A6F Ati
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See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
Rail Service
Cut To Leave
Four Trains
Agent Predicts
Further Slashes
Only four passenger trains will
be plying their way through Ann
Arbor going East and West after
tomorrow night when the latest
. urtailment of service by the New
York Central Railroad goes into
effect, according to J. F. Dyer, lo-
tal passenger agent.
The remaining trains are the
Wolverine, Mercury, Twilight Lim-
ited and the Motor City Special.
Student Rush
Dyer reported a rush of stu-
dents yesterday in response to a
plea voiced by University and rail-
road officials to buy tickets now
and indicate what train is desired
for the trip home over the Christ-
mas holidays so that plans might
be laid to accommodate the
However, Dyer predicted a fur-
ther slash in the remaining service
in the near future if the coal
strike persists.
Trains Scheduled
The only train which will run
through Ann Arbor after 11:59
p.m. tomorrow are:
Eastbound, Chicago to Detroit:
No. 316 Motor City Special com-
bined with No. 342 leaves Ann Ar-
bpr at 6:41 a.m.; No. 76 Mercury
leaves Ann Arbor at 2:51 p.m.; No.
30 Twilight Limited leaves Ann Ar-
bor at 9:37 p.m.; No. 8 Wolverine
combined with No. 48 The Detroit-
er to New York leaves Ann Arbor
at 6:51 p.m.
Westbound, Detroit to Chicago:
No. 315 Motor City Special com-
bined with No. 345 leaves Ann Ar-
bor at 12:57 a.m.; No. 75 Mercury
leaves Ann Arbor at 1:31 p.m.; No.
31 Twilight Limited leaves Ann
Arbor at 5:26 p.m.; No. 17 Wol-
verine combined with No. 47 The
Detroiter from New York to De-
troit leaves Ann Arbor at 8:34
Bus Fare Hlike
is Protested
Rent Strike Threats
Heard at Willow Run
Angry shouts of protest and
threats of a rent strike were heard
last night at a Willow Run rally
protesting a raise in bus fare for
people working in Detroit.
Terming a bus fare raise of from
$.20 to $.35 equal to a $13 dollar
monthly rent increase, workers
at the rally stated flatly that
they would be unable to pay rent
in the housing project.
The protest meeting, sponsored
by the Willow Run Chapter of the
American Veterans Committee,
the American Legion Post No.
408 and the Willow Run Citizens
Committee, set up a ten man
committee to plan for a motor-
cade to Lansing when the Stu-
dent Administrative Board meets
again on Dec. 17.
Robert L. Wolpe, state AVC
chairman, promised full support
of his organization.
Walter Hoffman, chairman of
the Willow Run AVC, pointed out
last night that the workers were
promised a $10 bus fare when
they were urged to move fromDe-
troit to Willow Run. Originally
workers had special passes and
non-pass holders paid a $.35 fare.
Fares were raised to $.20 for De-
troit workers and $.60 for non-
workers this summer after the
state had threatened tordo away
with the subsidy.
A telegram was sent to UAW
local 600 urging their support.
Another rally will be held Dec. 15.
Conducts Here
Presenting the sixth concert of
the Choral Union Series, the Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra will give
its 17th consecutive performance
in Ann Arbor at 8:30 p.m. Mon-
The Orchestra will appear un-
der the direction of Serge Kou-
ssevitzky, who took over the posi-
tion of conductor in 1924 after
winning renown with his own
symphony orchestra in Russia.
Later, in Paris, he organized and
Sits {
Supreme Court Faces Coal Case
FREIGHT EMBARGO FORCES LAY-OFFS-Detroit workers from the Ford Motor Division leave
their jobs, joining at least 250,000 other unemployed workers exclusive of the 400,000 striking miners.
* * * * * *
Galens Reach
Halfway Mare
On First Day
Will Continue Drive
For $3,000 Today
After standing all day in the
fog, tag-selling members of Gal-
en's Hororary Medical Fraternity
turned in heavy contribution
buckets, with $1,885 totaled up to-
ward their $3,000 goal in the first
day of their 1946 drive.
The figures show about a $185
increase over last year's first day
donations of approximately $1,700.
Donors Generous
Donald W. Bowne, chairman of
the drive, said that "the towns-
people and students were more
than generous during the first
day and with their continued sup-
port today, -we feel confident that
the drive can be as successful as
last year's." The 1945° quota of
$3,000 was topped by some $500,
In addition to tomorrow's sales
on campus and in the downtown
area, the group will pick up dona-
tions of -fraternities and sororities
which have contributed as a group.
Fund Uses
Funds received in the Galen's
Christmas Drive each year sup-
port the Galen Shop, Book Shelf
and Fun Fund for youngsters at
University Hospital.
The shop was set up in 1928 to
help fill 12 idleshours eaeh day
for hospitalized children, to whom
confinementdall too often means
a period of dull tedium. In addi-
tion to its value for taking the
youngster's minds off of them-
selves shop instructors cite the
beneficial influence of "work-
ing with the other kids" and learn-
ing how to cooperate and work
for other youngsters:
Halsey Is Gran ed
Release from Navy
Fleet Admiral William (Bull)
Frederick Halsey, Jr., 64, has been
relieved of active participation in
naval affairs at his own request,
the Navy reported tonight.
Coal Strike, Freight Embargo
Raise Unemployment Total
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 6-(P)-The nation's unemployed rose to
over 250,000 exclusive of the 400,000 striking miners today and no-
where could there be found anybody who would forecast anything but
the gloomiest of prospects for next week when the effect of the feight
embargo really starts hitting American industry.
The railroads, with over 50,000 idle, sent additional thousands
home as they slashed freight service to the bone and prepared to cut
M Cage Team
Opens Season
Here Tonight
A new coach and a new team
will open a new season at 7:30 to-
night in Yost Field House, against
Ben Van Alstinels veteran Michi-
gan State five.
Coach Ozzi~e Cowles brand new
quintet will feature only one of
last year's regulars, Bob Harrison,
who will be making his first ap-
pearance as a guard. Boyd Mc-
Caslin and Mack Suprenowicz,
forwards, Bill Roberts, center, and
Bill Mikulich, guard, will comprise
the rest of the starting lineup.
This evening's game will mark
the college basketball debut of
Mikulich, the varsity tennis cap-
tain, Roberts and Suprenowicz.
To back up the starting five
Cowles may call on Marty Fein-
berg, Gerrit Wierda, and Hal
Morrill. Pete Elliott, who has
had less than two weeks of prac-
tice since the end of the foot-
ball season, is also expected to
see some action.
Cowles has indicated that he is
satisfied with the recent form of
his team. "The team hit a pre-
seaso npeak sometime last week,"
said Cowles, "and they've been
right around it since then. They
probably haven't been quite as
sharp this week, but that is to be
The Michigan State squad,
which has been termed "defin-
itely favored," will probably
line up with Bob Geahan and
See WOLVERINES, page 3
passenger service on coal-powered
trains by as much as 50 per cent
by Sunday.
The steel industry, hard hit
from the start of the walkout over
two weeks ago, had sidelined near-
ly 70,000 with the big figures yet
to come. Additional thousands al-
ready were on part-time basis as
the result of the closing of better
than 75 per cent of the open
hearths and blast furnaces.
Hundreds of industries either
laid off men or worked them stag-
gered hours.
From the two largest bituminous
states-West Virginia and Ohio-
came reports of gain in the trickle
of coal coming from non-union
and strip mine operations.
In Pennsylvania, the Solid Fuels
Administration and the Navy Coal
Mines Administration agreed pro-
duction was gaining slightly.
Additional schools joined hun-
dreds already closed in Ohio,
Michigan, Pennsylvania, Coloradlo,
Utah and Washington.
Others, including the University
of Notre Dame, planned extended
vacations unless the strike is set-
tled. In several states schools,
churches and places of entertain-
ment have been refused special
fuel allotments.
Ford motor plans to add an-
other 20,000 to the 20,000 fur-
loughed yesterday were delayed
Lieu Describes
China's Rising
Price Problem
Rising prices, China's most im-
portant wartime economic prob-
lem, were not the result of infla-
tion as was commonly thought,
Dr. D. KLieu, Chinese econo-
mist and Michigan alumnus, de-
clared yesterday.
Speaking at a University lec-
ture, Dr. Lieu said that the price
rise was the result of wartime
shortages due to movement of
industry into the interior and in-
sufficient agricultural production
to provide foodstuffs for the ac-
companying migration of labor.
The agricultural production
shortage accounted for the rise in
the price of rice and the resulting
overall increase, Dr. Lieu asserted.
To the average Chinese laborer,
the upward movement of the price
of rice reflected higher costs of
living, and so resulted in increased
labor costs and prices, he ex-
Rail Freight Rates
To Be Increased
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6-(I1')-
Freight rate increases for rail and
water carriers of nearly $1,000,-
000,000 a year were authorized to-
dav hv the Interstate Commerce
AFL Leaders
Protest Strike
State Fuel Reserves
To Be Put in Stock
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6-Tear-4
ing aside all legal red tape, thet
government rushed the coal case
up to the Supreme Court today
and asked it to suspend its rules
in view of "irreparable injury" be-
ing done by the strike.
If it does-in view of the walk-
out and the growing economic
paralysis-it could announce by
Monday noon whether it will act.
Arguments could be heard next
week, and a final decision deliv-
ered a week from Monday-if the
matter were rushed to the utmost.
The dramatic moves by which'
the Justice Department snatched
at John L. Lewis' appeal and ran
with it from the Federal District
Court through the Circuit Court
of Appeals and up to the highest
tribunal in the land in a space
of a few hours climaxed a day
wh ruch brought these other devel-
1. President Truman conferred
for an hour with his cabinet in
preparation for his Sunday broad-
cast to the people. A cabinet mem-
ber reported that "there will be
no turning back in this fight."
2. Philip Murray, president of
the CIO, called for the formation
of a united front by the AFL and
the Railroad Brotherhoods with
his organization "against the fero-
pious attack now being made upon
3. With the bituminous strike
past its 16th day and no end sighe-
ed, the government imposed new
restrictions on utility coal stocks
and moved to make the power and
lighting dimout almost nationwide
on Monday.
The Solid Fuels Administration
set up an allocation system under
which any utility's excess over a
60-day coal supply would go, in or-
der, to:
(1) Another public utility with
less than a 30-day supply, (2) a
railroad with less than a 10-day
supply, and (3) other essential
users certified by state or local
The widespread dimout order
set for Monday would extend the
present 21-state dimout to all
areas served by electrical utilities
which now use coal or are inter-
connected with coal-burning sys-
Power saved from the dimout in
areas served by hydroelectric
plants would be channeled, where
possible, to coal-burning sections.
The Civilian Production Admin-
istration also ordered deliveries of
bituminous coke to essential users.
Normally, Lewis would have 20
days to oppose the government's
request that the Supreme Court
take over immediately,
What the government wants the
Supreme Court to decide is wheth-
er Justice Goldsborough was on
good legal ground in issuing
his temporary restraining order
against Lewis and the United Mine
Workers Nov. 18 in advance of the
Washin Crisis Eased
ByAir, Bus Line Offers
Truck Delivery of Student Laundry Cases
To Willow Run Airport May Be Arranged
With parcel-post shipment .of laundry cases banned by the gov-
ernment, air and bus freight handlers offered students escape from
two weeks of hand-laundering yesterday.
Harry A. Grow, District Cargo Sales Manager of Pennsylvania
Central Airlines, said that there was no embargo on air freight and
his airline would "be glad to handle laundry cases to out-state homes."
Grow said the only difficulty *
would be in getting the laundry
cases to Willow Run Airport. If a
sufficient number of students are
interested, the University will re-
quisition a truck for the purpose'
according to Assistant Dean of
Students Walter R. Rea.
They are asked to call The Daily,
2-3241, and indicate whether they
will be willing to help pay for truck
transportation which Dean Rea es-
timated will not be over 25 cents a
Busses To Help
Meanwhile, John Hagen, man-
ager of the Greyhound Bus Ter-
minal here, agreed to express cases
to in-state points between Detroit,
Flint, Kalamazoo, Lansing and
Grand Rapids, if they are turned
in to the bus depot downtown.
Air Express in Ann Arbor re-
fused to take laundry cases be-
cause part of the shipment is by
Grow listed these charges for
air express of laundry cases weigh-
ing up to 25 pounds: $2.16 to New
York City; $4.48 to Denver; $1.33
to Chicago and Pittsburgh; $1.50
to Sault Ste. Marie.
Five Years
Ago Today -
Pearl Harbor
Five years ago today the news
of the Japanese air and sea at-
tack on Pearl Harbor broke onto
an unsuspecting campus.
A good share of the University's
student veterans and the great
majority of the faculty were here
then-and remember.
Ten hours before the first ra-
dio flash, The Daily had gone to
press, mirroring a campus pre-
occupied with peacetime pursuits,
although it was split along isola-
tionist-interventionist lines.
Page one featured "Roosevelt
Sends Special Message to Hirohi-
to as War Crisis Nears." But in
the next column two "local screw-
balls" were in their 72nd hour
without sleep in a "sleepless mar-
athon." The Perry Logan of that
day was proclaiming a solution to
the four - out - of five problem
(which could be found in the
new issue of Gargoyle) and read-
ers were given a colorful account
tof rehearsals for "Full House"-
the Union's Mimes Opera.
Early that afternoon The Daily
editors began publishing an ex-
tra Monday edition which told the
full shattering story.
Slowly recovering from the im-
pact but gaining momentum each
day thereafter, the campus went
to war.
Many Students
Able To Elude
Laundry Woes
Equipment Accessible
In Large Dormitories
The campus appeared to be well-
fixed today to take on the job of
doing its own laundry.
Most of the larger residence halls
have washing machines in the
basement, and house directors said
they wouldn't frown on use of
bathtubs and sinks for emergency
Reports from women's dormi-
tories were that most coeds have
been doing their own washing this
semester, anyway.
Rooming House Residents
Rooming house residents were
the only student group apparently
caught short by the recent govern-
ment order curtailing non-essen-
tial rail shipments.
With parcel-post shipment of
laundry cases cancelled for the
duration of the coal-strike, East
Quadrangle men were flocking to
use two washing machines, in-
stalled three weeks ago in the
Mrs. Elliott K. Herdman, East
Quadrangle house director, said
that the new washers are in use
most of the time. "But some of the
boys still haven't learned that the
dye comes out of socks on their
white shirts," she added.
Men at the West Quadrangle
aren't so fortunate according to
Mrs. Lura D. Niles, director of
Michigan House.
GI Washing
She indicated that West Quad
students still are doing their
clothes "the GI way" because they
as yet have no washing machines.
Stockwell Hall reported that few
laundry cases are going out this
year since most of the women have
'found it easier to do their own
washing on a battery of six ma-I
chines in the basement.
No Immediate Increase
Local commercial laundries con-
tacted yesterday indicated that no
immediate increase in business has
been noted. Most laundry opera-
tors assertel that they would have
to turn away more than a few ex-
tra customers.
Apparently unaware of the new-
est government edict banning par-
cel post delivery of laundry cases,
several disappointed students were
observed trudging dejectedly away
from the post office today with
their cases, after being turned
away by postal authorities.
Justice Dept.
Asks Speedy
Appeal Trial
United Labor Front
Requested by Murray
By The Associated Press
A 10 p.m. curfew was clamped
on liquor sales today as Gov. Kelly,
faced by the mounting crisis of a
soft coal shortage, proclaimed a
state of emergency in Michigan
The executive order emanated
from Lansing as AFL leaders dis-
cussed a general protest strike in
Detroit, as the strangling effects
of the national tie-up gripped
tighter the state's industries, rail-
roads, schools, churches and social
State officials said at least 15
cities are in dire straits, their coal
supplies sufficient for less than a
The Governor's action was de-
scribed as making "a common
stock pile" of Michigan's fast
dwindling fuel reserves.
Gov. Kelly acted swiftly this
morning under emergency powers
Gripes Meet Word
Of Tavern Curfew
Students in one local tavern
greeted the ten o'clock curfew
announcement last night with
groans and harsh words for John
L. Lewis.
Many students pictured a
gloomy week-end with more cur-
tailment of the towns limited re-
creational facilities. Tavern-own-
ers predicted heavy weekend trade
because drinkers would crowd into
the taverns earlier and stay until
the newrclosing time.
A member of the police depart
ment said that 26 taverns in the
Ann Arbor area would be affected
by the edict which would also halt
all sale of liquor in retail outlets
after the curfew hour.
especially granted the chief exec-
utive following the 1943 Detroit
race riots and described as the fast
stage before martial law.
Chairman Felix H. H. Flynn of
the State Liquor Control Commis-
sion said the tavern curfew will
take effect immediately, adding
that only enough time will be al-
lowed to notify licensees by tele-
Leonard, discussing the "gloomy
outlook," said that by the end of
this month Michigan may face the
"most drastic economic and social
picture the state has ever had."
He said he has been informed by
federal authorities that there will
be no coal at all "in a few weeks"
if the dispute contiues.
He listed cities hardest hit by
the shortage as Detroit. Monroe,
Midland, Muskegon, Dowagiac,
Mt. Pleasant, Ludington, Sturgis,
Albion, Coldwater, Owosso, Lan-
sing, Chelsea, Big Rapids and
Building Plan
Is Threatened
Shortages May Cause
Work Stoppage at 'I
Plant Superintendent Walter
Roth estimated yesterday that
supplies on hand should enable
the University's building program
to continue for nearly one month,
after which shutdowns will be nec-
essary unless the coal strike
However, he said that inven-
tories of items such as nails have
not bf een checked since the rail
embargo was ordered, and that an
unexpected shortage in any such
small items mights necessitate a
complete shutdown on all con-
struction, even though adequate
supplies of other materials might
be available.
Etractural steel for the General
Dean Lloyd Asks Withdrawal
Of Coed Hair-Curling Request
Urging maintenance of decorum
and support of social standards,
Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women,
has suggested that University
coeds withdraw a request to ap-
pear in residence hall dining
rooms with their hair in curlers,
and covered with a scarf, on week-
end nights.
In a letter sent to the house
presidents of University residence
halls, Miss Lloyd said, "It is my
belief that it is wise at all times
to maintain in our residences for
women standards of dress and of
manners which are the accepted
standards in a well-ordered and
dignified society. It seems wise,
therefore, to ask that every day of
the week students should appear
in the residence.hall dining rooms
and living rooms attractively
dressed and well groomed."
nfo..mal Eitreme
with their hair "up" on Fridays
and Saturdays.
Miss Lloyd commented on the
complete swing from the 1920's
when one of the problems facing
the Dean's Office was what to do
about the "ridiculous formality"
of the University women who sel-
dom appeared in a classroom with-
out hat, gloves, silk stockings and
Emily Post Unfavorable
Permitting the coeds to come to
dinner with their hair in scarfs or
bandanas would be falling far be-
low accepted social standards; Miss
Lloyd said. "If the women were to
go to Emily Post for support, they
would definitely not get a favor-
able ruling from her."
In another part of her letter to
house presidents, Miss Lloyd said,
"It has been suggested that on per-
hainnP nor two occasions . dur-
Women Voters League Informs
> I
The League of Women Voters
doesn't want to tell people what
to do, but simply to make them
think, according to Anna Lord
Strauss, national president of the
Known as "the lady who scares
politicilans," the slender, prema-
turely grey Miss Strauss stressed
the League's educational activities
in a Daily interview.
She was in Ann Arbor yesterday
wants, she said, to "make more
citizens aware of their . respon-
sibility in laying a course for the
country's future."
"We never come out for or
against a candidate or a party,"
Miss Strauss stated, but only try
to give citizens the facts, so that
they can act intelligently."
Miss Strauss, who keeps closely
in touch with activities in League
chapters throughout the country,
pointed out that women students
in many American colleges have
the famous suffragist Lucretia
Mott, and by Carrie Chapman
Catt, who founded the League in
1920, Miss Strauss runs its Wash-
ington office and travels to dis-
cover what is going on in the na-
tional field.
The Leagues membership repre-
sents "as much of a cross-section
of a community as possible," Miss
Strauss said. Many men are list-
ed as associate members, and the
League admits that it had a great
influence on husbands of its mem-