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January 12, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-12

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Art Jarret To Be Featured
At Revived Winter Forma

nal Design

' W ill I




"Final Design," a revival of the
prewar annual engineering winterr
formal will be presented by the
Engineering Council from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Friday, in the Union
WAA Notices I
Games for this week are sched-
uled as follows in the WAA bas-t
ketball tournament, with no con-f
tests to be played Thursday or
Tomorrow: Sigma Delta Tau vs.C
Kappa Delta I, Gamma Phi Betaf
I vs. Sorosis I at 5:10 p.m. Kap-Y
pa Delta II vs. Jordan I at 7:30r
Tuesday: Alpha Delta Pi I vs.J
Kappa Alpha Theta II, Jordan II
s. Kappa Kappa Gamma I at2
5:10 p.m. Alpha Omicron Pi vs.C
Couzens III, Chi Omega vs. Brittr
House at 7:30 p.m.Z
Wednesday: Delta Delta Delta I
vs. Sorosis II, Jordan IV vs. Zeta
Tau Alpha II at 5:10 p.m.E
All houses are asked to completes
their table-tennis tournament as
soon as possible by Dot Goppelt,
manager, and to notify Miss dop-b
pelt at 2-2569 of names of win-

The dance is open to all stu-
dents on campus, and tickets may
be purchased from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. beginning tomorrow in the
Engineering Arch. Attendance will
be limited to ballroom capacity.
Decorations To Be Caricatures
Decorations for the "Final De-
sign" will consist of caricatures of
well known professors in the
School of Engineering. Special
programs following an engineering
theme have been planned, and re-
freshments will be provided.
Art Jarrett and his orchestra
will provide the music for the
dance. Upon being discharged
from the Navy Jarrett organized
his new orchestra, which includes
members of the late Hal Kemp's
Jarrett is Vocalist
Art Jarrett, equally famous as
a vocalist and a bandleader, was
previously featured vocalist with
Ted Weems and Earl Burnett.
Later, he co-starred in the movies
with Joan Crawford, Sonja Henie
Carole Lombard and Ginger Rog-
ers. He has also been a soloist on
several radio programs.
While in the Navy, Jarrett or-
ganized a band and was placed in
charge of entertainment for all
branches of the services in the
San Francisco area. In the Cen-
tral Pacific thatre, he commanded
the Armed Forces Radio Show for
the Nimitz Navy.
Committee Members Listed.
Eugene Sikorovsky is general

be vres
Due Tuesday
For Ball Posts
Senior petitions for the 13
chairmenships for Senior Ball will
be due at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the
Student Offices of the Union.
Traditionally, the literary and
engineering school alternate each
year for the dance chairmanship.
The latter will be awarded the
chairmanship this year.
Petitions must include the
student's past campus activities,
qualifications and specific ideas.
They may not excede three pag-
es, but can be as brief as de-
The literary college and engi-
neering college class officers will
select representatives from their
respective colleges. The remain-
ing chairmenships will be award-
ed by these representatives.
Five students are to be select-
ed from the literary college, two
of whom will be women. Three
positions will be awarded the
engineering college, one each to
the nursing school, forestry
school, pharmacy college, mu-
sic school, education school, and
the business administration

Kffiliated Women To Hold finnual

ented Friday

Recognition Night T
Activity, Scholastic Awards To Be Given
By Dean Lloyd, Ira Smith at Rackham




Pan-hellenic Association will
present its annual Recognition
Night, replacing the traditional
pre-war banquet, at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Rackham Auditorium.
The program will honor affili-
ated women for scholarship and
activitiy participation. There is
no charge for admission.
Activity and Scholastic Awards
Ira Smith, Registrar, will speak
on scholarship and make the pre-
sentation of the scholarship
award. Dean Alice C. Lloyd will
discuss the "Place of Sorority

Women in the Social Life of the
Campus" and will present .the ac-
tivities awards. A senior, junior
and sophomore will each receive
rewards for outstanding activity
Included on the program will
be Margaret Gage, 1946 president
of the Association, who will ex-
plain the various aims and ac-
complishments of Pan-hellenic.
Lois Cothran, rushing chairman,
will give the rushing report and
speak on the new rushing system.
'Pan-hellenic Portraits'
The program theme, based on

the idea of a family group, will
be called "Pan-hellenic Portraits",
The stress will be put on the aim
of unity and cooperation within
the Association through each sor-
ority working toward the welfare
of the whole group.
Recognition Night is under the
general chairmanship of Sally
Stamats and other chairmen are:
patrons, Margery Holk; finance,
Jean Flood; program arrange-
ment, Kathleen Watson; publi-
city, Beverly Garrett; and pro-
grams, Marilyn Holtom.
Patrons will include prominent
active alumnae members from
each sorority in the Association.



1 a

BAND LEADER-Art Jarrett, famed vocalist and bandleader will
play at "Final Design," engineer's formal, Friday.

chairman for the "Final Design.'"
The other chairmen are as fol-
lows: Hal Walters, decorations; Ev
Ellin, publicity; Herb Schreiber,
band; Andy Poledor, programs;
Bill Hannig, tickets; and Lenore
Olson, refreshments.

Buy Your

January 13

Nylons are now available!

promise perfect
they're cut to fit
you a well-groo
ance ... quality B
securely locked s
adjustable should
you maximum we
white, sizes 32 t

Mrs. Elsa Shenker of Detroit Mrs. Hartley S. Ball of Flint.
and I. W. Shenker of Cleveland, Miss Reid is a student at the
Ohio announce the engagement of University and Mr. Ball attends
their daughter, Annette, to Mr. the General Motors Insitute in
Sol Bechek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Flint. The couple plan a Septem-
Jack Bechek of Detroit. ber wedding.
Miss Shenker is a member of
the class of Feb. '47 and was a Mrs. A. W. Clutter of Bay City
Junior Night Editor on the Dai- recently announced the engage-
ly. Mr. Bechek attends the School ment of her daughter, Irene, to
of Business Administration. The Mr. John k. Stock, son of Mr. and
wedding will take place in June. Mrs. Arthur J. Stock of Rocky
River, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Mc- Miss Clutter graduated in June.
Neil of Wilmette, Illinois, an- '46, and is now pastor of the Lon-
nounce the engagement of their don and Mooreville Methodist
daughter, Barbara, to Mr. William Churches and teaches in Ida High
Z. Wente. son of Mrs. Otto L. Rob- School. Mr. Stock, a teaching
inson, of Winnetka, Illinois. fellow in the mathematics depart-
Miss McNeill is a sophomore in ment, graduated from the En-
the literary college, and is active gineering School in Oct. '45.
on the WAA board and the wom- Miss Clutter is a member of
ens staff of the Daily. Mr. Wente Kappa Phi, Methodist Club, and
attends Northwestern University. Mr. Stock is affiliated with Phi
Wedding plans have been set for Eta Sigma and Tau Beta Pi hon-
February. orary fraternities.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid of White summer sandals may be
Ferndale, announce the engage- painted either gold or silver to
ment of their daughter, Sally, to make an attractive pair of eve-
Bruce Barton Ball, son of Mr. and ning slippers.
- - - - - - _ - - U

May Apply
For Positions
All eligible independent women
interested in serving on any of
the committees for Assembly Ball
may sign for positions Wednesday
and Thursday in the Undergrad-
uate Office of the League, accord-
ing to Shirley Loeblich, publicity
Committees for the dance,
which will be presented on Friday,
March 7, include: publicity, pa-
trons, music, building and grounds,
tickets and decorations.
Miss Loeblich especially urges
league house residents to sign, but
stresses the hope that all interest-
ed independent coeds will work on
the committee, or committees, of
their choice.
League To Offer
Student Recreation
The league will open its doors
for the last time this semester
from 7 to 10:30 p.m. today for
Sunday evening social hours.
Cards and music are available
in the Grand Rapids Room. No
admission is charged for the use
of these facilities, but students
may make contributions for addi-
tional records or cards.
Group singing will be featured
in the Kalamazoo Room, and
studying may be done in the
Hussy Room. Refreshments are
available from 5 to 7 p.m. in the
League grill.

Sheer, Smooth





for that

wear this lovely hos-
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