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November 26, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-26

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i r

Regent Backs ReformrTI

U NIVERSITY Regent Alfred B. Connable
Jr.,~is taking the lead in a national
effort to provide education With much-
needed improvements.
At a recent meeting of the Association of
Governing Boards of State Universities and
Allied Institutions, Regent Connable played
an integral role in the adoption of two res-
olutions-aimed at reform and progress for
higher education.
The resolution urged that steps be tak-
en in cooperation with private colleges
arid universities to "improve the economic
position of the teaching profession" point-
ing out that the nation is spending for
education a far less proportionate share
of the national income "than is worthy
of the country and essential to the proper
education of our youth."
In another resolution, the educators rec-
ommended the development of systematic
academic study of the problem of world
organization to preserve peace "especially
by mature and carefully selected students
in law and graduate schools."

Regent Connable told The Daily that ed-
ucation must assume a definite part of the
responsibility for world government, "if
world government is to be a lasting, suc-
cessful institution."
"This is a time when education must
realize its obligations, its opportunities, and
its duties to the nation and to the world,"
he said.
Regent Connable was instrumental in
the passage of the above mentioned reso-
lutions. His attitude helped set the tone
for the Association meeting.
He appeared at the meeting as a relative
unknown, a regent from a midwestern uni-
Before the meeting was adjourned, the
Association had elected Regent Connable
one of its vice-presidents.
{ It is encouraging to note that Regent
Connable has taken a progressive stand on
matters which represent major educational
and world issues of our time.
He deserves the support and encourage-
ment of the entire University community.
-Robert Goldman

Democracy in Japan

M Y OLD boss "Dougout Doug" and his
military machine are still striving in-
effectually to inculcate democracy into the
Japanese people.
When the Emperor promulgated a new
constitution recently which outlawed war,
General MacArthur and many lesser lights
immediately hailed it as "a great stride for-
ward toward world peace, good will, and
Someone had a slogan once which read,
"You can't change human nature by an
act of Legislature." From the standpoint
of America, a democratic constitution for
Japan is essential and this simple state-
ment of "outlawing war" may very well
as General MacArthur expostulates "lay a
very solid foundation for the new Japan."
We are, however, prone to fudge people
by their actions rather than their words
and another news release from Tokyo indi-
cates that whatever the government may
say, its actions are still grounded in the im-
perialistic traditions which are far afield
from the democratic processes we cherish.
In America the President and the gov-
ernment can be and are criticized by anyone
from the Secretary of Commerce down to
the lowliest worker. Governmental criti-
cism and ridiculing cartoons are here con-
sidered inalienable rights of a free people.
In sharp contrast stands the case of
Matsutaro Matshushima, who, apparently
inspired by the American ideas of free,
speech, dared to lampoon the Emperor by
carrying a caricatured placard which rid-
iculed the Emperor for eating well while
some Japanese were starving.
After three months deliberation, the Jap-
anese courts sentenced this radical to eight
months in jail on conviction of defamation.
The procurators declared that they would
appeal . . to secure the ten months sen-

tence which they had originally demanded.
People were starving in Japan. To those
of us reared in a democratic environment,
Matshushima's actions are scarcely radical.
The sentence of this man, who dared to
exercise what we would consider a demo-
cratic prerogative, stands as an indication
of the failure of our military occupation to
guide the Japanese to a democratic con-
cept of government and life.
Military occupation, of its very nature,
is incapable of instituting this change.
Doug's number one boy, General Eichel-
burger, has demonstrated by his suppres-
sion of the Tokyo STARS AND STRIPES
that he has no conception of democracy.
To believe that a military occupation of
Japan is capable of turning that country
to democracy, we must first acknowledge
that the average GI found the essence
of democracy in the army's caste system. .
The time has long since past for Amer-
icans to continue the military control of
Japan. In the early days of U. S. occupa-
tion General MacArthur provided an ex-
cellent idol whom the Japanese people came
to revere or worship in place of the Em-
peror. Now, however, if we are to pursue
a long range occupational policy to educate
the Japanese in our way of life, we must
approach the situation rationally. When
you want a radio repaired you don't call
a plumber.
A civilian administration of Japan, direct-
ed by the best of America's educators and,
social scientists, is the only possible answer
to a successful occupation. We must retain
a moderate military force for security, yes,
but we shall not accomplish our basic pur-
pose of democratizing Japan until we re-
place the military control with a civilian
administration which can teach democracy.
-Tom Walsh

.4/I Ot Ifr thin9
ON November 16, the New York Times
printed a'three column, full-length ad-
vertisement, signed by several of Franco's
emissaries of good will, pleading the cause
of the fascist dictator. Says the ad, "It is
absolutely false that the present govern-
ment in Spain was imposed upon the Span-
ish people by Hitler and Mussolini." It even
goes so far as to say that the "Civil war
was won by the courage and faith of the
Spanish people;" that Franco remained
neutral during the war. . . If what these
men say is true, then not only Time's coit-)
respondent, Matthews, but Vincent Sheean,
Ernest Hemingway, and every other cor-
respondent, American or otherwise, has
done a bad reportorial job for ten years.
PM's correspondent, Allan, just returned
from Spain, having contacted the under-
ground forces, writes of the terror to which
the Spanish people have been subjected
under the Franco regime. Hundreds of
thousands of innocent citizens, whose only
crime was to have been in sympathy with
the cause of democracy, have been mur-
dered in cold blood by the Franco police.
Hundreds of thousands of others were either
imprisoned or sent to Germany as slave la-
bor. Today, the masses of ,the population
are starving. The shops are filled with food
and finery, accessible only to the Franco-
made millionaires. Police roam the streets,
armed with sub-machine guns. . . This is
the Spain to which the ad refers, when
it says, "Foreigners who visit Spain, open
to all, note that there is more genuine de-
mocracy in Spain today than is to be found
in some American nations and in many
European countries."
These men very wisely neglect, when
speaking of Franco's neutrality, to men-
tion the well known "Blue Division," which
was sent to the Eastern front to fight
with the Nazis; or, a Franco statement,
made after the Nazis were repulsed as
Stalingrad, "If some day Berlin were in
danger, Spain would send a million men
to defend her from the Red hordes."
Abel Plenn, former Chief of Propaganda
Analysis for the Office of Inter-American
Affairs, who worked with the OWI in Spain
during the war, brings out some interest-
ing facts about the Franco regime in his
book, "The Wind in the Olive Trees."
OUR State Department has uncovered
over eight thousand documents in Ber-
lin which pertain directly to Spain's con-
nection with the Axis. It has suppressed
these facts. It has never told the peoples
that the majority of Spain's industry and
finance is still controlled by Nazi capital
and technical skill. It has never told the
people that Nazi technicians continue to
carry out atom bomb experiments in Spain.
Nor has it mentioned the direct connection
of several large American industrialists with
this fascist economy.
Says Mr. Plenn, "It is time now for the
American people to realize that a con-
spiracy exists among the more reaction-
ary sectors of our press, big business, cer-
tain State Department officials concerned
with Spanish affairs, and other influential
American circles to prevent public opin-
ion in this country from learning the
truth about our official policy in Spain
since the 'collapse' of Nazi power" . .. In-
stead, Mr. Acheson chooses to remark,
quite unofficially, that Spain's internal
problem is not our concern. Other Franco
apologists tell us that to break off rela-
tions with Spain would mean another
bloody civil war; they fail to tell us that
what amounsts to an undeclared civil
war already exists and that without for-
eign economic assistance, the Franco re-
gime could not remain in power.
It is, indeed, an untruth to say that the
anti-Fascist war is at an end but not for
the same reasons which Senator Connally
names, that we have not yet concluded
treaties with the Slavic countries, but,

rather, because a hotbed of fascism, dom-
inated by the Nazis, still exists in Spain.
-E. E. Ellis
Boy Scouts' in Palestine
JERUSALEM-A new factor is increasing
the danger of explosion in Palestine's
supercharged atmosphere. As you skirt the
barbed wire and dodge the armored cars
that fill the Holy City you see a profusion
of uniforms-the olive drab of the famous
Sixth Air-Borne, the kilts of a Highland out-
fit, the red shoulder patches of General
Anders' Poles, and the tall, Turkish-style
hats of the Palestine police. But the most
menacing is the plain khaki of two newly
organized Arab para-military bodies -the
Nejada (Rescuers) and the Futuwa (Power).
They pretend to be nothing more than older
Boy Scouts, but obviously they hope to be
the Arab answer to the Irgun and the Hag-
anah. .
Any amusement over the Nejada and t1A
Futuwa should have ceased at the end of
September when it became known that the
two groups were being fused and were hold-
ing secret meetings in a walled villa in Alex-
andria under the tutelage of Haj Amin el
Husseini, ex-Mufti of Jerusalem. In the
hands of the Mufti***even a few thousand
men can be 'extremely powerful.
-Andrew Roth
in The Nation


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.d~Copr. 19 4d6 y United FeatureSndct, n.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructivye notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
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"Either we're gittin' older or th' trees is growin' tougher."
L/,tters to the Editor...

VOL. LVII, No. 55


Open Disarmament



THE SOVIET position is that each of the
United Nations should make public the
strength of its armed forces abroad. The
American position is that each power
should simultaneously make known the
strength of its armed forces at home, on
the very reasonable ground that in this air
age the difference between "troops abroad"
and "troops at home" is as many minutes
r- V


THE MOST outstanding impression made
by the Icelandic Singers in their first
Ann Arbor concert last night was of a truly
national spirit combined with a technical
competence which was unusually cool and
It was in the first two numbers that this
spirit was most clearly evident. The som-
bre, anthem-like tones of "Iceland" and
"The Mother Tongue" were followed by
deeply religious understanding in the
"Kyrie," in which the solo part was well
taken by the tenor, Stefan, Islandi.
In fact, it was Islandi who stole the show;
displaying real operatic calibre and vocal
accomplishment especially in an encore
from "The M1Vagic Flute."
The tenors were shown to best advan-
tage in the beautifully melodic "Cradle
Song" by Schubert, although it was in this
place that the group seemed slightly un.
An entrancing' "meowr" in the "Nursery
Rhyme" by Grieg completely captivated the
audience, which also showed special en-
thusiasm over a gay little encore which can
only be identified by a "brr, brr, tweep" ap-
pearing intermittently throughout the song.
"The Champagne Song" by Lumbye was
just another drinking song, and even seemed

as it takes to fly across a border. The Brit-
ish position is that froth questions should
be sunk in a general disarmament plan, and
that nobody should have to make anything
public until the world is ready to disarm.
There you have three veiws, in a
charming tangle, and you can pick mo-
tives out of the mess as easily as you can
pick raisins out of cake. The whole thing
makes a wonderful study in cross-pur-
poses in that curious frank unfrankness
which is the prevailing mood of current
United Nations diplomacy.
BRITAIN'S Bevin really goes the whole
way on this route; he wants both ques-
tions, "troops abroad" and "troops at home"
linked in with disarmament, so that no na-
tion will have to tell the world anything
until the entire planet is ready to go up to
glory. And though Mr. Bevin sweats out
idealistic phrases as he makes this point, and
drops moral principles all over Lake Success,
and teases the world with the dream that
all nations ought to give up their sovereign-
ty in military matters to the United Na-
tions, his position wears the air of being
what might be called the leftward evasion.
Mr. Bevin's plan puts the British in an
anomalous position. They have been boast-
ing (and causing happy editorial writers all
over America to boast with them) that they
are rapidly "getting out" of disputed areas;
now they refuse to say it in figures. They
may fear the embarrassment of . revealing
either that they have huge forces abroad,
or else that they have very small forces at
their disposal; it could be one or the other
that makes them hesitate.
But these are inadequate reasons for
secretiveness; and the American plan (at
least as it stood on October 30, when Mr.
Austin announced it) would seem to be
the best that has been put before the
Assembly Committee because it is the
only one lacking in evasive elements.
The danger is that we may yet come to
support 'the British plan; if that happens
our opposition to Russia will have led us
into a sour spot indeed. Mr. Bevin may be
deeply convinced that disarmament is real-

EDITOR'S NOTE: No letter to the ed-
itor will be printed unless signed, and
written nlaigood taste, Letters over
300 words in length will be shortened
or omitted; in special instances, they
will be printed, at the discretion of
the editorial director.
Miami-U. of ). Football
To the editor:
vania State's football team, Mi-
ami asked that Penn State leave
its two Negro players at home. Be-
cause Penn State refused to play
under these conditions, the game
was cancelled. Miami then invited
Syracuse University to fill the
place, which refused on principle
although they have no Negro play-
ers at the present time.
With apparent disregard of the
situation, the University of De-
troit has accepted the game with
Miami U. on the vacated date,
Nov. 29.
The action of this Catholic in-
stitution of higher learning is sup-
porting the KKK inspired dis-
crimminatory practice at Miami
University. This practice is anti-
Negro, anti-religious and anti all
other principles that any univer-
At the Michigan...
"The Stranger" (RKO-Inter-
national), Orson Welles, Ed-
ward G. Robinson, Loretta
THIS IS an Orson Welles pic-
ture. Both his art and ham are
apparent. Camera angles, music,
suspense are overplayed. Other
shots and scenes such as those
in the drug store and at the din-
ner table are done in a masterly
fashion. There is a rather nice
suspense theme, which unfortun-
ately left me cold--probably be-
cause I knew the plot beforehand.
The emotional appeal is hammed.
And I couldn't help feeling that
such a clever guy as Orson was
cracked up to be wouldn't have
made the few obvious and rattled
mistakes that he did. There's a
good Disney carton with this.
At the State .. .
"Gallant Bess" (MGM), Mar-
shall Thompson, George Tobias,
and Bess.
BESS was mentioned in the pre-
views as the greatest horse in
the movies. She's not the smartest
horse in the movies, however.
Trigger still holds that position.
Bess is more in the I assie line.
She seems to spend her time
guarding her master from such
dangers as mountain lions and
Japs. Her wisdom is the wisdom
of the ages, her sixth sense un-
canny. She runs and jumps and
turns her profile to the camera
all in natural cinecolor, a process
which does wonders for horses
but turns all the humans green.
Marshall Thompson is wild-eyed
and raving at times. George To-
bias is wasted.
-Joan Fiske

versity should support in its stat-
utes, classrooms and athletics.
The protest must apparently
come from students (Catholic stu-
dents, especially, should feel
strongly about this incident.) Stu-
dents at the University of Detroit,
at Wayne University and other
schools in Detroit and also at Mi-
ami University itself have already
initiated protest movements.
It is important that University
of Michigan students organize a
campaign of letter writing, wires
and other forms of pressure to in-
fluence the University of Detroit,
as students of another Michigan
university who do not approve this
discriminatory practice.
The Executive Board of Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Action
(A.Y.D.) has sent a telegram to
the University of Detroit suggest-
ing that they cancel the game.
MYDA goes on record as oppos-
ing the anti-Negro policy of Mi-
ami University and urges the Uni-
versity of Detroit to take a clear
stand against discrimination of
this sort.
for MYDA Executive Board
-Roselva Rushton
'Bitter' Students
To the editor:
FAR TOO frequently, teachers
encounter children who mani-
fest the "teacher is picking on me"
attitude. Sometimes such senti-
ments have basis in fact, but us-
usually not. Some children, for
reasons we won't explore now,
show indications of the persecu-
tion complex.
Keeping the above in mind, let's
look at an excerpt from Mr.
Payne's letter (Mich. Daily, Nov.
14) in which he gingerly advo-
cates a "purge" of "liberals" and
"progressives" from the University
It would be a great day
for education if certain narrow-
minded professors who grade on
the similarity of theirs and the
student's opinion, were asked for
their resignation."
Tch! Teh! Tch!
Now Mr. Payne, just put your
emotional crutch in the corner
and face the situation squarely.
Suppose your " dream purge'' were
carried out. Let's look at just a
few of the many complications
that would entail: 1. with all the
liberals and progressives gone, our
staff of professors would be de-
pleted somewhat-and that's quite
an understatement! 2. They tell
me that teachers are hard to get.
(However, you might be able to
fill a few chairs with Westbrook
Pegler and Upton Close. That
would be cosy, wouldn't it!) 3. Un-
less you, Mr. Payne, were per-
mitted to do the eliminating, it
might be difficult to select the
But perhaps I'm taking your let-
ter too seriously. Here it is just
after mid-term time; maybe you
aren't doing so hot, and . . . well,
maybe you're just bitter!
1 --Charles H. Bisdee

Automobile Regulation, Thanks-
giving Holiday: The automobile
regulation will be lifted for all
students from noon on Wed., Nov.
27 until 8:00 a.m. on Fri., Nov. 29,
for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Temporary driving privileges will
not be granted to students wishing
to return to their homes after at-
tending classes on Friday or Sat-
urday following Thanksgiving.
Offices of the Dean of Students
Automobile Regulation, Senior
Medical Students: The automo-
bile regulation will be lifted for
graduating seniors in the Medical
School at noon on Sat., Nov. 30.
Office of the Dean of Students
Women students may arrange
late permission or overnight per-
mission during the period Novem-
ber 27 to December 1, inclusive,
with their housemothers.
Closing hours for the holiday
are as follows: Wed., Nov. 27,
12:30 a.m.; Thurs., Nov. 28, 11:00
Deadline for Veteran Book and
Supply Orders: Dec. 20 has been
set as the final datefor the ac-
ceptance of veteran book and sup-
ply orders at the bookstores. All
faculty members are requested to
anticipate material needed through
the end of the semester and au-
thorize same on or before Dec. 20.
All back-orders for material not in
stock at the bookstores will be
canceled as of Dec. 20.
Basketball preferred admission
tickets, in accordance with the no-
tice in the D.O.B. of Nov. 21, will
be issued to students, faculty
members, and athletic coupon
book holders in the main corridor,
Univ. Hall, 8:30 a.m.-12 noon and
1:30-4:30 p.m. on Mon., Nov. 25,
Tues., Nov. 26, Wed., Nov. 27 and
Fri., Nov. 29. Students must pre-
sent their student receipts for fees
and coupon book holders must pre-
sent their coupon books.
Students interested in applying
for: Fellowships under the Julius
Rosenwald Fund should apply to
the Office of the Dean of Students,
Rm. 2, University Hall, for fur-
ther information. The awards are
offered to Negroes throughout the
nation and to white southerners
interested in problems distinctive
to the region.
Willow Run Village:
West Court Community Building
Wed., Nov. 27, No Wednesday
Night Lecture this week. The en-
tire community is invited to at-
tend the Interracial and Interde-
nominational Thanksgiving Serv-
ice at the North Community Build-
Fri., Nov. 29, Classical Record-
ings Program given by Mr. We Ion
West Lodge
Tues., Nov. 26, 7 p.m., Athletic
directors' meeting; 7 p.m., Meet-
ing of Fenc.ng Club; 8 p.m., Wom-
en's volleyball and badminton.
Wed., Nov. 27, 6:30 p.m. Basket-
ball League; 7 p.m., Duplicate
bridge; 7 p.m., Social directors'
meeting; 7:30 p.m., Forum on
"Who's Right in China?" under
the auspices of AVC. Speakers will
be Dr. Herbert Abrams and Dr.
Stewart Allen. 8:30 p.m., Dance
entertainment committee meeting.
University Lecture: Georges
Gurvitch, Professor of Sociology,
Universite de Strasbourg, will lec-
ture on the subject, "The Social
Structure of Liberated France,"
at 4:15 today in the Rackham Am-
phitheater; auspices of the De-
partment of Sociology. The public
is cordially invited.

University Lecture: Charles P.
Parkhurst, Jr., curator of the Al-
bright Art Gallery of Buffalo, will
give a lecture, illustrated with lan-
tern slides, at 4:15 p.m., Wed., Dec.
4, in the Rackham Amphitheater
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Fine Arts. His subject will
be "The Discovery and Restitution
of Art Loot in Germany." The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Education B291: At the class
meeting tonight, 7 to 9 o'clock,
Rm. 110 ,University Library, the
topic, "The College Teacher and
His Relations to the Community

Student Religious Associatio:
Publicity group meet at 4:00 t
day, Council Room, Lane Hall.
(Continued on Page 5)


and State" will be presented
Professor. Howard Y. McClusky
the School of Education. Visito
are welcome.
Special Functions Seminar wi
meet at 10.00 a.m., Wed., Nov. 2
Rm. 340, W Engineering. Mr. Har
sen will taik on Laguerre and Het
mite Polynomials.
Seminar in Applied Math
matics will meet at 3:00 p.
Wed., Nov. 27, Rm. 317 W. Eng'
neering. Prof. N. Coburn will co
tinue with his paper on "Supe
sonic Flow." Tea at 2:30, Rm. 3
W. Engineering. Visitors are we
Inorganic Chemistry Semina
meet at 5:00 today, Rm. 303 CheI
istry Bldg. Mr. J. M. Lutton wi
speak on 'Properties of Ortho- a
Para- Hydrogen." All interestE
are invited.
Faculty Recital: Mabel Ro
Rhead, Professor of Piano, will
heard in another faculty recital
8:30 Sunday evening, Dec. 1,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. T
program, including compositio
by Bach, Scarlatti, Schumann, a
Chopin, will be open to the pu
Events Today
University Radio Progra
Tuesday, 3:30 p.m., S t a t i o
WPAG, 1050 Kc, "Tuesday Pla
house." The story of Marie Cha
lotte Cordey.
The English Journal Club mee
ing, 7:45 tonight, East Conferen
Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. Mo
and Mr. Howard will speak on r
quirements for poetry.
A.S.C.E. Student Chapter mee
ing at 7:30 tonight, Union.
Walter C. Drury of Shoecra
Drury and McNamee, Consulti
Engineers, will discuss "Enginee
ing Problems" with special emph
sis on "Waste Disposal."
Everyone interested is invited
University of Michigan Flyi
Club neeting at 7:30 tonight, R
1213 E. Engineering Bldg. Pictur
will be taken for the Ensian.
Sigma,- Rho Tau, engineeri
speech society meeting at 7:15 t
night, Rm. 311 W. Engineeri
Bldg. 'Ensian picture will be ta
en at the League,
The Michigan Wolverines w
meet at 5:00 today, Union.
WAA Golf Club: meeting at 5:
today, Women's Athletic Buildi
La P'tite Causette at 3:30 tod
Grill Room, Michigan League.

Christian Science Organ
meeting at 8:15 tonigl
Room, Lane Hall.

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students
the University of Michigan under t
authority of the Board in Control
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman ...Managing Edit
Milton Freudenheim .Editoriai Direc
Clayton Dickey ............City Edi
Mary Brush..........Associate Edi
Ann Kutz...........Associate Edi
Paul Harsha.........Associate Edit
Clark Baker ..............Sports Edi
Des Howaxrth ..Associate Sports Edit
Jack Martin ... Associate Sports Edit
Joan Wilk .........Women's Edi
Lynne Ford .Associate Women's Edi
Business Staff
Robert E. Putter ....Businese Mana
Evelyn Mills
E...y.....Associate Business Mana
Janet Cork Associate Business Mana
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Pre
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entitled to the use for re-publicati
of all news dispatches credited to it
otherwise credited in this newspap
All rights of re-publication of all ot
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