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September 24, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-09-24

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24, 1946



THE Mlb ICI A TTEA1 V 711Ne./DA.1LY1

i LA. IiIi1

Doubling-Up Stymied in Co -ops
Pending Arrival of Furniture

It's equipment, rather than housing
space, that has the Inter-Cooperative
Council worried.
"We can't do much more dou-
bling up," William Garmzon, pub-
Restaurants . . .
(Continued from Page 1)
ing approximately 150 couples. The
Union Dance floor can fit in 250
couples and'it usually does. There's a
dance every Saturday night at the
Masonic Temple, which can take 150
couples. Very few of them are Uni-
versity students, however.
Maybe all you want to do is go to
a quiet place and drink beer. Well,
you can drink beer, anyway--IF
'you're over 21 and have the neces-
sary papers to prove it.
The seating capacity of all Ann
Arbor taverns is liberally estimated at
,The official capacities released by
the State, Michigan and Whitney
theaters reach a grand total 4,850.
Incidentally, if you're interested,
there's a night club listed in the yel-
low pages of the Ann Arbor phone
directory. It's called the Villa Bee
and it's 35 miles away in Jackson.
You can call it by phone for 40 cents
tax included.
Vets Advised on Changing
insurance Beneficiaries
Veterans interested in changing
beneficiaries on National Service Life
Insurance and U. S. Government In-
surance policies are cautioned to be
sure of correct procedure.
Scanty information is one of the
prime headaches of all VA insurance
offices. Their files contain 150,000
Johnsons, 120,000 Browns and 13,000
Smiths - 8,000 of them without mid-
dle .initials.
Completion of VA Form 336 assures
all of the information needed for a
properly completed change of bene-
ficiary, the VA advises.

licity chairman 'f the Council,
said yesterday, "until we get more
desks, dressers and beds. We're
sharing desk drawers right now."
He pointed out that besides being
hampered by the difficulty of obtain-
ing furnishings, the Council is held
back because most of its money must
be used for up-keep and to pay for
three of the houses now being operat-
Cooperative houses have always
been doubled-up in a sense, Gam-
Zon explained, having used double-
decker beds from the beginning.
With more equipment, however, the
houses would be able to' provide for
still more "students.
The unprecedented list of students
who want to board at the cooperative
houses creates another problem. Be-
cause of the lack of utensils, the
houses will be able to board only 40
students in addition to those living
in the five cooperatives. The cooper-
ative system now includes 56 women
and 50 men.
Engineers Plan
Fall Program
Women's Society Will
Have Motion Pictures
Regular programs dealing ith
every field of engineering are being
planned this fall by the Women's En-
gineering Society.
In addition to securing several
prominent speakers, the Society ex-
pects to present motion pictures
based on engineering developments.
The Women's Engineering Society
is intended to unify and promote so-
cial contact among women on campus
who have a common interest in en-
gineering studies and activities. The
Society also offers guidance for those
new in the engineering field.
Those interested in the Society may
contact Sally Ann Farquhar, 2014
Geddes, phone 7859 or Thelma Dyer,
2028 E. Eng. Bldg., phone 4121 ext.

State To Offer
ell owship in
Tax Research
Any students interested in qualify-
ing for a fellowship for research on
problems of state taxation and who
possess a bachelor's degree in politi-
cal science, economics or business ad-
ministration or are at present in the
law school may submit their applica-
tion to Prof. Robert Ford, Rm. 220A
Haven Hall, it was announced yes-
The fellowship, sponsored by the
Michigan State Department of Rev-
enue, will provide a grant of $800 to
$100 to a student seeking a mas-
ter's degree, and will extend for a
period of one year. It will be awarded
each fall.,
The recipient of the fellowship will
be required to prepare either a thesis
or a series of special reports, under
the guidance of Prof. Ford. The sub-
ject of investigation will be approved
by the Department of Revenue.
In addition, any student taking the
Institute of Public Administration
curriculum who receives the fellow-
ship will be allowed to offer any
treatise developed from the special
repcrts in fulfillment of the require-
ments for a master's degree in public
IF. . .
(Continued from Page 1)
he has signed with the Inter-Frater-
nity Council," IFC president Harry
Jackson commented.
Each rushee will be given a book-
let, "Fraternities at Michigan,"
which contains pictures and inform-
ation of the 31 active fraterity chap-
ters on campus; letters from Presi-
dent Ruthven, Dean Bursley, and
Student Legislature President Ray
IDavis; articles depicting the various
aspectsoftfraternity life; and the
rushing rules.
Rushing will begin Sunday, with
all chapters holding open houses for
rushees and will continue until Oct.
10. Rushing dates after the first
Sunday of open houses are to be in-
All undergraduate students may be
pledged, but initiation will be de-
pendent upon final grade reports at
the conclusion of the semester in
which a man is pledged.
All fraternities on campus are gov-
erened by the IFC whose rule mak-
ing body includes the' house
presidents of all active chapters.
This organization sets the regula-
tions governing all rushing and
pledging activities as well as initait-
ing and sponsoring IFC projects.
Each rushee will be required to
pay a rushing tax at the time of
registration according to the new
rules passed by the IFC.

Garg Seeks
Eligible Souls
Eager aspirants for essential and
functional positions with the Gar-
goyle, the campus' oldest humor mag-
azine, are urged to show themselves
for the first tryout meeting at' 4 p.m.
tomorrow in the Garg office in the
Student Publications Bldg.
Busy hands have already polished
three of the office's five desks in
preparation for this first blending of
souls for the fall term. Any soul that
meets the University eligibility quali-
fications is urged to be present. Those
that express an interest in literary
creation, art work, advertising, and
magazine layout are hopefully antici-
Robinson Will
Serve in Army
Medical Survey
Prof. William D. Robinson, of the
internal medicine department, has.
been appointed to the medical exam-
ining team for the concluding week
of the Army ration trials starting to-
day at Camp Carson, Col.
This week's field trials will com-
plete a one-month survey by the
Army Surgeon General's office to
compare new combinations of rations
with those used during the war in an
effort to improve such food supplies.
Veterans' Funerals
The Veterans Administration is
authorized by law to pay up to $150
for funeral and burial expenses of a
veteran, provide an American flag for
burial purposes, arrange for inter-
ment in a national cemetery and pro-
vide a grave marker.
Hold Your Bonds

Local Trais
Announce Shift
Ino Schedules
Changes in train schedules for the
New York Central Railroad lines serv-
icing Ann Arbor have been an-
nounced by company officials.
Two new trains, the "Michigan"
and the "Advance Wolverine," will be
placed in operation at the end of this
month, according to James F. Dyer,
ticket agent for the local office of the
The "Michigan" will leave daily ex-
cept Sunday at 9:12 a.m: for Detroit,
arriving at 9:55 a.m., and will return
at 5:35 p.mh. and arrive here at 6:18
The "Twilight Limited" schedule
will be changed Sept. 29, Dyer said. It
will leave Ann Arbor at 5:26 p.m. and
arrive at Chicago at 8:50 p.m., while
the eastbound unit will leave Chicago
at 4:15 p.m. and arrive here at 9:37
Other changes have been made in
the schedules of the "New England
Wolverine," and the "Motor City Spe-
cial." Further information can be ob-
tained at the New York Central's
local offices.
Students wishing to write re-
views of 1books, phonograph rec-
ords (classical and jazz), movies
and plays as well as those wishing
to write editorial columns for The
Daily should submit not less than
twosamples to the editorial direc-
tor before Friday.
More Will Fly in 1946
Twice as many passengers will fly
the nation's scheduled airlines this
years as in 1945 if the carriers do no
more than maintain their present
monthly traffic figures for the re-
mainder of the year, an aviation sur-
vey reveals.

THE CIGAR STEPS DOWN - With his familiar cigar parked under
his chair and his hat tilted forward, forrmer Prime Minister Winston.
Churchill of Great Britain listens to an address of welcome at Town
Hall, Berne, Switzerland. Shortly afterwards Mr. Churchill warned the
world against tyranny and urged formation of a United States of


(Formerly Ypsilanti Airport)
U* x
U.S. 23 at the Expressway

Aeronco - Navion
Sales.. Service
Approved Flying School
Parachute .jimps, Sunday
September 29

Student veterans who are enrolled
in the University under the provi-
sions of Public Law 16 may borrow
amounts not exceeding $100 from
the Veterans Administration to meet
immediate personal financial obliga-
Eligible veterans may apply for
the loan at either the local VA office
in the basement of the Rackham
building or at the regional office of
the VA in Deroit. Those applying in
Detroit can obtain their money im-
mediately, while applications made
here will have to be processed
through the Detroit office.
Only veterans enrolled under Pub-
lic Law 16 may obtain loans, since
there are no loan provisions for vet-
erans obtaining benefits from the
GI Bill (Public Law 346).
* * *
Veterans enrolled under the GI
Bill should be prepared to meet their



'y _

-A vital part of every

personal financial obligations for at
least 60 days as a safeguard against
a possible delay in the payment of
subsistence allowances, the Veterans
Administration Branch Office in
Columbus, O., announced today.
Any student veterans who has not
yet received subsistence checks for
the spring and summer terms should
notify the Detroit office of the Vet-
erans Administration of his present
address W. L. Wallace, Director of
the Veterans Guidance Center, an-
Under the provisions of the re-
cently enacted Public Law 679, all
veterans receiving subsistence pay-
ments under the GI Bill must submit
a report of all earnings to the Vet-
erans Administration, Wallace said.
Contrary to the opinion of many
student veterans, the purpose of the
GI Bill is merely to aid the veteran
in training.
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Michigan student's life!
DE LiV E R ED D AILY, except Monday - Read it each morn-
ing atibrekfast and find out the happenings of the day!i
C ontains the Univaersity's Daily Official Bulletin, carrying

Student Book Exchange
Open every day to sell and
receive books.

all i iportant notices
18,000 students. Also


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SUBSCRIPTIONS may be purchased at registration and at
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