VA Pay System
IN DENYING that less than 25 per cent of the
University's veteran population had received
subsistence checks by the end of last week, the
Detroit office of the Veterans Administration
did not give an effective answer to a question
that has been steadily coming to the fore-
that is: Why shouldn't veterans receive sub-
sistence allotments as punctually as they re-
ceived regular pay while in the service?
There is no means of determining exactly
how many veterans on this campus have re-
ceived checks. But in the light of the following
facts, it is evident that a considerable number
have been affected by the snail's pace of VA's
1. Approximately 1,200 veterans have ap-
plied for University emergency loans.
2. VA officials on campus have lost count
of the number of veterans who have filed com-
plaints on late checks.
3. Three surveys each found that less than
one-third of the University's 11,098 veterans
had received checks.
4. Judge Jay H. Payne, of Ann Arbor, re-
ported he was extending the time for pay-
ment of traffic fines by University veterans
"until such time as they receive their subsis-
tence checks from the' government." WSSI
THE AGE-OLD adage of "Ask and you shall
receive" is being practiced once again this
week, this time by the World Student Service
This is by no means a defense of the WSSF
for pursuing tactics which many of the stu-
dents have already strongly reacted against,
but rather a suggestion that this organization
be rededicated along the lines which have
proven successful elsewhere.
The current drive has set a quota of one
dollar per student, and if past efforts are any-
thing to go by, they will be fortunate to raise
one-tenth of that amount. A lesson in applied
psychology would seem to come in very handy
here. The average student, on his limited bud-
get, is not inclined to give too generously just
for the asking, but he has been known to go
all out when the- slightest visible return for his
money was offered.
This is the theory that averages the dollar
per student yearly for the International Stu-
dent Service in the 23 universities across Can-
ada. True, they have tag days, days which
are made the high spot of the year by means
of campus parades, contests, concerts, dances,
student rallies, and celebrity appearances. But
Many a veteran student, we don't doubt, has
been wistfully looking back on certain days spent
in the service-the first day of each month to
be exact-when, unless he were in some isolated
sector of an overseas theater, he stepped up to
the paymaster's desk, signed the payroll and
was paid-all in a matter of minutes.
The services' pay system was effective be-
cause it was decentralized. But the system for
getting subsistence checks into the hands of
veterans here involves no less than four offices
and piece work by numerous administrators.
The slow unwinding of this seemingly endless
red tape is graphically illustrated by the De-.
troit VA's own statement that there is a five-
day lag between the time their office forwards
a claim to the Cleveland disbursing office and
the time the check is actually mailed.
There is no reason to believe that VA's effic-
iency will increase in succeeding months if the
present system is continued. The only solution
lies in the decentralization of VA's activities.
The local VA office should be given authority
to process claims and a disbursing officer should
be assigned to make subsistence payments right
here on the campus.
-Clayton Dickey'
'Drivufe Fails
most important of all, there is an awareness
among the students of the real purpose behind
this work.
This is not a jobthat a handful of interested
students can perform - that has been demon-
strated all too well here already. It takes co-
operation in the most complete sense, some-
thingthat does not spring readily from the apa-
thetic attitude that grips this campus.
It is not difficult to see where we have
failed, a glance at the University of Toronto's
ISS program is sufficient. With the daily as-
sistance of their newspaper, they are carrying
on a month-long education drive to create an
understanding of the ISS relief activities
among 400,000 students in Europe and Asia.
During the drive for funds which will follow,
their campus will take on many of the ear-
marks of a mardi-gras, climaxed by a two-
night; all-varsity revue.
The sporadic attempts carried on by Michi-
gan to ease our collective conscience are hardly
in keeping with this university's position as a
leader in its field. We should either make a
concerted effort to be worthy of the name "stu-
dent," or drop the work entirely, and bear the
criticism we have already earned.
-Ken Herring.
Mine Conditions
GOP 'Left Wing'
IT WOULD NOT be right to say that contro-
versy is developing among the victorious Re-
publicans, but a kind of sorting-out process has
begun. There is even a left-wing, headed by,
don't gasp, Senator Taft. In the Republican
party of today Senator Taft is (as the Alsop
writing team has pointed out) the progressive.
His name is on the Wagner-Ellender-Taft hous-
ing bill; he is against cutting everybody's taxes
wildly within the first five minutes after the
opening prayer at the next session; and while
he does indeed want to tinker with the labor
laws he is not really convinced that this country
can abolish the free labor system (hey, that's a
good phrase) by passing a statute in Congress
And the fact that the unsmilingly conserv-
ative Mr. Taft is about the best we can hope
for in the way of an effective Republican left
wing is, of course, one of the scariest news
items to come along since the first announce-
ment of the existence of the Loch Ness monster.
However, it is true; there is a measurable
difference between Senator Taft and, say, Speak-
er-to-be Martin, of Massachussets. You could
not quite drive a truck into the space between
them, but you might get a sharp knife in. The
difference is that Mr. Taft believes in using
program and method, in mixing a little con-
ciliation with his conservatism, a bit of honey
with the quinine; while Mr. Martin would seem
to represent those Republicans who are getting
set for a fast, gay ride, who consider that their
business is, first, to cut the taxes and, next, to
lop off anything else they don't like, without
fretting too much about the total picture.
The mai body of the Republicans may
begin to mutter soon about Mr. Taft that he
is a good fellow, but that he believes in plan-
ning; if this evil word gets around, the Sena-
tor from Ohio may find himself much alone
in the cloakrooms.
Yet it is along this line that the sorting-out
process is taking place, and that the first, faint
signs of Republican division manifest them-
selves. Professor John Hanna, of Columbia, for
example, has suggested in a letter to the New
York Herald Tribune that the Republican Con-
gressional delegation ought to assemble a squad
of experts, in effect a brain trust, to help it in
its deliberations. The Herald Tribune itself en-
dorses the suggestion though even it puts quo-
tation marks around the word expert (like this:
"expert" as if there really were no such thing,
a strange mannerism on the part of a newspaper
which has been well aware of anti-intellectual
trends in this country, and of their dangers.
Perhaps it is too late to try to bend the
Republican Party in the direction of using ex-
pert help, or of planning its way even on the
Taftiail, level; perhaps the pent-up emotions
of the last fourteen years make it inevitable
that there will be a Walpurgisnacht, a wild
evening of knocking things over, for the sake
of release and inner satisfaction. The trouble
with being guided by bookish people is that
they are too full of the sound reasons for not
doing what you want to do.
But it is interesting that only after the elec-
tion has this division manifested itself in the
Republican party; for victory has meant con-
tact with reality, and in the conflict of attitudes
now slowly emerging, we begin to see some of
the fruits of that abrading embrace. The party
waits, poised unhappily between making some
sort of try, however pitiful, at solving our prob-
lems, or escaping from them; much like the
nation itself, torn between its thoughts of the
expected recession and its enjoyment of what
may be the final, Christmasy phase of the
(Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)
Jap Charter
THE EFFECTIVENESS of the new democratic
Japanese constitution rests in the attitude
of the Japanese in accepting it, yet several re-
cent incidents lead to the pessimistic conclusion
that the charter does not reflect even the
future desires of the people.
Yukio Ozaki, member of every Japanese par-
liament since 1890, predicts that it will take
three generations to educate the Japanese away
from their violent political traditions to the
point where their new democratic charter can
Although the new constitution strips the
emperor of his divine status and makes him
merely a symbol of Japanese unity, a crowd of
200,000 gathered to pay its respects to the em-
peror when he promulgated the new charter.
Shigeru Nambara, president of Tokyo Im-
perial University, stated that the new constitu-
tion "establishes an immovable foundation for a
new "tenno system." "Terno" is usually trans-
lated "son of heaven." Although this reference
to the new charter as establishing a new way
of worshipping the emperor may have been an
accident, it still leads to an uncomfortable feel-
ing for those who wish to see a democratic
There also have been reports that Diet mem-
bers, who adopted a draft of the charter, out-
lined largely by allied headquarters, felt them-
selves under orders from the emperor and the
occupation commander to adopt it unchanged.
These facts show not only that 'there is a
misunderstanding of the intentions of the char-
ter, but a danger that at some future date the
Japanese may claim the charter was forced
upon them.
--harriet Friedman
oet to the 61 top
T HAS BEEN said that lightning never strikes
twice in the same place. If this is true of
lightning, it certainly is not true of John L.
Lewis and the United Mine Workers.
Lewis is a dangerous man, but' even more
dangerous are the implications of the conditions
that are responsible for the power such an indi-
vidual wields over the'coal miners of this coun-
try. He is the result of a long history of rotten
conditions and policies in the mines of the
United States.
Several well known and spectacular stories
have been written of deplorable mining condi-
tions; many of these have been made into mov-
ies. However, they all concern British and
Welsh mines. People must realize that condi-
tions insAmerican mines are and have been far
The policy of mine owners has been to keep
the workers in as down-trodden a state as pos-
sible. In these days of progressive conditions in
the majority of American industries, with sweat
shops abolished and advanced labor legislation,
the continued subjugation, economic want and
unhealthy atmosphere experienced by the miners
'should be a blight on the American conscience.
Lewis would never have been able to employ
his fascist tactics in calling and maintaining
strikes if he did not have a strong initial dis-
content on the part of the miners to back him.
He is the big boss, but it is the miners who must
refuse to work.
The government, in attempts to avert further
catastrophes such as last spring's coal strike and
the present one, should get at the root of the
problem. You can only legislate John L. Lewis
out if power if you legislate good conditions into
the mines.%
-Phyllis L. Kaye
He Signed It
To the Editor:
AS far as I can make out, nobody
likes me. What's more they don't
like what I have to say about thatj
series of Gypsy tea-room selections
Mr. Menuhin dropped into their un-
suspecting laps Tuesday evening.
None of this bothers me. I live_
alone in a third floor attic room and
I often go for months without hav-!
ing a civil conversation. I hate peo-
ple. Sometimes I kick little children!
when nobody's looking. But what I1
do 'resent is the charge that I was
afraid to sign my name to it. I
signed it.
-Harry Levine1
EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Levine's byline
was removed inadvertently in the com-!
posing room.
Democratic Rights
To the Editor:F
THIS WEEK there came to light
another one of those cases in1
which progressives find it necessary
to protect the rights of a minority
group in order to protect their own
democratic rights. It's a case of a
Northern school capitulating to theI
prejudices of the South. Here are
the facts:
The University of Miami was
scheduled for a football game with
Penn State, and asked Penn State
to leave its two Negro players home
when they came down to play in Mi-
ami. Penn responded by cancelling
the game rather than comply.
U. of Miami then asked Syracuse
to fill the blank spot in their sched-
ule. Syracuse refused, and its school
paper carried an excellent editorial
stating that they would rather give
up their whole athletic program than-
yield to anti-democratic practices onk
the football field. The editorial alsoe
stated that it was a shame that ideasc
of racial prejudice could get a hold
in institutions of higher learning,
and that it was even worse that dis-
criminatory practices should be ex-
tended to sports.
It should be noted that Syracuse
refused to play Miami, the Univer-
sity of Detroit has agreed to fill the
empty place on Miami's schedule. I
I believe that all democratic-
minded students and their organiza-
tions should write to the U. of D. pa-
per and athletic department asking
them to cancel this game, and to the
Michigan Daily supporting the standsf
of Penn State and Syracuse, andc
supporting any action our campuse
organizations may take in urging
U. ofbD. to cancel itsgame.s
I believe, also, that there is a spe-
cial responsibility on Catholic stu-
dents, who have themselves experi-
enced the bitter taste of religiouss
hatred, to point out to the students
and athletic department at Catholic
U. of D. that racial and religioust
hatred are the two ends of the same
rope that hangs innocent people be-
cause of the color of their skins, or
the way in which they choose to wor-
ship God.
-Leonard Cohen3
$ * *
Pro Football?
To the Editor:
THERE has been a lot of discussion
this year in college football circles
pertaining to reimbursements in re-
gard to players. First the BRT meth-1
od (board, room and tuition), players1
tickets (which they in turn may sell),
so-called assistance by the football1
loving alumnus, direct payment and
indirect payment through some men-
ial task. The sudden influx of so
many former servicemen on the
"football market" has undoubtedly1
made t h e subsidization situationf
more complex. This whole situation1
could have, been altered had thei
freshman rule been put into effect1
this year. As a result, many people1
are putting college football into pro-
fessional brackets.I
Let's face it. Didn't football play-
ers receive "help" of some kind long
before we thought of college days?
Certainly they did and they will con-
tinue to as long as the game is played
and rightly so. Anything but a direct
payment will keep the player out of
professional ranks and to the fellow
who spends four months out of his
year to advertise his school, help the
institution financially and contribute
to the morale of the American peo-
ple goes my vote for help and more
help. Let's stop making a scandal
out of a worthy cause. If youadon't
agree with me, spend a few after-
Denmark is planning a large-
secale export drive to correct an ad-
verse trade balance. Emphasis is be-
ing placed on the increasing of agri-
cultural exports, which generally
compromise 60 per cent of the coun-
try's shipments abroad. Although'
cattle and hog stocks were cut dur-
ing the war, Denmark has an export-
able surplus of horses, which are in
demand throughout Europe.
-World Report
" Cold Weather Correspondence
(Continued from Page 3)
be glad to discuss these positions with
candidates qualified for them. Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Academic Notices
Mathematics 300: The Orientation
Seminar will meet Mon., Nov. 25, at
7 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. There will
be a general discussion on the Zer-
melo Postulate.
The Icelandic Singers, Sigurdur
Thordarson, Conductor, will give the
fifth concert in the Choral Union
Series Monday night, Nov. 25, at 8:30
o'clock. The public is requested to
come sufficiently early as to be
seated on time since the doors will
be closed during numbers.
Harp Recital: Lynne Palmer, In-
structor in the School of Music, will
be heard in a recital at 8:30 p.m.,
Nov. 24, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
ter. The general public is invited.
Wood-block prints by Peter Sager,
young Canadian painter and sculp-
tor. Ground floor corridor of the Col-
lege of Architecture and Design, Nov.
13 to 30.
The College of. Architecture and
Design presents ai an exhibition of
Advertising Art sponsored by the Art
Directors Club of Detroit. The ex-
hibition will be current from Nov. 26
to Dec. 8 in the Galleries of the Rack-
ham School of Graduate Studies.
Events Today
Student R e Ii g i o u s Association
Luncheon-Discussion Group meeting
at 12:15 today at Lane Hall. Rev.
Henry O. Yoder will review Founda-
tions for Reconstruction by Dr. D.
Elton Trueblood. Reservations can
be made by calling Lane Hall 4121
Ext. 2148 before ten o'clock this
Wesleyan Guild Swimming Party
for Methodistu Students and their
friends this evening. Meet in the
Lounge at 7:40 and bring suit, towel,
small fee, and swimming cap for girls.
The Congregational-Disciples
Guild meeting at 7:30 p.m. at the
Guild House, 438 Maynard Street.
Judith Laiken, Secretary of the Ann
Arbor Chapter of the Intercollegiate
Zionist Federation of America, and
an active member of Hillel Founda-
tion,. will lead a discussion of the
present Palestine situation.
Coming Events
The English Journal Club meeting,
7:45 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Building, Nov. 26. Mr.
Moon and Mr. Howard will speak on
requirements for poetry.
The Society of Women Engineers
meeting Mon., Nov. 25, 7:30 p.m. Rm.
3201 East Engineering. Prof. A. D.
Moore will speak on job-application
women in the engineering field to-
Sociedad Hispanica meeting for
informal Spanish conversation Mon.,
Nov. 25, 4 p.m., International Center.
Quarterdeck meeting, Rm. 320,
i - 1
noons in scrimmage, and then at-
tempt to tackle your school work and
other responsibilities.
-W. A. Anderson
Legislature Publicity
To the Editor:.
PRECEDING the recent student
legislature elections, the Daily
devoted' considerable space to cam-
paigning statements by the candi-
dates. At about the same time a let-
ter appeared in this column asking
what the outcome of the legislature's
investigation of the football ticket
fraud had been. I mention this to
point up the fact that the Daily has
given disproportionately small cov-
erage to actual legislature activities.
For example the voting records of
the present legislators are at least as
important as campaign promises of
candidates, yet these have never
I'm sure the often cited apathy of
the students toward the legislature
would decrease markedly if they had
some way of finding out what was
going on. The students should know
for instance what problems are cur-
rently on the legislature's agenda,
whether plans for a cooperative eat-
ing place have been completely
abandoned, whether another hous-
ing survey is being planned, and of
course, what about next year's foot-
ball seats. Also what will be the sig-
nificance of the two parties formed
at the recent election? Will voting
from now on be strictly by party?
The Daily is in a position to pass in-
formation on all these issues along to
the students.
The most important reason for
better coverage of legislature activ-
ities is that this is the only way most
of the voters can know whether their
candidates are representing their
real interests, and this knowledge is
certainly essential to any form of
representative government.
Therefore let me suggest, request,
urge that The Daily devote as much
space as necessary each week to
complete coverage of legislature
meetings, listing all items of old and
new business discussed, all motions
made and by whom, and all votes,
and also that the voting records
of the legislators be published at reg-
ular intervals throughout the year.
Such a scheme would
1) allow the voters to keep tabs on
their representatives,
2) stimulate interest in student
3) keep the students informed on
issues concerning them,
4) provide The Daily with a fea-
ture of real interest to its subscrib-
-David Gale
at 5:00 p.m., Tues. 26, at the Union.
All members and all students inter-
ested in the Wolverines are reuested
to attend. The Membership and
publicity committees will present ten-
Graduate Student Council meet-
ing, East Lecture Room of the Rack-
ham Building, Nov. 25, 7:30 p.m.
AVC: The regular chapter meet-
ing originally scheduled for Wed.,
Nov. 27, has been postponed. The
date of the new meeting will be an-
nounced in the future.
AVC: The weekly Record Hop,
scheduled for Wed., Nov. 27, from
2-5 p.m.dat the Michigan League is
postponed. There will be a Record
Hop on the following Wed., Dec. 4.
Hillel Foundation meeting of all
members of the Hillel Players Com-
mittee, Mon., at 4:30 p.m., in the
The University of Michigan Flying
Club will meet Tues., Nov. 26, Rm.
1213, East Engineering. Plans for a
social event will be discussed. The
Winged Spartans have invited the
club to an air meet in Lansing on
Dec. 7.
The University of Michigan Hot
Record Society will meet at 8:00 p.m.
'Sunday, Nov. 24., in the ABC room of
the Michigan League.
The Ball and Chain Club meeting
at 7:45 p.m., Mon., Nov. 25, in the
Grand Rapids Room of the Michi-
gan League. All veterans' wives are
invited to attend.
The U.Hof M. chapter of the Inter-
collegiate Zionist Federation of
America will meet at 8:00 p.m., Sun.,
Nov. 24, at the B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation. Mr. Benjamin Laikin,
chairman of the Detroit. Zionist
Emergency Committee, will speak on
the subject "The Future of the Pales-
tine Mandates.
Open to the public.
Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
M~ilton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz ...............Associate Editor
Paul Harsha...............Associate Editor
Clark Baker..................Sports Editor
Des Howart..Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin....... Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk.................Women's Editor
Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter.......Business Manager
Evelyn Mills .. .Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork....Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press 18 exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in this newspaper. Al rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00. by mail, $6.00.
Anybody Got a Ray Gun?
NOTE on our expanding world: According to
Brig.-Gen. Roger M. Ramey, one of our
country's forward-looking state universities is
now giving a course entitled "Interplanetary Ce-
lestial Navigation."
Think what this trend might do to the uni-
versity curriculum. We'll be the first in line
to sign up for Martian 1.
Waves of Reaction
THE RECENT letter to the editor advocating
doing away with hours restrictions for wo-
men students has already prompted two indig-
nant replies. The significant point, though, is
that neither letter is signed.
You may be interested in the tenor of this
little wave of reaction. We're afraid it's not
on too high a plane.
"A woman student" suggests that the girls
who signed the original letter "go to Columbia."
The other note covers six pages of purple-
ink scribbling, finishing up with some fascinat-
ing autobiographical material. It seems that
the writer is the mother of a girl who not only
was Phi Beta Kappa at Michigan but who gets
up every morning at 7 a.m. The daughter, "the
picture of a lady of leisure and poise," provides
her three children with the kind of "well-ordered
life" we presume she learned in coming in ol
time during her undergraduate days. The final
sentence: "Why are University students so stu-
pid and dull?"
We can't rightly say, Unsigned, but we are
interested to observe that the day when
people go on with angry tirades on the evils
of youth-left-to-its-own-devices is passing.
But of course he always philosophizes better
when he's drunk."
Never Trust Numbers
rTHE GLEAM of self-satisfaction left our face
yesterday when one of our teachers told us,
"You people in the nation's colleges are the
cream of the crop - statistically."
* * * *
Split Second Timing
EDUCATION seems to be on a purely tem-
poral basis these days. This conversation
was overheard at 3:05 p.m. the other day:
"That blonde in the front row should be in
a special section from three till four. She never
raises her hand until three o'clock."
Shooting for the Stars
PROBABLY the most modest advertising claim
we'll ever hear came over our radio the
other morning. The announcer was winding up
a long enthusiastic commercial when, with a
final flourish, he exclaimed,
". . . and one of the largest toylands in
Contributions to this column are by all mem-
hers of The Iaily staff, aud are the responsibility
of the editorial director.
Capyghi 1986. ,,eN '.p r.,PM. ,,.
Reg. U. 5.P. OR.OR
A Packomobile? Delivered to our
door? Don't be silly, son. I'll
just have to be patient. If I'm
But Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy
Godfather, spoke to them on
the telephone before- It's
all been arranged, Pop.. .
Drive the car to Baxter's.
Here's the address ...
Boy. The drag he
has must be out
of this world-'.
d I
i I