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January 19, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-19

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See Page 4


es an
Latest Deadline in the State



LVII, No. 86



m1 U

Vo 40-Hour Week
)n Construction
Directive Terminates Long-Standing
Conflict with Ann Arbor Contractors

Yangtze River Boats Collide Off
Woosung, Endangering 1,000;
TalmadgeWillObeyState Court

The decision in Ann Arbor's
nine-month-old building dispute
apparently went to local contrac-
tors yesterday as Vice-President
Robert P. Briggs announced that
workers on University construc-
tion projects will return to an
over-all 40-hour week.
The cutback from the 48-hour
ended a dispute which began last
April when local contractors
charged that double pay for Sat-
urday work on campus projects
was crippling efforts to erect
homes here.
A University spokesman said the
40-hour week policy will be con-
T Days Left
To File Vets'
"Cut' Records
Annual Leave Pay
Computed by Reports
University veterans have only
two more days in which to report
to, the University the number of
days that they have missed class
this semester.
The absence reports will be
turned over to the Veterans Ad-
mi nistration to be used in com-
puting the amount of annual leave
time due veterans.
Computation Basis
In filing the number of days
absent, veterans are to compute
"days" on the following basis:
If a veteran misses class on a
day when he has three classes, he
is absent "one-third of a day."
If, however, he misses his only
class on another day, he is absent
"one day."
Other classes missed will be
computed on this same fractional
Where To Get Forms
Absence report forms are to be
picked up at places designated by
the various schools and colleges
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to-
morrow and Tuesday. All reports
are to be filed with the college
offices. The following places have
been designated by the respective
Literary college-hall of Uni-
versity Hall; engineering college-
Rm. 225 W. Engineering Bldg;
graduate school-graduate school
office; law school-available with
registration material; architecture
college - Rm. 207 Architecture
Bldg.; pharmacy college-Rm. 250
Chemistry Bldg.; business admin-
istration school-Rm. 108 Tappan
Gail; dentistry college-secretary's
office of Dentistry Bldg.; educa-
tion school-Rm. 1433 University
Elementary School; forestry school
-Rm. 2045 Natural Science Bldg.;
music school-Rm. 101 School of
1Music Bldg.; nursing school-Rm.
2036 University Hospital; public
health school-information desk
of School of Public Health Bldg.;
medical school-Rm. 123 W. Medi-
cal Bldg.
Guard Health
To Get an A'
Forsythe Says
With exams only one day away,
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Health
Service director, warned against
the "short-sighted nonsense" of
sleepless nights or "cramming"'
fortified with black coffee and
drThe "nonsense" lies not only in
the possibility of forming a drug
habit, but in the more immediate

danger of being so completely run
down and worn out from early
exams that the later ones suffer,
he explained.
A student can take a few days
of intensive cramming with little
sleep, but it is practically impos-
sible to keep up that sort of a
pace throughout the entire exam
period, he said.
Dr. Forsythe warned especially

tinued "as long as others do and
as long as it is feasible."
Exceptions Possible
Exceptions to the policy may be
permitted when a particular trade
union is asked if it will consent to
Saturday work to keep step with
other phases of construction, ac-
cording to a University official.
He maintained that these excep-
tions are common in other con-
struction projects throughout the
William Nimke, president of the
Ann Arbor General Contractors
Association, expressed satisfaction
with the move. Nimke contended
that the builders of low-cost hous-
ing could not compete for scarce
labor against the University's
offer of double pay for Saturday
Contractors Satisfied
Nimke claimed that most of the
laborers attracted by the 48-hour
week are "nothing but, floaters"
and predicted that the University
building program would not be
slowed appreciably by the change.
Previously he had pointed out that
"a man working for overtimedon
Saturdays will show up that day
but he will be absent some day
during the week since he still gets
a full week's pay."
A. N. Langius, state building
director, announced Jan. 8 that a
40-hour week would be instituted
on all state building projects. He
stated that the cut-back would be
started on University projects in
three weeks. The cut-back was a
reversal of the stand taken by
Langius Dec. 10 under ex-Gov.
Harry F. Kelly. State officials
later denied that a 40-hour week
would be ordered.
J-Hop Model
Of Decorations
Being Shown
A model of the J-Hop dance
floor, including the decorations
and pipe-stem figures of dancers
in typical poses, is now on dis-
play in the window of a local
book store.
A limited number of tickets for
the Friday night J-Hop will be
sold at the same store or may be
obtained by calling Nancy Neu-
mann, ticket chairman. J-Hop
breakfast tickets are on sale at
the Union and League. Neither
breakfast nor dance ticketswill
be sold at the door the night of
the J-Hop.
Elman, Lunceford Bands
Ziggy Elman and Jimmie Lunce-
ford will play at the Hop, which
will last from 10 pm. to 2 a.m.
Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and
8, at the Intramural Building.
An Eiffel Tower, street lamps
suspended from a blue ceiling, and
trees between the booths will
transform the dance floor into a
Parisian boulevard for the dan-
cers. Carrying out the "Gay
Paris" theme, the bandstands will
be decorated as street cafes and
pastel awnings will cover the
thirty booths.
Free Refreshments Planned
Free refreshments will be served
at the dance, and each booth will
be supplied with cookies and an
individual ginger ale dispenser.
Guests are requested not to take
See J-HOP, Page 7
* * *
J-Hop Extra
Will Be Sold
With proceeds slated to join
the March of Dimes, The

Daily's Final J-Hop Edition for
1947 will be sold on campus
Feb. 10-the first day of the
spring semester-by the Stu-
dent Legislature and The Daily
The "Dime Daily" will be the
University community's con-

Claims Acting
Arnall Resigns Post
After Week's Fight
By The Associated Press
ATLANTA, Jan. 18 - Herman
Talmadge said tonight that if
Georgia courts hold that he is not
entitled to the governorship to
which the legislature elected him,
he will abide by the decision.
He reiterated, however, his con-
tention "that the courts do not
have jurisdiction" over the con-
troversy which has resultedin
three rival claims to the executive
office in the past five days.
Acting Governor
Talmadge's statement followed
the swearing in today of M. E.
Thompson as lieutenant governor
and Thompson's subsequent an-
nouncement that he considered
himself acting governor of Geor-

Gen. Marshall To Be
Sworn in Monday.


*k * * *
Dean Bursley To Retire Soon
From Job He Couldn't Refuse

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the 13tht
in a series of articles on faculty
personalities. The series will be 4
continued in the spring semester.
Dean of Students Joseph A.t
Bursley, who will go on retirement
furlough next semester, became
Dean of Students before he hadl
time to refuse the job.
That was in February, 1921,
when the Board of Regents ap-
pointed him to the then newly-cre-
ated job, the first of its kind in;
the country.
Two Days to Ponder
Dean Bursley had been ap-
proached by President Marion
Burton and Regent James Murfin,
who asked him to take the new
post. He was given two days to
think it over, but the Board of
Regents met at the end of the
first day and appointed him Dean
of Students, giving him the duty
of being "friend, counselor and
guide to the student body with
general oversight of its welfare and
its activities."
Since that time, being a "friend,
counselor and guide" has assumed
tremendous proportions. Dean
Bursley says that whenever a job
no one else wants comes along, the
Dean ofeStudents'eOffice getsit.
Even the mail clerks who find
themselves with letters they don't
know what to do with drop them
off at his office.
Holds Many Jobs
In his 26 years as Dean of Stu-
dents, Dean Bursley has accumu-
lated the jobs of ex-officio mem-
bership in the University Senate,
Council, Conference of Deans,
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, Board of Directors of the
Union, Board of Governors of Resi-
dence Halls, and many more. Dean
Bursley also chairmans four com-
Proof of the growth in duties
and size of the Dean of Students
Office may also be found in the
increased space it occupies. Dean
Bursley reports that when he be-
gan, his office was a small room
with two desks in it-his and his.
secretary's. As the Office gathered
more and more jobs, it began nib-
bling off at the neighboring Regis-
trar's Office. A new slice was tak-
en this year when two more sep-
arate offices were needed. Proba-
bly as a result of protest by the

Registrar's Office, these new par-
titioned offices are cubby hole size.
Graduated in 1899
Dean Bursley is a graduate of;
the University, '99E, and returnedc
here to teach mechanical engi-
neering in 1904. When he received
his appointment as Dean of Stu-
dents, he decided not to give up
his teaching duties. He says he
wanted to avoid losing his interest
in engineering and he "wanted to
keep up a contact with students
that can only be had in the class
room and is missed in administra-
tive work."
Dean Bursley said that when he
took office in 1921, the veterans
of World War I were just return-
ing to school. Now, as he leaves of-
fice, the veterans of World II are
Ruthven Lauds
Past Work of
Deant Bursley
The following is the text of Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven's
statement commending Dean Burs-
"Joseph A. Bursley came into
office as Dean of Students on Feb-
ruary 1, 1921, and now, twenty-
six years later, he is leaving that
office, in accordance with the Uni-
versity's retirement regulations.
There was no precedent for Dean
Bursley, back in 1921, and the
office as it is now may truth-
fully be said to be his creation.
I feel that all the groups that
compose our University commun-
ity owe him a debt of gratitude;
the Regents and administrative
officers for his competent organ-
ization and supervision of the
very important activities coming
under his jurisdiction; the fac-
ulty for ably performing difficult
tasks which before his time had
burdened many a professorial
committee; and the students for
the countless occasions on which
he has proved himself a true and
helpful friend. We can all join in
wishing Mr. Bursley long enjoy-
ment of a leisure well earned."
-Alexander G. Ruthiven

Simultaneously with Thompson's
qualification, Ellis Arnall resigned
the gubernatorial post which hel
had claimed for nearly a week be-
yond the expiration date of his
four-year term.
Suit To Be Filed
Talmadge, previously charged by
Arnall with planning to disregard
any action of the courts in the
contest, said in tonight's statement
that he did not believe the courts
would "attempt to rule when they
have looked into the suit I am in-
formed Mr. M. E. Thompson will
Thompson had said earlier he
would demand that Talmadge sur-
render the governor's offices at
the capitol and the executive man-
Provost Will
Address Local
ASUP Group
An address by Provost James P.
Adams will highlight the meeting
of the Michigan chapter of the
American Society of University
Professors at 6:15 p.m. Wednes-
day in the lunchroom of the Fac-
ulty Club at the Union.
Provost Adams will speak on
"Academic Administration" to be
followed by a discussion on its
principles and application.
The Association now has a na-
tional membership of 21,000, the
largest in its history. Further
comment on the recent rapid
growth of the body and resulting
problems will be made at the
The annual election of the As-
sociation's Council will be held by
mail again this year. Nominees
for district 5 are listed in the 1946
issue of the Association's bulletin.
Student Writers
In Perspectives
Perspectives, campus literary
magazine, is included as a sup-
plement to today's edition.
Fiction, poetry, essays and
book reviews by student writ-
ers and an essay by Dr. Eugene
B. Elliott, State Superintendent
of Public Instruction, are fea-

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18-Gen.
George C. Marshall will be sworn
in as Secretary of State at the
White House at eleven a.m. (EST)
Monday and will probably begin
conferences at once with Presi-
dent Truman and retiring Secre-
tary Byrnes on outstanding for-
eign policy issues.
A check with officials today
shows he faces three main prob-
(1) Fully acquainting himself
with American policy on many is-
sues but especially on the Germani
peace settlement to come up at the
Moscow conference opening March
(2) Deciding on top aides and
officials to work with him in the
State Department;
(3) Working with President
Truman on various shifts in im-
portant diplonatic assignments
To Arrive from Honolulu
Marshall is expected here by
plane from Honolulu tomorrow.
The General, according to reports
here, used his ten-day stay in
Honolulu to study many questions
of American foreign policy with
which he was unfamiliar.
He is also believed to have given
some thought to personnel prob-
lems. All the top State Depart-
ent officials are expected to or al-
ready have submitted their resig-
nations to the President as a mat-
ter of form, giving Marshall free
range in choosing to retain or re-
place them.
Changes Speculated
Speculation about other De-
partment changes concerns chief-
ly Assistant Secretary Spruille
Braden, whose handling of Argen-
tine relations has been criticized.
Another opening is due later this
year at Manila, Ambassador Paul
McNutt having long since ex-
pressed his desire to leave. Offi-
On Portal Pay
Urged by CIO
Lee Pressman, CIO general coun-
sel, testified today that portal pay
suits totalling more than $4,000,-
000,000 filed mostly by CI0 un-
ions are "highly exaggerated" and
urged legislation to permit com-
promising them.
But Senator Capehart (Rep.-
nd.),uauthor of a bill to outlaw
the suits, demurred that author-
ization for compromises would
"deal entirely into your hands."
Testifies Before Subcommittee
Pressman told a Senate Judi-
ciary subcommittee considering
portal pay measures by Capehart
and others that it would be pref-
erable to work the matter out
"through collective bargaining on
the back claims than to enact a
law outlawing them at one fell
swoop, because it would be un-
constitutional as depriving the
employes of property without due
process of law."
Pressmen predicted such a law
would be knocked out as uncon-
stitutional after perhaps a two-
year court battle and "all we would
have then is a more horrible mess
than we have today."
It would mean, he declared, two
more years of "accrued liability"
against employers.

cials regard it as unlikely that
Ambassador John Leighton Stuart
will remain American envoy to
China indefinitely in view of Mar-
shall's departure, but no decision
on this is expected until Marshall
and the President review the China
Students Are
Requested To
Obey Schedule
The registration process can best
be carried out if students adhere
strictly to the time schedule, As-
sistant Registrar Edward G. Gro-
esbeck advised yesterday.
Registration will be held from
Wednesday, Feb. 5, through Sat-
urday, Feb. 8. Classes will resume
Monday, Feb. 10.
Late registration will again be
prohibited for all students ex-
cept veterans who were not in
residence in the first semester.
Time Schedules Available
Time schedules and registration
material are now available in Rm.
4, University Hall for all students
in the literary, education and
music schools.
Registration Periods Follow
The registration schedule, which
follows, is changed every semes-
ter to give each student a chance
to register early at least once dur-
ing his stay at the University.
Student whose last names be-
gin with "C" through "Gim" will
register Wednesday morning, Feb.
5. In the afternoon of the same
day those whose names begin with
"Gin" -through "Joh" will regis-
ter. On Thursday morning the
"Jol" through "Nz" group will reg-
ister and in the afternoon the "O"
through "Sca" group will report.
Students whose last names be-
gin with "Sch" through "Z" will
register Friday morning and those
whose names begin with "A"
through "Bz" will register Friday
Anyone may register between 8
and 10:30 a.m. Saturday.
IU U'Teams Gain I

400 Chinese
Believed Lost,
Others Rescued
Ship Operators' Office
Besieged in Shanghai
By The Associated Press
SHANGHAI, Jan. 18-Possibly
400 Chinese drowned today when
a small Yangtze river steamer col-
lided with a lighter and sank off
Six hundred or more survivors,
brought to Shanghai and joined
by relatives of victims, angrily be-
sieged the Chinese ship operators'
office and threatened to tear it
apart before hastily-summoned po-
lice quieted them.
The steamer was the Chekiang,
bound up river to Nantung with
about 1,000 passengers.
Off Woosung, where the Whang-
poo from Shanghai joins the
Yangtze estuary, the ship collided
with one of two steel lighters be-
ing towed by a tug and went down
almost immediately.
Survivors charged that the Che-
kiang was badly overloaded and
that the tug ignored signals to al-
ter course.
A police launch from Woosung
made many trips, rescuing large
numbers of persons in the water.
In the confusion, estimates of the
dead ranged from 400 to 1,000.
(Passenger lists ordinarily are not'
kept for such short river trips, so,
that exact casualties may never be
In violent mood, the drenched
survivors marched on the Tung Chi
Steamship Company offices, de-
manding redress for lost belong-
ings. Relatives of the missing and
presumably dead passengers joined
them, shouting for compensation.
Police put down the incipient riot.




Three Michigan teams wound
up thisnsemester's activity on
a winning note as the basket-
ball, hockey and wrestling
teams scored impressive victor-
ies last night.
The Cagers, paced by Mack
Suprunowicz' 24 points;, beat
Purdue, 66-43. The Puckmen
bettered Friday's tie with Min-
nesota, winning 5-4, while the
matmen swamped Northwest-
ern 24-10.
For complete details see
Pages 2 and 3.
Gang of Hijackers
Smashed by FBI
NEW YORK, Jan. 18 -(VP)- A
gang of hijackers which applied
"big business" methods in stealing
30 truckloads of scarce goods
worth $500,000 in the past year
was smashed today with the ar-
rest of. 21 persons in New York
and Miami Beach, the FBI an-

Auto Permits
Set New High
Married Students Get
Most of Exemptions
Student automobile registrations
have set a new record, increasing
more than 50 per cent over last
year, according to figures released
by the Dean of Students Office.
Thus far this year, 2,597 per-
mits and exemptions have been
issued, compared to 1,637 for the
year 1945-46. Sixty per cent of last
year's permit-holders were veter-
ans, and incomplete tabulations
show that the percentage will be
even higher for 1946-47.
Married students requiring
cars for family use account for the
largest number of permits. Other
categories in order of size are:
residents of Ann Arbor living at
home, commuters, miscellaneous,
students with physical disabili-
ties and students engaged in busi-
Vets at Oxford
Await Tution
OXORD, England, Jan. 18-(IP)
-More than 20 American stu-
dent-veterans, attending Oxford
University under the GI Bill of
Rights said today that if quick ac-
tion to speed their tuition grants
was not forthcoming from Wash-
ington their deportation from Eng-
land probable would be inevitable.
Veterans complained that the
only responses the various college,
of Oxford had received to demand,.
for tuition fees were showers of
elaborate forms. In at least three
instances the colleges already have
waited more than a year for their
fees, one veteran said.
Pollock Will Leave
For Europ Soon


Rats Better in Maze Than Psych Students

Experimental psychology stu-
dents may have experienced some
chagrin when, after undergoing a

methods, but also threw an inter-
esting sidelight on the vocabulary
that trying circumstances evoke.
Michal M Gilbert, junior medi-

a blind alley. The subject was
told that the "x" was a gate
through which he might or might
not go as he wished. If

spections written by students who
later came to the answer on the
way home, suggest a possible rea-
son as to why rats and feeble-+

declared. A person may see a chair
as a chair dependent on whether
he needs fuel for a fire, a step lad-
der to hang pictures, or simply a

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