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November 19, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-19

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3fw A




Latest Deadline in the State


'U'Loans Boon
To Checkless Vets
Approximately 1,000 Needy Students
Take Advantage of Emergency Fund
With thousands of student veterans' checks bogged down in a seem-
ingly bottomless mire of Veterans Administration red tape, the University
is coming through in a big way.
The Daily reported Sunday that less than 25 per cent of the veterans
attending the University had received their checks for the current
Previously the Veterans Administration had indicated that all checks
would arrive no later than November 15. With almost eight weeks of the



*1 4

Lewis' Coal Plan



* * *

Daily Proposal
On Vet Check
System Lauded
Sunday's Daily editorial proposing
a revision in the present system of
payment of veterans' checks received
a boost here yesterday.
Robert S. Waldrop, local veter-
-ans Service Bureau director, voiced
his approval, saying, "The efficien-
cy of the proposed system has al-
ready been proven in the armed
forces. If the mechanical details
ca'n be worked out it ought to
be a, great improvement. I think
it should be given a try."
Further support was given by Prof.
Rufus Wixon of the economics de-
"The biggest cause of delay and
confusion apears to be in getting
authorization for payment. A local
disbursing officer who can get an
authorizing money list from individ-
ual campus Veteran Administrations
will certainly cut a lot of red-tape."
The Daily proposal recommended
the use of district disbursing officers
qualified to pay on vouchers with
cash supplied them by a central
Dedication Day
Ceremony Will
Honor Lincoln
Eighty-three years ago today Abra-
ham Lincoln gave a'memorial address
in dedication of a battlefield at Get-
tysburg, Pennsylvania.
Following President Truman's de-
cree that Nov. 19 be celebrated as
Dedication Day, the University will
commemorate that event at an as-
sembly at 3 p.m. today in Rackham
Lecture Hall at which Louis A. War-
ren, director of the Lincoln National
Life Foundation, will discuss "Elo-
quence at Gettysburg."
Robert G. Rittenour, Grad., will
read the Gettysburg Address.
All students and staff members of
the speech department, under whose
auspices the program is being pre-
sented, will be excused from classes
to attend the assembly.
Relics of Abraham Lincoln's one
and only visit to Michigan as well as
other rare items dealing with the
Civil War president are being dis-
played by the Clements Library in
connection with the 83rd anniversary
of the delivery of the Gettysburg Ad-
Included in the Clements Library
collection of Lincolnia are some of
the earliest printings, of the Gettys-
burg Address and a copy of the text
of the address printed in the Provi-
dence Journal of Nov. 20, 1863, then
edited by James B. Angell, who later
became president of the University.
Also displayed at the Clements Li-
brary is the original letter which
Lincoln wrote making arrangements
for a campaign address in 1860 at
Kalamazoo, where he made his only
visit to Michigan.
Friday Vet Activities
Mlay he Terminated'
In spite of the shortage of week-end
recreational facilities, veterans may
lose the privilege of using the M
Building on Friday nights for mixed
recreation due to lack of participa-
tion, Kenneth Fleischauer, president
of the campus Veterans Organization
said yesterday.
In an attempt to stimulate interest,
the VO will furnish prizes for round-
robin tournaments, if a sufficient
number of veterans and their wives or
dates respond, Fleischauer said.

Students To Present

4semester already gone, student vet-
erans have turned to the University
for aid.
Gordon B. Jory, University cashier,
estimated that approximately 1,000
vets have already obtained loans from
the University.
"The demand this semester is ten
times greater than it has ever been,"
he declared.
"Loans average between $60 and
$80, are granted interest-free and
are given for a 30 to 60 day period,"
Jory pointed out.
"There can be no doubt about it-
the unusual run on University loans
has been caused for the most part
by the delay in VA checks arriving,"
Assistant Dean of Students W. B. Rea
Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, assis-
tant in the Dean of Students Office
disclosed than an average of 42 vets
per day applied for loans over the
past week.
"Yesterday, We hit a new high,
with 55 loan applications," she said.
"This situation rivals that of the
depression," Miss Smith stated.
Loans are being made from a
specialsemergency fund, not from
state appropriations, it was revealed.
Meanwhile, Herbert G. Watkins,
University secretary, stated. "Be-
cause there has been a delay in the
delivery of subsistence checks to
veterans, we wish to emphasize
that the University is prepared to
advance short term loans to any
veteran to whom this delay repre-
sents an undue hardship."
Applications for loans may be filed
with Miss Elizabeth Smith in the
Dean of Students Office.
Health Group
To Meet Here
The second annual meeting of the
National Sanitation Foundation will
be held tomorrow at the School of
Public Health, headquarters of the
Representatives of science and in-
dustry from all parts of the United
States will gather in Ann Arbor to
demonstrate how they have met and
merged with public health through
the medium of the Foundation. Dr.
Henry F. Vaughan, president of the
National Sanitation Foundation stat-
ed, "The value of that merger to
industry, commerce and public
health has been proved."
Speakers :it the morning session
will be Thomas L. Rector, vice-presi-
dent in charge of Research Division,
General Foods Corp.; Dr. Nathan
Sinai, University School of Public
Health; President Alexander G.
Ruthven. In the afternoon there will
be a technical report by Dr. Vaughan
and a report on education by Dr.

Accusation of
Policy Denied
Rebellion of LabOll
Leffists Is Killed
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Nov. 18-The House of
Commons gave a 353 to 0 vote of
confidence tonight to the Labor
Government's foreign policy, after
Prime Minister Attlee had denied
flatly accusations that Britain and
the United States were "ganging up"
against Russia.
The vote snuffed out a rebellion by
58 Leftist Labor legislators, who had
leveled the accusations against the
Prime Minister and his foreign sec-
retary, Ernest Bevin.
Shout Down
Crowded and tense after three
hours of debate, the House shouted
down an attempt by the Insurgents
to withdraw an ,amendment calling
for Britain to steera course midway
between Russia and the Unitd
Then, with Conservatives teaming
with the Laborites, the House voted
353 to 0 against the amendient. The
Labor Leftists, who insisted they did
not want to force a vote of censure
against the government, were among
the abstainers.
After the vote of confidence was
taken, an amendment expressing re-
gret of the government's plan to con-
tinue conscription was defeated, 320
to 53. Parliamentary circles said the
number of those supporting the
amendment indicated that most of
the "rebel" Laborites had opposed
the government on conscription
Denies Alliance
Attlee, speaking in cool measured
tones, denied that Britain was seek-
ing an "exclusive Anglo-American
He said that some of the Insur-
gents "suggest that this government
is being subservient to the United
States. This is entirely untrue. i
seems to some we are showing in-
sufficient readiness to collaborate
with Soviet Russia. That also is un-
Confidence in Bevin
Attlee said that his government
had every confidence in Bevin, now
attending meetings of the Foreign
Ministers Council in New York, and
said he resented attacks "by persons
whose services to the cause 'of labor
and socialism are as dust in the bal-
ance as compared with his."
Replying to so-called Laborite "re-
bels" who asked him to repudiate the
idea of an .Anglo-American alliance
similar to that suggested by Winston
Churchill in his Fulton, Mo., speech,
Attlee said:
"This government does not believe
in the formation of groups or oppos-
ing groups of the East, West or
center. We stand for the United
Not Representative
The British Press Association said
the vote of 353 to 0 "hardly repre-
sents a conspicuous triumph."
"It must be distinctly disappoint-
ing and a little worrying to the gov-
ernment whips." the Press Associa-
tion said.



World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
SALONIKA, Greece, Nov. 18.-Greek ground troops, supported by
planes, were reported today to have inflicted heavy losses on hostile forces,
officially described as "invaders," in full scale fighting along a mountainous
front of seven miles or more near the Yugoslav frontier.
(The United States and British ambassadors-Lincoln MacVeagh and
Sir Clifford Norton-scheduled a conference in the Greek capital with
Premier Constantin Tsaldaris on the border fighting.
* ' * k
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.-A formal inquiry into the alleged rela-
tions between Senator Bilbo (Dem.-Miss.) and some war contractors
will be undertaken by the Senate War Investigating Committee.
Chairman Kilgore (Dem.-W.Va.) said a subcommittee under Sena-
tor T M4 ad (Dem.-N.Y.) will conduct the investigation. It will meet
Wednesday to fix i date for open hearings. Others on the subcommittee
will be Senators Tunnell (Dem.-Del.) and Ferguson (Rep.-Mich.).
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 18.-Maritime workers and shipowners moved
nearer to an end of the seven-week West Coast shipping strike tonight
with announcement that a new proposal by the Pacific American Ship-
owners' Association will be submitted to the AFL Masters, Mates and Pilots
for ratification.

* * *


ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., Nov. 18.-The CIO convention-taking
time out from talk of higher wages in 1947-today condemned Com-
munist interferences with its unions.
Pushed by President Philip Murray, a policy declaration opposed to
Communist activities in union affairs was passed, unanimously by 560
delegates to the CIO's eighth convention.
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Nov. 18.-Soviet Russia in a dramatic restate-
ment of policy denounced tonight all attempts to discard or change the
veto system in the United Nations Security Council. This apparently in-
cluded even talking about it further in the Foreign MAnisters meetings in
New York City.
* * * *
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 18.-Mrs. Betty Ellerby, shot in the head Thurs-
day night in a domestic tragedy in which her husband Richard, 33, former
University of Michigan track star, and their two children died, today was
given a "better than an even chance to recover."
WSSF Requests Donations
To Relieve Students Abroad

- I

The conditions of privation and dis-
couragniment prevailing among stu-
dents of Europe and Asia can be par-
tially alleviated if American students
will contribute their interest and dol-
lars, William Ellis, vice-president of
the International Union of Students
said last night.
In a speech to representatives of
campus groups on behalf of the
World Student Service Fund, Ellis,
who recently returned from Europe,
cited examples of want among foreign
He told of the 600 students in
Athens alone, who have tuberculosis
and are receiving no help. Ellis re-
called seeing students wearing paja-
mas indoors, so that their street
clothes might last a little longer, and
mentioned the 2500 students in a
town in Poland, where there are
accommodations for only 200.
Mernthin Will
Give Concert
V olht Virtuoso Ranked
Anoon.tAll-Time Greats
Yelludi Menuhin, violin virtuoso,
will be heard in the fourth c'-ncert
of the Choral Union Series at 8:30
p.m. today.
Acknowledged to be one of the
greatest musicians of all time, Menu-
hin is as well-known in Europe as he
is in America. Plans for another of
his numerous round-the-world con-
cert tours are now being made.
Menuhin holds the record of hav-
ing performed for more men in the
armed forces, in more war areas,
than any other living master. In ad-
dition to these concerts he gave bene-
fit performances for such organiza-
tions as USO, earning more than one
hundred and fifty thousand dollars
in England.
His program for today's concert
follows :
Beethoven: Sonata No. 1 in D ma-
jor; Bach: Sonata in G minor (for
violin alone) ; Lalo: Symphonie Es-
pagnole; Szymanowski: La Fontaine
d'Arethuse; Brahms-Joachim: Hun-
garian dance No. 4 in B minor; Sara-

Saying that there can be no opti-
mistic point of view without food,
Ellis declared that if Americans wish
European students to see that there
is dignity in individual men and
something valid in terms of morals.
they must give them the basis for a
hopeful philosophy.
The dollars contributed to the
WSSF will be used to stop the suf-
fering of European students, Ellis
said. "By giving money and showing
interest in their plight we will be
aiding that element of society which
can rebuild the world," he said.
Ruthven, Walter
Ask WSSF Aid
'President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Dean Erich A. Walter of the liter-
ary college issued statements yester-
day urging support of the World Stu-
dent Service Fund drive to be held
here Thursday and Friday.'
"The work of the World Student
Service Fund should be of campus-
wide interest," President Ruthven
said. "The unfortunate conditions
under which young people are labor-
ing today over a large part of the
earth's surface are well known to us."
"A generation of students will lack
adequate education for the building of
a bettertomorrow unless immediate
assistance can be given. It is esti-
mated that 400,000 students in Eu-
rope and Asia alone must be assist-
ed to continue their studies this year
See WSSF, Page 4

.. supports aid to colleges
Aid for College
Expansion Plan
Asked by Kelly
Let-up Would Betray
The Veteran, He Says
The state's college and university
expansion program must not be im-
paired by the inevitable rechanneling
of funds to communities called for in
Proposal No. 2, Gov. Harry F. Kelly
told The Daily last night.
Proposal No. 2, passed in the re-
cent election, calls for diversion of
approximately 75 per cent of the
state sales tax to Michigan's com-
Indicating that the fund re-
channeling will shuffle the state's
fiscal set-up, Gov. Kelly declared,
stopping or reducing the state's
education expansion program
would constitute a breach of faith
with the veteran."
"No future legislature should con-
sider such a reduction in educational
expansion," lie asserted. Gov. Kelly
is a patient at University Hospital,
undergoing treatment for laryngitis.
He indicated that he would soon
inform the State Legislature of hid
convictions concerning the future
of Michigan's higher educational
Gov. Kelly predicted that by next
September, state colleges and uni-
versities will begin to realize "some
real results" in relieving the present
congested situation.
He said that by September the
state's expansion program would be-
gin to "take hold."
Unable to speak at length be-
cause of his !throat condition, the
Governor added that no other state
in the union is ahead of Michigan
in developing an education pro-
gram for returned vests.
While slightly more than $3,000,-
000 has been earmarked by the state
for the University, Gov. Kelly said
that "further appropriations should
be provided" so that the University
might complete its building program.
Gov. Kelly is under the care of
Dean of the Medical School Dr. Al-
bert C. Furstenberg.
Yesterday. Gov.-Elect Kim Sigler
visited the Governor at the Hospital.
Election Will Test
Groza Government
BUCHAREST, Nov. 18-( P)-The
popularity of the Communist-domi-
nated Romanian governmen't of Pre-
mier Petru Groza will be tested in an
election tomorrow which both the
United States dnd Britain have pro-
tested lacks sufficient safeguards to
assure the opposition of free and
democratic balloting.

e ote
UMW Leader
Faces Jail for
Seven States Shut
Pits, ie 32000
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18-A Fed-
eral Court today ordered John L.
Lewis to haul down his signal for a
soft coal strike as President Truman
sent four Cabinet members on the
warpath against him.
A temporary restraining order by
Justice T. Alan Goldsborough direct-
ed Lewis to tear up his contract ter-
mination notice and make no signal
that could start a mine walkout. Jail
could be the penalty for disobedience.
Miners Idle
But already at least 32,000 miners
were idle and pits closed down in
seven states. The fate of future op-
erations was uncertain. The court
order does not compel the miners to
Attorney General Clark pocured
the order with affidavits from the
Secretaries of War, Navy and Inte-
rior, plus five other top officials.
They detailed dire consequences that
a strike would cause in every phase
of the Nation's life.
Mr. Truman, vacationing at Key
West, Fla., held two telephone con-
ferences apiece with Clark and Secre-
tary of the Interior Krug. His sec-
a'etary, Charles G. Ros, said that
"the President is aware oeverything
that is being don:, and everything
that is being done is bein; dne in
accordance wtih his in tructicyns
'{egal Battle
The tempo ary restraining order is
efi' st phase of a lrgal battle in
hich the Government seeksa declar-
;tory judgment against Lewis which
would outlaw any strike or contract
termination as long the the Govern-
ment operates the mines.
The order runs until 3 p.m. Nov.
27. At 10 a.m. that day, Justice
Goldsborough will consider the Gov-
ernment's plea for a temporary in-
junction pending his final decision,
and hear arguments of attorneys for
the Government and the United
Mine Workers.
Taxis Petition
City for Raise
Rezoning Plan Tabled
By Common Council
Ann Arbor Common Council yes-
terday heard a request that the pres-
ent taxicab ordinance be amended to
grant four local cab companies a rate
Council also heard Alderman Ber-
nard Harkins, chairman of the ordi-
nance committee, recommend that
the proposed change in "B" class
residential zone to allow the con-
struction of radio studios be kept in
committee for further study. Consid-
erable opposition had developed to
the measure which was designed to
allow the building of a radio studio
at the corner of S. University and
Washtenaw Avenues. Residents of
the area claim that the proposed
change would lower property valua-

tion and mar the beauty of the dis-
Taxicab operators have asked that
the fare be raised to 50 cents for one
person anywhere in the city. A sec-
ond person in the same party would
be allowed to ride free, with 10 cents
charged for each additional passen-
ger over two. In addition operators
request a fee of 10 cents for each
three minutes of waiting.
Approved at yesterday's council
session, was the request of the Uni-
versity to build a bus shelter at
E. University just south of Washte-
naw Ave. for the protection of stu-
dents waiting for Willow Run trans-
James Walker Dies

Russia Key to Disarmament;
British Have Practical Policy

Lecture .

I Interviewu.,

0 "

State Revenue Will Decrease
Under New Tax Amendment.

Britain's foreign policy today is dic-
tated by practical circumstances
rather than by the socialist doctrines
of the Labor Party, William Henry
Chamberlin, author and foreign cor-
respondent, told University students
"England's primary aim is to pre-
vent the domination of Europe by a
single great power, for in an era
marked by atomic warfare, Britain
would be extremely vulnerable to
atomic attack," he said.

World-wide disarmament cannot be
achieved unless Russia consents to
a system of international inspection
of atomic resources, William Henr.y
Chamberlin, associate editor of The
New Leader ,declared in an interview
Chamberlm, who served as Moscow
correspondent of the Christian Sci-
ence Monitor from 1922 until 1935,
regards Soviet Foreign Minister Mo-
lotov's recent arms limitation pro-
posal with great skepticism.

Michigan voted a Christmas tree
for local governments when it passed
on the recent sales tax amendment,
Prof. Robert S. Ford, Director of the
Bureau of Government and member
of the economics department, said
Sneaking at.0+a. m ,f4' *1of.flea l.,n'

source of revenue, the state may have
to resort to drastic cuts in operating
expenditures, a reimposition of the
property tax, a flat rate income tax,
and a cutting of public welfare as-
sistance to the local units, he said.

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