Northwestern-Illinois Contest
Will Decide Conference Race
Victory for Illini Would Clinch Championship;
Aschenbrenner Injured in Practice Session
Michigan Has To Win
To Keep Hopes for Title
Chaipuis Aims at Gaining 95 Yards Today
To Set New Conference Offensive Record
ioOHockey Season Opens
By DES HOWARTH, Associate Sports Editor
By The Associated Press
EVANSTON, Ill., Nov. 22-(/P)-
The Big Nine's traditional closing
football battles tomorrow will be
highlighted by two contests which
will determine the conference
championship and a Rose Bowl trip.
Key skirmish is the meeting here
tomorrow between first-place Illin-
ois (5-1) and sixth-place North-
western (2-2-1) before a capacity
crowd of 47,000. An Illinois triumph
would clinch the first Illini confer-
ence title since 1928 aid a New
Year's Day visit to Pasadena, re-
gardless of how second-place Michi-
gan (5-1-1) fares against third-spot
Ohio State (4-2-2).
Indiana at Purdue
Two other closing Big Nine games
also are typical "neighborhood"
scraps. They are Indiana's invasion
of Purdue for their old Oaken Buck-
et spat, and Minnesota's visit to
Wisconsin, a bit of a Viking's ven-
The Illini square off against the
Wildcats with a record of four
straight decisions over Wisconsin,
Michigan, Iowa and Oho State.
Their only loss was a 14-7 setback
by defending champion Indiana, fol-
lowing an opening 43-7 rout of Pur-
M Backed by
Michigan's cheerleading staff, re-
inforced by agile Tom Tilman, who
has been in the stands ever since the
Iowa game, due to an injury, left
early this morning for Columbus to
climax a grid season of tumbling
feats, never before seen at M games.
Leading the six man aggregation
is Rooter King, Bill McGowan, who
is expecting great things from the
1,000 students journeying down to
the Buckeyes' stadium. Since all the
students will be seated together, in a
small space, response in the form of
cheers and yells should sound even
better than at home games.
The Wolverine club has been
hard at work all week, in coopera-
tion with the cheerleaders, and will
distribute blue and maize colored
construction cards before the game,
then direct the students in form-
ing a block M up in the stands.
Chico Kennedy, whose cake-walk-
ing technique, has received loud
lauds from the spectators is planning
a super display for the Ohio State
fans. Helping him will be Bob
Schoendube, Loyal Jodar, and Dave
Next week a new Rooter King will
be elected to take over McGowan's
present duties and prepare for the
coming basketball season. Due to the
limited space in Yost Field House,
many of the flips, stands, and jumps
will have to be dropped from the
cheers' regular routine.
Bought, Sold, Rented, Repaired
314 S. State St. Phone 7177
The Purple attack was weakened
considerably yesterday when slip-
pery Frank Aschenbrenner was
benched by injury.
Aschenbrenner Hurt
Coach Lynn Waldorf has had to
rebuild almost the entire Northwest-
ern line because of injuries which
sidelined center Alex Sarkisian and
tackle Bill Ivy, and made guard
(COtinutwd from Pag 1)
Lack of adequate reserve strength
in the line has been the chief nem-
esis of the Buckeyes this fall. An-
chored by a pair of good tackles, all-
American Warren Amling, and pow-
Elmer Madar plays his last game
for the Maize and Blue today, bar-
ring a possible post-season en-
Army Refuses
All Bowl Bids
WEST POINT, N.Y., Nov. 22---P)
-Army's mighty football machine,
unbeaten terror of the nation's grid-
irons for three years, will definitely
call it a career with the Navy game
next week-with no post-season
hoopla or bowl game hullaballoo.
That was made definite today with
an announcement from the Military
Academy Superintendent, Major
General Maxwell D. Taylor, who had
been willing to let the careening Ca-
dets play in the Rose Bowl until the
Pacific Coast Conference and the
Midwest's Big Nine closed the door
with their private deal early this
The General thanked all hands for
the invitations which have poured in
the past few days.
Yards to surpass the mark of 862 set
in 1942 by Northwestern's Otto Gra-
ham. The Wolverine tailback rates
seventh in the nation in total offense
with 994 yards in eight games and
19th in rushing in the country with
505 yards.
Ten To Leave
Ten Maize and Blue war-
riors will be playing their last games
for Crisler's team. They are backs
Bob Wiese, Paul White, Don Robin-
son, Bill Culligan and Howie Yerges;
and linemen Elmer Madar, Hal
Watts, Bob Derleth, Capt. Art Ren-
ner and Jim Brieske. Yerges played
his first year of college football at
Ohio State in 1942.
There'll be another ex-Buckeye
face in the Wolverine array in the
person of J.T. White. White played
against Michigan in 1942 but at end,
not center, where he is now stationed.
That was the year that Ohio State
took both National and Conference
honors with a 21-7 triumph over the
Maize and Blue squad.
Both Teams Have Injuries
Injuries will handicap both back-
fields. For the Wolverines right half-
backs Bump Elliott, Paul White and
Ralph Chubb were all hurt last Sat-
urday and will probably see only
limited action. Don Robinson and
Hank Fonde will take over the wing-
back burden. For Ohio Jerry Krall,
the Bucks' hard-running back, will
definitely not play and Alex Verdova
may see only some action.
Bearing the Buckeye load at the
halfbacks will be speedy Bob Brugge
and Tommy James. Brugge has been
one of the Bucks' chief running
threats all year while James, another
veteran of the 1942 squad, has
doubled in running and passing. But
Ohios chief threat may come from
quarterback George Spencer whose
passing has powered the Buckeye
machine to an impressive aerial
With the cold blasts again blowing
we were reminded yesterday that
the official opening of Michigan's
winter sports season is literally just
around the corner. For Tuesday night
the local hockey team; is slated to
begin play with an exhibition game
against the Detroit Red Wings of
National Hockey League fame.
So we ambled down to the Coli-
seum to watch the 1946-47 puck'
squad work out, and frankly we were
impressed. Of course just how good
it will be this year will be better de-
termined after the contest Tuesday.
Nevertheless, it's a good bet that
this year's Maize and Blue sextet
will win more than a few games.
And it's a certainty that the ice
rink will again bulge at the sides
from capacity crowds this winter.
Once again Coach Heyliger has
scheduled the best in college com-
petition, so every game should be
a crowd-pleaser.
We asked the genial Mr. Heyliger
just how this year's squad will com-
pare with last year's which inciden-
tally was the best in Michigan his-
tory, with an impressive record of 17
wins and a tie in 25 games.
"We'll not be as strong offensive-
ly," he admitted, "bemoaning the
fact that the Wolverines have lost
their entire number one line from
last season's squad. "But we should
be a little stronger defensively."
"Forwards Wally Grant and
Neil Celley have both been lost
to the Army as has defenseman
Clem Cossalter. Ossie Phillips and
Ted Greer will take up some of
the slack, however," he said with
Phillips played high school hockey
with veterans Gord MacMillian and
Dick Starrack in Moose Jaw, Saskat-
chawan, and will team with them on
the number one line this year. After
watching him work out we were not
surprised at Heyliger's enthusiasm.
Greer is a former letterman, hav-
ing played on the 1943-44 squad. It is
also apparent that his presence will
help the Wolverines no little. He
will team with lettermen Bill Jacob-
son and Al Renfrew on the second
This will give the Michigan
squad two very capable lines, pack-
ing lots of scoring punch, perhaps
as good as last year's. Heyliger's
third line however, will remain a
question mark for a few games at
least, and at present is the chief
item of concern.
"Defensively there are no worries,"
Heyliger continued. "True the loss of
Cossalter and Ross Smith who is
not i nschoql this semester would be
a hard blow. But the return of let-
terman Herb Upton and addition of
George Balestri should solve our
With Balestri, who is a transfer
from Illinois where he played hockey
under Heyliger before the war, and
Bob Marshall, the Wolverines have
two ideal defensemen.
Upton, although not quite as big
as Balestri and Marshall, is ano-
ther very capable man to have
around. Connie Hill, of course
needs little introduction to the
fans. His aggressiveness and abil-
ity were the chief reasons for his
being selected as captain and most
valuable player last year, and the
scrappy leader will probably be one
of Michigan's spark-plugs again
this year. With Jack MacDonald
again in the nets it looks as though
the Maize and Blue will have an
air-tight defense.
So considering everything Michi-
gan hockey fans can look forward to
another highly successful and excit-
ing season. Incidentally you'd better
get there early Tuesday.
rfodIay's Lineup
State game marks the last football
game in Wolverine togs for Bob
Callahan, unless a Rose Bowl bid
comes to Michigan.
erful Chuck Csuri, the Ohio No. 1
line is a strong unit and tomorrow's
clash will probably be decided up
front. There is little to choose be-
tween the two backfields.
A sidelight on the game will be
Wolverine Bob Chappuis' attempt to
chalk up a new Conference mark for
total yardage. Chappie needs only 95
ILLINI PASSER-On the ability
of Northwestern to stop Perry
Moss' tosses depends in a large
measure the .-outcome of today's
all-important Big Nine clash be-
tween Illinois and the Wildcats.
Vince Di Francesca and tackle Steve
Sawle doubtful starters.
Moss' Passes Will Count
rThe. Illini. offense, ranked only
eight in the league, has never quite
reached expectations, but with the
scent of roses in the air, Buddy
Young may finally kick up his mer-
curial heels in oldtime form tomor-
Even if Young, who has scored only
three touchdowns in eight games,
continues in his "baiting" role, the
Illini still will pack plenty of offen-
sive punch in the passing of Perry
Moss, the running Julie Rykovich
and Paul Patterson, and the plung-
ing of Russ Steger.
MSC Plays Today
EAST LANSING, Nov. 22-(0)-
Cold weather and a possibly snow
covered field were predicted for Sat-
urday's clash here between Michigan
State College and University of
Maryland football teams.
The battle shapes up as a collision
between M.S.C.'s "Flying Z" forma-
tion and the powerful "T" attack of
Clark Shaughnessy's Terapins. Both
teams stress offense. About 19,000
fans are expected to be on hand.
The probable
starting lineups :.
LE Mann
LT Hilkene
LG Tomasi
C J.T. White
RG Kraeger
RT Pritula
RE Madar
QB Yerges
LH Chappuis
LHT C. Elliott
FB Wiese
Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Assistant to the
President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00
p.m. on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVII, No. 53
Members of the University Senate:
The first regular meeting of the Uni-
versity Senate for the academic year
1946-47 will be held in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 4:10 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 25.
Annual report of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Af-
fairs, A. D. Moore.
Report of Nominating Committee
and Election of Members to the Ad-
visory Committee, J. B. Waite.
Report- on the Participation of the
Faculty in World War II, Secretary
Miscellaneous Subjects introduced
by members of the Senate: (a) Post
season games of football teams, (b)
Other topics.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: Applications
for scholarships for the year, 1947-
48, should be made before Dec; 2.
Application forms may be obtained
at 1220 Angell Hall and should be
filed at that office.
Basketball preferred admission
tickets, in accordance with the no-
tice in the D.O.B. of Nov. 21, will be
issued to students, faculty members,
and athletic coupon book holders in
the main corridor, Univ. Hall, 8:30
a.m.-12 noon and 1:30-4:30 p.m. on
Mon., Nov. 25, Tues., Nov. 26, Wed.,
Nov. 27 and Fri., Nov. 29. Students
must present their student receipts
for fees and coupon book holders must
present their coupon books.
Choral Union Members whose at-
tendance records are clear will please
call for courtesy passes admitting to
the concert by the Icelandic Singers,
on the day of the performance.
Monday, Nov. 25, between the hours
of 9:30-11:30 and 1-4 o'clock, at the
offices of the University Musical So-
Women students may arrange late
permission or overnight permission
during the period November 27 to De-
cember 1, inclusive, with their house-
Closing hours for the holiday are
as follows: Wed., Nov. 27, 12:30 a.m.;
Thurs., Nov. 28, 11 :00 p.m.
Mr. Nilan of the Atlaptic Refining
Company will be in our office on
Monday, Nov. 25, to interview engi-
neers (chemical, civil and mechani-
cal) and geologists who will be grad-
uating in February; also men who
will be getting their doctor's degree
in physics or chemistry. Call the Bu-
reau of Appointments, extension 371,
for an appointment.
Willow Run Village:
West Court Community Bldg.
Sat., Nov. 23, 8:00 p. m., Little
Theatre Group presents "Blithe
Spirit," by Noel Coward. Auditorium.
Positions now available: We have
notice of several vacancies in techni-
cal schools for engineers who can
teach machine design and kinematics.
These positions require a master's de-
gree and are for the summer of 1947
as well as for the following session.
We also have a number of good po-
sitions in colleges for people with
Ph.D's in psychology, econonics, so-
ciology, chemistry, physics. We shall
(Continued on Page 4)
Record with OS U
In the Michigan-Ohio State foot-
ball series inaugurated in 1897, the
Wolverines hold a 15-12 margin with
only one game of the long rivalry
having ended in a tie.
The first game, played in the last
century resulted in a 34-0 Wolverine
win. In 1900 the second contest of
the series was fought to a 0-0 dead-
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