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November 19, 1946 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-19

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Discharges 'Without Honor'

FOR ABOUT 20,000 veterans the GI Bill. of
Rights doesn't even exist. They are the men
who, for some reason or other, were separated
from the service "without honor." This doesn't'
mean that they were discharged dishonorably;
it means that they got one of the in-between,
one of the so-called "blue" discharges.
These "without honor" separations are an
old standby of the military, a handy Administra-
tive weapon. By using it, commanding officers
could ease out of service any men whom they'
considered not desirable in the military system.
Grounds for such separation might be failure
of the individual to adjust himself to the disci-
plinary regulations, or any sort of psychological
The significant point is that these dis-
charges were given under a purely admini-
strative process. For a man to be given a
dishonorable discharge he had to be convicted
by a court-martial, and, whatever opinion
one may have of the court-martial system as
justice, at least the operation was carried otit
under "due process of law." Not so the "blue"
discharges. For once the proverbial red tape
was cut. The discharge recommendation was
merely passed on by a board of review com-
posed of line officers, who might or might not
fully understand what they were doing. If
the board decided against him, the soldier or

sailor whose conduct hadn't been in the best
service tradition found himself on the out-
side with a certificate guaranteed to scare
away all employers.
For what employer will hire a man whose
record states that he was kicked out "for the
good of the service?" In the old peacetime
army days the effect wasn't quite so shattering.
No one was particularly interested when he hired
a man, whether the fellow had been in service
or not. Often the "blue discharge" could get by
without anyone knowing. But now ever em-
ployer is veteran conscious. The first thing 1e
wants to see is the service record of job appli-
cants. That means that the man with a "sans
honneur" discharge, besides missing all veterans'
benefits, has two and nine-tenths strikes on him
when he looks for a job.
Nobody would hold any brief for the fellow
who actually deserved to get bounced, but com-
mon justice demands that allegations be legally
proved before a man is punished. Administrative
whim should not be allowed to run roughshod.
Right now the cases of men convicted during
the war by courts-martial are being reviewed,
and in some instances the verdicts have been
set aside. Why not some such recourse for the
men who were convicted without being tried?
-Bob Ball

N THE LETTERS to the Editor column today I do definitely recognize the fact that a Com-
is a letter from a Mr. Quimby, to whose con- munist Party exists and that it is a part of
crete statements I would like to respond.-The the Progressive movement. That it applies the
ambiguous charge of "loyalty" is too preposterous Marxian dialectics of Historical Materialism
to dignify, to the American scene does not remove it from
Mr. Quimby cites Mr. Markham as an author- those groups which are fighting for a demo-;
ity on the Balkans' and Russian question. On cratic America.
the basis of Markham's pleading the cause of a 'JHE FACT that there are differences between
Croatian collaborator, Matchek, in his speech the Russian and American economy does not
before a Rackham audience, I would like to preclude the possibility of our working together
question him as a reliable source. As a letter to to establish a peaceful world. There is no con-
the Daily on November 6 pointed out (referring flict between the Russian and the American
to pages 87-88 of Count Ciano's Diaries) Matchek peoples, per se. Nor have there been statements
or allusions by the Soviet leaders to the effect
is named by Ciano as the man who was to sell that the United States is supposed to "give in
out Yugoslavia to the Fascists of Italy. to Russia;" or to "all love Stalin." On the other
On the matter of political prisoners, and Rus- hand they have forwarded very concrete pro-
sia's internal policy in general, I refer the reader posals for the establishment of a peaceful world,
to the Webb's "History of the Soviet Union," namely, the disarmament proposal and breaking
Joseph E. Davies', "Mission to Moscow," Kahn with Franco.
and Sayer's "Great Conspiracy Against Russia," Achieving a peaceful world requires not only
Lauterbach's "These Are the Russians." compromise but a fight against imperialism.
One other dubious source which Mr. Quimby Dulle's statements to the United Nations to the
cites as an authority on Russian foreign policy, effect that we would take the Pacific bases if
Randolph Churchill, must also be questioned. they were not given to us under trusteeship are
This is the same correspondent whom, Franco no less imperialistic than Smuts statements that
requested to come to Spain to portray the state South Africa will take Southwest Africa if it is
of affairs under his dictatorship. Obviously, one not granted under trusteeship. This attitude
who is considered a friend to the Franco regime contraverts the letter and the spirit of the United
cannot be expected to give a very accurate inter- Nations charter. It should cause as much con-
pretation of Marxism-Leninism. Randolph cern in America as any Russian designs on the
Churchill's statement (quoted in the letter) is Dardanelles.R
such a gross perversion of these men's writings If an attempt is to be made to come to some
that it does not require a response. sort of solution to the press-exaggerated conflict
Mr. Quimby says that I assume no such between ourselves and Russia, it is necessary
thing as a Communist force in America. He that we seek an objective, rather than a purely
is correct. I do not recognize a "force" which emotional understanding of the Soviet Union.
has been likened to a "menace" to America. -E. E. Ellis

China Policy
IT MIGHT BE helpful if Acting-Secretary-of-
State-for-China, the Honorable James V. For-
restal, would tell the people, or at least Secretary
of State Byrnes, what his policy is with respect
to China. I refer to Mr. Forrestal as "Acting-
Secretary-of-State-for-China" advisedly. It
seems that it is Mr. Forrestal, and not the State
Department, who is getting the United States
in so badly in China. :t is he who is keeping
large numbers of Marines in North China.
Probably he has the support of Admiral Leahy,
the chief-of-staff of the Commander-in-Chief of
the Army and Navy, at a time when this coun-
try is not at war with any other country. But
whether it is, Forrestal or Leahy, or Forrestal
and Leahy, it is not the State Department that
is running our foreign affairs as they relate to
China. It is to be doubted whether the State
Department knows in detail what has been go-
ing on in China, although someone there may
have read that informative book "Thunder Out
of China," by Theodore H. White and Annalee
Jacoby, which every American should read.
At first the Navy insisted that the Marines
were in China to help herd the Japanese soldiers
back to Japan. But on August 5, Admiral Cooke,
commander of our Naval forces in China, said
that the repatriation of the Japanese in the
areas where the Marines were stationed had
been completed. When this was pointed out to
the Navy, another reason was vouchsafed: the
Marines are in North China "to keep communi-
cations open." A further attempted justifica-
tion was that if the Marines moved out of North
China the Russians would move in.
Now it might be that the people of the
United States, if they were informed on the
subject as they should be, would want to keep
these Marines in China. They might even
want to send more Marines "to keep com-
munications open." They might desire our
Army and Marine officers to train more divi-
sions of nationalist troops. They might wish
to ship over more arms and ammunition and
join forces with Chiang Kai-shek's soldiers
in their civil war. But, for one, I do not
believe that the people of the United States
want any back-door wa. As a natter of
fact, they do not want any war at all. More-
over, they want to determine their own inter-
national policy on the basis of the actual
facts, plainly stated.-
We were doing pretty well in China until the
late President Roosevelt sent that diplomatic
curiosity, Major General Patrick J. Hurley, to
China as our ambassador. He quickly undid all
of the good that had been done by Ambassador
Gauss and General Stillwell. A bull in a china
shop could hardly have been expected to wreak
the havoc that General Hurley accomplished in
China. Fortunately he resigned and General'
George C. Marshall was rushed into the breach.
He might have saved some of the pieces if Hur-
ley had not done such a complete wrecking job.
Hurley was as good for China as the atomic
bomb that hit Hiroshima was for Japan.
As Madame Sun Yat-sen has said: "The
present crisis (in China) is not a question of
who wins, the Kuomintang or the Commun-
ists. It is a question of the Chinese people,
their unity and livelihood. It cannot be settled
by balancing armies or bargaining for this
city and that territory. Not party rights, but
human rights hang in the balance."
We should not be taking sides in the civil
war that has raged in China for some twenty
years. Democracy does not exist in China and
(Copyright 1946, by the N.Y. Post Syndicate)


copr. 1946 by United Feature Syndicate, In.
Tm. Reg."U.S . PatOH.-Allrights reserved



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(EDITOR'S NOTE: Under the recently announced
policy on Letters To The Editor, worthwhile letters
may be printed at any length at the discrimination of'
the Editorial Director.)
To the Editor:
HAD MR. ROSENBLOOM included his phone
numberi in his letter that you published to-
day, the 17th, I could have replied to him per-
sonally. However, I believe he desired an answer,
and here it is, if you so- desire to print it.
Mr. Rosenbloom, I am sorry that your letter
has not proven to me that I should not question
the loyalty of Mr. E. E. Ellis. However, it did
make me take notice of this past week's articles
by him, in 'T'uesday's and Thursday's papers, and
it only confirmed my opinion of Mr. Ellis. In
his article of Nov. 12, he sharply denounces the
U.S. stand on Pacific bases. But, does he have
any condemnation of Russia for the countries
she is controlling behind the iron cur4ain? At
least the U. S. comes out in the open on all its
policies and actions. We at least say what we
are doing, instead of covering it up behind a
silent iron curtain. What, I might ask, is Rus-
sia's policy on all of the countries outside of her
boundaries but behind the iron curtain?
In his article of Nov. 14, Mr. Ellis seems to
say that there are no such things as Communist
forces at work in America, and, in this case,
the AVC. And, even if there are Communists,
they are of such insignificande that we shouldn't
worry about them. And, regardless, that the
American liberal should seek his strength through
the unity of every progressive force (including,
I presume, the Communists) in the country. Mr.
Ellis, I hope, knows something of Russia's ac-
tions in the Balkans, and the "free' elections
where you can vote only for a Communist. (I
refer to Mr. Markham's speech); of the political
prisoners and objectionables sent to Siberia
(known to all); of Russia's "bleed them to
death" reparations policy (case of Finland-De-
troit 'Times, Nov: 17) ; and of Russia's policy and
ultimate goal (quote from R. Churchill's speech)
"The writings and teachings of Marx, Lenin,
and Stalin all say that Russia must work toward
controlling the world, by force, if necessary."
How does Mr. Ellis intend to compromise

complished. The U. S. would be foolish to give
out all its secrets and yet allow Russia to have
her iron curtain. You have Russia drop the
iron curtain, Mr. Rosenbloom, and I will see
to it that the U. S. takes care of the cooperation,
clear thinking and allegiance to our fellow men.
No, Mr. Rosenbloom, my loyalty does not
blind me "to the fact that there might be 'inter-
ests' in this country, as in others, that prefer a
state of war to a condition of peace." This fact
has always been true in all countries. Some
people in the U. S. made some pretty nice profits
on the last war, and some not too legally at
that. However, watch this next session of Con-
gress and I think a few of these "interests" will
be caught up with.
I hope you don't think that I am a war mon-
ger, an isolationist, or a reactionary, Mr. Rosen-
bloom. I want to see a permanent peace, inter-
national good will, and equal rights for all men
in this world, and the sooner the better. How-
ever, I do believe that we differ in our methods
of achieving this end. As has been so well said,
"Millions for defense, but not one cent for
Johnm 1 Quimby
I.S'ri-ic phone nrb r is 9537.
EITOR'SNOTE: See 'All or Nothing" column else-
where on this page for filis' answers to references
to him in the above letter.
SEVERE SHORTAGES of labor now are to
slow down the reconstruction and economic
recovery of liberated Europe. "Help Wanted"
signs are replacing the "Job Wanted" ads of a
year ago in almost every Allied country. ,
Europe has fewer workers than before the
war, but more are needed today than in 1938
to achieve prewar levels of production. Labor
productivity has declined sharply in the last
seven years.

Current Movies

Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten
form to the office of the Assistant to the
President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00
p.m. on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVII, No. 49
Members of the University Senate:
The first regular meeting of the Uni-
versity Senate for the academic year
1946-47 will be held in the Rackham
Amphitheatre at 4:10 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 25.
Annual report of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University Af-
fairs, A. D. Moore.
Report of Nominating Committee
and Election of Members to the Ad-
visory Committee, J. B. Waite.
Report on the Participation of the
Faculty in World War II, Secretary
Miscellaneous Subjects introduced
by members of the Senate: (a) Post
season games of football teams, (b)
Other topics.
CORRECTION: The item which
appeared in The Daily Tues., Nov. 12,
covering Operation Crossroads should
have stated "sponsored by the So-
ciety of Women Engineers and the
student chapter of the A.I.Ch.E'." and
not "by three engineering societies."
All Women's Physical Education
classes which meet regularly on Tues-
day and Thursday at 7:30 p.m., will
meet at 7:10 p.m., Tues., Nov. 19, in
Barbour Gymnasium.
All Navy V-5 students will report
to NROTC, North Hall at earliest op-
portunity regarding information nec-
essary for payment of tuition, fees,
Choral Union Members whose rec-
ords of attendance are clear, please
call for their courtesy passes for the
Yehudi Menuhin concert Tuesday,
Nov. 19, between the hours of 9:30
and 11:30 and 1 and 4, at the offices
of the Society in Burton Memoria
Tower. After 4 o'clock no tickets
will be issued.
February Seniors and Graduates in
Mechanical and Aeronautical Engi-
neering: Mr. R. MacDonald, repre-
senting Chance Vough Aircraft of
Stratford, Connecticut, will be here
for interviews on Fri., Nov. 22, Rm
B-47, E. Engineering. For interview
sign schedule on Aeronautical Engi-
neering Bulletin Board.
Recreational Swimming: Women
students may use the Michigan Union
pool for recreational swimming on
Tuesday and Thursday evenings from
7:30 to 8:20 until the end of the first
semester. The usual fee will be
The Department of State assist
in the maintenance 'of more than
twenty-five cultural centers in th
other Americal Republics. They are
interested in knowing about good
candidates for positions as admini-
strators, teachers of English, and li-
brarians. Qualifications: A.B. degree
or equivalent; successful experience
preferably in language teaching; a

speaking knowledge of either Portu-
guese, or, in candidates interested in
Haiti, French; good health; a readi-
ness to cooperate and to make friends
with foreign nationals; an adapta-
bility to changed living conditions;
and a knowledge of and the abilit
to interpret the cultural heritage of
the United States. Salaries are good
including substantial living allow-
ance and transportation both ways
Further information at the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Willow Run Village:
West Court Community Bldg.
Tues., Nov. 19, 8:00 p.m., Extension
class in Spanish meeting at Ros
School; 8:00 p. in., Wives of Stu
dent Veterans Club.
Wed., Nov. 20, 7:30-9:30 p. m.
Rev. Mr. Edwards, religious and per
sonal counseling, preferably by ap
pointment; 8:00 p. in., Wednesda
Night Lecture Series, Jean P. Slus
ser, Prof. of Drawing and Painting
Director of the Museum of Art, ill
ustrated lecture, "How to Look a
a Modern Painting."
Thurs., Nov.. 21, 2:00 p. in., Ope
class in Prenatal and Child Care
sponsored by the Washtenaw Coun
ty Health Department, 'Care of th
Sick Child," including discussion o
common signs of disease and proce
dures in the care of the sick - 'te
will be served; 8:00 p. in., Extensio
class in psychology; 8:00 p. in., Sew
ing Club; 8:00 p. in., Bridge session
Fri., .Nov. 22, 8:00 p. in., Classica
West Lodge
Tues., Nov. 19, 7:00 p. in., Ath
letic directors meeting; 7:30 p. m
Fencing Club; 8:00 p. in., Women
volleyball, badminton.
Wed., Nov. 20, 6:30 p. in., Basket
ball League; 700 p. m., Duplicat
bridge club; 7:00 p.m., Social D
'rector's meeting; 8:30 p. in., Dan(
entertainment committee meeting
Thurs., Nov. 21, 8:00 p. in., Littl
Theatre Group presents "Blithe
Spirit," by Noel Coward. Auditorium
West Lodge.
sFri., Nov. 22,- 8:30 p. in., Univrsit
of Michigan students' dance.
Sat., Nov. 23, 8:00 p. in., Litt
Theatre Group presents "Blith
Spirit," by Noel Coward. Auditorium
I West Lodge.
Phi Delta Epsilon Lecture. Dr. nq
D. McClure, Chief Surgeon, Henr
Ford Hospital, Detroit, will speak o
the subject, "The Historical Deve
opment of the Treatment of Burns
at 8:00 p.m., Wed., Nov. 20, in th
Main Amphitheatre, University Ho
pital; auspices of Phi Delta Epsilo
medical fraternity. The publici
cordially invited.
Brig. General Roger Ramey, com
mander of the world's only atom
bomb attack force, will be present
Thursday evening at 8:30 in Hill A
ditorium as the fourth speaker o
the 1946-47 Lecture Course. "A
Power in the Atomic Age" will b
the subject of Gen. Ramey's addres
Tickets will be placed on sale tomo
row at 10:00 a.m. in the Auditoriu
s box office today fj'om 10-5 and 7:3
morrow from 10-1, 2-5, and Thur
e day from 10-1, 2-8:30.
Lecture: The second in the seri
of lectures sponsored by the Soci
- dad Hispanica will be given by Pro
William G. Merhab at 8:00 p.
Wed., Nov. 20, in Room D, Alum;
), Memorial Hall. Prof. Merhab w
"speak on his experiences in Soul'
America inha lecture entitled "Pa
orama sudamericano."
Academic Notices

History 173 Midsemester Examina-
tion: Tues., Nov. 19. Students whose
names begin with A to M will meet
in Room B, Haven Hall; those whoe
names begin with N to Z, Room 25,
Angell Hall.
Inorganic Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 5 o'clock today in Rm. 303,
Chemistry Bldg. Mr. S. Lewin will
speak on "Some applications of the
concepts of deformation and polari-
zation of ions in inorganic chemis-
try." All interested are invited.
Veterans' Tutorial Program: An
additional Veterans' Tutorial Sec-
tion in elementary Mathematics has
been scheduled to meet Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Fridays from 7:00 to
8:00 p.m. in Rm. 3017 Angell Hall.
Choral Union Concert. Yehudi
Menuhin, Violinist, with Adolph Bal-
1er at the piano, will play the fol-
lowing program in the fourth Choral
Union Concert Tuesday evening, No-
vember 19, at 8:30, in Hill Audito-
rium: Sonata No. 1 (Beethoven); So-
nata in G minor (Bach) ; Symphoni
Espagnole (Lalo); La Fontaine d'Are-
thuse (Szymanowski); Hungarian
Dance No. 4 (Brahms-Joachim) ; and
Gypsy Airs by Sarasate.
The public will please come suf-
ficiently early as to be seated on time,
since the doors will be closed during
Events Today
Philosophy Club will meet at 8 o'-
clock tonight at the League Coke Bar.
Club members are undergraduate stu-
dents interested in philosophy, not
necessarily members of a class. Mr.
Robert Roelofs, Teaching Fellow,
Philosophy Department, will lead the
The Geological Journal Club will
meet at 4 o'clock today in Rm. 4054,
Natural Science Bldg. Mr. L. E.
Workman, Geologist and Head,
Subsurface Division, Illinois Geologi-
, cal Survey, will speak on "Insoluble
Residues of the Silurian Rocks."
Three One-Act Plays will be given
tonight at 8:30 in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre by students in the
department of speech who are tak-
ing advanced courses in dramatics.
Admission is free to the public, with
n tickets being available at the theatre
s box office, which will be open to-
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
speech society, will meet at 7:15 to-
-night in fin. 311, W. Engineering
y Bldg. Engineer's sales demonstration
- with four circle leaders selling steam
or Diesel power to a board of four
- professors.
Wolverines, formerly the Pep Club,
n will meet at 5 o'clock today in the
, Union.
- The new constitution will be pre-
e sented to the membership. All mem-
f bers of the Pep Club and former
- members of the Wolverines are re-
a quested to attead this meeting. All
n students who are interested in pro-
- moting school spirit at football, bas-
. ketball, and hockey games are invited
l to attend.
La p'tite causette, today at 3:30
- p.m. in the Grill Room, Michigan
. The Christian Science Organiza-.
- tion at the University of Michigan
e will meet at 8:15 tonight in the Up-
per Room of Lane Hall.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation mu-
le sic committee will meet at 4:15 to-
e day. All who are interested are in-
vited. Bring eligibility cards.
Comng Events

le Research Club meeting at 8:00 p.m.
e Wed., Nov. 20, in the Rackham Bldg.
n. James K. Pollock, "The Laenderrat
(Continued on Page 3)

p 11
At the Michigan .. .
Henry Fonda, Victor Mature, Linda Darnel.
THIS IS definitely a directois picture. There
are John Ford touches everywhere: night
scenes shot against moonlit clouds, long shots
with the accent on shadows, angle shots with
the accent on composition, Outside of these ar-
tistic touches (and 'to me, seeing a John Ford
movie is like watching a moving art exhibition)
there is nothing outstanding in the film. The
characters might have been played by anyone
who could assume a sufficiently deadpan expres-
sion, the story is scarcely unusual, the whole
thing is a little on the tedious side. But for
those who like westerns, I would say the picture
is a success. It's an expensive production with
some of the prettiest rough jackets I've seen in
a long time.
At te State*. . .
MR. ACE (Benedict Bougeous), Sylvia Sydney,
George Raft.
rTHIS DEALS with the reform of two clever
and unscrupulous politicians, Miss Sydney
and Mr. Raft. The combination is presented to
the audience as unbeatable when it comes to
winding the voting population around their little
fingers. It therefore seems a bit paradoxical
when both participants get so involved in their
emotions that they completely reform and end
up as virtuous guardians of the public welfare.
Aside from being unbelievable, the picture is
dull. Its lavish apartment sets are completely
overwhelmed by its boring dialogue.
-Joan Fiske


Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenhelm ...Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey............... City Editor
Mary Brush...............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor
Paul Harsha............Associate Editor
Clark Baker.......... ..Sports Editor
Des Howarth.......Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin ....... Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk................Women's Editor
Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter........Business Manager
Evelyn Mills.,..Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork....Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-241
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in this newspaper. All rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school

-World Report


V Come, come- Would you have the Little
Arnnc bwIp- idMncht n nr f

a Suposet caf ycu l fl''0 MR. BAXTER? Of te
iiback. What is '~votir ' .Iar, ,InSchoolnBoard? I'm


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