by
John Lekas, a former Arthur Mur-
ray teacher, and coeds will be on
hand to serve as assistant teach-
Women who would like to be
hostesses and who did not attend
the mass meeting Thursday may
attend the classes to register.
These classes are a tradition of
the League Council and are or-
ganized through the dance corn-
mittee headed by Barbara Busse.

Announcement of other com-
mittee members was made today
by Joyce Atchison, general chair-
man of Soph Cabaret.
The assistant secretaries of the
Cabaret are Catherine Campbell
and Reta Schubet.
Publicity committee members
include Mary Ann Harris, Louise
Koning, Barbara Becker, Judith
Babbitt and Mary Ann Crosby.
Ticket Committee Named
Members of the ticket commit-
tee are Kris Kamsay, Joanne
Christensen, Carol Richards, Bev-
erly Ryia, Katherine Miller, Mi-
riam Krauss, Vivian Frazier, Judy
Patterson, Marthe Wise, Peggy
Thorgeon and Peggy Carol.
The stage committee will con-
sist of Beverly Bradford, Eliza-
beth Mayer, Rosalie Wedeen,
Joyce Irving, Alice Messenger,
Barbara Kasdorf, Priscilla Wood-
ward, Miriam Cady, Vivian Wal-
las, Mary Davidson, Sue Hen-
drain, Virginia Leadre, Suzanne
Robinson, Phil Bohnsack, Yueline
Robinson, and Carol Tuer.
Working on the decorations
committee are Shirley Ann Halen,
Carol Kimpton, Jo Lyons; Anne
Hammond, Susan Friedman, Betsy
Bousfield, Barbara Aslett, Mar-
garet MacDougall, Bernice Varon,
Barbara Barker, Pat Shoemaker,
Mary Kinsel, Ellrose Eichenlaub,
Thelma Fife, Sylvia Clark, Rita
Schaeffer, Maureen Levitt, Phyl-
lis Walters, Marge Flint,.Marilyn
Safir, Marilyn Stone and Mar-
garet Booth. .:
Other members of the decora-
tions committee are Hope Ingold,
Jackie Zipp, Marilyn Black, Marge
Hallam, Gloria Hile, Jean Meran-
da, Carolyn Caller, Alice Brink-
man, Edna Foster, Sue Parker,
Tobe Friedman, Jean Glowacki,
Bobbie Parker, Margaret Prine
and Harriet Thompson.
Cabaret to Feature Booths
Members of the special booths
committee, a new Cabaret fea-
ture, include Marilyn Banwell,
Harriet Landy, Ruth Anne Hanse
and Lillian Drazek.
Hostesses for the Cabaret are
Barbara Kravs, Jody Johnson, Au-
drey Crawford, Rhoda Horwitz,
Dorothy Malanick, Audrey Fin-

ley, Carol Samegret, Joan Mar-
shall, Ann Holzhauer, Marion
Muller, Debbie Dubinsky, Ginny
Wertin and Marjorie Smith.
Continuing the list are costume
committee members, Marian Cur-
tis, Ann Weaver, Lenore Bunn,
Carol Jones, Beverly Hawes and
Jo Anne Misner.
Working on the refreshment
committee are Doris Massey, Mary
Ann Kennedy, Marjorie Lundahl,
Pat Reed, Trudy Baumberger and
June Freitag.
Concluding the list as Cabaret
ushers are Lois Kennedy, Arlene
Davis, Marguerite Arozian, Sally
Ann Cookie and Barbara Leake.
Tryouts Will Begin
Tryouts for singing, dancing,
and specialty acts on the floor-
show will be held at 4 p.m. to-
morrow, Tuesday and Wednes-
day in the League.
Meeting in the Rehearsal Room,
tryouts for specialty acts and
skits will be organized by Gale
Huntington, floorshow chairman
and her assistant, Ann Rogers.
Dancers Meet
Dancing tryouts will meet in
the Garden Room at the same
time each day. Coeds interested
in chorus work or special dance
numbers are invited to attend, ac-
cording to Frances Suffness, dance
Underthe direction of Eleanor
Littlefield, music chairman and
her assistant, Helen Bower, sing-
ing tryouts will meet at the same
time tomorrow and Wednesday in
the Grand Rapids Room.
Coeds who did not go to the
mass meeting and who would like
to do floorshow work are urged
to attend the special division
meetings as scheduled.
Two floorshows will be present-
ed nightly during the Cabaret
weekend, Dec. 5 and 6. The shows
will be centered around a theme
to be announced soon by the
Cabaret central committee.
The Publicity Committee of
the League needs coeds inter-
ested in poster-making to work
from 2:15 to 5 p.m. today
(Sun.) in the Undergraduate

WHEELCHAIR ARCHER-Fannie J. Cheney, archery expert,
instructs Pat Cavolo, ex-paratrooper of Newark, N.J., at Framing-
ham, Mass., veterans hospital. Pat is paralyzed from the waist
JGP Schedules Specialty Act
Tryouts for Junior Women

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slim elegant . ..
sophisticated, to beautifully
complement your g amorous
"after five" dresses.
BROOKINS'Smart S/ioe
108 East Washington Phone 2-2685

Specialty act tryouts for Junior
Girls Play will be held from 5 to
6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday
and from 7 to 9:00 p.m. Wednes-
day in the League, it was an-
nounced by Pat Hannegan, chair-
These tryouts are being held
only for the novelty acts and will
not include the trials for the cast
of the play.
All junior women are urged
to present their acts in the try-
outs. A variety of types of spe-
cialties will be needed for the
things as imitation acts and
musical features. Those acts
chosen will be written into the
Coeds who are interested are
requested to sign up for an audi-
tion in the Undergraduate Of-
fice in the League. There will be
an extra list for those who are
unable to attend tryouts at any
of the designated times. Names on
this ,list must be accompanied by
the telephone number.
Tryouts for the dancing and
singing choruses will be an-
nounced later, according to Har-
riet Fenske, publicity chairman.
Registratioan for women who
wish to work on various com-
mittees for the play, such as
programs, costumes and make-
up, will be held later in the se-
The room for the tryouts will
be posted both Tuesday and Wed-
nesday on the bulletin board in
the lobby of the League.
The central committee for the
play is headed by Miss Hannegan,
who is assisted by Nancy Hess.
Other members of the committee
are Pat McKenna, director; Betty
Estes, assistant director; Marsha
Lipsett, secretary; Jackie Reed,
treasurer; and Miss Fenske, pub-
Tea Jobs Open
Positions on the central com-
mittee in charge of the faculty
teas are open now to all inde-
pendent women.
Any coeds interested in these
positions are requested to sign up
immediately for interviews on the
bulletin board in the Undergrad-
uate Office of the League.

The list of committee mem-
bers continues with Pat Baum-
garten, general chairman of
music; Virginia Coffin, com-
poser; Mary Alice Cheney, ly-
rics; Barbara Kelso, choral; and
Eugenia McCallum, dance.
Stage manager for the produc-
tion is Ann Tuck, who will be
assisted by Beverly Ketcik. Others
on the committee are Nat Elliott,
costume; Judy Minogue, assistant;
Virginia Garetson, scenery; Jeanne
Blynn, properties; Camille Porch,
assistant; Irene Brown, make-up;
and Corinne Firth, ushering.
The script will be written by
Marty DeLano and the programs
will be designed and prepared by
Barbara Sickles.
The costume chairman and
ushering chairman were appoint-
ed this fall.


Women Will


Swimming Meet
The women's all-campus swim-
ming meet will be held at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday at the Union Pool.
Events sponsored in the meet
will include the 25-yard free style,
backstroke,,and back crawl, and
the 50 yard free style, backstroke
and back crawl. Diving competi-
tion will include a running front
dive, back dive and optional dive.
A four-member 100-yard free style
relay will be another featured race.
Points will be given for individ-
ual participation to the house's
participation record. Winner of
last year's meet was Collegiate
Domes To Meet
Prof. Donald B. Gooch of the
Architecture School will be the
guest speaker at the first gen-
eral meeting of the Michigan or-
ganization of University Dames
to be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday in
Rackham Assembly Hall.
The program, sponsored by the
art "interest" group of the Dames,
will include a visit to the Ann Ar-
bor Art Association Exhibit now
being held in Rackham and an
explanation of the paintings and
sculptures by Prof. Gooch.

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