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December 07, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-12-07

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Rezoning Plan Stalled

THE city-proposed plan to rezone the
area adjacent to Washtenaw and South
University Avenues has apparently stalled
within the city's planning commission. Per-
haps the good merchants are waiting for
the fraternities and sororities and citizens
along Ann Arbor's most beautiful road to
forget all about their protests.
These mrerchants who make up the
Arm Arbor city council and the planning
commission would rather not have a hor-
nets'-nest of public opinion fall down
upon them as they have had in the past
over attenpts to rezone the Washtenaw
area. Still they hate to see those very
desirable business sites go to waste. They
are apparently not bothered by what to
do about the area, but about how they
will be ablk to satisfy tlemselves and still
keep the faith of the citizens of Ann Arbor.
The argument has gone to the Michigan
Supreme Court once in the past. The Court
ruled then that the city could not invoke
an ordinance which was prior to the 1923
ordinance changing the property to class C
(local business). After the gasoline station
which had been operating at the northwest
corner of Washtenaw and South University
closed about four years *ago, the council
rezoned the area as class B (residential).
Now the owners of radio station WJBK
have been granted a license to build a radio
station in Ann Arbor. They have selected
this site for their building, and the prop-
erty owner is trying to get the ordinance
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

changed in order to sell at a good price.
He has found some sympathy among the
merchants on the council.
BUT TWO alert citizens, Mrs. A. W. Coxon
and James Kennedy, who live across
from the site, rushed protests into the coun-
cil chamber. They circulated petitions
among the residents near Washtenaw and
South University Avenues. They asked and
received the support of eight fraternities
and sororities living near the area. They
jammed the council meetings with protest-
ing citizens determined to save the beauty
and value of their property and the prop-
erty of the other residents around them.
Both Mrs. Coxonand Mr. Kennedy felt that
any change would result in defamation of
the historic beauty of Washtenaw, and any
first encroachment by business upon this
street would pave the way for other busi-
nesses. "Look what happened to Packard!"
Mrs. Coxon exclaimed when the property
owners' attorney said that 'one' building
would not lead to more.
The council ducked from the barrage
of protests. They flung the 'hot potato'
amendment hastily into the planning
commission's lap. Two Mondays ago the
planning commission stuck the amend-
ment into a pigeon-hole to let it cool
off a bit.
The council and the planning commission
have not given any indication of consider-
ing the proposed zoning amendment in their
next meeting as yet. In the face of the
protests, some action must be taken by
both the commission and the council to
settle this dispute. The only action which
the council reasonably can take is to re-
ject the amendment. The next step should
be the purchasing of that site by the city
for a park, a suggestion favored by the lo-
cal property owners.
Bob Hartman

tea - . .



Faint Pralise
THE ONLY thing any two people seem to
be able to agree upon in the coal strike
is that neither of them likes John L. Lewis.
For a while I almost considered myself
a John L. booster because of his habit of
caning news photographers. Anybody who
has spent any time around professional news
photographers knows them to be one of
the lowest forms of humanity and it was
with sone difficulty that I restrained a
grisly chuckle of admiration for old John.
But an attempt to look at the coal strike
with something resembling pure reason gets
to be quite a difficult task. Even college
professors are at a loss to conclude that
there is much to be said for both sides. And
with good reason. For as far as I can make
out there are at least five, maybe six sides.
Certainly five things worth considering
in this case are:
1-Legal grounds for the government's
action and the un'ion's action.
2-Justification of the miners' demands.
3-Lasting effects of governmental action
on labor's freedom and "production by con-
4-How to get coal.
5-The personality of John L. Lewis.
* * * *
So far the greatest amount of publicity
has been trained on the last two points.
If you're not the sort of person who
worries about the first three considera-
tions, the problem does become slightly
simplified. All we have to do is lock up
John L. Lewis and put the screws on the
miners until they see things our way.
Fining each miner two dollars a day is
one such approach.
The only flaw -if you think along these
lines - is that we still might not get any
coal. And as far as John L.'s personality
is concerned, you can be sure that IT won't
be changed.
What makes it embarrassing if you like to
consider yourself a liberal is the strong
probability that the miners are justified in
their demands.
A lot of liberals have burrowed deep in
armchairs on this point: How to reconcile
their dislike for John L. Lewis with their
sympathy for the miners' demands?
I don't have any balm, but it seems
to me the important thing in this situa-
tion is to recognize that Lewis' personality
is only one side of a very complex situa-
tion and probably the least important
side at that.
More important is the probability that
a conciliation of some sort will be necessary
before the coal is eventually mined.
If this is true, the government is way
off the course on its present track.
* Soiled Shirt Fantasy
Don't Tell the Neighbors
ONE OF those fine old Georgian planta-
tions that pass for sorority houses out
on Washtenaw boasts a skeleton-in-the-
closet no Southern colonel, suh, could be
ashamed of.
We haven't been able to figure out how
it happened, or exactly what the phraseology
means, but we're sure of our source.
The chapter room in this particular house,
we're told, has somehow been condemned
as a firetrap.


Mexican Revolution

M4EXICO CITY - Everybody here walks
on little cat feet politically, though the
revolution is kind of middle aged by now,
being almost a generation old. It is still
the revolution and it is a troublesome thing
to own a revolution. This care weighs
heavily on the Left which finds it hard to
be both of icial and critical at the same
time, and the result is a curious sort of
nervously p.oorietarial air maintained most-
ly in silence . This does not mean that the
Left is unit d.. Its members meet and mut-
ter in the restaurant court of Sanborn's
drug store on the gay Madero, with the re-
sult that th eare is current 4a Spanish phrase
about the intellectuals at Sanborn's, which
has something like the meaning in this
country of penthouse pinks in New York.
The Left fellows the revolution through all
its turns hoping it is directing it. The
turns are ::any.
Mexico 1-s about given up the hope of
saving itse f through agriculture and dis-
tribution of the land. The land has been
distributed, but there is not enough of it.
The old slogans crash against a statistical
wall and :o the present program is one
of industmF lization; of making Mexico
a Latin elgium. The Left intellectuals
are now caught up in a dream of factories,


THE twenty-nine prints by George Rou-
alt now on exhibition in the Museum
of Art, Alutmi Memorial Hall, show vari-
ous phases of the artist's violent reactions
to contemporary social conditions and re-
ligion. Roualt evolved a highly personal
and unconventional style to express these
reactions and the results are not, at first
sight, fully comprehensible.
The prints were commissioned over a
period of two decades by the late Ambroise
Vollard, Parisian art dealer, who con-
tracted for the whole of Roualt's pro-
duction in return for a fixed allowance
for the artist. it has only been this year
that Roualt succeeded in breaking his
contract. He now stands to profit ma-
terially from his merited and phenomenal
success. Vollard intended to publish these
prints as illustrations to various texts,
one of which was written by Roualt him-
sef. The prints must, therefore, be un-
derstood as illustrations.
The artistic intent of the lithograph,
showing a slum on the outskirts of Paris,
entitled "Moving to a Castle in Spain," is
apparent, I-owever, in the print as well as
in the titl It is a forceful satire on a
housing coi rition not caused by war. Fol-
lowing the ame line of approach, read the
title of the print showing Christ presented
to the people of Jerusalem after his scourg-
ing. Instead of the traditional "ECCE
HOMO," th - artist uses his own title, "ECCE
DOLOR." L is the sorrow of Christian re-
ligion rathe than its dogmatic content that
the artist i. interested in portraying. Ex-
amnination )f the other religious prints,
those in col r as well as in black and white,
shows an al ost complete eradication of the

of turbines and dynamos, of tall chimneys
panting smoke into the soft blue Mexi-
can air..
One goes to see Vincente Lombardo Tolr-
dano, the Mexican labor leader who is
often called El Rojo, the Red, by the con-
servative side. He sits beneath a volcanic
portrait of Karl Marx, by Siquieros, in his
office in the Edificio Pensiones, opposite
the revolutionary monument, naturally, and
he talks in favor of tariffs. This is a little
surprising, at first. It would have done
the late President McKinley's heart good
to hear the man speak of the need for tar-
iffs to protect infant industries. Suddenly
one gets the full feeling of how the Jeffer-
sonian ideal of the sturdy independent
farmer is taking second place here to the
Hamiltonian concept of the contented work-
er and the prosperous enterprise. But with
a difference, for here is the Left which
proposes to. be the custodian of an indus-
trial revolution. One realizes what an ap-
pallingly complicated job the Mexican left
has set for itself. It is going to try to do
within the framework of revolutionary so-
cial laws, (such as the one which makes the
closed shop mandatory) what the conser-
vative Republican party did to the United
States after the Civil War. The results are
great tensions and a seeming disorienta-
tion, partly expressed through Lombardo's
acceptance of early Republican slogans
about the protective tariff and his unex-
pected opposition to what seems to Ameri-
cans the progressive notion of international
free trade.
The tensions go deep. The promoters
from everywhere are here and the Mexi-
can Right welcomes them hoping that
industrialization will create a new pow-
erful, conservative interest. But the Left
is forced to welcome them too, saying:
"That's fine"; saying it's glad they are
here and hoping the industrialization
will raise the living standard and fulfill
some of the promises of the revolution
before it floats away from its mooring
and becomes an overwhelming influence
on its own.
AND SO there is a kind of business tinge
to the new cabinet which the Right
hails lustily while the Left maintains its
tactical silence. Since the Right does not
own the revolution it hollers all the time
and gains, some say, all the concessions.
It is fascinating to see the Left standing
stonily by hoping that the Right is only
furnishing the motive power for the en-
gine. It still believes itself to be driving.
It is a delicate game of which one senses
the vibrations everywhere in this country
which had its Roosevelt before it had its
McKinley, so that it is now forced to try
the expedient of having the one sit in the
other's lap.
(Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)
The starting point of any fundamental
transformation of our industrial relations
from one of latent or open civil war to one
of peace and partnership must be willing-
ness on the part of management to get rid
of the beam in its own eye before beginning
to work on the mote in labor's eye. The
first job management has to do is to ack-
nowledge the fact that it does not know
how the worker sees things from his angle



Letters to the Editor,,a

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021G
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day1
preceding publication (11 :00 a.m. sat-.
urda ys.
SATURDAY, DEC. 7, 1946
VOL. LVII, No. 64
Campus Parking Permit Plates
for 1947 are now ready for dis-
tribution at the Information Desk,.
Rm. 1, University Hall.
Please apply only after having
procured 1947 license plates from
the local office of the Secretary
of State.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
Navy Five-term Officer Stu-
dents. All officers will report to
North Hall, NROTC Headquarters,
re. Christmas leave.
Notice to Veteran Students
who have not received sub-
sistence checks by nDecember
10 are urged to report in person to
the Veterans Administration Of-
fice, Rm. 100, Rackham ,Bldg
Tues., Dec. 10, between 8:00 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m.
FORE TUES., DEC. 10. No re-
ports will be accepted after 4:30
p.m., Wed., Dec. 11.
Veterans are further advised
that it is absolutely essential that
they have their "C" numbers
available when they report.
This is a nation-wide inquiry,
conducted at the direction of Gen-
eral Bradley, Administrator of
Veterans Affairs, which supersedes
all previous subsistence surveys.
Men's Residence Halls: Men
wishing to cancel their residence
hall contracts for the Spring Se-
mester may secure request blanks
now at the Office of the Dean of
Students. Such requests must be
filedon, or before Dect. 20, Rm.
University Hall.
Women students who are un-
able to go 'Lome for the Christmas
holidays and who need accommo-
dation in Ann Arbor may leave
their names at the Office of the
Dean of Women. Dormitory resi-
dents who have already notified
their house directors do not need
to call at the Office of the Dean
of Women but all others should
do so if they wish help.
Choral Union Ushers: About 100
extra ushers are needed for the
Messiah Concerts. Apply at Hill
Auditorium box office between
4:35 and 5:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 9.
Choral Union Members whose
attendance records are clear,
please call for courtesy passes to
the Boston Symphony Orchestra
concert, Monday, between the
hours of 9:30 and 11:30 a.m., and
1:00 and 4:00 p.m., at the offices
of the University Musical Society.
After 4 o'clock no passes will be is-
Varsity Glee Club: Special re-
hearsal of the Thursday night sec-
tion at 1:00 p.m., Rm. 305, Union.
Transportation for our concert
in Grosse 'Pointe Sunday after-
noon; we will board busses on the
east side of Hill Auditorium at
1:30 p.m.
School of Business Administra-
tion: All students who intend to
transfer to the School of Business
Administration for the spring se-
mester, 1947, and who have not
submitted their applicaitions,
should secure these blanks at Rm.
108, Tappan" Hall, and turn them

in immediately.
Recreational Swimming, Wom-
en Students: There will be no rec-
reational swimming at the Union
Pool today, but will continue as
usual next Saturday.

Outlook -- Occupational Trends
and Opporunitics a realistic pic-
ture of jobs in our present eco-
nomic situation by Dr. Ewan
! Clague, Commissioner of Labor
Statistics. U. S. Department of La-
bor, Washinton, D. C., at 7:30
p.m., Tues., Dec. 10, Rackham
Lcture lall; auspices of the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments
and Occu ational Information.
Lecture: Prof. P. W. Slosson,
History Department, Prof. M.
Thomson, SociologytDepartment
Michigan State Normal College,
and others will lecture on the sub-
ject, "The Armenian Question," at.
8:00 p.m., Sun., Dec. 15. Rackham
Lecture Hal; auspices of Tau
Beta Pi and Eta Kappa N Honor
Societies and the Armenian Stu-
dents Associatiom
A cadenic Notices
Dynamical Systems Seminar at
3:00 p.m., Mon., Dec. 9, Rm. 3201,
Angell Hall. Mr. Shapiro will
speak on "Birkhoff's Theory."
Mathematics 300: Orientation
Seminar at 7:00 p.m., Mon., Dec.
9 Rin. 3001 Angell Hall. M. R. W.
1 Frankel xwiil talk on "Genrut l~ied
Tihe Boston Symphony Orches-
tra will give the sixth program
in the Choral Union Series at 8:30
p.m., Mon.. Dec. 9, Hill Audito-
rium. The public is requested to
be seated on time, as the doors
will be closed during numbers,
Student Recital: Margaret Kay,
violinist, will present a recital in
partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degrees of Master
of Music at 8:30 Tues., Dec. 10,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A
pupil of Gilbert Ross, Miss Kay will
play compositions by Bach, Ravel,
Brahmns and Beethoven. T.lhe pub
lie is invited.
The College of Architecture and
Design presents an exhibition of
Advertising Art sponsored by the
Art Directoi s Club of Detroit. The
exhibition will be current until
Dec. 7 at noon, in the Galleries of
the RackhsEm Bldg.
Exhibit of student work of the
Cooper Union Art School, New
York, will be current from Dec. 5
to 20, ground floor corridor, Col-
lege of Architecture and Design.
India Art Exhibition presented
by Hindustan Association at Rack-
ham Buling on Friday and
Saturday, Dec. 6 and 7, 4:00-10:00
p.m. All are invited.
Events Today
University Radio Programs:
2:00 p.m., Station WJR, 750 Kc.
"Stump the Professor," Dr. Ran-
dolph Adams, Dr. Frank Robbins,
Prof. Arthur Hackett, Dr. Amos
Morris, Dr. George Kiss, and Prof.
Waldo Abbot.
10:45 p.m., Station WJR, 750
Kc. "Operative Dentistry Delay
Brings Disaster," Dr. Louis Schultz,
Professor of Dentistry.
Association of U. of M. Scien-
tists open meeting at 5:00 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. Ray-
mond L. Zwemer of the United
States Department of State will
speak on the subject, "Cooperation
in Science for Peace."
Jf-Hop Central Committee meet-
ing at 10:15 a.m., Union.
Russian Film, "Alexander Nev-
sky," auspices of the Russian Cir-

cle, 8:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Admission charged. Tick-
ets on sale at the bookstores and
the League.
Films on Life and Culture of
India at 7:15 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Admission free.
Congregational- Disciples Guild
Fireside Chat from 7:30-9:00 p.m.,
Guild House, 438 Maynard St. Mr.
A. K. Stevens of the University
Extension Service will discuss the
Growing Pains of Labor.
Coming Events
Economics Club at 8:00 p.m.
Mon., De; 9, Rackham Amphi-
theatre. "China's Postwar Prob-
lems," by Dr. D. K. Lieu, Business
Administration and Economics
staff and graduate students in-


EDITOR S NOT: No letter to the
editor will be printed unless signed
and writt~n ini good taste. etters
over 300 ii rds in length will lie
shortened or omitted; in special in-
stances, they will be printed, at the
discret ion1' the editoal wdirect r.
Vets (iweif s.. .
To the Editor:
THE VA claims to have mailed
90% of Michigan veterans sub-
sistence checks and Michigan vet-
erans claim to have received only
251 of them. Strangely, both
statements may be accurate.
If many veterans filled out their
application form1, 950, as I, antex-'
t Yeoman did, it is possible that
they have unintentionally denied
themselves their subsistence al-
lotments The text of frm 1950,
section 9, implies that if the appli-
cant has any dependents, he
should fill out blanks: 9(A),
9'B), 9(C), 9(D). Luckily, before
I mailed the form, a member of
my family realized that section 9
was actually to be filled out by
the veter'an desiring subsistence
1allotments. I made corrections
and received my first check No-
vember 3. The second arrived to-
An investigation should be made
into the official status of those
veterans that have not yet re-
ceived payments. If their benefits
are in jeopardy, something should
be done-now.
Within the last month, the VA
issued a new application blank to
succeed form 1950. This new form
words the question of subsistence
payments very simply and clearly:
however, most veterans on the
campus made application in the
summer months or even earlier.
-Craig I. Wilson
x * t
Where Are They?.
To the Editor:
TWO Willow Run Veterans, vic-
tims of the V.A. subsistence de-
pression, seek information regard-
ing procurement of Christmas
welfare baskets for the needy.
-Robert N. Baieham
William E. Brown
n s ..e
Down in Cleveland ...
CONVERSATION, overheard in
men's dorm: "Oh hell guess
I'll quit school and go out to make
my million without the benefit of
a college education."
Second bitter character: "I'd go
along with you but it would foul-
up bookkeeping down in Cleveland.
-"Swede" Aronson
Hank Lukasik
A Call for Unity .
tor of the New Masses, pre-
sented a speech at the Union on
Wednesday, the 20th of November,
on the subject "The Root of Negro
Oppression." Having heard this
speech, in which Margaret Hal-
sey's new book Color Blind, on this
same subject, was condemned, it
was naturally a surprise to me to
find on reading the book, that
she was in complete agreement
with his basic premise: that Negro
oppression stems from an eco-
nomic rather than a moral root.
Actually, the point on which he
differed with her was her state-
ment that the integration of the
Negro people with American
white society must be a slow and
tedious process. Yet both Miss
Halsey and Dr. Aptheker are rev-
olutionists, and both have for
their revolutions the same goal, if
I understand them correctly. Their
common goal seems to be the real-
ization of the supposedly American
ideal, so ably expressed in several

of our public documents but so
inadequately practiced by our
public servants and private citi-
zens: "that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain un-
alienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the
pursuit of Happiness." Both echo
this statement of policy; both
agree that the reason it has not
been put into practice is that a
basic flaw exists in our economic
structure; and both agree that
this flaw must be corrected: it is
therefore difficult to see how they
can appear to be in such com-
plete disagreement.
Of course, if this were merely a
difference of opinion between a
humorist and a Communist writ-
ing on Negro oppression, it would
be a conflict of little significance.
But it has long been a source of
great distress to me that this same
difference of opinion divides all
of the advocates of social and eco-
nomic reform into two or more
bitterly opposed factions, which
sap their strength fighting each

other, rather than combining their
strength against the forces that
are opposed to social and eco-
nomic reform. To an unpreju-
diced observer, the prospect of a
sincere communist revolt against
a truly democratic government is
absurd: there would be no injus-
tices against which 'to rebel. And
equally absurd is the thought of a
sincerely democratic nation wish-
ing to impose democracy on a truly
communistic one: for What is com-
munism but democracy arrived at
in a different manner?
Halsey proposes a slow revolu-
tion within the existing frame-
work of government; Apthek'er
proposes a sudden revolution. Both
methods are imperfect: the one
involves permitting a wrong to
continue to exist for an unknown,
though finite, length of time; the
other is virtually certain to in-
volve bloodshed, possibly civil war.
Intelligent people on both sides see
the faults in both systems, and
sincerely believe that the fault in
their own is the lesser of the two.
But what is important is that fu-
ture generations of minorities will
not be in a better or a worse con-
dition because we had one kind
of revolution or the other; the
improvement ,of their condition is
dependent on our h.aving a revo-
lution of either kind, rather than
none at all. One is tempted to
suspect that the "vested interests"
of our present economic structure
have found some subtle means of
applying the rule of "Divide and
conquer" to their enemf, the Hal-
seys and the Apthekers. Whether
or not this is the case, it is to be
hoped that the Halseys and the
Apthekers will, before it is too
late, reconcile their petty differ-
ences by compromise and form a
united front in their fight against
the oppression and exploitation of
the politically, economically, and
numerically weak,
The word "communist" Seems to
cause a red mist, more impervious
than any iron curtain, to envelope
the minds of even our otherwise
most open-minded citizens. Re-
cent victims of this particularly
vicious type of semantic confu-
sion were the leaders of the cam-
pus AVC chapter. That they should
take up red-baiting, at a time
when so much depends on the con-
solidation of all liberal forces in
the United States and in the
world, is a sad commentary on
either the intelligence or the sin-
cerity of these men and their
counterparts throughout the coun-
-David F, Ross
* * ee
Downtown Movies.
To the Editor:
IT IS a source of continuous
wonderment in some quarters
that the best movies in town are
invariably neglected by your
cinematic observer. I am of
course, referring to those movies
which appear in the downtown
Ann Arbor theatres.
Inasmuch as they are infinitely
better and since these theatres
also advertise in The Daily, it
seems only just that Miss Fiske
include them in her review. Per-
sonally, I would be happy to see
that Miss Fiske attend one of
these downtown theatres some
evening if she will communicate
to me what time would be con-
venient for her. I must stipulate,
however, that the dishes belong
to me if we win.
-Donald Grimshaw


*: * *


Obviously All Wet
W E WERE leafing through The Log, a
student publication of the naval acad-
emy at Annapolis, unaware of what we
were doing the other day when we ran
across a story on the Nazi Navy. (The mag-
azine is kind of a floating Technic, as far
as we could see.)
We don't want to break in on any briny
dreams the middies may be entertaining,
but the viewpoint expressed in the sub-
title of this particular article seemed just
a trifle unrealistic.
It ran, "Relegating the Navy to a Sec-
ondary Position Cost Germany the War."
Distorted Values
CARLO Alessandro Guidi, Italian lyric
+poet,died because of a typographical
error, an Encyclopaedia Britannica re-
searcher has discovered. Enroute to pre-
sent a poem to Pope Clement XI, he found
a serious typographical error, was seized
with an apoplectic fit and died.
Pity the poor newsboys of today.
Contributions to this column are by all members
of The Daily staff, and are the responsibility of
the editorial director.
A dozen new and old ideas, such as pro-
fit sharing, labor-management councils,
cooperatives and so on, must be explored
anew in an effort to bring a generous and
responsible spirit to the nation's workshop.

Willow Run Village
West Court:
Sat., Dec. 7, 8:30-11:30
Open House for all couples.


University Lecture: General
Victor A. Yakhontoff, old Russian
Army, retired, will lecture on the
subject, "United States-China---
Soviet Russia," at 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 11, Kellogg Auditorium; aus-
pices of the Department of His-
tory. The public is invited.
Mathematics Lecture Postponed.
The lecture by Prof. Hassler
Whitney of Harvard University,
which was originally scheduled
for the Topology Seminar, Mon-
day, has been postponed indefi-

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman .....Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim .Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey...........City Editor
Mary Brush.......... Associate Editor"
Ann Kutz...........Associate Editor
Paul Harsha.........Associate Editor
Clark Baker.............Sports Editor
Des Howarth ..Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin .. ,Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk...........Women's Editor
Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ....Business Manage)
Evelyn Mills
Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork Associate Business Manag
Tele phone 23-24-1

Graduate S t und e n t Council
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Mon., Dee. 9,
East Lecture Room, Rackham
(Con tinued on Page 3)

Vocational Lecture:

The JobI


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