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September 28, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-09-28

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Fifty-Seventh Year

Winter of Loud Noises


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman.....................Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim ................Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey...........................City Editor
Mary Brush........................... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ........................... Associate Editor
Paul Harsha........................ Associate Editor
Clark Baker .............................. Sports Editor
Joan Wilk ............................. Women's Editor
Lynne Ford..................Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter ..................... Business Manager
Evelyn Mills .:............ Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.................Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for re-publication of all news dispatches creditedtoitor
otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-
publication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offcie at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by car-
rier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Stalin Statement
THE IRONY of history persists. Its latest man-
ifestation is to be found in the statement
issued this week by the Prime Minister of the
Soviet Union.
The statement concerns the desire of peace
by a country generally conceded to be the most
formidable obstruction to that very end. The
irony continues in that the very important im-
plications of that statement probably will not
be realized by those to whom such a realization
would be most beneficial at this time.
Although Stalin's amiable words might at
first sight seem unusually lucid and hopeful,
more serious consideration of them will reveal
a subtle purposiveness which is quite in keeping
with Josef Stalin's notoriety as spokesman for
the well-known "Russian enigma."
In substance, Stalin said these things: that
there is no danger of a new war, that the
atomic bomb is not a threat to peace and that
there is no world-wide Communist party plan-
ning to overthrow the world.
These are happy sentiments. But no one is
so naive as to accept them on their face value.
More is called for, on the other hand; than
glum-faced pessimism about the tottering state
of peace in the world today.
What we must all realize is that a new ap-
proach to the whole problem of peace-making
is necessary. Basic in that change will be a new
aproach to Russia, as advocated by Anthony
Eden in London and Henry Wallace in New
Yet all indications point to exactly the oppo-
site direction, in spite of the heavy fire from
American progressives and British reactionaries
upon the "tough" policy toward Russia espoused
by President Truman, Secretary of State Byrnes
and Senator Vandenberg.
In view of such blundering adamantism on
the part of our own administration, how can we
hope for anything more than the misunder-
standing and fear which is now prevalent in
this country?
A new groundwork for mutual understanding
of aims and desires is needed, but this can never
be achieved in the present atmosphere of un-
willingness to "look over the fence," nor can it
be stressed too strongly that the State Depart-
ment's frozen policy will only hinder that cause.
Instead of opening its eyes to the implications'
of Stalin's pleasant words, the Administration
chooses to ignore such vital things as the pos-
sible reasons behind Stalin's assurances that a
third war is not inevitable. Is it not credible
that his motive might be more than a simple
avowal of good will?

As pointed out by Samuel Grafton it may be
that Stalin has more historical sense than some
of his contemporaries, and that he is undoubtedly
aware of the basic Communistic doctrine that
Communism never starts a war and that his
statement can form the framework upon which
to advance that claim?
When it comes to the showdown, which is
unavoidable if a change in attitudes is not
made soon on the part of our own Adminis-
tration, it will be hard to answer the ques-
tion of who is to blame, after Stalin's state-
ment that war is impossible.
Without a doubt, Stalin issued his state-
ment with an eye to more than its immediate
effect. His intention that it be remembered is
certain of fulfillment. Can the American gov-
ernment be as sure that it will have no regrets
when some of its own statements are brought to
an accounting?
-Natalie Bazrow

M IXUP: WE NOW STAND in the typically
confused, late stage of a price inflation, the
wonderful phase in which things go up and down
at the same time. Candy bars are going up to
six cents; but big merchants, such as Sears Roe-
buck and Montgomery Ward, are putting aside
funds of above twenty millions of dollars each to
cushion the shock to their inventory values when
prices go down. Building material prices, at
least on the black market, are way up, but the
prices of existing houses have already begun to
soften. Livestock feeders are holding on to their
animals, hoping to sell them after price control
goes; but most farm economists see a period of
lower farm prices ahead, and the owners of
these meat animals may find that they have
(with the perspective usually shown in these
situations) carefully held them for the down-
Inflation is beginning to scatter its sad
little jokes. The chief enemies of price con-
trol at the last session of Congress were the
farm Senators and Representatives. But Dr.
E. L. Butz, chief agricultural economist of
Purdue University, now predicts that net farm
income next year is likely to be lower than this
year, because the farmer is going to have to
pay so much for the things he buys. This will
catch a number of rural statesmen with the
funniest looks on their faces.
It is well to recognize that we are in a kind
of late phase; for the time has dome to put aside
a number of slogans which have done good duty
earlier this year in Congress and on the raio
One of these is the slogan that we need more
production; that more production is better than
price control, etc. If you have been peddling
this one, the time has come to check it some-
where, and forget it; it has been useful, it has
perhaps seen you through a number of Pullman
car sessions, but its day is over. For production
is up, almost startlingly; the railroads carried
54 billions of ton-miles of freight in August, 88

per cent more than in the pre-war August of
1939; and this (as the Wall Street Journal points
out) does not involve a price rise; it is a meas-
urement by weight and miles. The Treasury
has warned banks to take it easy on certain
loans, because manufacturers are holding more
goods than ever before in our history; their in-
ventories have reached 18 billions of dollars.
So don't go shouting heedlessly for more pro-
duction; that was last year's problem, and you
will merely date yourself, as if you were to dance
the bunny-hug.
It is well for all of us to preserve a lively
sense of how fast things are happening, and to
keep in step with the times, and not get stuck
with the attitudes of a few months ago. What we
need now is an assurance that prices will not
be allowed to go higher; such an assurance
would promote the orderly movement of goods
and foods to market, and might prevent a horri-
fying accumulation of withheld commodities,
which seems almost destined to reach its peak
just at the moment when prices start down.
Even Mr. Clinton P. Anderson, Secretary of
Agriculture, begins 'to feel this; he has warned
livestock people that prices will not be allowed to
climb. Mr. Anderson has been a high-farm-
prices man, one of the sturdiest; but even he has
become alarmed, and now he tries, in a clumsy
way, to give the farmer a set of perspectives
based on order rather than on the chance of
making a killing.
We need more of this, to smooth down the
bumps of hoarding and dumping that lie ahea"'
we could level out the roller-coaster if, by some
miracle, a special session of Congress should be
induced to reinstitute a solid system of price
control. But it looks as if we are determined,
in headstrong, self-willed style, to live out every
one of inflation's little jokes, including the fi-
nal one, when prices, going up, collide with
dumped supplies going down. In any case, a
forecast: It will be a winter of loud noises and
bad tempers.
(Copyright, 1946. N.Y. Post Syndicate)

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® Internecine Strife
Note: Contributions to this column come
from all members of The Daily Staff and are
the responsibility of the editorial director.
No Pushing, Please
BIGGEST BARGAIN of the moment is being
offered at the Union magazine counter,
where Summer Student Directories are on sale
at half price.
We understand a Portuguese edition of the
Summer Directory is being released in Buenos
Aires tomorrow.
* * * 4F
Look Out Behind!
Fashion note from the Dairy Goat Jout-
nal which admits to being "more than a
magazine-it's an institution" reports that a
Washtenaw County miss had made herself
a goatskin jacket at a cost of only' $12 be-
cause she tanned the hide herself. We've al-
ways known there were a lot of old goats
kicking around Washtenaw County.
* * * 4'
Prerequisite: Morris Chair
Local Book vendors and sellers of things
collegiate are no longer surprised to find
themselves out of History II textbooks or
slide rules, but the unprecendented demand
for camp stools has left them unnnerved.
This latest addition to the bruises-if-you-
get-'em, invective-if-you-don't list is standard
equipment for first semester juniors in Mu-
sic 41. Their status is' mid-way between lucky
seniors and second semester juniors, who sit
in regulation side-arms, and sorrow-laden
sophs and freshmen, who aren't allowed to
appreciate music at all this semester.
No reflections on Beethoven or rusticity ei-
ther, but after counting charley-horses among
our contemporaries, we'll either wait until we
have picked up a little more credit or throw
our lot in with the underclassmen.
o** * *
Same Old Circle
From the usually sedate New York Times
Service came the following item printed in
the Detroit Free Press:
"Several senators circled cautiously in an
attempt to determine what was behind the
Stalin statement."
Ed. Note: Bobbing and weaving, no doubt.
Educated Laughs
OUR underground representative in the Law
School reports that all is not Latin double-
talk these days.
One of the more urbane professors over in
the walled city told a disappointed class in Do-
mestic Relations there's to be no lab in that one.
* * *
Bitter Pill
W HAT WITH THE high cost of living deplet-
ing piggy banks these days, somebody
might make an honest buck ghost-writing gags
for professors.

To the Editor:
In your September 26th lead editorial you
have printed one of the most misleading and dis-
torted views on the present meat shortage that
I have been so unfortunate as to see in print to
date, including the ramblings of the Daily Work-
While I agree that the meat shortage is in-
deed a serious economic problem, the conclusions
as to the cause of the meat shortage are, to say
the least, erroneous. Miss Kaye contends that
the present shortage is a direct result of the lift-
ing of OPA this summer which, she says, caused
the American public to buy up all of the Ameri-
can meat supply in a short time at inflated
In the ,first place, anyone who bought their
meat at chain stores, where most of the retail
meat is sold, did not pay inflated prices. The
prices paid were very near the present prices
when you take into account that no subsidy was
paid on meat during that period. And the prices
paid were far below what is being paid today in
the average transaction, as the majority of the
meat sold today is sold on the black market and
the consumer must pay for the risks the black
market operator must take.
There are many people in the business of
supplying the public with meat. They operate
this business just as most other business is oper-
ated. The only reason they are in business is to
make a profit on which to live. At present, with
the low price set on meat and the high cost of
feed for fattening cattle they do not feel that
they are making a fair profit for the work ex-
pended. Therefore, they hold their cattle on
the range as long as possible while waiting for
prices to increase, or for the cost of feed to go
down. It is nonsensical to assume that the en-
tire nation's meat supply was sold in the few
short weeks that there were no restrictions on
its price.
I would say that those who fought for OPA
such as we now have succeeded very well. They
are sitting back and reaping their black market
profits, while the few misguided souls they con-
verted are wondering what happened to the
meat, white shirts, men's suits, etc.
-Jack Sweeney
536 Thompson St.
Ann Arbor, Mich
To the Editor:
In your Thursday edition you quoted Pro-
fessor Pollock as follows:
"In addition-the occupation in the Amer-
ican error, he said, pointing out that the
British are just now instituting procedures
which the American zone is being "bungled"
are cans had started eight months ago."
Would you mind adding that up again; I
miffled in your Thursday morning smedly.
Charles Wilson
Pessimistic View
A Gallup Poll found 60% of US citizens cer-
tain of a business bust within ten years; 20%
fearing a serious depression. Average guess on
the date of collapse: 1951.
-Time Magazine

Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Assistant to the
President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:30
p.m. on the day preceding publication
(11:0 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVI, No. 5
Salary Payments for the University
Year 1946-47
1. Payments will be made in ten
equal installments.
2. The first salary check will be
issued on Oct. 18, for all those whose
Request for Appointment have
cleared the Office of the Provost by
October 2.
3. A supplementary salary check
will be issued on Oct. 31 for all those
whose Request for Appointment have
cleared the Office of the Provost
after Oct. 2 and before Oct. 17.
4. The second salary check will be
issued on Nov. 22.
5. The third and all subsequent
salary checks will be issued on the
last day of the month starting Dec.
31, the June salary check being a
double payment.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty of this College on Monday, Sept.
30, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 311, W. En-
gineering Bldg.
Orientation student assistants are
requested to return, without further
delay, the large supply envelopes and
all surplus material to Room 107,
Mason Hall.
LS&A: Transfer Students. Yellow
evaluation sheets must be returned at
once to 1209 Angell Hall. Your offi-
cial admission certificate will not be
made up until this sheet is returned.
Green evaluation sheets are your
own, and need not be returned to our
Students are reminded of the fol-
lowing regulations which became ef-
fective with the beginning of the Fall
Term, 1946-47:
1) Students are expected to attend
classes regularly.
2) When the instructor considers
the number of absences excessive,
that is, when a student's absence
from a course endangers his satisfac-
tory progress, the instructor should
send a written report on the case to
the Administrative Board for action.
Freshmen and sophomores should be
reported to the Chairman of the Aca-
demic Counselors, Associate Dean,
1220 Angell Hall.
All women students on the campus
who are employed part-time are in-
structed to register this fact immedi-
ately at the Office of the Dean of
Women. The Health Service and the
Academic Counselors Office are coop-
erating to put this requirement into
effect, which has been decided upon
so that good health and maximum
academic efficiency will be insured

among women students. A brief form
will be filled out by each woman stu-
dent who is employed in any capacity
whether she works on the campus or
Women students interested in put-
ting their names on the baby sitters'
list for afternoon or evening may reg-
ister in the Office of the Dean of
Women. Closing hours must be ob-
Householders interested in obtain-
ing baby sitters may inquire at the
Office of the Dean of Women.
Veterarns who were admitted to this
College as special students will be ac-
cepted as regular students after they
have successfully completed two se-
mesters' work. A summer session
cannot be counted as a full semester's
work. Students in this category who
have failed to earn a satisfactory rec-
ord will be asked to withdraw.
No special application need be filed
to become a regular student.
E. A. Walter
The Topographic Branch of the U.
S. Geological Survey is in need of en-
gineers and technically trained per-
sonnel to carry on its greatly expand-
ed program. Mr. LeRoy E. Williams,
representating the U. S. Geological
Survey will be available for interview
on Tues., Oct. 1. -Call the bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall; ext.
371, for further information.
R. H. Markham, veteran foreign
correspondent of The Christion Sci-
ence Monitor, will speak Sunday,
Sept. 29, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham
Auditorium on the subject "Russia in
the Balkans." This lecture, under the
auspices of the University of Michi-
gan Polonia Club, is open to the gen-
eral public without charge.
1946-47 LECTURE COURSE of 8
outstanding speakers presented by
the University Oratorical Association
will open Oct. 17, in Hill Auditorium
at 8:30 p.m. The schedule includes
Gov. Ellis Arnall, Oct. 17, "The South
Looks Forward"; Randolph Church-
ill, Oct. 29, "Socialism In England";
Louis P. Lochner, Nov. 7, "The Nur-
emberg Trials"; Brig. General Roger
Ramey, Nov. 21, "Air Power in the
Atomic Age"; John. Mason Brown,
Jan. 16, "Seeing Things"; Mrs. Ray-
mond Clapper, Feb. 20, "Behind the
Scenes in Washington"; Col. Melvin
Purvis, Feb. 27, "Can We Lessen
Crime in the U. S.?"; Margaret Web-
ster, Mar. 22, "The Adventure of Act-
ing." Season tickets are now on sale
in the Auditorium box office which is
open from 10:00-1:00 and from 2:00-
5:00 daily except Saturday p.m. and
Academic Notices
English 47 will meet hereafter in
Room 3231 A. H. on Tuesday at 7:15
p.m., and in Room 1018 A. H. on
Thurday at 10:00.
F. W. Peterson
English 297: There will be a meet-
ing of my section in 3231 Angell Hall,
Monday evening, September 30, at
R. W. Cowden

CHEMISTRY (21)-Wed., 4-5, 303
Chem, R. W. Hahn.
ENGLISH COMP. (1) -- Tues.-
Thurs., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 2203 A H,
Fri,, 5-6 p.m., 2203 A H, D. Martin.
Thurs.,, 4:00-5:00 p.m., 2235 A \ H,
Donald Martin;. ENGLISH COMP.
(2)-Tues.-Thurs., 4:00-5:00 p.m.
3216 A H, William Gram.; Fri., 5:00-
6:00 p.m., 3216 A H.
FRENCH ( 1) - Mon.-Thurs.,
4:00-5:00 p.m., 106 R L, A. Favreau;
(2)-Tues.-Fri., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 106
R L, F. Gravit; (31)-Mon.-Thurs.,
4:00-5:00 p.m., 108 R L, James
O'Neill; (32)-Tues.-Fri., 4:00-5:00
p.m., 108 R L, A. Favreau.
GERMAN-Mon.-Wed., 7:30-8:3
p.m., 2016 A H, F. H. Reiss; Sat.,
11:00--12:00 Noon.
MATHEMATICS-advanced, Tues-
Thurs., Fri., 7:00-8:00 p.m., 3010 A H,
E. Spavier; beginning, Tues-Thurs.-
Fri.; 7:00-8:00 p.m., 3011 A H., G. R.
PHYSICS (25)-Mon.-Wed.,. 7:30-
8:30 p.m., 202 West Physics; Sat.
11:00--12:00 noon; (26)-Mon.-Wed.,
7:30-8:30 p.m., 1035 Randall; Sat.,
11:00-12:00 noon; (46) -Mon.-Wed.,
7:30-8:30 p.m., 1036 Randall; Sat.
11:00-12:00 noon. Instructors to be
SPANISH (1)-Tues.-Fri., 4:00-
5:00 p.m., 205 R L, H. Hootkins; (1),
Mon.-Wed., 4:00-5:00 p.m., 207 R L,
H. Hootkins; (2)-Mon.-Wed., 4:00-
5:00 p.m., 205 R L, F. M: Thompson;
(31, 32) - Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.-Fri.,
4:00-5:00 p.m., 210 R L, Staubach.
Giles, Assistant Carillonneur, will
present a program on the Charles
Baird Carillon at 3:00 Sunday after-
noon, Sept. 29. Program: Prelude in
B-flat-Denyn; Beautiful Dreamer-
Foster; All Through the Night-Old
Welsh; Reverie-Giles; Sonata for 35
Bells-Price; Minuet and Trio (Sym-
phony in E-flat)-Mozart; Song of
India (Sadko) - Rimsky-Kosakov;
Events Today
Corn Roast: Following the football
game the tWestminster Guild will
sponsor a Corn Roast at the Councl
Ringoan the church grounds. Presby-
terian students and their friends are
welcome for this cost supper and get-
Coming Events
October meeting of the Science Re-
search Club will be held on Tues., Oct.
1, in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building at 7:30 p.m. Former
members who have been absent from
the campus but have now returned
are urged to attend the meeting and
resume membership.
Program: "Upper Atmosphere Re-
search by Use of High Rockets," M.
H. Nichols, Department of Aeronauti-
c l Engineering. "Analysis of the
Growth Rate of Fishes from Scales,"
W. C. Beckman, Institute for Fisher-
ies Research.
is planning an afternoon of outdoor
sports and a picnic on Sun., Sept. 29.
Those interested should pay the sup-
per fee at the checkroom in the Rack-
ham building by noon today. The
outing will start at 2:30 Sunday from
the Nrthwest entrance of the Rack-
ham building.
Graduate Student Council: first
meeting will be held Mon., Oct. 30,
at 7:00 p.m. in The Rackham Build-
ing. All members of the former Coun-
cils and of the Council of the Spring
Term of 1946'are urged to be present.
The public is cordially invited.
Sigma Rho Tau, engineers' speech
society, will hold its first meeting of
the year on Tues., Oct. 1, in the Mich-
igan Union, Room 316. Plans for New-

gan Union, Room 316. Plans for New-
comers' Night and for the Intercol-
legiate Conference Debate will be dis-
Delta Sigma Phi fraternity will
meet at 7:00 p.mi. on Mon., Sept. 30,
in Room 302 Michigan Union. All
members, including faculty, are re-
quested to attend.
Kappa Phi, Methodist girls' club,
will hold its first regular meeting on
Tues., Oct. 1 at 5:15 in the Wesley
Guild lounge of the First Methodist
Church. There will be a shoat busi-
ness meeting followed by supper, after
which the members will call on pros-
pective pledges. All members are re-
quested to be present.
The Veterans' Wives' Club will hold
its first meeting 'of the season on
Mon., Sept. 30, at 7:30 p.m in the
Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan
League. All veterans' wives are cor-
dially invited to attend.
La Sociedad Hispanica, student
Spanish Club on campus, will hold
its first meeting of the year on Wed.,
at 8:00 p.m. in Room D of Alumni
Memorial Hall. There will be an elec-
tion of officers for the coming year.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all those taking Spanish or interested
in the language.
Polonia Society: The first meeting
of the Polonia Society of the Fall
Semester will be held Tues.. Oct. 1,



Ahem- Here's a five spot,
Ed- Erase the board. And I didn't?
rnmc tmnr F :r Ynv- ri:2jn2 Ql/. S Ire

Mr. Golebrick's response to our pictorial
representation?: One could hazard a guess;
an P-..tG 1 tt,. hr tt:- y .- P r:- - n. : - a

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