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October 06, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-10-06

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- Operation Dixie

History is in the making in the South. Dixie
which has long suffered from an improper ba-
lance of agriculture and industry and from fi-
nancial domination by Northern and Eastern
interests, is industrializing. Coincidental with
this expansion of industry is the rapid growth
of organized labor.
Spearheading this drive to give southern
workers a voice in the daily affairs that deep-
ly affect their lives is the CIO, which early this
year planned to conduct a fast-moving organ-
izing campaign in the 12 states below the Mason
and Dixon line.
Since the CIO's drive got under way late in
May, CIO unions have been certified as the
collective bargaining agency in 130 southern
plants and 238 petitions for certification are
now awaiting consideration by the National La-
bor Relations Board.
Despite the fact that 85 per cent of the 300
men and women working under the direction
of the CIO Organizing Committee are sou-
thern war veterans, 17 organizers have been
physically assaulted since the campaign, be-
One- organizer, a World War II veteran,
crippled as a result of wounds received in serv-
ice, was beaten brutally at Sylacauga, Ala. An-
other Alabama organizer wandered around in
the woods all night, after a group of company-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

inspired "vigilantes" prevented the holding of a
union meeting and shot up the car in which
the organizer and a friend were riding.
These attacks are exemplary of the methods
employed by southern mill and factory owners
in their mad frenzy to stem the progress of the
CIO's fight for economic justice in the South.
Aside from planning and instigating violence
against CIO organizers and union members,
southern industrialists are resorting to other
types of anti-union chicanery.
A number of employers in the South are at-
tempting to evade the Wagner Act by subsidiz-
ing two fly-by-night newspapers-Militant
Truth and The Trumpet-to confuse and de-
ceive southern workers. Both papers, which sel-
dom carry advertising, have no regular subscrip-
tion lists, and appear mysteriously in the mail-
boxes of employes of plants at which the CIO
is conducting organizing dgives, preach hate and
exploit race prejudice. Fortunately, they seem
to lose their effectiveness after workers learn
that employers are financing their publication.
Equally unfortunate, however, is the fact that
southern industrialists, ignoring the bitter ex-
periences of reactionary employers in the North,
have failed to realize that violence invariably
fails when utilized against labor unions.
Since its establishment the CIO has thrived
on unfair opposition. The strongest unions in
both the North and the South are those which
were built despite company-inspired violence
during their organizational period.
If the history of the labor movement in the
United States is a basis for future prediction it
should be evident, even to the most unscrupu-
lous and recalcitrant of southern employers,
that the complete organization of the South's
unorganized workers is inevitable.
-Joseph Frein

Ctt o e 6co

To the Editor:
Ihe recent articles appearing in this column
concerning the seniors' misfortune and
the shoddy ticket administration has reveal-
ed a gross accumulation of misinformation
and an absence of authoritative state-
ment of fact. Having worked in the Aux-
iliary Ticket Office at the IM Building for
the last month, I am qualified to report ac-
curately for actual ticket sale policies that
lead up to the present unfair situation. These
statements should substantiate the recent al-
lusions to mercenary practices on the part
of our faculty which were set forth sarcasti-
cally but with no presentation of undeniable
fact. Because ofmy access to ticket sale in-
formation I learned the following:
1. A large number of tickets in section 24
were sold to a Rotary group, holding a con-
vention in Detroit a week before the Indiana,
2. The Ann Arbor high athletic department
was complimented with hundreds of section
24 seats for their recent success in Washten-
aw county competition.
3. A flood of tickets were made available
to prominent Republicans in the state at Re-
publican prices.
4. WWJ sports department was honored for
their efforts in covering the games with choice
portions of section 24.
5 Bill Clives, assistant in charge of team
"complimentaries", donated to the Detroit
Veteran's Hospital freely in volume although
not in price.
6. By the time students were considered
there were only 128 seats remaining in sec-
tion 24.
I hope this will add documentation to the
many vague generalities and accusations con-
tributed recently concerning this shameful
Very angrily,
--Anita Shubble
Editor's Note: Readers are referred to the
editorials on the football ticket situation ap-
pearing on yesterday's editorial page.

The Real Culprit
To the Editor:
In regard to the ticket affair:
It seems to me 'that the proper persons to be
fined, expelled or burned at the stake by the om-
nipotent student legislature are those who were
the authors of the whole rotten mess through
their negligence in ticket distribution. If there
must be a goat, I nominate the clerk who is re-
ported to have asked a freshman: "Fifty yard
line? High or low?"
-J. C. Kelley
* * *
Willow Village Police
To the Editor:
I am one of the 3,000 married students living
at Willow Run while attending the University.
Tonight it was necessary for me to get in touch
with the police and I tried three times but to no
Several weeks ago my car was ransacked
and several important items were stolen while
it sat in front of my apartment. I immediately
reported it to the police upon finding them in
our local sheriff's office. Upon investigation
I found that Willow Run has, for a police force,
one squad car and two officers on part time
duty. For a city of about 10,000 this certainly
isn't sufficient police protection.
I have talked with the sheriff's department
and it caniot receive sufficient appropriation to
give us more protection. Although we students
only comprise about half of the population out
here, I think we certainly are entitled to better
security, but tell. me who is to give us this pro-
tection. What do we do if we need the police in
a hurry? ,
-Robert D. Huber
Through the OPA's kind indulgence, the
manufacturer of the five-cent candy bar is per-
mitted to reduce the size of the bar, if he can.
This we have got to see.
H. V. Wade, Detroit News
of the Thing

Atomic Toy
By his own admission, Admiral Halsey is in
trouble again. In a speech in San Francisco
Tuesday he said, "I am going to start ad libbing,
and whenever I do I get into trouble".
In making some extemporaneous remarks
about the past performance of the atomic bomb,
Halsey said he was sorry that the bomb was
ever used. So were the Japs, but the admiral
is not convinced. The admiral objected to what
he called "purported statements" to the effect
that the bomb won the war, calling them a "dis-
paragement to my comrades in arms". He did
not say where he heard such statements. Hal-
sey is sorry the bomb was used, not because it
killed so many Japanese, but because it over-
shadowed some of the less spectacular but more
decisive efforts of his men. He went on to say
that he thought the bomb should be outlawed.
What Halsey suggested at San Francisco
was that the bomb is an upstart weapon and
really has no place in warfare. He lead up to
that conclusion recently by calling the atom-
ic bomb a "toy", another ad lib that brought
protests from scientists. Yesterday he at-
tempted to explain to the scientists: he said
that he meant another "sense" of the word
"toy." Did he mean something like Presi-
dent Truman meant by another "sense" of
the wrd "yes"?
Not many will argue with Halsey when he
states that the Japs were "beat" when the big
bomb came along. It was just a matter of time
to Halsey. He had the Japs "beat" years ago,
when he said that they couldn't last after the
"end of 1944". And certainly no one intends to
forget his comrades who died.
The indefatigable Admiral Halsey is undoubt-
edly sincere, but his ad libbing can do us no
good. If he and his admiral friends persist in
de-emphasizing the importance of the atomic
bomb, merely hoping that it will be outlawed,
then it is fortunate for us that their talk does
not represent official policy.
-Fred Schott
lionilnie Says
Within the month, war has been outlawed
specifically. We Americans, out on the rim of
older cultures, have entertained the conviction
that war was never more than half lawful. How-
ever, since the ancient Church gave us the the-
ory of a just war, actually war has been a law-
ful social procedure. Today mankind is in a
new case. Legally, wars are out-100,000 words
of these judges from the four nations, Britain
France, Russia, and the United States were ne-
cessary to make the declaration. Here is an
event which for human good should rank with
the Magna Carta of Britain and the Bill of
Rights in the American Constitution.
If it be true that fully 5,000,000 European
Jews were killed by the Nazis, that fact alone,
regardless of Hitler having capsized every na-
tional system on the globe save only Switzer-
land, Sweden, and a few others, with their sell-
ing of the fat of humans for soap and their
toothfillings to help finance the Reich, is ade-
quate justification for prounouncing war to be
the crime of all crimes. But a law is only as
potent as the people are morally alert.
Just how our Associated Press, our fluent
commentators, and our headline writers at
home can go steadily on hating an ally, in-
stead of focusing public attention on the vic-
tim nations and the plight of our fallen ene-
mies, is hard for a Christian to understand.Yet
that is going on. Even a noted representative
of the Christian Science Monitor stood before
a vast audience on Sunday within our univer-
sity community and indirectly advocated more
war as the remedy for the traditional pugna-
city of unhappy Near Eastern peoples. There
is no logic here. We acept the report of Mr.
Markham as to what he saw. But were he a
well-instructed Christian, he would have con-
cluded rather,-"Therefore, let no one put new
fuel on the old old fires of hatred. Rather
we shall befriend the Balkan peoples and di-
rect impartial study in concert with their
neighbors-Russia, Turkey, and Greece.
The defeatism of our day must be overcome.

"What can one man do?" has become as deadly
as "Let the big boys wrestle with that one." Ev-
ery American can invest the world situation with
his private active interest. If all citizens or
even a million believed in the old improvement
of the UN, our negotiators would travel in a
new psychology, do their work in a zone of hope
and become creative and able to live up to ex-
pectation of the people. Here is the challenge
of a new moral equivalent of war.
The diplomatic directness so well used in
the conflict period of the war must be adopted
whew. Unless our statesmen of the U. S. can
go directly to Marshall Stalin, sit in confer-
ence with Communists, make joint plans, and
cease going around the Russians in their en-
emies, including the petty monarchs of the
Near East and the leaders of Britain, we may
find ourselves on the way into a third world
There is needed a generosity of negotiations
which will generate confidence between nations,
as was quoted from Tom Paine by Justice Rut-
ledge when he dissented to the decision against
General Yamashita of Japan, "He that would
make his own liberty secure must guard even his
enemies from oppression, for if he violates his
duty he establishes a precedent that will reach
himself." ,
Counselor in Religious Education
-Edward W. Blakeman,


(Continued from Page 2)
in two areas of experience;1
1. Regardless of affiliation or the(
lack of affiliation, the Counselor's of-'
fice at 215 Angell Hall, 11:00-12:001
or 3:00-4:00 daily, is open to any stu-
dent or group. ,
2. According to your church af-1
filiation, you will be served through]
the S.R.A. at Lane Hall or at the Ann1
Arbor worship center of your choice.
Your search for religious values
among the many values will have im-
mediate attention by trained Coun-
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, Schools of Education,
Forestry, Music and Public Health
Students who received marks of I,
X or 'no report' at the close of their
last semester or summer session of
attendance will receive a grade of E
in the course or courses unless this
work is made up by Oct. 23. Students
wishing an extension of time beyond
this date in order to make up this
work should file a petition addressed
to the appropriate official in their
school with Rm. 4 U. H. where it will
be transmitted.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Aras and Graduate
Students: Dr. Kenneth W. Vaughn,
director of the Graduate Record Ex-
amination, will discuss the examina-
tion with students of the College on
Tues., Oct. 8. Dr. Vaughn will discuss
in detail the results of the examina-
tion taken by sophomores and seniors
in May of the Spring semester. The
meeting will be of intest to stu-
dents who have taken the examina-
tion and to those who expect to. All
are urged to attend. Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. 8:00 p.m. Dean Keniston
will preside.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate for February: Please call at
the Office of the School of Education,
1437 University Elementary School,
on Wed. or Thurs., Oct. 9 or 10, be-
tween 1:30 and 4:30 to take the
Teacher's Oath. This is a require-
ment for the teacher's certificate.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate: A list of candidates for the
certificate for February has been
posted on the bulletin board of the
School of Education, Rm. 1431 Uni-
versity Elementary School. Any pros-
pective candidate whose name does
not appear on this list should call at
the office of the Recorder of the
School of Education, 1437 University
Elementary School.
Education B 291: Members of the
University staff and graduate stu-
dents who are interested in college
teaching are welcome to visit the
class Education B291, Problems in
Higher Education, which meets on
Tues. evening, October 8, in Rm. 110,
University Library from 7:00-9:00
p.m. The topic, "The Organization of
the Typical Liberal Arts College," will
be presented by Asso. Dean Wood-
burne of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts, followed by
Graduate Students who expect to
receive degrees at the end of the fall
semester are reminded that diploma
applications are due before noon,
Wed., Oct. 9, and should be turned in
at the information desk of the Grad-
uate School. "
Senior Engineers who expect to
graduate in February should fill out
the blank for diploma applications
in the Secretary's Office, Rm. 263 W.
Eng. Bldg., before Oct. 8.
Fencing classes for men will meet
in the combat room of the I.M. Bldg.,
on Tues., Wed., and Thurs. from 4:30-
5:30 p.m. Beginners welcome. Foils
and masks will be furnished.

for veterans and their wives. West
Court Community Bldg., 1045 Mid-
way Blvd., Willow Run Village.
Oct. 6, Sun., 6:45 p.m., Official
Footballmoving pictures, Michigan
vs. Indiana.
8:30-11:30-Student Dance, Jerry
Edwards' Orchestra.
Oct. 7, Mon., 8:30 a.m., Coopera-
tive Nursery School opens; 1-5 p.m.,
Voters' Registration; 6-8 p.m., Voters'
Oct. 8, Tues., 1-5 p.m., Voters' Reg-
istration; 6-8 p.m., Voters' Registra-
tion; 8:00 p.m., Style Show Re-
Oct. 9, Wed., 1-5 p.m., Voters' Reg-
istration; 6-8 p.m., Voters' Registra-
tion.; 8:30 p.m., Goodyear's STYLE
SHOW sponsored by the Wives of
Student Veterans Club.
Oct. 10, Thurs., 1-5 p.m., Voters'
Registration; 6-8 p.m., Voters Regis-

tiation; 8:00 p.m., First meeting, Ex-N
tension Class in Elementary Spanish,r
Rm. 4. Instructor, Mr. Donald Mac-t
Queen. 8:00 p.m., Sewing Club, Rm.1
7; 8:00 p.m., Amateur Dramatics or-t
ganization meeting, Rm. 2.
Oct. 11, Fri., 1-5 p.m., Voters' Reg-
istration; 6-8 p.m., Voters' Registra-
tion; 8:00 p.m., Classical Recordings,
Rm. 2, Mr. Weldon Wilson, Commen-
University Lecture: "The Possibili-
ties of Educational Measurement in
Higher Education," -by Dr. Kenneth
W. Vaughn, Director of the Gradu-
ate Record Examination and of the
Pre-Engineering Inventory. This lec-
ture will be of interest to faculty
members and students who are con-
cerned with the future of objective
achievement and ability tests. The
lecture is sponsoredb the Bureau
of Psychological Services of the In-
stitute for Human Adjustment.
Rackham Amphitheater. Tues., Oct.
8, at 4:15 p.m.
Ira Waite Jayne of Detroit, execu-
tive judge of the Circuit Court of
Wayne County, and Ernest Goodman,
Detroit attorney, will discuss "Civil
Liberties" at a lecture to be held at
8:00 p.m. Thurs., Rm. 100, Hutchins
Hall. Mr. Goodman is attorney for
the Civil Rights Congress and assist-
ant attorney for the UAW-CIO. The
lecture is being presented under the
auspices of the University student
chapter of the National Lawyers'
Guild and is open to all interested
students and townspeople.
Academic Notices
Makeup Examination in Econom-
ics 51, 52, 53, 54 final will be given in
Rm. 207 Economics' ldg., at 3:00 on
Thurs. Oct. 10.
Preliminary Ph.l, Examinations in
Economics will be held during the
week beginning Mon.; Oct. 28. Each
student planning to take these ex-
aminations should leave with the sec-
retary of the department, not later
than Mon., Oct. 14, his name, the
three fields in which he desires to be
examined, and his field of specializa-
Inorganic Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Ttes., Oct. 8, in Rm. 151
Chemistry Bldg. at 4:30p.m. Miss Ann
Heuer will speak on "Oxidation Po-
tentials." All interested are invited.
Mathematics 300: Orientation
Seminar will meet Mon., Oct. 7, at
7:00 p.m. in Rm. 3001 Angell Hall.
following seminars will .be conducted
in the Mathematics Department:
Applied Mathematics - Professor
Churchill. First meeting Wed., Oct. 9,
3:00 p.m., 315 W. Eng.
Banach Spaces - Professor Hilde-
brandt. First meeting Tues., Oct. 8,
4:00 p.m. 3201 Angell Hall.
Dynamical Systems - Professor
Kaplan. First meeting Mon., Oct. 7,
3:00 p.m. 3201 Angell Hall.
Orientation-Prof. Rainich. First
meeting Thurs., Oct. 3, 7:00 p.m. 3001
Angell Hall.
Special Functions - Professor
Rainville. First meeting Wed., Oct.
9, 10:00 a.m. 340 W. Eng.
Statistics-Professor Craig. Next
meeting Wed., Oct. 9, 11:00 a.m. 3003
Angell Hall.
Stochastic Processes - Professor
Copeland. Hours to be announced.
Topology-To be announced.
Choral Union Concert. James Mel-
ton, tenor, assisted by Peter Hansen,
pianist, owill inaugurate the Sixty-
eighth annual Choral Union Concert
Series, Thurs., Oct: 10, at 8:30 in Hill

Auditorium. Program: numbers by
Handel, Donizetti, Brahms, Grieg,
Hageman, Delibes, Liszt, Chopin,
Faure and Theodore Chanler.
Concert-goers are respectfully re-
quested to detach coupon No. 1 be-
fore leaving home, and present it for
admission, instead of the whole ser-
ies ticket. Also, to come sufficiently
early as to be seated on time, since
doors will be closed during numbers.
A limited number of standing room
tickets will be on sale beginning
Wednesday morning.
Carillon Recital: Sidney F. Giles,
University Assistant Carillonneur,
will be heard in a program at 3:00
p.m. Sun., Oct. 6. Program: La Man-
on, and Gigue, by Couperin, Intro-
duction, Song and Fugue by Nees,
Menuet and Trio by Mr. Giles; Men-
delssohn's Confidence, Rebikoff's Au-
tumn Reverie, O Sole Mio by Capua,
and Benoit's Rubensmarsch.
The Museum of Art presents water
colors by Dong Kingman and De
Hirsh Margules from 'Oct. 4-Oct. 27,
Alumni Memorial Hall, daily, includ-
ing Sunday, 2:00-5:00 p.m. Mon-
days closed. The public is cordially

will welcome prospective pledges at a
rushing tea today from 2:30-4:30 in
the Wesleyan Guild lounge at the
First Methodist Church. All girls in-
terested are cordially invited.
Coming Events
The Women's Research Club will
meet Mon., Oct. 7, Botany Seminar
Rm., Natural Science Bldg., 8:00 p.m.
Program: "Fluid Replacement in
Burns," Dr. Vivian Iob. All members
and former members are invited.
Department. of Bacteriology:
Round table discussion on "The Hya-
luronic Acid-Hyaluronidase System"
in the library of the E. Medical Bldg.
Mon., Oct. 7, at 7:30 p.m. Everyone
interested is cordially invited.
Flying Club. Meeting of the board
of the University Flying Club Tues.,
Oct. 8 at 7:15 p.m., in Rm. 1300, E.
Eng. Bldg.
Flying Club. Meeting for all mem-
bers of the University of Michigan
Flying Club in Rm. 1042, E. Eng.
Bldg., Wed., Oct. 9, at 7:30. A flight
organization for students will be dis-
cussed. Members unable to attend
may call Bob Goslow at 2-4401, 325
Wenley, to excuse absence.
Change in date of Record Concert:
Because of the Choral Union Con-
cert, the Graduate Record Concert
will be given Tues., Oct. 8, at 7:45 in
the Men's Lounge. Program: Mo-
zart's Quintet in G minor and the
second act of Mozart's Magic Flute.
All graduate students are cordially
Le Cercle Francas will hold its
first meeting of the year Tues., Oct.
8, at 8:00 p.m. in Rm. 305 of the
Michigan Union. Program: Election
of officers of the club and an info-
mal talk, "Ou va la France?", Profes-
sor Charles E. Koella.
All students on the Campus (in-
cluding Freshmen) with one year of
College French or the equivalent, are
eligible tonmembership. Foreign stu-
dents interested in hearing and
speaking French are cordially invited
to join the club.
The Deutscher Verein, German
Club of the University, will hold its
first fall meeting at 7:30 p.m., Wed.,
Oct. 9, in Rm. 319 of the Michigan
Union. German music and games,
and refreshments will feature the
meeting. All German students and
those interested in the language are
The University Women Veterans'
Association will hold its first regular
meeting of the semester Mon. eve-
ning, Oct. 7, at 7:00 p.m. in the Mich-
igan League.
Xi Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi, pro-
fessional Business Administration
fraternity, will meet Mon., Oct. 7, at
7:30 p.m., in Rm. 302 of the Michigan
Alpha Phi Omega will hold a meet-
ing at 7:30 on Mon., Oct. 7, at the
Michigan Union. All members are
required to be present as there will
be an election of officers. Any man
on campus who was a member here
or at any other school is cordially in-
vited to attend.
Polonia Club: Nominations and
election of officers will take place
Tues., Oct. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the In-
ternation Center and not as previous-
ly scheduled. All students of Polish1
descent are urged to attend.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
meeting of all those interested in so-
liciting for Hillel membership atn4:30
p.m. Mon.

B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation So-
cial Committee meeting Tues., Oct.
8 at 4:30 at the Foundation. Mem-
bers interested in helping to plan
social functions are invitedto attend.
Please bring eligibility cards.
(Continued, on Page 5)
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush...............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz...............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha............Associate Editor
Clark Baker..............Sports Editor
Joan Wilk...............Women's Editor
Lynne Ford. .ssociate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager
Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1




The Spirit

It is extremely difficult for a person to admit
having been wrong, especially if he was right.
In an editorial in Tuesday's Daily, I said that
that the Student Legislature's ruling on ex-
changing football tickets had the characteris-
tics of ex-post-facto law. Technically, as Don-
ald F. Mela pointed out in- a letter to the editor,
it is not an ex-post-facto regulation. However,
in the tradition established by one of our early
American jurists, it is the spirit of the law which
counts rather than the technicality. Some per-
sons cannot see the forest for the trees. If not
legally, the regulation is certainly ex-post-facto
in spirit, since in effect it promises punishment
to underclassmen who obtained football tickets
in upperclass sections either through so-called
fraud or through mismangement by ticket dis-
The poster at the exchange booth in Uni-
versity Hall says that certain tickets must be
turned in. This must appears also in the no-
tice entered in the Daily Official Bulletin above
the signature of Ray Davis, president of the
Student Legislature. And the sixth paragraph
of the notice states: "Any such cases (failure
to submit tickets for exchange) will be subject
to University disciplinary action. . ." Note that
it specifies "University disciplinary action." As
a member of the Student Legislature explained
to me, this would be the only disciplinary, ac-

leading, it certainly was a most unethical act.
And also, we can add to our doubts as to whe-
ther our representatives are really acting in the
student interest or merely helping some blunder-
ing administrative officials out of a tight spot.,
It has also come to my attention that a
.schism in the legislature at the stime it ruled
on the exchange of tickets was never revealed
to the student body. Certain members of the
governing body were seriously dubious of the
propriety of the legislature in taking the ac-
tion it did, especially concerning persons who
received the wrong tickets through no fault
of their own.
There are other points upon which I might
dwell-like the mishandling of the exchange by
some persons on duty at the booths and the
statement by one that some tickets handed in
by underclassmen will be given out again Fri-
day to other underclassmen. But this can be-
come monotonous.
-Mal Roemer


No, son. It's really not a
syllabus-I'm just making
notes. To discuss at the
next School Board meeting.!

Some educators believe we should concentrate
on the child. Teach HIM. Not the subject.. .
That's oversimplified ... But I favor it ...
.Cramming facts into small heads isn't enough. ___


How reckless of him, m'boy. To examine
new theories when we have the old ones
to fall back on-Remind me to present
his views to my colleagues. As soon as

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-



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