See Pages4
Li L
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LVH, No. 43
Voting WillBegin Today
For Student Legislators
Over Seventy Candidates Seek Offices
As Two Parties, Non-Partisan Group Vie
Campus polls will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30) p.m. today and
from 8:30 am. to 3:30 p.m. tomorrow for the election of 27 members of
the Student Legislature
The Legislators, who will be chosen in addition to the 14 incumbents,
will be selected from among X73 nominees. Twenty-one candidates are
running on the All-Campus Slate, 25 on the University Committee and 27
are non-partisan. Virginia Brown, non-partisan candidate, has withdrawn,
from the election.
Ballot boxes will be stationed on the diagonal, at the engineering
arch, in the lobby of Angell Hall and in front of the Economics Building
and the University Museum through-
Truman's Plea for Cooperative Congress
Receives Cordial U
Pre- eetioll
Rally Attended
By 100 Students
Candidates Present
Issues, Qualifications
The Student Legislature campaign
drew to an unspectacular close last
night as one hundred students, half
of them candidates, turned out for
the pre-election rally at the Union.
Members of the two major parties
reviewed the issues upon which their
platforms were based, while inde-
pendent candidates stressed interest
and personal qualifications as the
primary basis for choosing candi-
Walsh, Klee Speak
Tom Walsh and Walt Klee, leaders
of the All-Campus Slate and the Uni-
versity Committee respectively, ex-
pressed disappointment in the re-
sponse to the rally conducted by the
Student Legislature, but strongly
urged all students to vote in the elec-
tion in order to assure a representa-
tive student governing body.
Both leaders said they were en-
couraged by the absence of name-
calling in the campaign.
Typical reaction to the results of
the rally appeared to be that the stu-
dents had been given a fair chance
to become acquainted with the can-
didates and the issues involved, and.
that their failure to take advantage
of the opportunity meant either that
they were not interested in the elec-
tion or that their votes had already
been decided.
Issues Played Down
Although issues have generally
been played'down in the campaign in
favor of behind-the-scenes efforts to
line up blocs of votes, these issues
have emerged.
The All-Campus Slate, with 21
candidates, charges that the Legisla-
ture, under the domination of Presi-
dent Ray Davis, has become an inef-
fectual instrument of student opinion
and accepts University control pas-
The University Committee, with 25
candidates, favors cooperation with
the University administration and
faculty-instead of high pressure
methods. The Committee also calls
for limitations of the Legislature's ac-
tivities to campus problems.
Twenty-seven independent candi-
dates charged that party machines
entrenched in the Legislature would
operate for the benefit of campus
groups and not for the benefit of the
student body at large. They also
charge that party lineups, with larg-
er aggregate financial resources, in-
sure election of the parties' candi-
dates over independent candidates.
Coed Groups
Hit Party Set-up
Charging that no major issues are
involved in the Student Legislature
elections, the presidents of the As-
sembly and Panhellenic Associations
yesterday seconded League officers'
appeals to "vote according to indi-
vidual qualifications."
Jeanne Clare, president of Assem-
bly Association, and Margaret Gage,
president of Panhellenic Association,
told The Daily that the formation of
slates in this election is endangering
progress toward close cooperation
between independent and affiliated
Their charges were denied in state-
ments submitted by Bob Taylor, vice-
president of the Legislature, and by
Lyman Legters, president of the Stu-
dent Religious Association, who con-
tended that parties are necessary to
enable voters to effectively register
their preferences under the Hare
plan of proportional representation.
out the election.
Polls will be open also from 8:30
am, to 2 pm. today and tomorrow
in the Law Quadrangle and from 2 to
4 p.m today on the ground floor of
the University Hospital The Hospi-
tal poll will be closed at 3:30 p.m.
A special ballot box will be sta-
tioned at West Lodge, Willow Vil-
lage, from 7 to 9:30 a.m. today.
Students from, all schools will be
permitted to vote in the election,
Voters must present identification
Because the voting will be conduc-
ted according to the Hare plan of
proportional representation, voters
must number their choices in order
of preference, although they may
vote for as many candidates as they
Bob Taylor, vice-president of the
Student Legislature, warned stu-
dents yesterday that it is to
their advantage to keep numbering
choices as long as they have any
basis for pref erring one candidate
over another. "Voters shouldchoose
at least 12 candidates in order for
their choice to be effective," he
Under the Hare plan the quota of
ballots necessary to elect a candidate
is approximately the total number of
ballots cast divided by the number of
posts to be filled. When the votes are
counted all the ballots are distributed
into piles according to the first choice
of each voter.
Faculty Rating
Plan Will Be
judged Today
An administrative committee head-
ed by Dean Erich A. Walter will be
asked to place its stamp of approval
on the Student Legislature's faculty
grading plan today.
The questionnaire, which was
drawn up and tested under the su-
pervision of members of the psychol-
ogy department, will be ready for use
at the end of this semester if the
committee gives its approval.
Providing forhanonymous student
grading of teaching qualities at the
end of each semester, the plan is
designated as a basis for promotion
policies and internal improvements.
The information will not be made
public, but will be given to the heads
of the respective departments and to
the individual professors.
Tabulation of the results will be
conducted by a faculty-student com-
mittee, according to Mary Lloyd Ben-
son, chairman of the Legislature's
academic committee. Miss Benson
said that tentative plans provide for
the selection of the student members
by the Student Legislature.
The questions, compiled with the
aid of Professors Theodore Newcomb
and Donald Marquis of the psychol-
ogy department, concern evaluation
of the instructor and the course. Af-
ter the question blank had been
tested on students in Betsy Barbour
House and members of a political
science course, final revisions were
made under the supervision of Psy-
chology 31 instructors.
Plea Comes
As Liquidation
Of OPA Begins.
Porter To Trim Staff
To 12,000 in Year
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. - Presi-
dent Truman used the Armistice Day
holiday today to urge a truce in
labor-management warfare so the
American economy, now largely free
of controls, may function on all
Meanwhile OPA Administrator
Paul Porter called in key aides to
help with what he termed the "pick
and shovel work" of liquidating the
price agency. Nearly all wage ceilings,
and all wage controls were abolished
over the weekend. -
News Conference Held
The White House support for an
armistice between labor and manage-
ment came during the first post-
election news conference when a re-
porter asked Mr. Truman whether
he favored such suggestions.
The President said it was just
what he had been urging since Aug-
ust, 1945, when the war ended.
Porter, reached at his office while
thousands of other goernment work-
ers enjoyed the holiday, said he
hoped to trim the OPA staff to about
12,000 by the end of this year.
Approahes War-Time Peak
This would compare with a war-
time peak of 63,428 employes in July,
1945, and a staff of 34,700 last month
before the recent series of sweeping
decontrol actions.
Porter's aides said thousands of
employes must be retained because
a number of tasks remain to be done.
Among these tasks they listed the
OPA still must maintain rent ceil-
ings in 650 rental areas throughout
the nation and it also must continue
price lids upon rice, sugar and syr-
ups. The agency has a large number
of violation cases to conclude and
it also must complete an historical
record of its five years of operations.
Ann Arborites
Urged To Sign
FEPC Petition
Every Ann Arbor doorbell will be
rung within the next few weeks by
members of the FEPC Council to
get the registered Washtenaw voter
to sign an FEPC petition, George
Antonofsky, president of the coordi-
nating committee of the Council
announced yesterday.
At a meeting of the committee
yesterday, plans were drawn up to
supplement the doorbell - ringing
campaign by setting up booths in the
Union and the League, and on Main
Street in downtown Ann Arbor to
urge citizens to sign the petition
which will force the state legisla-
ture to vote on an FEPC bill.
One-hundred volunteers, repre-
senting all segments of the city pop-
ulation, have already distributed
more than 7,000 pamphlets on FEPC
throughout Ann Arbor, Antonofsky
HUGE CONSTITUTION TRIES ITS WINGS-The 92 -ton Constitution, claimed by Lockheed Aireral
be the largest transport plane in the world, soars s kyward on its maiden flight in Burbank, Cal
double-deck plane has a capacity of 180 passengers.
TU' Chairman
Endorses AYC
The statement issued by the Amer-
ican Veterans Committee Sunday
night denouncing Communist activ-
ity within the AVC was endorsed yes-
terday by Lorne Cook, chairman of
the University chapter of the group.
"Communists and 'fellow-travelers'
always try to pervert the activity of
a liberal organization to political ac-
tion following the Party line," Cook
said. "This perversion destroys the
organization which is trying to ac-
complish its own ends."
"This chapter has never encour-
aged Communists or 'fellow-travelers'
to join the organization, nor is it
interested in receiving support from
Comunists or Communist sympathiz-
ers. The AVC does not lean toward
nor favor policies opposed to the
American governmental and eco-
nomic system," he pointed out.
The statement issued at an AVC
dinner honoring General Omar N.
Bradley, attacked the Communist
party's current efforts "to exploit the
hardships of the veteran in order to
further the party's selfish political
ends." The AVC said it was opposed
to letting the Communists joining its
ranks and that if they did get in "by
subterfuge and deceit" the organi-
zation would try to keep them from
using it as a sounding board" for
their own perverse philosophy."
AVC Members
To Hear Peake
Dr. C. A. Peake, Assistant Dean
of the Literary College, will speak
on "What is the Mission of the Vet-
erans and the American Veterans
Committee" at the campus AVC
chapter meeting held at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in the Michigan Union.
Dr. Peake is a recently discharged
veteran himself who rose through
the ranks to be a lieutenant.
The chapter will also discuss pre-
sent and future affairs and actions
at this meeting which is open to all
veterans or other interested stu-
lents, according to publicity chair-
man Bob Slaff.
Good Foundation Conditis
Ease Construction Worries
University construction men have
no fear when they begin excavation
that the finished building will settle
more than a fraction of an inch in
Ann Arbor's sand and gravel soil.
Foundation conditions in the gla-
cial outwash that covers Ann Arbor
are "exceptionally good" according
World News
By The Associated Press
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Nov. 11-
Soviet Russia, in a long-awaited
statement, roundly criticized Great
Britain today for not offering a Pal-
estine trusteeship agreement to the
United Nations and simultaneously
blasted the United States for holding
"contradictory" views on trustee-
* * *
PARIS, Nov. 11-The Commun-
ists energed today as France's
largest political party, on the bas-
is of nearly complete returns from
yesterday's elections, and thus
paved the way for the possible
naming of the first Communist
premier in the nation's history.
ROME, Tuesday, Nov. 12-A four-
party leftist bloc swept to power in
Rome's municipal elections Sunday,
almost complete returns showed to-
day, while in Florence victorious
communists hoisted the Red flag on
the historic Palazzo Vecchio.
NEW YORK, Nov. 11-Foreign
Minister V.M. iM'olotov of Russia
openly warned tonight that an ar-
maments race already is under-
way, and called for a start at the
current United Nations Assembly
on a plan for reduction of arms.
* *
LONDON, Nov. 11-Military and
civilian police mobilized tonight to
guard King George VI tomorrow
when he opens the second session of
Parliament since the Labor Party
came to power.
to Prof. William S. Hous
civil engineering departme
The bearing capacity o
is more than adequate to
weight of the largest of the
versity buildings now unde]
"We could put loadsu
crushing strength of the
soil before the building w
more than a fraction of an
said, adding that spread fi
concrete were ample to a
of the buildings.
Construction engineersa
tain of Ann Arbor soil stan
it is unnecessary to makee
ing on the site of each nev
They still take samples
of the buildings, but Prof. F
that only in the case of th
Tower did they find it ne
change the site. In the so
cation of that area they
a "soft-spot" that might ha
for excessive settlement, a
the site a few feet.
Good foundation cond
saving the University m
cording to Prof. Housel.
water-table and rapid drai
it unnecessary to install di
the foundation, and the hig
of the soil permits excava
vicinity of existing buildin
additional bracings.
VA To Susi
Vets Not Fil
Salary Rep
Veterans who have bee
subsistence checks continu
Aug. 8 face suspension if
not filed a report of thei
the Detroit Regional Offi
Veterans Administration<
The Regional Office als
ced a modification of th
order which had set the
filing these reports at No
"The Veterans Adminisi
inform all veterans whi
training Aug. 8 and who
failed to report theirinc
subsistence allowance wi
pended if the report is n
within 15 days," a Vetera
istration spokesman said.
"The warnings will go
the next 10 days and failu
ply will result in suspens:,
sistence checks for the
November," the spokesma
GOP Leaders
Affirm Policy
Of Harmony
Agreement Is Sought
On Foreign Affairs
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11-Presi-
dent Truman delivered a conciliatory
bid today for cooperation of the new
GOP Congress and Republicans re-
sponded cordially although with
Breaking his election silence with
a policy statement to an Armistice
Day news conference, Mr. Truman
candidly acknowledged that "the
present situation-the Republican
legislative branchand the Democratic
ft Co. to executive branch for at least two
lif. The years-"threatens serious difficul-
But he said both are equally de-
voted "to the welfare of our nation"
and when differences arise there
must be no attempt on either side "to
tamper with the public interest in
Rns order to achieve personal or partisan
Cooperation Promised
"I shall cooperate in every proper
manner with members of the Con-
el, of the gress," he added, "and my hope and
nt- prayer is that this spirit of coopera-
f the soil tion will be reciprocated."
stand the Republican Congressional leaders
new Umn - promptly and unanimously said they
construc- will cooperate-"cooperate to secure
progress and security in the Ameri-
up to the can way," added Rep. Martin
grains of (Rep., Mass.), slated to be Speaker of
ould settle the House. Senator Brooks (Rep., Ill.)
r inch," he said if Mr. Truman "wants to follow
footings of a really American policy he will get
anchor any complete cooperation."
Discusses Foreign Policy
dards that The President laid much stress on
a test bor- the desirability of harmony and coop-
w building. eration in the nation's affairs.
s on some "Our foreign policy has been de-
ousel said veloped and executed on a bipartisan
he Carillon basis," he declared. "I have done my
cessary to best to strengthen and extend this
oil-stratifi- practice. It has been a national and
discovered not a party program. It will continue
ve allowed to be a national program insofar as
and moved the Secretary of State and I are con-
itions are
ioney, ac-
Th lwSawyer' Calls
The low
nage make
ains under .
gh stability
tion in the No -P
gs without
The Bikini Atoll atomic bomb test
was not a military or political gesture
)end but an honest effort to learn the
effect of the bomb on naval vessels
Sigand military equipment, Dean Ralph
gn A. Sawyer, of the Graduate School,
declared yesterday.
orts Speaking under the auspices of
three engineering societies, the for-
. drawing mer technical director of "Opera-
ndrmsince tion Crossroads" demonstrated the
ously sve technical preparations of the bomb
they have tests with slides of the instruments
r earnings, used. Over 5,000 gauges, meters, and
ice of the other instruments were in operation
announced during the tests, Dean Sawyer stated.
The number of instruments was lim-
o announ- ited to those which could be of use
he original to designers of ships and military
e date for technicians, he added.
v. 5. Instruments ranged from the very
tration will complex to five-gallon gasoline cans
a were in which measured pressure by the
have still degree to which they were crushed,
omes, that Dean Sawyer stated.
ll be sus- A technicolor sound film of "Oper-
ot received ation Crossroads," portraying both
ns Admin- the Able and Baker tests, was shown
at the conclusion of the lecture.
out within
are to con-A Will
ion of sub- Art Ciema
mn adde.of Show French Film
The Art Cinema League will pre-
ies sent a movie version of Feodor Dos-
ige Lecture toievski's "Crime and Punishment"
15 p.m. to- Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at
um are still the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
eniors and "Crime and Punishment" is a
ir wives' French language film with English
Prof. Phelps Says Pact Threatens U.S. Proposed LT.O.
The recent completion of purchas-
ing agreements by Britain with Can-
ada and Australia and financial and
trade agreements with Argentina and
Brazil has endangered the success of
American proposals for lifting the
barriers to world trade and the es-
tablishment of an International
Trade Organization.
This was the opinion expressed
ference is planned at which the sug-
gested charter will be submitted to
all the United Nations.
The Departments of State and
Treasury are studying recent British
agreements with other countries,
Prof. Phelps said, to see if they vio-
late the provisions of the Anglo-
American loan agreement. According
to these agreements Canada, Aus-
tralia and Argentina have contracted
to ship to Britain at favorable prices
the mr nn,.+inn ofnf nn P nn,'fn --
the long-term semi-exclusive basis
of the meat agreement with Argen-
tina and have probably so informed
One clause in the British-Argen-
tine pact apparently violates the sec-
tion of the Angio-American loan
agreement which states that "any
sterling balances released or other-
wise available for current payments
will, not later than one year after the
effective date of this agreement un-
lpncc~ in .cnreinnlnapsc'n nto,. Ant,, is
for the release of sterling owned by
Argentina to compensate for an un-
favorable Argentine trade balance
with Britain and other sterling bloc
countries. This clause appears to vio-
late the loan agreement and would be
harmful to trade if inserted in later
agreements which Britain may nego-
tiate with other countries, Prof.
Phelps declared.
While there is some doubt as to
whether the British agreements with
nthn,. mnnnn4,.PC. xnl a tthe+1'ao .nt
Marriage Ser
Tickets for the Marria
series which begins at 8:
day in Rackham Auditoriu
available to juniors, se
graduate students and the
Thr Rcn1nh Linton.of YE