See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LVII, No. 70
In Bilbo Hearigl
AsFists, Feet Fly
Police Called To Ward Off Attacker;
Senate Inquiry Recesses in Tumult
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-The Senate inquiry into Sen. Theodore
B. Bilbo's dealings with war contractors recessed in tumult today when
former Rep. Ross Collins of Mississippi knocked a witness out of his
chair and rained kicks and blows upon him.
The witness, Robert Gandy, Baptist Church deacon, insurance
man and political associate of Bilbo's, had been testifying about an ar-
rangement under which, he said, part of a $25,000 campaign contribu-
tion by a war contractor was to have been paid to Collins.
Calling Gandy a "damn liar," Collins rushed. He upset the
witness chair. Gandy sprawled on the floor and Collins began
pounding and kicking him.
J-Hop Ticket
Order Deadline
Is Noon Today
Applicants Will Need
ID Cards, Envelopes
Today is the last day for jun-
iors, seniors, and graduate stu-
dents to order tickets for the 1947
two-night J-Hop.
The booth in University Hall
will be open from 9 a.m. to noon
today, and students must bring
identification cards and stamped,
self-addressed envelopes with
them when they apply. Juniors will
be given preference in allotting
tickets while seniors will have
preference over graduate students
in order of application.
Noon today is also the deadline
for fraternities and other groups
to turn in lists of the men's names
who wish to attend the J-Hop on
the same night. The class stand-
ing of the students must be in-
cluded with the list. Besides turn-
ing in these lists, members of the
group must apply for individual
tickets at the 'U' Hall booth.
The tickets will cost $6, but no
money is required when applying.
Applications will be mailed back
after Christmas, and students who
have received acceptance will be
sold tickets at that time. Fifteen
hundred tickets will be sold for
each night of the dance, and men
students will be eligible to buy
tickets for only one of the two
This year's J-Hop will be held
between semesters, from 10 p.m. to
2 a.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb.
7 and 8, in the Intramural Build-
ing. Both. nights, dances will be
identical and women students will
be granted late permission until
4 a.m.
Plans include a breakfast to be
served at the Union and perhaps
the League immediately after the
dance. Semi-formal dances will
be held at the Union and League
both nights.
Students Still
Able To Attend
Home Games
A misunderstanding on the part
of students regarding admission to
home basketball games was cleared
up yesterday by Andrew S. Baker,
general manager of the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
"Students can still see the
games," he said, "even though they
missed their chance for preferred
Less Than 2,500 Preferred Tickets
Baker pointed out that because
less than 2,500 students took ad-
vantage of the opportunity to ob-
tain preferred tickets there is still
room for at least 4,000 students in
the Field House.
Students will still get preference
over the general public, Baker said,
as they will be admitted as soon as
those with preferred tickets have
been admitted. General admission
will go on sale at 7:15 p.m. before
each game, until capacity is
In answer to a letter to the edi-
tor published in The Daily yester-
day, Baker said, "Students have
been given every chance to get
Capitol police moved in, warded
off Collins and assisted Gandy to
his feet. On motion of Sen. Fer-
guson (Rep., Mich.), the Senate
War Investigating subcommittee
then recessed the hearing.
Gandy said he suffered only a
sprained wrist.
Earlier in the hearing Felix T.
Newton, a Mississippi war contraz--
tor, testified that he paid $25,000
to Bilbo, Mississippi Senator, as a
contribution to the unsuccessful
Senate campaign of Wall Doxey
in 1942. Doxey is now Senate
"You tell us that you were given
$25,000 to have Wall Doxey elect-
ed as United States Senator so he
would be for you in the future?"
demanded Ferguson.
"Yes," Newton replied.
Gandy said that he cashed the
checks for the $25,000 after en-
dorsing his name below Lilbo's.
Gandy testified that h' was
treasurer of an "informal cNim-
mittee" trying to elect Doxe.'.
He said Bilbo was a member of
the committee.
Gandy related that Bilbo came
to Doxey's hotel headquarters in
Jackson and asked him to cash
the checks.
Gandy explained that h and
others were "working day and
night on the campaign" and that
the $25,000 was badly needed in a
run-off election.
In the original primary, D.xey
led former Rep. Collins and Rol-
land Wall but lost in the run-off
primary to Sen. Eastland.
Fire Claims
30th Victim
Hope Abandoned for
N.Y. Blaze Survivors
NEW YORK, Dec. 13-(IP)-The
29th and 30th body was pulled
from the ruins of a six-story up-
per Manhattan tenement tonight
and more than 200 firemen and
police toiled on searching for six
more persons believed buried in
the debris.
All hope was abandoned that
anyone still lived in the collapsed
building, half of which was
smashed into a huge rubble heap
early yesterday, but the rescue
work proceeded in the glare of
The 24th body to be recovered
was that of 3-year-old Barbara
Popper, whose mother and brother
already had been found dead and
whose father was thought still to
be entombed.
Anthony Biancarli, 11, was the
25th victim removed from the
ruins. His body was the fifth of a
family of six to be recovered.
The body of 11-year-old Rita
Sloan was the 26th recovered.
Convicts Caught
IONIA, Mich., Dec. 13-A)-
State Police reported that four
inmates escaped from Ioinia State
Reformatory tonight, stole an au-
to containing two girls, and drove
50 miles across the state with pol-
ice in pursuit until the prisoners'
car crashed into a tree at Owosso.
Rad twayTo
Add Trains~
On Friday
Specials Set for
East, West Routes
Two special trains are being
added by the New York Central
Railroad Friday for vacation-
bound students and extra coaches
will be added for the return trip
before classes resume, Assistant
Deanof Students Walter B. Rea
announced yesterday.
In a letter to Dean Rea the NYC
urged students to travel on the
special trains to ease the burden
on their regularly scheduled runs.
Request Early Ticket Purchase
The railroad further requested
that students purchase their tick-
ets now and indicate the train de-
sired so that additional cars might
be added if the present accommo-
dations prove insufficient to han-
dle the influx.
The special to Chicago is sched-
uled to leave at 2 p.m. Friday and
will consist of eight coaches ac-
commodating 640 people. No diner
will be attached.
The eastbound train to New York
Boston and intermediate points
will leave Ann Arbor at 5 p.m.
Friday. Ten coaches with reclin-
ing seats-six of which will go to
New York and four to Boston-
and diner attached will hold 560
Extra Return Trip Sections
For the return trip an extra sec-
tion will be added to the Twilight
Limited from Chicago scheduled
to leave LaSalle Street Station at
4:15 p.m. Sunday, January 5 and
arrive in Ann Arbor at 9:37 p.m.
Extra coaches added to the New
England Wolverine will bring stu-
dents back from Boston. The train
will leave Boston at 3:20 p.m. Sun-
day, January 5.
Added coaches will join the Wol-
verine at New York. This section
will depart from New York at 6:05
?.m. Sunday, January 5.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-Rus-
sia yielded today to an American
demand that UNRRA be allowed
to shift remaining relief shipments
from country to country 'where
and when needed."
United States and Canada an-
nounced today that it will be all
right for either government to
operate naval vessels on the
Great Lakes for training pur-
SEATTLE, Dec. 13-A blizzard
at Paradise Valley at the 5,500-foot
elevation of Mount Rainier turned
into driving rain today but two
rangers worked in heavy snow in
search of a Marine Corps trans-
port plane missing with 31 or 32
men aboard.
ASUNCION, Paraguay, Dec.
13-The government said to-
day it had put down an attempt
last night by "anarchist ele-
ments" to wrest control of the
capital from the regime of Presi-
dent Higinio Morinigo.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-A vet-
erans Administration spokesman
estimated today that $8,000,000
worth of shiny new automobiles
has been delivered free to five
thousand disabled veterans under
the cars-for-amputees program.
* * *
TEHRAN, Dec. 13-Troops of
the Iran government entered Tab-
riz today and found the pro-
Soviet Azerbaijan government
there in a state of collapse and its
leaders in flight.
* * *
PARIS, Dec. 13-Some Ameri-
can soldiers in France have been
receiving as many as 500 cartons
of cigarettes a day from U.S. mail
order houses in a "flagrant abuse"
of A.PO. privileges, the Army said
rash Kills
14 Soldiers
4 Trainmen Victims
Of Triple Tragedy
By The Associated Press
MANSFIELD, O., Dec. 13 -
Eighteen men-14 Army draftees
headed for duty in Japan and four
trainmen-died today in a three-
way crash of two Pennsylvania
freight trains and the speeding
Golden Triangle, a Pittsburgh-
Chicago flyer, 12 miles southeast
of here.
Fifty or more passengers, almost
all soldiers, were injured when the
express plowed into the twc
freights, which had piled up only
seconds before on the eastbound
track. Most of the casualties were
in the first two cars of the Golden
Hours Later
Sixteen hours later five wreck
crews made up of 200 men had
cleared the eastbound track and a
trainload of livestock moved by
the scene slowly. The westbound
track was all but cleared and res-
cuers and wreckers were certain
there were no more bodies in the
tangle of steel and cross-ties.
The soldiers, most of them in
their teens, were on their way
from Fort Dix, N. J., to Chicago
for a 12-day Christmas holiday be-
fore leaving for occupation duty in
Freights Crash
The eastbound freights piled
up only a few seconds before the
Golden Triangle, carrying 270 pas-
sengers, 150 of them soldiers, was
due to pass the scene near Couter,
0., at 70 miles an hour. One
stopped because of a broken air
hose and the second rammed into
it. A Pennsylvania Railroad
spokesman in Pittsburgh said the
engineer of the second, L. Petos-
key of Toledo, O., failed to heed a
signal to slow down.
A freight locomotive, seven
freight cars and a caboose lay
sprawled across the right-of-way
as the west-bound Triangle thun-
dered upon the scene on a paral-
lel track.
Choralists Will
Offer Messiah
Concerts To Feature
Special Orchestra
Under the direction of Hardin
Van Deursen, the University
Choral Union will present Han-
del's Messiah at 8:30 p.m. today
and at 3 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
A limited number of tickets are
still available at the offices of the
University Musical Society, Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
In addition to the 300 voices
Choral Union, the annual Christ-
mas presentation will feature a
special orchestra made up of ad-
vance students and Ann Arbor
musicians, Charles Vogan at the
organ and four New York soloists.
According to Charles A. Sink,
president of the Society, the solo-
ists have made specialities of Mes-
siah roles.
NEW APPOINTEES AT WRITE HOUSE-Four new heads of government agencies pause at the
White House door after calling on President Truman. Left to right: Frank P. Creedon, housing
expediter; John R. Steelman, appointed assistant to President to help in coordinating "federal agen-
cies" programs and policies; Maj. Gen. Philip B. Fleming, head of a new "office of temporary con-
trols," which will absorb OWMR, OPA, CPA and OES, and Raymond
M. Foley, housing administrator.
Tomorrow s Daily' To Print
Final Examination Schedule
A schedule of three-hour ex-
amination periods starting Mon-
day, January 20, will be announced
in the Daily Official Bulletin to-
Coordinated schedules for tl-e
engineering and literary colleges
prepared respectively by Profes-
sors Paul S. Dwyer and Clarence
Kessler were approved yesterday
by the Executive Committee of the
literary college and the Standing
Committee of the engineering col-
lege. Dr. Frank E. Robbins, as-
sistant to the president, revealed
the completion of the schedule last
Hit by Spain
MADRID, Dec. 13 - (P) - The
Spanish Government Cabinet,
headed by Generalissimo Fran-
cisco Franco, warned the United
Nations General Assembly tonight
that its resolution against Spain
was "a terrible precedent for fu-
ture relations among peoples,
which a majority of nations soon
will regret."
At its regular Friday night ses-
sion, the Cabinet considered the
General Assembly's action this,
week in adopting a resolution re-
questing all member nations to re-
call the chiefs of their diplomatic
missions in Spain.
Spanish business circles ex-
pressed relief today that the Unit-
ed Nations' resolution against
Spain failed to impose a wider
breach of diplomatic relations or
economic sanctions.
Housing Plans
May Be Saved
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-(')-
Out of a welter of debate that
reached the Cabinet,bsigns emerg-
ed tonight that the broad pattern
gram would be saved, but with
of the emergency housing pro-
major price and priority changes.
Simultaneously, organized vet-
erans rallied to defend federal
housing controls. A spokesman for
the American Veterans of World
War II told a Senate subcom-
Faculty Pressure
Dr. Robbins explained that ru-
mors to the effect that two-hour
examination periods would be
scheduled, may have stemmed
from recent pressure by faculty
members of the literary college to
extend to the class term to 16
weeks. This would have necessi-
tated scheduling three two-hour
examinations per day for a seven
day period.
However, members of the engi-
neering college argued that two
examination periods per day would
be more fair to the student body
and the Executive Committee of
the literary college agreed to the
11-day plan.
Faculty Decides Length
Although three hour periods
have been scheduled it was also
agreed to leave the actual length
of the examinations to the discre-
tion of the faculty, so that the in-
structors who so desire can give
two-hour finals.
Dr. Robbins also explained that
the 11-day three-hour plan was
approved only for this semester,
and that two-hour periods will be
considered again for the spring
141 Doctors
Will Graduate
Graduation exercises for the
Medical School's last wartime
speed-up class of 141 students will
be held at 10 a.m. today at Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Dr. Udo J. Wile, professor of
dermatology and syphilology at the
Medical School will deliver the
commencement address for the
senior medical students.
The ceremony, at which Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven will
preside, includes an invocation to
be given by the Reverend Chester
H. Loucks of the First Baptist
Church. The University Men's
Glee Club will also take part in
the program.
Jury Presses
New Charges
On Columbians
ATLANTA, Dec. 13-(IP)-A Ful-
ton County Grand Jury, pressing
its attack on the uniformed Col-
umbians, brought additional in-
dictments against Emory C. Burke
and Homer L Loomis, Jr., today
after hearing the testimony of a
half dozen former brownshirts.
Burke, thin faced president of
the anti-Jewish, anti-Negro order,
and Loomis, handsome secretary-
organizer, were accused of riot
and illegal possession of dynamite.
They were indicted previously for
usurpation of police powers. In
addition, Georgia's Attorney Gen-
eral has charged the order plan-
ned to seize control of the gov-
Following the day long session
of the grand jury, solicitor E. E.
Andrews said he had other in-
formation that "the Columbians
discussed dynamiting the city
hall, municipal auditorium, police
station, the AtlantarConstitution
and the Atlanta Journal."
The jury returned a single in-
dictment of illegally possessing
dynamite against Ira C. Jett,
another Columbian.
Osborn Seeks
Regency Post
Herbert Announces
Try for Reelection
LANSING, Dec. 13-OP)-Two
Upper Peninsula men, J. Joseph
Herbert, of Manistique, and
George A. Osborn, of Sault Ste.
Marie, today announced they
would be candidates for the Re-
publican nomination for the Uni-
versity of Michigan Board of Re-
gents at the party's spring con-
Two seats on the Board of Re-
gents will be filled at the spring
Herbert, whose term expires next
year, said he would be a candidate
to succeed himself. The term of
Harry Kipke, of Ypsilanti, also
expires next year.
Bevin States
British Total
Both Leaders Accept
Arms Cut Program
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Saturday, Dec. 14
-Secretary of State James F.
Byrnes disclosed to the world early
today the disposition of all Ame.r.
can troops outside U. S. borders,
setting the total at "less than
550,000," and British Foreign Sec-
retary Ernest Bevin said his na-
tion's forces at home -and abroard
had been cut below a million.
The two world leaders, mak-
ing their first platform appear-
ances before the United Nations
Assembly here, both spoke In
the general arms limitation de-
bate and flatly accepted the
basic program laid down by the
Byrnes named the countries
vhere every American soldier was
'illeted and then set down the ex-
act figures on all units outside
former Axis territory.
Bevin in turn said that Britain
was ready to supply any informa-
tion desirable and noted that his
country had slashed its forces
from "over 6,000,000 to well below
a million," and after occupation
commitments would go down even
Calling attention to Britain's
heavy financial burden in the
last war, Bevin added that "it.
is obvious that we cannot af-
ford to support great forces."
Before moving into the all-im-
portant arms debate, the Assembly
took these two decisions:
1. Passed, 36 to 6, with Russia
dissenting, a watered-down reso-
lution on the controversial veto
The final draft did little more
than call on the major powers to
seek private agreement on use of
the special voting privilege in the
Security Council and took note
of small-nation opposition to the
2. Approved eight trusteeship
agreements to pave the way for
setting up the UN's last major
body-the Trusteeship Council.
The affirmative vote was 41 on
all eight with the opposition, al-
ways including Russia, varying
from five to six.
Byrnes made the statement in
the midst of an address giving full
support to a basic program for
arms reduction.
He announced first that most of
the American troops were in ex-
enemy territory-Germany, Ja-
pan, Japanese'Islands, Korea, Aus-
tria and Trieste. He then gave
these specific figures on others:
Philippines, 96,000 military
personnel, including 30,000 com-
bat troops. China, 19,000 troops
with 15,000 of them combat
men; and Panama 1,500.
Byrnes rejected flatly Soviet ac-
cusations that American troops in
China are a threat to peace and
he warned against destruction of
the sovereignty of any nation "by
a war of nerves" or "by organized
political penetration."
Campus Sing
Is Tomorrow
The annual Carol Sing, to be
held at 8 p.m. tomorrow on the li-
brary steps, will be the tenth gly-
en since the sings were inaugur-
ated in 1937.
In contrast to the background
of the music tomorrow, the first
sing was held aroand thefire-
place of Lane Hall. Prof. David
Mattern, director of the Men's
Glee Club,led the music.
Originally a purely campus af-
Russians, RuinMauchur iaiEeonomy
Anderson Cites 'Dangerous'
Boom of Farm Land Prices.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-(A)-
Edwin W. Pauley reported today
that "long-range strategic reasans"
conservative" and includes the
wrecking of the major productive
capacity of Manchurian industry.
Manchuria would have been the
logical place to begin the rehabili-
tation of China because of its pro-