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One-Thirdo Vets Receive Checks
Results of Post Office Survey
Contradict Regional VA Claim
Applications for Veterans Loans Fall Off;
Increase Noted in Repayments to University
Less than one-third of the University's 11,098 veterans have received
subsistence checks this month-although the Veterans Administration re-
ported that the Cleveland finance office had mailed checks to more than 80
per cent of the 62,000 veteran -students in Michigan-according to a Daily
poll of campus post offices yesterday.
J. F. Campbell, chief of the regional VA Rehabilitation and Education
Division, said Wednesday the Treasury Department,'s disbursing office at
Cleveland had mailed checks to 52,000 veterans on Michigan campuses last
The Daily survey covered dormitory post offices in the East and West
Quadrangles, Vaughan House and the West Lodge post office at Willow Vil-
lage. These residences house approximately 3,000 student veterans.
To Face Contempt
Charges Monday
Action Also Directed Against Union;
Leader Makes No Move To End Strike
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 21-A federal court cited John L. Lewis on a con-
tempt charge late today but he made no slightest move to call off the strike
of 400,000 soft coal miners.
Justice T. Alan Goldsborough of Federal District Court ordered Lewis
to appear before his bench Monday morning and show cause why he and
his union should not be held in contempt, a charge punishable by fine or
jail sentence.
If the strike continues until then-and there was nothing to indicate
tonight that it would not-steel mills will be closing down, railroads cur-
tailing their service and crippling effects will begin to be felt throughout
* * * the country. Already a "brownout"
had been ordered in Washington, the
M iniers Back seat of government, including the
darkening of the capitol dome.
Fight To Finish
With the show-cause order for the
contempt action, the government
Past. co sought to carry out President Tru-
man's instructions for a fight to the
finish against Lewis, but no show-
Lull Prevails in Mines down appeared imminent.
On First Day of Strikes Even Monday's contempt hearing
will bring no iimmediate penalty upon
Railroad OK's
Special Train
For OSU Game
The estimates from the quad-
rangles and West Lodge ran between
20 and 25 per cept, while Vaughan
House reported less than 15 per cent.
Coal Shortage
Affect Student
Complete details for the student
special train running to the Ohio
State game in Columbus tomorrow
were announced yesterday.
A local caterer will be at the Ann
Detroit railroad officials last
night assured Lynn Ford, chairman
of the Student Legislature varsity
committee, that the special student
train to the Ohio State game will
run on schedule.
Rumors that the coal shortage
would prevent use of the train
prompted the return of tickets by
several students, Miss Ford said.
As a result of this action 20 tickets
are available in the Deon of Stu-
dents Office for the round trip
Arbor depot from 5 a.m. to train time
selling breakfast. On the train, band
members will be served in the diner
first for all three meals. After the
band has been served, as time per-
mits, other passengers will be served.
Prices for -she three meals are:
breakfast, $1.10; luncheon, $1.35;
dinner, $1.754
Concessionaires will be on the train
throughout the trip selling coffee,
milk and sandwiches.
The train will leave the New York
Central station in Ann Arbor at 6:55
a.m. and will leave Columbus for the
return trip at 7:30 p.m., Columbus
time. The train is expected to ar-
rive in Ann Arbor about 12:35 p.m.
Only women students who take this
train will be given late permission for
the game. -
Three cars for the band will be the
first on the train.
Family Relation
Group To Meet
"What Is Happening to War-Time
Marriages?" will be one of the prob-
lems that will be considered at a
meeting sponsored by the Michigan
Conference on Family Relations, to
be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today
in the Kalamazoo Room of the
Walter B. Fariss, Veterans' Coord-
inator here on campus -will speak on
"What the University Is Doing for
the Families of Veterans." Domestic
problems of the veteran will be dis-
cussed by Dr. W. F. Goode, of Wayne
University, in a talk entitled "Fa-
mily Readjustment Following the
Soldier's Return."
Other participants in the program
include authorities from both edu-
cational institutions and civic or-
ganizations throughout the state.
Campus VO Elects
1946-47 Officers
Veterans' Organization officers
. "The fellows just haunt this
place waiting for their checks," one
post office clerk said.
Meanwhile, Miss Elizabeth Smith,
assistant in the Office of the Dean of
Students, reported at the close of the
business day yesterday, that veteran
loan applicatigns dropped from a
high of 62 Tuesday to an apparent
plateau of 43 and 42 Wednesday and
yesterday respectively. The record
Tuesday followed an explanation in
The Daily of the veteran loan system.
The Cashier's Office reported that
the number of applications submit-
ted there Wednesday and yesterday
continued to drop. This, it was ex-
plained, may be due to a time lag be-
tween original application at the Of-
fice of the Dean of Students and the
actual receipt of the loan at that of-
It was also pointed out that pay-
ments on veterans' loans most recent-
ly granted have increased while pay-
ment on old loans has remained at a
stable rate.
Previous statements gave assurance
that every eligible student veteran
should have received his first check
within 10 days to two weeks, the Free
Press said.
'Aladdin' Play
Be ins Today
Three Performances
Will Be Presented
The first presentation of "Aladdin
and the Wonderful Lamp" will be
given at 3:45 p.m. today at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The play, adapted as a dramatiza-
tion from "The Thousand and One
Nights," will be presented by the
speech department. Aladdin will be
played by Margaret Zirbes, the Prin-
cess by Norma Metz, Slave of the
King by Edyth Shapiro, Slave of the
Lamp by Joyce Katz, and Schehera-
zade by Frances Perkins.
Two performances will be given at
1:30 and 3:30 p.m. Saturday. Tick-
ets may be purchased at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. today and tomorrow.
BOMBED OUT UNIVERSITY-Campuses in war devastated countries throughout the world will rise again
from ruins like these with the aid of the World Student Service Fund, which winds up .its drive on campus
WSSF Total
Short of Goal
On First Day
Falling short of the goal of one dol-
lar from every student, the total re-
ceipts for the first day of the World
Student Service Fund two day tag
drive were approximately $2,000.
Barbara Stauffer, chairman of the
drive, stated that contributions today
For further comment on foreign
students, see page 6.
must multiply this sum if the Univer-
sity's donation "is to give effective
aid to undernourished and discour-
aged students in Europe and Asia."
Although the total does not include
pledges from sororities and religious
guilds, Miss Stauffer said that is
compared unfavorably with the con-
tributions from other universities.
Last year, Yale University with a
smaller student body than that of the
University, collected over $10,000.
Wisconsin plans to donate over $18,-
000 and Illinois officials state that
their drive this year will net a mini-
mum of 12,000 dollars.
Several student groups have
pledged sums amounting to at least
one dollar from each member. ,
U.S. Chief Asserts
No Border Warfare
BAMBERG, Germany, Nov. 21-
(')-Maj. Gen. Ernest M. Harmon,
the U.S. Army's police chief in Ger'-
many, said today that Russia was
"living up to" her border agreements
in Germany and that American-
Russian relations were "better than
at any time since the end of the
All Must Fight for Peaceful
Development of Atom--Ramey
"If you value your God-given heri-
tage of the right to a peaceful life,
you and I and everyone else must
fight for a fasting peace that will
permit the development of atomic
fission for peacetime instead of war-
time uses," Brig.-Gen. Roger M.
Ramey told -the Oratorical Associa-
tion audience last night.
Groups Protest
U. of D. Game
Contract With Miami
Termed 'Ju Crow'
Members of AVC, IRA and MYDA
have launched a protest campaign
against the "Jim Crow" action of the
University of Detroit which recently
contracted for a football game with
the University of Miami Nov. 29.
Opposition arose when the Univer-
sity of Detroit accepted the contest
after Pennsylvania State University,
originally scheduled for the game, de-
clined Miami's request to leave Negro
players at home and cancelled. Syra-
cuse University also refused an in-
vitation to meet 'the University of
Miami, although its team includes no
In a concerted effort to force the
University of Detroit to cancel the
game, the three campus organizations
have sent telegrams of protest and
plan to send delegates to confer with
Lloyd Brazil, UD athletic director.
General Ramey, who commanded
the Army Air Forces task group which
dropped the bomb in "Operation
Crossroads" at Bikini, declared that
"distance is te only defense against
the, atomic bomb."
"To those of us who have observed
the destructiv7e effect of atomic en-
ergy, it is evident that if there is to
be any security and peace in the
world, wars must be abolished as a
means of settling disputes between
nations," Ge:aeral Ramey said.
"There will be no winner in, an
atomic war," he declared.
Speaking "not as a professional
soldier but as a citizen of the United
States interested in the future of the
country," General Ramey's advice is
"to invest in i.he only security we can
depend on-an adequate army, and
air force."
The Bikini test was not, as many
people think, a "battle between the
Army and the Navy," General Ramey
said, but'rather a laboratory test de-
signed to give scientists all available
information about atomic fission, and
to give the Air Force another chance
to try out a weapon that is still in the
experimental stages.
In an interview before the lecture,
General Ramey said that the high
degree of cooperation between the
army, the navy and civilian scientists
was "one of the most successful and
pleasant things about the Bikini ex-
Willow Veteran
Ruling Changed
Deadline Lengthened
On Housing Policy
Veterans now living at Willow Vil-
lage have until January 15 to find
rooms in Ann Arbor before they will
be required to reserve a room at the
Village for the spring semester, un-
der a new policy announced yester-
day by Joseph A. Bursley, dean of
The original plan required that the
veteran submit a reservation to the
University to r a Village room by No-
vember 25 or else waive claim to
lodging there next semester.
In order to know the number of
rooms available for incoming second
semester students, on January 151
each male student residing at the'
Village will be requested to furnish
GINTOWN,. Ala., Nov. 21-(W)-"If 1
they put Joan L. Lewis in jail, my
coal mining days are over."
With that statement, Claude Bur-
ford, 38-year-old loader in the David-
son Coal Co. mine, summed up the
attitude of a group of idle membersa
of the United Mine Workers of Amer-
ica (AFL), in this mining community,
near Birmingham.
"When I started. in the mines,"
Burford continued, "I made $1 for a
14-hour day's work. Now the average
here is more than $10 for a shorter
day, and I get more than that because
I load around 35 tons a day."
-OP)-A Saturday afternoon, -holi-
day atmosphere pervaded this min-
ing community in the heart of West-
ern Pennsylvania's bituminous re-
gion today-the first day of the coal
The men aye solidly behind Lewis.
Miner Frank Katz said :
"The government has had eight
and a half months to work out a con-
tract. So far they've given the oper-
ators all the breaks. A factory work-
er gets maybe $10 a day for above-
ground work, but we go down in that
hole and take chances of a cave-in,
explosion or gas, and get $11 or $12.
We ought to get more."
Another, Arthur Blackburn, had
this to say:
"I've got eight kids, but I've got a
four-acre farm and can make out
better than a lot of the fellows. We
all hate to go out, but if we don't
follow Lewis, we'll be right back
where we were a few years ago."
Bevin Asks for
Britain Would Include
Troop Data in Talks
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y., Nov. 21
---(P-Ernest Bevin, British Foreign
Secretary, asked "in all solemnity"
today that the United Nations take
up now the whole question of dis-
He rejected Russia's demand for
information on Allied troop disposi-
tions abroad unless it was included
in such, arms limitation talks.
Bevin told Foreign Minister Vya-
cheslav M. Molotov of Russia, author
of the arms reduction and troop in-
formation proposals, that the British
government ielt the two should be
"taken together." Molotov and the
other members of the 54-nation UN
political committee listened closely as
Bevin said:
"If this (Russia's troops inventory
resolution now before the commit-
tee) is taken as a single contribu-
tion, we cannot accept it, but we will
go along if the whole thing is taken
Declaring in his first speech to an
Assembly body in the United States
that his government wanted the task
to be comprehensive, Bevin added:
"I want to remind 'this body that
Hitler had no troops outside Ger-
Lewis. If Justice Goldsborough finds
then "that the alleged contempt be
not sufficiently purged"-in other
words, if Lewis does not call off the
"contract termination" notice which
led to the walkout-he will give Lew-
is a trial on Wednesday. A special
jury will be impanelled which will
have powers only to advise the judge.
The jurist himself will decide Lewis'
guilt or innocence, and mete out any
Contempt Action
The contempt action is directed
against the AFL United Mine Work-
ers Union as well as Lewis person-
The government, in its brief, con-
tended that they "have willfully,
wrongfully and deliberately dis-
obeyed and violated" Justice Golds-
borough's order of Monday
* * *
Work Stoppage
In Coal Mines
Hits Industry
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 21 - o)-
Production of soft coal, bulwark of
the nation's economy, snapped to a
halt today as the 400,000 AFL United
Mine Workers of the bituminous
fields walked out in keeping with their
traditional policy of refusal to work
without a contract.
In scattered sections of the 23 coal-
producing states a small amount of
coal was dug by operators of- small
mines, strip uperatioris, and by inde-
pendent miners and members of the
progressive mine workers. This, how-
ever, would supply but a fraction of
the nation's fuel needs.
The "walkout fever" spread to the
anthracite fields of eastern Pennsyl-
vania, with several thousand hard
coal diggers declaring a work holi-
day. Other pits of the anthracite in-
dustry, employing 80,000 under a con-
tract separate from the bituminous
agreement, remained operating.
Two Dead As
Violence Flares
PITTSBURGH. Nov. 21 - (P) -
Violence resulting in two deaths,
flared today less than 24 hours after
the nation's 400,000 soft coal miners
walked out.
Deputy Sheriff Harry Cyphers said
two members of the United Mine
Workers were fatally shot during a
dispute with the foreman of a small
truck mine near Welch, W. Va. He
identified the victims as Roosevelt
Thomas, 45. of Bottom Creek, and
Will Hunt, of Eckman.
'U' Coal Will Last
For 30 to 60 Days
The University's present supply of
coal will be sufficient for a 30 to 60
day period, "depending on the weath-
er," a University spokesman said yes-
Faculty Men Doubt 'Speed-Up' Methods
Some University faculty men are
waiting for more proof that the Army
"speed-up method" of teaching lan-
guages can be successfully applied
to instruction here, according to
Prof. Abraham Herman of the Ro-
mance Language department.
Prof. Herman said that the Army
method concentrated on teaching
students to speak the language, and
there has been no real proof that it
fitted them to read meaningfully or
to write adequately the western- Eu-
ropean languages studied.
spend ten semesters at four hours a
week studying language to equal the
612 "contact hours" in class which
soldiers here received during the war.
Since 85 per cent of students nor-
mally give up language studies at the
end of their fourth semester, institu-
tion of the pan would be seriously
handicapped if good training in the
several aspects of language study is
to be given.
Advanced Course Urged
Even after soldier students had
completed their 612 hours, Army of-
ficials thought an advanced continu-
The soldiers learned to get along
"fairly well" in ordinary daily situ-
ations, but thy can't be said to have
learned to read well since they had
little practice in reading. There is a
wide gap between their relatively lim-
ited vocabulary and the language and
style they would encounter in react-
ing books of serious nature.
Test Results Published
The only objective country-wide
test results to be published reported
a facility in oral comprehension. No
valid proof has shown that soldiers
learned to read or write adequately