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January 18, 1947 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-18

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,SATU1W/I3, JANUARY 18,14-, J

Canadian Citizenship Act

TE, Canadian Citizenship Act, recently
passed, has given national identity to
12 million former British subjects.
Although Canada has held dominion sta-
tus in the British Empire for 79 years and
is now recognized as a sovereign nation in
her international dealings, citizens of that
country still retained their British label.
To facilitate travel and trade abroad and
.even, more important, to develop a feeling
of nationalism and loyalty to Canada in
her subjects, that country has created her
own citizenship.
It is doubtful whether this change in the
nominal status of the individual Canadian
will make much difference in Canadian re-
lations within the British Empire, since that
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
NIGHT EDITOR: Stuart Finlayson

was not the purpose of the act. However,
one might construe it as factual indication
of Canada's often-stressed independence of
the Empire in all political and economic
matters. It may even be a further indi-
cation of the gradual breaking up of Brit-
ish suzerainty throughout the world.
The real purpose of the act, nevertheless,
is to promote unity in Canada - a country
which has begun economic large-scale de-
velopment and needs such unity to promote
internal coordination.
Canada has been subject to racial and
religious conflicts and it is hoped that com-
mon citizenship may awaken a nationalism
in the people which will overcome these
conflicts and rivalries.
Whatever the effect of the act within the
country, it must be recognized by the rest
of ' the world, -and- the United States in
particular, that Canada is growing up to
her size and will demand the recognition of
national identity from other nations that
she has given her own people.
-Phyllis L. Kaye


Valuable Experience

1 HAVE never been a United States Sen-
ator, but there are times when I wish
that I might have had this valuable experi-
ence. I would like to know what makes a
Senator tick. Of course, I mean the average
Senator, and that would include the chest-
beating type that splits the ear drums of
his constituents with his vociferations
about the sacrifices that he is willing to
make, if elected, for the "dear people."
At the moment, I have in mind Sena-
tors like Moore, of Oklahoma; Knowland,
of California; and McCarran of Nevada..
These three gentlemen jointly have intro-
duced in the Senate of the United States
a bill which, if enacted, would quit-claim
to the State of California and other coastal
states all right, title and interest in and
to rich oil-bearing lands lying seaward
of the ordinary low-water mark and ex-
tending seaward three nautical miles.
When Mr. Knowland presented himself to
Liars and Fact
CALING people liars in print requires
not only intestinal fortitude but also a
moderate amount of fact to substantiate
one's charges.
"Absolutely false" was my statement that
the Southern delegates threatened to walk
out of the Chicago Conference according
to Jack Gore. George Shepard, another
Michigan observer, has repudiated Gore's
charge, maintaining to me that "There was
a conflict between the Northern and South-
ern delegates at the conference in which the
Southerners threatened to walk out unless
the Northerners compromised on the racial
discrimination resolution."
Gore might also ask himself why we spent
more than three hours of intense discussion
in reaching a compromise which would
maintain the unity of the embryonic Na-
tional Student Organization in the face of
a threatened split.
His allegations about my statements re-
garding the International Union of Students
Ere more subtle and the issue considerably
more complex. The proposal which Gore
says was made by Martin McLaughlin was,
I maintain, definitely a compromise in the
Catholic viewpoint. For a factual picture
of the Catholic attitude regarding the IUS,
I recommend to Michigan students and Mr.
Gore, Mr. McLaughlin's article, "Student
Congress in Prague," published in the Dec.
14 issue of America, a Catholic weekly.
My "UN Complex" seems to have dictated
that I blow up only the disagreements of
the conference. Perhaps Gore is right. I
am a strong supporter of the National Stu-
dent Organization' and perhaps I could have
best furthered its interests by merely pre-
senting its "good points."
However, I have no ulterior motive in
selling Michigan students any particular
viewpoint, either how well the Catholics and
Communists got along at Chicago or the
I believe in presenting to the student
body the facts and the real issues involved
so that they can formulate their own opin-
ions. This, I have always been told, is the
way democracy is supposed to function.
Tom Walsh
WITH a well-chosen program performed
to satisfy the most exacting taste, Vladi-
mir Horowitz was welcomed again by an un-
usually enthusiastic Ann Arbor audience last
Establishing complete union and accord
with his audience at the very start, Mr.
Horowitz began his recital with the Sonata
in A major by Mozart. This popular favorite,
with its deceptive simplicity, was played with

take his oath of office, he swore to protect
and defend the Constitution of the United
States - not the Constitution of the State
of California. By implication at least, he
undertook to place the interests of all the
people of the United States above those of
any one state, including California. He was
not employed by California to come to Wash-
ington to huckster for the benefit of his
state, at the expense of the interests of all
of the people of the United States.
One would not expect Senator McCarran
to disqualify himself even in such cir-
cumstances. But with his legal back-
ground, one wonders why Senator Moore
does not refrain from taking a position
favorable to the oil interests of California,
on the ground that his own concern as
to oil has been such that he would take
no position that might be subject to mis-
From the very beginning, this whole fight
really has been over the rich oil of the Cali-
fornia Tidelands. It has been based upon
a misconception of the facts that have been
deliberately built up by former Attorney
General Robert W. Kenny of California,
with the active help and financial support
of the California oil interests. In his cam-
paign to grab these tidelands for his own
state, he has not scrupled to indulge in
flagrant misrepresentations. At that, no
one would question either the right or the
duty of the Attorney General of California
to safeguard andtprotect every legitimate
interest of his state, including its oil com-
panies, even against the United States it-
self. After all, he was serving .as the at-
torney of his state. He was not an officer
of the United States as is Senator Knowland.
By the expenditure of a good deal of
money, most of it furnished by interested
oil companies, which of itself was a high
impropriety, Mr. Kenny put on a ,lively
and insinuating campaign to persuade 45
other attorneys-general that the suit filed
by the Federal Government to determine
whether the coastal states or the United
States have legal title to these oil-bearing
tide-lands involves important questions of
the ownership of coastal and navigable wa-
ters, including rivers, throughout the Unit-
ed States.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
SMOKED out by a story in the Washington
Times-Herald, General Dwight D. Eisen-
hower twice denied that he entertained
presidential aspirations. The capital paper
had reported an alleged remark by General
Ike that he might accept the nomination
"if the people ofthe country want me to
run." In Florida (undergoing treatment for
bursitis) Eisenhower first replied: "I never
said anything of the kind. A man with no
party affiliations could not even discuss
running for President . . ." On second
thought, Eisenhower held a press conference
to add: "From the beginning of the war
whenever there was mentioned the possi-
bility of a future political career for me
I have instantly refused to consider such
a contingency . . . Mention of my name
with politics is not good for the great or-
ganization I command. I am a soldier, and
it is my duty to command the Army. The
Army is definitely nonpartisan and na-
tional in character ,.."
-New Republic
COMPETITION is now open to editorial
columnists, music, book and record
reviewers who wish to write for The
Daily this spring.
Articulate students representing every
shade of opinion are urged to submit
sample columns.
Opinions of columnists will be judged
on the criteria of clear-thinking and
eloquence. They will not be selected to
represent the personal views of The Daily
staff or editors. From those samples
submitted which are satisfactorily writ-
ten, columnists will be selected to repre-
sent more than one major section of
campus opinion.

THIS IS the year in which the plain Amer-
ican is being rediscovered. The movie
industry is rediscovering him, for example;
the recent anniversary issue of "Variety"
was loaded with articles about how the
plain American is now shopping around for
his entertainment. He can no longer be
depended on to stand facelessly and do-
cilely in line for hours, and pay big money,
to see anything that happens to be on film.
In extreme cases, when he does not like
what is being offered, the stubborn fellow
sometimes goes home withdut seeing any-
thing, a fate whichr during the war years
would have seered to him worse than death.
And in New York a great undercover
drama goes on, as retail buyers from over
the country fight it out with manufacturers
on the question of prices. Makers of cloth-
ing and other "soft" goods are trying to
keep their prices up, or even to increase
them, on the reasonable plea that their
costs are up. But buyers are replying with
a universal "Nnnnh! Nnnnh "
At this point, one suddenly begins to
wonder whether the effects of this redis -
covery of the plain American are going to
show up in politics as well1as in business.
The thought comes, that maybe life has been
as extraordinarily easy for Congressmen
during these last three or four years as it
has been for movie directors, and for the
sellers of goods. It was only last summer
that certain Republican and conservative
Democratic Congressmen thought nothing
of saying: "Let prices take their course up-
ward! The consumer does not mind spend-
ing a few more pennies!" You couldn't sell
that line of goods this year any more than
you can sell bad steaks now at $1.50 the
To take just one example, the aforemen-
tioned retail buyers, now crowding New
York, have discovered the paragraph of Mr.
Truman's economic message in which he
declared that people need lower prices in
order to conserve their buying power; they
are carrying that paragraph around with
them, showing it to manufacturers, and
quoting it as devoutly as if Mr. Truman were
a Republican. Just this little bit of being on
the side of plain America has (in this par-
ticular, funny kind of year) given Mr. Tru-
man a slight up,
But it may be, as the purchasing power
issue develops, that Congressmen pushing
such ideas as the straight 20 per cent in-
come tax cut (which means so much more
in the higher brackets than in low) may
find the proposal becoming unpopular, and
hot. Even antagonism to unions may be-
come less politic, if the consuming public
begin to link the issue with purchasing
power. These items may suddenly become
as hard to move as suspect mink coats at
$3,000, and dubious wines at high prices.
It would not be at all surprising, but nat-
ural, if, along about May, Congressmen were
suddenly to turn to each other, like the
movie producers, and to say, with a kind
.of wild sadness, that the good easy years
are over.
(Copyright, 197, N.Y Post Syndicate)

Publcation in The Day Official
Buletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publieation (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVH, No. 85
Members of the-Faculty: Mr. R.
McAlester Lloyd, President of the
Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association, will be on the campus
on Tuesday, January 21. Mr. Lloyd
will be in Rm. 1011, Angell Hall.
at 3:00 o'clock, for consultation
with members of the faculty who
wish to discuss with him questions
regarding their insurance or re-
tirement plans,
Alexander G. Ruthven
To All Veterans: Every veteran
enrolled at the University of Mich-
igan must file a Certification of
Absences for the Fall Semester,
1946, so that the Veterans Admin-
istration may have adequate basis
for paying subsistence and grant-
ing leave in the proper amount
when requested by the student.
Certification blanks will be avail-
able from. 8:30 a.m. to noon and
from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. today,
Friday, Monday and Tuesday and
from 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturday.
Veterans should report to their re-
spective colleges at the following
places and should leave their
blanks at their college office:
Literature; Science, and Arts,
Hall of University Hall; Engineer-
ing, 255 W. Engineering; Gradu-
ate, Graduate School Office;
Law, Available with Registration
Material; Architecture and Design,
207 Architecture Bldg.; Pharmacy,
250 Chemistry; Business Adminis-
tration, 108 Tappan; Dentistry,
Secretary's Office Dentistry Build-
ing; Education, 1433 University
Elementary School; Forestry and
Conservation, 2045 Natural Sci-
ence; Music, 101 School of Music;
Nursing, 2036 University Hospital;
Public Health, Information Desk,
School of Public Health; Medicine,
123 W. Medical.
Alexander G. Ruthven
Student Tea: President and
Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to
students on Wednesday afternoon,
February 12, from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Action of the Administrative
Board, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: A student in
the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts has been suspended
because she was found guilty of
having signed a library slip with a
fictitious name.
General Library Hours: From
Friday, Jan. 31, to Mon., Feb. 10,
the General Library will be open
on week-days from 8 a.m. to 6
p.m. It will be closed on Sundays.
In general, Divisional Libraries
will be open on short schedules,
i.e. 10-12 and 2-4 daily.
Exceptions are: the East and
West Engineering Libraries which
will be open from 9-12 and 2-5
Automobile Regulation, be-
tween semesters: The following
schedule will govern the lifting of
the Automobile Regulation for
students in the various schools
and colleges of the University. Ex-
ceptions will not be made for in-
dividuals who complete their work
in advance of the last day of class
examinations, and all students en-
rolled in the following depart-
ments will be required to adhere
strictly to this schedule. The
regulation will go back into ef-
fect at 8 a.m. Monday, February
10, the first day of the spring se-

College of Literature, Science
and the Arts:
All classes, 5 p.m., Fri., Jan. 31.
College of Engineering:
All classes, 5 p.m., Fri., Jan. 31.
Law School:
Freshman class, 6 p.m., Thurs.,
Jan. 30;
Junior class, 11:30 a.m., Fri.,
Jan. 31;
Senior class, 4:30 p.m., Tues.,
Jan. 28.
Medical School:
Sophomore class, 12 noon, Fri.,
Jan. 31;
All other classes, 5 p.m., Fri.,
Jan. 31.
College of Architecture and De-
All classes, 5 p.m., Fri., Jan. 31.
School of Forestry and Conser-
All classes, 12 noon, Thurs., Jan.
School of Music:
All classes, 5 p.m., Fri., Jan. 31.
College of Pharmacy:
All classes, 5 p.m., Fri., Jan. 31.
Graduate School:
All classes, 5 p.m., Fri., Jan. 31.

School of Public Health:
All classes, 5 p.m., Fri., Jan. 31.
School of Dentistry:
Freshman class, 5 p.m., Wed.,
Jan, 29;
Sophomore class, 12 noon, Fri,
Jan. 31:
Junior Class, 10 a.m., Mon., Feb.
Senior class, 12 noon, Fri,., Jan.
Hygienists, First Year, 12 noon,
Tues., Jan. 28;
Hygienists, Second Year, 5 p.m.,
Fri., Jan. 31.
School of Education:
All classes, 5 p.m., Fri., Jan. 31.
Office of the Dean of Students
All Students: It is essential that
registration and classification be
completed according to the pub-
lished alphabetical groupings. Do
not come to the gymnasium be-
fore your scheduled time for regis-
tration. Each alphabetical group
will 'be admitted during the time
scheduled for that group. Be on
College of Engineering Regis-
tration Material: Students en-
rolled in the current term should
call for Spring term registration
material at Ri. 244, W. Engineer-
ing Bldg., beginning Tuesday, Jan.
21, from 9 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to
4:30 p.m.
Registration Material: School of
Forestry. Students may obtain
registration materials January 27
in Rm. 2048 Natural Science,
Registration Material: College
of Architecture. Students may ob-
tain registration materials from
their counselors February 4.
School of Business Administra-
tion-Transfer students who have
been admitted on a provisional
basis for the spring semester must
secure a permit to register from
Assistant Dean Taggert sometime
between the completion of final
examinations and classification
Attention February Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Health--students are advised not
to request grades of I or X in Feb-
ruary. When such grades are ab-
solutely imperative, the work must
be made up in time to allow your
instructor to report the make up
grade not later than 4 p.m., Feb.
6. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's gradua-
tion until a later deate.
To Directors and Presidents of
Women's Residences:
Women's Hours for J-Hop
Week--End (Please Post)
1. Girls attending the J-Hop
dances have 2:30 a.m. permission
on February 7 and 8.
If. Girls attending approved
breakfast parties have 4 a.m. per-
missign on February 7 and 8.
111. The regular week-end rules
are in force for all other parties on
February 7 and 8 except those ar-
ranged by the J-Hop Committee
and approved by the Dean of Stu-
IV. Overnight permission to at-
tend house parties: Fraternities
are asked to submit to the Office of
the Dean of Women official lists
of the girls who have accepted in-
vitations to their house parties.
House directors may grant over-
night permission to these girls
after checking the fraternity list
in the Office of the Dean of Wom-
Office of the Dean of Women
Men Graduating in February:
Mr. Bjarklund of Sears Roebuck
and Company will be at the Bu-
reau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall, Tuesday, Jan. 21, to inter-

view men who are interested in
training for store managers, mer-
chandising, accounting, and engi-
neers to train for purchasing. Call
extension 371 for an appointment.
Students graduating in Febru-
ary who have employments lists
at the Bureau of Appointments
are reminded to pick them up be-
fore they leave school. Students
who have not yet taken jobs are
invited to come in and look over
our calls. 201 Mason Hall.
Male Students: The Employers
Mutual Liability Insurance Com-
pany of Wisconsin has several po-
sitions available for safety engi-
neers throughout the country.
They will receive training while on
the job, or be enrolled in home
office training course. Any men
who are interested may contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall, for further inforzma-
Seniors who wish to be eligible
to contract to teach the modern
foreign languages in the registered

EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the
editor will be printed unless signed
and written in good taste. Letters
over 300 words in length will be
shortened or omitted; in special in-
stances, they will be printed, at the
disc etion of the editorial director.
To the Editor:
IN your issue of Jan. 16, Profes-
sor Arthur S. Aiton maligns me
with cynical composure: 1) by
saying that I made an attack on
the Catholic Church. I simply
made a statement of fact- which
Professor Aiton does not refute:
2) by suggesting or implying that
I am a Communist or pro-Com.-
munist, which I am not. This is
the typical charge made by all
Fascists, es5ecia'lly broven mur-
derers like Hitler and Mussolini
who fought against "Commun-
ism"; 3) by condemning me for
what the Ann Arbor News claimed
that Professor Aiton had said to
the Knights of Columbus.
My point, and only point, was
and is that Professor Aiton men-
tioned only the facts favorable to
murderer Franco .. .
For a person who is "not pro-
Franeo," Professor Aiton gives
only pro-Franco "facts" too often
not to be pro-Franco.
F. Sanchez y Esribano
Secondary School of New York
State are notified that the re-
quired examination in French,
Spanish, German and Italian will
be given here on February 14.
Those who wish to take this ex-
amination should notify Professor
Pargment (100 RL) not later than
January 28. No other opportunity
to qualify will be offered until
August 1947, when Summer School
attendance is a prerequisite for
admission to the examination.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Wil-
liam Donald Knight, Economics;
thesis: "Subsidization of Industry
in Forty Selected Cities in Wiscon-
sin 1930-1946," Saturday, Jan. 18,
at 9 a.m., 105 Economics Bldg.
Chairman, L. L. Watkins.
Qualified seniors and graduate
students interested in taking 194,
Reading Course in Latin-Ameri-
can Studies, please leave names,
at once, at 112 Romance Lan-
English 228-Psychology and
Analysis of Literature: In the
Time Schedule, the hour and room
assignment is wrong on page 16.
The assignment under Psychology
on page 36 is correct.
English 1-Final Examination
Wed., ,Jan. 22 2-5 p.m.
Amend, B Haven; Bacon, B Hav-
en; Bingley, B Haven; M. Brad-
shaw 4203 AH; Burd, 2225 AH;
Calver,201 UH; Carlson, 1018 A;
Crockett, 202 Ec; Cummins, 205'
Dewey, 205 MH; Duvall, 205'
MH; Fleming, 1035 AH; Hawkins,
2235 AH; Hirsh, 25 AH; Howard,
1025 AH; Karsten, 1025 AH; Kelly,
25 AH; Kert, 25 AH; LaDue, 101
Ec; Lean, 18 AH; Madden, 1007
AH; Maliche, B Haven; McClen-
nen, 1025 AH; McKean, C Haven;y
McLarty, D Haven; Merriman, D.
Haven; Moon, 1018 AH; Muehl,
206 UH; Norton, 2029 AH; O'Don-
ohoe, 101 Ec;
Perkins, 2003 AH; Phillips, 4208
AH; Plhmer, 2203 AH; Puglisi,
1025 AH; D. Riepe, 3209 AH; P.1
Riepe, 215 Ec; Randall, 2082 NS;
Rock, 101 Ec.; J. Shedd, 1035 A;
Sparrow, 2219 AH; Stacy, 2003
NS; Stevenson, 3116 NS; Stocking,
207 Ec; Swarthout, 102 Ec; Tag-
gart, 2013 AH; Thornbury, 229 AH;
Waggener, 3011 AH; C. Weaver, C

Haven; Wells, 2225 AH; Whan,
2054 NS; Wolfinger, 203 UH;
Wunsch, 104 Ec.
English 2-Final Examination
Wed., Jan. 22, 2-5 p.m.
Allen, NS Aud; Ioys, NS Aud;
J. Bradshaw, NS Aud; J. Culbert,
NS Aud; T. Culbert, 3017 AH; Ed-
wards, NS Aud; Engel, G. Haven;
Everett, 3011 AH; Gram. NS Aud;
Johnston, E Haven; Jones 1121
NS; Murry, NS Aud; Needham,
2231 AH; Park, NS Auditorium;
Perkins, 2003 AH; Rich, 225
AH;Savage, 2231 AH; R. -Shedd.
W. Gallery, AMH; E. Stan-
lis, 4003 AH; P. Stanlis, W Gal-
lery, AMH; Swift, W Gallery,
AMH; Wolfson, W Gallery, AMH.
English 85 final examination
will be in 2014 AH, Thursday p.m.,
January 30.
._ .t
English 149 final examinationT
will be in 2014 AH, Monday p.m.,
(Continued on Page 4)



Letters to the Editor.
- _r~ -rn n~l.

Insecure Rass .
To the Editor:
THE editorial by Ken Herring
tn The Daily of Jan. 16 latud
the Republican plan to reduce
taxes 20 per cent "across the
board" on a very insecure basis,
it seems to me. He correctly states
that such a move will benefit those
earning $10,000 or more each year,
but avoids discussing the infla-
tionary pressures such a tax cut
would bring.
Interest rates, always a good
indicator of the availbilityo
money, are very low, and intfa-
tionary forces have never been
greater than today. Yet Mr. ter-
ring fears impairment of "the in-
centive to invest and take risk."
Although General Motors Corpor-
ation lost heavily in its first year
of postwar operation, a recent GM
stock issue was oversubscribed on
its first day of sale. Banks are
filled to bursting with money
available for legitimate business
ventures, and much private cp-
ital.goes begging for want of a
sound investment.
Certainly the present .levl of
taxes must eventually be reduced,
but more foresighted policy would
call for such a reduction only
when present abnormal conditions
begin to taper off. The only peo-
ple who are really squeezed by
present day price and tax levels
are the "little people" who make
$2,000 to $3,000 per year. They
have been priced out of the mar-
ket on many items, and an ap-
preciable tax cut for this por-
tion of our people would be more
helpful in maintaining a healthy
level of purchasing power.
I fear the "good old American
tradition," for it has always been
a tradition of boom and bust. In-
vestment capital is plentiful today
and people earning over $10,000
per year are still able to enjoy
all the necessities and many of
the luxuries of life. A tax cut
such as is proposed would only
bring us closer to the "bust." Can't
we have a "new American tradi-
ion," rather than the time-hon-
ored path to depression?
-Stanford Abramovitz
On Daily Editorial .
To the Editor:
editors of The Daily on ex-
posing Mr. Shockley, who was
elected to the Board in Control
of Student Publications on a plat-
form of misconceptions and san-
-Phil Licht
VA Again .
To the Editor:
WELL it looks as if the Veter-
ans Administration has done
it again. Not content with being
so fouled up in its own red tape
so that veterans get their sub-
sistence checks about once every
four or five months, it now has
a new way to make life compli-
So we have to stand in line
and fill out some more forms, eh?
This time so the mental giants in
Washington can make sure the
ex-GI's (who have been literally
dying to get back to the USA and
finish their education) won't cut
too many classes.
If it is the aim of the VA to
make getting an education under
the GI Bill so difficult, so com-
plicated and so fraught with the
filling out of petty forms for this,
that and the other thing, the ad-
ministrative experts certainly are
succeeding admirably.
--Thomas Edwin -Noonan



At the State .. .
THE J OaL S ON STORY (Columbia),
Larry Parks, Evelyn Keyes.
AS A MUSICAL The Jolson Story is pretty
good stuff. When there's singing and
dancing and general cavorting about, one
can sit back and enjoy one's self. When
one is asked to' concentrate on the plot,
however, enjoyment dwindles and some-
thing closely akin to boredom sets in. Can
it be that all musicians and singers lead
the same life? According to Hollywood
standards they all seem to climb to success,
snatch a few moments of blissful romance,
taste the bitterness of blighted love, and re-
turn to their field of genius. Fortunately,
the music overshadows the story in this,
leaving it on the credit side of the ledger.
Larry Parks is nothing short of terrific in
his mimicking of Jolson. He's so good he's
probably shot his career on this one part.
At the Michigan ..
SCANDAL IN PARIS (Pressburger),
George Sanders, Signe Hasso, Carol Landis.
THIS IS a peculiar concoction concerning
a charming thief who eventually (sad
but true) turns detective out of love for
the police commissioner's daughter. The
scene is laid in ;prance about 1800. I use
the adjective peculiar because the picture
seems to consist of a series of fine acting
jobs (Sanders and Gene Lockhart) and in-
teresting situations. The series is more or
less unconnected; everyone seems to be
moving in his or her own little world, the
situations pop up only now and then. This
sort of thing may interest you.
-Joan Fiske


Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Pubilcations.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey ............City Editor
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Direetor
Mary Brush ,..........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor
Paul Marsha,.........Associate Editor
Clark Baker.............Sports Editor
Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wiilly ........... Women's Editor
Lynne Ford .Asociate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ....Busnes Manager
Evelyn Mitts
A ffl~~af . ab t-slts


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