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October 08, 1946 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-08

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_ __

Willow Village Vet Heads
Miehigan Communist Slate

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second
of a series of articles on the principal
local candidates of all political parties
in the coming election.
For the first -time since 1940, the
Communist Party of Michigan is run-
ning candidates for election. Ab-
ner W. Berry, a thin, mild-manner-
ed scholarly Negro veteran who lives
at Willow Village, heads the slate of
fourteen Communist nominees.
Berry is running for the office of
Secretary of State, not Governor.
The reason why there is no Commu-
nist candidate for Governor is that
the Communists consider Kim Sigler,
the Republican candidate, a great
threat to the people of the state, and
while not endorsing the Democrat
they do not wish to split what they
term the "progressive vote".
Hits Byrnes, Vandenberg
Berry, who is also the State Edu-
cation Director for the Commu-
nist Party, was very critical of the
Vandenberg-Byrnes foreign policy,
but he did not believe there would
be war because "there are enough
wise men like Wallace who, while de-
siring to save capitalism, see that the
way to save it is not to buck up
against the Soviet Union."
When Berry was asked what his
position would be in the event of war
with Russia, he replied that the po-
sition of the Communist Party was
clear. "It will not support any im-
Plans Made for
Charity Drive
Prof. Charles L. Jamison, of the
business administration school, re-
cently appointed by President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven" to represent the
University in the 1947 Community
Chest campaign, announced plans
yesterday for campus participation
in the drive.
The campus is to have four geo-
graphical divisions, Prof. Jamison
said, with divisional leaders in charge
of each. The divisions and their lead-
ers are: southwest, Prof. Edgar H.
Gault of the business administra-
tion school; northwest, Director
Clark Tibbitts of the Institute for
Humiarr Adjustment; southeast, Prof.
Ivan H. Walton of the engineering
school;and northeast, which has
been divided into two parts, Dr.
Dorothy J. Hargis of the medical
school and Dr. Isabel Morgan of the
school of public health.
In addition to the geographical
divisions there will be a special gifts
division headed by Dr. Charles A.
Fisher, director of the University ex-
tension service.
Bought, Sold, Rented, Repaired
314 S. State St. Phone 7177

perialist war against Russia." He'
added that if we believe the German
people should have overthrown Hit-
ler, then we must be ready to do the
Outlines Program
The Communist domestic program
for Michigan includes: the enactment
of a state FEPC, the outlawing of
the Ku Klux Klan, a state bonus for
all veterans raised by taxing high
incomes and corporate profits, in-
creased public housing, a 75 cent
minimum wage and a 35 hour week
and the right to vote for 18-year-
When Berry was asked about the
party's chances of winning a na-
tional election, he replied that he
could not foresee a Communist elec-
tion victory in the near future, but
he did have hopes of a "liberal coa-
lition" getting into office. He then
pointed out that if Communists were
in key positions in that coalition,
they would be able to further the
Communist program.
Denies Gag on Press
Berry denied that freedom of the
press. would be done away with un-
der a Communist regime, but he did
say that the capitalist press would
have only a proportionate share of
the news resources and not all the
resources as he claimed it does today.
Berry also denied that the Com-
munist Party had any foreign con-
nections, but he did say that they
watched very closely the activities
of Communist Parties in other coun-
tries. He gave as an example the
-squatters' movement in London
which he thought might be a Bri-
tish contribution to Communist tac-
Varied Career
Abner Berry is 44 years old. He
joined the Communist ranks when he
was 27, He is married and has one
son, aged eight. Born in Texas, he-
has spent most of his life in Chicago,
New York and Detroit. He was at
one time a newspaperman, a long-
shoreman, and has worked in the
Chicago stockyards. He spent three
years in the Army, including fifteen
months in the European theatre as
a member of a field artillery unit in
the Third and Ninth Armies.
Two ROTC Medals
Will Be Presented
Beginning this term, a gold medal
and a silver medal will be awarded
every semester to the two outstand-
ing students in ROTC, Col. Karl
Henion, head of the University ROTC
unit, announced yesterday.
The medals are being awarded by
the Chicago Tribune to the two out-
standing ROTC students on campuses
throughout the country.
The gold medal will be awarded to
a senior and the silver medal to a
sophomore or junior, Col. Henion
said. Selection of the winners will
be determined by their records in
military leadership and their aca-
demic standing in ROTC.

Increase In
Pay Wanted
For Teachers
Increased salaries for teachers
should be used directly to promote
more efficient teaching, Prof. Arthur
B. Moehlman, of the education
school, said yesterday.
Pointing out that teachers should
be paid in accordance with their
ability as well as for their length of
service, Prof. Moehlman added thatl
teaching salaries should be increased
in relation to the salaries paid prin-
cipals, supervisors and other admin-
istrative personnel.
Prof. Moehlman pointed .out that
most schools offer better salaries in
administrative or supervisory assign-
ments than in teaching posts with the
result that the best teachers have
been drawn out of the classroom into
administrative jobs.
Prof. Moehlman served last year
as consultant to the public schools of
Glencoe, Ill., which upon his recom-
mendations, inaugurated a system of
salaries and rating for teachers. The
so-called Glencoe Plan pays teachers
upon a 12-month basis, determines
salaries for teachers upon the same
basis as for administrtors, offers
women the same pay that men receive
and makes annual salary increases on
a merit rather than a seniority basis.

John G. Craig, recently appointed
member of the Student Religious
Association staff.
Dana, Allen To.
Preside Over
Forestry Group
Dean Samuel T. Dana and Prof.
Shirley Allen of the School of For-
estry and Conservation will preside
at sessions of the American Forestry
Congress tomorrow, Thursday and
Friday in Washington, D. C.
The Congress, national organiza-
tion of private and public officials
concerned with the management of
forests will consider recommenda-
tions for legislation and public edu-
cation in this field.
Dean Dana has served for the past
three years as chairman of the ad-
visory committee for the Congress
forest resource appraisal staff, and
presented its report to the board of
directors last July. The program calls
for education of private forest own-
ers in the use of economical forestry
practices with the aid of technical ex-
perts, orderly exploitation of public
forests, and education of the public in
the need for increased forest fire
Prof. Allen will be chairman of the
session on multiple use of forest
lands, a field to which he has devoted
particular study.

The celestial fireworks show,
scheduled for the United States to-
morrow night, will not be a hell-fire
herald of judgment day, qualified au-
thorities promised yesterday.
It will just be one of nature's star-
studded extravaganzas, this time fea-
turing the Giacobini-Zinner Comet.
The show is expectedto start,
Quarters Found
For Students
Except for married veterans wait-
ing for places in the apartments at
University Terrace, permanent ac-
commodations have now been found
for all students who were living in
temporary quarters in dormitory
study halls and recreation rooms,
Francis Shiel, director of residence
halls, said yesterday.
The married vets apartments will
include about 270 living units when
completed. Of these, 84 units in four
buildings are now in use and 90 units
in three more buildings will be ready
in less than 30 days, Shiel said. The
remaining 100 units will be ready for
occupancy soon after the first of the

Celestial Fireworks Display
Expected Tomorrow Night

weather permitting, at about 9:30
p.m. (Detroit time) when the earth
passes within 131,000 miles of the
comet's path. Using the astronomer's
ruler, the 40,000 meteors which may
be seen in two hours will be "just
across the street."
According to Prof. Dean B. Mc-
Laughlin, professor of astronomy,
there is some possibility that pull (of
gravitational type) may keep the
stars from appearing by pulling them
too far from the earth's path to be
visible. They cannot be seen until
friction with the air about one or two
hundred miles above the earth makes
them luminous.
There is a possibility, Prof. Mc-
Laughlin said, that the shower of
shooting stars tomorrow night may be
even greater than one of the most
outstanding ones, seen in Europe in
1933, when several hundred meateors
were seen each minute.
Estimates on the appearance of the
Giacobini-Zinner Comet place the in-
tervals between "showers" at any
place from six and a half to 13 years.
The meteors should be almost directly
overhead early in the evening and
will move northwest across the sky
to a very low position in the north by

Two Speakers
Are Authors



Of Ne Books
Lecture Series, Opens
With Talk by Arnall
Two of the speakers in the Ora-
torical Association's 1946-47 lecture
series are the authors of new books
which are receiving favorable com-
ment by readers and critics alike.
John Mason Brown, theatrical cri-
tic, who will speak here Jan. 16 on
the topic "Seeing Things," is the
author of a new book by the same
title. The book covers everything
from a small boy's first impressions
of "Hamlet" to a critic's-eye view of
current Broadway productions, from
a blistering indictment of race cruel-
ty to stories of his wartime experi-
ences in the Navy. These war exper-
iences were described in Brown's
earlier works, "To All Hands" and
"Many a Watchful Night."
The Broadway reviewer will cover
many of these same topics in his lec-
ture here.
Gov. Ellis Arnall of Georgia, who
will open the lecture course Thurs-
day, Oct. 17, has also discussed race
problems and the future of the South
in "Shore Dimly Seen," which will bq
released in November. Reviewers
who have seen advance copies of this
book feel that it is one of the strohg-
est literary works of today dealing
with the race problem.
Election Registration His
Peak in Wayne County
DETROIT-(P)-A record number
of Wayne County voters have regis-
tered for the November elections,
with 825,400 enrolled so far. The pre-
vious record was 815,142 for the 1944
presidential election, Oakley E. Dis-
tin, supervisor of elections, an-
- Now Playing
Fred Astaire - Lucille Ball
Judy Garland - Red Skelton
Fanny Brice -- William Powell
and many other favorites
and --
North Main Opposite Court House
- Ends Tonight
_-_ Plus -__
Starts Wednesday

Le Cercle Francais ...
"Le Cercle Francais" will hold its
first meeting of the year at 8 p.m.
today in Rm. 305 of the Union.
Highlights of the evening will in-
clude an informal talk by Prof.
Charles E. Koella, director of the
group, on "Where Does France Go?",
an election of officers, group singing'
and a social hour.
Judge Jayne To Speak...
The Hon. Ira W. Jayne, presid-
ing judge -of Wayne County Cir-
cuit Court, and Ernest Goodman of
the legal staff of UAW-CIO, will
speak on "The Threats to Civil Lib-
erties in the U.S.A." at 8 p.m.
Thursday in Room 100, Hutchins

Operetta Tryouts...
All students interested in joining
a company to produce a Gilbert and
Sullivan operetta on campus are
asked to attend an organizational
meeting of the group at 7 p.m. to-
morrow in the Michigan League.
Gloria Katlan, music student who
is forming the group, asks that all in-
terested students who are unable to
attend the meeting contact her by to-
morrow at 23369.
Polonia Club .. .
Polonia Society will hold an or-
ganization meeting at 7:340 p.m. to-
day in the International Center.
All students of Polish descent are
eligible for membership in the So-
ciety and may attend the meeting.


Officers will be elected and plans
made for the year.
Speech SoietyJ..
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering speech
society, will hold a business meeting
at 7:15 p.m. tonight at the Union.
Plans for the coming year and spe-
cial arrangements (or "Newcomers
Night" will be discussed.
The circle chairman in charge of
arrangements for this year are
Charles Chadwick, Marvin Shafer,
Bob Buckborough, Terry Finch, Tom
Graber, Bob Lamb; Edward Van Zyl-
stra, Rudolf Martinak, Bob House
and Wilfred Robinson.
* * *
'U' Rifle Club To Meet...
The University Rifle Club will
hold a meeting at 7:15 p.m. today
in the R.O.T.C. rifle range building.
Membership in the club is open
to all students and faculty mem-
bers. Old members have been
asked to attend the meeting to fill
out membership forms.
Williams To Speak...
Prof. Williams of the aeronautical
engineering department will address
the first meeting of the Institute of
Aeronautical Sciences at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Michigan Union.
Prof. Williams will discuss "New
Propulsion Developments for Aircraft
and Missiles."
A business meeting will follow the
* * *
Banker Will Speak.. .
Raymond T. Perring, vice-presi-
-dent of The Detroit Bank, will ad-
dress a meeting of Alpha Kappa
Psi, professional business frater-
nity, at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Michigan Union.
Perring, who graduated from the
University's School of Business Ad-
ministration in 1927 was vice-pres-
dents of business administra-
The meeting is open to all stu-
dents of the business administra-

Ann Arbor Antiques o
OCTOBER 8,9, 10, 1946
Admission: 35c Plus Tax Open from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.

A YOUNG INDIAN LADY desires to have
a room. Preferably a single, but willing
to share with girl student. Please call
Mr. Parikh or Shah between 8 and 10
p.m. Telephone 4971. )66
LOST: Man's wide gold wedding band, en-
graved D.E.B.-E.C.B. 5-25-46. Reward.
Box 16, Daily. ) 57
LOST: Identification bracelet with name
and serial number, near stadium Satur-
day. Return to Harry E. Rhynard, 12
University Hall, Ext. 673. )2
LOST: Money belt with name on, contain-
ing considerable sum of money. Prob-
ably lost in Ann Arbor enroute Detroit
and Elkhart, Ind,, Large reward offered
for return. Box 81, Michigan Daily. )52
LOST: Black wallet in vicinity of South
University,.Washtenaw and Hill. Finder
may keep money. Jeanne Clare 2-3225.
ONE STUDENT Football Season Ticket.
Sec. 35, row 65 or 66, Seat 12. Finder
please leave same at Daily office and col-
lect reward. )34
LOST: Athletic coupon book, No. 50. Please
contact Albert Bareis, 519 5th, or Athlet-
ic Office. )33
LOST: Shaeffer pcn, black barrel and gold
cap, in or near Engineering Bldg. Call
7059. ) 37
LOST: Blue suitcase initialed J.H.L. Taken
by cab from station Sept. 16, destination
West Quadrangle. Art Lloyd, 2-4401. )17
LOST: Season Skipper - Sand gaberdine,
Thursday night in the League. $15 Re-
ward. Call 4759. )81
LOST: One Student Admission Football
Season Ticket, Sec. 32, Row 69, Seat 14.
Finder call Jo, 5517 Stockwell. )78
FOUND: 1 pr. Bausch & Loamb special
correction ground sun glasses on corner
Olivia and Hill. Tel 21562 )41
LOST: Black wallet lost in Michigan Un-
ion, Friday, Oct. 4. Finder can keep
money as reward for return of papers.
Phone 7154 )40

BURNS PARK SO., pleasant, comfortable
colonial home with 3 britht and roomy
bedrooms and deep yard. Medium priced
with one-third down. Call 7805 to see it.
E. A. Lechner. )53
FOR SALE: Man's complete tuxedo outfit,
size 42, worn once, $35. Phone 21091. )1
SILVER blended racoon coat. (Ladies 14).
$350 value. Worn less than one season.
$250 or best offer. Call 4046 evenings. )21
NEED A JEEP? Used 1946 deluxe must sac-
rifice. Contact Protravco, 207 Wjnchell
House, West Quad. )25
celient condition. Phone 2-6150 after
6 P. M. )42
FOR SALE: New Schick Electric Razor $10;
brown sport coat, 40L, $17; tan leather
jacket, $17. Jerry, 402 E. Jefferson, phone
9244. )55
HELP WANTED: GI Willow Village wife,
competent to handle 2 children aged 212
and 1% yrs., when mother expects third
child. 8:30rto 5:00 daily except Sun-
day, $25 per week. See Mrs. Eberlein,
1305 Enfield Ct., between 2:30 and 3:30
p.m. ) 49
WANTED: Students for evening work. Mil-
itary Store, 533 S. Main. )48
FOUNTAIN HELP: Girl or young lady to
work at soda fountain. Full time or
mormngs. No evenings or Sundays.
Swift's Drug Store, 340 S. State St.,
Phone 3534. )39
40 hour week. Pleasant surroundings.
Good working conditions. VOKAR CORP.
7300 Huron River Drive, Dexter, Mich.
HELP WANTED: If a telephone job appeals
to you there are a few positions available
for women in our Traffic Department.
Experience is not necessary. Supervisory
positions are filled from within the or-
ganization. Apply at Michigan Bell Tel-
ephone Co., 323 E. Washington St. )64


MEN'S USED CLOTHES wanted. A better
price paid. Sam's Store, 122 E. Wash-
ington St. , )14
ministration" text by Moehlman. Top
price. Call collect Ypsi 3098R. )51
BOYS TO WORK for their meals. 604 E.
Madison. Ph. 4489 )43
FRATERNITY NEEDS 2 dishwashers. Ex-
cellent meals. Average 21%z hours daily.
Alpha Sigma Phi 2-6824. )44
TWO TICKETS TO Icelandic Singers.
Postcard to Mr. Studhaiter, 725 West
Huron and will call for tickets. )47
HOUSEMOTHERS, sororities, fraternities.
Let me help you with your bookkeeping.
Nominal monthly charge. Call Charles
Kiethen at 2-4925 between 7 & 9 a.m.
THE CAMPUS JAZZ GROUP still has three
open dates for after-the-game parties.
References furnished. Call Tom McNall,
2-4401. )3
LAUNDRY WANTED of men's shirts, wom-
en's personal clothing and fine linens.
Inquire at 437 S. 4th or phone 9692. )31
MIDWAY Bicycle shop, 322 E. Liberty. We
have rebuilt used bikes for sale. Your
bike can be expertly repaired also. )56
INTERESTED in playing Rugby? Anyone
wanting to play or learn, contact any of
the following: Louis Fourie, phone 9559;
H. Earl Russel, 2-3236; Basil Kantey, 2-
4401, Wenley 108. )28
ROOM AND BOARD available at new wom-
en's Co-operative House. Call 2-2218. Os-
terweil Co-op House, 338 E. Jefferson. )35
modeling-Alterations. 'Bring your sew-
ing problems to us." Hildegarde Shop,
116 E. Huron, 24669. )45


from 1 P.M.

ANN.t O.V A'ffYESllJV#it

30c to 5 P.M.

Coming Thursday!


About Christmas Shopping
... That is. High Prices ...
1946 . . . Low Quality. The,
Reader's Digest offers a solu-
tion in the "Daily" on Thurs-
day, Oct. 10!
Today and Wednesday
& De Havilland
is 6Own

Wreathe yourself in this
wholly captivating fragrance.
Dry perfume is the fadeless
fragrance-the perfume that
incredibly reaches its full
flower as it clings to warm,
glowing skin. Use this gos-
samer powder the same as
liquid perfume. Pat its silky
smoothness behind your ear;
on arms, neck, shoulders. It
will keep you delectable--
beyond reckoning!


3 pairs for $2.75

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t 'i: 3 :3t .2 " IBS I... n. t
1.t i.:1t "1:t ' 1 2
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itle ,J




Same in solid colors.

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