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November 08, 1946 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-11-08

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fssembly Will Give
Time Out Benefit



Tickets To Be Available Today at 'U' Hall;
Proceeds of Affair Will Help Purchase
Needed Equipment for Fresh Air Camp

Assembly's all-campus semi-formal
dance, "Time Out," will be presented
for benefit from 8:30 p.m. to mid-
night tomorrow in the Intramural
Building, and will feature the music
of Ted Weems and his orchestra.
A limited number of tickets for the
affair will go on sale at 10 a.m. to-
day in Room 2, University Hall. All
proceeds of the event will go to the
Fresh Air Camp Fund, and will be
utilized to purchase needed equip-
ment for the summer camp, and to
extend facilities for student use dur-
ing the year.
Weems' orchestra, formerly with
the Fibber McGee and Molly pro-
gram, has been reorganized since
the war, and features vocalists '
Shirley Richards and Larry Noble.
Perhaps the best-known member of
the band is Tiny Martin, who spe-
cializes in novelty numbers on the
bass. His rendition of "Flight of
the Bumblebee" has been compared
to that of concert violinists, and
he's the only musician in the busi-
ness able to play his bass like a
violin, held under the chin.
The list of patrons for the affair,
as announced by Sue Smith and
Phyllis Pettit, co-chairmen is as fol-
lows: Pres., and Mrs. A. G. Ruthven,
Vice-Pres. and Mrs. M. L. Niehuss,
Dean J. A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs. J.
B. Edmonson, Dean Alice Lloyd, Prof.
It's the
303 East Ann Street
9 Hamburger Deluxe
0 Spaghetti
Weekends 'til 2 A.M.

and Assistant Dean Bromage, Assist-
and Dean E. R. Fuller, Assistant
Dean and M1rs. W. B. Rea, Assistant
Dean and Mrs. E. A. Walter.
The list continues with: Miss
Ethel C. MacCormick, Prof. and
Mrs. R. C. Angell, Prof. and Mrs. D.
L. Dumond, Prof. and Mrs. C. L.
Jamison, Prof. and Mrs. F. N. Me-
nefee, Prof. and Mrs. H. Y. Mc-
Clusky, Professor and Mrs. A. H.
White, Associate Prof. and Mrs. A.
L. Bader, Associate Prof. and Mrs.
L. A. Hopkins, and Assistant Prof.
and Mrs. H. A. Towsley.
The patrons' list concludes with:
Doctor William Brace, Doctor and
Mrs. W. E. Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs.
S. W. Blakeman, Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Doherty, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Morse,
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Ostafin, Mr. C. M.
Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tibbitts,
and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Wagner.
Play Classes
For Children
To Be Initiat ed
Beginning tomorrow, the Univer-
sity of Michigan Department of
Physical Education for Women will
sponsor play and rhythm classes for
Ann Arbor children between the ages
of three and ten.
Groups will meet for six-week ses-
sions. The first session lasts from
Nov. 9 to Dec. 14, and the second ses-
sion from Feb. 15 to Mar. 22. The
children will be supervised and
taught by physical education stu-
dents as a part of their training pro-
Three to five-year-olds will be
taught rhythms from 9:30 to 10 a.m.,
and stories and crafts from 10 to
10:30 a.m. Games and self-testing ac-
tivities have been planned for six to
seven-year-olds from 10 to 10:30 a.m.,
and dance from 10:30 to 11 a.m. The
program for children from eight to
ten will include rhythms from 10 to
10:30 a.m., and games and self-test-
ing activities from 10:30 to 11 a.m.

HIGH SCHOOL SHOWGIRL-Ann Crowley, 16, studies her lessons in
a Broadway theatre where she took over the star role in "Oklahoma" as
understudy to regular Betty Jane Watson, who became ill
MUCH EFFORT has been devoted lately to trying to pin the beef shortage
on somebody, some blaming the OPA, some blaming the :neat ;>ackers,
some calling it a British plot to boost the sales of Australian mutton and oth-
ers tracing it to a Communist scheme to undermine our American 'institu-
tions. One of my closer relatives is all for exercising the spirit of. Franklin
Roosevelt and asking some leading questions.
All these explanations seem to me rather superficial. I believe we
must probe more deeply before we discover the fundamental cause of
the trouble.
FIRST, we must ask ourselves where beef comes from, or used to come
from. The answer to that one is cattle. No one has organized the cat-
tle yet, so a non-producing strike on their part cannot be tIhe answer to our
Next, we must ask where cattle come from. The right answer is
way out West, where men are men. The West is still there, bless the
Texas Chamber of Commerce, so the reason for our difficulty must lie
NOW WE ASK, who raises those cattle? Here, I think, we have the ex-
planation we have been looking for, because cowboys raise those cattle-
you know, strong, silent, manly people who roll their own cigarettes and
drink more than the Michigan college boy says he can.
An enterprising, forward-looking type if there ever was one, the
American cowboy knows when he's well off. With the entertainment
situation what it is, anyone who can twirl a rope, subordinate his per-
sonality to a horse, or just look virile is nowhere if he sticks around a
bunch of cattle.
WHAT NORMAL, red-blooded young American would expose himself to
' the discomforts of an outdoor life when he could be sitting around a
nice warm movie studio, riding around a well-lit arena for half an hour a
day at a New Jersey rodeo, or making passes at the guests in a'dude ranch?
A bright boy with the right press agent can do a lot better by the
wife and kiddies endorsing breakfact food than he can ruining.the shape
of his legs on a horse, and Scotch does more than malt can to justify
God's ways to man.
The long-striding, quick-drawing individuals who make Saturday
matinees such a risk must have come from someplace. Things like that
don't just happen. Apparently the boys saw the path leading from drudgery
to fame and they went that-a-way.
I on't know why nobody else thought of this first, but by now I'm con-
vinced that the blame for the beef shortage rests on the money-mad Amer-
ican cowboy, and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

Union To Honor
Michigan State
Students at Ball
Spartan Fling To Feature Quiz
Program, Grid Decorations;
Frank Tinker To Offer Music
Honoring Michigan State College
students, the Union will present its
first specialty dance of the season,
"Spartan Fling" to be held from 9
p.m. to midnight, tomorrow in the
Union Ballroom.
Using football theme, the ballroom
will be decorated in Michigan State
College's traditional colors of green
and white. Footballs, old scores, hel-
mets, and various figures will be dis-
played along the walls. Special dance
programs are to be distributed during
the dance.
During the intermission, a quiz pro-
gram will be held, in which guests of
the evening will participate. A grand
prize is being offered to the final
contestant, in addition to prizes to be
given to all participants.
Music will be offered by Frank
Tinker and his orchestra, who is fea-
tured weekly at the Union. Visiting
State students are invited as special
guests for the evening.
Tickets will be on sale at the Un-
ion desk through Saturday. Union
cards will be necessary for all pur-
chasers, excepting guests attending
from Michigan State College.
League House Heads
To Be Guests at Tea
League house presidents will be
guests of honor at a Senior Society
tea to be given 4:30 p.m. Wednes-
day in the League.
Each member of Senior Society has
taken four or five league houses un-
der her wing. Carolyn Newberg,
chairman of the tea, said, "The pur-
pose of the tea is to get members of
Senior Society and league house
presidents acquainted on a social

WAA Bowling Club To Instruct
Beginners Today, Wednesday

The WAA Bowling Club will s.pon-
:or instruction for beginners at 4:30
.m. today in the WAB.
All members of the club who wish
I;o improve their techniques are urged
Jo attend this practice session. Addi-
,ional instruction will be offered at
3:15 p.m. Wednesday at the Ann Ar-
oor Recreation alleys.
Regular team bowling begins Nov.
18, and will continue for one month.
Recognition will be given at the end
of this time to the high team, t-he
bowler with the highest individual
score and to the best beginning bowl-
er. As an additional feature, the
Bowling Club takes part in intercol-
legiate bowling, originated at the
University of Pennsylvania; The top
ten scores are sent in four times a
year for the telegraphic meet, which
includes most large colleges.
House participation points are

awarded to members of the Bowling
Club, which is under the direction of
Gwen Sperlich. Other officers in-
clude Jeannette Britton, vice-presi-
dent; Bee Richards, secretary; Helen
Striho, treasurer; and Carla Cobb,
publicity chairman. Dues of the club
are $3.00 Pei' semester and are used to
cover the cost of renting the alleys.
Those women who were unable to
attend the organization meeting are
asked to call Miss Sperlich immedi-
ately at 2-3494. Faithful attendance
at all subsequeiit meetings will be
requir1d to be eligible for competi-
The formula for keeping your
sweaters from getting that 'worn,
stretched out' look is simple and de-
mands little time-just sew a small
bit of elastic in the neck of the sweat-
er. It will retain its shape longer.

and particularly if they
are wearing Contact Lenses
fitted by Dr. Stowe.
410 WOLVERINE BLDG. Phone 6019

California Casuals
from the Sport Shop


He's so fond

of her
0 -
VU C PRE ~SO40 - ~ Ea'
F ~ ~r 8k t " W A R B E A T r iS d y Op .y
Free booklet: "WARDROBE TRICKS. Write Judy Bond, Inc., Dept. E,.1315 'way, N. Y. 18

Tickets for Casbah
May Be Purchased
At Desk in League
Tickets for the Campus Casbah,
night club open to all ,students on
campus, will be on sale at the main
desk of the League tomorrow.
The Casbah will be open from 9
p.m. to midnight today and tomorow
in the League Ballroom, and a new
floorshow starring campus talent has
been planned. "Gag man" Ben Fader,
who was master of ceremonies for last
week's floorshow, will act in the same
capacity this week end.
Paul Converso, tenor, will sing
semi-classical numbers. A "Hand-
bouncing" act will be performed by
Glen Neff and Newt Loken, acrobats
who appeared in the 1946 version of
Varsity Night. Special feature of to-
night's program will be feats of magic
performed by Ira Levy, a semi-pro-
fessional magician.

Wedding o
ss Rings
717 North University Ave.


d' l

with Koret of California .. .
the Jack-Shirt is a versatile, wearable casual . . . buttoned
front, it's a shirt . .. worn open, it's a jacket . . . bright
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cuffed full sleeves . . . sizes 12 to 18.

...or Black
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Figure-firming to your taste - in
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charms your curves with bi-direc-
tional stretch. Slims you, trims

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I { : ' ~i r
. . "i !r try '..
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collect for sweaters and blouses . .
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