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November 15, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-15

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State

" +N.T't

,St uden tt Election
Resu its DIsclosed
University Committee Leads with
12 Paces; Candidate Charges Fraud

Re ublic ans Draft Legislative Plan







The new members of the Student
Legislature who will take office Wed-
nesday were announced last night
Results of the final tabulation,
which required 15 official counts,
showed that the successful candi-
dates included 12 members of the
University Committee, eight mem-
bers of the All-Campus Slate and
seven students who ran indepen-
New Members Named
The election of George Nicolau,
Tom Walsh and Rae Keller was an-
nounced yesterday. The names of
the other 24 new members follow in
the order in which they were elected.
Jim Brieske, Kenneth Bissell, Bet-
ty Aschenbrenner, NancyAcker, Polly
Hanson, LeRoy Daggs, Bob Carpen-
ter, Walt Klee, Harold White, Talbot
Honey, Archie Parsons, Bob Slaff,
Ruth Klausner, Carol Lieberman,
Dick Bodycombe, Pat Reid, Paul
Harrison, George Connor, Harvey
Weisberg, Marion Riegel, Bill Scafe,
James Reiss, James Stelt, and Pres-
ton Tisch.
Candidate Files Protest
Marge Kolhaas, eliminated inde-
pendent candidate, has filed an of-
ficial protest on the election with
the Men's Judiciary Council. Ac-
cording to Terrell Whitsitt, chair
man of the election committee, Miss
Kohlhaas claimed that twice as
many first-place votes had been cast
for her as showed up in the tabu-
lation of ballots.
It appeared certain last night that
an official investigation of the elec-
tion would be undertaken by the
Men's Judiciary Council. Students
who wish to file protests or infor-
mation with the Council should con-
tact Cy Chase, chairman.
150 Ballots Invalid
of the 4,843 ballots cast in the
election, 150 were declared invalid
from the start.
Whitsitt said that many reports
of election violations and fraud had
been redeived, but that only one of-
ficial complaint had been filed thus
Fraud Charge
Several students have charged that'
some of the people operating the
Campus To Get
Quonset Huts
Lunch Room, Shelter
To Benefit Willow Vets
The University will erect two quon-
set huts on a site near the bus stop
at S. University and E University to
provide Willow Run veterans with a
lunch room and snack bar, according
to Francis C. Shiel, director of Uni-
versity Residence Hall.
The snack bar, which will, serve
coffee, milk, and soft drinks, will
benefit particularly .those veterans
who bring their lunches to school, al-
though it will also serve as a shelter
in inclement weather for veterans
waiting for buses and as a study hall
during the day.
Construction will begin as soon as
a shipment of four quonsets is re-
ceived from California. The two 20
by 40 foot huts will be heated.
City Appoints
Police Heads
Ann Arbor Police Commissioners
yesterday appointed Capt. Casper W.
Enkemann to the position of police
chief, replacing Sherman H. Morten-
Serving as acting chief for over
four months, Enkemann took over
police reins when Mortenson resigned
June 11. He is a veteran of 17 years
with the department.
Commissioners have also upped
Detective Sgt. Al Heusel and Traffic
Lt. Holland Gainsley to captains on

the force. Captain Heusel replaces
Lt. Eugene Gehringer who was re-
moved Aug. 22 in the course of a
Washtenaw County gambling probe.
Captain Gainsley, who is now at-
tending a short course in traffic con-
trol problems a6 Northwestern Uni-
versity, will take charge of the local
traffic squad upon his return. He
started on the force in 1935 as a pa-
YImll J lir SOR

ballot boxes committed deliberate
fraud by neglecting to stamp cer-
tain ballots and by filling out bal-
lots themselves. Others claimed that,
little effort was made to enforce the
election rult that prohibits any cam-
paigning within 50 feet of the bal-
lot box.
Whitsitt said that because of the
difficulty of finding enough people to
run the polls, the number of polling
places would probably be limited to
three or four in future elections.
Under this system, he said, ballot
boxes would probably be located in
the Union, League and on the di-
TU" To Request
Added Funds
Of Legislature
Rising Costs Create
Big Operating Deficit
The University will seek a "sub-
stantial increase" in state appropri-
ations for operation and maintenance
expenses for the 1947-1949, period,
Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss
told the Michigan Chapter of the
American Association of University
Professors last night.
An increased bi-annual budget has
been necessitated, he explained, by
the increase in student enrollment
and consequent need for a larger fac-
ulty and additions to other service
facilities. Rising cost levelshave also
contributed to the need for greater
appropriations, he said.
Appropriation Needed for Deficit
A deficit of more than $1,000,000
has been accumulated in University
operations during the past two years,
Niehuss said. When the state legis-
lature granted its last operational
appropriation of $5,867,000 in 1945,
University enrollment was 9,600-
only slightly more than half the
present registration, Therefore, he ex-
plained, the University will also have
to request an appropriation to cover
this deficit.
The Budget Office is presently pre-
paring specific estimates of opera-
tional needs. Board of Regents ap-
proval must be obtained before the
requests will be submitted to the leg-
islature, Niehiusssaid.
Expansion Program Needs Funds
Progress on the University's
pr'ojected five year, $15,000,000 ex-
pansion program will also depend on
the approval of the new legislature,
he pointed out. The special session
in January appropriated $4,800,000
to get the building program under-
way. Cost estimates at that time
were $8,000,000 for the education
plant additions now under construc-
tion. The University will seek funds
to complete these structures, cost an-
ticipations for which have now in-
creased, he said.-
Niehuss also pointed out that al-
though the complete expansion pro-
gram was approved in principle by
the legislature at its special session,
the University will again have to
seek funds to continue the program.
The completion of the literary col-
lege plant and an addition to the
General Library have been scheduled
as the constructions next to be

Shippers See
RFirst Relief
Two ni~ons Bar
Coni plete Accord
By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 14-A set-
tlement on all points of dispute be-
tween Harry Bridges, CIO longshore-
men and the Waterfront Employers
Association has been reached, Fed-
eral Mediator Nathan B. Feinsinger
announced late today.
The shipowner differences with
the longshoremen, one of three un-
ions involved in the West Coast
maritime strike, had constituted
one of the big barriers to an end of
the 45-day waterfront paralysis.
"Documents are now being drawn
for the signatures of both parties,"
Feinsinger added.
The-settlement terms, still subject
to union ratification, did not take up
the issues raised by the employers re-
garding the Coos Bay, Ore., port tie-
This was a jurisdictional matter,
Feinsinger said. He already had met
with Harry Hundeberg, head of the
AFL Sailors Union of the Pacific, in
an effort to prepare for settlement of
the dispute. The Coos Bay issue was
not a point at issue between the
ILWU and the employers, Feinsinger
Meanwhile, negotiations rapidly
approached a head with the CIO
Marine Engineers Beneficial Asso-
ciation and there were indications
that some terms soon would be ar-
rived at on this score, too.
The AFL Masters, Mates and Pilots,
the third disputing union, continued
its sessions with the Pacific Ameri-
can Shipowners Association.
Rankin Clashes
With Scientst,
Cites Contempt
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14 -(AP)-An
angry clash between Dr. Harlow
Shapley, noted Harvard astronomer,
and Rep. Rankin (Dem., Miss.), sit-
ting as a one-man Committee on
Unamerican Activities, ended toda
with Shapley charging "Gestapo"
tactics and Rankin announcing con-
tempt action against the scientist.
Shapley rebuffed an attempt by
Rankin to question him about his
election activities, accused Rankin of
snatching papers from his hand in
a "star chamber" session and of gen-
erally acting in an "unamerican"
Rankin immediately announcedthe
witness will be "cited for contempt
for refusal to answer questions and
to produce documents in accordance'
with a subpoena"
"I have never seen a witness treat
a committee with more contempt,"
he told reporters.

(4 Oeln 1e

Labor Laws
Income Tax

MARTIN ANNOUNCES REPUBLICAN PROGRAM-Rep. Joseph W. Martin, Jr., (Rep., Mass.) tells newsmen
in Washington of the legislative program adopted by the House Republican Steering Committee yesterday.
The program includes a 20 per cent individual income tax cut, an eight year limit to the President's tenure
and "constructive" labor legislation.

Cut Proposed
Two Term Limit
To Be Introduced
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14 - The
House Republican Steering Commit-
tee today agreed upon a 20 per cent
individual income tax cut, an eight-
year limit to the President's tenure,
and' "constructive" labor legislation.
That preliminary legislative pro-
gram was agreed to by a scorp of
party leaders, including members of
the policy-shaping steering commit-
tee and other congressmen who sat in
at the first meeting since Republi-
cans won control of Congress in last
week's elections.
The group, presided over by
Rep. Martin of Massachusetts, who
will become Speaker of the House
when the new Congress convenes on
Jan. 3, also called for:
"Substantial savings on a practical
Elimination of governmental con-
rols and termination of presidential
ar powers as rapidly as "practica-
Investigation of the housing pro-
,ram and removal of "restraints now
,'lding up proper progress."
"The quickest possible:comprehen-
ive recommendation" for relief from
shortages in sugar, soap, fats, oils and
Close adherence to the Congres-
ional Reorganization Act "with ap-
eciation to the fact that experi-
ice or later developments might de-.
mand clarification and improve-
E tending ' me
tu make the studi-s and prenare leg-
*me aton KU' r

Student, Faculty Group Will
Discuss Veterans' Problems

The formation of a Veterans Uni-
versity Council to discuss and act on
the problems of student veterans was
announced yesterday by Robert S.
Waldrop, director of the Veterans
Service Bureau.
The 14 member Council, consisting
of five University officials and rep-
resentatives of nine student groups,
held its first meeting Wednesday,
Waldrop said.
University members of the Council
are Waldrop, Erich A. Walter, asso-
ciate dean of the literary college;
Walter B. Fariss, veterans co-ordi-
nator, Walter B. Rea, assistant dean
of students; and Peter A. Ostafin,
chief resident advisor of the West
Student Representatives
Representatives of ' student groups
are as follows:
Anne Dearnley, president of the
University Women Veterans Organi-
zation; Mrs. Haskell Coplin, presi-
dent of the Ball and Chain Club;
Lorne Cook, chairman of the Univer-
sity chapter of AVC; Kenneth
Fleischauer, president of the VO;
Walt Hoffman, chairman of the Wil-
World NewsV
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, N. Y.,, Nov. 14-
Albania protested tonight to the
United Nations that "a large number
of English warships and mine sweep-
ers," firing volleys of machine gun
fire, had violated the waters off the
southern coast of Albania.
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 14-A Dutch
passenger airliner arriving from
London crashed tonight at Schi-
phol Airport near Amsterdam car-
rying all 26 persons aboard to their
** *
BALTIMORE, Nov. 14-Three for-
mer service men'accused of trying to
sell unauthorized pictures of atomic
bomb equipment were freed of the
charge today when a U. S. commis-
sioner said the government had failed
to supply sufficient evidence.
* * *
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14-Presi-
dent Truman is going to Key West,
Fla., Sunday for a week's rest and
perhaps some fishing before get-
ting down to the big job of dealing
with the new Republican-controlled
* * *

low Village AVC; Mrs. Ellen Church,
president of the Wives of Student
Veterans Club; David Webb, men's
dorms Willow Village; Robert Bagley,
Lawyers Club; andHenry Kassis, Stu-
dent Legislature.
Hospitalization Discussed
Hospitalization for families of stu-
dent veterans was discussed at the
first meeting, but no action was tak-
en because the group felt that there
was no regular plan which was com-
prehensive and inexpensive enough
to warrant definite recommendation.
It was pointed out that the Univer-
sity hospital offers some reduced
rates to students and their families.
Lunchroom Committee
Henry Kassis was appointed chair-
man of a committee to contact the
Union, League, and University Busi-
ness Office concerning available
lunchroom space.
On the agenda for the next meet-
ing, to be held Nov. 27, is a discus-
sion of entertainment facilities.
The four-fold purpose of the Coun-
cil, Waldrop stated, is as follows:
1. To give veterans an opportunity
to present, through their organiza-
tional representatives, problems and
difficulties as they see them and to
make suggestions for solution.
2. To acquaint the University with
the desires and plans of the veteran
3. To enable the veteran organi-
zations to cooperate better among
4. To give the University a chance
to present to the veterans through
their group representatives facts as
to what it is doing or what can be

Zoning Change
Block Predicted
By Councilman
Objections by fraternity, sorority
and private residents of Washtenaw
Avenue to what they termed "com-
mercialization" of their district, is
expected to block a proposed zoning
change which will appear before
Common Council Monday night.
The proposed zoning amendment
would change the "B" residential dis-
h ict to allow the construction of rp'
Uio studios and offices. The chang
lad been asked to allow building KU
'rdigs on the corner of Washtenavw
and S. University Avenues by newly
t.,ensed station WJBK.
When informed that a petition corn
gaining hundreds of signatures prc-
.esting the amendment would be prE
Uented at the Monday session, Coun-
il President Cecil Creal predicted
hat aldermen would not authorize
the proposed zoning change. "In th
past it has been th: policy of counci
to prohibit zoning changes which are
onpsed by residents of the district,"
he added.
Leader of the opposition move, Mrs,
A. W. Coxon, 1417 S. University, yes-
terday announced that four morE
campus organizations have joined the
fight against the amendment. They
include Phi Sigma Kappa, Collegi-
ate Sorosis, Delta Kappa Epsilon, and
Delta Tau Delta; while Theta Xi,
Theta Chi and Kappa Alpha Theta
expressed disapproval earlier.
Holding that this amendment will
act as a wedge to break down zoning
restrictions throughout the city, op-
position groups said that property
values would be considerably lowered.
They pointed out that there are many
suitable sites for the radio- station in
existing "C" class districts.

m , a o i -
w that lh ,c
duction across
onal income ta xes

; '"
_ . i ~ I t R the

On labor ,lgislation h m
t had this to say:
"The committee was in full agree-
'ent that labor legislation which will
)e constructive, but emphatically not
)unitive, is an early necessity in the
-0th Congress. The first considera-
on must be the welfare of the whole
aation, which will necessarily em-
0race the welfare of both labor and
Move Planned
To Oust Bilbo
WASHINGTON, Nov. 14-(A) -
The Republican Steering Commit-
tee was said by one of its members to
have agreed today to try to prevent
Senator Bilbo (Dem., Miss.) from
taking his seat in the new Congress.
An Xifluential Republican senator,
who asked not to be quoted by name,
told reporters that the steering group
decided to have a senator-as yet
unselected-object to Bilbo's taking
the oath of office, on January 3, the
day the new Senate meets.
Reports then would be asked from
the present Senate Campaign Inves-
tigating Committee as well as the
Special War Investigating Commit-
tee, both of which have been looking
into complaints involving the Sena-
tor from Mississippi.
The steering committee member
who discussed the plan with report-
ers said it was expected the chal-
lenge to Bilbo's taking his seat then
could be referred by a majority vote
to the new Rules Committee of the

Cleaner's Hike Their Prices;
Depleted Pocketbooks Suffer

County Delinquency Rate Cut;
Village Is Still Trouble Spot'

Unless you send your laundry
home, press your clothes and cobble
your own shoes, that veteran's check
-if it ever comes-is going to do
less work for you this month than
it has been doing.
Since price controls were lifted
Monday, the following student serv-
ices have been affected:
TAILORING-Prices are raised in
dry-cleaning of men's suits and wom-
en's dresses at 25 cents over the pre-
vious ceiling.
LAUNDRY-Some of the larger
laundries have already raised prices,
others are "undecided."
changes as yet, prices are "expected

thousand, now, if you can get them,
they're selling at $13.75 a thousand.
Safety pins formerly were 7 cents a
gross, now they're 21 cents a gross.
Wages have gone up besides. You
just can't stay in business and not
change your prices along with costs,"
Greene commented.
Launderers have been a little more
cautious in their statements. The
only one who would admit to an out.
and out price rise was the Kyer
H. Paul, manager. said that men's
shirts would not be affected but only
"family bundles." "With the price of
soap going up 5 per cent over night,
we have no choice," he declared.
Other laundries hedged in their

The high war-time rate of juven-
ile delingency in Washtenaw County
has been reduced more than 50 per
cent, Dr. Ada DeWitt Ames,,assistant
county agent, reported yesterday.
Willow Run Village still is one of
the delinquency "trouble spots," Dr.
Ames saidualthough the high inci-
dence of juvenile trouble-makers in
the former bomber-plant community
has definitely dropped.
Forty-eight delinquent children
are now on probation in the County,
including eight from the Willow Vil-
lage school district. Probation cases
18 months ago, at the war-time peak,
numbered 75.

Among the methods used are a
visiting teacher system, close coop-
eration with the Huron Valley Chil-
dren's Center in Ypsilanti, and a
strong recreational program.
Vigilant Teachers Can Help
Dr. Rogers labeled the "eternal
vigilance of the teachers" as a ma-
jor preventive measure.

The special nature of the big Wil-
low Village housing project makes Local Stores Plan
home contacts and closer teacher-
pupil relations essential, he ex- For Xmas Season
Most liable to delinquency are the plans for the Christmas shopping
boys who graduate from the nine season have been drawn up by local
grades which the Willow Village retail merchants, according to L. G.
schools offer and don't care to go

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