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January 07, 1947 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-01-07

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kROLD Stassen's hat still sits boldly
in the ring reserved for the top-pieces
spiring Republican presidential candi-
ad it is likely to retain its lonely position
some time. The young Minnesotan's
pected and unprecedentedly early an-
icement of his candipacy for the Re-
ican presidential nomination in 1948
ted a rash of disavowals among the
ers of his party.
tassen's move, which he himself styled
ausual and unorthodox," is part of the
ditional Stassen political technique,
declared his candidacy for the GOP
uination for governor of Minnesota
the '1938 primaries in September of
7 - and won both the nomination.
I the election.
his technique is one which is quite for-
to most candidates, and this campaign
o exception.: Other possible candidates
coyly disclaiming any presidential as-
tions, while scrambling behind the
es to start a draft movement -some-
like bashful maidens who loudly pro-
T. lack of interest in a handsome suitor,
e they furtively scheme and plot to
A his attention to themselves.
'itics claim, that Stassen has lessened
chances by his early declaration; that
has simply made himself a target for
cism and opposition. But he recog-
I that he was a target anyway, and.
torials published in The Michigan Daily
written by members of The Daily staff
I represent the views of the writers only.

preferred to fight out in the open and not
avoid the issue.
And, in contrast to the political "shadow-
boxing" of his opponents, Americans are
finding Stassen's methods refreshingly
straightforward. The comment of one po-
litical observer, Marquis Childs, sums tip
the favorable reaction: "Minnesota's Har-
61A Stassen's frank declaration had an
honest and forthright sound. We Ameri-
cans like a man who is bold enough to
come out and say what he is after. . . Stas-
sen is likely to gain much more by his
frankness than by an obviously contrived
effort to be coy."
According to the Gallup Poll, Stassen al-
ready rates second only to Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey of New York in popularity. And ho
won the first round in the battle with
Dewey when, over the reported objections
of the New York governor, he was named
Lincoln Day dinner orator for the Na-
tional Republican Club of New York.
Stassen did not simply announce his
candidacy and then sit back. He was
ready with a liberal, workable labor pro-
gram, calling for legislation to break up
monopolies and dictatorships in unions,
have decisions made by secret ballot with-
in labor organizations, and amend the
Wagner Act to assure the employer's
right to speak freely about working con-
ditions, but no compulsory arbitration to
the federal courts of power to fix wages
or working conditions and no denial to
workers of the ultimate right to strike.
Stassen's honest and sincere forthright-
ness in announcing his candidacy, plus his
proposal of a liberal, concrete plan for re-
lieving industrial strife, should serve to
assure Americans of both parties that here
is a man to whom they could safely entrust
the highest national office.
-Frances Paine


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ICop,. 1447 by United FnaturO Synd~mm#. inc.
7m,. Reg. U. S. pet. Off ^Aflri~hts rescrved

Letters to the Editoro..


Knu.tson Tax Proposal

PRICE control has been wrecked, but the
,drive toward inflation is not over. We
Qw have, for example, Rep. Knutson's plan
i a straight 20 per cent cut in income
tes, to apply across the board to all
'ackets up to $300,000. This would cost the
vernment three billiols, and one can
arch law and scripture for a week without
iding a single compelling reason for mal-
g this slashing cut at this particular time.
or we are still near the' top of our price
se; and to choose this moment for so
Tarp a cut is as inflationary as if Mr. Knut-
n were to station himself on the steps of
e Capitol and to fling three billions, in
Filar bills, to all comers. It is like handing
drink to someone who is already higher
zan a kite.
By every test, the proposal is a crude one.
r. Knutson talks about adopting the slash
once, to give "quick relief to millions of
orkers." But the man earning $50 a week
ll receive "quick relief" to the extent of
out $19 a year under the Knutson plan,
bile. the man earning $50,000 will save
122 as his quick relief. It is a little :forced
talk of this as a plan for the relief of
age workers, for the bill is not very im-
rtant to wage-workers, one way or an-
,her. It will not increase effective demand
r .goods in the lower brackets; its chief
feet might well be only to prolong the
ar-time luxury market a little longer.
But this offense against liberal principles
perhaps not important. What really hurts
the violence the Knutson bill does to con-
rvative principles.. For the Knutson bill


presents American conservatism with a
moral problem of the first order. American
conservatives know well enough that the
taxes which are so easily collectible in an
inflationary period should be used to reduce
the public debt and to balance the budget.
If the Republican party chooses to use our
present fiscal fertility for a distribution of
tax cuts, it will not have turned against
liberal principles, but against its own prin-
That will be shocking, for there will be
in this spectacle a certain note of disin-
tegration, of loss of order, even conserva-
tive order, of a kind which would make it
very difficult to say from now on that there
is such a thing as a conservative philosophy.
The temptation to cut taxes is very great,
yet there is wrapped up in !pis question the
issue of whether the Republican party is
really a party, or whether it is a very large
special interest group. Nobody is in worse
trouble than he who is in trouble with his
own principles, and the question now pre-
sented to higher bracket taxpayers is that
of how much they are willing to pay for
their beliefs.
The quarrel is not between liberals and
conservatives, but between conservatives
and conservatives. One would hardly
care to speculate about the future of a
balance-the-budget party whose first of-
ficial act was to put the budget three
billions of dollars further out of balance,
for the sake of a tax-cut distribution.
The issue is whether a sophisticated and
constructive, or primitive and destructive
strain of conservatism is to take over the
GOP. What arguments will be used to sup-
port the tax cut? That it is worthwhile to
unbalance the budget, for the sake of get-
ting more money into the hands of the
public? A conservatism which came into
power by fighting that slogan will be in
great trouble if it now attempts to adopt
it; it will be an abashed and shamed con-
servatism, in trouble with the world because
it is in trouble with itself.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Yuggoslavia Lesson
OF ALL the defeats sustained by'the de-
mocracies in their resistance to Soviet
imperialism, the most humiliating was in
Yugoslavia. For it was unnecessary.
In Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Rou-
mania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Manchuria,
geography favored the Russians. The Red
Army was in effective control. When Mos-
cow broke faith, there was not much the
democracies could do except try by diplo-
matic methods.
But in Yugoslavia, right up to the tardy
entrance of the Red Army, the democracies
were in full potential control. They could
obtain exactly the kind of persons and re-
gime they wanted.
They deliberately chose Josip Broz, self-
styled Tito and self-appointed marshal.
They preferred the communist masquerad-
ing in democratic dress to the democratic
officer, Draja Mihailovitch. Not from lack
of conviction but from lack of insight.
Tito and his friends abroad first duped
the U. S. and Britain, they betrayed, reviled,
robbed and even attacked them. It was the
gullibility of Churchill and to a much lesser
extent of Roosevelt that enabled this petty

FAR MORE noteworthy in the dramatic
opening session of Congress than the
stalemate over seating Bilbo was the simple,
direct speech made by the new House
Speaker, Mr. Martin.
Beneath the oratorical epithets, the
vague amorphous expressions of faith in
the system of free enterprise was the dec-
laration of war "on all Communists" and
their allies, including, of course, labor and
its allies. The usual cry of foreign ideol-
ogy, of threats to the Constitution were
sprinkled freely through the speech.-Mr.
Martin was attempting desperately to
identify the best in democracy with the
worst in anarchic capitalism.
I'm sure that he could not have been
unaware of the basic contradictions which
he repeatedly voiced. He spoke of the fixed
income groups, implying that there exists
a group whose income is not fixed, who
make nore and more money, depending
upon how much they can squeeze out of
these lower income groups.
Mr. Martin asks that there be peace be-
tween the classes in America. But, there is
only one way to find that peace, for him, a
return to unhampered free enterprise to
the safeguard of the individual. He would
have us believe that the simulated plan-
ning begun under Roosevelt destroyed some
fundamental human rights.
Is it not odd that the learned repre-
sentative can recognize classes existing
in America, yet call upon some mystic
force from the outside to wave its magic
wand and solve our ills?
And in the field of foreign affairs, Mr.
Martin gave us a hint of what we might
expect from the new Congress. The Re-
publicans express their heartfelt sympa-
thies for those nations who have been rav-
aged by the war, but, let them resuscitate
themselves, otherwise they will become too
dependent upon us. Obviously, Mr. Martin
does not refer to all countries which were
ravaged by the war; only those which have
begun planned economies; those which are
skeptical of foreign investments, who re-
fuse to mortgage their people's labor power
to the American capitalist.
It is no wonder that the governments of
Europe did ,watch with bated breath our
last elections. It seems that the people of
Europe are wise to what a Republican ad-
ministration means to the world, let alone
to this country.
There is such a difference in tone be-
tween these men who speak for the gov-
ernment, today, and the man who thirteen
years ago inspired the people with a faith
in their future.
Perhaps, we could follow Mr. Lerner of
PM and his "Christian ethic." He says
the problem is spiritual. Go back to the
dark ages, says Mr. Lerner. Yet if this
editor were to recognize the kinship of
his tabloid spiritualism with the pulpit
ministrations of Mr. Martin, he might
wake up to the fact that he is being
blindly led into some nebulous morass.
When Mr. Martin and Mr. Taft get to-
gether and drop their first anti-labor law
bill into the coffer, the drama will increase.
The men in Washington are almost con-
scious of it. They love to play the play on
the stage. Sometimes the actors forget
that it's a real play.
-E. E. Ellis
Coal Contract
SINCE Mr. Lewis' back-to-work pronounce-
ment on December 7, there has been a
serious breach between the northern and
southern operators With the result that
Mr. Lewis, even if he wanted to, could not
now work out a contract with a negotiating
committee representing the entire industry.
Perhaps sub rosa negotiations are going on
between the United Mine Workers and the
northern operators who are a much more
reasonable and humane-minded group than
those from the South, who,' on prior oc-
casions, have shown themselves to be grudg-
ing and hard masters of their employes.
Meanwhile, what is the Government do-

ing? It should not be satisfied to twiddle
its thumbs while one day follows another
and March 31 inexorably approaches. More
than thirty precious days have already been
lost and the speed of their march will be-
come accelerated as the deadline approach-
es. Of course there is nothing in the con-
tract providing for its possible termination
on March 31 next, but Mr. Lewis, under
the pretext that his men will not work ex-
cept under a contract, regards himself as
being above any tattered and worn piece
of paper, when it suits his purpose. More-
over, the silence of the Government, since
Mr. Lewis issued this latest ultimatum,
might be regarded as acquiescence in Mr.
Lewis' right to march his men out of the
coal pits again.
The Government should get more nat-
ural gas into the big pipelines as quickly
as possible. It should do whatever might
be necessary for the transportation of that
gas across the State of Pennsylvania. In
the event of another strike, the Govern-
ment should be prepared instantly to take
over and operate the strip mines of the
-Harold L. Ickes
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Corp.)

P .a r.


4 J
t ,j,6
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Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members ofstherUniversity. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to te office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 76
Users of the Daily Official Bul-
letin. Need of conserving space
makes necessary the following an-
nouncements. (1) Notices of meet-
ings of organizations will be re-
stricted to the name of the organ-
ization concerned, day, time, and
place of meeting, and name of
speaker and subject. (2) Notices
for the D.O.B. must be typewritten
and should be triple-spaced for
editorial convenience.
F. E. Robbins
Campus mail: Mail going by
campus messenger service should
carry the name of department in
which the person addressed is em-
ployed. Room number may be in-
cluded but the name of the de-I
partment is the identifying fea-
t ture.
Men Students living in Ap-
proved Rooming Houses: The
closing date for the Fall Term will
be January 31, 1947, and if a stu-
dent is moving to another house,
rent shall be computed to include
this date. If either the househol-
der or the student wish to.'termi-
nate their present agreement, no-
tice must be given to the Office of
the Dean of Students on or be-
fore January 8, 1947. Forms for
this purpose may be secured in
Rm. 2 University Hall.
All students residing in Uni-
versity residencehalls who have
paid board and room in full for
the first semester, 'are asked to
call immediately at the Cashier's
Office, 104 South Wing, to receive
a refund.
Students expecting to register in
the School of Business Adminis-
tration for the spring semester
should make classification ap-
pointments in Rm. 108, Tappan
Hall, during week of January 13.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying
Examination: All students expect-
ing to do directed teaching next
term are required to pass a quali-
fying examination in the subject
in which they expect to teach.
This examination will be ield on
Saturday, Jan. 11, at 8:30 a.m.
Students meet in the auditorium
of the University High School. Thel
examination will consume about
four hours' time; promptness isi
therefore essential.
Students Planning to do Di-j
rected Teaching for the secon-
dary-school certificate in the
spring term, are requested to se-
cure assignments in Rm. 2442,
University Elementary School on
Wed., Jan. 15, according to the
following schedule:
English, 8:30-9:30; Social Stud-
ies, 9:30-10:30; Science and
hfathematics, 10:30-11:30; All
foreign languages, 11:30-12:00.
All others, and any having con-
flicts at scheduled hours, 2:00-

3:00 or by appointment.
Note that this represents a
change in date due to the fact
that schedules are not out. Any
students responding to the earlier
notice suggesting January 9 and
10, can only be given a tentative
February 1947 graduates in Me-
chanical, Civil and Chemical En-
gineerng, with high scholastic
record. A representative of Stand-
ard Oil Company (Indiana) will
interview for positions with that
organization on Wednesday, Jan.
8, Rm. 218, W. Engineering Bldg.
Please sign the interview sched-
ule posted on the bulletin board
at Rm. 221, W. Eng. Bldg.
Engineering Students: A repre-
sentative of the Glenn L. Martin
Company of Baltimore, Maryland,
will interview February graduates
on Tues., Jan. 7, in the
Lobby office of East Engineer-
ing. He is interested in Aeronau-
tical, Mechanical, Electrical and
Civil Engineers receiving bachelors
or higher degrees, and in Physi-
cists and Mathematicians receiv-
ing masters or doctors degrees. If
interested, sign interview sheet on
Aeronautical Bulletin Board.
University Lectires. Dr. T. C.
Lin (Lin Tung-chi), A.B. '28, Vis-
iting Chinese Professor of the
United States Department of
State, will deliver a series of four
lectures on "The Quest of the
Chinese Mind" in the Rackham
Amphitheatre, Friday, Jan. 10 at
4:15 p.m., Monday, Jan. 13 at 8:10
p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 4:15
p.m., and Friday, Jan. 17 at 4:151
p.m., under the auspices of the
Department of History and the
Degree Program in Oriental Civil-
izations. The titles of the lectures
are as follows: (1) "The Aristo-
cratic Antecedent." A restatement
of the aristocratic lore of the pre-
Confucian feudalism and its last-
ing import. (2) "The Enlighten-
ment: Prize and Price." Wherein
the philosophers of the pre-Ch'in
times achieved and wherein they
failed. (3) "Humanism or Beyond
Humanism?" Why and wherefor
the millennial "bella metaphisica"
between the Taoists, Buddhists
and Confucianists; and who really
won out? (4) 'The Emerging
Ethos." Will the contact with the
West mean China's total intellect-
ual surrender or the birth of a new
University Lecture: Dr. Herbert
Feigl, Professor of Philosophy,
University of Minnesota, will lec-
ture on the subject, "The Logic of
Scientific Explanation," on Tues.,
Jan. 14; auspices of the Depart-
ment of Philosophy. The public
is invited.
University Lecture: James J.
Sweeney, former Director of the
Museum of Modern Art, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Henry Moore
and Modern Sculpture' (illus.),
at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 16,
Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices
of the Department of Fine Arts.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: J. B. S. Hal-
dane, F.R.S., Professor of Biome-

try, University College, London,
will lecture on the subject, "Gene-
tics and the Future of Man," at
4:15 p.m., Thurs., Jan. 16, Rack-
ham Lecture Hall; auspices of
the Laboratory of Vertebrate Bi-
ology. The public is cordially in-
Academic Notices
History 11, Lecture Group II
(Professor Slosson) final exami-
nation Monday, Jan. 20, 2-5 p.m.
English 211g, American Litera-
ture Proseminar, will not meet to-
day because of conflict with the
Austin Warren lecture.
J. L. Davis
Inorganic Chemistry Seminar
will meet today at 5 p.m., Rm. 151,
Chemistry Bldg. Mr. E. K. Raunio
will speak on "Metal Carbonyls."
Open meeting.
Seminar in Engineering Me-
chanics: The Engineering Me-
chanics Department is sponsoring
a series of discussions on the Plas-
ticity of Engineering Materials.
The first discussion of this series
will be at 7:30 p.m., Wed., Jan. 8,
Rm. 402, W. Engineering Bldg.
Conflict, Final Examination,
College of Engineering: All stu-
dents having conflicts will report
to the office of Prof. J. C. Brier,
Rm. 3223, E. Engineering Bldg.,
during the week of January 6, but
not later than 12 noon on Sat.,
Jan. 11. Complete instructions for
filling out examination conflict
cards and the blank cards will be
posted on the bulletin board ad-
jacent to Prof. Brier's office.
Graduate Students: Results of
the Graduate Record Examina-
tions given in December of 1945,
April of 1946, and the Summer
Session of 1946 are available in
the Graduate School Office.
j Concerts
Student Recital: Helen Ashley,
pianist, will present a program in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music
degree at 8:30 this evening in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. It
will include compositions byBeeth-
oven, Chopin, and Schubert, and
will be open to the general public.
Miss Ashley is a pupil of Joseph
Cancellation of Concert: The
concert scheduled for Tuesday,
Jan. 14, in Hill Auditorium by the
University of Michigan Choir has
been cancelled. It is planned to
have the Choir participate in the
concert to be given Saturday eve-
ning, Jan. 18, in Hill Auditorium,
as part of the program for the
Mid-Western Conference on
School Vocal and Instrumental
Music to be held in Ann Arbor be-
ginning Jan. 17.
Michigan Takes Shape - a dis-
play of maps. Michigan Histori-
cal Collections, 160 Rackham-.
Hours: 8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday
through Friday; 8-12 Saturday.
(Continued on Page 4)


Fire Hazards .. .
To the Editor:
ASSUMING that The Daily's ar-
ticle on the safety conditions
prevailing in the city of Ann Ar-
bor was not presented facetiously,
and the facts as stated are true,
the conclusion drawn therefrom
as indicated by the headline "Lo-
cal Hotels Shown Free of Fire
Hazards" is erroneous and detri-
mental to the public good.
To support the conclusions that
local hotels are free of fire haz-
ards the following "minor in-
fractions" were reported:
1. Refuse on the fire escapes.
2. Holes in the walls.
3. Exit signs damaged or
pointing either to wrong doors
or to locked doors.
4. Drop cords and incorrect
or exposed wiring.
5. High step fire escapes.
6. Doors swinging the wrong
way or without panic (safety
bar) hardware.
Instead of publicly patting these
hotel managers on the back The
Daily should through its influence
prod them to immediate action to
correct these fire hazards. Lame
excuses of material and labor
shortages don't explain'to my sat-



"Pass the grain of salt, please."

isfaction why these hazards, ma-
jor or minor, continue to exist.
They are latent dangers capable of
causing death.
-David Young
Home for Jews .. .
To the Editor:
IT IS a wonderful feeling to go
home during a holiday, and
meet your old friends, relatives,
and visit those old familiar places
which elicit such pleasant memo-
ries. Yes, most of us will share
these feelings ,next week, and we
find it hard to think of anybody
being denied such pleasures.
There are people who are un-
able to have these same feelings
because their homes have either
been confiscated or destroyed,
their relatives have been killed,
and those old familiar places do
not bring back pleasant memories
but rather they serve as reminders
of the fate of friends and relatives
who were beaten into a liquid,
bleeding pulp by the rampaging
Yes it snows in Europe and it is
just as cold. These miserable Jews
must face another winter in their
maddening camps, one more add-
ed to the 12 or 13 they have al-
ready spent in past years. They
have one hope, eventual emigra-
tion to Palestine. A small country
of 10,000 square miles, bordered
by the neighboring Arabia of over
1,000;000 square miles, cries for
these Jews.
These Jews have the legal right
to enter Palestine; there is a very
immediate necessity for them to
go to Palestine yet the British
government is inhumanely pro-
hibiting them from entering Pal-
Must a people from whose ranks
arose Jesus Christ suffer such a
tragic fate?
Let's extend peace on earth,
good will toward man, to all peo-
-Alvin Hamburg
No Discrimination .. .
To the Editor:
IN A RECENT letter to the Edi-
tor entitled "Discrimination"
by Howard S. Levy, the question
was raised: "Why were pictures of
Lenny Ford, Gene Derricotte and
Bob Mann omitted from a local
campus barbershop window?" On
the surface, the author had every
right to believe that "it was an 'ob-
vious case- of racial discrimina-
tion." However, the facts reveal
that no one who had any connec-
tion with the football pictures
had any such intention, in fact, it
would have been to the sponsors
advantage to display pictures of
the entire team. 'In other years
pictures of Willis Ward have been
displayed in the same window.
The players in question are held
in high esteem by all.
The facts reveal that Gene Der-
ricotte had been invited and he
hld made an appointment at the
photographers, but due to a nose
injury he did not want to have
his picture taken. Why he did
not make another appointment
for a later date is something that
he alone can explain.
It was regrettable that time
and materials were not available
to have pictures taken of the
whole team. Having had only 27
pictures of players does not -do
justice to the entire team. How-
ever, it is hoped that net year a
more representative group of pic-
tures will be available.
-Don Dascola

At the State...
Gary Cooper, Lilli Palmer.
THIS IS another story based on OSS.
Though starting out like a lecture ser-
ies, it soon steams into the usual war and
intrigue, layout Hollywood has become so
adept at producing. As a physicist turned
spy, Mr. Cooper bungles his way along mak-
ing a mistake here, arriving too late there,
until one has the feeling that while he may
succeed in his final task (that of taking an
ultra-brainy physicist away from the Ger-
mans in Italy), the old boy that he smug-
gles out is going to be of no damn use to
anybody anyway. What with airplanes,
trucks, submarines, guns, and various and
assorted chases and fights, one couldn't ask
for more action. What with Lilli Palmer
some may feel that one couldn't ask for
more. But as usual, we could.
* 'i' *3

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey ...........City Editor
Mary Brush..........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha..........Associate Editor
Clark Baker............SportsEditor
Des Howarth . .Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ...Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.........."Women's Editor
Lynne Ford Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ....Business Manager
Evelyn Mills
......Associate Business Malnagnx
Janet Cork Associate Business Managei
Telephone 23-24-1
.... . .l'TL. d .!,.. ..1 fl_.~.

At the Michigan. .

Hepburn, Robert Taylor.
WHAT LOOKS like amusing light com-
edy in the initial phases soon turns to
grimmer things as Robert Taylor 'throws
temper tantrums and Katherine Hepburn
breathlessly philosophizes back and forth
across the nation. The cause of most of


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