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January 16, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-16

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411 titAH



See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State


State Universities

Protest New


Education Rules
Pres. Ruthven Joins Administrators
In Hitting Vet Cost Computations
President Alexander G. Ruthven joined with the presidents of six
other state-supported colleges yesterday in designating Dr. Eugene B.
Elliott, state superintendent of public instruction, to protest new Vet-
erans Adminisration rulings on educational programs.
Charging that a new formula for determining GI benefits on the
basis of credit-houi's earned, rather than out-state tuition, favors
privately-owned colleges, the administrators asserted that the system
"is now almost as much a state-supported program as a federal one."
According to an Associated Press report, the presidents also ob-
jected to requirements that the colleges keep close account of veter-
ans' attendance and, in effect, flunk veterans who drop out of school
* 'during a term.
President Ruthven told The
LC Daily yesterday that the adminis-
Fal Absence strators hope to obtain a "clari-
fication" of the disputed rulings,
fi resulting in more adequate com-
R eports Today pensation for public-supported
Grades of Delinquent Vice-president Robert P. Briggs
Vets May Be Withheld said last night that the new for-
mula for determining charges
By STU FINLAYSON "does not recognize our true costs
The University's veterans will and results in lower fees than we
begin notifying the Veterans Ad- charge out-of-state students. Al-
ministration today how many though the University employs
classes they missed during the fall assistants such as graders and
semester, with the admonition of laboratory assistants so that pro-
University officials that "all vet- fessors can handle large classes, it
erans" must report even though can include only actual classroom
they have perfect attendance rec- teaching expenses as 'costs' un-
ords. der the new system," he explained.
Vice-President Robert P. Briggs Briggs Comments
warned yesterday that "veterans Commenting on the rulings re-
whose absences are not reported as garding attendance, Briggs said,
requested by the Veterans Admin- "We have never placed a great
istration will probably cause the deal of emphasis on classroom at-
VA to withhold payment of fees to tendance. The new ruling, how-
the University." sver, would require that we insti-
Leave Deductions ;ute an elaborate procedure to ob-
He added that veterans who do ain the necessary information.
not file absence reports "might not Yet under the new cost formula
be able to get grade reports from we would not be allowed to in-
the University." elude the expenses of this system
The number of days absence in determining benefits."
from class will be deducted from Elliott pointed out yesterday
the veterans' annual leave, accord- that the procedures for deter-
ing to a VA ruling.:. nining attendance "will have to be
Leave time under both PL 16 and applied to non-veteran students to
PL 346 (GI Bill) accrues at the avoid 'bookkeeping' difficulties."
rate of two and a half days per Out-State Tuition
month while the veteran is in In addition, Elliott said, the new
training but no more than 30 days policy tends to favor Wayne Uni-
leave can be taken at one time' versity, the four state normal col-
Robert S. Waldrop, director of the leges and the Michigan College of
Veterans Service Bureau said. Mining and Technology because
Leave is not forfeited during in- they had charged low out-state t-
terruptione mtaining peri o ition and to work adversely against
carriedorthe University and Michigan State
anoter. in school under the College because they charged
provisions of PL 16 may get an ad- higher rates.p
ditional 30 days of sick leave, but A new interpretation of the
GI Bill trainees will lose part of items allowed under the credit-
thew regular leave if they miss hour cost fprmula would aid the
classes because of sickness, Wal- University and Michigan State
drop said. College without injuring the first
The amount of leave taken by group, he said.
a veteran is deducted from his "The presidents," he said, "be-
total training time under both lieve the federal government
laws. should come closer to paying the
The regulation, only recently en- actual costs of educating the vet-
forced by thp VA, was set forth in erans."
a VA instruction sheet, dated June,
1945, Waldrop said. It provided
that all institutions training veter- As
ans under either PL 16 or PL 346
must furnish the VA with "ade-p
quate reports of conduct and
progress" of student veterans. The
VA will, investigate cases of un- DETROIT, Jan. 15-()-Edu-
satisfactory conduct and progress. cational institutions should be
Report Forms given highest priority on surplus
Veterans may pick up their ab- property as a means of meeting a
sence report forms from 8:30 a.m. serious lack in facilities for stu-
to 4:30p.m. today, tomorrow, Mon- dent veterans, delegates to the Na-
day and Tuesday and from 8:30 tional Conference on Veterans Ed-
a.m. to noon Saturday in the fol- ucation said today.
lowing places as designated by Representatives from 30 states
their respective colleges: participating in the conference
Literary college-hall of Uni- also suggested that government
versity Hall; engineering college- and educational agencies simplify
Rm. 225 W. Engineering Bldg.; their procedures for acquiring sur-

graduate school-graduate school plus property.
office; law school-available with Extension of adult education
registration material; architecture programs to patients in Veterans
college-Rm. 207 Architecture Administration hospitals was rec-
Bldg.; pharmacy college-Rm. 250 ommended, with "one specific pol-
Chemistry Bldg.; business admin- icy of accreditation" set up to
istration school-Rm. 108 Tappan cover all veteran patients.

A dop ion
Maniager System
To Be Surveyed
A move for the adoption of a
city manager type of government
and a non-partisan ballot in Ann
Arbor was revealed yesterday by
Cecil Creal, president of the Com-
mon Council.
A three-man citizens committee
including Creal, Prof. Joseph Kal-
lenbach of the political science de-
partment, and Franklin Forsythe,
long-time Ann Arbor attorney, is
studying details of the proposed
move. Making a comprehensive
survey of the city manager type of
government in other municipali-
ties, the committee will make re-
sults of their report public at a
later date.
Commenting on the proposed
move, Creal said that the job of
running Ann Arbor has grown to
"big business" proportions "It is
no longer a part-time job," he add-
ed. "With a full time expert on the
job, the taxpayers will be money
According to Creal, a Republi-
can, many qualified citizens would
be attracted to civic positions if
party lines were dropped, as is pro-
posed in the adoption of a non-
partisan ballot.
When asked his opinion of the
proposed plan for the adoption of
a city manager, Alderman Mark
Mayne went on record as opposing
the measure. "The caliber of the
men now serving on the city coun-
cil is exceptionally high, and the
council has been functioning ade-
quately," he told The Daily.
Alderman J. R. Frederick ex-
pressed approval of the suggestion,
pointing out that the Common
Council is now overburdened with
work. "-If a good man could be se-
cured for the job, council could
delegate much of its work to him,"
Frederick stated. He declined to
comment on the proposal to estab-
lish a non-partison ballot.
According to Prof. Kallenbach
the manner in which the pro-
posed changes could be effected
depend on the provisions of the
city charter. If the city manager
and non-partisan ballot could be
adopted through an ordinance,
Common Council could effect the
change. But if an amendment to
the charter was necessary, the
matter would have to be referred
to the voters, Kallenbach stated.
Re istration
Periods Set
Students Asked To
Observe Schedule
Students were requested
by Assistant Registrar Edward
G. Groesbeck yesterday not to ar-
rive for registration at the gym-
nasium before their scheduled
time, as all possible efforts will
be made to admit eachtalphabeti-
cal group of students at the prop-
er time,
Registration for the spring se-
nester will be held this year from
ti a.m. Wed., Feb. 5, through 1030
a.m. Sat., Feb. 8, at Waterman
Gymnasium, with classes being
resumed Mon., Feb. 10.
The policy of prohibiting late
registration will be continued for
all students except veterans who

were not in residence in the first
semester. No student will be ad-
mitted to registration before the
time he is scheduled.
Time schedules and registration
material are now available in Rm.
4, University Hall, for all stu-
dents in the literary, education
and music schools.
Students in the architecture
school may obtain time schedules
and registration material from
their counselors Tuesday, Feb. 4,
while the forestry school will dis-
tribute these materials Mon., Jan.






Governors' Fight Enters Courts

Britain, France

Will. Form Pact

Be within UN
Treaty Aims To Stop
German Aggression
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 15.-Prime Min-
ister Attlee's office announced to-
night that Britain and France had
agreed to a treaty of alliance.
'Within UN Charter'
The statement said an agree-
ment was reached, during the visit
of French Premier Leon Blum,
that the Anglo-French alliance.
"should be concluded at the earli-
est possible moment within the=
framework of Article 52 of the'
charter of the United Nations, and
with the object of preventing any
further aggression by Germany
and of preserving peace and se-
It also was agreed, the state-
ment said, that negotiations for
the alliance "should be opened as
soon as possible."
Mutual Understanding
"The two governments were fur-
thermore convinced that the con-
clusion of such a treaty would fa-
cilitate the settlement in a spirit
of mutual understanding of all
questions a r is in g between the
two countries," the announcement
The agency said the new Anglo-
French alliance would follow thosea
already existing between Britain
and Russia and between France
and Russia.a
J-Hop Theme
Will Feature
Paris Scene
With over $3,000 worth of deco-
rations, the Intramural Building
will be transformed into a gayd
Parisian boulevard for the 1947
Carrying out the "Gay Paris"
theme, the bandstands at each1
end of the dance floor will be dec-
orated as street cafes covered with
gaily colored awnings. Decora-
tions will include an Eiffel tower
and street lamps suspended from
a blue ceiling.
Organization Booths
Fraternities and other organi-
zations will have approximately 30
booths along three walls of the
dance floor, and the patrons'
booth will be between the en-
trances. The booths will be fur -
nished by the organizations rent-
ing them, and there will be an
awning of a different pastel color
over each booth.
The decoration committee,
headed by Nancy Holt, plans to
have trees between each booth and
on the bandstands.
Store To Display Model
Miniature models of the J-Hopt
dance floor, including the decora-t
tions and pipe-stem figures of7
dancers, will be displayed begin-t
ning tomorrow in the window of a
local book store.
All tickets for Saturday night
have been sold out, but there aref
a few left for Friday night. Thoser
wishing a ticket for Friday night
must contact Nancy Neuman orI
any central committeeman. Nor
breakfast tickets or J-Hop dancec
tickets will be sold at the door.

Sh...............Tw..e or a
:.:: :.:" .:: :: ::.Ch ief s Battle

For Power

DWINDLING MEAT SUPPLY IN LONDON-Customers wait as a London butcher looks over
his dwindling supply of meat and poultry, as strike of truck drivers halted supplies. Britain's
Labor Government and employer and union representatives hurriedly set up new negotiating
machinery in effort to end mushrooming series of strikes.

National News Roundup
Iy The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15-Senator Capehart (Rep.-Ind.) accused
a big CIO union today of conducting "a high pressure sales campaign"
in pushing suits for portal-to-portal pay.
Naming the union as the United Steel Workers, he said its
activities might be called racketee ing.
Capehart was urging a Senate Judiciary Committee to approve
legislation aimed at erasing liability 'or the bulk of more than $4,000,-
000,000 in back pay claims.
DETROIT, Jan. 15-Henry Ford II, president of the Ford
Motor Co., today announced price reductions ranging from $15
to $50 on current models of Ford passenger cars and said the
action was intended as "shock treatment" to halt "the insane
spiral of mounting costs and rising prices.,
* * * *
COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 15-A Franklin County grand jury today in-
dicted Robert H. Hemming, 42, on a charge of kidnapping in the NeW
Year's Day disappearance of Mary Virginia Kimberly, 20, Ohio State
University coed.
Hemming, an ex-convict and a former ward of two state mental
hospitals, also was indicted on six counts of issuing worthless checks.
NEW YORK, Jan. 15-Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt received notice
today from the State Bureau of Motor Vehicles that her driver's
license had been cincelled, her secretary, Miss Malvina Thompson,
said tonight.
The action was taken as a result of a three-car collision some
months ago. Mrs. Roosevelt's car swerved out into the path ofj
of oncoming cars on the Saw Mill River Parkway at' Yonkers, N.Y.
She said at a hearing the sun blinded her for an instant, causing
her to swerve.
T hni---o-B

London Truck
Strike Grows,
42,000 .idled
LONDON, Jan. 15. -(VP) - Lon-
don's 10-day old truck strike
spread among dock workers and
Thames lighter-men today and
prospects for an early settlement
At least 42,000 men were idle-
more than half of them in protest
against the use of troops to sup-
plant the truckers in moving food
- and observers said that the
walkout threatened to involve all
of the port of London's 24,000
union workers.
One strike leader reported un-
officially that "feeling seems to
be hardening in favor of continu-
ing the strike."
Optimism that the end of the
unauthorized strike might be in
sight faded during a six-hour con-
ference among strike leaders and
union heads at which no decision
was reached.
15 iners Die
In GaBls
PLYMOUTH, Pa., Jan. 15,-(IP)
--Edward Griffith, president and
general manager of Glen Alden
Coal Company, announced tonight
15 miners were known dead in a
gas explcsion at the company's
Nottingham colliery.
Griffith said names of the men
were not available.
The blast was discovered by an
unidentified foot tender at the
bottom of a shaft who saw clouds
of dust and sounded an alarm to
the outside, Griffith reported.
He said the bodies of the dead
men were still in the mine.
About 700 feet of gangways
leading into the mine workings
were affectod, Griffith said, add-
ing most of the bodies were in one
of thegangways which was struck
violently. Tracks were torn up and
mine timbers s,hattered.

State Militia Control
Sought by Opponents
By The Associated Press
ATLANTA, Jan. 15-Georgia's
battle of the two governors en-
tered the courts late today when
Attorney General Eugene Cook
filed suit to enjoin Herman Tal-
madge from functioning as gov-
ernor on the basis of his election
by the legislature several hours
After a day in which both Tal-
madge, 33, and 39-year-old Ellis
Arnall, completing' a four-yea
term, had performed the duties
of governor, Cook filed a petition
for the injunction in Fulton Sup-
erior Court at Arnall's direction.
The suit asked Judge Walter C.
Hendrix to decide title to the of-
fice, leading to a Supreme Court
Throughout the day Arnall
and Talmadge had operated as
governor from offices less than
20 yards apart at the capitol
and engaged in battle for con-
trol of the state militia to bolster
their claims to the office.
Talmadge had left the capitol
when the suit was filed but his
secretary, Benton Odom described
the action as "merely a maneu-
"In accepting the order from
Governor Arnall directing me to
file a petition for a declaratory
judgment in this matter, and In,
filing this petition, I am recogniz-
ing Gov. Arnall as the lawful gov-
ernor," Cook said. "I feel that the
Supreme Court of Georgia should
have an opportunity to pass on
it," Cook added.
Judge Hendrix issued an in-
junction directing Talmadge to
show cause Feb. 7 why he should
not be barred from the office.
Each appointed an adjutant
general to command the militia
but at the day's end there had
been no development to determine
whom the troops would heed
should the commanders in chief
call for assistance.
Marvin Griffin, who has serv-
ed under the Arnall adminis-
tration as adjutant general, re-
signed and was promptly re-
con-issioned by Tahmadge.
Arnall countered by 'naming
Col. R. W. Collins adjutant gen-
Then Talmadge issued an execu-
tive order dissolving the state
guard on the grounds it had serv-
ed its purpose and that the re-
organized national guard, with
Griffin in command, was in posi-
tion to take over if needed.
Aiton To Teach
In Columia
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the his-
tory department will leave for Bo-
gota,dColombia this month to
spend six months teaching United
States History for the State De-
As one of several American
scholars staffing cultural centers
in South America set up by ,the
State Department, Prof.uAiton will
teach his course, "History in the
United States," in Spanish.
Students will read American
textbooks in English for the course,
but the interpretive lectures will
be given in Spanish, Prof. Aiton
Prof. Aiton will utilize his pre-
vious experience teaching in
Spanish, in Spain in 1936, Costa
Rica in 1941 and Mexico in 1945.
Followin g inoculations and
other preliminaries for his trip,
Prof. Aiton will travel to Wash-
ington for an indoctrination

echnic Be
Out Tomorrow
iMThazinte To Feature
Prof. Bailey Article.
Engineers will take over where
the good humor men left off when
the January issue of the Michigan
Technic goes on sale tomorrow in
the Engineering Arch and East En-
gineering Building.
The current issue of the Technic
features an article on the "engi-
neering student of the 1890's" by
Benjamin F. Bailey, Professor
Emeritus of the electrical engi-
neering department. In this arti-
cle Prof, Bailey describes the en-
gineering course he took at the
University when he was a student.
The development of jet propul-
sion and its adaptation to travel
and warfare is treated in "Rock-
ets and Jets" by Robert Ware.
Ware also discusses the new Xs-1
plane and speculates on the possi-
bilities of space travel.
Also included in the new issue is
a report on the recent additions
and improvements in the metalj
processing laboratories. The ar-
ticle includes a discussion of new
painting scheme emploved in the

Broadcast rTo Hail
U' War Activities
A special radio tribute from the
U. S. War Department will be giv-
en the University for its war activ-
ities at 9:30 p.m. Friday over a
nation-wide Mutual System hook-
Radio station CKLW, Detroit,
will broadcast the 30 minute pro-
gram under the title, "Campus Sa-
lute," which will originate over
station WOL in Washington, D.C.
Music will be provided by the
U. S. Army Band with several Uni-
versity songs being played.

Hall; dentistry college-secretary's'
office of Dentistry Bldg.; education
school-Rm. 1433 University Ele-
mentary School; forestry school-
Rm. 2045 Natural Science Bldg.;
music school-Rm. 101 School of
Music Bldg.; nursing school-Rm.
2036 University Hospital; public
health school-information desk
of School of Public Health Bldg.;
medical school-Rm. 123 W. Medi-
cal Bldg.

Brown Will Speak on Theater Trends


Chinese Philosophers Sought
Emancipation of Individual

John Mason Brown, drama critic
and present associate editor of they
Saturday Review of Literature,t
will discuss the theatre and Broad-r
way plays of the last decade at
n .nn 4 . .3 .. V i ..- n"i1"

As a lieutenant on the staff of
Vice Admiral Alan Kirk during
the war, Brown broadcast a run-
ning account of what was happen-
ino nnthoCivlia h-PIAfS t.o-

Early Chinese philosophers were
attempting to find a place in the
world for the individual man ac-
cording to Dr. Lin Tung-Chi, pro-
fessor at Futan University, China,
who spoke at Rackham Amphi-
I4thnf4p -prri

The so-called "Indianization" of
Chinese philosophy occurred when
the Buddhists took the metaphysi-
cal arguments of the Taoists and
clothed them in Confucian ter-
minology. The agenev that made

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