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October 12, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-12

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Fifty-Eighth Year

A Workable UN


Letters to the Editor...




jEdited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell.................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Stuart Fnlayson ................Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz..................Associate Editor
Lida Dales.....................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 2324-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
Igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
MYDA Chairman
THIS WEEK the Daily carried an ironical
news story-an announcement that the
Michigan Youth for Democratic Action had
elected Ed Shaffer as chairman for the
coming year.
This prosaic news story taken on an iron-
is tinge with a brief look at Shaffer's other
local connections. The head of . fYDA is
also an active member of the Ralph Nea-
fus Club, whose literature proclaims that it.
is the local organization ofthe Communist
Party in the United States.
So it appears that MYDA, which loudly
professed its simon pure character when
banned from campus last year, has a com-
munist leader. This from an organization!
which, when it frst came under fire early
last spring declared " . .. our principles are
the property of no single political philosophy
or party."
Shafer was also head of MYDA last year.
'This action in reelecting him to the top posi-
tion in the group, seems to be rather incon-
sistent for a group which " . . . is not the
property of a single political philosophy or
-Dick Maloy
Chain Letters
THE CHAIN LETTER has swooped down
on Ann Arbor and started a rash of con-
fidence men assuring their "friends" that
they have a perfect set-up-"you can't lose."
If someone makes money on the chain
letter, it must come out of another pock-
et-perhaps yours.
The "Two Dollar Club," a select organi-
zation, which is "cheater-proof" according
to its original charter and thousands of
duplicate charters, is full of hidden loop-
holes for the smart guy to slide through!
The chain letter, which is dependent
upon the continuing sale of itself, will
reach a saturation point when all who
would consider the purchase of a letter
have done so. Many will be left unsalable
letters-holding the bag.
Another device is clipping off the top three*
or four names and inserting fixed names.
An extra name inserted at the four to eight
level will pay off before the bottom names
and deny the sucker that has moved up a
chance to "win" anything.
The sharpie that starts the list rolling
with a previously arranged set of names will
quickly profit on his names until the cycle

has been completed eleven times and he is
out of the picture.
Where does the letter start?
No one knows-the instructions provide
that each new entrepreneur destroy the copy
of the letter sold to him after he has made
two copies and "sold" them. The top name
on the list removed from the new lists, is
lost. It's anybody's guess where these let-
ters actually started from.
The new system, which differs from the
old depression dime chain, appears to be
fool-proof against the existing laws pro-
hibiting mailing chain letters because of
their fraudulent intent. As the letters are
sold from person to person directly, only
the money paid the top man on the list
is sent through the mail.
Post office officials cannot question a one
dollar bill mutely enclosed in an addressed
Next time one of your erstwhile friends
annrnache von with this "Guaranteed-

T HE FIRST REACTION of a number of
delegates at the U.N. to the new commu-
nist manifesto was to say:
"This organization has got to get a new
method of voting."
The monstrosity of the veto power
wielded by the Big Five in the Security
Council is all but universally recognized.
It permits any one of the big powers to
thwart the will of the rest of the world.
The weakness of a one-state one-vote As-
sembly is equally apparent. Whether its de-
cisions are taken by simple majority or by
two thirds of the member states, the result
is to permit a minority of not over ten per-
cent of the world's people scattered in a pro-
fusion of little countries conceivably to out-
vote the ninety percent grouped in larger
political entities.
Obviously, therefore, neither the U.N.
Necurity Council nor the U.N. Assembly, as
now constituted, can possibly act as the
world legislative body which every sane
delegate knows is necessary if the world
organization is to cease being a joke.
At this point, the representatives of large
and flabby states like China and India perk
"Exactly. What is needed is a world legis-
lature based upon population, say one vote
per 10 million of population. That would be
a democratic solution."
Yes, it would. And a preposterous one.
It would mean that in such a supreme
world body fat China would have some


Miller. New York: Harper & Brothers.
1947. 239 pages.
PRESUMABLY, this is a post-war Christ-
mas story, taking its title from a verse
by Ogden Nash containing the following
God rest you, merry Innocents,
While innocence endures.
A sweeter Christmas than we to ours
May you bequeath to yours.
It should be emphasized at the start, how-
ever, that this is not a run-of-the-mill, ster-
eotyped, cozy and cheerful story of Christ-
mas joy. Indeed, one is almost surprised
to read about the Christmas tree, although
the fact that Julia, the Negro maid, buys
all the Christmas presents is quite in keeping
with the whole tenor of the book.
Just why Mr. Miller sees his group of
characters as a family of merry innocents'
is left entirely to the reader. He has nothing
whatsoever to say about it himself, which
ist something almost unheard-of in this age
of bitter and cynical comment and criticism.
The reader, therefore, is compelled to make
more than a nodding, disinterested acquaint-
ance with this family-they are people he
will not be able to, nor will he want to,
A series of deceptively ordinary inci-
dents, rather than a fully worked-out plot,
reveal the goings-on in the minds of Pro-
fessor Abbott Lowry, his daughters Mar-
garet and Kay, his sons Ronny and Bill and,
most unforgettable of all, the most im-
portant member of the family, Julia.
An extremely perceptive writer with a
style full of humor and sensitivity, Mr.
Miller, a former Hopwood winner with two
excellent novels to his credit now (his
first was the well-received A Moth of Time),
already occupies a position of considerable
importance in the ranks of young American
writers, and will undoubtedly continue to
do so, deservedly.
RUN SHEEP RUN. By June Wetherell.
New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 1947.
287 pages.
PERHAPS because it happens so rarely
and therefore carries with it a mis-
guided (in this case) sense of obligation, the
arrival in The Daily editorial office of a
.FREE book from its publishers is, unfor-
tunately, a pretty sure guarantee of a review.
Miss Wetherell, whose closest claim to
distinction as far as the University of Mich-
igan is concerned, is her sometime attend-
ance at several Hopwood teas, can with con-
fidence claim a sort of literary distinction
as a fairly well established and recognized
magazine short story writer and author of
three other novels to which the proprietors
of lending libraries may now happily add
a fourth.
Assuming that readers are still interested
in the already thoroughly exploited and
condemned "lost generation," Miss Wetherell
has deftly whipped up her confused, unhappy
characters into a well-worn domestic tri;
angle with Prohibition, Depression and War
as background and setting, making exactly
nothing out of nothing.
With the exception of one little idiosyn-
crasy which might be called original, a pe-
culiar recurrence of the verb "lept," this
book is too much like too many others, how-
ever neatly and smoothly it reads.
-Natalie Bagrow.
General Library
Book List
Chamberlin, William Henry-The European
rimt.N e Vork .Maomillan 14'7

forty-five votes-more than the U.S. and
the U.S.S.R. combined. Teeming India, a
third of whose population is too underfed
to care about much beyond the next meal,
would wield thirty votes. Pakistan, a large
Indian splinter which has still to demon-
strate its ability to exist at all, would have
about nine or ten votes.
And the United Kingdom would have only
five, France and Italy four each, a strug-
gling young giant like Canada, just one!
In other words, such a body based upon
numbers would present a travesty of the
world situation. It would give the backward
areas an importance that they possess in no
field of human endeavor. It would put a
premium on revolt by the technically com-
petent peoples.
Such a voting system would be inaccept-
able and would work no whit better than the
present top-heavy Security Council and
and bottom-heavy Assembly.
And the workable alternative? Quite
simple. Representation must be based
upon the relative real importance of ex-
isting states or groups of states. In other
words, in any such body Canada would
have about double the votes of Pakistan
regardless of population. Belgium and the
Netherlands might vote as much as South
America. The United States, the United
Kingdom and the Soviet Union would have
the same preponderant voting strength
that they actually have in running world
The question is obviously, just how would
such 'relative importance" be justly de-
And here too the answer, theoretically, is
simple: each state or group of states would
receive a voting strength proportionate to its
ability to assume real responsibility in main-
taining the peace of the world.
Such a legislative body would be accept-
able to the great powers. For in consent-
ing to vote rather than to build competi-
tive armaments no one of them would
sacrifice one whit of its real power. The
Soviet Union, which quite properly objects
to a one-state one-vote principle that does
not reflect real world responsibility, would
have no reason to boycott a body wherein
it would be represented according to its
actual strength. For-if the worst comes
to the worst and the outcome is equally
certain-far better be out-voted than out-
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
What's on
OUT OF THE plethora of records being is-
sued and reissued of late a few sides can
be considered as representative of the kind
of jazz that should be able to withstand the
test of time. There is no sure method for
predicting which ones will, but certainly
there are examples still available that sound
as fresh and vigorous as they did ten years
ago, at the time of recording.
Signature, a thriving independent, made
a number of good masters during the war
which weren't widely distributed because of
all sorts of difficulties. Now that the dis-
tribution and production problems have
been solved, we are able to secure Flip Phil-
lip's magnificent version of "Sweet and
Lovely." Phillips, a tenor-saxist of note,
renders some completely satisfying sounds
in this version of the lovely old standard. He
is ably backed by pianist Ralph Burns and
rhythmn section. The reverse "Bob's Be-
lief" is a pleasant set of riffs, with drummer
Davey Toughs' pulsating beat outstanding.
Charlie Barnet is featured on an Apollo
issue titled "Caravan." Mr. Barnet who, in
his eclectic way, always manages to sound
a little like Ellington, makes no exception
here. However the Tizol classic is given a
straight rendition plus a typical good alto-
sax solo by the Mad Mab. The other side

Darktown Strutters Ball, is something un-
expected, a hilarious parody on the music
of the twenties, complete with tremolo trum-
pet flourishes, bubbling tenor sax solo and
an interminable coda. This is good musical
Decca has at last seen fit to release a
couple of Ella Fitzgerald sides made some
time ago, which are indicative of her great
vocal talents. The first is a scat version of
"Oh, Lady Be. Good," which besides have
some humorous gimmicks, such as a vocal
imitation of Slam Stewart's bowing, gives
promise of becoming a durable example of
the art of making intriguing sounds without
words. "Flying Home" completes the coup-
ling and while it doesn't reach the level of
"Lady Be Good" it is more of the same and
Victor is in the process of reissuing the
Ragtime Band sides Muggsy Spanier re-
corded on Bluebird in 1939. "Relaxing at the
Touro" and "Sister Kate" are the first ones
to be released and are striking because of
Muggsy's big, rough open horn style and
tasteful, driving two-beat accompaniment.
-David R. Crippen

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVHI No. 18
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads, and Others Responsible for
Payrolls for the Fall Semester
are ready for approval. Please call
in Room 9, University Hall before
October 15. Prompt action will
help the Payroll Department com-
plete their rolls for October.
Group Hospitalization and Sur-
gical Service:
During the period from October
5 through October 15, the Univer-
sity Business Office, Room 9, Uni-
versity Hall, will accept new
applications as well as requests for
changes in contracts now in ef-
fect. These new applications and
changes become effective Decem-
ber 5, with the first payroll deduc-
tion on November 30. After Octo-
ber 15, no new applications or
changes can be accepted until
April 1948.
Ushers are need for Henry V
shows, matinee or evening, Wed.,
Oct. 15 and Fred Waring Concerts
evenings of Oct. 31 or Nov. 1. In-
terested students and experienced
ushers will please apply to Mr.
George Luther in lobby of Hill
Auditorium between 5 and 6 p.m.
on Mon., Oct. 13.
The School of Education Test-1
ing Program: Thurs., Oct. 16,
Rackhamn Bldg., 4:30-6:15 p.m.
and 7:45-10 p.m. This testing pro-
gram is intended for all teacher's
certificate candidates.
Graduate Students in Social
Studies and Science: There is a
Teaching Fellowship in Social
Studies available for the fall and
spring terms of this year in the
University High School, and a
Teaching Fellowship in Science
available for the spring term of
this year. For further informa-
tion, telephone the Principal's of-
fice, J. M. Trytten, Ext. 675.
February 1948 Graduates in Me-
chanical, Industrial and Chem-
ical Engineering: Representatives
of Goodyear Tire and Rubber
Company, Akron, Ohio, will inter-
view Mechanical and Industrial
engineering students Tues., Oct.
14, in Am. 223, W. Engineering
Bldg. Interviewschedule is post-
ed on the bulletin board at Rm.
221, W. EngineeringeBldg. Chem-
ical engineering February grad-
uates will be interviewed Wed.,
Oct. 15.
The Municipal Civil Service
Commission of New York an-
nounces that it will receive appli-
cations for Playground Director,
either men or women, from Octo-
ber 7 to October 24. Applicants
must be bona fide residents of New
York City for at least three years
immediately preceding appoint-
ment. For further information
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
tion, 201 Mason Hall.
Job Registration will be held in
the Rackham Lecture Hall, Mon.,
Oct. 13, 4 p.m. This applies to
February, June and August gradu-
ates, also to graduate students or
staff members who wish to regis-
ter and who will be available for
positions within the next year.
The Bureau has two placement di-
visions: Teacher Placement and

General Placement. Th6 General
Division includes service to people
seeking positions in business, in-
dustry, and professions other than
education. It is important to reg-
ister NOW because employers are
already asking for February and
June graduates. There is no fee
for registration. After the regular
enrollment, however, a late regis-
tration fee of $1.00 is charged by
the University.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall
School of Education: Teacher's
Certificate Candidates for Febru-
ary, June, and August 1948: Reg-
istration with the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational In-
formation is one of the require-
ments for the teacher's certificate.
Please read the preceding item in
the DOB for details regarding
University Community Center:
1045 Midway, Willow Run Village.
Sun., Oct. 12, 10:45 a.m., Vil-

lage Church Fellowship. (Inter-
denominational Service).
Mon., Oct. 13, 8:00 p.m., Sew-
ing Club.
Wed., Oct. 15, 8:00 p.m. The
Bikini film sponsored by the In-
terdenominational Church.
Thurs., Oct. 16, 8:00 p.m., The
New Art Group. Textile painting,
ceramics, drawing from life and
still life.
Fri.. Oct. 17, 8:00 p.m., Bridge.
University Lecture: Dr. E. Meu-
lengracht, professor of medicine
at the University of Copenhagen,
Denmark, will lecture on the sub-
ject, "The Management of Bleed-
ing Peptic Ulcers," at 1:30 p.m.,
Mon. Oct. 13, Main Hospital Am-
phitheatre; auspices of the De-
partment of Internal Medicine.
The public is invited. Junior and
senior medical students will be ex-
cused from their regular classes
to attend this lecture.
University Lecture: Dr. David
G. Ryans, associate director of
American Council on Education,
will lecture on the subject,
"Trenls in the Selection of Pro-
fessional Personnel," at 4:15 p.m.,
Tues., Oct. 21, Rackham Amphi-
theatre; auspices of the Bureau
of Psychological Services and the
School of Education. The public
is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Mr. Cohn
Clark, Director of the Bureau of
Industry, government statistician,
and financial adviser, State of
Queensland, Australia, will lecture
on the subject, "Wealthy and Poor
Nations," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct.
14; auspices of the Department of
Economics and the School of Bus-
iness Administration. The public
is cordially invited.
Lecture Course Season Tickets
are now on sale at the box office,
Hill Auditorium and may be pur-
chased through Oct. 23. Tickets
for the first four lectures will be
placed on sale Oct. 21. The com-
plete course of seven distinguished
attractions includes Walter Dur-
anty and H. R. Knickerbocker, de-
bating "Can Russia Be Part of
One World?" Oct. 23; Jacques
Cartier, unique one-man theatre
in "Theatre Cavalcade," Nov. 3;
Rear-Adm. Richard E. Byrd, "Dis-
covery," with motion pictures,
Nov. 20; Miss Jane Cowl, "An
Actress Meets Her Audience," Nov.
25; Julien Bryan, "Russia Re-vis-
ited," with motion pictures, Jan.
13; John Mason Brown, "Broad-
way in Review," Jan. 22; Hon.
Arthur Bliss Lane, "Our Foreign
Policy--Right or Wrong?" Feb.
10. The auditorium box office
hours are from 10-1, 2-5 daily
except Saturday afternoon and
Academic Notices
Algebraic Geometry Seminar:
Tues., Oct. 14, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 3011,
Angell Hall. Dr. B. J. Lockhart
will speak.
Seminar in Engineering Me-
chanics: The Engineering Me-
chanics Department. The next
seminar will be at 4 p.m., Tues.,
Oct. 14, Rm. 406, W. Engineering
Bldg. Mr. J. L. Edman will contin-
ue his discussion of the theory es-
capement mechanisms of clocks
with special attention to the mini-
mizing of time errors.
Classical Representation Semi-
nar: Mon., Oct. 13, 4 p.m., Rm.
3201, Angell Hall. Mr. Falkoff
will speak on "Group Character-
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics: Mon., Oct. 13, 7 p.m., Rm.
3001, Angell Hall. Mr. John Lin-
coln will talk on "The Four Square

Physical Chemistry Seminar:
Mon., Oct. 13, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303,
Chemistry Bldg. Prof. J. O. Hal-
ford will speak on "Internal Ro-
tation." All interested are in-
Exhibition of works by local ar-
tists, presented by the Ann Arbor
Art Association in the Rackham
Galleries, daily except Sunday,
through October 17, 10-12 noon,
2-5 and 7-10 p.m.
Biology of the Bikini Atoll, Mar-
shall Islands, 1946. Department of
Botany, 2 nd floor, Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. through October 18.
The Museum of Art, MODERN
lated by the Museum of Modern
Art, New York, through October
19; Alumni Memorial Hall; Daily,
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening,

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which Is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words .are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* * *
Michigan Co-Op
To the Editor:
THE ARTICLE on the North
American Student Coopera-
tive League conference quoted me
as saying that Michigan Coopera-
tive House has recently been
abandoned. It was pointed out
that this statement is quite mis-
leading. Apologizing to Michigan
House members, I wish to qualify
The only thing abandoned was
the building on Ann Street, which
was the birthplace of campus co-
operatives fifteen years ago. Its
history and fine traditions of co-
operation and democracy, as well
as the name "Michigan Coopera-
tive House" have been transferred
to a Jarger and more beautiful
building, which the Intercoopera-
tive Coundil bought several
months ago.
Thus, far from having been
abandoned, Michigan House, as
well as other co-ops here and
elsewhere, is growing vigorously.
-Werner Blumenthal.
* * *
'Run-Away' Prices
To the Editor:
WANT TO TAKE this oppor-
tunity to congratulate Joe Frein
for. his very interesting editorial
which appeared in Sunday's edi-
tion of The Michigan Daily en-
titled- Profits and Prices.
This column contained many
revealing facts which should cause
the working people of this country
to stop and think awhile. Yes,
we know that prices are too high
and that the rich men are getting
richer, but what can the working
class do about it?
Is a nation that has pitifully
failed to solve such an urgent
problem as "run-away" prices at
home fit to lead the rest of the
world to economic security?
-Charles L. Montgomery.
* * *
Be Vigilant
Toi the Editor:
I HAVE BEEN interested in read-*
ing the discussions concerning
the campus organization of
MYDA, both in the editorials and
in the letters to the editor col-
umn. The letter and editorial
appearing in The Michigan. Daily
on October ninth, prompted me
to make these few comments.
I have no bone to pick with the
local MYDA group; as a matter of
fact, their objectives are good, and
in no way can be construed to
be Communist inspired or direct-
ed. The same thing can be said,
however, for nearly all of the
so called Communist front organ-
izations which are being so widely
attacked today. To combat Com-
m'unism in this country, it is
neeQg ry for us to understand
the 'Ctiimunists' motives and the
ways ii which they operate. They
are not primarily interested in the
immediate control of an organi-
zation, nor are the objectives and
ideals of the organization impor-
tant to them. It is their aim to
infiltrate a few well disciplined
Communists and Communist sym-
pathfzers into sincere and well
mei fig groups, and behind the
cloak of Americanism to obtain
enough control to expound the
sayings of the Communist party
line. i
-We have two powerful weapons
to wield against Communist infil-
tration-one is democratic action,

7-9. The public is cordially in-
"Natural History Studies at the
Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni-
versity of Michigan." Oct. through
December, Museums Building Ro-
Modern American Houses, cir-
culated by the Museum of Modern
Art. Architecture Bldg., through
Oct. 27.
Events Today
Carillon Recital: The 3 o'clock
Sunday afternoon program by
Percival Price will consist of the
following: Sleepers Wake! and
Preludes, 1, 5, 11, 17, 18, by Bach;
Melody, Little Story, Mignon, and
The Happy Farmer by Schumann;
Compositions for the Carillon by
Glauser; and four English folk
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
8 p.m., Michigan League. All stu-
(Continued on Page 7)

and the other is to exercise watch-
fulness, to be on guard against
Communism at all times.
It was argued that the few
Communists who attach them-
selves to patriotic, liberal groups
can be used until they are no
longer needed; then "kick them
out." Unfortunately, in such in-
stances, it works theother way
around. We do not have to look
very far to observe instances of
just such procedure. When the la-
bor movement began in this coun-
try it attracted to its colors many
true liberals, but along with them
came a few undesirables--Com-
munists and far left wingers. At
the time, they were a big asset
to the labor movement. They were
labor's best organizers, and the
most militant supporters of labor.
It was the opinion of many good
labor leaders that they could use
the Communists to organize and
strengthen their unions, and when
they were no longer needed to
"kick them out." What happened?
Observe some of our Communist
dominated unions, and you will
have the answer.
How shall we combat the Com-
munist menace to our democratic
organizations? The answer is sim-
ple, but to do it is difficult. Prac-
tice democracy, and keep the
Communist out through' demo-
cratic meeting procedures. Know
the Communist, his motives 'and
practices. And finally, but most
important, be constantly vigilant.
--John B. O'Brian.
* * *
Pep Rallies
To the Editor:
SCHOOL SPIRIT is only a frac-
tion of what it could be with
such an enrollment and one of
the finest M football teams ever.
How about a pep rally? Three
home games so far and still not
a one of those stirring Friday
night boosters for the team.
At least give us the "why" of
this dilemma.
Here's to the Rose Bowl!
-Rose Pardner.
* * *
Willow Schools
To the Editor:
ON BEHALF of the Willow Run
Branch of National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of Col-
ored People the position of the
Walpole parents, supported by
this branch, is stated.







A census was taken of the en-
tire project with intention of re-
districting the school zones last
May. After the census was taken
the school board removed Wal-
pole Court, housing all Negroes,
from the Ross School Zone and
placed it in the Simmonds School
zone which is by zone all Negro.
This was the only change in the
project. The change occurred be-
cause of an overload at Ross
School in the elementary grades.
In view of the fact white children
are adjacent to Simmonds in
Sudbury, Richmond and Spring-
field Courts the question is WHY
these children could not have been
transferred to Simmonds. The an-
swer generally given is that these
are southern white children. The
United States is engrossed in a
campaign of deporting undesir-
able citizens especially commu-
nists. If these people do not enjoy
the policy of mixed schools in
Michigan they should not be here.
Yes, the Foster, and .Ross are
mixed, but the Negro does not in-
tend to be gerrymandered in a
segregated school just because
white parents will not send their
children across the street.
The attitude of the superinten-
dent of schools has been totally
undesirable. In a statement to a,
group of Walpole parents, Dr.
Rogers stated he had no authority
in the matter, this we realize.
Nevertheless Mr. Walt Hoffman,
Daily reporter and Myself found
three families whom he has forced
to attend Simmonds rather than
Ross last school year from Wal-
pole. To a parent this fall he is
quoted as saying "Negroes are
dirty and filthy and should be
segregated." On a similar issue
of Negro teachers especially in
Ross Schools he'stated "I don't
believe in Negro teachers teach-
ing white children." He is evi-
dently afraid to face the issue
because various teachers are being
used as cats paws in this situa-
Under the present school laws
neither the qualified electors nor
the parents in a graded school
district can call a special school
board meeting. Any two members
of the board could call such a
meeting, to date no two have
seen fit to do so as requested in
an open letter by the parents.
The County School Commis-
sioner and the Superintendent of
Public Instruction stated by phone
that they had no authority in this
matter. Governor . Kim Sigler
stated by phone he would send a
man to investigate.
There seems to bean idea that
the school board and the superin-
tendent of schools are not respon-
sible to the tenants of a project
who rent. FPHA pays to the town-


A pamphlet! "Fall Spraying for Bark
Scale insects". . . From the Department

- ~
Supposing all the Pixies, including us £
invisible Leprechauns, got really sore i

So what department would do the worrying]
about pixilated cattle and withered grape

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