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November 10, 1946 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-10

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Congressional Leadership

REPUBLICAN PARTY leaders have been wait-
ing many a year for the chance they will get
next January to take over the reins of the Con-
gressional chariot.
When the 80th Congress convenes, Sam Ray-
burn, Democratic Speaker of the House, will es-
cort to the presiding officer's chair Joseph W.,
Martin, Jr., veteran Congressman from Massa-
chusetts' 14th district. Rep. Martin has spear-
headed the Republican legislative program as
minority floor leader since 1939, and served as
chairman of the Republican National Committee
from 1940 to 1942.
Who will succeed to the post of majority floor
leader is up to the Republican party caucus; but
among those mentioned for the job are Clarence
J. Brown, of Ohio, Everett M. Dirksen of Illi-
nois; and Earl Michener, from this district.
Arthur Vandenberg, senior Senator from
Michigan, is the columnists' number one choice
for presiding officer of the Senate. He is in line
also for the chairmanship of the Senate Finance
and Rules Committes, and is second in senior-
ity on the Foreign Relations Committee to Sen.
Capper, of Kansas. Capper is the oldest Repub-
lican in the Senate from point of service, and
will therefore have his choice of several major
committee chairmanships. His age and his rec-
ord as a hard-working member of the farm bloc,
may point to acceptance of the Agriculture and
Forestry chairmanship, in the opinion of Prof.
James Kallenbach, of the political science depart-
ment, leaving the foreign relations post open
to Vandenberg.
Since Senate rules permit a single member to
head only one major committee, the Michigan
Senator presumably would prefer the Foreign
Relations chairmanship if he got a chance at it.

But the load might be too heavy if he became
president pro tempore, a full time job as presid-
ing officer in the absence of a Vice-President.
Wallace H. White, Jr., of Maine, is third in point
of seniority on the Foreign Relations Commit-
Sen. White is now minority floor leader in the
upper house, and may succeed to the post of
majority leader when the new Congress con-
venes. His duties as party spokesman have been
performed in large part in the present Congress
by Vandenberg and Sen. Robert Taft, of Ohio,
Prof. Kallenbach points out, so that Taft may
also be the party choice for floor leader.
Sen. Taft, who will become chairman of the
Education and Labor Committee, voted for the
farm-parity rider which brought a threat of
Presidential veto on the minimum-wage bill,
but he refused to join filibuster efforts against
the FEPC.
The two New Hampshire Senators, Styles
Bridges and Charles W. Tobey, are ranking mi-
nority members on the Military Affairs Com-
mittee and the Naval Affairs Committee respec-
Chairman of the House Military Affairs Com-
mittee will be Rep. Walter Andrews, of New
York. W. Sterling Cole, also of New York, will be
Naval Affairs Committee chairman. Both Con-
gressmen went on record in favor of military
rather than civilian control of atomic energy.
They may expect trouble from fellow New York-
er John Taber, whose succession to the top spot
on the House Appropriations Committee un-
doubtedly will mean drastic reductions in the
budgets of all executive departments-including
the Army and Navy.
-Ann Kutz

On Lochner Statement

NOTHING could be more far fetched than Mr.
Lochner's statement here Thursday to the
effect that the so-called Kellog-Briand Pact
served as a basis of the war crimes trials. Ger-
man war criminals violated their own law not by
their failure to repudiate the Pact of Paris, but
by actual violations of statutory German mili-
tary law and violations of Nazi edicts on the
Goebbels declared in 1945 that American air-
men who conducted "terror raids" over German
held territory were subject to penalties under
the law, and the German Government acted ac-
cordingly in several instances. Moreover, the
Code of 1941 declared that any member of the
German armed forces who committed crimes
against civilian populations in excess of mili-
tary necessity or any person who directed such
crimes to be committed, was liable to courts mar-
tial. Indeed, the German Military Code of 1940
stated further that even if such acts were done
under superior orders, they were not thereby
Getting back to the proposition that viola-
tions of the Kellog-Briand Pact could or could
not incriminate war criminals, it must be
pointed out that the pact, in its own words,
merely imposed a moral obligation upon sig-
natory states not to wage aggressive warfare,
the term "aggressive" nowhere being defined.
And no sanction was envisaged by the past for
states committing acts of aggression. More-
over, a positive statement to the effect that

the German Government had repudiated the
pact would have been superfluous since the
positive acts of the Nazis prior to the out-
break of war only too clearly indicated the in-
As for the question of ex post facto nature of
the trials, it suffices to say that International
Law does not recognize the principle. Since the
Law of Nations is a law of a decentralized so-
ciety, without a legislature in the sense of Mu-
nicipal Law, many of the applications of Inter-
national Law must necessarily be of ex post
facto nature. For example, if an arbitration
commission is set up, it must first draw up a
"compromise" to decide upon rules of procedure
where International Law is silent upon- the
point. Such treaties and compromises of course,
become themselves the subject of International
Finally, the question of accused war criminals
acting under "superior's orders" and the im-
munity of heads. of states is ably answered by
Justice Robert H. Jackson, who said on Novem-
ber 1, 1945 in his Opening Statement for the
Prosecution: "Of course the idea that a state,
any more than a corporation, can commit a crime
is fiction. Crimes are always committed by
persons. While it is quite proper to employ a fic-
tion of responsibility of a state or corporation
for the purpose of imposing a collective liabil-
ity, it is quite intolerable to allow such a legal-
ism to become the basis of personal immun-,
--Sylvan Berman

The River Rumer Godden, 175 pages,
Little Brown & Co.
THIS IS A VERY engaging little novel about
life as seen thru the eyes of a little girl
growing up in India. Although the novel is a
short one, it was not so short that clear charac-
ter portrayals weren't possible, especially of
little Harriet; and it is also long enough to
transmit to the reader the importance of the
river to her.
The style and the words suit the topic very
nicely-they are simply expressed and naive
but very perplexed thoughts, just as they
should be in this little girl's world. This con-
struction is very realistic and convincing; it
carries you back to your days of growing up-
the confounding questions that present them-
selves to every curious child. These are the
same questions which philosophers have been
trying to answer -love and hate, life and
death-but to this child, rather than mere
words, these questions are real and frighten-
The psychological transformation is also very
realistically presented. That feeling of being
torn between two desires that all of us have
experienced-the longing to remain in a secure
childhood world and the intriguing anticipation
.of the future. There are normally three of these
battles which one must win in order to attain
adulthood: at the end of babyhood, at the be-
ginning of adolescence, and at the end of adol-
escence when the first consciousness of sex
brings its problems and frustrations.
The river which flowed in back of her house
emptying into the Bengal Bay helped her out
of her dilemna. Although when first her favorite
pet and then her younger brother die making
her think that life itself had ended, she would
always hear the familiar puff-pause-puff of the
steamboats. When other difficulties beset her,
she went down to her private nook in the river
for consolation and watch the burial ashes float
down the never ending stream or the endless
chain of passengers on the boats. Although she
had her individual deaths, life still continued on
the river.
-Peter Hamill
* * *
General Book List
Cabell, James Branch-There were two pirates.
New York, Farrar & Straus, 1946.
Godden, Rumer-The river. Boston Little, 1946.
Halsey, Margaret-Color blind. New York, Si-
mon & Shuster, 1946.
onilnie Says
THERE IS A GENUINE test of democracy ev-
erywhere. Liberals have suffered a drama-
tic defeat. The Roosevelt era has gone on a
vacation. What of it? It demands first, that
those who were defeated shall accept the fact
and sincerely try to attain democratic security
and freedom without the controls to which all
have become accustomed. Whereas there has
been held before us a series of ideals framed by
important officials as the hope of humanity, we
must now look to volunteers, if not to automatic
forces to guide us.
In religion, as in politics, there is a "return
to normalcy". Orthodoxy has the center of the
religious stage. The Youth-For-Christ cam-
paigns in cities have been commanding large
crowds. In several cities conservative Pro-
testants have introduced a release of children
from public school to attend church classes.
A bill before Congress proposes not only fed-
eral subsidy for public education but also for
parachoial schools. Only a few of the general
parochial schools. Only a few of the general
cil and the International Council of Religious
Education, have been able to widen their basis
of membership since the war.
Regardless of the idealism with which we car-
ried forward the conflict phases of the war,
there has been taking place,, since V-J day, the

very pattern of dispair which controlled us in
1919 and 1920. Once more we must revert to
the supposed law of supply and demand in econ-
omics and to a modified isolationism in political
relations. The vast lobbies which have halted
efforts at housing, relaxation of the Poll-tax and
increased use of collective bargaining, will now
write the legislation. Only a new sense of so-
cial obligation can save a score of great reforms.
The general unrest and confusion of this post-
war era is registering our absurdities at least a
year or two earlier than was the case following
World War I. Small solace, you say. Yes, but if
education is the only way to meet catastrophy,
as H. G. Wells insisted, then this is what must
be done. We can teach well twenty-five years
to shorten post-war hysteria one year.
It will be some gain for every student to read
the current debates in liberal as well as in con-
servative magazines and to examine his own re-
ligion as a daily memorial to the four hundred-
fifty fellow students at Michigan who sleep in
war graves. Having put control into the hands
of men who at home defeated regulation of
prices on food, housing, clothing and given our
place in reconstruction to men who mistakenly
discourage the will to peace abroad, we now pos-
sess a social experiment of vast magnitude and
as dangerous as the Atomic Bomb.
Edward W. Blakeman
Counselor in Religious Education

Publication in The Daily Official Bul-
letin is constructive notice to all mem-
bers of the University. Notices for the
Bulletin should be sent in typewritten1
form to the office of the Assistant to the
President, Room 1021 Angel Hall, by 3:00
p.m. on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LVII, No. 42
Faculty College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Monday,.
Nov. 18.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
men and sophomores and white cards
for reporting juniors and seniors.
Reports of freshmen and sophomores
should be sent to 108 Masn Hall;
thosedof juniors and seniors to 1220
Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at mid-
semester is "D" or "E", not merely
those who receive "D" or "E" in so-
called mid-semester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
leges of the University should be
reported to the school or college in
which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had at
108 Mason Hall or at 1220 Angell
E. A Walter
Navy V-5 Students: A considerable
amount of official mail has been re-
ceived at NROTC Headquarters,
North Hall, for V-5 students. All V-5
students are requested to obtain
same at Rm. 103, N.H., as soon as
Women Students: Beginning this
week space will be available in the
Barbour Gymnasium for women's
teams to practice basketball or to
play badminton. A sign-up sheet is
posted on the bulletin board in the
gymnasium for those women stu-
dents wishing to reserve space.
Choral Union Ushers: Please re-
port at 6:15 p.m. for the Cleveland
Orchestra concert Sunday. The con-
cert starts at 7:00 p.m.
Willow Run Village:
West Court Community Building
Sun., Nov. 10, 8:00 p.m., Rev. Mr.
Edwards will meet with discussion
Mon., Nov. 11, 8:00 p.m., University
of Illinois Alumnae Coffee Hour,
Room 2; 7:30-9:30 p.m., Rev. Mr.
Edwards, Religious and personal
counseling, Room 8, preferably by
Tues., Nov. 12, 8:00 p.m., Cooper-
ative Nursery School Mothers spon-
soring an open lecture, Mrs. Belle
Murray, "The Child in the Home";
8:00 p.m., Extension class in Span-
ish meeting at Ross School.
Wed.eNov. 13, 8:00 p.m., Prof.Wes-
ley H. Maurer, "Books People Are
Reading;' 7:30-9:30, Rev. Mr. Ed-
wards, Religious and personal coun-
seling, Room 8 (preferably by ap-
Thurs., Nov. 14, 2:00 p.m., open
class in Prenatal and Child Care,
sponsored by the Washtenaw County
Health Department. Topic: "Health
of the Infant." Tea will be served;
8:00 p.m., Bridge session; 8:00 p.m.,
Extension class in psychology.
Fri., Nov. 15, 8:00 p.m., Classical
Recordings, Room 2 .
West Lodge Activities:
Sun., Nov. 10, 3.00 p.m., Concert
Orchestra; 3:00 p.m., Classical Re-
cordings, Weldon Wilson; 6:45 p.m.,
Official Football Pictures, U. of M.
vs. Minnesota; 7:00 p.m., Informal
bridge session; 8:00 p.m., Little The-
atre Group.
Mon., Nov. 11, 6:30 p.m., Basket-
ball Tournament.
Tues., Nov. 12 7:00 p.m., Athletic
Directors meeting; 8:00 p.m., Wom-
en's volleyball and badminton.
Wed., Nov. 13, 6:30 p.m., Basket-

ball League; 7:00 p.m., Duplicate
Bridge Club; 7:00 p.m., Social Direc-
tors meeting; 8:30 p.m., Dance en-
tertainment committee meeting.
Fri., Nov. 15, 8:30 p.m., U. of M.
Student Dance with Jerry Edwards'
University Lecture: William H.
Chamberlin, author and foreign
correspondent of The New. Leader,
will speak on the subject, "British
Foreign Policy under the Labor Gov-
ernment," at 4:15 p.m., Mon., Nov.
18, in the Rackham Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of His-
tory. The public is cordially invited.
The Mayo Lecture : Dr. John M.
Waugh of the Mayo Clinic will give
the annual Mayo Lecture Nov. 13, in;
the main amphitheater of University
Hospital at 8:00 p.m. His subject

is "Carcinoma of the Rectosigmoid
with Special Reference to Resection
with Preservation of the Sphinc-
ters." t1edical students, faculty, and
anyon interested may attend.
French Lecture: Professor Charles
E. Koella, of the Department of Ro-
mance Languages, will open the ser-
ies of French lectures sponsored by
the Cercle Francais at 4:10 p.m.,
Thurs., Nov. 14, in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall. The title of his lec-
ture is: "Topaze et autres pieces de
Marcel Pagnol."
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Romance Language Depart-
ment (Room 112, RomanceaLanguag-
es Bldg.) or at the door at the time
of the lecture for a small sum. Mem-
bers of the Cercle Francais are ad-
mitted free upon presentation of
their membership cards. These lec-
tures are open to the general public.
Academic Notices
The preliminary examinations for
the doctorate in English will be giv-
en according to the following sched-
ule: Nov. 27, American Literature;
Nov. 30, English Literature 1700-
1900; Dec. 4, English Literature 1500
-1700; Dec. 7, English Literature, Be-
ginnings to 1500. Anyone intending
to take the examinations at this
time should notify Professor Marck-
wardt at once.
Inorganic Chemistry Seminar will
meet at 5:00 p.m., Tues., Nov. 12, in
Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. Mr. J.
E. Boggs will speak on "The Use of
Mass Isotopes in Tracer Reactions
and Rate Studies." All interested
are invited.
Mathematical Seminar on Dynam-
ical Systems will meet at 3:00 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 11, in Room 3201 Angell
Hall. Prof. Kaplan will speak on
"The Foundations of Mechanics."
Mathematics 300: The orientation
seminar will meet at 7:00 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 11, in Room 3001 Angell Hall.
Mr. Erskine will conclude the dis-
cussion of last week and Mr. T. W.
Hildebrandtwill discuss the Period
of a Repeating Decimal.
Topology Seminar at 4:30 p.m.,
Mon., Nov.11, in 3201 A.H. Mr. Span-
ier will talk on "Dimension of n-
The Cleveland Orchestra, George
Szell, Conductor, will give the third
concert in the Choral Union Series,
this evening at 7 o'clock. The
audience is respectfullyrequested to
come sufficiently early to be seated
on time, since the doors will be
closed during numbers. Program:
cpmpositions bynSmetana, Britten,
Strauss and Schubert.
Student Recital: Carolyn Street,
mezzo-soprano, will present a recital
at 8:30 p.m., Wed., Nov. 13, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. Program:
songs by Schumann, Bax, Harty,
Carpenter, Aubert, Ravel and Chau-
sson, and Nocturne by Lekue (con-
cluding number) in which she will
be accompanied by a string quartet.
Miss Street is a pupil of Arthur
Hackett. The public is invited.
Student Recital: Carroll Meyer,
pianist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Music
at 4:15 this afternoon in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre. Program: compo-
sitions by Bach, Mozart, Liszt and
Chopin. During his study at the
University, he was a pupil of Joseph
Brinkman. Th6 program is open to
the public.
The Museum of Art presents "Four

Centuries-" of Tapestry Weaving," in
the galleries of Alumni Memorial
Hall, Nov. 6 through Dec. 1* daily ex-
cept Monday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sun-
days, 2-5. The public is cordially
Human Heredity: Museum Rotun-
da. Through November, 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. week days; 2:00 to 5:00
p.m. Sundays.
Events Today
The organizational meeting of 'the
University of Michigan Upper Pen-
insula Club will be held at 3:00 to-
day at the League. As co-advisers
we have faculty members C. B. Slaw-
son, a geologist who has visited al-
most every township in the U. P.
and Mr. Long who was born in Calu-
met and taught school in Iron River,
and G. M. Stanley, another geologist
who has visited the U. P. several
Coming Events
Sigma Xi. The Michigan Chapter
will meet at 8:00 p.m., Wed., Nov. 13,
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. A
symposium on High Speed Aircraft

speak on "The
Textile Fibers."
dially invited.

Chemist Looks at
The public is. cor-

A.S.C.E.: The Student Chapter of
the American Society of Civil En-
gineers will meet in conjunction with
the S.W.E. and A.I.Ch.E. presenta-
tion of the film "Operation Cross-
roads" at 8:00 p.m., Mon., Nov. 11,
in the Main Lecture Hall, Rackham
Bldg. A short business meeting will
be held after the film. Tickets may
be secured from any A.S.C.E. of-
ficer or in Room 2028 E. Eng. Bldg.
Everyone is invited.
Kappa, Michigan Chapter of Delta
Phi Epsilon, First Professional For-
eign Service Fraternity, invites all
students interested in foreign service
or trade to attend a smoker at the
Union, Wed., Nov. 13, at 7:30 p.m.
There will be an informal discussion
of these topics pertinent to the pres-
ent world situation.
Amateur Astronomers will meet
at 7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 11, at the
University of Michigan, Observatory
opposite the University Hospital. Dr.
Hazel Losh will speak on the subject,
"Astronomy: How It All Began."
Plans for a special program of ac-
tivity for those interested in tele-
scope making will be announced. All
interested in astronomy are invited
to attend.
Triangles: All members and past
members of Triangle are asked to
be present at a very important pol-
icy meeting Mon., Nov. 11, at 4:30
p.m., in the Union.
"Factors Controlling the Flow of
Fluids Through Porous Media" is the
subject of a paper by LloydE.Brown-
ell, Instructor, to be presented at a
meeting of the Graduate Students
and, Faculty of the, Department of
Chemical and Metallurgical Engin-
eering, Tues., Nov. 12 ,at 4:15 p.m.,
in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
Hindustan Association: "U.N. and
the Colonial Problem," a lecture by
Dr. P. W. Slosson of the Departbent
of History, Tues.,Nov. 12, at 7:30
p.m., in Room 32 1-25, Union. The
public is cordially invited to attend.
Members of the Sociedad Hispan-
ica are invited to meet for informal
Spanish conversation at the Inter-
national Center at 4:00 p.m., Mon.,
Nov. 11.
La p'tite causette: Tues., Nov. 12,
at 3:30 p.m. in the Grill Room of
the League, will start "La p'tite caus-
ette," a circle for informal French
conversation under the auspices of
Le Cercle Francais, which will meet
each Tuesday and Thursday, except
when there are conflicts with French
lectures. All students and faculty
members are invited to join.
Underwriters Club will hold a so-
cial meeting Monday evening, Nov.
11, Michigan League.
The Ball and Chain Club will hold
its regular meeting at 7:45 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 11, in the Rehearsal Room
of the League. All veterans' wives
are invited to attend.
Assistant Teachers for League
Dancing Classes are requested to at-
tend a mass meeting at 5:00 p.m.,
Mon., Nov. 11, at the League.
Master of Ceremonies tryouts for
the Casbah floorshow will be held at
7:30 p.m., Tues., Nov. 12, in the
League. Any emcee who has pre-
viously applied, yet has not had the
opportunity to try out, and any other
student who would be interested in
- emceeing at the Casbah is asked to
be present with a brief routine pre-
(Continued on Page 6)

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of the
University of Michigan under the author-
ity of the Board in Control of Student
Editorial Staff
Robert Goldman........Managing Editor
Milton Freudenheim.....Editorial Director
Clayton Dickey.................City Editor
Mary Brush...............Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.................Associate Editor
Paul Harsha.............Associate Editor
Clark Baker..............Sports Editor
Des Howarth.......Associate Sports Editor
Jack Martin....... Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk...............Women's Editor
Lynne Ford......Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter........Business Manager
Evelyn Mills... Associate Business Manager
Janet Cork.... Associate Business Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for re-publication of all
news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited in this newspaper. All rights of
re-publication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second-class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.


What~ ;e onWax

Union Cafeteria
To th Editor:

The letter on the Student (?) Union encourag-
es mec t: "put in my nickels' worth." There are
many reasons why the cafeteria service may not
be what it was in the past, but surely there is
no excuse for the utter filth that exists! The
°arved table-tops are a tradition of so long ago
that I certainly do not want them changed, but
the very existence of the sacred tradition de-
mands more minute care in cleanliness. I have
yet to find a table upon which I have not had to
move the remains of a predecessor's repast: push-
ing away dirty trays, food-scarred dishes, crump-
led paper napkins, cigarette butts, etc. Having
cleared a place to put my collection, I find my
sleeve stuck to yesterday's jam on the table-
edge! The tables on the right side dining room,
as one enters, have more egg-yokes, jam-spots,
grease-smears, milk stains, and like booby-traps
than in the other dining room-a dubious honor
to say the least.
There is something strange about that collec-
tion of bobby-soxers who flit, dirty dish-cloth in
hand, among the sticky tables. Are they sup-
posed to be "bus-boys"-the cleanup squad? If
so, they do a first-class job of mess'n up an al-
ready messy mess! A constructive suggestion, I
think, is to get someone on the job to keep the
dining rooms cleaned up-more help, or more
As for the manner in which the foodwis serv-
ed, the graciousness and etiquette from salad-girl
to cashier leaves me speechless; let someone else
tackle that. Is it supposed to be a Student Un-
ion? Great heavens! I always supposed it was
a burlesque of How to Alienate People Hotel Man-
agement Plan!
-Bill MacIntosh, '40

Jazz At the Philharmonic No. 2: Four 12"
sides, Blues For Norman and I Can't Get
BLUES OPENS WITH needle-like trumpet by
Howard McGhee who plays fine be-bop horn
with more continuity than Dizzy Gillespie. Les-
ter "The Prez" Young takes off next with his
fluid tenor sax and blows about the best stuff
on the whole disc. The rest of the record fea-
tures work by Willie Smith, alto, Arnold Ross,
piano, Charlie Parker, alto, and Al Killian, a
Barnet man, on trumpet. I Can't Get Started
has more tasty McGhee and Lester, a smooth,
relaxed solo by Willie Smith that contrasts nice-
ly to the shrill curious alto work of be-bopper
Charlie Parker. Lee Young's drumming holds
the group together with a very solid unobstru-
sive beat. This album is far from sensational,
lacking the drive and punch of the first album
in the Norman Granz series. (Disc)
Bobby Sherwood, Sherwood Forest (Capitol):
This supposedly is the latest thing in ultra-
modern jazz. Granted that it is a colorful and
well-executed arrangement, but it is another at-
tempt to blend jazz with the works of the mod-
ern "serious" composers-aid Stravinsky's Fire-
bird had better treatment years ago by the Phil-
adelphia Orchestra.
Artie Shaw Plays Cole Porter: The quality of
Shaw's music must fluctuate with his marital
status. These records sound meiore like Andre
Kostelanetz that the Shaw of Beguine The Be-
guine and Back Bay Shuffle fame. Artie has
added a flute, oboe, and tremendous string sec-
tion to his band and the results certainly are
not jazz. Moments of I've Got You Under My
Skin sound like the old Shaw, but the rest of
the sides in this album are strictly commercial.
Pleasant listening, however. (Musicraft)
-Malcolm Raphael

But They Like Rain
WE PASS along without comment the follow-
ing testimonial by Parks Johnson and War-
ren Hull, radio interviewers, telling why they
rate Ann Arbor as one of "America's 12 Most


-C~pyngh,1946 . N.,pop., PFInt
Re. U. 5. .OR.
What? That little cigar-smoking
pixie wants to sell me a raffle

It's one way of
getting a car,
son- Prosbablv

But what are my chances of
buying the winning ticket?

As good as the next

. acK mor/~.

i i



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