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January 18, 1947 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-18

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.4ft 'iz'"n




See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State





From Office in Capitol;
Big Four Draft Treaties

New 'Capitol'
Established In
Incumbent Decries
'Storm Troop' Force
By The Associated Press
ATLANTA, Jan. 17-Ellis Arnal
lost his temporary offices in the
statehouse rotunda today as riva
governor claimant Herman Tal-
madge took charge and Arnal
promptly set up a capitol of his
own in a downtown office build-
Arnall was barred from his ro-
tunda office, established yester-
day after Talmadge seized control
of the executive offices which Ar-
nall had occupied for the past four
years, by a Talmadge lieutenant
when he showed up for work this
Called It 'Military Coup d'etat'
Reiterating his claims that he
is the "legal governor" and that he
was ousted from the statehouse by
a "military coup d'etat," the 39-
year-old Arnall said he would
function from the business section
office building "until the courts
remove the pretender who by force
and storm troopers" denied him a
desk at the capitol.
Talmadge, 33, a former lieuten-
ant commander in the Navy, made
no comment on Arnall's charges at
a news conference but asserted
"everything is quiet." He said
earlier that four state troopers
Were assigned to Arnall on his
capitol visit today because "the
temper of the people is such any-.
thing might happen."
Arnall Speaks Over the Radio
Arnall in a radio address urged
the people of Georgia to -discuss
the gubernatorial issue with legis-
lators who elected Talmadge early
Wednesday, declaring that they
had "been robbed of their rights."
"Free elections by the people will
be done away with unless you fight
for your rights," he said.
Hisses and Cheers
Hisses and cheers echoed
through the corridors when Ar-
nall, speaking to the crowd that
surrounded him, declared he was
moving downtown "to function as
chief executive" in order "not to
discredit the people of Georgia and
to create a disturbance."
BConcert Band,
Choir To Give
Recital Today
The Annual Mid-winter Con-
cert of the University Concert
Band and the University Choir
will be given at 8:30 p.m. today at
Hill Auditorium..
Assistant conductor of the na-
tionally-known Goldman Band, of
New York City, Franko Goldman,
will make a special appearance as
guest conductor. The Michigan
Band will be under the direction
of William D. Revelli, and Hardin
Van Deursen will lead the choir.
The program will include "Two
Dances," by Edward Haines, fac-
ulty member of the music school,
"Italian Sketches" by Gallois. The
choir will sing Thompson's
"Peaceable Kingdom." The con-
cert is open to the public.
The University All State Chor-
us under the direction of Harry R.
Wilson, of Columbia University's
Teacher's College and Margaret V.
Hood, regular director of the
chorus, will highlight today's pro-
gram of the Second Annual Mid-
western Conference with a re-
hearsal session of 1947 festival

Those attending the conference,
which opened here yesterday, will
also hear a reading of 1947 State
Festival Music by the University
All State High School Band, di-
rected by guest conductor, Dale C.
Januar Techmic
Offers Final Sale

* * -*

-Ellis Arnall, who was dispos-
sessed from the executive cham-
bers in the state capital in At-
lanta, Ga., by gubernatorial
clhmant Herman Talmadge.
Lfarger Cities
In State Have
Manager Plan,
Local Application of
System Being Studied
Over 50 per cent of larger Michi-
gan cities are now operating under
the city manager plan which is
being studied for possible adop-
tion in Ann Arbor, according to
figures of the Michigan Municipal
It was disclosed this week that
a three-man citizens' committee,
composed of Common Council
President Cecil Creal, University
Political Science Prof. Joseph Kal-
lenbach, and long-time local at-
torney Franklin Forsythe, is study-
.LIg the feasibility of such a plan
for Ann Arbor. The committee is
also surveying a proposal to make
local elections non-partisan.
According to the Municipal
League, a non-partisan group em-
ployed to give technical advice to
cities in the state, Ann Arbor is
the only city in Michigan which
still holds local elections on a par-
tisan basis.
A League publication urges that
civic elections be decided on a lo-
cal non-partisan basis, rather than
on national issues. Pointing to the
fact that the majority of Michi-
gan's larger cities are now run un-
der the manager, non-partisan'
5lan, a League spokesman said
that the proposed system can no
longer be considered experimen-
When asked by The Daily how
the proposed change in city gov-
ernment could be effected here,
William Laird, city attorney, said
that an extensive number of
amendments to the charter wouldl
be necessary.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 -(/P)~-
A majority of the Senate Labor
Committee lined up today to re-
sist any outright ban on the closed
The five Democratic members,
joined by at least two Republicans,
expressed themselves against a
fiat prohibition of closed shop con-
tracts. Seven is a majority,

'Byrnes Plans
To ign Four
Of Five Pacts
To End Duties Prior
To Marshall Entry
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON,, Jan. 17-The
Big Four Foreign Ministers Coun-
ci reported today that the peace
treaties for Italy, Bulgaria, Fin-
land, Hungary and Rumania have
been finally completed and are
now ready for signing.
Secretary of State Byrnes is
scheduled to sign all except the
Finnish treaty Monday morning,
probably his last official act be-
fore turning over the conduct of
foreign affairs to his successor,
Gen. George C. Marshall.
Marshall's Arrival
Plans for General Marshall's ar-
rival here from Hawaii, where he
has been resting after 13 months
in China, have not yet been an-
nounced, but most officials ex-
pect that he will come in this week
end and will probably be sworn
in as Secretary immediately after
Byrnes signs the peace treaties.
Byrnes will not sign the Fin-
nish treaty because the United
States was not at war with Fin-
After the signing here, the
treaties will be forwarded to the
other great power capitals with
the expectation that British For-
eign Minister Bevin will sign in
London and Soviet Foregn Minis-
ter Molotov in Moscow. The treat-
ies will then go to Paris where
they are to be signed by all the
Allied and associated powers (with
Ambassador Jefferson Caffery, re-
presenting the United States) and
by the former enemy states on
February 10.
Pack Says VA.
To Consider
Cash Pay Plan
LANSING, Jan. 17-(I)-A pro-
posal of the Michigan Office of
Veterans' Affairs that student vet-
erans be paid their GI Bill bene-
fits monthly in cash will be "con-
sidered seriously" by the Veterans'
Administration, Col. Philip C.
Pack, State OVA Director, said to-
(This proposal was first ad-
vanced in an editorial in The
Daily on Nov. 17, 1946, and a copy
was sent to the VA. Subsequently
the University and Willow Run
chapters of the AVC adopted the
plan and forwarded it to the AVCG
national legislative representative
in Washington.t
(On Jan. 6 Col, Pack endorsedl
the plan in a telegram to Gen
Bradley. The following day, the
AVC announced from Washington
that it had urged the VA to adopt
the proposals.)t
Pack said he had been informed t
by General Omar N. Bradley, Vet-c
erans' Administrator, that theI
Treasury Department had agreed
to send a representative with offi-
cials of the Veterans Administra-
tion to "observe the procedures,l
and make recommendationsdas to
required changes."
Pack said he had been assured
by Senator Arthur Vandenberg
(Rep., Mich.), that he would "take
immediate steps to see that the
Michigan plan is adopted."
The plan is designed to speed up
payments of GI bill benefits by e
having a disbursing officer on each s
campus to issue the monthly al- r
lotment. I

One Head
To Contro
Will Hold Sin gl(
By The Associated Press
administration plan for unifyin
the armed services provides for,
single cabinet officer, it develope
today, to act in effect as an umn
pire over self-operating Army
Navy and Air Forces.
No activity carried on now by
the separate services would be
"automatically cancelled by the
plan," explained Vice-Adm. For-
rest P. Sherman, Deputy Chief
of Naval Operations.
The way would be opened fo
one service to use another's facili
ties-duplicate Army and Nav:
airfields in the same locality, fo
example, might be eliminated-
and the proposed new Secretary o:
National Defense would have com
plete authority to decide.
Officials who explained the pro-
posal at a White House news con-
ference said no estimate had beer
made of expected savings but de-
clared there would be economies
"in the long run" as a result 01
greater efficiency. There was nc
suggestion that the $11,200,000,-
000 budgeted for the armed forces
in the fiscal year starting July 1
could be trimmed.
Charles G. Ross, presidential
press secretary who presided at
the conference, said the plan
contemplates that only the Sec-
retary of Defense will be a regu-
lar cabinet member, although
the Army, Navy and Air Force
will constitute individual "de-
partments" and the head of
each will be called a "secre-
Chairman Gurney (Rep., S.D.)
)f the Senate Armed Forces Com-
mittee reiterated his view, ex-
pressed last night when the Army-
avy agreement was made public,
that the matter of cabinet status
or the three secretaries "is a ques-
ion that Congres must decide."
The news conference, in the
White House room where motion
>ictures are shown, opened with
rief statements from Secretary of
Nar Patterson, Secretary of the
1avy Forrestal, Gen. Dwight D.
isenhower, Army Chief of Staf-f,
nd Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, Chief
f Naval Operations.
All reiterated the full support
f the plan which Patterson and
orrestal pledged in a letter to
resident Truman yesterday.
fax Freezing
Bill approved
House Group Agrees
'o Maintain Excises
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17--4/P)--
,egislation freezing indefinitely
he high wartime excises on liq-
ors, furs, jewelry, theatres, trans-
ortation and many other goods
rid services was approved unani-~
ously today by the House Ways
,nd Means Committee,
The bill would continue the liq-
or tax at $9 a proof gallon, pr-
enting an automatic drop to $6
n July 1.
Simultane ously, Chairman
:nutson (Rep.-Minn.) announced

bill will be introduced to make
ermanent the war increases in
ostal rates. This would hold the
ocal mailing cost at 3 cents, in-
tead of letting it drop back to 2
Ensian Subscriptions
Ir Sale (t Registration
'Ensian subscriptions and copies
I the Student Directory will be
old at Waterman Gym during
egistration according to Mary
ookus, 'Ensian business manager.

Repeal Unused Appropriations
V v mmPlea Follows

Truman Asks Further Cutback




J-HOP DECORATIONS SET--Committee members sign a contract with Marvin Johnson, vice-presi-
dent of the Detroit decorations firm which will furnish over $3,000 worth of atmosphere for the 1947
J-Hop. Left to right: Johnson, Chuck Lewis, building chairman; Nancy Holt, decorations chairman;
Assistant Dean of Students Walter B. Rea; and Dennis Youngblood, J-Hop chairman.
* * *'A'


J-Hop Breakfast Ticket Sales
To Continue During Exams

Grads Double
Pre=war Rate

Tickets for the J-Hop break-
fasts will be on sale at the Union
and League until the end of the
final examination period.
A total of 500 couples will be
served from 1 to 3:30 a.m. each
night of the J-Hop. Breakfast
tickets cost $1.50 per couple and
purchasers must present their
J-Hop tickets in order to buy them.
Saturday Tickets Sold Out
All J-Hop dance tickets have
been sold for Saturday night, but
there are a few remaining for Fri-
day which may be obtained by call-
ing Nancy Neumann. No J-Hop
tickets or breakfast tickets will be
sold at the door the night of the
Women students attending ap-
proved breakfast parties after the
J-Hop will have 4 a.m. permission,
while those attending only the
dance will have 2:30 a.m. permis-
sion. Regular weekend closing
hour rules will be in force for all
other parties except those arranged
by the J-Hop committee and ap-
proved by the Dean of. Students.
J-Hop Daily
The Chicago Tribune will fea-'
ture four pages of pictures taken
at the J-Hop in its college roto-
gravure section. The Daily will
publish a special J-Hop issue con-
taining pictures and names of
As a part of the J-Hop weekend,
the Union will sponsor an after-
noon tea dance from 3 to 5 p.m.,
Saturday, .Feb. 8, in the ballroom.
Couples will dance to recorded
music but aneffort is being made
to have some of the Union band
World News
CINCINNATI, Jan. 17-(/)-
Maintenance of our postwar Navy
at its current strength and sup-
port of a large naval reserve was
recommended tonight by Fleet
Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr.,
"to guarantee a sound, fair and
lasting peace."
--The Federal Reserve Board,
easing a year-old ban, late to-
day authorized extension of
credit up to 25 per cent for buy-
ing or carrying stocks and bonds,
effective Feb. 1. A "100 per cent
margin'"-meaning full cash
payment-has been required
since Jan, 21 last year.
BERLIN, Jan. 17-(/P)-United
States and British officials said
tonight they expected to issue a
directive to the German people in
their zones in a few days which
would set the level of German in-

members play at the afternoon af-
J-Hop invitations have been sent
out to chaperones and patrons.
Conduct rules are being sent to or-
ganizations which have rented
booths at the Hop.
Seven Killed
As Split Rail
Wrecks Train
BAKERSFIELD, Calif., Jan. 17
---')-A broken rail sent five cars
of the Southern Pacific Owl, San
Francisco-Los Angeles passenger
train, careening into the ditch 12
miles northwest of here early to-
day, killing seven persons and in-
juring scores.
Coroner Norman Houze said it
is unlikely there are any more
bodies in the wreckage. The rail-
road placed the number of in-
jured at 71 and said only a few of
those were seriously hurt.
Three of the dead were not iden-
tified. The known fatalities:
James Leroy Hall, Kansas City,
Bessie Diles, Richmond, Calif.
Pvt. Joseph Bernavich, 18,
Richmond, Calif.
Mrs. Erma Duvall, Beaumont,
Highway patrolman Jack Bor-
deau credited two soldiers-Mar-
vin Stansberry, Moulton, Iowa, and
Orvis Humphrey, Kidder, Mo., with
heroism in rescuing passengers.
Bordeau said the two men, them-
selves hurt, smashed in windows
and broke down doors of the over-
turned cars and dragged many
passengers to safety
Perspectives To
Appear Tomorrow
The current year's second issue
of Perspectives, campus literary
magazine, will be presented as a
supplement to tomorrow's edition
of The Daily.
The issue will feature an essay
by Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, State
Superintendant of Public Instruc-
tion, and fiction, poetry, essay and
book reviews by both undergrad-
uate and graduate student writers.

Literary School Tops
Winter List with 295
Candidates for graduation at
the close of this semester number
1,010, more than twice the pre-
war average of winter graduates,
Mrs. Lou Ransom, diplona clerk,
announced yesterday.
The literary college heads the
list with 295 candidates. Two hun-
dred students in master and doc-
toral programs in the graduate.
school also expect diplomas. Other
schools and colleges , rank as fol-
lows: engineering, 167; forestry,
100; business administration, 94;
law, 50; music, 30; education, 24;
architecture and design, 20; music,
20; and pharmacology, 1.
Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant
to the president, explained that
there will be no winter commence-
ment exercises this year since the
University has returned to its pre-
war calendar. The winter com-
mencement was "primarily and en-
tirely a war measure," he said.
Mrs. Ransom said that because
her office's heavy registration
duties will start only four days
after the end of this semester,
mailing of diplomas will probably
not be completed until the middle
of March.
Food Prices
Drop iaMost
Parts of Ntont
Further drops in food prices cheer-
ed housewives in most sections of
the nation today.
Butter again headed the list,
falling as low as 65 cents a pound
in New York compared with the
$1-a-pound peak for the golden
commodity last winter. OPA's olda
ceiling price was 67 cents a pound.c
In Washington, government of-
ficials forecast a fairly general
reduction in the price of milk by
Feb. 1. Cuts of about one cent a1
quart at retail were ordered to-
day for five northeastern areas. 1

Taber's a
For Account
$563,888,579 Cut
Advised By Truman
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17-Presi-
dent Truman asked Congress to-
day to repeal appropriations of
$563,888,579, including $132,000,000
of spending authorizations.
Announcement of his request
followed by several days a demand
from Chairman Taber (Rep., N.Y.)
of the House Appropriations Com-
mittee for a detailed report on the
current status of all appropria-
tions for the fiscal year ending
Julie 30.
Taber said he believed "untold
millions" could be recaptured from
unspent funds.
A White House statement said
the $563,888,579 figure was in
addition to five previous recom-
mendations for reductions in
appropriations made but found
not to be needed, It said these
others, which included great
slashes in Army and Navy ap-
propriations, reduced the net au-
thorized federal program by
more than $64,000,000,000,
"The President's action," the
statement said, "is in accord with
objectives expressed by the Con-
gress-to maintain a continuous
review of unrequired appropria-
tion balances with a view to their
The main saving he asked is
$325,000,000 which was made avail-
able to the Maritime Commission
and is not now required because of
the liquidation of wartime ship
building programs.
Included in this is the $132,000,-
000 contractual authority given
the commission as well as the ap-
Four Navy items account for
the return of $119,000,000, In-
cluding $50,000,000 not needed
to meet contract termination
costs, $50,000,000 of war depart-
ment funds advanced to the
Navy for purchase of aircraft
materiel and ordnance, $15,000,
000 for public works, and $4,
000,000 for emergency ship fa-
cilities no longer required.
Mr. Truman also asked that
$40,000,000 be trimmed from funds
for the atomic energy commission,
which the commission reported will
hot be needed in the fiscal year
expiring June 30.
War Department savings rec-
ommended totalled $33,500,000. Of
this, $17,500,000 had been intend-
ed for construction of buildings
and utilities and equipment pur-
chases, $15,000,000 represented a
net gain to the government in in-
terest on guaranteed loans to war
contractors, and most of the bal-
ance was earmarked for defense
housing, seacoast defenses and
similar items.
'AAUP ,Group
To Meet Here
The Michigan chapter of the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors will meet at 0:15
p.m. Wednesday in the lunchroom
of the Faculty Club at the Union.
The program will include an
address by Provost James P.
Adams on "Academic Administra-
tion" and a discussion of the re-
sulting principles and their ap-
The annual election of the As-
sociation's Council will be held
again this year by mail. It is re-
quested that members study nom-

ready to assist in filling out the
chapter's ballots.
'The Truth' Presented
For Last Times Today
The final performances of "The

Chinese Solution Lies ' Middle Party

Examinations Now Cost More
As Bluebook Prices Increase

American must concentrate her
aid on the "little-known" middle
party of China, according to Prof.
Frank L. Huntley, of the English
"T is on the leaders of this narty

policy of fear and recrimination of
Russia one of mutual trust."
When this exists, the middle
party will secure for China the
democratic government which she

he Russian, American, British,
Dutch or French, he said, and sec-
ondly, it takes form against the
domination by one class of owners
against another class of peasants.

l l



going to cost more to take
this semester-bluebook

only bluebooks left over from last
spring have been "marked-up" so
that they will emal thie rnreQnt+


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